When I was a young man, I was taught to think about growth businesses or growth industries in terms of the military. The guys who start the business, or pioneer a new industry, are analogous to the elite units sent in to establish a beachhead or breech the perimeter. These guys are goal oriented and never bogged down with a lot of rules. In fact, they tend to hate the rules as they see rules as artificial obstacles to their task. In business, the pioneers often start out trying to subvert the rules.
A new industry, like a new conquest, may start out as a series of attacks along the frontier, but eventually it must establish itself as a self-sustaining camp with the perimeter of the established order. The computer business went from experimental ideas in the lab to simple products that could be used in fields like finance or banking. Read this book and you will see how the first nerds established their beachhead on Wall Street. The risk takers sought out the rick takers for their risky new ideas.
Beachhead is the right way to think of it. The special forces find a place for a landing and the shock troops are called in to attack that point and establish a foothold. The D-Day landings in Normandy were not about sacking the beach. It was to secure an entry point for the American and British forces that would follow. Whether it is an industry or a business, that first wave into the new thing are risk takers. They are not the sort of guys who fret over the rules too much, and they are always guys. Guys like risk.
In war fighting, that toehold allows the waves of regulars to flow in and begin to take ground. The English speaking nations landed 150,000 men on the beaches of Normandy, but millions soon followed them through the breach into Europe. That is the way it works for a growth industry. The first firms establish themselves and then a wave of imitators and opportunists follow them to expand the industry. In a business, the viability of the firm and its growth means hiring anyone, who shows up and can do a job.
Eventually, the land is conquered and the industry or business is established. That is when the middle-managers, administrators and police arrive to make rules and enforce them. A good rule in war is you know the advance has stalled when the general staff arrives. In business, the filling out of the HR department means the growth phase has come to an end. Now it is all about securing what has been won and securing against future attacks from competitors or the conquered enemy. It is why Microsoft is no longer hip.
In this maturity period, the rough guys and shock troops that established the beachhead and poured into thing during the growth phase, are pushed out. They no longer fit as the goal in this phase is the formalization of rules. That means creative thinking and risk taking are not only out of place, but they are also considered dangerous. It is why the founders tend to get bought out or move onto emeritus type positions. The guys who came in as young risk takers either move onto new ventures or mature into risk adverse managers.
In the modern age of predatory global economics, this final phase is also a death rattle of a company. Building and maintaining something no longer has value. In fact, it is viewed as foolish. Instead, the goal is to not only eat the fruit of the tree but chop it up and burn it at the final party. Therefore, the mature phase of a company or industry is a spasmodic, social justice warrior phase, in which a firm sets about committing suicide. The smart money is gone. The risk takers are gone. What’s left is to set the whole thing ablaze.
You see that with Fox News, which now has another sex scandal. This time it is claimed that some old guy is sending dick pics to the women on staff. Given that one of the “victims” is the well known SJW and sociopath, Michelle Fields, it is most likely a hoax. Even so, only a firm committed to its own death would hire a nutjob like Fields. She is a cancer, a carbuncle on the face of humanity. A company with a future would instinctively avoid her, as an unnecessary distraction.
Fox News had a good thing going and if they wanted to keep building, they would have quietly bought off some of these broads and cracked down on the fraternization. They also would have culled the problem women from the ranks. Instead, they have donned the sack cloth poured ashes on their head. In the context of Fox, this has meant running off their riskier talent and replacing it with safe, boring and morally correct nothings. When they find a reason to run off Tucker Carlson, the network will spiral into the abyss.
Something similar is going on at Google now, with the revelation of this hilariously tame memo about diversity. It is somewhat charming how the writer thinks he still works at the dynamic company of yesteryear. It is hilarious how he thinks the vinegar drinking lunatics in charge of chasing off the whites will listen to reason. As Vox Day would put it, and is now documenting, Google is fully converged. Their staff meetings are a scene from the day room in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. They even have a big Indian!
All of this is entertaining, unless you are the one being attacked by the blue haired, tackle -faced rage loonies. You can be sure that the author of that Google memo will be broken on the wheel by the company Torquemada. Just as the DNC named that bike rack after the intern they had assassinated, the Google heretic will have his head on a pike outside the main entrance to Google. Everyday at lunch, employees will be forced to shriek his name in an orgy of hatred. Maybe they will name Room 101 after him.
