Racist Pumpkins

This week I had some trouble with my studio setup. By “studio” I mean my bedroom. The sound quality was all over the map for some reason. I did the best I could to clean it up using the software available to me. That means my beautiful voice will sound a bit less beautiful than normal. It was actually a bit distracting, which probably caused more trouble for me than the actual technical issues. Such is life in the podcast biz.

Anyway, this week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. The feedback thus far suggests the four 10-minute segments followed by some short segments is the sweet spot. This week I have a bonus track on Gab, where I address one of your comments on civic nationalism. If you are not on Gab, you should be. Despite their flaws, they are the good guys fighting to keep the lamps from going out in the West.

For this week, Spreaker has the full show. YouTube has the four longer segments from the show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android phone commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones.

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: The Blackety Black (Link)
  • 12:00: A Land of Cults (Link) (Link)
  • 22:00: Girls Science (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link)
  • 32:00: Never Bet On Black (Link) (Link)
  • 42:00: Ad Scams (Link)
  • 47:00: A Legendary Drunk (Link)
  • 52:00: The Resistance (Link)
  • 57:00: Closing (Link)

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6 years ago

I actually think “person with a uterus” it rather objective coming from a prog. Nowadays when a prog says “female” or “woman” it could just as well be a “person with a dick and long hair” for all we know.

dennis snyder
dennis snyder
Reply to  Cloudswrest
6 years ago

There are no chicks with dicks Johnny. Just guys with tits. – Ted

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
6 years ago

Let’s face it, white heterosexual men invented evil. Add that to our impressive list of achievements. I used to think of myself as a regular guy. No longer; I am a son of Charlemagne, of Caesar, of Ivan the Terrible, of the ancient Nordic mariners who sailed the seas when all the coastal towns of Europe had been ravaged and burned, and evil had to be taken abroad. Genghis Khan’s cavalry burned cities and massacred peoples across the whole of Eurasia, but that was just ‘his culture’. He did not invent evil. He was just being a Mongol; and you… Read more »

Reply to  Pimpkin\'s nephew
6 years ago

“Let’s face it, white heterosexual men invented evil.” That must be true. Because they are certainly not depicted in prestigious magazines.. Yesterday at the doctor’s office in this bluest of blue and whitest of white metropolitan areas, I looked at the local metro magazine — a vanity publication for cloud people. There were a few white males to be seen, but they were mostly pretty swishy, or in gag ads, or both. I would swear there is an elaborate, written style guide for the casting in these magazines. By the numbers. It’s OK to have a some white females, significantly… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

listened to the entire podcast and didn’t hear anything “off”; might just be me but it sounded fine.

you know what negroes are really unhappy about? being negroes. and that is god’s own truth. same for gays (mad at god for making them gay).

6 years ago

Tangentially related to pumpkins, Halloween seems to antagonize a sizable cohort of progs as much, or more so than Thanksgiving. Remember the Yale incident from a couple of years ago where some minority female student screamed at a prof? Here’s an old post from the (now defuct) SBPDL site regarding Halloween. https://whitelocust.wordpress.com/2009/10/29/more-from-stuff-black-people-dont-like-halloween-and-metallurgy/

Reply to  Cloudswrest
6 years ago

“Halloween is a holiday for communities and can only be celebrated in areas of the country that are safe for children to travel in packs. Trust has to exist from household to household, so that doors can be opened and treats dispensed to costume-adorned children, whom could harbor tricks if the offerings aren’t satisfactory.”

6 years ago

This paper also suggests how STEM education researchers can reveal and resist, rather than veil and support, the neoliberal racial project in STEM.

And that will be the end of Liberalism, now that the hard Left no longer needs them as its dupes and fellow travellers.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

zman, you mentioned that the progs go hard left whenever they lose; is the same thing happening now on the right? if so, that speaks to the question of what/who comes next. would imply that the alt-right et als are only transient steps and ultimately a really hard core group will emerge to take over the white nation.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

regarding africanization (going full negro) the example of all black movies should have been a warning to the nba and nfl. i have said it before, they will have to rewrite economic theory to account for this willful destruction of value, by owners. ESPN == Ebonics Speaking Peoples Nigwork.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
6 years ago

The election of Trump was a brick thrown through the left’s Overton Window. We are fully engaged in the revolt against identity politics and will no longer be a willing audience to progressive acting out, including progressive rhinos who are in the process of being ousted. The blackity, blackity, black swan event has arrived.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
6 years ago

“engaged in the revolt against identity politics” i may be mistaken, but Zman is positing that a white identity is being forged.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Most of us know who we are.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
6 years ago

non sequitur

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

White racial consciousness has always existed and will always act in its own interest.

Ginny Puccini
Ginny Puccini
Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
6 years ago


white girls increasingly prefer to have sex with Black Men

That is why there are so many mixed race kids with Black father and white mother

It’s why whites are decreasing and Blacks are exploding

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Ginny Puccini
6 years ago

Blacks are exploding? Is this on YouTube?

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
6 years ago

As I write, I shamelessly “appropriate culture” as I listen to Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald perform “Summertime”, a song which to my NE way of thinking, IS the song of the south. Let’s us hope a white supremacist version is coming out soon.

Kidding, sorry. We’re all serious here, theoreticians and shapers of the future and all.

Reply to  Pimpkin\'s nephew
6 years ago

“Theoreticians and shapers and all…”

Not me. I’m here for the delousing Zman referred to.

6 years ago

On advertising, it reminds me of Sam Walton’s observation that 50% of his adverts don’t work, he just doesn’t know what 50%.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
6 years ago

No pumpkin activism? Are you mad, man? What about the Pumpkin Papers? That pasty white Christian Whittaker Chambers bringing down a cultured State Dept. communist elitist like Alger Hiss – why, it’s thanks to that that Trump is president today! That’s where it all started, man, with a pumpkin!

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
6 years ago

As an Apple Nazi listening to you on my Hitler Phone, I can only make one suggestion, regarding what should be done with the entire staff of our universities’ humanities departments: just as my forebears, the actual Nazis once suggested, all of these people should be put to work using toothbrushes to clean cobblestones. It would be a more purposeful use of their time than crafting essays about racist pumpkins and lactating lesbians.

Seriously, though, the guy’s name should be pronounced “Darby-Sure.” Here: watch?v=dvqU_0JI0gE

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
6 years ago

No Racism Going On Here: Barry White Reincarnates As A Toyota

6 years ago

Here Zman, Maybe you could find a use for this in your next audio spot.

6 years ago

You should go bi, Z, weekly i mean, no homo! Or shorter, 2x30min?

I already like this better than Derbs power hour, which is just not the same without Mandy, Brandy & Candy, and matey still hasn’t gotten rid of that posh accent. That’s how i describe the Z cast to other people actually, it’s like Derb without the accent, like mashed potatoes without peas, as not everyone likes greens.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  guest
6 years ago

or, you could listen to the podcast in two 30 minute sessions using the pause button.

Greg Ged
Greg Ged
6 years ago

Damon Young and verysmartbrothas is awesome.

I read it everyday

You obviously don’t get the joke if you take it 100% seriously

A.T. Tapman
Reply to  Greg Ged
6 years ago

Oh, we get the joke.