Bad Whites

The place I usually get my drugs is on the edge of the ghetto. It serves the white ghetto and the soft black ghetto adjoining it. There also a Ferguson like white working class area there, which appears to be going Hispanic. The last time I was sent into the heart of darkness so I was grateful to avoid that this time.

In line to buy drugs, I spied a typical white trash couple that is a common feature of the white ghetto. They were in shorts and flip-flops, exposing an array of tattoos. One had a cane, but he kept forgetting which leg had the limp. He is probably working a disability scam, something so common that lawyers advertise for it around here now. It’s also threatening to bankrupt the system.

The two of them had iPhones, which is ironic. Combined they probably have a two-digit IQ yet they feel the need to have expensive smart phones. Both had headphones so that means they have been downloading music on someone’s dime, because what good is an iPhone without music?

The tattoos always get me. Poor people like display items. Drive through the black ghetto and you will see expensive sports cars packed in front of run down housing blocks. Poor whites like cars too, but they have worse tastes in cars than blacks. Instead they invest their creative skills in ink. The two I saw today had elaborate Celtic images on their arms and legs.

Lots of people on the Dissident Right talk about the black underclass, but that’s easy. It’s celebrated on TV as if it is high culture. What never gets mentioned is the expanding white ghetto that is replacing what used to be the white working class. Those old solid neighborhoods where fathers worked two jobs are collapsing into lands where no one works and everyone is on the dole.

The two crackers I saw at the pharmacy are typical. The one with the fake limp is living off the woman. She had the EBT card and their Medicaid card. I’m pretty sure they were picking up a pain killer as one asked the other if they were “V” or “M” meaning Oxy. They call it hillbilly heroine for a reason and that reason is white trash love Oxy.

That’s the difference between the black ghetto and the white ghetto. The black ghetto is ruled by young black males. Older males who survived, get the hell out and stay out. The women are either baby mamas or their mothers. The white ghetto skews older, with many more older men.

There’s also less crime in the white ghetto. White teens commit crime, but they fear blacks and Hispanics so they keep their crime small. They don’t organize street gangs or battle for drug turf. That allows drug taking to be a family activity. It also means their intellectual capital, if you will, is invested in gaming the system for benefits. Whole neighborhoods are on disability in the white ghetto.

That’s the incredible thing about the ghetto. The women know how to work the system. They get a lot of help from government, but they have enough smarts to game the programs. On the other hand, they lack the smarts to avoid keeping a deadbeat under their roof who knocks them up between drug binges. There’s something at work, other than intelligence and education.

Something else that does not get mentioned is just how multicultural the underclass is compared to the over-class. It’s not strange to see a fat white girt with braids pushing a stroller containing a caramel colored baby. Hispanics and whites hang out together far more than you would ever see amongst good whites.

There’s a great blending going in the underclass, even though our betters insist otherwise. I wish I had a nickel for every time I was in a room full of upper middle-class white people bemoaning the latent racism of the poor whites. The irony escapes them because they never go anywhere near the ghetto.

It’s just a part of the Brazilification of America. I bet something similar is happening in Europe. Instead of blacks, whites and Hispanics, it’s Arabs, Africans and lower class whites. In a generation or two, the West will be a vast sea of caramel faces ruled over by a sparkly white ruling elite. That’s South America.

11 thoughts on “Bad Whites

  1. Pingback: Wednesday morning links - Maggie's Farm

  2. It used to be the case that the lower orders aped their betters. Now it’s the other way around. Not an improvement.

  3. On the subject of tattoos, where I live the underclass (they live on one side of the village though thankfully not my side of the railway tracks) appear at the local supermarket in all weathers in clothes designed to show their tattoos. if it is raining, or snowing they still appear wearing sleeveless tops and shorts so that we can all admire their wide range of tattoos up their arm, up their legs and as a high water mark at their necks.

    The neck tattoos are particularly disturbing to see because you can tell the wearers of these engravings are desperate to be allowed to get them creeping up their face. The ‘law’ supposedly says it is illegal to tattoo the face though some try it: I remember one lad on TV with a horrific spider web tattoo across his face who was complaining that he couldn’t get a girlfriend. I also saw, in another store a few months ago, with a guy who must have been in prison for murder because he had crudely done home-made tattoos on his face including the tell-tale teardrop under one eye.

    I understand the underclass and criminals then love tattoos, even if they not only fade but make them look incredibly ugly, but it is when the middle class get them as if it is some sort of communion with the lower end of life that amazes me. Everybody wants, it seems, to play at being poor and stupid.

  4. White nationalists see this and believe it is being done on purpose. That’s only partly true- the left likes to see poor white girls breed with coloreds, but would prefer poor white boys not breed at all. But if they do it with coloreds it’s better.

  5. Everything you say is true, but still, the fish rots from the head. We have a really bad ruling class, interested only in their own well being, which includes a narcissistic sense of moral superiority. We are run by people who test well, and are convinced of their own moral and intellectual superiority. They are as blind as French aristocrats a decade before the guillotine. Our intellectual class, who run the culture, and our financial class (75 years ago investment bankers were actually investment bankers who understood business) are running this country into the ground. We really will have to wait until the stone hits ground level. Tim

  6. The short answer is the system pays the baby mammas. Take away the financial incentive to have children out of wedlock and this sorry mess disappears.

    • I’m not sure there is an answer. The ball is rolling down hill and it stops when it gets to the bottom. Wars requiring large numbers of men to run into the other guy’s guns are no longer a weeding mechanism. Child birth and disease no longer take out large numbers of poor women. In a way, we are creating the same problem the West created in Africa. By mitigating nature’s culling mechanisms, we end up with more of what we don’t want.

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