Liberal Eugenics

One of the things fairly well known in black America is that abortion and “family planning” is about reducing the number of black babies. This should come as no surprise, as liberal whites have been quite explicit about it since Roe. Abortion Inc has been targeting black neighborhoods for a long time.

It’s a pretty good business for rackets like Planned Parenthood. They get paid to round up the customers and then they get paid for the service. That’s why the Left is obsessed with state funded abortion. It’s eugenics with a smiley face. The Left gets to pretend it is about health and safety, but it’s really about ethnic cleansing and eugenics. This article in the Science section, of all place, of the NY Times is emblematic.

Marlice House was determined to take a different path from her mother, who had gotten pregnant with her at 17.

“I do not want that to be me,” she said.

So when Ms. House heard about a study offering sexually active teenagers in St. Louis free birth control, she signed up.

Three in 10 girls and women in the United States become pregnant before 20, a rate significantly higher than that in many other rich countries. The 14- to 19-year-old participants in the study Ms. House joined, nearly half of whom had already had an unintended pregnancy, were offered free birth control and counseled on the benefits of long-acting contraceptives like intrauterine devices and implants, methods used by fewer than 5 percent of teenagers.

Overwhelmingly, Ms. House and other teenagers — 72 percent of the 1,404 participants — chose long-acting birth control. And it had an enormous effect.

Pregnancy and abortion rates plunged to less than a quarter the rates of sexually experienced teenagers nationally, the group most comparable to those in the study. Rates were also significantly lower than those among all teenagers.

There’s not much new about this. In the 1970’s the Left was excited by the idea of making newly available drugs like Norplant mandatory for welfare recipients. The Left has learned from past attempts to exterminate black people, so they couch it in language of choice and opportunity. But, they can’t help themselves, as they put a picture of a black girl on the article.

They also seem to be trying to draw in the anti-abortion people by claiming their new eugenics program reduces abortions. They repeat that a few times in the article. It’s a common error on the Left. Abortion, for them, is all about abortion. For pro-life people, abortion is just one aspect of the larger fight over human life, hence the name of their cause. The Left always projects its manias onto the wider world.

Come to think of it, that may be why they put a black face on their eugenics cause. They just assume their enemies are the bogeymen they imagine. They think the undifferentiated other outside their cult is shot through with racism. Therefore, they can market their eugenics program to the rabble by (wink, wink) targeting the blacks.

One thought on “Liberal Eugenics

  1. I’m not the first to wonder if open immigration is a warped attempt to replace the significance of blacks in a first minority status through sliding them down to second with this crush of Hispanics, who of course have already replaced them in servant and labor employment. Good work is you are the Klan.

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