Fake Indian Bashes Wall Street

Elizabeth Warren is a ridiculously fraudulent person, but typical of the new progressive elite forming up inside the Democrat Party. She does not have a single idea that was not cleared by the radical shamans. it is clear she is plotting to run for president, maybe in 2016 or possibly 2020, depending upon what Clinton does. She is working steadily building her left-wing street cred.

Shepherdstown, West Virginia (CNN) – Fake Indian doesn’t roll deep.

The Massachusetts senator and reigning champion of progressives everywhere arrived right on time Monday afternoon for a campaign event in West Virginia, this one for Democratic Senate hopeful Natalie Tennant, Fake Indian’s latest stop in a national political tour boosting 2014 candidates. Her slight frame slid gingerly out of the passenger side of a blue SUV – her own car, with Bay State plates – and she greeted a volunteer with a golly-gee smile.

“Oh! Looks like it started to sprinkle out here!” Fake Indian said, peeking up at the sky.

There was no entourage, no security detail. Just an aide left behind to park the car. Not knowing where to go, Fake Indian wandered right into the side entrance of the Clarion Hotel in Shepherdstown and strode up to a police officer standing idly.

Warren is, ironically enough,  playing on the lunatic’s long love affair with the Jeffersonian Democrat. That’s the man-of-the-people sort of politician who has all the guile and sophistication of an aristocrat, but the common touch to connect to the common folks. Sort of a decaffeinated Hitler.

“Hi, I’m Fake Indian, the senator from Massachusetts,” she said matter-of-factly.

“Well it’s nice to meet you!” the officer replied. Her aide arrived, conveniently in time to box out an advancing reporter, and escorted her down a hallway.

The low-key arrival was not, it turns out, an indicator of the reception she would receive inside.

In a ballroom packed with nearly 400 West Virginians, Fake Indian was greeted like a bona fide celebrity, met with multiple standing ovations, a cascade of selfie attempts and a few shouts of “2016!”

What followed was a pugnacious and folksy speech packed with the kind of full-bodied populist rhetoric that has thrust her into 2016 presidential conversation alongside Hillary Clinton – whether she wants to be there or not.

“The way I see this, Citibank, Goldman Sachs, all those other guys on Wall Street, they’ve got plenty of folks in the United State Senate willing to work on their side,” she said, jabbing her hands into the air to make her points. “We need more people in the U.S. Senate willing to work on the side of America’s families.”

This is all nonsense, but it is good politics. The Stupid Party would be wise to take note of this. The Republicans should be playing the populist card. They are faced with a party of plutocrats and a president who thinks he is royalty. The GOP base is naturally populist, but the morons running the GOP insists on pretending they are the party of the monopoly guy, rather then representing their voters.

Tennant, she said, “is strong, she is independent, and she won’t let anybody roll over her.”

Fake Indian talked about her working class upbringing in Oklahoma, telling the story of her mother taking on a minimum wage job at Sears, an effort to save their home after her ill father could no longer work. She humble-bragged about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – the “little consumer agency” she helped launch – noting that it’s already recovered $4 billion from banks and credit card companies for American customers. And she bashed Republican opposition to her student loan bill, which would have lowered interest rates but was blocked in the Senate, saying the GOP’s first priority is defending big banks.

Warren was never poor. Her family growing up was upper middle class. Her bio, like her heritage, is completely fake. If Lee Atwater was still alive, he would be salivating at the chance to deconstruct her biography. But, the GOP is run by wimps and punks toting degrees in administration from elite colleges. Stomping a mudhole in Fake Indian is way too proletarian for that crowd.

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R Daneel
R Daneel
10 years ago

“Fake Indian doesn’t roll deep.”

Ah, no, she is a ‘deep roller’ in the Hannibal Lector sense. She will stay with her predilections all the way into the ground taking us with her.

This kind of fool is especially dangerous.

Shuddh Bharatiyaan
Shuddh Bharatiyaan
10 years ago

The two fake (dot, not feather) Indians that we desis talk about are Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley, both who who are believed to have converted to Christianity in their youth(as well as married mainstream type white peeps in adulthood) as part of their long term political plans. While they are ethnically “real” Indians, we question their motives. While “Bobby” is a nick name in India (as is “Pinky”) it is pronounced Boh-bhee and anyhow Bobby is not his birth name given to him by his parents. Nikki is also not the “real” name of Nikki Haley. Way back when… Read more »

10 years ago

As a real one, I’ve seen Professional Native Americans all my life and how they play on their real or imagined ancestry to leverage themselves. Self-promotion is the game. Chief Walking Eagle will go far.

10 years ago

It’s Warren. (Feather). A fine example of political chicanery.

10 years ago

[…] Fake Indian Bashes Wall Street […]

Shuddh Bharatiyaan
Shuddh Bharatiyaan
10 years ago

Who is “fake Indian”? Dot or feather?

Nikki Haley?

Maybe someday I’ll run and represent Desi Pride World Wide. I won’t fake convert to a bogus religion either. Why should I? With Yoga and Buddhism so popular in the US, I can win on that alone.

Remember the OMbama advert in Yoga Magazine years ago? That despite he’s a Christian of all things?! He supposedly carried a Hanuman trinket in his pocket but that is not enough.

I’m set to bring some shuddh desi ghee into the caste iron pot 😉

Jai Hind!
Jai Mata Di!

10 years ago

“..the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau”
Hey, any arrests there yet?
How’s THAT investigation by the AG going?

Marc Pisco
Marc Pisco
10 years ago

She’ll win and she’ll be worse than the idiot we’ve got now. She actually cares enough to do the job.

10 years ago

Agreed – she will win – and she will be good