While it is entertaining, these orgies of destruction are killing Western civilization. The culture of the West is not a single thing, but a series of waves from Greece to the present. As each wave crashed, the next wave built upon what was accomplished by the previous wave. The current waves breaking on the rocks of reality are leaving nothing but rubble, as Progressive culture furiously erases our past. To call it a suicide cult is to give it too much credit. It is cultural nihilism that will usher in a new dark age.
I had a brilliant, easily bored younger cousin who got an accounting degree, went to work for GM corporate, got a Harvard masters on GM’s dime, got bored with GM corporate, went to work as a prof at U. Nebraska, got bored with that, and then, 20 years after college, bought a truck and did long haul trucking for the next 40+ years until he died a couple of years ago. He loved being a trucker and couldn’t care less about things of the mind or getting rich.
I salute your younger cousin. He figured it out, the way Eric Hoffer did. It takes an uncommon mind to choose to be “common”.
In tech people believe they are “changing the world.” Pretty obviously, they are not changing it for the better. When you realized skilled heavy equipment operators make $50/hr and don’t deal with all of the SJW/gay/Hindu/HR nonsense, life as a commoner starts to look real attractive. The people aren’t as smart, but they have families. They might do drugs and have tattoos, but they know what sex they are.
*Some* people in tech – ARE changing the world. But they are the elite troops that Zman referred to. They are a small subset of the total population of people working in tech – and they punch way above their weight in the overall picture of things as far as how much singular people have a long lasting effect in the products and services you see coming out of the tech sector. I have worked in startup and small companies pretty much since I graduated from college 30 years ago. Well I did until 2007 – when the startup company… Read more »
A Renaissance followed the first Dark Age, as we all recall. The current Dark Age formally descended in the Sixties and we already can see dawn breaking. In fact, the actual resistance is our side simply awakening; Progressivism has degenerated into cannibalism and largely exists now to eat its own as often as others in freakish rituals only the mentally retarded and mentally insane tolerate let alone relish. You actually made a recent blog point on this very point. The Dissident Right is winning largely because the cucks and cultural Marxists are imploding. It took a long time to get… Read more »
Athens fell. Rome fell. The Black Death wiped out medieval Europe.
What came after from the ruins was smarter, stronger, faster.
Unless the collapse of Western Civ, SJW-ruled version, takes out EVERYONE, down to the last biker gang and Marine fireteam … we’ll be back.
Of course, it would be nicer if we didn’t have to fall all the way first. Which is what we’re trying with Trump.
Rule by the Modern Left, if left to fructify on its own, will look like the sacrificial temple scenes in Gibson’s ‘Apocalyto’, rather than the stolid gray people in the front row of Radford’s ‘1984’.
It would, and human sacrifice has been the hallmark of left-wing totalitarianism. The note of semi-optimism struck above is due to people awakening in a somewhat timely manner before mass casualties occur. The global utopianism that replaced Marxism may yet end in fire and blood, but it isn’t a given any longer. We weren’t able to say that as recently as three years ago.
You may be right Jack, but I cannot share your optimism. We don’t have much time, the demographics are changing rapidly. Trump just a bump in the road to decline or is real change coming?
Widespread awareness of anti-white racism, coupled with almost universal dismissal of the propaganda organs as reliable sources of information, are quite real and represent vital moves in the right direction. Time is indeed short, but real change is happening now. Will it be too late? No one can say with certainty but it wasn’t very long ago we all assumed it was. My optimism is tempered but the fatalism is long gone now.
Pessimism? Yes. Fatalism? No. Both major parties support population replacement immigration policies. Trump just came up with a new immigration plan. Will it become law? I don’t think so.
“……While it is entertaining, these orgies of destruction are killing Western civilization….” Is true, then who/what will take its place? IMHO it will be the Chinese. They don’t F around taking rubbish courses in college like women’s/black/hispanic/LGBT (hate) studies, sociology, psych, communications, leadership (what the F is leadership studies?), etc. They study engineering, medicine, business, finance, science, math, etc., you know, real stuff. And they are not into this crap about diversity, safe spaces, correcting injustices committed by their great-great grandparents, or racial/ethnic set-asides to help some “exploited” group from shooting up their neighborhood and beating up their school teachers.… Read more »
The main problem China has going forward is that no sane person actually wants to live there. The air will kill you and there are proles fucking everywhere. They have more millionaires than any country in the world, and every one of them has a plan to leave China for a foreign country that is actually a nice place to live.
