Travelogue: Normieville

I’ve been traveling this week to the lands where the great white normie is most common, which means the Midwest and southwest. If you don’t travel much or your travel is limited to the coasts, it is easy to forget that America is a big country with a diverse culture. As I’m fond of saying, it is a mansion with many rooms. Even though we have a lot in common, there are a lot of differences between the regions. Put another way, we already had all the diversity we needed. There was no reason to import more of it.

Unlike the coasts, the Midwest and southwest is where you can still find lots of heritage America and lots of heritage Americans. In the upper Midwest, there is an early 1960’s vibe to things that you don’t get on the coast. I’m speaking culturally, not technologically or materially. They have all the same stuff everyone else has. The Southwest has the old Mex-American – Western culture, but layered over it is the Midwest culture that reflects the people who moved there by the millions the last few decades.

The result for me this week was like stepping back in time. That’s not to say these people are throwbacks. It’s just that the echoes of old America can still be heard when socializing and even doing business. They still trade business cards at conferences and enjoy wearing name tags. They will walk right up to you and start using your name, having read it off your name tag. There is a genuineness about the people of the Midwest you rarely see on the coasts these days. It’s all very wholesome and normal…

I did a little drinking with a guy from Minnesota, who spent a considerable amount of time telling me about the softball team he sponsors. His daughter used to play on the team, but he continued to sponsor the team after she moved on. He sounded like a character from the movie Fargo, so it added to the old world charm. I could not help but wonder why anyone thought thought this sort of community spirit needed to be replaced with the crude transactionalism of cosmopolitan globalism, but then I remembered who was behind it…

I was amused in the airport over the weekend by the people watching the Kavanaugh vote on the big television screens. The airport is a good reminder that very few people watch CNN and that most people ignore politics. The big screen had a few young single women watching the vote, one was in tears. A smaller screen had the Texas – Oklahoma football game on and it was surrounded by people cheering the game. It’s a nice reminder that to most people, these events are not all that important or emotional…

The funny thing that I learned is that the rank and file liberal male really does think Kavanaugh is a serial rapist. I ran into a group of guys from Northern California who described themselves as liberal Republicans. They really wanted me to know they were sick to their stomach about what was happening in Washington, especially with what Trump is doing to the Republicans party. They really seemed to be convinced that Kavanaugh spends his nights stalking and raping middle-aged white women

It’s an odd form of virtue signalling, because it has no audience. I asked one of them why he bothers being in a party that opposes everything he supports, when he could join the other party. California is a one party state now, for the most part. It’s an obvious question that they apparently did not consider, but they did not like me asking it. I suspect this type has been doing the concern troll act for so long it is as much a part of who they are as breathing and walking upright. They no longer realize it is a pose…

At dinner one night I was seated next to a young guy and he revealed that he had an interest in the human sciences. We talked a bit and he was floored to hear that I did not think environment has much to do with how you turn out. I was surprised at first, given that he is bright and has an interest in the subject, but then I remembered that he is of a generation that has been immersed in the blank slate theology. I did my best to red pill him on some things, but the presence of heresy vexed him greatly. I felt like Lucifer…

For a long time I resisted going to things like AmRen or Mencken because I imagined them to be academic conferences full of old racists. It was not the latter that worried me, but the former. I don’t like conferences. There’s something old fashioned and dated about how they are organized. I’ve been in the workplace for three decades now and the business conference has not changed much, in terms of organization. The same is true of the academic conference. It’s still 1950’s America with these things.

That said, there is no replacing in-person interaction. You inevitably learn things about people that makes it possible to see them in three dimensions. The internet and telephone don’t allow for that. One event I attended seemed to get that aspect and built the thing around the socializing, rather than building the social elements around the event. It was quite effective as it not only felt more modern, but allowed to people to customize the event to their tastes. The result was a much more relaxed and enjoyable experience.

What occurred to me though is the old style business or academic conference was built on the assumption that you had a social life outside of your professional life. Men had families. Women had kids. People gained their social happiness outside of their work life, so at a conference, it needed to be all business. Today, people work longer, travel more and have disorderly personal lives. Work events are often the times when they get to socialize and relax. Old world America would not recognize us now…

Phoenix Arizona is the least authentic place on earth, I think. In fact, most of the Southwest, including California, feels like the QVC of cultures. Everything is new and everything is clean, relative to the east coast. That said, there is something to say for everything being new and in good working g order. Streets without craters is something we don’t have here in Lagos. You can’t beat the weather, which is why so many Boomers moved there, but I like four seasons, so I will stay on the coast I think…

I talked to a guy about California. I mentioned that half the state does not speak English and he responded by claiming the economy depends on Mexican immigrants. I did not challenge him on it, as there would have been no point. I mention it as a reminder that lots of white people still believe the open borders mythology, because they still think the point of life is increasing the GDP. They will literally sacrifice themselves and their posterity to the the economy god. A lifetime of worship is hard to overcome…

I was drinking with some guys who were very nice and very Midwestern. I noticed that they went to great pains to correct me when I said “black” instead of “African-American”, which I found rather annoying. No black people use that ridiculous phrase, unless they are around whites. Eventually they stopped and after a few drinks one asked me why I used the term black. He asked in a hushed voice like he was asking me for drugs. I told him that black people prefer black so I use black. He was quite shocked to hear it.

I’ve run into this a lot and it is a good reminder that most white and especially liberal white people, have no clue about how black people live and think. Blacks have become objects of worship or objects of fear. Even in the South, this cultural distance is starting to creep in as they are whipped into conformity by the dominant culture. The people who talk the most about race relations, know the least about it and they have the least humanity toward black people. In the future, old racists will be the last friend of the black man…

131 thoughts on “Travelogue: Normieville

  1. It’s simple. African American is not a race. Blacks (or negroes as apparently is back in vogue) share the same race as their cousins in Africa. Those certainly don’t consider themselves to be African Americans.
    And has anyone ever seen a birth certificate where the race of the father is written “African” besides the one Obama provided?

