The Bull Mouse Party

I’ve never been a fan of the “esoteric writing” concept. In theory, it sounds great, until you think it through. Free thinkers, constrained by the orthodoxy of their day, communicating to one another in a secret language. That way when the authorities show up to inspect their books, they find nothing that could get them time on the rack. Prisons around the world combat this problem so it is hardly black magic.

The reason I tend to be skeptical of the “philosophy between the lines” stuff is it opens the door for all sorts of mischief. If I’m a 15th century monk writing heretical thoughts using secret language, it can only work if the readers can decode my secret language. If some monk in another land a century later can decode my text, then my contemporaries could as well.

I realize there was a lot of it, but it was mostly just smart people speaking over the heads of the less savvy. That’s a different thing than what the esoteric writing guys claim, which is where the mischief comes into the mix. It’s one stop short of deconstructionism, from there you enter a world where words have no meaning.

The point of bringing this up is a related topic is the idea of the deep state. The idea that a secret club composed of high-level elements within the intelligence services, the military, the academy, business, etc., who control the public institutions in various ways. It makes for great movie villains, but it contradicts observable reality.

That said, like minded people with common interests will work together. In government, relationships are what make the gears turn. A citizen can easily be stymied by the machine, even though he has pressed all the right buttons at exactly the right time. He calls his local congressman and magically, the machine springs to life and everything works like magic.

What happened is the congressman’s office has people who know people in all the nooks and crannies of the bureaucracy. You don’t work for a congressman unless you have contacts. Your job is either to raise money or make some part of the machine work when asked. If you are really good at either of those, you can go very far in government, further than elected office.

A guy who knows lots of people who know lost of people is Bill Kristol. He has worked the Acela Corridor his whole life. In addition to running the Weekly Standard, he has had stints in government and he knows lots of people who know lots of people. Bill Kristol is the quintessential establishment man. In Steve Sailer’s universe, Kristol has a shaved head and strokes a cat while plotting the course of the country.

The Weekly Standard has a new sugar daddy these days so they have been a little less neo-con and a little more con, but Bill Kristol remains the Pope of Neo-Conservatism. Given that the Bush Party is pretty much everything Bill Kristol’s father imagined, it’s worth paying attention to what Kristol has to say about things. He was the first Beltway man to mention Sarah Palin as a running mate, for example.

That’s what makes this interesting to me.

If frontrunner Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, one of the biggest names in the Republican Establishment, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, says he “doubts” he would support the Democrat in a general election but would “support getting someone good on the ballot as a third party candidate.”

“I doubt I’d support Donald. I doubt I’d support the Democrat,” Kristol told CNNMoney via email. “I think I’d support getting someone good on the ballot as a third party candidate.”

The old GOP Establishment hotness was demanding Trump pledge in writing to support the Republican nominee, even if it isn’t Trump. He has since done so.

It now looks as though the new GOP Establishment hotness is threatening to support a third party candidate if Trump wins — the same third party maneuver the Establishment loudly and repeatedly assured would mean a Hillary Clinton victory if Trump chose that route.

…but if the plotting and planning among the GOP Establishment is to run an Establishment candidate as a third party in the event of a Trump nomination victory, by their own shrill admissions over the summer, the Establishment is consciously prepared to flip over the entire boardgame and hand the White House to Democrats in 2016.

Unless of course they were all lying with their loud claims that a third party run would result in a sure-fire Republican loss. I don’t think so. All the polling shows that any breach between Trump and the Republican Party means — and by a safe margin — four years of President Hillary Clinton.

Either way, a very large part of the Republican base has already lost complete faith in the GOP Establishment. Kristol’s warning or trial balloon or whatever it is  will only further alienate the Party from its own base.

While Trump looks to expand the Republican Party, Kristol’s comments will appear to many like a childish threat to annihilate the Party if the GOP Elite don’t get their way.

Would a guy like Kristol work to create a third party if Trump is the nominee? Probably not. Getting on the ballot in every state would be impossible. That means co-opting existing third party tickets and that’s not easy either. It would require an enormous amount of cash and the emotional commitment from establishment men to burn down their fishing lodge in order to keep it out of the hands of the riff-raff.

What it probably means is the establishment would sit out the election. Trump (or Carson) would find party organizers at the state level unwilling to do much to help them get out the vote. Ironically, it would look a lot like what happened to the Muslim Brotherhood when they took over Egypt. Suddenly, the gears of the state stop spinning and no one who knew how to make them spin was available to get them spinning. That’s what would happen to Team Trump.

This would signal a show down where the Old Party tells the neophytes they can either get back in the traces or the Old Party is going off to become the Bull Mouse Party. Or, go to the Democrat Party and form what would be the Coastal Party. Put another way, there’s no room for compromise. If the revolting carry the day, the revolted will go nuclear.

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9 years ago

Bill Kristol is an ass, his brain is the perfect storage facility for potatoes, a cool dark place

9 years ago

Suddenly, the gears of the state stop spinning and no one who knew how to make them spin was available to get them spinning.

In our case would this be at the State level as well, or is this just the Federal?

9 years ago

They aren’t prepared for the withdrawal of consent coming down the pike at em.
The Kristol’s of this world can’t even understand what “I Won’t!” means.

Garantee it.

james wilson
james wilson
9 years ago

Thanks for the great review. I’ll never watch one of these things.

9 years ago

“Put another way, there’s mo room for compromise. If the revolting carry the day, the revolted will go nuclear.”

Only if we’re lucky.

9 years ago

I’ve never understood this “deep state” business either. I know Sailer has a bug up his ass about it — well, that and the Jooos! — and that seems to be why a lot of folks take it seriously, but to me it just seems like an esoteric term for “how business gets done in the real world.” Back in the days, they called the “deep state” the “court faction” — everybody knew that you could get the king’s ear most effectively by talking to an obscure country prelate with no real title to speak of, but who somehow lived… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
9 years ago

“Back in the days, they called the “deep state” the “court faction”

Court faction? Where I saw this before?

“In the early modern period, a court Jew or court factor (German: Hofjude, Hoffaktor) was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to, European royalty and nobility. In return for their services, court Jews gained social privileges, including in some cases being granted noble status. Court Jews were needed because usury did not apply to them, whereas it did to Christians.”