The Coming Boomercide

The warning when you are young is to avoid falling in with a bad crowd. This almost always means staying away from the older crowd as they will talk you into doing things that you are not prepared to handle, like drugs or crime. The peculiarity of my upbringing meant that I spent my youth around an older crowd, that was all bad, but I avoided the worst of it. Now that I am on the down-slope of life, speeding down toward the inevitable, I find myself hanging around on-line with a younger crowd and they are all bad.

I’ve never cared for generational politics so maybe that’s why I have no trouble with the younger generation. In my youth, I was forced to sit through endless lectures by Baby Boomer teachers about how Generation X was a bunch of slackers. By the time I reached high school, I could, from memory, draw maps of the Ho Chi Min Trail and recite the playlist at Woodstock, despite having no interest in either. I’ve always thought that my generation’s disinterest was due to having to sit through so many Boomer sermons.

If you are a Boomer reading this, you are no doubt outraged, scandalized and offended at my comments. Just to be clear, I’m not talking about you. You are an exception. In fact, you are unique, like a snowflake, a special creation that stands in stark contrast to the conformity of your coevals. You’re special! That’s always been the amusing part about Boomer culture. They love talking about themselves, but hate it when others talk about them. Everyone is conservative about what think they know best, as Derb would say.

As I said, I’ve never been into generational politics. When I was a teen in the 80’s, having to hear lectures about Gen X being deficient, always left me wondering what they called the kids who came along in the late 70’s? They were technically Boomers, but they were nothing like the people who came of age in the 60’s. Now I’m told that kids who came of age in the 90’s are calling themselves Gen X, which is probably fine to a point. I suspect they are rejecting Gen-Y because it sounds feminine, as in [lacking] Y-chromosome.

Anyway, hanging around the bad kids on-line, I’ve noted their extreme hostility to Baby Boomers and Boomer politics. It’s not the normal youthful rejection of their parent’s stuff as their parents are not Boomers. In the case of the 20-somethings, their parents are my generation. Their grandparents are the Boomers. This means the so-called Gen-Z and Millennials literally want to push granny off a cliff. I’ve read screeds by youngsters to that effect. They really hate the Boomers and not in an abstract way.

The coming Boomercide, if it happens, is going to be triggered by some portly old guys in comfort waist slacks, showing up at an alt-right rally wearing tricorne hats, preaching “heritage not hate.” It is the Boomer impulse to accept the morality of the Left while pretending to reject the consequence of it, that enrages the youth. Whatever you want to say about the alt-right kids, they have this one thing right. Boomer politics is all about the so-called conservatives swearing that the liberals are the real racists, as if it matters.

A big part of this is the Boomer willingness to trust the media. I know. I know. You don’t trust the media. You know they are just a bunch of socialist liberal pinko Democrats. But, that’s just a way of trusting the media. There’s a big difference, a categorical difference, between thinking the media is honestly “biased toward one side” and thinking the media is just a deeply cynical public relations arm for the administrative state. Almost all Boomers will accept the former, while few accept the latter.

This is part of the great generational divide between the young hate thinkers and the Baby Boomers. The young have no trust in public institutions. This is not a thing particular to the alt-right. Bernie Bros are always moaning about the system. The stupid little girl jammed up on espionage charges acted on the basis that the system is illegitimate and lacks authority over her. That’s why she did not think twice about doing what she did. In her mind, the government and its agents are the enemy, with whom she is at war.

This trust in public institutions among Boomers is natural. Most of them grew up in a high trust culture. When they watched TV in the 50’s, the people making the shows were in love with America and promoted 1950’s values. Even into the 60’s, the mass media was supportive of America. When the culture began to collapse, the media seemed to be on the side of those good hearted Progressives trying to make things better for blacks, Jews, women and the disposed around the world. The media was all about good intentions.

Later generations came of age assuming that what was on television was a deliberate lie intended to have them buy stuff. Today’s youth have come of age in a time when the media is clearly the church choir for the managerial elite. Those who take the blue pill, get jobs in the media, singing whatever is in their hymnals. Those who take the red pill, view the media the same way the IRA looked at the Irish, who worked for the British security forces. As a result, they see the Boomers as gullible idiots.

Another aspect of the generation animosity is the Boomer enthusiasm for punching Right, in order to cozy up to the Left. Bill Mitchell is probably the most obvious example. He has turned himself into a cartoon in order to avoid being lumped in with the people the Progs have labeled “far right.” The other day a person on Gab pulled out this old take down of Bill Whittle by Steve Sailer, as an example of Boomer perfidy. In fairness to Whittle, he appears to have taken the red pill, but we’ll see if it holds when the Progs attack him.

All of this could simply be a bit of cosmic justice. The generally accepted theory is that Western culture collapsed in the 1960’s when the English speaking world allowed their kids to pull down the institutions that made all of it possible. That is certainly true. In fact, the Boomers have been like a wave of locusts, sweeping through each aspect of the culture as they aged, leaving nothing but waste behind them. In the 60’s and 70’s they destroyed social norms. The 80’s they destroyed education. The 90’s is was politics.

As the Boomers head into their golden years, they are prepared to bankrupt Western society by becoming a great financial burden, but the youth have other ideas. It would be amusing if the Boomers are eventually vanquished by a youth movement that is, at its heart, an embrace of everything the Boomers rejected. I cannot find an example of restoration genocide, but there is a first time for everything. The phrase “you have to go back” will become the slogan of this thing for a number of reasons.

Not being a boomer or a youth, I have no dog in this fight. I know, I know. “First they came for the Boomers and I did nothing because I am not a Boomer.” That’s a chance I’m willing to take. My guess is Gen-X will be just as easy for the kids to ignore as we were for the Boomers. There’s a lot of Boomers to push off a cliff, so my bet is they wear themselves out before they get to me anyway. At that point, I may have died from excessive amusement, so bring on the Boomercide!

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Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

The boomer nonsense my parents and teachers preached to me made school very difficult when I was young. I was taught to be “colorblind,” but all the the black and Latino kids saw nothing but color. I was taught that “violence gets you nowhere” yet the playground and the classroom were run by the toughest thug in the class. I was taught that hard work and following the rules got you ahead in life. Yet, little Jamal’s coke dealing father dropped him off in a new Cadillac. Jamal was “poor,” he got free lunch and food stamps, but he wore… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

Sorry you had to go through that but Thanks for sharing it gives perspective to comments on this site and others…I bet you wish people could walk a mile in your youthful shoes…

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

That describes my high school experience to a T. Graduated in 1995 from a 95% black “school”. Learned more about MLK and Booker T. Than the founding fathers. Became a shitlord before I knew the term, writing papers on Rober E. Lee and Germany whenever possible.

A.T. Tapman
Reply to  Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

“I brought a vagina to a penis fight” Best line evah.

Reply to  A.T. Tapman
7 years ago

Which shows how dumb men are. Kick in the junk = on the ground in pain. Meanwhile, vaginas take a pounding and enjoy it. 😉

7 years ago

The retirement of the boomer generation will be the trigger that finally reveals the insanity of politicians buying votes with money borrowed from the future in order to fund bribes in the present. There is literally no way to keep the gravy train running when the cash outflow is predicated on one worker funding one retiree. This collapse is needed desperately, because voting behavior cannot change until the proverbial 2×4 hits these younguns upside the head. It also explains why they have accumulated so much debt. Their strategy is to scam the scammers. And they ain’t paying back shit.

Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

Had the lowlife scum in Congress not raided the Social Security pot there would not be a retirement crisis.

Reply to  intheaspens
7 years ago

Not even remotely true. Cities and states across America are about to go bankrupt because they’ve promised public employees ever-greater pension payouts over the last few decades and don’t have the money to pay for them. And that’s before you even consider the impossibility of paying for the Boomer’s healthcare bills.

The boomers have spent decades voting themselves more and more FREE STUFF, and are about to discover that the cupboard is bare.

Reply to  edmg
7 years ago

That’s not the ‘boomers’, that’s union employees who have been voting themselves largess from the public coffers for generations.