  2. “I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.”

  3. In my experience the people who talk first or most about race are usually the racists regardless of the politically correct language they may use.

    by Wallace Stevens
    (honestly, you guys REALLY need to read more poetry)

    Children, picking up our bones
    Will never know that these were once
    As quick as foxes on the hill.

    (read the whole damn thing, it won’t kill ya)

    ….we knew for long the mansion’s look,
    And part of what we said of it became
    A part of what it is.

    …children, weaving budding aureoles,
    Will speak our speech and never know,
    Will say of the mansion that he who lived there

    Was a spirit storming in blank walls,
    A tatter of shadows peaked to white,
    Smeared with the gold of the opulent sun.

    Eh, I can’t help you with these things. You can lead a horse to Frank O’Hara, but ye can’t make ’em think.

  5. “People gained their social happiness outside of their work life, so at a conference, it needed to be all business. Today, people work longer, travel more and have disorderly personal lives. Work events are often the times when they get to socialize and relax. Old world America would not recognize us now…”

    This is a remarkably important point. People without families have nothing else to do.

    I agree completely with your laat paragraph, perhaps more strongly. American liberals, especially older ones, absolutley loathe and despise American blacks, viewing them as less-than-human things to be placated and controlled, and slaughtered via abortion.

    • Love-to-hate is the razor’s edge, right? I’ve sensed for a while that just below the surface of the Liberal worship of blacks is a seething anger waiting to erupt. We actually saw a little of it today, with the outrageous lib condescension shown to Kanye West’s visit with Trump. All their usually pent-up frustration comes pouring out the second they have an “approved” target, a little ideological cover to “justify” their venting. Justice Thomas and Secretary Rice would get similar treatment.

      You can understand the frustration white libs feel. They’ve elevated blacks to the apex of moral standing, in the belief that the “plight” of blacks would expose and overthrow the established order and usher in the absolute ascendency of … white libs. More, they’ve given blacks every practical opportunity to effect the revolution, and every excuse for their past failures. But even after 8 years of Obama (!), white libs are still far from the total power they crave. Even given free reign to torch a city, blacks are more excited about looting TVs and SlimJims than about becoming an avenging army of righteousness.

      Deep down, those white lib grinds only have contempt for black lack of discipline, low achievement, unwillingness to follow orders. If blacks ever stop voting in near unanimity for Leftist candidates, you’ll see today’s ever-so-solicitous white libs happily unleash their inner Bull Connor.

      • A perfect summary, ChrisZ, near poetry: “the “plight” of -X- would expose and overthrow the established order and usher in the absolute ascendency of … white libs.”

  6. As for saying “hi” when passing someone on the sidewalk etc, I almost always say it first. Probably because of my Midwest background. But mostly because my dad always insisted his sons face the world with personality. If he caught me not greeting someone properly he’d be all over my ass. To this day if we talk too softly he’ll yell at us.

    When we moved to LA he was taken aback that people at the office didn’t raise their voice when angry. And he no longer heard any cursing, so he had to stop himself. A big change from his rough & tumble East Toledo office days.

    SoCal whites will rarely say hi first. But sometimes they do. As for minorities, they will always wait for white guy to say hi first. Because they are taught, assume, or know, that many whites hate or look down on them. Second, they could not take the loss of face if uppity whitey ignored their hello.

    It does suck when someone doesn’t return a hello. But you gotta be man enough to take the chance! It’s the insecure person who timidly waits for the first hello. Say Hi First Crew reporting for duty!

    If you walk past a group of Latinos hanging out, they’ll feign indifference. Maybe a bit of eye contact then look away. If you then say hi, they’ll give a faint hello back. If you walk past a group of blacks, they’ll eye you, almost daring you to fulfill their expectation that you’re an asshole white. When you then acknowledge them, they are especially nice back. Kind of congratulating you for 1. somehow not being one of the white devils. 2. having the balls to engage a group of them.

    • Smart stuff, Frip.
      An alternative to “hi” is, to nod your head, lift your hand with a wave, or maybe with an “OK” (unless you’ve reason to fear that it’ll be interpreted as a pushy alt-Right signal).
      Sometimes I accompany such gestures with a Clint Eastwood-style “yeah”, trying to imply a balance of openness-but-skepticism.

      Much depends, on whether your voice is deep, or “whiny”.
      If the latter, you’d best try working on your Gestures Game.

      • Jaqship. Agree with the head lift and slight wave. I kept typing “hi” for the sake of brevity. I’ve never seen someone give the OK sign or say “yeah”, as you suggest. I still think you’re from Amsterdam.

        • Well, Frip, I’ve never gotten any reason to fear that a “yeah” ever cost me, tho I’ll grant that it’s not a very common approach.
          And, the “from Amsterdam” stuff is really a trip.
          If this presumes, that my ways ought to have gotten me a feast of knuckle sandwiches here in the States, well, my face has stayed untouched.
          Rest assured, while I’ve not *quite* set the world utterly “on fire”, I’ve managed *far* better than I was expecting, say, 40 years ago, all the more so compared to so very many others, of similar class etc. background. .

          All too many Americans, oh so often, pay oh so very dearly, for their propensity to be oh so sure, that they know oh so much, about important things (e.g. their ability to keep bulldozing others, or to be able to tell who others “really” are).
          Thereby, they often end up in excruciating hornet’s nests, but so often double down, e.g. whining when others don’t bail them out.
          Had they rushed less to judgement vs. others, the bridges they didn’t burn may’ve resulted in these others’ (or their pals) willingness to lift a finger for them.
          Usually, esp. in the long run, you get more, and piss away less, with honey than with vinegar.
          Speak rather softly, while toting a big stick.

