Bloomy’s Black Guy Problem

One of my favorite gags is to say, “America does not have a gun problem. America has a black guy problem.” It’s bait and inevitably someone calls me a racist. I then go to the statistics that show the staggering disparity between white and black crime rates. Net out young black males shooting other young black males and there’s nothing to talk about with regards to guns and crime.

The thing is, this is something we all know, but the religion of anti-racism makes it impossible to say in pubic. Even liberals know this and work around it. Gentrification of liberal cities is all about ethnic cleansing. Rich liberals force out the blacks, so their hipster kids have safe neighborhoods in the city. As Steve Sailer puts it, it’s a game of Old Maid where liberal cities pawn off their difficult populations on unsuspecting suburbs.

It looks like Mike Bloomberg has decided to come clean on his gun nuttery and just say what everyone knows to be true.

Moderator Jennifer Bradley, director of the Center for Urban Innovation at the Institute, then asked what the U.S. can do to get people out of poverty. Bloomberg responded that conventional wisdom points to education, but education isn’t going to help uneducated adults. Bradley later asked how government can offer basic fairness to the children “who have been failed.”

Bloomberg claimed that 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: male, minority and between the ages of 15 and 25. Cities need to get guns out of this group’s hands and keep them alive, he said.

“These kids think they’re going to get killed anyway because all their friends are getting killed,” Bloomberg said. “They just don’t have any long-term focus or anything. It’s a joke to have a gun. It’s a joke to pull a trigger.”

At one point, the former mayor brought up New York City’s stop-and-frisk practices, which gained national attention in 2011. Bloomberg said that during his last year in office, a minister at a Baptist church in Harlem invited him to speak.

“While I’m sitting there waiting for him to introduce me, he said to his congregation, ‘You know, if every one of you stopped and frisked your kid before they went out at night, the mayor wouldn’t have to do it,’” Bloomberg said. “And so I knew I was going to be okay with that audience.”

The usual suspects call guys like Bloomberg a crazy Lefty, but his views are in-line with old school conservatives like Russell Kirk. The people in charge have a duty to defend ordered liberty, not theoretical philosophical concepts. Policies like stop and frisk in black ghettos save black lives, even though they violate the rights of the people in the ghetto. But you can’t exercise your rights from the grave, so it is a necessary trade-off.

In that regard, Bloomy’s sense of obligation is actually quite conservative. It used to be that the Right looked at natural rights as a starting point, a set of ideals to guide the people trusted with political power. The hard limits necessary to prevent tyranny were balanced against practical necessity. Men are not angels so you can’t trust them with too much power, but the people over whom they rule are not angels either.

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8 years ago

[…] Bloomberg claimed that 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: male, minority and between the ages of 15 and 25. […]

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
8 years ago

If Bloomberg is so “conservative”, than why is he just as eager to get guns out of the hands of the white people who don’t commit crimes? “Elitist” and “Statist” would be much better words to describe him, frankly.

Reply to  Buckaroo Banzai
8 years ago

Society will always create detached elites. People will always organise in a pyramid.

Reply to  Anon.
8 years ago

Yeah, well pardon me if I’m sick to death of fucks like Bloomer somehow being ordained by god to live at the top of the pyramid. Fuck him and his nanny state bullshit. I’d rather keep my guns and my 24oz sodas and take my chances with the gangbangers than deal with an army of Bloomberg enabled state tormentors. I don’t care if my life is shorter and more violent that way (it won’t be, but just for argument’s sake, let’s assume it will). I’d rather live however long it is on my terms than live slightly longer in the… Read more »

8 years ago

Hasn’t NY’s new mayor cut down on stop and search?

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

I was an ADA in Brooklyn and practiced law in NYC for 20 years. \”Nutty judge\” is redundant.

Reply to  mikeski
8 years ago

Mikeski, just curious – did you eventually get the hang of it after practicing it for 20 years?
hehe, sorry, couldn’t resist.

Reply to  Anon.
8 years ago

Heh. I finally gave it up because I wanted to try enjoying life for a change. My experience is that, in the main, lawyers are miserable people who make trouble where there isn’t any.

Reply to  mikeski
8 years ago

I thought they’re relatively happy people who make others unhappy 🙂

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  Anon.
8 years ago

I had a Lawyer in the 1980s who did a fantastic job for me and who got to know me and I him. It was a one up and our paths have not crossed since. At one dinner we had together he confided to me: Lawyers just don’t understand the fact that EVERYONE, yes EVERYONE, just hates us. I agreed.

Dan Kurt