The Umman Manda

Thirty years ago, most Americans felt they could, to some degree, relate to the people who ruled over them. The politicians did not tool around in armored vehicles or have armed men in mirrored sunglasses guarding them. The so-called “public servants” were not highly compensated, even if they did not work hard. The members of the commentariat were few in number and they worked hard to present themselves as normal people. There was a gap, for sure, but it did not feel like a huge gap.

A lot has changed and today it feels to most people like we have been colonized by pod people from another planet. They sort of look like us and make familiar noises, but they are not us. They are alien. Every day they say things that suggest they are just visiting our planet. President Obama makes the sort of “gaffes” a person makes when they have been trained to sound like a person, but maybe did not pay strict attention in human class. Hillary Clinton often sounds like a stroke victim learning to talk again.

Today, of course, there is an army of chattering skulls, experts and commenters we see on TV and on-line. Unless you live in one of the guarded combines around Washington or in a swank building in Manhattan, you will never run into these people on the street. They live apart from the rest of us. That is why they sound like graduate students on an anthropology study. They peer out at us and then describe to each other what they think is happening. To them, we are just talking monkeys in a game park.

The foreignness Americans now feel toward their rulers is rather weak compared to the alienation the rulers feel toward the people. Decades of telling each other scary stories about racist, misogynistic and bigoted Americans has left most of them fearful of normal Americans. The universal response from both the Left and the so-called Right, to the rise of Trump, has been to compete with one another for who can produce the vilest epithet they can fling at the Trump voter.

Some elements of the ruling class still think they just need to adjust some settings in the enclosures and things will calm down. They write long letters to one another about “connectedness” and how Trump is really just leading a rear guard action of losers and misfits. When that gets boring, it’s back to telling campfire stories about how Hitler has come back from the dead and is organizing the Final Final Solution on twitter. Listen to the mainstream press and you would think the streets are teaming with skinheads, brown shirts and Klansman.

If you are a normal person, you can’t help but feel like an alien in your own country when you see stuff like this on twitter. A normal person at a Trump rally is set upon by a mob and our so-called betters howl with approval. All those lectures we used to hear from the ruling class about free speech and protest being the highest form of patriotism suddenly ring a little hollow. So-called conservatives care more about democracy in Iraq than in America. The liberals care more about the foreign invaders than the safety of Americans.

This great divide that has opened up between the ruling classes and the people is largely the result of globalism. The source of the great fortunes is no longer tied to countries or cultures. Global money bankrolls government and the petty royalty that lives off government. The result is the people in charge have divorced themselves from the people over whom they rule. The Cloud People define themselves by their opposition to and essential difference from the Dirt People.

Over the last few decades as this has evolved, it was one big party for the government class. No matter which party won the election, the money still poured into the Imperial Capital to finance the petty royalty that lives in the suburbs around the city. Six of the ten richest counties in America are connected to DC. Two are outside the financial capital of the world, New York City. Good times or bad, the last three decades has seen their wealth and prosperity grow.

For the people in charge, particularly the commentariat, the American people have become the Umman Manda. These were people who poured south into Mesopotamia in the second century BC. The name, depending upon the source, means “the horde from who knows where” or, and my favorite, “the scourge of the gods.” To the people peeking at us through the windows of their car services and telescopes, the public is just a formless mass of savages that threaten the established order. It is why they hate what is happening. It is why they will stop at nothing to end it.