          Nowadays, it’s ever clearer, that these Bulldozers/ hucksters are on the verge of ripping the whole place to pieces, esp. with the MSM beating the Grievance drum, e.g. about the poor sweetie Blasey-Ford.
          (Funny, how no family spoke up for her, e.g. sitting by her on TV.)
          As Prof. Allan Bloom wrote 4 decades ago, “it’s a gripping drama, if you can bear to watch.”

          “Well educated” Lefties are a special “delight” to watch, as they ruin everything (incl. for themselves) bigger than one-car funeral processions.
          Too clever by half.

          From my experience, Brits and Russians are rather better in these regards, than are Yanks.
          I may’ve said the same about the Germans, before they let Merkel import the Rapefugees.
          That was one for the Ages.

  7. Z; sorry to read your comment about Phoenix, but not surprised nor upset. Born and raised there. I do love the desert! After decades in CA and GA, I thought it would be a good place to return for retirement. But soon decided it was not exactly ‘senior friendly’! When I first moved away, there were less than a million. Now there are 4.5 million in the metro area. Too much LA-like traffic. It’s too hot. And there are now too many carnicerías, panaderías, etc. The mountains of Central AZ are far better! BTW, love your site. Love your writing!

  8. My house was robbed when I was in medical school in a mid-size, mostly-black, town in Georgia. Even some of the furniture was taken – they had clearly spent some time in the heist. Both the detective the patrolman who responded were black.
    They asked did I have any idea who did it. I said, “I think they were black.”
    The detective said, “What makes you say that?”
    “They took my bourbon but not my Scotch, and there are Moon Pie wrappers on the floor.”
    They both nodded and he said, “You are probably right.”

    • Augusta, GA. Very familiar with the town. Cross the river into South Carolina and you find out where all the white people moved. The place is hanging on though. All that empty land on the river is now very nice houses.

  9. I like the way we can say “people of color” but not “colored people”.

    We had a meeting with state DNR and our representatives, over our dock. In support of us keeping the dock were a group of immigrants from Monrovia. They were the ones making money off DNR’s program to eradicate the Northern Pike minnow. (used to be called squawfish). DNR looked at them like they were aborigines. They’d never seen the people actually doing the work.

  10. Z,

    with you talking about Phoenix – this is getting to something I’ve noticed. You seem to have two divergent paths in the economy of cities and neither are good. You have the sort of low-wage sprawl economy in somewhere like Phoenix. Then you have other cities which create a sort of “bughive” economy like Seattle, the bay area, the imperial capital etc.

    Neither seems really good and its best to have a balance between the two. I’m not sure which city has the best balance in that aspect. Maybe Salt Lake City? Also, SLC is less mormon than the rest of utah as a plus.

    • Krusty; Good point about that negative urban dichotomy – sprawl or ‘bughive’. I’ve noticed a lot of good press of late about the capital of the ‘beehive’ state. But is it attracting too many California exiles, just like Phoenix? I know, I know — everybody’s gotta flee somewhere! And there are so many good folks doing the fleeing. If you want a bigger city, I think SLC is probably a good destination, for now.

  11. The term “African-American” exists only because of white liberals. Most American blacks couldn’t locate Africa on a map. And if they ever visited there, they would likely feel like Muhammad Ali, who said upon leaving that he was glad his ancestors got on that boat.

    My favorite “African-American” moment was during the olympics when the liberal announcer could not figure out what to call a non-American black, who was the first black to win a medal in a certain sport. So he said the person was the first “African-American from any country” to medal in that sport.

  12. “I ran into a group of guys from Northern California who described themselves as liberal Republicans. They really wanted me to know they were sick to their stomach…”

    My experience with California Republicans is that they are indistinguishable from liberal Democrats, especially on cultural issues like gay marriage and trans promotion. They are not Democrats because they believe that that they can deliver all this cultural degeneracy WITH LOWER TAXES!

    • Go inland. The only thing they have in common with the coastals is the state name on the license plates.

          • Nope, not Texas. Too few beaches, no real view on the coast. And hurricanes. Almost the entire coastline north of Corpus Christi is swamp and full of ravenous mosquitoes or is sand-free. There’s no LA or San Diego near Mexico to import tens of millions of corrupt Whites. Instead Corpus is party city with a lower-Rio Grande vibe. Closest coastal Texas comes to coastal California is Houston, which isn’t on the coast but likes to think it is.

  13. Please keep in mind that virtually 100% of the assholes in Cali (ok, maybe 100% – 1 to my “fans”) are from back East. As a fifth generation Californian, I cannot tell you how ineffably sad I am over the changes they have caused in the state. I am like that fake Italian Indian, in the pollution commercial from the 70’s 🙂 except for me the tears are real. The only part of the state that hasn’t been fukked over is the coastline; it is all as it was thanks to a law from the early 1970’s that makes it impossible to develop land on the coast. FYI it is not legal to own any part of the coast, although the fukkheads in Malibu like to pretend that they do.

    • So, what of the hordes of California’s Afro-Americans, Aztlanistas, Bloods, Chicanos, Costa Ricans, Crips, Guatemalans, Hondurans, Mexicans, MS-13 gang bangers, Negroes, Niggers, Spics, and Squatemalans?

      How about Dianne Frankenstein?

      How about Jerry Brown?

      How about Gil Garcetti?

      How about Eric Garcetti?

      Are any of them from back East?

      Sure, Babs Boxer had Brooklyn roots, and George Cuckmejian had New York beginnings, and same for Gray Skies Davis.

