Father’s Day in the Ghetto

When you live in or near the ghetto, you cannot help but notice the fact that family life is nothing like it is out in Honkyville. Dave Chappelle used to do a bit on how his limo driver took him through the ghetto once and he saw a baby on the street corner selling weed at one in the morning. What made it funny is the truth of it. In the ghetto, you will see little kids running around at all hours. Seeing an unattended toddler standing on the corner is not common but seeing small children without their parents is not rare.

I was riding through a section 8 area on my bike once, it was mid-morning probably, and I saw a small kid standing next to a running car. The car had both doors open. The townhouse it was in front of also had the door wide open. Presumably, there was a mother inside, maybe watching the kid and the running car. I did not stick around long enough to get the answer, but I was not shocked by it. This is just a feature of the underclass, especially the black underclass.

Father’s Day around here is always a bit amusing because I imagine the black guys all looking for a place to hide, not entirely sure which kid is technically theirs and which baby momma is looking for them. It is terrible, but I blame Maury Povich for making me cynical about these things. That and the black illegitimacy rate in America is 75%. In the ghetto it is 100%. It is why today the local grocery store is staffed entirely by black people. Whites take off and blacks gladly pick up the extra shifts.

It was not always this way. Black illegitimacy was at 12% before the Civil Rights Movement. Social justice and the welfare state destroyed the black family. By the mid-60’s illegitimacy among blacks was in the 40’s and then exploded with the introduction of recreational drug use. On the one hand, you had young blacks destroying themselves with drugs. On the other hand, you had a warlord culture evolve around the sale and distribution of street drugs. Thug life is not family life.

In the ghetto, black people do not have any concept of fatherhood because no one grew up with a father. Often, the mothers do not even know who it was that knocked them up so the biological father does not even have a name. It is as if the women were impregnated by ghosts. As a result, the black underclass is entirely matriarchal to the point where men live separate lives. The better mothers hope their boys get out of the ghetto, but most just accept they will end up on the corner.

Hispanics have gone a different way with illegitimacy. All the blather about Hispanics being culturally conservative ignores the fact that 53% of Hispanic babies are born to unwed mothers. The difference here is that Hispanic males are not invisible. They stick around and try to take a role in child raising. They may not marry their baby-momma, but they at least make a token effort to take care of the babies. There is still a shame component that compels even the male to pretend to be a responsible father.

The underclass whites are a lot like the Hispanics in that regard. Dwayne may not have bothered to marry Brandy when he knocked her up, but little Randy will grow up knowing Dwayne is his daddy. This is just a carryover effect from when American culture served the needs of the lower classes by enforcing basic rules of conduct. There are still some poor whites around who remember when you did the right thing, but in a generation or two that will fade into the mists of time.

Jerry Springer Nation is the end point for all of it.

It does not have to be this way, of course. In fact, the current conditions are an anomaly in America. This is a new problem created by our betters over the last couple of generations. Bored with the post-war prosperity of the 50’s, they decided to experiment on the poor by blowing apart the traditional institutions that gave some structure to the lower classes. Nature does not dispense her gifts equally. Some in every generation, born with the right stuff, managed to climb out of the under-class.

That is nearly impossible now. Kids coming out of the tough neighborhoods in American cities never learn the basics of behaving in a civilized society. The schools do not bother teaching them much of anything. With no useful role models, even kids with something on the ball are condemned to life in the urban reservation. For boys that means crime and then the cemetery. The unlucky head off to prison. The girls are just baby mills and a conduit to send tax dollars into the ghetto, so white liberals can feel special.

There has never been a time when poverty was fun. It was always hard, but the promise of America was always that even the poorest had hope. “Behave, do the right thing, work hard and anyone can grow up to be president.” That promise has been rescinded by the black-hearted sadists who rule over us. In the future, the robot historians will puzzle over why Americans did not rise up and hang the bastards long before they could do so much damage. Every time I ride through the ghetto, I wonder the same thing.

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8 years ago

Don’t live near a ghetto, live way out in flyover land. Don’t have a TV, but when I go to a friends house and watch a bit of TV, it is remarkable, almost every commercial is black people actors, most of the sitcoms are almost all black people actors, see a commercial for home alarms or something to do with crime, it is unfailingly white men who are the perps, now we have blacks filling every role of science, the arts, the philosophers, the savor politicians, in the media, you name it, a black fills the role if you didn’t… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

I tried watching Neighbors 2 and I gave up. Political Correctness is injected into every other scene.
Every group of 4 kids is includes at least one black kid or ultra fat kid (or both) or of 2 gays who are getting married or/and fighting for feminism. I hope it tanked at the box office. Like crime, political correctness shouldn’t pay.