Reply to  MSO
7 years ago

You can’t vote yourself real assets when they don’t exist. People who generate real wealth are working on-the-books as little as possible while doing clandestine jobs at double time. It is possible to live as a single man for a few thousand bucks a year (without public assistance and the privacy loss that brings) if you are careful and lack expensive habits.

Reply to  edmg
7 years ago

They are going to go bankrupt and leave the younger people (not retired yet), the taxpayers, and the investors in those communities holding the bag. The retirees with their benefits in place are always the last to get a haircut. Examine the order of seniority in any insurance company workouts. Existing annuitants are always taken care of, to the detriment of all other interested parties. It’s the structure of things.

Reply to  intheaspens
7 years ago

Typical boomer self-absorption: “If only nothing bad had happened to my pile of loot, everything else would have gone on just fine.”

Die already you oldfucks.

Reply to  Zorost
7 years ago

It’s so true…when I point out the obvious results of decades of mismanagement all they say is ” Thank God I’ll be dead when that happens… ”
You fucks made this disaster and that’s all you can say??

Reply to  intheaspens
7 years ago

Amen! Had the lowlife scum in Congress not asset-stripped every thing possible, there wouldn’t be numerous crises.

Reply to  intheaspens
7 years ago

It’s a Ponzi scheme, not an investment program. SSI and SSD have no limits based on pay-in. I predict that Congress will transfer and print funds to keep all .gov “entitlements” coming even as the Dollar is devaluing against an official narrative of low-1-digit inflation after fraud adjustments (even while M1 fiat Dollar is doubling every 7 years). Ron Paul guarantees that everyone will “git they check”, but not the actual buying power of that check.

Power corrupts. Congress has the power of the purse. Congress is corrupt.

Me and just me
Me and just me
Reply to  intheaspens
7 years ago

lol social security may have worked out ok if no one raided the trust fund, if birth rates would have grown exponentially, if Europe and Asia didn’t recover from WW2 and a whole laundry list of other shit

Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

They may not be paying back shit, but the garnishments and property seizures will be done for them. It is largely out of their hands.

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

what property? they don’t even buy cars

Reply to  karl hungus
7 years ago


Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

I am a Boomer by dint of being born in the fifties. However, I have no illusions or delusions about this group, anymore than I believe in the Greatest Generation nonsense. There are too many people in all arbitrary generational classifications that do not think for themselves. Oh, they think for themselves in situations that deal with “How does this benefit or harm me?” But, the Greatest Generation, or Dumbest Generation as I prefer, was programmed to mindlessly accept Federal Government supremacy in a conservative way. The Boomers were programmed to mindlessly accept Federal Government supremacy in a liberal way.… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

I wrote the same thing you did and I’m a minus one and you’re a plus twelve.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

You never know what resonates and what doesn’t.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

No Thumb Envy here, please.

Darwin Is a Harsh Mistress
Darwin Is a Harsh Mistress
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Ask yourself, how many of “The Greatest Generation” came through Ellis Island? How many were the children of Ellis Islanders? Then ask how millions of illiterate peasants raised to submit to imperial rule can magically transform to Free Born Men with the Rights of Englishmen in a few short years. Then ask if FDR was only too happy to be their Sugar Emperor and we’ve paid the price every since. I am a Yankee Doodle Dandy and my peeps invented this place and died for it, be they Patriot or Loyalist. How can wearing OD green elevate GI Joe superior… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

There are too many people in all arbitrary generational classifications that do not think for themselves. Oh, they think for themselves in situations that deal with “How does this benefit or harm me?” I am old enough to remember voting based on my evaluation of how some action benefited or harmed the country. But that was a long time ago. Now I vote like everybody else. I choose the candidate most like me, the white man. If there are two on offer I pick the one who seems most disposed to take care of me and my interests, like everybody… Read more »

Thomas Allen
Thomas Allen
7 years ago

I’m 54 this year, born in 1963, of Depression era “Silents’. Despite being raised in California, I was the product of farmers, not Hippies. I’ve never been comfortable with the Generational Tags, as they never fit me well. I’m technically a “Late Baby Boomer” but after 4 years in the USAF in the 80’s and a growing dissent with what is now called “Conservative Inc” & “the GOPe” I’m now more Alt-Right than anything else. I see in my son, the growing disdain for the older generations. He reveres his 80 yr old Grandfather, tolerates me, and hates 30-40 somethings.… Read more »

Reply to  Thomas Allen
7 years ago

I have also seen some people categorize us as early Gen-X. I agree that we don’t fall into either category or any other category so easily. If there was anything defining about our generation, I believe it was the ascent of Ronald Reagan and Reaganism in the 1980s. But that has kind of faded at this point.

Darwin Is a Harsh Mistress
Darwin Is a Harsh Mistress
Reply to  TempoNick
7 years ago

Don’t confuse marketing labels/Madison Avenue shorthand for generational typing. Boomers are the r-Selected offspring of WWII rabbits, “You’ll never want for anything like I did!”

GenX are the last Americans raised with first-hand knowledge of the original culture, pure WASP, without apology. They pulled the rug out from under us in college.

So remember, if you don’t think like a Boomer, you aren’t. It’s a market segment, shorthand for selling people stuff. Nothing more.

Me? I self-identify as America, a Real Live Nephew of My Uncle Sam and I’ve got the SAR/UEL to prove it.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I was 20 and in the Navy in 1980. Voted in my first POTUS election and voted for Reagan.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“…Some unnamed group, the Dazed and Confused Generation?…”

I can really relate to this. I don’t feel I was part of any group. Mostly I think I got to grow up in the last of a somewhat sane US. It was already rotting.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

What you’re trying to call the “Korean War generation” isn’t. That war, from June 1950 to June 1953, was short, and also involved a smaller portion of population – much like Viet Nam. Many of those who fought in Korea, particularly the early phase, were WW II vets, still in service or recalled. And those who arrived for the late period, overlapped, and often showed up as professionals and senior NCOs during the early stages of Viet Nam. Korean War was a link and transition. And the social changes during that short period were minor.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Silent generation. My dad was Korean vet born in 1930. Too young for WWII.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

He’s the dad from F is for Family. Good show

Reply to  Rurik
7 years ago

I served in the Korean War for 12 months during 1995-1996. Old Koreans loved us, young Koreans barely tolerated us. NorK’s would have slit my throat in a second for the MRE in my bag.
Wheels up on the flight out brought universal cheering. We were going non-stop to LAX!

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Zman (and all) – i understand completely what you are saying . My brother was/is 5 years older, but he graduated high school in the late 70s and I in the early 80s. His prom pictures are a Saturday Night Fever embarrassment – brown and white high heeled saddleback shoes, peach tux with huge frilly lace – mine was simple normal black tux, etc. – think difference between Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan as 007. Totally different generations. I hope Hillary, Pelosi, Reed, Gore, McCain, Walters and so many other grammas from that Boomer generational mindset live long enough for… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Actually, from my viewpoint, the 60s really continued ’til about 1973. Then it went from the Hippie boomer stage to the Disco boomer stage (more my loss as I loathed Disco and loved the earlier music).

We identified to a certain extent with the earlier generation and were certainly boomers – life was still good in America, TV was still the big three (no cable yet) and only our clothes and the higher acceptance of longer hair (men) marked us as being different than our older siblings.

The 70s teens were a bit less intense than our older boomer siblings.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Didn’t vote in 80, graduated college 82 into awful job market and high interest rates, money unborrowable. 2 years later everything seemed fine and voted for Reagan. Never looked back. Born in 60 but if you call me a boomer, I’ll kick you in the shins, sonny.

Reply to  ArtHouseForOurHouse
7 years ago


Another one who remembers it wasn’t all sunshine for boomers. I graduated 2 years ahead of you and housing and jobs were brutal for several years. Early boomers were luckier in that regard. We’ll get hosed come retirement too, I bet.

Of course the kiddies have it worse today, which sucks, but it’s a myth that the boomers screwed up everything. We had no damned say in anything. My first election was voting against that jackass Carter.