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8 years ago

For all their “intelligence” what these so-called elites don’t get is that they are dependent on a symbiotic relationship within an eco-system. They think they can rape and pillage and live apart without the “rabble” but then the tables turn and you get revolution of one form or another. Heads will roll. They are not immune. They are not infallible. They are not immortal, no matter how smart they think they are. Actually many of them possess attributes that run amok making them a detriment to civilization at large. Just as with the Brexit issue. I’ve been saying for a… Read more »

Reply to  LetsPlay
8 years ago

Hear! Hear!
Excellently said.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
8 years ago

Here is one way to explain it that gets even left wingers agreeing with you. Simply ask how a geriatric, old school Socialist like Bernie Sanders has crashed Hillary’s party. He and Trump represent the collective realization that the inter-bred Washington elite has been peeing on everybody’s leg and blaming a cloudless sky. And the elites still don’t seem to get it. Funny watching all the “Bernie it’s time to quit” pleadings from the pundits. No, actually it isn’t time, and Sanders knows it. What is happening is a fundamental shift. No idea which way it will break, though I… Read more »

James LePore
8 years ago

The issue of Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s possible bias against Trump is an example of how the two parties gang up on the Dirt People. The usual Republicans have condemned Trump for his comments. The Democrats are smirking. There is plenty of law on both sides of the issue of whether or not to unseal documents that may or may not contain trade secrets. Curiel could have as easily and justifiably denied the Washington Post’s request as granted it. From what I’ve read about him, I’m at least suspicious of his motives. My suspicions are rooted in my understanding of human… Read more »

Kathryn of Wyoming
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

What they should point out is that the judge is a Democrat and a Democrat judge will NEVER find in favor of a Republican, Conservative or anyone else who isn’t a card carrying communist/Democrat. But, as you say, the North Eastern Corridor elitist Republicans won’t make a peep.

Reply to  James LePore
8 years ago

The judge is a member of La Raza lawyers and has given scholarships to illegals. The lawyers for the plaintiff (who is no longer part of the lawsuit) gave $675,000 to the Clinton Foundation. I realize that Trump did not handle this well. What he should say to John Dickerson is “You’re a reporter. Why don’t you do a little investigative work on these people?”

Nedd Ludd
Nedd Ludd
8 years ago

Once again Trump trumps the media and Republican bedwetters – Here’s a little more on Obama appointee, Judge Gonzalo Curiel: ” United States District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the man presiding over the class-action lawsuit against Trump University, is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and oversaw the gift of a law school scholarship to an illegal alien. In his 2011 judicial questionnaire to become a federal judge, Curiel revealed his history with La Raza. originally reported this Tuesday, and The Daily Caller has independently verified. Curiel lists “La Raza Lawyers of San Diego” as… Read more »

Reply to  Nedd Ludd
8 years ago

The other interesting factoid? The judge served in the same government office as the mayor of San Jose. They remain friends.

8 years ago

It is not just that they don’t relate to us. They despise us. They sneer at us. They are the cult of the Harvard educated, where your intelligence is based on the degree you have. They are uneducated idiots, parroting back whatever the smart people have to say this week. Back when I used to do farm work, I would run into interesting people. Some of them were well read and could discuss topics intelligently. But they must be cretins because they don’t support the candidate we do or they didn’t get a college degree. And heaven help you if… Read more »

Reply to  notsothoreau
8 years ago

Over the weekend I was thinking how Donald Trump could win easily in November – go to war with the Federal bureaucracy. The unaccountable regulators at the EPA, IRS, and every other alphabet agency. Put them through some serious downsizing and toss half of them out into the street. Slap-down the ones that remain and make them accountable again.

That would earn my vote.

Reply to  Drake
8 years ago

He will. He says he will bring jobs back. You can’t bring jobs back without killing the agencies making all the regulations. The problem will be getting the GOPe to back him up.

8 years ago

“This great divide that has opened up between the ruling classes and the people is largely the result of globalism. The source of the great fortunes is no longer tied to countries or cultures. Global money bankrolls government and the petty royalty that lives off government. The result is the people in charge have divorced themselves from the people over whom they rule.”

This is one of the best insights on your blog, ever.