      But, let’s be real: California is a cesspool.

      • Who do you think elected those jamokes, and let all the illegals in? Keep in mind I have been here (in Cali) — and socially/culturally/politically aware — since the early 60’s. I’m just reporting what I have observed.

  14. In the real world, the word “black” is used as the group descriptor because it’s an effective application of language. This is an example of the optimization of evolution. In the memetic realm of created biases and beliefs, the term “African American” is a slogan used to induce an artificial mental state that differs from reality. It’s purpose is indoctrination, but it’s use has the debilitating side effect of undermining the accurate perception of reality. This defeats robustness selection and enhances hive-mindedness, behavioral conformity, and parasitic dronism. Abuse and destruction of language is non trivial.

  15. There is an hollowness in the pose of beneficent superiority that is universally despised. I spent a fair time in Dixie back in the day before blacks had uncivil rights, and knew old timey racists (race realists) who stirred no animosity around blacks, of which they had much contact and regular relations. It’s the hip Yankee that is the odd duck, unnatural and upsetting. He never learns anything because he never walks the talk. Back in Yankeedom when Jews spearheaded every cause of blacks except screwing their daughters, blacks despised Jews all the more for it.

  16. Being in the military is a great eye-opener to the intimate details of different races, especially in tight living areas like on Navy ships. Being in the room with a bunch of black guys playing dominoes (bones), going to their homes, etc. The obsession with food that Filipinos have…

    I’ll never forget going to a house party hosted by one of the black guys in my division. This was in the blackest part of Long Beach, CA and me and my buddy were the only white people there. Everyone treated us well and we had a blast, but it was a profound cultural experience that few white, liberal college students get with their one or two “black friends”.

    • Atlantic Ave. area of Long Beach, basically South Compton. They invited you to their neighborhood/cultural “home”, and treated you like honored guests, as it should be. Old school cultural norms work best, not all the college “meeting places”, “safe spaces”, and “hosted/monitored racial interaction” events.

    • Yeah, Outdoors, being in the military is a great eye-opener to the intimate details of different races, incl. in rather tight living areas like old-style barracks.

      The best of the Blacks can so utterly colorful, e.g. in poking fun at their own. *Esp.* if they’re not nearly a majority.

      In a 3rd Platoon, a Black can invent a chant:
      “Ooo, ungawah, 3rd has got the powah! I say, Ooo, ungawah, 3rd has got the powah! ….”
      But, once they get to near a majority, it can get not so pretty….

  17. I lived in Arkansas for a few years. Then moved to SoCal. My gf from Arkansas would visit me in SoCal. She told me I was rude in my interactions with waitresses, fast food window cashiers, clerks. I had to explain to her that when employees say “welcommmmmm” or “hello how are you?” or “bye, thanks for coming”, the person doesn’t mean it, and expects you to know she doesn’t mean it. It doesn’t even require a response.

    My Southern sweetie could not accept this. And I know she wasn’t just trying to put my Yankee ass down. When I lived in Little Rock, people really did mean their niceties, and you had to respond in a more or less real way. The lines moved slower because of this, but the bonding aspect was worth it.

    My mom is from the deep south. I spent time there as a kid every year. The thing that I noticed the most and am most jealous of, is how easy and “trusting” they are of each other. More so than even the Midwest where I’m from. They have a shared background. And a bit of kicked-dog bond from losing the war and being poorer.

    I saw things changing for the worse this way in big cities like Little Rock. But that’s how big cities are. Too bad.

    Non-southerners love saying the Southern warmth is fake. Usually followed by something about racism. I heard Michael Malice saying this in a Jim Goad interview. I heard old Michael put her down. They haven’t a fucking clue.

    • “Non-southerners love saying the Southern warmth is fake.”
      How the hell would they *know*, unless, say, they got to stay with families there, where they’d get the real score (e.g. at the dinner table)?

      On being rude to smoothy waitresses etc., I’ll bet that your GF would’ve been OK, had you just been *coldly* polite, or had you played dumb in a sort-of formal way.
      Generally, you get more, or lose less, with more honey, and less vinegar.

      • Jaq, I wasn’t rude. But through my GF’s Southern perception, I was rude. As for how would Northerners know Southerners are fake? They don’t. They don’t know shit. They visit for a week and think they’ve figured Southerner out. They visit the South with their preconceived hatred for “racists”. They experience Southern warmth as a disguise hiding something sinister underneath. They don’t want to give any non-progressive credit for anything. It’s the SJW mentality. Granted, not all Northerners are like this. Most normal people accept Southern sweetness at face value. Jaqship, are you from Amsterdam or something?

        • Frip, I should’ve put “rude” in quotes, since you were quite clear that you were talking abut your GF’s view of it.
          I was only trying to give friendly advice.
          Maybe I was too succinct, evidently at the expense of clarity.

          No, I’m not a Dutchman. I’m a Midwesterner, with family experience in Southern and rural climes (esp. downstate IL, which is only technically part of the North; e.g. at a farm house with only a [separate] Outhouse, “rain, shine, or blizzard”).
          So, I’ve had good opportunity to get The Score at these family dinner tables, and I’ve nothing but respect for the South, as much as I have for all parts of Heritage America.

          And, so, I know damn well that “They visit for a week and think they’ve figured Southerner out”, despite them *not* getting The Score at these tables.
          To these Snowflakes, having to trek to an outhouse, day after day, e.g. in a blizzard, would *really* be Roughing It.
          As a general rule, the more “educated” Americans are, the more pseudo-educated they really are.

        • “They experience Southern warmth as a disguise hiding something sinister underneath.”
          Possibly because their bitter experience tells them, that so many in the North *really* do use such disguises, to such damaging effect.
          Esp. the disguises of “educated” women.