Reply to  TLeaBoomer
7 years ago

No say? Of course you did.
Pat Buchanan got 21% of the vote in 1996 Republican Primary.
Ross Perot got 18.9% of the vote (my 1st vote went to him).
I’m sure there were a bunch of earlier choices your gen could have made.

Your generation just couldn’t tear itself away from voting for the traitors who promised you whatever you wanted, then you always forgave them when they didn’t deliver even as they laughed at you.

And if you truly didn’t have a choice due to corruption, you should have revolted then so your kids wouldn’t have to.

sub vexillario
sub vexillario
Reply to  Zorost
7 years ago

Born in ’57; graduated HS in 75. As I recall, ’57 was the high tide of boomer births — much of the WWII generation who were our parents were, by this point, getting some career and financial traction, and life was becoming more materially secure. As was mentioned above, I think it was the “my kids will not have to go through what I did” attitude that allowed unlocking the gatehouses guarding our culture, and granted free entry to all the endemic demons slithering about in the shadows of western civilization. I often hear about “The Greatest Generation,” given what… Read more »

Reply to  Zorost
7 years ago

Voted Republican (except in ’80 when I gave Anderson his money ’cause I couldn’t stomach the other two). Never bought into the something for nothing mindset and neither did many of my cohorts. We’re not really a cohesive group; we run the gamut from conservative to batshit left crazy. I’m moderate leaning right. Being a teen of Watergate, I have never, ever trusted *any* politician. Every single one – left or right, will screw you. If you believe otherwise – you’re insane and/or stupid. This means our vote doesn’t really matter, but we go through the motions because – I… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I think the problem is that birth control and cultural changes in the 20th century didn’t fit nicely with the “25 year” generational gaps of old. Due to widespread contraception adoption in the 70’s likely cause a generation to split by almost 7-10 years into two separate generations, raised by the same parent generation, but came up during different cultural periods, and that split carries on.

Reply to  Durandel
7 years ago

It wasn’t a generational gap. It was a marketing strategy. Lump all the young people into one “generation” and sell stuff to them. The idea that folks born in the late 40s are like folks bornin 1964 is silly.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“Some unnamed group, the Dazed and Confused Generation?, came of age in the mid-70’s into the early 80’s. ”

Hey, I resemble that remark!

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Disagree. Mid-70s are most definitely Boomers. The changing of the guard was in the 1980s with the Gen-Xers.

Reply to  TLeaBoomer
7 years ago

@TLeaBoomer. I have seen in its most frequent described terms as Boomers being from ’44-’64. I was born in ’69 and am in no way a Boomer.

Reply to  Brianguy
7 years ago

Born ’59, voted Reagan, and white- so I must blame myself!

Reply to  Brianguy
7 years ago

Boomers went ’til ’64 at the latest.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Holy shit! Born in 63 here. My friend started referring to our sub generation as the Led Zeppelin generation back in like 1988. Not woodstock, not disco, Led Zeppelin in the generic sense.

K. R.
K. R.
Reply to  Thomas Allen
7 years ago

I’m a couple years older than you, Thomas, and have never considered myself a boomer. To me, boomers were those who benefited from the post-war optimism — by the time I was a child, that optimism had turned to dust. Of course, I was raised at ground zero, in California. Things in CA were a bit more “progressed” than in the rest of the country, which perhaps explains why other people my age identify as boomers. I never saw the government as legitimate. Still don’t. I see it as an alien, immoral force that sucks the life and hope out… Read more »

Reply to  K. R.
7 years ago

Born 1960, came of age late ’70s/early ’80s. The real Baby Boomers were the ’60s hippies, IMO. We got pastel tuxes and long hair at the prom, watched the people a few years ahead of us bomb out on coke and disco-y orgies in their 20s. High school teachers partying with their students because, why not? Put up with MASH and all those Norman Lear spin offs that just tried to destroy everything. Oil shortages, ongoing recessions, a dying Dollar, and Jimmeh Carter. Not much good in there. But all white and male dominated, all of it. Reagan represented some… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

“The ’60s were about tearing everything down, in order to get laid. The late ’70s was about getting laid in the ruins of it all.”

Truer words were never spoken, LOL.

The older boomers were serious and agitating and trying to change the world; we just wanted to enjoy life. (And some of us were not into drugs at all.)

Reply to  Thomas Allen
7 years ago

Pushing 60. Spent the late sixties in Africa, and came back to a country I didn’t recognize. Have always looked at my generation as some kind of alien form of life possessing human form, like in those horror movies in the late fifties. A big reason why I didn’t marry an American. Boomer only by age.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

I entered the army in January 1969 and returned from SE Asia late 1970. I too experienced that disconnect of returning to a totally different country than the one I had left. I have trouble accepting “the Boomers” as a concept, because I see the Early Boomer (me) and the Late Boomer as two different generations and cultures.

Reply to  Rurik
7 years ago

I think that’s right, but I’ve noticed that people my age didn’t start thinking more like me until they got older. They seemed to be more taken in with the predominant modes of thought when they were younger. All the same, it may be by attrition. A ton of them are dead from alcohol and drugs.

Reply to  Rurik
7 years ago

I agree about the early vs late boomers. I heard someone say that a good dividing line on that one was something like: If you went through puberty before Sgt. Pepper came out you were an early boomer, if you went thru afterwards you were a late boomer.

walt reed
walt reed
Reply to  Thomas Allen
7 years ago

I was born in 1948. Drafted into Army 1968. Poor background. The 60’s foolishness also passed me by. I have worked since I was 15. Married late to younger woman. Two kids in their mid 20’s. Yes, it is interesting. Son still has 1 year of college left. Both kids worked during college. Dad/Grand Dad insisted. No college debt allowed for either. They always paid for part of their tuition. The media trust, for me, ended with Walter Cronkite. If Walter could sit there and lie to the country, no one could be trusted.

Reply to  walt reed
7 years ago

Cronkite was the reason it is called “See B.S.”!

Reply to  Thomas Allen
7 years ago

The kid-grandfather bonding is entirely because they have a common enemy, the father.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
Reply to  Thomas Allen
7 years ago

Same here, although age (my eldest are late 20s) and experience has tempered my children’s disdain (we all seem to go through a phase in our 20s). At least towards members of the family — we’re kinda clannish and could care less about ideological groups (that includes alt-right — a fair few of them seem as bug-nutty and full of themselves as any of the others…and also as useful as teats on a boar just like the rest).

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
Reply to  Jenny R.
7 years ago

I think it also helped being a child of old parents who were themselves the children of older parents (both of my grandpas were born before 1900) and having great-grandparents who were still around and lively (one was born a year after the Civil War). Another was coming from a poor, rural family — deathly afraid of banks, the revenuers, and starving/freezing to death…nobody will take care of you but yourselves, joining the military is your duty and not a bad life overall, be respectful and don’t be ignorant (not all poor grits and immigrants were unwell read). My husband’s… Read more »

7 years ago

All stereotypes are true, so there’s certainly something to be said for generational theory. Of course people who grow up in a particular cultural and political milieu, enjoying the same entertainment, and consuming the same products are going to have tons of common touchstones and shared experiences. Of course they will. I’m an early GenXer (1967) who grew up in a distant outpost of the Anglo diaspora, and I distinctly remember being repulsed from an early age by the self-indulgent decadence of Boomer culture: the declining hippie movement, the treacly, over-produced 70s pre-punk music on the radio, the sheer ugliness… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Gen-Z has literally nothing to lose, because the older generations gave away their birthright before they were born.

That makes them some of the most dangerous people around.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  edmg
7 years ago

The two most dangerous types of people are
those who have nothing to lose
those who have everythimg to lose.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

My kids are more right wing than I am.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I know a group of six or seven bright college age friends who routinely refer to each other as “nigger”. White, one mulatto. My impression is that this is their way of taking the word out of service.

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

So much of this thread wants to place blame. Ted Kennedy that murdering, cowardly traitor gave us unlimited immigration in ’65.
Born in ’42

Rod Horner
Rod Horner
Reply to  Ray
7 years ago

The Jew Emanuel Cellar, back by his wealthy coreligionists in NYC, gave his entire life to the passage of that act after his defeat in the previous immigration act of ’24. Kennedy was just a delivery boy.

