The Disease of Modern Liberalism

Like most everyone, I woke up Sunday to the news that a lunatic had shot up a gay bar in Florida late Saturday night. Also like most people, I figured it was just another example of the old adage, “nothing good happens after midnight.” Then it became clear it was something more than just the usual trouble and I braced myself for a full blast of crazy from the Cult of Modern Liberalism. I just knew that they would swear this was the fulfillment of prophesy and demand reparations like after the black church shooting.

It did not turn out that way, obviously, as the shooter was a Liberal Democrat and a member of a sacred group. It’s hard to blame the honky when the shooter is a Muslim. Muslims are not real high on the totem pole for the Left, but they still rank higher than whites, even gay whites. The Left is afraid to elevate them too high on the piety pole as even Lefty understands what that means. Once we have a critical mass of Muslims they will start pitching lesbians off the roof at colleges around the country. That’s their thing.

After getting caught up on the details of the story I figured, like a lot of people, I’m sure, that the next play for the Left would be guns. Instead of blaming the Religion of Peace™, they would blame the magic of metallurgy and polymers for making the poor Mohammedan go bonkers. It was either that or Donald Trump creating an unfriendly atmosphere. It did not take long for the Cult to settle on guns since Hillary Clinton plans to run on gun grabbing this fall.

That’s the thing. Normals all know the drill now. President Obama could walk out of the White House, shoot a couple of pedestrians, rape a nun and then take a dump on Abe’s lap and the Left would find some way to twist it into proof their cause is just. If the Muslim had used a suicide vest instead of a gun, the Left would have blamed climate change for sending him over the edge. No matter what happens, the war on normal people must continue. It’s what defines them. It’s who they are.

That’s what’s important to understand about the Progressive mind. These are not people who think like normal people. Instead, they are completely immersed in their secular religion, in the same way the Muslim fanatics are consumed by Islam. No matter what happens in the world, the Left looks for a cause in the tenets of their faith. In this case, it is Magic Shape Theory that says shaping metal into a gun imbues it with the power to take possession of a human, making them into a killer.

This is why they never seem to lose focus on their causes, no matter how many times their cause has been rejected. Disarming the sinners, the bad whites they imagine are holding up the final ascent into the promised land, is a defining goal. After the Civil War, they wanted to murder all the bad whites. They still do, but they need to get the guns first. That’s what matters, not the dead gay guys lying on the dance floor or the Muslim lunatics running loose in the country.

It’s one reason the Left always wins. They never quit. Like all fanatics, they cannot be reasoned with or bargained with, because they can never accept anything but 100% of their goal. Getting within ten miles of the promised land is no better than  being a million miles from the promised land so they break whatever deal they made and demand to get a little closer and then a little closer. Before long normal people are getting thrown in prison and having their property confiscated because they did not show enough enthusiasm for sodomy.

It’s an important lesson. There can be no deal struck with these people. There’s no truce to be had or a balance to be struck. What defines American liberalism is an unquantifiable hatred of the sinner, the bad whites they see as the reason the prophesies have not been fulfilled. When you define yourself by the moral distance between yourself and the bad people, you can never embrace the bad people. You can never accept them. You can only lie in wait, for your chance at revenge and glory. That’s why they spring to action right after these events.

When the deranged white kid shot up the black church, the Left demanded the removal of every Confederate flag. That caught normal people by surprise as the Civil War has been over for 150 years. To the Left, however, it never ended. It just moved into different phases over time. The old hatreds are still there and any chance they get to exact vengeance on their sworn enemies, they take it. It’s all that matters to them. It is their reason to live.

I’m fond of pointing out that civilization exists in the space between barbarians on one side and fanatics on the other. The fear of the barbarian forces civilized people to do what they must to keep the fanatics under control. America has lost control of the fanatics and they are running amok at a time when barbarians are pouring over the border, abetted by the fanatics who see an advantage. Exploding Mohameds are a symptom of a greater disease, the disease of Modern Liberalism.

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8 years ago

It’s really not about the whiteness of whites, it is the now imperceptible Christian culture that defined the West and its successes. White progs are tolerated as useful tools, to be eaten last. White devils are persons of any color who maintain that truth is knowable, justice has a baseline, evil is real, logic is not the handmaid of Satan, and objectivity can only go so far before one must act in self-defense.

8 years ago

I think part of the mainline GOP collapse this year was that the base recognized the left’s fanaticism and unwillingness to honor any compromise – unlike the mainstream Republican candidates. We’ve seen it too many times.