      • It’s funny, Jaq: I’ve been very solicitous towards people my whole adult life. I’ll give a smile, friendly acknowledgement, treat people as peers and without condescension. Lately I’ve been having second thoughts about that whole approach. With the majority of people (I live in the Northeast) it barely even registers. And I’ve only infrequently been repaid in kind.

        I’m actually trying to tone down my friendliness. It’s not in me to be any kind of jerk; but I am trying to consciously give only a measured response in social situations, no more than required by politeness, and cut down on the smiling.

        • *Very* thoughtful, Chris.
          Smiling is fine, when the mood takes you there, but I very rarely do it, unless I’m with very trusted people.
          Usually, trying to consciously give only a measured response is the wise course, in a country increasingly crawling (at least in cities) with “educated” hucksters and neurotics.

          You don’t need to smile, when trying to treat people as peers without condescension.
          For me, the way to establish an appropriate tone, is to use various gestures (e.g. with my hands, e.g. Thumbs Up, or “OK”) to imply great affirmation or attentiveness, when *deserved*.

          When I thereby tone down my friendliness, I imply that I’ll quite consider *doing business* with you, if you give me decent hope that you can do fair business with me.
          My message is “I’ll move heaven and earth to be fair with you, but I’ll not be rolled!”

          (One of the vivid contributions of Blacks, to US pop culture, was the song “Smilin Faces”, by the Motown band “The Undisputed Truth”.)

          BTW, women are more expected to smile, men less so.
          Let women be women, but men be men.

  18. It’s fun when you get the pod people out of their element. We’re in conservative Colorado – i.e. pretty much everywhere not named Denver and not connected to the ski-town/pot industry.

    I took my daughter to a short seminar given by several coastal ivy / ivy wannabe colleges. She’s interested in Stanford, not the others, but we went anyway. The highlight of the evening was when the Georgetown University recruiter got up to speak. A college inside the walls, looking inward. She spent almost 5 minutes talking about the Catholic heritage of the college, before stating that it is critically important to G’town that non-Catholics go to the school. A worse defender of the faith you could not find, but they gave up that charade long, long, ago.
    Anyway, she went on and on about all the great speakers they get at G’town due to their proximity to the capitol. The next slide was a photo of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and a couple of black speakers in “native” garb who I did not recognize. They were all laughing on a stage, presumably one of the G’town lecture halls.

    You could hear an audible *groan* in the room as people shifted in their seats, rolled their eyes, etc. Completely awkward and uncomfortable. It was hilarious particularly because the reaction of the G’town recruiter was priceless. She laughed nervously, said “um” and “er” a few times, and realized she’s about as far from home as she will ever get. She, and the other speakers, use words like diversity and social justice not realizing that for about 90% of the audience those are reasons NOT to like the school. Their values are orthogonal to ours.*

    As I’m sitting there talking with my daughter, I just reminded her that as long as she stays away from the social sciences and sticks to math, engineering, real medicine, etc. that most likely she won’t have to put up with all that other crap. She’ll hear it, and it’ll be around her, but busy people generally don’t have time to worry about that stuff. Most of our present troubles are caused by people with way too much time on their hands.

    *A great many universities we have talked to or visited are openly stating these days that they are not there to indoctrinate, to compel student political beliefs, to not allow professors to overtly influence students politically, etc. The fallout from schools like the University of Missouri is definitely on the minds of college administrators as college enrollments continue to decline nationwide. Not all of them, of course. Lilly-white Santa Clara Univ. in CA, on our campus visit there, had a gigantic “Black Lives Matter” banner spread across the main entrance of their freshman dormitory. But that sort of virtue signaling made it easy for us to laugh and say, “Well, nope!” haha. But I think it’s interesting that the colleges are very aware that parents are shopping for schools specifically on the grounds that if the school is just some Prog Indoctrination Camp Nightmare, they’ll not only refuse to apply there, the parents will pull their kids out.

      • They have a world class medical school and scientific research facilities. The culture garbage is on virtually every campus, but if you stay in the true sciences, engineering, math, and so forth, you tend to avoid a lot of the garbage.

    • You can watch the proggie ivy wannabies trying to calibrate their conversations and interactions with the alumni and prospective parents. Their dilemma is how to not freak out the alums/prospectives, while at the same time not triggering the on-campus harpies in the other direction. At the same time trying to hide the on-campus BLM and wymyn stuff that is actually going on. A complete “walking on eggshells” exercise that produces the most boring pablum possible.

      Their discussion of the Midwest culture, and the alumni who venture there, has evolved from descending into a pit of horribleness, to an expedition into discovering the primitive unknown, to some sort of “separate but kind-of equal” thing full of quaint customs and cultural quirks, which is where the conversation currently stands. Self-awareness does not appear to be a collegian’s strong suit.

      • When I was in the AF, I was escorting a US Senator and his aide around the base during a big ceremony we had going on. I left the Senator with one of the Colonels, and went to find the aide. He was in my boss’ office on the phone talking loudly. I waited outside politely, but couldn’t help hear him as he mocked my boss for his silly rube name, trashed the base for being in corn country, trashed the people he had met as largely uneducated morons, etc. I have no idea who he was on the phone with, but clearly somebody in the Senator’s office because he talked about when he would be back in the office.

        I never said anything to him, and acted like I had just walked up. He spent the afternoon chatting up, smiling, and schmoozing the same people he had just trashed, and what a great place to be stationed, etc.

        That was 20 years ago, and my red pill journey started that day.

      • I’m skeptical that the alums, especially the important (wealthy) ones, are fundamentally opposed to what their US universities have turned into. They’ve literally become initiatic mystery-schools of the new left-religion, to draw on Zman, yet they still fund/support them? I’m thinking the central, driving alums are part of, or aspire to, the same elite class, united across all institutions, that have steered us to where we are today.