Reply to  Ray
7 years ago

Yeah, I know that’s how it comes across. Who’s to say that I wouldn’t have voted for societal destruction if I were born (say) 15 years earlier? But that’s really not my intention. We’re all individually accountable for the decisions we make, and none of us can choose the cultural milieu we grow up in, but the fact is that Silents and Boomers did support, in large part, to eat (or burn) the seedcorn of future generations. They didn’t think they were doing any such thing, not most of them–they simply thought they knew better than anyone who’d come before… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

Beautifully put, Murray. Everything I’ve ever wanted to say on the subject.

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

I grew up in a white middle class outpost of suburban California. Got my driver’s license in 1976. No racial issues, Vietnam was over, alcohol, pot, and cocaine were all over the place. There was only one thing that took a bunch of us down. Car and motorcycle accidents. Thinking back, in my typically sized high school, there were at least a dozen deaths and serious injuries from car accidents. Mostly boys, but a few girls that got run into by the boys. Rollovers and careening into trees and power poles, mostly. Every year the high school yearbook was dedicated… Read more »

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

Ah, back when “Go outside!” was the First Commandment.

7 years ago

Andrew Anglin on Boomers: It is always a mistake to try and reason with or explain something to a boomer. Boomers are like developmentally disabled children, and often have difficulty learning new concepts, even when the concept is not complicated or is self-explanatory. They spent their entire lives destroying the heritage of this country, flooding us with immigrants, liberating the blacks, liberating the homos, burying us in debt, sending us to fight wars for Israel – and now, with America almost completely destroyed, they aren’t going to let some young guys come in and just fix it. They want to… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m not quite sure what to make of this analysis. I just don’t see a large-scale pushback from the younger generation. Collectively, the Millennials are just too stupid to do anything other than obey. The Millennial generation voted overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Clinton in 2016. Both Obama and Clinton advocated big government programs which ultimately rely on wealth transfer from the young and productive to the old and unproductive. Proof: Millennials *still* overwhelmingly approve of Obamacare, even though it forces them to buy worthless health insurance at inflated prices in order to reduce the cost… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

Japan is a homogenous nation with strong social structures, a culture of saving, and minimal immigration.

America… isn’t. Nor is most of the West.

Which is why Japan will still be around long after most Western nations have collapsed. Though it may well be a province of China by that point.

Reply to  edmg
7 years ago

Japan will still exist as a nation/culture on the Northern and Southern islands. TEPCo officials should be made an example of.

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

Millenials are all infantrymen in the free shit army.

Hey, we just wanted the blacks to stop burning down the cities and beating up white girls in school riots.

So we gave them food stamps because what were we supposed to do? Shoot them all?

You young punks got a better idea, go for it and best of luck.

But quit your whining, ladies, as my old drill instructor would say.

Generation Zyklon
Generation Zyklon
Reply to  badguest
7 years ago

Yes, you should have shot them all.

The welfare only increased, and more white girls are getting raped and killed than ever before.

Boomers made every problem we had in society worse, and then invented new ones.

And now the only tool we have left to fix these problems is fire.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
7 years ago

There is truth to this. But the problems in education in particular as well as the society in general started prior to the boomers. The education system became left-wing and dumbed down in the 70’s, before the boomers had any influence in it. The rot of Keynesian economic theory (a criminal sophistry if there ever was one) was created even before the WWII’s came of age. Once of age, the WWII’s bought into Keynesian criminality with scarcely any fore thought at all. The Boomers created lots of problems. But they are not the only ones to blame for our current… Read more »

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
7 years ago

Indoctrination began with the progressives and their program was facilitated by getting us into the European wars.

7 years ago

The boomers (of which I am one) will send up the bat signal for their salvation, and sadly there will be no answer.

Rod Horner
Rod Horner
Reply to  Herrman
7 years ago

A generation that is 90% white will be absolutely hated in the coming decades as whites slide into hated-plurality rather than hated-majority. Any of my fellow boomers who didn’t do their duty and produce several children and subsequent grandchildren has nobody to blame but themselves. The only social security policy that can be relied upon in times of societal struggle are flesh and blood with strong familial bonds.

Reply to  Rod Horner
7 years ago

Everyone hates everyone else already, at the end of the day. It is just the expression of that hatred that is encouraged for some and frowned upon for others. The Internet has done a wonderful job of showing just what is in people’s hearts, and a lot of it ain’t good.

Reply to  Rod Horner
7 years ago

A large piece of the hatred will, rightly, be directed at Ted the swimmer Kennedy

Reply to  Herrman
7 years ago

prog in pyjamas, Herman

7 years ago

Today’s insolent youth are the same as yesterday’s insolent youth; uninformed and disdainful of that which came before. Three million boomers served in Viet Nam with almost 60,000 thousand losing their lives. That was a ‘greatest generation’ war fought under their rules for defeat with no intention of victory. We boomers gave them a victory in Viet Nam despite our leaders best efforts, and despite the ultimate rejection of the Viet Nam victory by the ‘greatest generation’, the ten years of battle in Viet Nam stopped the onslaught of communism into Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong and all the other emerging… Read more »

Rod Horner
Rod Horner
Reply to  MSO
7 years ago

This is ironically typical boomer think. Nobody younger than my grandson gives one toot about all the blessed innovations we built. The long-run story for my grandkids and their offspring is being a hated minority in the land of their ancestors. The Silents actually opened the floodgates in ’65, but it was the Boomers who made a cause celebre about the whole ugly process of destroying white society in order to atone for our perceived historic sins. The vapid modern culture you’re complaining about isn’t an outgrowth of your spoiled white grandchild, it’s the outgrowth of a society that’s run… Read more »

Reply to  Rod Horner
7 years ago

Yes. Today’s kids only have to watch a few movies or TV shows from the 50s to mid-60s to see exactly what the Boomers have done to them. How many do you think wouldn’t want to go back to that horrible, horrible 1950s society that the Boomers revolted against, if they had the chance?

But, hey, they got smart phones. So they should be happy that they’re becoming a minority in their own country.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

To be fair, I’m sure the 50s weren’t as great as they were made out to be on TV. But a while ago I started watching an old British TV show from the 60s which was often set in and around the areas where I used to live over there. And it was like watching a documentary about a foreign country.

People were British, doing British things in British towns and villages. Had the generation before me not set out to turn those towns into Kabul-on-Thames, I’d probably still be living there.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

To be fair, I think a fair bit of the 50s nostalgia among the yoot is just countersignalling Boomers, who confected the myth of the 50s as a dreary, oppressive, wowserish age that deserved to be crushed under the boot heel of the hippie movement. (The wretched movie Pleasantville is perhaps the apotheosis of this myth.) The young’uns are just engaged in the modern version of “freaking out the squares”.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I think the anti-50’s stuff from the boomers is likely misremembered propaganda or deliberate propaganda. The 50’s likely were not a bad era.

Now that said, the rot in the West already existed in the 50’s, and likely before that. I think the 1960’s was when the rot was strong enough to express itself in the open. For example, when my grandparents died, I found photos of them in the mid-1950’s when they were 18/19 years old. The photos were of them at the local YMCA, naked, in the forest area on the grounds.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I would have liked the 60s (early boomer vs the late one that I was), I think. The 70s was a bit on the dull side and the wheels were beginning to come off of the USA.

Gas shortages. high interest rates, lack of jobs lack of morality, drugs, – it’s not what it was cracked up to be. Even the music post ’75 blew. It took the ’80s ’til music was good again.

Reply to  edmg
7 years ago

Antibiotics still worked on everything. That’s pretty fucking great. Just wait till you meet some of the biological nightmares waiting for us.

Darwin Is a Harsh Mistress
Darwin Is a Harsh Mistress
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

My father a so-called Silent Generation veteran during the Korean and VN wars, told me, and I quote, “Yes it was a special time and we knew it.”

He hated the hippy boomers as much as I hate them.

