The Destroyer of Worlds

Since Trump has entered the White House, the Left has been spinning bizarre fantasies about how the Trump team is part of some super-secret Russian conspiracy. You cannot turn on the television without seeing a liberal nutter hooting “Russian hacking!” To date, no one has bothered to explain what that phrase is supposed to mean. The implication is that through some special magic, the Russians caused the voting machines to register results in favor of Trump. They don’t come out and say it, but that’s the game.

A big part of this lunacy is the fact that the Left was sure that Trump could not win the election. It’s not that they were sure they had the better choice. It was that they were completely convinced that there were no circumstances where Trump could become President. They were so sure, in fact, that they had all of official Washington convinced of this as well. A month before the election there was no one in either party talking about a Trump victory. In fact, the topic of debate was the size and scope of the Clinton victory.

This belief was so pervasive, that both parties spent the summer plotting how they were going to configure themselves after the disaster. Team Clinton spent the summer figuring out how they could use the landslide in order to steamroll the Republicans and enact their agenda. The Republicans were similarly planning for the onslaught and how they could somehow preserve themselves after the election. The day after the election, the stunned looks on the faces of everyone in the political class made this hilariously clear.

There’s another aspect to this that has become abundantly clear over the last couple of months. Both parties wanted to see Clinton win. The Republicans, at least the leadership, liked the setup under Obama. They got to pose as rock-ribbed conservatives fighting Obama, without ever having to do anything. Democrats liked that Obama was just issuing executive orders and bypassing the parliamentary process. The Washington ecosystem was at equilibrium as long as everyone on both sides played their part.

The proof of this is the fact that the GOP has no plans ready for the 2017 legislative session. They have been talking for years about ObamaCare and now we know they never planned to do anything. The same is true of taxes, which is the one thing Republicans like doing. They have no plans for anything, not even something symbolic. They not only have no plans, they are still staggering around in shock, not sure what they should be doing. Suddenly nothing makes sense to the people inside the bubble and they are scared.

In a world where the rules no longer apply, it quickly becomes every man for himself and that’s what is happening in Washington right now.The Left accusing Trump of colluding with the Russians is not just a reckless political attack. It’s war on the very system of governance. It’s the sort of thing that goes on when the political system is breaking down. Trump’s charge that Obama was spying on his campaign makes perfect sense in light of what see happening. The evidence of some sort of Nixonian skulduggery is pretty strong.

Of course, in a world where the scrupulous following of protocol is essential to maintaining the status quo, a break down in the rules puts everyone at risk. That seems to be Trump’s game here with the spying charges. The establishment has tossed out the rules in their effort to attack him, so he is threatening to further bust up the system, which works to his favor and to their disadvantage. it’s a foolish game the Left has decided to play as they have much more to lose in a world without rules.

There’s another aspect to this. Trump has fewer skeletons in his closet than any president in generations. In Washington, that makes him a very dangerous man. All of these guys have shady deals in their closet. All of them bend the rules to reward themselves and their associates. No one says anything about it because everyone is dirty. Washington is a lot like a corrupt police precinct, where everyone is on the take so no one dares rat on anyone else. Trump’s life is an open book so he does not have to play along.

That’s probably why he went nuclear over the weekend. He’s looking around at a city full of crooked politicians calling for investigations so he is turning the table and threatening to open the investigation up to everything. Imagine Trump coming out and asking for a special prosecutor to look into Obama, Clinton, the IRS people, the DOJ and maybe even the FBI itself. There’s a lot of people in Washington with a lot to hide and Trump certainly knows it, which is why he is going on the attack over the tapping of his offices.

A long time ago I pointed out that Trump was The Mule, the character from the Asimov novels. Trump is the destroyer of worlds, not because he has some grand vision of the future and wants to plow under the existing order to make room for his utopia. He is the destroyer because the old order can only exist if Trump does not exist. His rise to the White House is the nullification of the established order. It’s why Washington is going for total war to destroy him. They see it is a matter of survival.

It’s probably too late. The Mule has arrived.

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7 years ago

It’s worse than you describe. The federal government is the functional equivalent of an organic entity (a living thing), and it’s continued survival is it’s highest priority. When backed into a corner and facing an existential threat, it will lash out with ferocity and ruthlessness in the extreme. Inside the DC bubble, this is just a parlor game on steroids; but to the working class of middle America, this could well the match that ignites the inferno. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are playing a very dangerous game trying to straddle the middle and hope nothing bad happens. They are… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

Perhaps our governmental ‘organism’ is an example of a-sexual reproduction. Have you ever been on the D. C. Metro during Rush Hour? Yeesh. What a bunch of sorry-ass drones headed to/from ‘work’! All
this after $100,000+ Ivy League edu-macations.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Dr. Dre
7 years ago

Its NOT EDU-MACATION! Its indoctrination and development of credentials to enter the “social caste” of expert cloud people!
Education would infer knowledge and s the beginning of wisdom; credentialism implies no such things.

Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

Paul Ryan and Reince are thick as thieves and Priebus’ appointment is the only misstep Trump has made.

7 years ago

Not a reader of SF. I’ve been thinking about this in terms of card games. When I was a kid the adult missionaries used to play cards a lot in the evening. Nothing else to do. I wanted desperately to play, but my dad said I had to wait until I was older. During the day I would take the cards and play as if I was four different people, dealing out the cards and playing out the hands. I found that I could play out hands as if I didn’t know what was in the other hands, but could… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

great insight teapartydoc. I’d wager the texts and phone calls and emails in the Democrat and media circles ( not to mention the GOPe circles) were burning and churning this weekend. Heh. They’ve NEVER had an opponent who fights back like this… and their mightiest weapon, the media, is discredited to a incredible extent and even they are floundering. Nice.

James LePore
Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

I am hoping that the next card that Trump plays is to re-open all investigations into alleged criminal conduct by Hilary. This will be the equivalent of a nuclear weapon and may bring the DNC/Big Media Complex to its knees.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

If I am not careful and restrained I’ll run out of Popcorn by the end of next week.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

This is one of his biggest weapons if he chooses to use it. Issue an EO or memorandum directing the IRS to release every single email and memo pertaining to what happened during the IRS/Tea Party investigation. Direct the CIA, DoD, and State to fully disclose (i.e. declassify) anything having to do with our consulate in Benghazi dating back to the fall of Qaddafi. Ditto the Iran deal…just make the whole rotten thing public. He’s under zero obligation to keep that material classified once CIA black out the names of covert operatives or gets those people relocated to a safe… Read more »

4SBe4james wilson
4SBe4james wilson
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Because they cannot remember a time when they did not have their way. If, and only if, Trump takes control at FBI and IRS the deep state will offer a deal. Will Trump be of a mind to take it?

Reply to  4SBe4james wilson
7 years ago

I sure the hell hope not.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

It’s all they know.

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

EXACTLY what I was wondering…Like you, I believe Trump is ‘clean’ … and after being in the business he has been in, for soooo long, he KNOWS where many bodies are buried… and they know he knows, so it’s just confounding the games that are being played… I wonder if it’s about slowly sniping out all those around him that MAY have unclean hands….leaving him in open water with no bilge pump… one can only bail so fast and steer the ship.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Arrogance: Why would Chuckles Schumer declare/admit in public that “…the intelligence community can harm Trump six ways from Sunday…” if he fights them???

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Maybe Trump knows that We The People would be totally fricking furious if he even THOUGHT about cutting a deal with those bastards.

Country Mouse
Country Mouse
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

This reminds me of Ted Turner’s interview where he said, “Men just like to get together and kick each other’s ass – for fun”.

So – deal with Trump? Or kick his ass? Which do you think Obama and Schumer would enjoy more?

Reply to  Country Mouse
7 years ago

Well Mouse, my opinion is those two examples are not men. They would be happier putting on their chaps, grabbing their whip and yelling “BOHICA” biotch!” Have you seen pictures of Schumer “trying” to make a fist? Pitiful. And I doubt Obozo even knows what that means.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Legitimacy. This is revolution. If Trump is the legitimate boss, they must submit and yield their legitimacy. Same reason the Round heads and Charles could not cut a deal, or Lenin and the Constituent Assembly. Or Lincoln and the Confederacy.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

First – because they’re ideologues.

Second – because (just my opinion) Trump cannot be bought the way a typical politician can – and I think he has a moral compass.

He’s also old enough to not give a shit about making gains thru corruption.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

It’s 9-11 and pedogate.That’s the reason they’re panicking. On 9-11 building #7 fell the same speed as a rock dropped in air for roughly 108 feet. Since gravity has the same pull on our falling rock and the building that means the density of material holding up building #7 was also the SAME AS AIR. We know the building wasn’t hovering in air so it was demoed. Somebody fucked up. I believe it was supposed to come down with the North tower and it didn’t. There’s been a rash of pedogates. All these files still exist. 1.Finders Now in… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

Let Trump use his EO power to declassify, and lift the sequestration on all those hidden documents of the Obama personal record, the BC, which would drive a wedge between him and Hillary the original birther, the college transcripts, the SSN number allegations, the medical records, and all the rest. This would open another inactive front for then to defend, distract the attention of a lot of people, and might very well reveal some truly devastating information. Best, once everything is opened, Trump would need expend no further energy as Cashill, Corsi, and other independents would run with that ball.… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rurik
7 years ago

“…Trump use his EO power to declassify, and lift the sequestration on all those hidden documents of the Obama personal record…”

That’s really good I like that!

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Well, I should hope he pursues those investigations. He’s not much of a president if he doesn’t. The president is supposed to make sure laws are enforced! People broke laws, and they should be prosecuted. The scandal would be if they’re NOT brought to justice. Are we going to just let big-time lawbreakers get away with it? WTF? Why the hell are Eric Holder and Lois Lerner still at large? They should have gone to prison years ago.

