The End of Anti-Racism

I don’t remember when it was, but I have a recollection of John Derbyshire wondering when racism would become fashionable for young people. It may have been a podcast or a column, but it was long enough ago that I don’t recall much about it, other than the question itself. Everyone is required to think of racism in the same way that people used to think of devil worship or communism. It is, and always will be, the worst form of evil so it can never be normalized. Even thinking about it could be enough to get you in trouble.

I’m not much of a racist myself, but I don’t think about it very much either. Still, I remember Deb’s query because it was so provocative. We live in an age where nothing is sacred, so we are told. Being subversive and outrageous is the highest virtue. Our celebrities exist almost exclusively on  their ability to outrage. Logically, if racism is the great taboo, someone will try to make bank on being racist. Young people with their desire to reject their parent’s morals, would be prime candidates for this sort of thing.

To some degree, the alt-right, at least the social media version, is the first green shoots of hip racism to sprout into public view. Edgy internet personalities like Anthony Cumia and Gavin McInnes dance close to the edge of racism in their performances. Not being a regular listener, I can’t say for sure, but I have no recollection of them saying anything I’d put down as explicitly racist. Like dirty jokes in the 1950’s, there’s lots of innuendo and wink-wink sort of stuff, but even the edgiest guys are careful to avoid being racist.

Racism does seem perfect for mockery and derision by our hipsters. I was reading something the other day about the evolution of people on different continents. An interesting area of inquiry is why people in the Indus River Valley evolved different social structures from the people of Europe or East Asia. Every other paragraph, the writer felt compelled to write something like, “people have avoided asking this question for good reason.” The obvious reason is it might come off as racist and racism is so bad, the writer could be struck by lightning by even asking the question.

It reminded me of this post last year about banning research into IQ and race because, well, the void where God used to reside could be angered by it. Or maybe it is bad juju. Who knows, but the fear of racism is so pervasive that a science magazine is ready to hold a book burning and maybe throw a few heretics onto the fire just to prove he is not racism. It’s the sort of thing we associate with an age when fanatics from the Inquisition were snooping around, looking for sinners to torment.

When a taboo becomes as ridiculous as this, it is a prime candidate for mockery. The people who tend to like mocking social norms are young people. It may not be an accident that the alt-right skews very young. It’s also probably why a guy like Gavin McInnes mocks the pc-types, who are forever worried about racism. He is aiming for a younger audience and lampooning the nonsense young people see from adults is an obvious way to attract that audience. It’s a short trip from there to what Derb had in mind.

It’s natural to think that our current taboos are immutable, but think about the things that used to be off-limits that are now common. In my youth, men used to be sent to prison for making or distributing pornographic films. Now, TV is filled with what my parents would have considered to be pornography. The big New Year story was how Mariah Carey had some sort of screw up during her performance. No one noticed that this portly, middle aged mother of two was half naked, wiggling her goodies around on stage.

There is, of course, homosexual marriage. It went from being the punchline of jokes to being official dogma in a little more than a decade. In less than a generation, we went from a taboo on suggesting it to a taboo on opposing it. It’s a good example of how quickly these things can turn. There’s little reason to think that such a thing could not happen with racism. That’s not to say we will be bringing back Jim Crow, but maybe bringing back Blazing Saddles is not too far off. Perhaps race realism is the next gay marriage.

Of course, there is the issue of elite opinion, which had a lot to do with the sudden shift on an issue like homosexual marriage. So-called conservatives were more than happy to go along with the Left’s latest fads so things like gay marriage faced no opposition. Racism is hysterically opposed by everyone in the managerial class. But, this was true of Trump and that opposition just made him more attractive to voters. Old fogies flipping out over memes on twitter, they consider racist, will only encourage young people to do more of it.

It’s hard to know how this will go, but it is not unreasonable that we are headed into the age of post-anti-racism. The hysterical anti-racism of Boomers could never survive conflict with reality. The young, who have no experience with actual racism, are starting to respond with mockery of both racism and anti-racism. It’s hard to impose moral codes on people who are laughing at you and mocking your taboos. The great moral crusade of this age may not survive conflict with guys like John Rivers and his tweet storms.

