America’s Colonial Class

I’m fond of saying that America has been colonized by pod people. They look like us and they make noises that sound like us, but they are not us. They are, at the minimum, foreign and alien. They don’t want what we want. They don’t love what we love and they don’t see the world as we see it. Our political class may as well be from Kenya or Indonesia. They look at us like foreigners in our own lands. This editorial from the Times is a good example.

There is a reasonable way to confront the influx of Central American children at the southern border, and the White House is getting it mostly right.

No rational person believes this. You have to be divorced from reality to think the White House is handling this well. Yet, the lunatics at the NYTimes print such nonsense without even bothering to acknowledge the alternative.

It has asked Congress for $3.7 billion in emergency funds to pay for more immigration judges, for legal assistance to children and parents, and to help care for tens of thousands of children in shelters in Texas and elsewhere.

The request seeks more money for the Border Patrol, and for speedier prosecutions and deportations of adults with children, repatriating migrants and addressing causes fueling the exodus in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. And it includes an ad campaign to urge parents there to keep their children at home.

The request would be a good step toward tackling the problem, though it should have included much more for immigration lawyers and humanitarian aid, and less for agents and drones at the border. Congress should swiftly approve it, since it contains pretty much everything that lawmakers — even President Obama’s Republican critics — have been demanding.

But instead of supporting the package, Republicans are throwing up roadblocks. And through dangerous overreaction, some are urging actions that would make the situation worse. They want to make the children’s deportations speedier by amending or repealing the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, a 2008 law signed by President George W. Bush that gave new legal and humanitarian protections to unaccompanied migrant children from countries other than Mexico or Canada.

If this were posted to the Onion, you would not have to change a word of it. These people really believe this stuff. In order to believe such nonsense, you cannot be living in America and keeping tabs on the news. That, or you are suffering from mental illness. Yet, these people are in charge of our country. How is this different from the attitudes of the French royal class during the reign of Louis XVI?

The Red Team keeps chanting about how the solution to immigration begins with securing the border. That’s self-delusion. We face the dilemma colonized people have always faced. The solution begins with buying the wood for the gallows to be built on the Mall in Washington. It’s only then that we have truly faced up to what we have to do to fix our country.

4 thoughts on “America’s Colonial Class

  1. I live at ground zero 1.5 miles from the border. THE INVASION HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT SECURING THE BORDER! Scores of inflatable
    crafts ARE MET at river’s edge by a border patrol bus/busses–up to 1000 persons per day. They are being welcomed by fedgov and
    numerous churches to be taken to shelters.
    “Securing the border’ rhetoric is BS!

  2. Groman.

    We are not at war with Islam, we are war with the dual citizen treasonous filth who continually make Islam the enemy.

  3. For some time now I’ve been saying to friends that we are not only at war with Islam, but approximately fifty percent of our fellow citizens as well. The response is either agreement but with the understanding that we shouldn’t say such things out loud, or my thoughts are derided as being too extreme and even melodramatic. When fifty percent of the voters support the party that is openly trying to subvert our nation while the other political party feigns to stop the subversion, what else am I to think ?

  4. I notice in these dialogues that the vagaries of actual deportation are rarely or not at all addressed. Are we deporting according to plan, to the extent we can with existing resources? Is there a shortage of planes and buses? Drivers and pilots? What is the “processing” hold up? Why are we more worried about housing and clothing and feeding these people than in getting them back home pronto? Swift and consistent deportations would get people hollering but would stem the tide. Letting the situation ferment and frustrations grow only makes such an approach *less* likely and the anxiety of liberals more acute.

    These shenanigans are largely predictable, both the “children’s campaign” and the Democrat response. The Stupid Party should have plans A, B and C ready in advance.

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