And by the way, “Boomer” is a (((Madison Avenue))) marketing segment label, just as Gen X and even Soccer Moms.

FFS, don’t read your flipping life story into it. Read up on Madison Avenue and how they slice and dice the consumer market and your eyes will open, never to close again.

Rod Horner
Rod Horner
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I think you’re missing the point of the young’s nostalgia for the 50s. “Thing were great,” isn’t what awes the socks off these young men. It’s looking out into a world full of whites that impresses them. I can’t speak to the TV effect as I haven’t watched TV in decades and didn’t have one at home in the 50s, but I would strongly argue that they’re correct in assessing that the nation is a far “shittier,” place now that almost none of our pleasant white communities are without black and mestizo crime and our cities are uniformly overrun with… Read more »

Rod Horner
Rod Horner
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

It’s a feeback loop. Prog culture demands increasingly irrational shows of loyalty from the perceived majority because it has historically operated on the paradigm that the majority is largely fixed and it has to contend with the fact that its minority coalition is incredibly disparate.

Tensions rose exponentially when the transition from majority and minority to competing pluralities became readily apparent. Not because of the demographic shift alone but because approval of and submission to broadly anti-white politics became mandatory.

K. R.
K. R.
Reply to  edmg
7 years ago

When my daughter and her friends had sleepovers — now college age — they loved to watch re-runs of Lucy, Father Knows Best, etc. For them, it was a world so lovely and sweet … a world worth pining for.

Can we go back?

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  K. R.
7 years ago

Old proverb

You can’t cross the same river twice

You can build something new though, with aspects of the old. Its going to require an extremely homogeneous society and for a few generations and pretty oppressive and brutal one as well

Regulation of public behavior and the economy leaves Liberatrds and the Ayn Rand Jihad with a sour stomach but its necessary

Decide what the rules are going to be and make people comply till they become fairly ingrained

It will take a couple or three generation though and more will than anyone has right now

Reply to  Rod Horner
7 years ago

“All those great wars, all those great innovations, and yet the one and only foundation and ultimate Thing That Matters, the continuation of our people, our culture, and our genetic legacy, doesn’t even cross your mind. “ The source of your lamentations can be found in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; temperance, universal suffrage, both Roosevelts with Wilson in the middle, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, both Bushes, Clinton and Obama and you think it’s due to ‘boomers’. Listen to Nietzsche, he informed us that we had killed our god back in the 19th Century; we did and… Read more »

Reply to  MSO
7 years ago

What percentage of Boomers messed around with computers? A very tiny minority. The rest were out partying and getting high. I watched it.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

There were maybe 3 computers existing at the time, they were all as big as your living room, and they were owned by the Pentagon.

And the fanciest operation they could perform was figure square roots to about 9 places accuracy.

So what was there to do except:

a) surf
b) drink beer
c) chase women
d) all of the above

Reply to  badguest
7 years ago

Obviously, you missed out on being near Military/Census/University/Corporate mainframes or minicomputers during the 1940’s onward.

Dan Kurt
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

re: “What percentage of Boomers messed around with computers?” Dutch You travelled in a different country from me. When I went to High School starting in 1956 I had the opportunity to do in my spare time the following: 1) Buy and put together many “computers” using Oliver Garfield Company’s GENIAC computer kit which included Claud Shannon’s Master’s Thesis; 2) Under the auspices of an Amateur Astronomer’s Association ground and polished a 6 inch pyrex blank to better than an 1/8 wave of sodium light then used it to make a Newtonian telescope including a German equatorial mounting; the mirror… Read more »

One Rogue
One Rogue
Reply to  Dan Kurt
7 years ago

I literally cannot even begin to imagine having the high school experience you just enumerated.

Dan Kurt
Reply to  One Rogue
7 years ago

@One Rogue It was an all Boys Catholic high school with IRON discipline. If you were charged with three infractions you were OUT and that rule of three was for all four years. I had only one infraction. The day after an ice storm hit the region during the night, no public transportation was running. To get to high school from my home was complicated. I had to take two street cars, or two busses, or a streetcar and a bus to get there and it generally took 50 minutes to an hour. I knew no one who had a… Read more »

7 years ago

MSO and “Anonymous White Male” beat me to the punch, but I would like to add that no one has control over the year they were born and “generations” don’t *do* anything. Individuals do. As MSO pointed out. While the hippy counterculture was going on in the 60’s and early 70’s, tens of thousands of other boomers were serving honorably in places like Vietnam. The exact same thing can be said of today’s youthful generation. While the snowflakes at places like Berkeley and Evergreen get all the press, there are tens of thousands of their youthful colleagues who are serving… Read more »

Charles Dolci
Charles Dolci
7 years ago

Sorry ZMan, I don’t buy a lot if what you are saying. As an early boomer i think it is safe to say I have encountered and know well a lot more boomers than you. While your description fits many boomers I do not think it describes the majority of us. If I am reading you right you seem to be placing a lot of trust in today’s youth, you clearly believe that today’s young hate boomers. I don’t doubt that the young hate the boomers, but it is a hate driven by jealousy. The boomers are rich, they had… Read more »

Rod Horner
Rod Horner
Reply to  Charles Dolci
7 years ago

NAXALT is a terrible argument and should go without caveat in these circles. The young, in my estimation, don’t exist as we knew them. Our poor decisions as Boomers and those of our parents (Silents voted for the folks who put the 1965 immigration act into effect) obliterated them. So it’s no longer worth kvetching about “the youth,” in the same way that these young whites can complain about “the boomers.” The boomers are 90%+ white Americans with several generations history and tradition, just like their parents. “The youth,” in the America of today are nearing a Mestizo plurality and… Read more »

Reply to  Rod Horner
7 years ago

The youth of each generation and sub-generation have always had big obstacles and hardships. The obstacles just keep evolving. A minority of each youthful group figure out how to take care of themselves. The rest find their way, typically depending on either the kindness of strangers or their family’s past generations, or scheming to carve out their piece of the pie off of the “system”, such as it is at any given time. It has always been so.

Reply to  Charles Dolci
7 years ago

boomers learned to work on cars because that was the environment they were born into. today’s youth have a different set of circumstances and like every person born on this planet are adapting to them to survive, reproduce, and thrive. i think it’s the arrogance of boomers that turns off the youth to them, but that also could be a perpetual generational dynamic, I don’t know. The youth that are politically minded and dissatisfied certainly blame boomers for the conditions in which they find themselves fair or not. it would be nice if boomers accepted society is in steadfast and… Read more »

Reply to  joshua
7 years ago

We worked on cars because they were old and weren’t going to fix themselves, and we couldn’t afford to pay others to do the work. Cars were also the way to get out in the world, as there was no interactivity whatsoever in the media or entertainment, unlike today. One drove out into the big wide world to find out what was going on and what to do next. Now one does that on the web.

A Freeman
A Freeman
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Try working on cars today. Intentially over complicated with proprietary tools and no room to work. You need to have $10000 tools to work on and diagnose cars now, not just a crescent wrench and elbow grease. Even older gear heads are getting gamed out by some “advances.”.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago
Reply to  Charles Dolci
7 years ago

The boomers are rich, they had opportunities which they exploited to acquire material wealth. Today’s young realize those opportunities are gone, they live in a society that has lost its confidence and sense of purpose. Note how subtly the goalposts are moved here. The Boomers got wealthy through exploiting opportunities, but the younger generations today…well, those opportunities just mysteriously vanished somehow! Nothing to see here, just one of those things that happens! It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with Silents and Boomers voting to open the immigration floodgates to allow in hordes of incompatible aliens, or supporting policies that… Read more »

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

In addition to the Boomers’ ‘scorched earth’ policy towards the US and their belief in some sort of IRL Star Trek-like “Federation of Planets” kumbayah globalism, they completely failed to raise their kids. This is best explained by Dr. Leonard Sax in “The Collapse of Parenting.” They also divorced in record numbers. Subsequent generations hate the Boomers because they completely failed in their duties towards us. I say this as an early Millennial with good Boomer parents. As a child, I noticed, “Why don’t any of these other kids have parents instead of libertine aging wanna-be ‘buddies’ who sexually produced… Read more »

fred z
Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

There are no more opportunities? Really? How odd then that I see many millennials and Gen X’ers seizing opportunities right left and center and doing very well.