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7 years ago

Every other gender, race, sexual preference, and social group went tribal in recent years, so the white males finally went tribal as well. But in the case of the white male, it is not tribalism, which is a noble thing when applied to any other group. Instead, it is racism (and sexism and misogyny) when the white males do it.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

You get my thumbs up Dutch. If there is such a thing as racism, then those who selectively use the charge of racist against others are hypocrites, are the racists.

7 years ago

Seems to me that the past eight years under the direction of Obama, Jarrett, Holder, et al, were the worst eight years in my life regarding race. I’ve been around, just turned sixty four, been to some really good schools, worked in Fortune 500 companies and met many different people of various ethnicity’s and backgrounds. Racism has always been present, just in a more passive aggressive manner in how it was displayed. These clowns opened Pandora’s Box and told the “victims” in our society (and they have been nurtured in that mindset for a few decades now), “It’s free range… Read more »

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

Hi LP, I see the opposite, when the left is out of political power they then vigorously exercise their cultural power. I think they will double down on enforcement of raysism, and all of the other isms plus some as yet unknown, to us, sin. They like to see us squirm, they like to make you deny your “lying” eyes. It must be a heady thrill to make otherwise mature and intelligent adults dance to their insane tune. I am a raysis, I can not unsee all I have seen.

Reply to  A.T. Tapman (Merica)
7 years ago

Yes, absolutely, expect worse.
Blacks and womyn are the human shield of the Disruptors.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Proxies and useful dupes also.

Reply to  A.T. Tapman (Merica)
7 years ago

A.T. – You could well be right. ACORN has morphed into BLM and of course the “network/resources” have been mobilized, however, like with BDM, it was the MSM and Democraps who turned vicious on fighting anything a Republican administration tried to accomplish. But that is the nature of politics. What was disgusting was the actions by Reid/Pelosi, etc. to change rules whenever it suited them. Now the shoe is on the other foot. The Dems/Libs/Socialists are hurting and they may well strike out like a wounded animal with any disregard for their own survival or that of anyone else. And… Read more »

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

LP, Bravo!
I too think the world is changing in better ways. Nothing so ugly and destitute of beauty of what the human race is capable of, as cultural marxism can survive long. It’s us dirt people who are and will change it too.

Critical thinking is thinking about thinking to improve your thinking through better thinking. Get acquainted with the entire fascinating world of fallacies. Practice conversation and Socratic drilling. Identify your bias filters and hone your skills at identifying other people’s filters. Learn to frame arguments properly. -Bill Buppert

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
7 years ago

I find it interesting how this concept went from “discrimination” to “racism”. Everyone discriminates. It’s why some prefer one brand of chocolate over another, or one brand of cars or shoes. Advertising and marketing people even promote and glamorize the idea of consumers having “discriminating taste” when it comes to selection various high end products. But then, no one gets upset when called a “discriminator”, but if you call someone a “racist” it borders on being called a “Nazi”. Which in some circles are almost one and the same. As you say, what was once considered obscene is now just… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

It’s power in America comes from enforcible legal rulings of “disparate impact”.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Key word, enforceable. Ideas that require force of the state to implement isn’t power, nor are they natural law, it’s coercion.

7 years ago

I own it; I’m racist, not malevolent, because everyone is naturally racist. What’s so wrong with racism?

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago


Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

I think there is a catch 22 with the term racist, or a conundrum intend to trap the intended target of racism. First, using the word racist or racism in the process of ones defense against the accusation lends credibility to an invented term and marxist dogma intended to trap it’s target in such a quandary in the first place. It is actually quite a brilliant piece of shudenfraude. It is very difficult to delegitimize, or defend oneself, race tribe, culture, from, (something that is inherently, and intended, illegitimate to begin with), being classified as racist without using the term… Read more »

7 years ago

For all the people that ask for “an honest dialog on race”, my reply has always been, “go watch Blazing Saddles, that was the last honest dialog, everything since has been a weird kabuki theater”. One of the funniest episodes was when my ten year old went to the Post Office to get his passport. When the young black female clerk was taking his picture, she kept telling him not to “chink his eyes up” (he was squinting). He had no clue what she was talking about. Had a fun time on the ride home explaining what a “chink” was….

7 years ago

John Rivers’s Twitter storm showed up as suspended when I looked at 11:52 PM EST. That’s always a risk when proggies controlling social media.