    • Just a tip: don’t assume the STEM classes are safe. Progs recognize that they’re the “last frontier” are pushing hard to corrupt them too.

      • Yeah, it’s all virtue signaling. There’s a hilarious video making the rounds where some idiot college girl is calling the white men rapists and racists and whatnot. One of the guys points out that she was the only person to bring up race, and that she’s every bit the pampered suburban whitey that she hates them for being. Wish I could find it…

  19. Z wrote: “they still think the point of life is increasing the GDP. They will literally sacrifice themselves and their posterity to the the economy god. ”

    Oh that has been the GOP mantra for the masses for last 40 odd years. The economy god is all Limbaugh and all the other GOP talking heads spewed it all the time. It’s how they sold their listeners on NAFTA, “free-trade”, etc. “it’s good for he economy”.

    It was actually amazing feat of manipulation, they convinced millions of white Americans to vote against their social and economic interests. While the elites hollowed out the country and flooded us with tens of millions of foreigners.

    Of course it rendered the GOP a dying party and it was well on it’s way to oblivion when Trump showed up. Still the party leaders are very intent on returning to the ways of ‘lets rape America to make ourselves great!’ model.

    • Most whites are atomized individuals who put their own personal economic advancement above all else and assume that non-whites do as well.

      My normie conservative brother keeps announcing, out of the blue, that black and Hispanic unemployment is at an all-time low. He believes that if all people see their salaries increase, then other issues, like racial domination, will recede.

      White normie conservatives can’t conceive that non-whites have a group motivation that supersedes their individual paychecks.

      • “Whites are atomized individuals who put their own personal economic advancement above all else “

        😜 try a treble hook next time…..

  20. Zman, the reason we don’t have as many potholes here in the SW is that the temperature sway from season to season is not as dramatic as say, Kinshasa on the Detroit River or Lagos on the Chesapeake. OTOH the roads do literally bend in the heat and they get quite wobbly in places.

  21. I moved to Rochester NY for 5 years for work. The people up there are so nice that when I got there I was very suspicious of them. Coming from Balt / Washington, you naturally feel like they want something from you, buy, after a few years, you realize that they are just really nice people. Unlike the eastern side of NY, western NY is very conservative and the talk radio stations are almost universally liberal. It is sort of the reverse of this area. Half of my work team is based out of central Iowa and I went to the state fair and a baseball game with them. What a great experience. Total family orientation, almost completely white, no issues, just family fun. Everyone there is so involved in their community, coaching, involved in local government, fire dept, announcing the games at the local high school. It is like things used to be in Anne Arundel county 50 years ago.

  22. “The people who talk the most about race relations, know the least about it and they have the least humanity toward black people. In the future, old racists will be the last friend of the black man…”

    Yeah, Zman, the way that the MSM carries on about these matters, you’d think that, in the pre- Civil Rights laws era, life for Southern blacks was just a tiny rung or two better than Treblinka.
    Insofar as Jim Crow had occasional unfair aspects (incl. lynchings), how much worse, or more common, were they, than is the current atmosphere toward white males in, say, college campuses or *divorce* courts?

  23. Are you guys going to be on suicide watch when the BLUE TSUNAMI DESTORYS the right wing in November

    • most certainly not, we leave the hysterics and over reaction to you and your friends, we have lives, family and jobs to be getting on with but do dream on.

    • Fortunately my Christian faith teaches that if you’re on the right path, the world will reject you. This makes for pleasant surprises when things actually go my way.

      • Very good! Reminds of something George Will said, before Trump caused him to lose his mind. He said he was a pessimist because 90% of the time you’re right, and the other 10% you are delighted to be wrong.

    • No. I can’t speak for others, but I believe the Republic will dissolve. It is just a question of how violent the dissolution.

      So a “Blue Tsunami” does not really change the equation that much.

    • we have no delusions here. they run everything now . trump is slowing them down a little , thats all . It’s worthwhile , but The leviathan rolls on .

  24. This post made me think of a book I read 15, maybe 20 years ago. I can’t remember the name of the author, but he was a reporter who worked in Washington DC, and decided at age 52, to bicycle across the USA from Virginia to Los Angeles.

    Travelling by bicycle, he really got to know the people and the land. The book was filled with observations and one was his comparison of the middle of the country, flyover land, to the Northeast Megalopolis. He thought the way people interacted, the food, customs, manners, beliefs etc. were from a different planet compared to his home in DC.

    These were stark differences back in the late 90s-early 00s. I think if the guy repeated his trip he’d find a country even more divided today.

  25. “he responded by claiming the economy depends on Mexican immigrants.”

    This guy had to have been a Boomer. My experience with Boomers is that they are completely unable to wrap their minds around the concept of “foreigner.” Any mention of tens of millions of Mexicans living here is met with, “So what?” They. Don’t. Care.

    Boomers have pathological xenophilia.

    The Normies and the Boomers won’t “wake up” until they are personally affected by all this madness. The Founders didn’t give us Universal Suffrage for a reason. They understood normies.

    • They won’t wake up to it at all. The ability of the human brain to manufacture false excuses or justifications for what is right in front of them is huge. They will go to their graves thinking that everything would have been perfect if Reagan and Trump hadn’t stirred the pot, and that the Clintons and Obamas had been permitted to run rampant. It is how they think.

    • It’s also a corporate thing. They just want to sell Fruit Loops and sneakers and cell phones. They don’t care if it’s to middle class white folks or Mexicans on welfare – as long as sales keep going up.

      • A few years ago, after a conference I attended, I was unwinding at the San Diego hotel bar and got into conversation with the bartender, who was one of the managers. I casually (and naively, I guess) used the term “Mexican invasion.”