Reply to  Anon
8 years ago

Turns out it is doing badly at the box office. http://www.thewrap.com/5-reasons-why-neighbors-2-sorority-rising-sputtered-at-box-office/
They explore every possible reason other than two:
1. The plot sucks
2. This sequel is actively politically correct and people don’t like it.
Of course, political correctness doesn’t encourage questioning whether it’s responsible for movies tanking.
I hope the studios figure out injecting movies with pc-activism results in multi million dollar losses.

John the River
Reply to  Anon
8 years ago

Mel Brooks…where are you now that we need you?

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

Well, you would be thrilled with the play “Hamilton”. It’s a rap musical about the Founding Fathers, with blacks in most parts. They got in a bit of trouble when they were casting for their road show. They basically said no whites allowed.

Reply to  Notsothoreau
8 years ago

Ahhh, but did these black men get married to each other? Were there any lesbians? Was there a feminist conversation? If not, it’s transphobic, homophobic and mysoginist. It should be condemned. By the way, in Neighbors 2, the girls were overtly feminist and on a blackboard, the word “Feminist” appeared, but according to an interview, they were supposed to also say “feminist” an awful lot but it tested badly because “the term is so divisive” so they dropped it. Pity they didn’t drop the politics while they were at it. Feminism, by any other name would smell as foul. Feminism,… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

I am disabled and read a lot but I also watch my share of the boob tube to pass the time. Since Barry started his reign of racism I have noticed how movies, tv shows, commercials, news programs all have to have their token black, at least one. The majority of the time when it is a black male, they are clones of Barry, light skinned mulatto, thin, short cropped hair, tall with facial appearance that is eerily similar to our dear leader. After seven years of this crap, especially the Samuel L. Jackson dressed in black with eye patch,… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

I watch commercials with one aim: to see if there is one without any black people. More specifically, if the ad has an all-white family, though the norm on UK TV (and I suppose some of our ads come from the States, if dubbed over) is happy, happy white blonde woman with grinning black man. Sometimes a black person is inserted into a ‘normal’ sitcom for the powerful social-but-funny factor: the other day I caught one where the white girl falls pregnant and the father-to-be is, of course, an intelligent if nerdy black. The audience loved it! But as yet… Read more »

Reply to  UKer
8 years ago

Very well put. I wonder if the black race that is so proud of themselves and all their accomplishments. I wonder if the thought occurs to them that their bloodline is being diluted and very soon there may not be pure blood black people in America. I know I certainly worry about the white race that I am so proud to be a part of.

8 years ago

“The most confusing day in Harlem is…” My first teaching job was teaching snotty rich kids on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Actually most of my charges were good kids, if a tad spoiled. Anyway, the divorce rate among the parents at our school was, to my “having grown up Catholic” eye, off the charts. I developed a theory that I’ve read about on this blog, a lot, namely that money can insulate the rich from much of the social dysfunction brought on by bad decisions, but as it flies down the food chain the results are calamitous. Add… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

Anthony Daniels has often mentioned that the lower orders used to ape their betters- now it’s the other way around. One quick and handy index is how people dress today compared to, say 50 years ago when I was a kid. People dress for church as if they are going to the beach or the gym. I attended three graduations this spring- two high school, including the school where I teach, and my son’s graduation from Ohio Wesleyan. In each case I was one of the few wearing a tie- and perhaps the only one, including at the HS graduations… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

They traded that basic deviant behavior for the kind of deviant behavior only possible with power that comes with robbing the wealth of a nation.

the egyptian
the egyptian
Reply to  thezman
8 years ago

look up noblesse oblige, learned that at a program at Williamsburg Va historical village. The well off have an obligation to help and sat a GOOD example to the less fortunate for the good of society. Don’t happen, can you say Hollywood, politicians etc????

8 years ago

Civilization has always been rare, but no culture I’m aware of but ours has ever actively uncivilized its children. The project is well advanced – single momhood is now rampant in the white middle classes, and in the mid- and upper-middle classes, that’s often by choice (she’s not gonna make partner / tenure / VP if she has to take time out for courtship and marriage and a stupid – ugh! – man and all his silly needs, but she wants a little lifestyle accessory to play dress-up with). I’ve been in a lot of college classrooms over the years,… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

There has never been a nation like us. Takes extraordinary means to destroy it from within. Takes a long time to do it. It is why the Fabian’s called it the Long March.

Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

One of the 10,001 theories purporting to explain the decline and fall of Rome is that the elites turned over the raising of their kids to slaves, especially after women like Livia and Messalina started getting involved in politics. After a couple of generations of slaves bringing up children, the children had a slave mentality. Between “Chloe” putting on a business suit to leave her kids with her Salvadorean nanny twelve hours a day and the idiot box, isn’t that pretty much what we have done? I agree that it would be pretty easy to start a separatist or fascist… Read more »

Reply to  el_baboso
8 years ago

I guess you could call Father’s day in the ghetto’s an oxymoron. I’ll take bitter clinging to century’s old established traditions, guns, and the bible any day. My grandparents raised me. They where old world dirt people. Lived through the great depression. You wasted nothing, they understood what it was like to have more than you needed, love of children was unconditional, but it was with no exception as a child you behaved and learned your place or got a whooping, and you worked chores with your elders. You wasted nothing. Raised a truck garden, preserved a larder from it.… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

Also in my experience ha a HS teacher for 30 years- the prevalence of DDD (Dad Deficit Disorder). It affects both boys and girls, but boys suffer more.Single moms often lose control of their boys at around age 13 or 14.

Reply to  Ganderson
8 years ago

as a

james wilson
8 years ago

They may not know who a particular father is, but my guess is that in a matriarchal society funded by Uncle, 10 or 20% of the males are being selected for all the fathering. It’s sort of a new age eugenics experiment, and I don’t suppose this new race is being selected for intelligence.

Reply to  james wilson
8 years ago

When you think about it, not unlike the selective breeding from slave days. Just a different massa (one they have no idea is there) directing the “hookup”.

Reply to  james wilson
8 years ago

Cultural marxism is the cult of the lowest common denominator. A race and immigrants granted unfettered access with a traditionally lower IQ is the perfect proxy for reverse racism, cultural diversity, and destruction of Western Christian values and traditions.

8 years ago

Best way to impose Communism: destroy the family. Then nothing is left but atomized individuals dependent on the state.

8 years ago

If you don’t go to church on Sunday you’ll go to the local ink joint some other day of the week. Have to do your self-defining somewhere.

James LePore
8 years ago

The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don’t have to waste your time voting. Charles Bukowski

Reply to  James LePore
8 years ago

When democracy turns to tyranny, the armed citizen still gets to vote.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
8 years ago

“The difference here is that Hispanic males are not invisible. They stick around and try to take a role in child raising.” This is due to the enduring legacy of the Roman Catholic Church within the Hispanic population. Whether they actually abide by it’s precepts (or not) is immaterial to them on an individual basis. The roots still run deep. The First Communion rites, the Quiniceria (sp?) rituals, the hugely expensive weddings (when they occur, which is really more often than not…I speak from experience having taught in Hispanic-dominated  school districts in Mexifornia for 28 years in Santa Ana and… Read more »

Reply to  Fuel Filter
8 years ago

What is to become of all the mixed children, besides becoming president? Just what will our race look like 25 years down the line? It’s not as though the best and brightest of two races are breeding. I am not overly bigoted just practical. I was a child in the sixties , and the black people I knew of were clean, hardworking people. They sure don’t look that way now.

Reply to  Fuel Filter
8 years ago

I think – in fact, I’m sure – that at least some young black guys will take an example from LeBron and Curry.
It could start a trend among the black basketball stars (or it is already) and filter down at least to some extent.

8 years ago

In an area where I used to live – a middle class to upper class mostly white area – moms or dads would wait with their kids for the morning and afternoon school bus. In the same neighborhood was an apartment complex that had many mexican residents; you NEVER, EVER saw the parents waiting with their kids for the school bus; I am speaking about grammar school kids waiting along a busy street and not an adult in site. My daughter’s 2nd grade teacher (at the time; about 15 years ago) told me that the parents of the mexican kids… Read more »

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
8 years ago

Curl up with a copy of Charles Murray’s “Coming Apart”. African Anericans simply got the first spot in line for the liberal elite’s sociological Lethal Dose-50 experiment. On a brighter note, while at hing up on Sunday Morning reading,Netherlands kids are conjuring something down in the kitchen for Fathers Day.

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  Samuel Adams
8 years ago

Man, Apple auto spell butchered that.”curling up” and “the kids”

Reply to  Samuel Adams
8 years ago

I often wonder what the Netherlands’ kids are up to. Thanks for enlightening me.

Reply to  Anon
8 years ago

I think that the Netherland kids are hangin’ with the youth in Asia

8 years ago

[…] Father’s Day in the Ghetto […]

John the River
8 years ago

The whites don’t wanna live where the blacks are and the Blacks wanna live in white neighborhoods.

“And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We’re captive on the carousel of time
We can’t return we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game”

8 years ago

[…] is celebrated as Father’s Day, a day of great confusion in some quarters.  UPDATE! Z-Man has a post. […]