Vengence High School

The phrase “social justice” really means “revenge.” It is always used in the context of a self-defined loser demanding money from the folks they see as winners. The losers are bitter at being losers  and they want to take it out on someone. Envy is the natural result from great disparities in talent and accomplishment.

The link between winners and losers never seems to make much sense. It’s like the champions look for causes that are both obscure and pointless. David Horowitz has made this point often. The middle-class Jewish kids, who helped the Black Panthers beat the system in the 70’s, did it just to cause mayhem.

Anyway, there’s now a high school based on the principles of social justice. Conveniently, it is called Social Justice High School and it is located in Chicago. For some reason a lot of New Left radicals came from Chicago.

The Little Village Lawndale High School is a reality because of the principles of social justice. Our belief in self-determination inspired a community to act on its convictions to affirm its right to a quality education. Through a system of support, guidance, and accountability our students will graduate high school, be prepared for college and implement a post secondary plan. Our students will cherish and preserve their ethnic and cultural identity, will serve and determine the future of our community, and will have a passion for peace, justice and the dignity of all people.

The language here looks similar to corporate jargon. There’s a creepiness to it that brings to mind dystopian sci-fi films where the fully human protagonists is faced with a formless, faceless alien authority.

The purpose of the school of social justice is to assure that all students become critical thinkers through a curriculum that is rigorous, innovative, and implemented through meaningful school relationships.

Project based and problem based learning that addresses real world issues through the lenses of race, gender, culture, economic equity, peace, justice, and the environment will be the catalyst for developing our curriculum.

Service learning will be the center of our curriculum. Our community and the city will be our classroom. All learning will be relevant to the lives of our students.

We will increase student learning and achievement by building on what our students know and utilize their everyday experiences in order to build the excellence of basic skills and literacy.

The professional community composed of administrators, teachers, students, parents and other community members will learn together and from one another.

That’s an impressive collection of abracadabra words. The Left has a thing for magic words and incantations. One that is always good for laughs is “critical thinking” which is Left-speak for attacking the current order. These guys are all about pulling down the walls. They say it is to remove barriers, but it is really so they can pull the roof down on the rest of us. The core beliefs section is great:

Truth and Transparency

We will practice honesty and authenticity in our communication and relationships with students, our community, peers, and ourselves.

Struggle and Sacrifice

Our struggle is against systems of power that have been historically used to deny, regulate, and prohibit access to the most basic human rights that should be granted freely to members of society regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, or religious belief. We accept the reality that such struggle will require sacrifice from all involved.

Ownership and Agency

We will take responsibility as agents and catalysts of change to expose the truth about the functions of power, work (unite) to interrupt their operations, and operate as producers of power to meet the needs of the Greater Lawndale community.

Collective and Community Power

Through collective community power, we commit to a conscious effort to overcome the intended historical obstacles that have been designed to disempower and divide our communities, and thereby meet the needs of all members of Greater Lawndale for continual betterment and progress.

Authenticity is a magic word for these people. To normal people, this word implies simplicity and originality. To the Left it means adherence to ideology. Of course, struggle and sacrifice have a long history with radicals. The adherents have to be willing to give themselves completely to the cause in order for them to live forever in the promised utopia.

I’ll just note that this is pretty standard stuff on the Left. My bet is up and down the Obama education department this sort of language is common. They not only think this school is a good thing, they want to make your kid’s school just like it. It is why vouchers are a dumb idea. Those vouchers would come with strings requiring classes in social justice and empowerment.

But, this is probably the future anyway.

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Marc Pisco
Marc Pisco
9 years ago

“excellence of basic skills”

There’s a note of reality creeping in: One of their high and noble goals, on the list alongside completely overturning the power structure, is to teach the kids to read and do simple arithmetic. I guess they know it’s equally realistic.

9 years ago

Critical Thinking – Self Crticism – Kulaks – Hero Workers – Revealed Preferences – Gulag – Mass Graves. When constructing the new man it’s always difficult to decide when to skip over the middle bits and just jump straight to graves.

9 years ago

Very creepy. Instead of spending years to indoctrinate the children, maybe they should just rename Greater Lawndale “Jonestown” and be done with it.