I agree that the boomer generation left many messes. So will you. Get off your ass and get rich cleaning them up.

Losers blame stuff on other people.

Reply to  fred z
7 years ago

As I wrote elsewhere in the thread, my problem with the Boomers is that so few of them own their messes, preferring instead to mythologize them as a great step forward for humanity while they hunker down in their nice neighborhoods, insulated from the chaos they fomented. For my part, I’m a relatively successful professional with a well above average income. But my children can look forward to an adulthood spent as a despised class in an ethnically fragmented, bankrupt, lowest common denominator society, with virtually no opportunity to enjoy the kind of security and affordable family formation that the… Read more »

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

Yes, they were raised without such things as intact families, youth jobs, or stable neighborhoods, yet we boomers expect youngers to know them as if by instinct.

Reply to  fred z
7 years ago

Instead of looking at people near you who are likely to be successful like you, why don’t you look at statistics? (one of my many problems with boomers is your love of ignorance; you obviously have internet access, do some research).

Average income has been falling since the 70s. Purchasing power of the average wage has been falling since the 70s. The middle class is shrinking, with much of the loss to the lower class.

Reply to  fred z
7 years ago

Opportunity is still available for the smart, and will be for some time. If you’re smart thank the gods because that’s all that matters now. I know you’ll talk about hard work, but hard work without brains won’t get you anywhere, anymore, but you’re too blind to realize the truth.

You’re problem is the stupid, and what they’re going to do to you with their vote. Seems like I remember someone somewhere talking about democracies dying when the people realize they can vote themselves other peoples money.

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

Keep crying, it’ll make you feel better. Here, have a kleenex to wipe the tears off your smartphone

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

Multiple disasters pile up to keep wealth from accumulation in the hands of post-1965 youth: The cost of Empire. USA (ConUS) depletion of high EROI oil and ng wells (peaked in 1970). Half of the liquid fuel from “conventional” wells is being produced today when compared to the 1970 peak. Public schools that have failed to teach useful topics/techniques at a huge cost to the taxpayers per pupil ($14,500+ per pupil vs. Japan at ~$2500 each). Family destruction by paying women to kick out fathers to poverty enforced by the State. Confusion of fatherless boys. It’s difficult to trust the… Read more »

Reply to  Charles Dolci
7 years ago

“the current, destructive course our society is taking. …”

Not so current, been slowly fermenting for 50 years. Started by Boomers. The current crop of cry-babies are not who Z is talking about. They are also a Boomer inspired mess. Z is right though, young people who have woken up really do hate the Boomers.

Reply to  Walt
7 years ago

Just thought I would point out that the people in charge 50 years ago were *not* boomers.

Reply to  Roy
7 years ago

The “greatest generation” was good at following orders. After WWII, the orders started changing around. “Counterculture” and all the hippy stuff were actually the new orders, and the parents of the Boomers followed them, often by quiet aquiescence.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Charles Dolci
7 years ago

Hey Phil, your comment is everything this Gen X grandma has always hated about Baby Boomers. The entitled blinder wearing bullshit just oozes right out of every word, and you are completely clueless about it. I’m going to help the kids shove the wheelchairs off the cliffs, when the time comes. It’s the right thing to do.

Reply to  Charles Dolci
7 years ago

I’m inclined to agree with much of your comment. The rot that really set in by the mid sixties was not brought by boomers, the oldest of whom would have been barely out of high school. They weren’t old enough to effect that change (civil rights, Hart-Celler, etc, etc.) Those who had the power to effect that damage were at least a generation older, and many in power were two generations older. Boomers are as guilty of buying into the zeitgeist of their time as every subsequent generation has been, and in fact, each succeeding generation accepts ever more degeneracy… Read more »

Reply to  John_HD
7 years ago

True, the kids learn what their adults teach them. They don’t run anything.

Reply to  John_HD
7 years ago

Search “KGB demoralization strategy”
The Communists have been in the highest seats of USA power since the Roosevelt Administration and before that, International Banksters brought us the end of the metal-based “Constitutional Money” in favor of interest-bearing FRN’s in unlimited quantity.

Reply to  pdxr13
7 years ago

Absolutely worth reading. Then share it your various social media outlets.

fred z
Reply to  Charles Dolci
7 years ago

I was born in ’52 and I’m with you. There are too many leftist, dumbass hippy boomers, and I have always despised them. But a majority of us are just the usual silent majority.

Reply to  Charles Dolci
7 years ago

My hatred of boomers just went up a notch. Did you ever step in and tell one of your fellow teachers they shouldn’t be teaching all that PC SJW nonsense? Or did you keep quiet like a cowardly bitch so you could go online and complain about what weaklings your charges are? My boomer dad had a 2yr degree, got a job in sales that supported a stay-at-home mom, stayed 30 yrs till he retired with good benefits. When he retired, that job was eliminated, replaced with a system that consolidated w/ other positions so more work, but less pay… Read more »

Reply to  Zorost
7 years ago

Understand that we hate you spineless whiny crybabies possibly even more than you do us

Reply to  badguest
7 years ago

Eh. Don’t fall into that trap. Every generation is different than the other. Older ones always feel the kiddies have ruined things and kiddies blame the older ones for ruining things. In truth – we all improve things and we all ruin stuff. Nothing is new under the sun.

Reply to  Zorost
7 years ago

In our time, we were polite. It would be unthinkable to be uncivil to adults and so we weren’t confrontational, other than far left hippie activist types. It was Mrs. this and Mr. that. I’d have never been disrespectful in the 1960s or 70s to a teacher or prof. They commanded respect back then.

7 years ago

As a fellow gen x er, class of 89, i also welcome the boomercide. That point about destroying everything like locusts – the solvency of the economy so they can have these ridiculous state funded pensions – here’s looking at you dad – it is a well earned e ticket ride.

7 years ago

I’m a boomer, a very early boomer, and I know that in so many ways I invented you. Indeed, you are one of my more successful creations.

As a consequence I have to inform you that all early boomers understand that “you can’t take it with you.” As a consequence, WE’RE NOT LEAVING!

Now pay me so I don’t have to bust out this cheap little dive bar.

Reply to  vanderleun
7 years ago

The Boomers will clear out one of these days. But the booze will all be gone, the bowls of peanuts will be empty, and the toilets will be broken.

Dumb girls willing to do stupid things will probably still show up, so all is not lost.

7 years ago

Amen, brother. I was a liberal when I was young and stupid, but I knew in my secret heart I was a conservative from the very first minute of my very first business class in college, when Dr. Hippie McPonytail started in on “people before profits.” Ah, so you’re the flower power corporate raider. Question authority, but not yours. Groovy, maaan. Hypocrisy really can be an art form – in that, the Boomers really are as unique and precious and special as they think they are.

7 years ago

When I was a teen in the 80’s, having to hear lectures about Gen X being deficient, always left me wondering what they called the kids who came along in the late 70’s? They were technically Boomers, but they were nothing like the people who came of age in the 60’s Z-man They called us Tweeners and we were literally not worthy of a generation, until somewhere in the mid-80s when Boomers pulled us in to add yet more political heft to the huge demographic rabbit being digested through the birth rate snake. We are nothing like the classic Boomers.… Read more »

A Freeman
A Freeman
7 years ago

We live in a selfish world. Everyone seeking his own glory. Boomers didn’t start it, it’s always been one of mankinds darker delights of pride. I’m a Gen X. We were rejected, constantly told what looser we were, but it wasn’t us that broke the world. Boomers murdered the very ones who would have been there to support them through socialist programs. @55million plus since RvW. Sure, you didn’t make the ruling, but you didn’t do anything in your day bro stop the atrocity not saying John Brown the clinics, but you called soldiers baby killers and left the… Read more »

7 years ago

John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were not boomers. But they were the most destructive American politicians of the twentieth century. If you’re looking for the rot, it is to be found in The Greatest Generation.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Epaminondas
7 years ago

Kennedy just wanted to get laid. Johnson carpet bombed what was left of the old republic from the plane saint FDR built. This was all a done deal by 1938. Amazing it took so long. Burke said it. There is a lot of ruin in a nation.