Having personally participated in just such a corporate collapse as Z Man describes, I can personally vouch for his insights. In my case, when I met my new colleague whom my sociopathic supervisor was extolling, I knew that it was time to ‘stand up, hook up’ and jump out the door the next time an employee buy-out package green light came on. She was not only an minority and an esteemed former employee of the local NOW organization, but she was a lawyer to boot_! Talk about a new hire whose resume screamed out prepackaged trouble_! Her likely potential for… Read more »
This post discribes in microcosm the fundamental forces that drive the rise and fall of civilizations. It’s painful because it’s mine.
It was a good run, though. Imagine what it was like to be an Athenian in (say) the first century of our era, scraping out a living selling tourist baubles to rich Roman tourists, sucking the last juice from their glorious tradition. It must have been humiliating. So it will go with us; fifty years from now we’ll be wearing cowboy hats or Indian headresses and having fake gun battles to please the Chinese plutocrats come to see the “authentic America”. We’re not there just yet. We may not be able to create anything of value, but we can still… Read more »
I recall reading that such was the fate of the Spartans as well: An outdoor zoo/tourist site for rich Romans. Sic transit gloria.
It’s not at all clear that our ICBMs work. I don’t think we still know how to do nuclear testing. The men who knew how to do it died. Just as we’ve retreated from space, I think we’re retreating from the atomic age.
Rick Perry is currently in charge of making sure our ICBMs work, over at Energy. It’s kind of funny how the media ignores him in the same way they ignore waiters and maids. I doubt we will hear much fanfare about what he is doing, but there are hints in his focus on technology updates, technology security including cyber security (he forced the VA to turn over their hacked computer system and use Energy’s system – which Energy will maintain. A tiny public-facing event that hints of vast moves in the background), & in the militant language that he and… Read more »
Yes!! In my work (for the Govt) I spend my days talking to veterans 85 to 100 years old — capturing their stories, military and non. Recently, by chance, I interviewed two men who spent their post-military careers in the aerospace / nuclear fields. Neither had graduated college; one had not finished high school, the other went to an aeronautical design school in SoCal before the war. Both were deeply involved in some of our nation’s biggest projects, among which were design, building, installation and testing of our ICBM capability. They also worked across numerous aviation and space programs from… Read more »
The progressive suicide bombers create a lot of unappreciated drama and have taken out a few of ours with them, but have also moved a lot of left of center people further right. Hell hath no fury like a flipped liberal.
The take away for the dissident right is this: do everything possible to ensure that we are not supplanted once we have secured victory. (see also, Tea Party).
There always will be pretenders who race to fill a void. The cucks banked everything on a triumphant Left and will have a difficult time moving to poll position this time out.
Oh, no! Quigley strikes again. Z’s progression fits well within Quigley’s stages of civilization and is worth a read. For connoisseurs of Quigley his explanation of the rise of the Nazis is extremely clear, better than almost anyone else’s in that business, save Paul Johnson’s Modern Times.
The German story is in his major work, Tragedy and Hope.
post a summary
** the blue haired, tackle -faced rage loonies **
Awesome !
Someday they’ll be making movies about them, as they do with Nazis or the Klan today- boo, hiss!
Practically a summary of this book: https://www.libertyfund.org/books/the-evolution-of-civilizations
….. That means creative thinking and risk taking are not only out of place, they are considered dangerous…..
Been there, got the pay stub, but no T-shirt. The company started with a good idea, We minions refined it, They fired us, and sold the business, and then it took four subsequent owners to KILL it.
“Fields is of partial Honduran descent and is the daughter of television and film writer Greg Fields. She studied political science at Pepperdine University, graduating in 2011. She served as the president of the Pepperdine chapter of Students For Liberty, a libertarian student organization.” – Wikipedia
Jesus and Mary, what a train wreck.
Moses, the 1st inquisitor killed 23 thousand one day (Exodus 32) Moses, the 1st Inquisitor, Killed 24 thousand one day (Numbers 25) including all of the women and children Forty Seven Thousand killed by The First Inquisitor, Moses, in two days. Non-Catholic historian Edward Peters:, in his work, Inquisition (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989, p. 87), The Spanish Inquisition, in spite of wildly inflated estimates of the numbers of its victims, acted with considerable restraint in inflicting the death penalty, far more restraint than was demonstrated in secular tribunals elsewhere in Europe that dealtwith the same kinds of offenses.… Read more »
Is there any take-away advice in this for growing and nurturing the dissident right?