8 years ago

I think it is important to recognize they are afraid of us for what we will do to them for what they are doing to us. You don’t require an army of armed badged militarized police forces if your not trying to screw over the dirt people. Dirt people don’t withdraw consent, resist, revolt, defy, secede, or even begin a revolution because of ideology, they do those things when they are victims of wonton corruption and usurpations over their simple and essential elements of basic primal rights and freedoms. Nothing complicated in this. Period. Our political class are RULERS now,… Read more »

8 years ago

I agree that the elite live in their gated worlds, fed and watered by the state and transported — free of charge — in armoured cars. They talk to each other in complex hide-my-intent language, and those chats are with well-heeled folk who no doubt outwardly agree with them (on such important topics as age of consent in Bigdogistan, and whether you can tax people because the sun may have a hole in it) but privately they seek to wrest power from their fellow Cloud people. There is no disloyalty greater than can be conjure dup by a politician or… Read more »

Terry Baker
Terry Baker
8 years ago

Great article. You have a wonderful way of explaining what’s happening. The English speaking world’s history seems to move in cycles. I think we’re coming up to another climax. May God help us.

8 years ago

Zman…. yep.. the pod people have taken over indeed. Great essay.

Reply to  RobM
8 years ago

The world is ruined no doubt, but even its bones are beautiful

8 years ago

About 15 years ago I was in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and I hopped on a tour bus there to check out the town. Next seat over was an older man accompanied by a girl, possibly a niece. He was explaining some of the town wonders to her. I was shocked to learn after listening, that he was Speaker of the Wyoming House of Representatives. Imagine, a member of the state ruling class, acting just like an ordinary peon. But then, the Wyoming legislature runs for only about 4 weeks per year, and Wyoming is about 50 years behind the times anyway.… Read more »

8 years ago

Back in the early 80’s I caddied for my Dad when he played in a pro-am golf tournament. As we were going down our fairway on one hole, a fat man came rolling towards us in a cart, hopped out and hit (a terrible shot) back into another fairway. It was Tip O’Neil with absolutely no security! Now most of the country club crowd despised his New Deal politics, but they were happy to wave and say “hi”. Tip was having a great time out there mingling with the public. He came across a regular Boston Irish guy who made… Read more »

Kathryn of Wyoming
8 years ago

Excellent essay and, for the most part, I’m in complete agreement. However, I’m having a hard time feeling bad about vile epithets being hurled at Trump voters since the most vile epithets that have ever been hurled at me was by Trump voters when I had the audacity to support Ted Cruz and say it out loud. As a lifelong conservative, what I consider to be a Constitutional conservative, I’ve been a little–lot–taken aback to be accused of being a Hillary supporter, an elitist member of the establishment–HA I’m about as opposed to present day government anyone can get and… Read more »

Lisa Liel
Lisa Liel
8 years ago

“These were people who poured south into Mesopotamia in the second century BC”. I think you mean the second *millenium* BCE.

7 years ago

Praise be to mighty Kek

8 years ago

[…] This great divide that has opened up between the ruling classes and the people is largely the result of globalism. […]

Roy Lofquist
8 years ago

Z-Man, you think too much. There is nothing unusual going on here. These are not the end times or the apocalypse or any such thing. It’s just the regular changing of the guard that we do every generation or so. I remember 1952 and 1980 and 2008. The atmospherics are the same. For the old guard, the guys with the microphones and the pens and the limos, it’s the end of the world. Their world, not ours. The new guys are full of piss and vinegar and ready to set the world right, only to find out that that’s not… Read more »

8 years ago

Alberto Gonzalez was just on CNN. No mention of La Raza.

Reply to  el_baboso
8 years ago

I went the the California La Raza Lawyers website and read their list of scholarship candidates. One was explicitly a “dreamer” and the person writing the bios strongly hinted that the rest were.

What does that tell you about the organization’s goals?

James LePore
Reply to  el_baboso
8 years ago

This is why I’m suspicious, and why Trump is justified in his comments.

Reply to  James LePore
8 years ago

If Trump sticks to his MO, he will follow up soon with facts like these now that he has everyone’s attention with the seemingly racist remarks.