8 years ago

On a TV show covering ‘what the papers say’ over here this morning a prominent (in his own reckoning) lefty who happens to be gay got up and dramatically stormed out of the studio because he felt the questions being put to him about the Orlando shooting were focussing too much on the muslim/religion issues instead of what he regarded as the more important, which was homophobia. As all lefties know, homophobia is beyond all considerations of race and religion even if some of the biggest homophobia is from islam. Of course, it is a useful tactic to be so… Read more »

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

The Gays (and specifically, male homosexuals) are a unique, protected class in the Progressive social structure. That is because male sodomy is the War Hammer of Degeneracy. It’s like the universal solvent of everything that is wholesome and good. It’s diabolical because it operates on the physical, moral, and spiritual planes. On the physical plane, it creates unfathomable new diseases; on the moral plane, it thoroughly undermines social relations by undermining the fundamental building block of society, the family; on the spiritual plane, it defies God in a unique and special way because it relies on recruitment to spread– as… Read more »

James LePore
8 years ago

“It’s an important lesson. There can be no deal struck with these people. There’s no truce to be had or a balance to be struck. What defines American liberalism is an unquantifiable hatred of the sinner, the bad whites they see as the reason the prophesies have not been fulfilled. When you define yourself by the moral distance between yourself and the bad people, you can never embrace the bad people. You can never accept them. You can only lie in wait, for your chance at revenge and glory. That’s why they spring to action right after these events.” The… Read more »

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  James LePore
8 years ago

Yes. Just as within Islam, there is a division between “moderate” muslims and warrior jihadist muslims, so there is a division between Progressivism and Islam; they share a similar ideology but play different roles within that ideology. Or to restate, Progressives provide comfort and support to Islam the same way that “moderate” muslims provide comfort and support to jihadist muslims. My guess is, Progressives will quickly and gladly convert to Islam when they inevitably get faced with the choice, because why wouldn’t they? In fact, I think there is a very real possibility that most Western leaders are already in… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
8 years ago

Conservatives persist in bringing logic to a gunfight. As though somehow a fanatic may be persuaded that the beliefs he/she/it has invested every fiber of being in, are in fact wrong and suddenly become a model citizen of the world. In the case of ISIS and its hangers on, I’m afraid we’re stuck with LeMay’s Law– “if you kill enough of them, they stop fighting”. For the useful idiots among our own, I have no idea what is a workable solution.

8 years ago

And to think I keep trying to rationalize why they think the way they do. Liberalism it like a mental disease after all.

Tom Saunders
Tom Saunders
Reply to  ambiguousfrog
8 years ago

Definitely. What we need is a modern version of March-of-Dimes, an updated version of Jerry’s kids (call it Bernie’s Kids and run endless loops of Pajama Boy, Mattress Gurl, etc.). Can we get a Go-Fund set up for Gene Replacement Therapy or maybe something useful can finally be extracted from stem cells?

8 years ago

“I’m fond of pointing out that civilization exists in the space between barbarians on one side and fanatics on the other. The fear of the barbarian forces civilized people to do what they must to keep the fanatics under control. America has lost control of the fanatics and they are running amok at a time when barbarians are pouring over the border, abetted by the fanatics who see an advantage.” We haven’t simply lost control of the fanatics, we’ve elevated them to the leadership role of every major cultural institution in the country. The President is a fanatic. The entire… Read more »

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
8 years ago

If anyone has the stomach, check out the twitter account of a classic case study of progressive lunacy: CNN’s Sally Kohn. Kohn is the same over-medicated lesbian who claimed that “illegal immigrant” was hate speech akin to calling a black person a nagger, and who is raising, or rather indoctrinating, her own child to become a lesbian so as to follow in her footsteps. With regards to the Orlando shootings, Kohn is convinced that a “climate of hate” created by Christians – who insist, hatefully, that even men in dresses use the men’s room – pushed this poor Muslim… Read more »

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
8 years ago

Ah, yes good ol’ Mustang Sally, along with her sidekick Rachael Madcow.

Always good for a giggle (and ever needful of a shot of haldol).

8 years ago

Well, we had a relatively peaceful time since 1945, but it’s ending.

War is coming, more ugly than usual, because it’s going to be the cavaliers and the roundheads at it again.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
8 years ago

“…civilization exists in the space between barbarians on one side and fanatics on the other.”

Disagree on this one. The fanatics *are* barbarians, and vice-versa. Their tactics and strategies (such as they are) are identical. Rust Never Sleeps, and all that. 

Leftists and muslums fit both bills nicely.

Civilization exists when both are sufficiently and harshly put, and kept down.


Otherwise, right as rain.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Fuel Filter
8 years ago

Civilization exists between barbarians on two sides. In form they are entirely different but in need they are identical. Uniformity and submission were not abstract ideas to early man, they are a way of life baked into our instinct. All civilization is a renunciation of instinct, so saw two utterly different men as Hayek and Freud.

8 years ago

“Muslims are not real high on the totem pole for the Left, but they still rank higher than whites, even gay whites” Greetings Zman. I strongly disagree with the above statement. The hierarchy does move and shift through time and circumstances so there is never a definitive structure but nowadays the pecking order goes something like this: Muslim > LGBT > Black > Feminist > Jew Hispanics are way trickier to place here since their circumstances and story vary wildly. Consider them a joker card that can fit above almost everywhere as per need. Jews are always last in the… Read more »

Reply to  Pawn4King
8 years ago

There are those who aligned themselves with radical Islam back in the 60’s because they knew this long before the sleeping Conservative Right had a clue. They are still aligned with it, and preach it from their latent Christian pulpits.