Reply to  Lorenzo
7 years ago

Have you seen what the thought police at Apple are trying to crowbar Gab into committing to regards censorship of bad think before they will license a Gab app for Apple devices?

The thought Nazi’s at Wikipedia is having fits over Infogalactic too.

Reply to  Lorenzo
7 years ago

John is back, and seems bent for now on continuing to respawn.

He’s on @JohnRiversX7 now.

You can always see him on Gab at @JohnRivers .

7 years ago

In most everything I read, watch and hear lately, academics and journalists are going to insane lengths to avoid being labelled as “racist”: from avoiding the use of the word “Indo-European” or even implying that Indo-European speaking tribes displaced non-Indo Europeans (some skinhead may use your words to justify his Neo-Nazism) to denying without any caveats that the Mayans performed human sacrifice during the Classical an Post-Classical periods. Similar dodges are used all the time when discussing gender and sexual orientation issues. The spring has been stretched about as far as it can go. Either it snaps back (return to… Read more »

Jak Black
Jak Black
Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

“In most everything I read, watch and hear lately, academics and journalists are going to insane lengths to avoid being labelled as “racist””

…”I’m not much of a racist myself, but ….”

Ahem. Even the wise Z has to at least offer this caveat. Not blaming him – who wants to have his life upended in a Crusade? I’m just pointing out that even in the deep alt-Right you often find at least this sort of touchstone. It’s kind of like a Catholic crossing himself without thought to ward off the evil spirits. In this case, at least they’re real.

Reply to  Jak Black
7 years ago

The Raaacist scam is a way to control the speech and thoughts of the enemies of cultural marxism. The term Racist was even invented by a marxist. It is the ultimate bigotry. But discrimination, it is a natural condition of being human. It is human nature, so to me what the left is doing is outlawing our human nature, but it is a cunning sly grift that most fail to reckon. They react emotionally, understandably. And that is how they rule souls thus have nasty power over people. Nasty and ugly it is. It is not nice to be duped.… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Gotta say, your best yet, Doug.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Well thank you very much.
What that fellow from Enigma of Steel said is a profound bit of thinking. I was moved beyond words when I read it.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

I not only discriminate, I don’t get to be old by being stupid.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

It’s the most useful double standard imaginable. It is meddling in the affairs of others on an astronomical scale. And because this whole scam of being a racist or anti racist is so personally intrusive, it has power to socially engineer people, which makes it real easy for people with ulterior motives to get away with really bad behavior towards their fellow man. Those who do, are the true bigots.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

What comes after the “but” I’d wager is the most important thing. It is the first thing.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

What Bien Pensants would call my racism is actually “prudent behavior based on observed reality”.

Jak Black
Jak Black
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Actually, what comes after the “but” is irrelevant to my point – namely, that it’s impossible to even bring up the topic without first declaring that you’re not a racist. I notice this caveat every single time it’s discussed – right, left or center – which is why I mentioned it.

I don’t mean to pick on you in particular, Z. But if we’re going to be among those who “notice things” let’s be honest about common modes of behavior.

7 years ago

I’m not much of a racist, either. Married outside my race. Wonderful woman. Interestingly enough my kids are the ones who woke me up to white genocide and the JQ. What should be interesting to anyone reading this is that they could have even more easily chosen the other side and come out looking like the fake heroes of the left, but chose them one they are on because it is right. All the more strange as we live in a university town and go to a cucked church. So friendships are limited and we go around speaking in code.… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Z Man; You give a pretty good description of a multi-ethnic, empire. This kind of polity has been a historic norm for millennia. The difference being that the historical examples were all highly authoritarian. That is, the ‘free’ part in any associations was in notably short supply and any minority cultural celebration was well watched and strictly limited, particularly if they had fellow members in an adjacent realm. IOW, what you describe is how a free people could possibly live along side with ‘vibrants’ in true diversity. Unfortunately, what you describe is not where we are nor where our idiot… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The thing you got to keep in mind to retain proper perspective, and to protect oneself from the ravaging effects of diversity, is to divide people and conquer them, is a time honored method of ruling over people. No self respecting tyrant or system of tyranny can be successful without dividing people. It is the marxist axiom of order out of chaos. If you can get people to go at each others throats, to make them attack each others natural perfectly normal cultural divisions, especially where people naturally find an equilibrium, a cultural balance between them, you unbalance the delicate… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Bottom line is diversity can only exist in a low pressure environment. Once the pressure is on it is likely to fall apart. University towns tend to be low pressure from an economic standpoint. I’ve lived here mostly since 1970. When there’s a recession you’d only know it by reading the news. Money flows in here from so many outside sources it’s ridiculous. That’s a big reason why university faculty have little or no conception of reality. They think that the answer to everything is to make the world more like the one they live in. More meetings and higher… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