        The manager froze up. “Mexican invasion? What are you talking about? I hire Hispanics because they show up on time and work hard.” He managed to add, without explicitly saying so, that his workers not only satisfied “diversity” criteria but made it unnecessary to employ unsatisfactory blacks.

        I thought about mentioning cultural and linguistic issues, but realized it was not worth the trouble.

    • That guy is a fukkin retard. The illegals are a huge drain on the public coffers, they overwhelm social services, they destroy the infrastructure, and last but not least they commit astronomical levels of crime. Noticed that one of the local fast food joints has replaced the Mexicans with Asians.

      Where’s that guy who had a bag on his head (for an icon); I liked his stories.

  26. Last night I on Sailer I read his post about cat ladies resorting to “magic” in the wake of the Supreme Court confirmation, and my thought was: “Maybe this is what winning will be: gaslighting the enemy into abject irrationality and ineffectuality.”

    But then reading some of Z’s account here, I think: “Maybe the cause is already lost: too many don’t even realize there’s a war on; have been brainwashed into a kind of magical thinking of their own.”

    I guess one of the key insights of the Right is that things are always getting better AND worse at the same time, so both optimism and pessimism always need to be severely qualified. But honestly, I mostly find it hard to see how our society will emerge from the abyss we’re in.

    • Chris, people *will* increasingly realize that there’s a war on, when cat ladies or blacks pull sh*t, that becomes so famous, so fast, that these antics become the Talk of the Country.
      Like we saw in the recent Senate Hearings, the foes of white (and male) America just can’t stop themselves, from rubbing Heritage America’s noses, into how barbaric they can be.

      • Meanwhile, you also have word getting around, about the Sarah Jeongs’ dreams of white Extinction.
        But, unless she says that in a nationwide TV extravaganza, it’ll a slower process, than the galvanizing one launched by the recent Senate Hearings.

    • I live in detroit. it is hard to believe how naive and proged the normies who live far from diversity are

  27. I’ve noticed over the years that whites who have good friends who are black or gets along well with blacks, tend to be open about talking or joking about racial differences. It’s like they feel no guilt because they know they’re not sinister, since after all, they actually do like these black people in their lives.

    I first noticed this several years ago, when a white co-worker friend of mine who has a black friend who was his best man at his wedding, openly (in front of several others) talked about the stereotype of the way black people decorate their houses. He laughed about the observation that the cliche is true! It didn’t even occur to him that he should keep that observation to himself.

    • As I was writing this, I thought of Jared Taylor, who used to (maybe still does?) play in a blues band with some black guys.

  28. I recently (couple of years ago) had a contract position in Kansas City. The office I was working in was on the outskirts of the city, very near a nest of negroes. They had recently killed the nearby mall which was deserted and sad. Of course there are plenty of malls like that in the Midwest that negroes didn’t kill. Also saw/heard some negro ladies there that sounded and acted completely white, un-self conscientiously;to the point I had to work hard not to stare. Also saw white janitors! If you are in Cali much, you know how unusual that is.

    The people are friendly upto a point; if you moved there you would find that point very quickly. Having said that, the place is setup the way they want it to be, and they are content there. Overall I agree with your assessment of the people there.

    My apartment was actually in Kansas, and the differences in vibe are pretty stark; Missouri is where DNA goes to mutate. God damn I saw some very odd looking people there. What was funny as hell to me, was the sniffy attitude the Jayhawkers had about booze; can’t sell it on holidays, so I would just drive a mile and a half to MS to pick up what I wanted. Learned that Kansas City did not enforce prohibition (it was an open city)!

    Culturally the place is boring as hell, and they like it that way. The real killer though is how absolutely shitty the weather is there, all fukkin’ year long. Might have 2 good days a year. Life’s too short for that kind of deal. The quality of tech worker there is also mediocre, because no one with real talent will live there. But for those that did, they lived better than their coastal counterparts due to cheap housing and overall cost of living.

    • If you drove 1.5 miles from KS to MS then you had some sort of flux capacitor on your vehicle.

      Mildly ironic that you botch third grade geography in one paragraph then deride the talent pool of KC in the next.

    • I go to eastern Kansas a few times a year for work. The place is as normie as it gets – and yes, the blacks and whites seem to behave in very similar ways. Yes it’s boring, that is how they like it.

      • If that is how they like it. that is how it should be.

        Few things piss me off more, than hearing the “cultured” elites sneer, at how little “culture” flyover America has.
        If the Flyovers have the web, then they have culture, in the most crucial sense of that term: the ability to access valuable (e.g. historical) info or insight, which they can’t get to in their immediate environment.

  29. Every last visible part of our culture in media and entertainment comes out of either New York/DC or L.A./California. I play a game with the popular media items “New York or California?”. The rest of who we are is invisible.

    Gerard VanderLeun has a great piece overnight on American Digest about the West Virginia coal miners. In our popular culture, they don’t exist, except as some sort of cultural zoo animals to be gawked at.

  30. I would recommend Lind’s “Victoria” as an interesting perspective on the AQ in a “reset” environment.

      • I didn’t think it was unreadable. They had to deal with things we’ve avoided for generations, when the design margin finally ran out, and did so realistically but as kindly as possible. Probably more kindly than possible, but it’s supposed to be a hopeful story.

  31. This is really disheartening that people need to get mugged or assaulted by a black thug to become race-realists it’s not enough for them to spend half a day on the internet and do some research.. oh well they all will be “culturally enriched” one day or the other so I say give them more! the sooner the better

    For example I am from Evrope and I have not seen a ni* ..err a black-man till I was in my 20tys but I knew they where no good way before then so how come do people who lived around them their whole lives don’t get it?!