Reply to  Joan of Argghh!
8 years ago

I didn’t know that. I fuzzily remember the western intelligentsia rising in defense of Salman Rushdie in the 1980’s and also that several movies had muslim terrorists as the villains (e.g. True Lies with James Cameron). Scenarios that are hard to imagine now.

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  Pawn4King
8 years ago

Muslim terrorists actually help reinforce most liberal propaganda memes. First, and most importantly, Islam is absolved of its terrorists because “those aren’t TRUE Muslims, because ‘Religion of Peace!’; meanwhile, Muslim terrorism can be used to propagate gun control, mass surveillance, and global military adventurism. Plus, remember that Islam and Liberalism/Progressivism are ideologically similar, so there is a deep underlying sympathy between the two “religions”.

Reply to  Pawn4King
8 years ago

Oh, Reagan had an impact on the narrative of those elites who sought to survive the temporary setback to their long march. Those Hollywood characterizations of terrorists were more about the Middle East “otherness” and oil cartels, not about Islam. No, the subculture of Islam infiltrated the lower ends of the scale in the black communities and I well remember hearing ersatz “Black Muslims” preaching from street corners of my youth, the conversion of Cassius Clay having a large impact. Angela Davis and the Black Panthers were did not play all the cards in their hand, either. Even the SPLC… Read more »

8 years ago

The new mayor of London is trying to ban public ads showing women in nighties and swimsuits based on a petition launched by progressives.

It’s all coming together.

You’re right Z. They don’t need the freighters loaded with jihadis. They only need patience.

8 years ago

[…] The Disease of Modern Liberalism | The Z Blog Winter is coming. Reply With Quote […]

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
8 years ago

It really couldn’t be much clearer than these ancient, words. 2 Timothy 3:1-9 1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
8 years ago

Since I don’t have a twatter account I’ll leave my twit here–Immigrants. Doing the job Americans just won’t do.

8 years ago

“After the Civil War, they wanted to murder all the bad whites.”
“It’s one reason the Left always wins. They never quit.”

Well, there’s the curious fact that they let the bad whites take back the South in 1876. The whole crusade for negro equality didn’t get going again until the creation of the NAACP in 1909- and didn’t gain any momentum until after WWII.

Reply to  curri
8 years ago

They didn’t, though. Radical Reconstruction ended because the voting public which endured four years of Civil War and the Lincoln tyranny finally got sick of the Radicals’ excesses (especially paying for it all). Letting the Dems “redeem” the South was a way for the GOP to keep power while shutting the crazies out for a few decades. More dramatic, but not really different from the Democrats getting their crazies under control in the 1970s. Meanwhile, the lunatics who pushed Radical Reconstruction in the 1860s were flogging prohibition in the 1870s, urban reform in the 80s, female suffrage in the 90s,… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

That’s at least half the trick with American history — finding out where the Puritans are. In the Civil War, Gilded Age, and Progressive Era, they were in the Republican Party. Then the Democrats got religion in the Sixties, thanks to race and their very willing Devil, Barry Goldwater. The interesting times are when you can’t find them in either major party, or equally distributed across both…. They’re always there, but when they don’t seem to have a natural “home” in either party, they have no systematic restraints on their lunacy (see, for example, John Brown).

8 years ago

>Muslims are not real high on the totem pole for the Left. What??? 🙂 Muslims are at the very top of the totem pole. They represent the greatest danger to western civilization so they’re right at the top. Blacks, Mexicans, gays, trans, women – they’re all below Muslims. I think it’s because the number and percentage of Muslims in America and in your neck of the woods is much smaller than in Europe, that you think blacks are perhaps higher on the totem pole. That women and feminists are higher up. What the initial silence over the mass sexual attacks… Read more »

Nam Marine
Nam Marine
8 years ago


8 years ago

[…] Swiss still sensible. Venezuela still screwed. State of the jihad, pre-Orlando (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Islamic ruin in Bangladesh. Oh Canada. The Shenzhen model. “… we are witnessing the […]

8 years ago

[…] The Disease of Modern Liberalism […]

8 years ago

ZMan, really enjoy your thoughts. Great writing. Keep it up.

John the River
8 years ago

If it wasn’t for the truly sh*tty attitude towards women I’d be fine as a Muslim (other than regarding Mohammad as a child raping, slave trading wacko with an imaginary friend). As long as Homo defenestration wasn’t a mandatory community sport and a little leeway was given on the whole bacon and pork thing. (They’re obviously just kidding about beer, I mean really!) The five wives thing as OK as long as the girls understand that the f*cking kitchen is off limits. I cook. Just make appreciate noises at meals and everyone is happy. Other than that; the eye for… Read more »

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  John the River
8 years ago

Hey slick, you might want to do a little research before you recite the shadaha. Islam is more-or-less satan worship. But hey, you might be cool with that.

Reply to  John the River
8 years ago

Nice try at a little “sick” humor. But I don’t think many are up for that right now. This is serious shit.