Yes indeed, the inverse of what your saying If a plurality reject it on principle, it ceases to be legitimate?
(I wholly agree)

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

There’s discourse then there is resistance, then there is a sea change in thinking. A fine line between them. Then there is revolution. Anybody pick up on the MAGA hats?

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

The ones that wear them actually live out of town, but they wear them when they’re here, and they know when to be discrete. These towns are full of quaint restaurants. We were in one a while back and a lady came over to virtue signal. When she saw the hats sitting on a chair she cut her visit short.

7 years ago

Antiracism is already a huge money maker for academia and I’m sure is seen as a potential jackpot by the global taxing fanatics, who, at this very moment, are dreaming of a white-privilege tax.

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

The race card is their hole card. In fact, they are trying to stack the deck with race cards.
The way to look at that is like the joker cards in a new deck, useless, throw it in the trash bin of history.

Horace Pinker
Horace Pinker
7 years ago

Derb’s ‘Why Isn’t Racism Cool?’ article:

7 years ago

The biggest problem “racism” has is currently playing out on my Facebook feed. A friend of mine posted a shocking video* of how Muslims treat women in France, while simultaneously telling me that her preferred candidate in the election – Clinton – didn’t want to expand the very immigration that is fueling radicalism in France. It’s pretty funny, like the robot on Star Trek whose head explodes from the contradictions. She was particularly angry that the French PM was too weak, and wouldn’t do anything about it. What she doesn’t understand is that he can’t really act because of all… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Very insightful. Another candidate for the posited great reversal against Cultural Marxism is multiculturalism. Our ‘lyin eyes’ give ample evidence that certain cultures produce better results for the members as a whole than others, particularly those in the ME and global south. Yet we are demanded by our ignorant elite to assent to the obvious lie that cultures are all equally good, just not, by some random chance, our own. Of course, this assumes that today’s college grad can actually distinguish race from culture. It is a very well deserved tribute to the great Thomas Sowell that he ‘boldly went… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

multiculturalism, another phony marxist instrument of fomenting civil/class warfare.

james wilson
james wilson
7 years ago

Human extinction movement. Fake words, fake people, Mouse Utopia terminal stage 5, white mice exclusively.

7 years ago

So, racism is the new black hey?

7 years ago

It’s too Asian here said the asian racist
It’s too black here said the African racist
It’s too white here said the western anti-racist

7 years ago

On issues of race there are two blogs that every YT should read on a regular basis: Very Smart Brothers and Field Negro I never fully understood the breadth and depth of contempt and resentment blacks hold for *all* whites until I started reading these blogs, and especially the comment sections. Like Zman, I was generally sympathetic to the plight of black people in the US. Then I started reading these blogs. No more sympathy. Sadly, I’m afraid Vox Day has it correct when he says that your skin is your uniform. If the SHTF, Zman, I’m afraid… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

There is an Aferican blogger named cobb who lives by conservative values, and so he set out to define what that meant, especially as it applies to blacks. He became Republican and made the rounds of conservative and Republican organizations. He is introspective and very well written. One of his great objects was to comnunicate what this meant to intelligent young black men. Judging by the comment section discussions, he failed. What people seek is not discovery, it is power and affirmation. Intelligent young black men are quickly promoted to the top of the prog class, where the unexamined life… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago


Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

I managed to get through a couple of pieces from verysmartbrothas and was struck by their childishness and could not help but compare the writer to Thomas Sowell. It was like putting Paris Hilton up against Aristotle, or Dan Brown against Shakespeare.

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
7 years ago

I like to “trigger” people on FB by pointing out that babies are the most racist people on the planet. Much research has shown that babies strongly identify with those who look like them, and are skeptical of those who don’t. Naturally, this is a survival trait, group identification being important. Other research has shown that babies of different races have quite different reactions to different kinds of stimuli and the world in general….