    • They get it (in the midwest) they just don’t want to acknowledge it because it conflicts with their view of human nature. So they try and pretend it isn’t real.

      • Speaking of conflicting with ones view…today on The Wilkow Majority, Andrew was almost in tears, as he related that some chick who was a frequent guest on his show, described Kanye West as a “token negro”.
        Chucks can’t believe when Joe acts like Joe, and circle the wagons.
        In addition, he said she wasn’t black; which was impossible, as if she was anything else, she would have been thrown into the void.

    • Othmar, I’ll bet that most of these folks have no idea, of where on the web they should go.

      If, in Europe, you learned about blacks from talking to those who had actually dealt face-to-face with them, you had a head start.
      However, even that head start depends somewhat on luck, since it’s not as if so many blacks are always *so* much worse than whites.
      Non-ghetto blacks are fairly good at mimicking whites, when that serves their interests.

      Had I not learned (from the best of the web) that black opinion leaders are publicly egging blacks on, to hate whites, I’d still be more like the Normies you describe.

    • I think you need to check your premise when stating that one has to be mugged or assaulted by a black, to become a race realist.
      Once upon a time, I responded to a robbery in progress at a gas station. It wasn’t my job, but I rolled on it, as I was only a few blocks away. Upon arrival, a thirty something white female was shaking and crying. She related that a man had stuck a gun in her stomach, took her purse and keys, and drove away in her car. When I asked her to describe the individual, she said, “he was black, and had an Afro. Can I say Afro?”
      After having her life threatend with a gun,she was more worried about virtue signaling. Thankfully another unit arrived, as I simply drove away.

      • It may not have been virtue signaling.
        Right after that crap experience, the last thing she needed was to get into a sh*tstorm, over her making a non-PC remark.
        Depending on which part of the country you were in, she could well have feared, that you’d have pressure from the top local brass, to report all breaches of PC “manners”.

      • You know what even be better about your story? That you weren’t a cop.
        (Well, you said you responded 🙂

        I know of someone in retail who called the police for shoplifting and assault by a black guy. The manager and employee both hemmed and hawed because they were afraid to mention race. Finally a black female employee got frustrated and said “My god he was black , would you just say it!”

  32. The more distance you put between yourself and cities like Boston, New York, and Baltimore, the more normals you encounter. I live 50 miles due west of NYC – it’s much closer to normal than the city. Another 50 miles west and you are in heritage America territory.

    • Having grown up there (40 miles due west) i can tell you that once “78” was completed out that far, much of “The City” and NE NJ relocated there…accelerating the decline of the colloquial normal ….voting themselves and their progressive agendas onto the local school boards was just the beginning ….Up to that point, The Johnson’s, the Merck’s, the Forbes’s, and Brady’s…to name a few… all lived there under the radar, in harmony, with the blue collar middle class and local farmers… supporting the communities, even serving on some of the volunteer fire companies prior to that invasion that hit full stride in the ‘80’s….
      Normal ain’t what it used to be.

      • Where I grew up in MA was as nice a normie farm town as you could imagine. Now it’s a prog suburb of Boston.

        • Yep…like a toilet overflowing…Happens everywhere… Now closer to what Z was talkin about, I’m more like 800 miles west (but north) and it was like taking a time machine …. the dems here are more old school and many probably voted republican….locally and nationally….for them the label is still of some importance…. but there’s still a deep seated sense of right and wrong ….not of entitlement and discrimination…

      • @Clayton:
        Totally agree with you about 78W out from “The City.”
        I have family still up there, and we’d drive up from what I now call Sodom-on-the-Potomac (TM), It used to be lovely and normal in then 70s, 80s, and even during the early 90s.
        But no more.
        Heck, even current-day “Sodom” didn’t feel in the 80s like it does today (in a good way).
        I could have grown up in Ohio, Michigan, or any other wholesome place, given my upbringing and parents’ wholesome values.
        The nostalgia is strong….

        • Yeah, Carrie,
          Paradise Lost.
          The ironic thing is that I worked and lived in the city from the 80’s until a week before 9/11 ….and would inevitably encounter these “ interlopers” at functions and parties and listen to them expound at length on how they (and their oh so close dear friends) had collectively brought their new quaint country communities up to modern standards of decorum….in one instance taking a local (4 generation) general store to court, to have ancient dust covered “banned inhumane” leg traps removed from the 100 y/o bead-board walls, because they were offensive to their sensibilities…. You can now get Grey Poupon and Doux de Montagne on your sandwiches….

  33. Thanks for the reminder, Z, that normal Americans with normal lives still exist. Living in the 95 corridor of Maryland, it’s easy to forget. Growing up in Harford County, there used to be that character of normal American life where complete strangers would strike up a conversation and walk away with smiles on their faces. Now people often treat you like a creep for just being friendly and you get the nervous over-the-shoulder glances to make sure you’re not following them. Damn the Progs.

    • “Now people often treat you like a creep for just being friendly”

      I learned that the hard way my first year of employment after college almost 25 years ago. I was shocked at how mean and surly a lot of people are. I’m from the South and the toxic behavior a lot of people display would get them an ass kicking where I’m from.

      And yes, simply being friendly these days is a sign of weakness.

  34. In Michigan I never hear African American. Black or the other verboten one. (Who corrects someone’s speech?)

    Pickup trucks everywhere owned by most who don’t need em, with trailer hitches no less.

  35. The entirety of the western world is becoming like that move A Quiet Place, where the white family dare not make a peep or the monsters will attack.

    • Here in Tucson, it’s black, white, or nothing–everyone else is either Indian or Spanish or Hispanic, which is the norm but never spoken. In fact, race is rarely mentioned here.

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