Alamo Cannonball
Alamo Cannonball
Reply to  Epaminondas
7 years ago

I sympathize with that statement, but the most destructive politician of the 20th century is easily Woodrow Wilson. If Kennedy and Johnson destroyed a nation, Wilson wrecked an entire continent. Without American involvement, WW1 would have seen both sides fight to a stalemate with <10k casualties, then hammer out a peace deal and go home.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Alamo Cannonball
7 years ago

I get your point, but Wilson was a slacker compared to FDR. The country even recovered from his two terms. The country never recovered from The New Deal.

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
Reply to  Alamo Cannonball
7 years ago

not an option for wilson bcs morgan bank was heavily exposed to the british. he was smart actually holding out till the last moment.

as for wilson domestic agenda can’t say, not being american.

7 years ago

‘If there is hope,’ wrote Zman, ‘it lies in the alt-right.’

7 years ago

The Greatest Generation produced the Warren Court, LBJ, Civil Rights, and the 1965 Immigration Act. All the dysfunctional aspects of our current society – including porn, racial unrest, government takeover of education, drugs, political correctness, and open borders – all of these, were the result of actions taken by persons born between 1905 and 1926…the “Greatest” generation. They bequeathed to their boomer children all the tools we need to commit civilizational suicide.

Reply to  Epaminondas
7 years ago

The Bolshie Two-step works!
Bad cop Russia, good cop Anglo-America.

The violent takeover covered the quiet takeover.

A.T. Tapman
Reply to  Epaminondas
7 years ago

I agree, but it is even simpler than that, those whom extended the franchise to women are to blame. Female voting patterns have changed the world, and not for the better.

I read a book many years ago which compared State and Federal budgets from before and after extension of voting rights. EVERY destructive act and waste of money can be laid at the feet of politicians fueled by female votes.

Reply to  A.T. Tapman
7 years ago

Women need to be red-pilled, not suppressed. It all comes down to education. (((Who))) determines what children are taught? What messages media/entertainment reinforces? (((Who))) determines what social mores are cultivated and advanced via our institutions, think tanks and governments? Women’s strengths of nurturing and building community are then exploited to achieve these ends. Alt-right men, you have no greater ally than women — we are many and we are effective at impacting the world. Just as the political force of women was harnessed in the U.S. and given the right to vote and later even more involvement in running our… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m not sure exactly where I fit in and I don’t really care, but if you want to distill a type of boomer to a bumper sticker it’s this one: “We’re spending our kids’ inheritance.” On the back of their giant RV.

In more ways than one pal, and the kids are pissed off about it.

Reply to  Allen
7 years ago

You complete Sad. people spend their own money and you don’t like it it . Lean over and join the socialist marxist regressives sad,

William Nohmor
William Nohmor
7 years ago

This is way far off. The younger crowd is not all bad. You live in the world of rhetoric where everything is fake polarized. It’s a mean world where everyone tries to out mean each other. I really enjoy this blog and agree with a lot of it but it’s just a bit too sure of itself at times.

David Wright
Reply to  William Nohmor
7 years ago

I agree, can’t all be gems.
I’m 63 and working class with a business. A lot of the generalized generation lingo doesn’t hold.

Maybe include class systems and the theme of this might hold together better. Our founding fathers would despise all of us.

Reply to  William Nohmor
7 years ago

A lot of millennials have boomer parents and usually feel a bit of affection for them, so boomer die off seems more likely than boomercide. Maybe gen x will do us all in?

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago
Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

A better split of the generations is done by Strauss-Howe, with Boomers being 46-64, Gen X 65-80, etc. See Wikipedia for their breakdowns. Of course, all people do not “fit” into a certain generational group, there are overlaps due to family structure or even parts of the country or country of origin. It works in a broad origin sense.

Doktor Jeep
Doktor Jeep
Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
7 years ago

Note: there is a huge difference between GenXers raised by boomers and those raised by Silents/Greatests.

You see it was around the 1960s that improvements in pre-natal care made it possible for women to give birth late into their 30s. So for example, my mother was born in 1936 and I was born in 1970. My dad was born in 1934. But my “peers” who were conceived at Woodstock were like aliens to me.

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

The youngest boomers are early-50s right now. Some of them could, in an ideal world, live another forty years or more.

But, absent a miracle, America won’t exist in twenty years. It simply cannot continue to exist as a nation when it’s been reduced to a mass of competing identity groups all trying to gain power over the others.

And none of those groups are likely to feel much sympathy for the people who created that situation.

Reply to  Bunny
7 years ago

My God, that article manages to be dumb, narcissistic, and oblivious, all at the same time. In its own special way, it crystallizes a particular Boomer/Millennial weltenschaaung.

From the article:
But we seem to be enigmas to Gen-X who can’t seem to figure out why we behave the way we do.

Haha, no. We grew up in your detritus, we understand you just fine, possibly better than you understand yourselves. You merely mistake repulsion and disgust for bafflement.

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

It’s even called good thinking. There you go!

7 years ago

I just spend a weekend with over 100 aging boomers. I agree they are eager to blame every generation but their own for everything. I know boomers feel superior and yet what have they given us? Our country is in debt, countless wars, corrupt politicians, corrupt and controlled media, a ruined healthcare system, a ruined educational system, a 200,000 dollar higher education more rules and regulations and less privacy and then, exported our manufacturing base to China. Young people have a right to be angry and to feel distrustful. I am on the young end of baby boomer, but have… Read more »

7 years ago

Video version of why we hate boomers.
White millennial who objects to his peoples genocide tries to exercise his right to free speech in a public space, only to be attacked by RIGHT WING boomers and their non-white buddies.

7 years ago

It is hard for me to see the right in any of its forms succeeding because every group is obsessed with attacking the other groups while virtue signalling about how much better they are. Over time the majority of whites should logically move farther and farther to the right but most on the right doesn’t want that to happen. When you are slamming boomers are you talking about the working class boomers who are struggling and enabled both Trump to win the presidency and Brexit to pass or the Wall Street hotshots? Quite a difference. And, yes I am a… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

So much inter-generational scapegoating. So much looking for the ‘other’ to blame for our current troubles instead of looking into the mirror of every generations’ greed and envy. Let’s start with the ‘greatest generation’ (the name itself is a preemptive rhetorical exoneration). They won WWII _and_ they helped themselves to a really big slice of the cake of their descendants’ earnings into perpetuity. Over time: It took all of the ’50’s and much of the ’60’s, when Boomers were powerless, to get this done. For example, my own worthy mother (God rest her soul) was a casual office worker in… Read more »

A.T. Tapman
Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

I agree Al, but the boomers (early edition here) do need to answer for patchouli oil. Even today if I catch the faintest hint of patchouli oil I draw my pistol. They must be made to pay for this outrage!

7 years ago

My question about the boomercide is, what is the likely way for it to be done? Boomers seem to hate any form of the death penalty and have tried to completely outlaw it. Will the youngsters revive some of the old favorites, like the guillotine, or hanging, or drawn and quartered? Or will they go with the economical option since the Boomers spent all the money and just wack them over the head with a shovel into giant mass graves? It’s odd. After Reconquista 2.0 deports and kills all the foreigners, to follow up with a boomercide would almost seem… Read more »

Reply to  Durandel
7 years ago

Weakling sicko

7 years ago

There is one valuable lesson from the boomers. You touched on it a little. it’s this; the real radicals in the 60’s cut their hair, put on a suit and took over the reigns of power.

7 years ago

About the only thing I have to add is that I’ve consistently lectured my social security welfare loaf boomers that I feel perfectly entitled to cut their allowance because their generation already spent the extra money taken in through social security revenue.

“You already spent the money once, you don’t get to spend it twice.”

Reply to  Ryan
7 years ago

A caveat- their compounded interest was what was stolen.

