Repeal the 19th Amendment

Here is the text of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution:

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

This gave women the right to vote anywhere it had been denied up to that point. It is worth noting that many states had extended the franchise to women to some degree. Most sensible people, men and women, knew this was a mistake and kept fighting the idea long after the Amendment passed. The story of female suffrage has been rewritten to fit the modern feminist narrative, but people at the time, including many women, knew this was a bad idea.

For over 4,000 years, people understood the foolishness of allowing women to directly participate in governance. The play, Lysistrata, was written in 411 BC. Fast forward 2300 years and women’s suffrage in America gave us, to quote Judge Roy Bean, “and everything went to hell. While our boys was overseas fighting the Kaiser, the women got Prohibition put in. Drinking and gambling and whoring were declared unlawful. All those things which come natural to men became crimes.”

A recent example is the election in Virginia. The Republican lost narrowly to former Clinton bag man, Terry McAuliffe. Most sensible people clearly viewed McAuliffe as a sociopathic maniac, who should never have access to government power. Blacks voted for McAuliffe 98-2. Anyone familiar with the history of sub-Saharan Africa or Detroit knows the story here. That was predictable.

The difference maker was single women. They allegedly went for the lunatic by 42%! In contrast, the Republican won married women by 9 points. Anyone having spent a small amount of time on earth knows that married white women are vastly more sensible than single white women. Married women will share their husband’s suspicion of the state, as a natural threat to family life. Single women see the state as their sugar daddy. The gap between the two groups with regards to voting is stunning.

This is nothing new. The democrats have based their rise to power on the vote of barren spinsters and college sluts. In the 2012 election, they ran a campaign based on the argument that Mitt Romney wanted to rape single white women. It worked. It was not just single white women in that case. Many married white women fell for the argument that Romney wanted sew their legs shut. Women, it turns out get less stupid once married, but a large number remain fools even after landing a man.

Democracy is a terrible way to run a society, but if you are going to have it, you have to limit the vote to people capable of thinking beyond their narrow interests. Girls are too hormonal to make rational choices, so they should be spared the burden of voting. It may even make sense to bar single men up to a certain age, like 25. Regardless, taking the vote from single women is the only way forward that can maintain this fragile democracy.