7 years ago

My son spent a year at military high school. The cadets there approached race much like the Korean War Vets I’ve known. Something to be joked about and laughed at, and not taken seriously. His roommate was a half-Asian, half-black kid who was simply referred to as “Blasian”. They were good friends. He really did not like the Chinese students (the ones really from China). Obnoxious, rich, entitled – and constantly talking in their “jibber-jabber”. He does a pretty good impression of their speech and bad attitudes. I think many in our next generation will have a healthier approach to… Read more »

Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

It’s funny, but my son’s college roommate is half Wyoming cowboy and half Singaporean Chinese. He shows up on move in day with a Make America Great Again hat, a Yeti cooler with Trump stickers and a Gadsden flag. Go figure.

Reply to  SamlAdams
7 years ago

My father has an ex- neighbor he keeps in touch with on occasion – who was a Chinese guy (and his family) who moved here from China when given half a chance. He finally got sick of MA – and moved up to NH. My father said the last time he went to visit him he had a pickup truck in the driveway – and the Stars and Bars flying from his flagpole in the front yard. I work with a Chinese guy – who is anti-communist as you can get – and has no tolerance for all the SJW… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Obama’s eight years of wasted time and treasure has done more to illuminate the foolishness of the whole racial “atonement” thing than pretty much anything else that could have been done. It is not that individual blacks are necessarily angry creatures incapable of handling adult responsibilities in normal ways, but that elevating a man to high office because of his color, despite the fact that he, personally, is an angry and incapable person, is foolishness of the highest order. Obama has set back racial relations in a big way, but he has also brought some big truths to the public… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

It’s the government plantation. Well written piece about Thomas Sowell over at Essays in Idleness: “…A disciplined and unexciteable controversialist, he rose closest to exhibiting passion when discussing, for instance, the destruction of the black family by the Great Society of Lyndon Baines Johnson — how it arrested the social and economic advancement blacks had been making by their own efforts to overcome the monstrous history of slavery. By its “helping hand” the government rewarded unwed motherhood, punished enterprise, and promoted crime. In addition to family, it undermined religion, and finally helped instal the abortion mills which disproportionally reduce the… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The really interesting study is of the attitudes of “immigrant” blacks towards “native”. I’ve worked with many Nigerian, Jamaican and other Caribbean black immigrants. Some of what they say would make them welcome at a Klan rally. But it’s more borne of the experience of say, growing up one ten kids in a Nigerian backwater, living in a tin roofed shack, working your way through high school, winning a scholarship to UCLA, then winning a Sloan Fellowship to the London Business School, that leads one to ask in an unguarded moment, “what the fuck is wrong with these people?”.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Ooh boy- or the Ghanans of Baltimore.
Blacks hate Africans.
Good news is Somalis are terrorized by them.

Reply to  SamlAdams
7 years ago

It is discriminating nature is all that is. How can being a discriminating person, a person who favors his tribe, or his kith and kin, his culture be anything but natural behavior. How can that be justifiably be held in contempt or immoral. The juxtaposition of cultural marxism is very difficult to understand, because it goes against all natural human behavior. Because it attacks instinctive behavior, people are easily caught unawares and defenseless. It is a truly evil but ingenious method of social engineering and manipulation. Cunning subterfuge.

Reply to  SamlAdams
7 years ago

I would disagree with your “it’s more borne of the experience” statement. When I was a kid (30 plus years ago) – one of my grandmother’s nephews lived with them. He was legally blind – and spent much of his life in and out of the MA Eye and Ear Infirmary. During periods when he lived on his own – he worked manual labor type stuff like washing dishes in restaurants and so forth. He often talked about some of his Caribbean black friends ( he was a lily-white old man of English-Scottish descent) – and how they talked about… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Africans ( wherever on Earth they are) are what they are. They can’t change, and they can’t be ‘fixed’. Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, sub-Saharan Africa, Haiti all share the same characteristics: Large amounts of corruption, violence, deterioration and destitution. An example of the situation is here: The ‘bell curve’ is real, and we used to understand that due to low intelligence and impulsiveness there are those who cannot mentally mature – even if they physically do so. A non-African example are those who have Down’s Syndrome, typically they are described as ”having the mind of a [single-digit] year old” regardless… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