7 years ago

“The stupid little girl jammed up on espionage charges” rally was no longer a “little girl”, since 25 is the age when even the Obama-ites acknowledge her as old enough to be dropped from her parents’ health insurance coverage, and to finance he own birth control and STD treatments.Nor is she stupid in the traditional sense, having shown herself capable of learning three Central Asian languages (or at least three related dialects of one). She was undone by metastatic intelligence, undisciplined and out ouf control, which led her into contempt for the Boomer president, Donald Trump. As with so many… Read more »

Alamo Cannonball
Alamo Cannonball
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Agree. Said stupid little girl, like so many of her peers clinging to their TV’s and iPhones for “Comey Thursday,” had been gaslit by the media into thinking an impeachment was just around the corner.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

She is a stupid girl and while she deserves punishment, I also hope she is shown mercy

7 years ago

“… always left me wondering what they called the kids who came along in the late 70’s? They were technically Boomers, but they were nothing like the people who came of age in the 60’s.”

Factually incorrect. The Boomer gen has classically be defined as that group between 1946 – 1964. A 1964 Boomer coming of age in the 70’s would start at 6 and end around 18. But by the end the ’70s were no longer the ’70s. Disco had died, the VN war was nearing its final peak before capitulation, and Reagan was on the horizon.

Reply to  johnmc
7 years ago

The U.S.ended its military involvement with Vietnam in the early 70’s (1973).

Reply to  johnmc
7 years ago

Nixon ended the draft in 1970. Hippie girls stopped worrying about losing their boyfriend to the draft. Concern for GI’s ended, since people in “the Army” are Not Like Us Dear.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

All boomer girls were haunted by the fear of becoming their mothers. We had Kafkaesque moments when we looked into the mirror and saw a cockroach.

Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

And the clever Boomer boys quickly learned how to leverage that fear, to their own benefit. If the girls only knew what their mothers had been up to, all those years ago. Back in the day, it was a lot easier to keep things hidden.

7 years ago

(Y Chromosome’s the male one — I just googled to make sure.) How would Boomer trust in Institutions (New York Times, Harvard?) derived from childhood TV-watching fit together with throwing away Western history and taking over those Institutions? I’m not denying that this is so — just wondering how this could be? The Hippie-Radicals were always grumbling about “the System,” weren’t they? And I was surprised to find (I think in a book about Hitler and Stalin by Alan Bullock), that the Nazis used that very phrase! They wanted to take down “the System.” Alan Bloom (in The Closing of… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Sometimes I write prose in iambic pentameter — helps me with word-choices.

K. R.
K. R.
Reply to  Garr
7 years ago

Boomer’s distrusted institutions, in fact, hated them. Those campus protests weren’t just against the war, they were also against the “man.” To say Boomers trusted the NYT and other existing institutions is simply wrong, if you take the most Boomerish of Boomers as your ideal type. My hunch is this: Boomers, like all generations, had their renegades, but most conformed to social norms of that time. The renegades got the spotlight, tenure and j-school jobs. Eventually, they also got to Wall Street, at least some of them. I was born in the early 1960s. I attended public school in what… Read more »

7 years ago

Just FYI, this:

Everyone is conservative about what think they know best

…is one of Conquest’s three laws of politics. A good one too. (The Derb does indeed quote it.)

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Also known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.

7 years ago

Bill Mitchell isn’t bad and his podcasts are getting better and better. I don’t see Mitchell as someone who is trying to cozy up to the left. I just see him as somebody who is relentlessly positive, especially about Trump. If he is against the alt right, judging from what I’ve seen of him I’d say he is against them because he perceives them to be negative. I don’t agree that the alt-right is negative, I just don’t think Bill Mitchell cares about currying favour with the left. Bill Mitchell is a little bit of a lightweight, but I am… Read more »

7 years ago

I was born in 1963 and the marketers call me a second wave or late boomer. However, I’ve never identified with the boomers who came of age in the 60s and early 70s. The author of the book, “Generation X: Tales of an Accelerated Culture,” which popularized the label, was himself born in 1963 and characterized GenX as people “born after 1960.” I think that’s about right.

Reply to  Mondonico
7 years ago

Correction: auhtor of Generation X as born in 1961. Stupid keyboard.

7 years ago

Aw, we’re not so bad. I’m a late boomer (class of ’76) so wasn’t part of the earlier hippie-dippy types. Not all boomers were hard left and not all boomers were twits. Some of us came of age in a time when jobs were scarce and interest rates were sky-high. We get blamed along with the first wave boomers though and the irony is most boomers spoiled the heck out of their kids. No gratitude. Then again, I guess for the “generation gap” boomers, that’s payback. We’re all starting to die off anyhow – the first wave is already going,… Read more »

7 years ago

I’ve read all the way through the this thread and the one posted about “Boomercide” and it’s followup at Vox Day. I think the whole topic can be more accurately broken down by an r/K analysis about which the commentator “Darwin is a Harsh Mistress” (a great Heinlein reference) spoke to. Namely, about what occurred through those generations that were either r or K supporting and how that affected downstream generations (and the time lag associated with birth control and technology). I think you can break it down to on the political spectrum (left to right) with r-leftists -> K-leftists… Read more »

7 years ago

[…] All of this could simply be a bit of cosmic justice. The generally accepted theory is that Western culture collapsed in the 1960’s when the English speaking world allowed their kids to pull down the institutions that made all of it possible. That is certainly true. In fact, the Boomers have been like a wave of locusts, sweeping through each aspect of the culture as they aged, leaving nothing but waste behind them. In the 60’s and 70’s they destroyed social norms. The 80’s they destroyed education. The 90’s is was politics. […]

7 years ago

Dazed and Confused here, just had my 40 year reunion.

We partied like pigs, yet we still all had two jobs!
Of course, we could still get jobs, even when young….

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
7 years ago

” … If you are a Boomer reading this, you are no doubt outraged, scandalized and offended at my comments. […].” Nope. I was just thanking God that I didn’t grow up in the part of the country that you seem to have done. We had no such “boomer phenomenon.” I was in a ballroom dancing/social graces class the evening MLK got himself shot, preparing to take my place in a world that had ceased to exist, though we did not know that then. As for my school teachers, I assure you that they didn’t know the location of the… Read more »

7 years ago

“In fairness to”

Now there’s a phrase you never see on the left

7 years ago

Gas the boomers! Age war now!

7 years ago

Would Rid-X work?

7 years ago

Weak Z. You have more to do than Boomercide. But don’t worry, if you are not up to it we’ll do it for you. I see there is other drivel below. Work out who you are really fighting little people.

7 years ago

Yeah they hate us. So what, they’re mostly a bunch of whiny smartphone tethered pussies.

And grandpa got guns, so bring it punks.

Richard Kreul
Richard Kreul
7 years ago

Did good. Boomers, bammers, wammers, I blame them all. I especially blame the 50 yr olds born between certain dates. Or the 60 guys or maybe somebody else. Or maybe my son who’s 40. One true thing is, the 60’s did fuck this country up. Except for the one’s who didn’t. Do some more research. Many of us aren’t fucked up.

7 years ago

For someone who “never cared for generational politics,” you’ve certainly jumped in with both hobnail boots; I’m sad to have read this bilgewater, published by someone that I have had the greatest respect for.

All this old boomer can say is, you have not described me in any way at all recognizable, except by age.

I’ll be back later to read the comments, & see if commenters have any sense to impart to this drivel; until then I’ll busy myself getting ready for Babymetal, which will hopefully drive this gallimaufry of idiocy out of my head!

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

As a Gen-Xer, I’m thoroughly enjoying all the Boomer butthurt on this thread. It’s clear a lot of these commenters subconsciously identify with that generation and all the horrific ideological outcomes it represents.

Let them stew in their anger, let them think, let them decide. No generation is without sin. The sooner they face reality the better.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Yeah, I did notice the sophomoric disclaimer. Which makes it more insulting, and less like the writer I thought you were.

At my age, I’m used to being disappointed in people I trusted. It’s still disappointing.