When I was a young man, I was taught to think about political movements or new ideologies in terms of the military. The guys who start the movement, or pioneer a new ideology, are analogous to the elite units sent in to establish a beachhead or breech the perimeter. These guys are goal oriented and never bogged down with a lot of rules. In fact, they tend to hate the rules as they see rules as artificial obstacles to their task. In their pursuit of power, the pioneers often start out trying to subvert the rules.
– Bill Clinton.
Whoops, a misattribution there. I meant V.I. Ulyanov. Clinton just borrowed the idea.
In regards to the fox news scandal: The far right broadcasters and executives just cannot seem to escape being some of the sleeziest, sexual harrassment men on the planet. I wonder if the Evangelical, Christian, CONservatives will be as outraged by the actions of Eric Bolling as they claimed to be about those of Anthony Weiner? Maybe we can start making “balling’ jokes in honor of this man’s name like the RIGHT did with Weiner’s. In regards to google screed: fascists love to use the term “ideological diversity”. Sorry snowflake, being a misogynist doesn’t make you special. Just sad. We… Read more »
Leonard Pitts is gay.
Len Len is also a power bottom and the undisputed master of ol’ Trent. Has he ever made a post which did not feature Lil’ Lennie?
So was Oscar Wilde. Thus Leonard Pitts =? Oscar Wilde? Enlighten me.
Leonard Pitts is Trent Denton spelled backwards.
Really? I heard he was a fag.
What is the white male privilege you refer to? Please define it for me?
One appreciates your sincerity, Mr. Denton. Your problem is your argument — you don’t have one. You paint in very broad stokes and reveal an impoverished and sterile mind. In fairness, you may be 12 and are just getting started on the long voyage of sorting out your ideas. We’ve all had to make this journey. We older people have the advantage of getting through this “middle passage” before exposing our feeble understanding on the internet. Our bleak attempts to say something useful or interesting at 12 or 15 are lost in the mists of pre-internet society. Just for your… Read more »
Pssst, ignore him or it.
No, no… monkey-pile!!
He’s probably Hasbra or a paid troll. Used to come bother people at Vox Day’s blog under the name Tiny Duck among others.
The only way you’ll be rid of him is to ban him.
I’d say the mediocre white men (e.g. Pajama Boy) are all on the Left. As the legendary cultural anthropologist Margaret Meade once observed: “Women want mediocre men, and men are working hard to become as mediocre as possible”. Or, to put it in more contemporary terms, “as feminine as possible”.
I often wonder if the seemingly incongruous and illogical attraction that Lefties and especially Feminist Lefties have for medieval-minded Islamic terrorists is not simply a Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name, a Freudian libido for real, masculine men, masquerading as ethnic/racial cosmopolitanism…
As long ago as 1983, Walker Percy reported in his ‘Lost in the Cosmos’ that surveys showed that the most common fantasy among American women was to fornicate with two strange men at once.
My own guess: Having de-balled the native male stock, American women look now, with langorous eyes, at the tawny and ruthless imports, and feel a heightened ‘je ne sais quoi’ as they shower and water their plants.
Even as early as the ’60’s, it was known inside the field of study that Margaret Mead was the early feminist version of Sigmond Freud: Concocting convoluted theories from invented data that explicated and attempted to normalize their respective sexual depravities.
was Mead a rug muncher?
Short answer, don’t know. There are suggestions in her bio, though. Her reported conduct (i.e. gossip) not observed by me was that she aspired to live like her mythical Polynesian Princesses that had many Polynesian stud lovers at their command at all times. These being in short supply in NY City in the ’30’s – ’60’s she had to make do with male grad students.
“Far right”. Haw haw haw.
The great majority of lefties with which I once engaged in normal conversation confidently self-identified as moderates. This shocked me at first, of course. A total lack of self-awareness lends to a general lack of awareness. But just as Tiny Duck would reject the truth that Hannity, Limbaugh, and Levin are moderates, so too would that truth not occur to those poor lost boys either. You could fit all the right wingers in the country into Rhode Island. Maybe that’s an idea.
What a fag. Probably a kike as well.