O’Connor might have been the only one whip believed that we’d be race neutral in twenty five years. The rest probably were just kicking the can. The belief that differences are solely our even mostly due to racism is just that a belief part of the liberal canon. It bears less relationship to truth than belief in witches souring milk or outer space aliens abducting people. The problem with false beliefs is that sometimes people act as if the are true. That’s where the problems come from. Acting like racism or proximity to Canada are the causes of the differences… Read more »

Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

You might want to share this article with your son. He can ask his classmates why the work ethic described is such considering the travel/education/internet, etc. that exposes so many to the “can do” and “excellence” spirit in American attitudes. Never mind … just read.


Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Universal culture, ethnically fractured culture, monoculture.

7 years ago

I was listening to an interview of a geneticist once on the radio, and it was great, until they asked him if man was still evolving. You could literally hear him squirm on the radio as he attempted, gingerly, to explain that travel and interbreeding was actually destroying any environmental specialization that currently existed in man, and so we were devolving. I felt sorry for the guy, but it’s as if he were too stupid to not tell the truth.

7 years ago

I hope you are right about this, because it is becoming quite wearing to bother worrying about being treated as an outcast any time you make a random comment about silly social nonsense.

7 years ago

I’ve been saying for years now that today’s blue-haired bicurous vegan slam poet is tomorrow’s obergruppenfuhrer (seriously – check the archives!). These people define themselves as being on the radical fringe of it, whatever “it” is. As standards of living decline and we have to make some serious decisions about who gets the dwindling supply of gibs, hipsters will be among the hardest hit. And since the zeitgeist pendulum* is swinging back hard right… Give ’em five years and they’ll be sporting honest-to-god armbands and saying their favorite group to deport is some obscure tribe you’ve never heard of. *Yes,… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

Beta males that find their way to positions of political power are like poor relations that inherit a bunch of money. They don’t know how to handle it, having never grown up with it, so they waste it in wanton and destructive ways.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Law of rule of the lowest common denominator?

7 years ago

Hatin’ whitey will always be cool, so racism will do just fine.

Reply to  FaCubeItches
7 years ago

These 4 bigots seem to think hatin’ whitey is chic.
They kindnap some guy, tie him up, beat on him, cut him with a knife and scream racial epithets hate against Trump, film it and post it on Faceborg. (Funny how the Faceborg thought Nazi’s don’t close their page down isn’t it).
The law caught and arrested the 4 SJW’s.

4 Chicago Teens In Custody After Broadcasting Kidnap Of Trump-Supporter Live On Social Media

comment image

Reply to  FaCubeItches
7 years ago

Couple more:

Chicago Police: 4 in custody after man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live

Forced to say “f**k Donald Trump,” “f**k white people”

7 years ago

poor john rivers banned by twitter, gosh i like him already

Reply to  barogue1
7 years ago

There’s Gab. Insurgency alt-tech.

Rob De Witt
Rob De Witt
7 years ago

And of course you mean by “racism” “White people noticing that blacks are different” – which definition by itself means that you have acceded to the Critical Theorists. The extent to which the Frankfurt School’s neuroticism has infiltrated Western culture can be measured by the fact that “Political Correctness” (bastard child of two Marxists, Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs) is acceptable phraseology in mainstream discourse. A normal society would vomit in revulsion at allowing this kind of language to be used in public. Employing the kind of babytalk exemplified by the terms “N-word” (Narcissism? Nepenthe?) and “C-word” (Calabash? Citric acid?)… Read more »

7 years ago

The Boomers are just nearing the age of retirement and beginning to receive their pensions. They are the ones who are most heavily invested and with the most to lose by venturing into the minefield. The young millenials are not yet heavily invested, have little to lose, and have come of age taking certain risks for granted as a feature of life. I know several Boomers who seem to have lost their fear as they became free again.More of us than you realize are speaking out and going off the reservation – carrying our tomahawks too.Often generational conflict has been… Read more »

7 years ago

Funny, John Rivers’ a twitter account has been suspended.

7 years ago

I remember when right thinking people were against racial prejudice, because obviously you shouldn’t judge people before you get to know them. I’m no spring chicken

Reply to  stevo
7 years ago

“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.”

– Thomas Sowell