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

I’m hoping AG Sessions unleashes the Hounds of Hell on every front. After cleansing the DOJ of Obama operatives,of course. The caterwauling of the Dem Media is epic already,by summer they’ll be out of fresh Hitler invectives.

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  Nori
7 years ago

re: “I’m hoping AG Sessions unleashes the Hounds of Hell on every front.” Nori

The way Sessions caved last week demonstrates he has no fight in him, I fear. Why, oh why, did not Trump select an attorney general who possesses Fire In His Belly and not Sessions who has the earmarks of a Milquetoast.

Dan Kurt

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

It actually makes things easier for Sessions because now he can ignore questions about it, the crisis goes away (the Left has now moved on to some sort of “financial disclosure” wrt Sessions, so the Russia thing is now off his plate).

Illegal immigration law enforcement is why Sessions got hired. And I guess we can add to his job jar: find out who authorized continuing wire taps against the Trump campaign and pre-inauguration team. And, finding out if those wire taps continued into his administration in the White House.

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

AG Sessions needs to enforce the Rule of Law and reestablish such across the land. He is not a one man show. He has many departments and people at his disposal. I agree that making Trump’s campaign promises about Immigration are a priority but I am sure he is very capable of multi-tasking on fronts like domestic spying, the Clinton Crime Network, Lolita Island, the Consolidation of the MSM, Georgie-boy Soros and his minions causing chaos across the land (and now with our former AG Lowretta Lynch-my-ass cuz I’m a dumbass racist and hate America), among others. Round’em up and… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

I hope his job description includes busting up Pizzagate and imprisoning all the pedophiles.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The recusal leaves Sessions free to fight on other fronts without looking like he’s seeking out reprisals.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Yes, but at this early stage, the Left should not be given one iota of satisfaction. e.g. Lois Lerner … nothing.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Dan Kurt
7 years ago

Methinks that Sessions can be a sneaky little sh%^ when it’s necessary. The milquetoast demeanor is a cover for a certain toughness. Would you have been able to stand the sheer nastiness rendered him a couple of weeks ago at his confirmation hearings? The guy went thru hell 20 yrs ago trying to become a federal judge for crissakes and ended up in the US Senate, re-elected several times. He also stepped right up with support for Trump long before any other Repub leaders in the Senate did. Never wavered. He’s owed big-time and I believe that he is just… Read more »

Reply to  Dan Kurt
7 years ago

You mean like Trey Gowdy? 😉

Reply to  Nori
7 years ago

I’m hoping that the real reason Sessions recused himself from the stupid, time-wasting Russia silliness is so that he could devote all his time and energy to building cases against and bringing down the Washington elite pedophile rings.

Mike Pitzler
Mike Pitzler
Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

I prefer the biblical example. In the times of the judges when “every man did what was right in his own eyes,” when the people would fall into great oppression, God would raise up judges like Samson to deliver his people, and Jehu somewhat fits our situation. God commanded Jehu to destroy the family of Ahab, and in the middle of his grisly task, as he approached in the distance, the watchmen reported: “and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously. (2 Ki. 9:20 ASV),” “And when Jehu was come to… Read more »

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

To all those IDIOTS who claimed TRUMP had “No political experience: I’ve been saying since Day One of the Republican primary campaign:

Trump learned more about politics on his first real estate building development in NYC, than all his opponents combined in all their years of “politics.” When its your skin in the game, you pay very close attention to the political details!!!

James LePore
7 years ago

Taking a 30,000 feet view, I ask myself, how did this happen? Trump may not be a mentalic, but he is definitely the Messiah of the Dirt People. Maybe they’re the same thing. Maybe that was Azimov’s point. Until Trump came along, I thought evil was going to win hands down. Not now. I do not discount the spiritual component in all this.

karl hungus
karl hungus
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

well, keep in mind Trump is the guy flipping the cards, and the press is the chump with $20 sitting on the table

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  karl hungus
7 years ago

Funny, the press doesn’t know WHO the chump is!
When you don’t recognize who the chump is…. you’re the chump!

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

He thinks ahead and games out the implications of current decisions. Playing chess, but not on a board with only stylized moves permitted. And he pays close attention and remembers.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

When you truly understand the dynamics of a particular situation – it’s not hard to come off looking like a sorcerer to the ignorant.

Country Mouse
Country Mouse
7 years ago

My first, visceral reaction to your last line was : Fukkin – A !!

My 2nd thought : From your lips to God’s ears!

I want to see Samson pull down the pillars of the temple.
More than that – I want to help!

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Country Mouse
7 years ago

Question is: Do you do it with signs? Or something more metallic and substantial???

Reply to  Old Codger
7 years ago

When taking hostile fire, try to keep your head down until you know where it is coming from. And then take no prisoners.

random observer
Reply to  Country Mouse
7 years ago

My first thoughts as well. May it prove to be so.

7 years ago

Hat tip to Letsplay yesterday- by quoting Alinsky directly, he settled the question once and for all.

Is it incompetence or malice?

It’s deliberate.
It’s deliberate.
It’s deliberate malice.

There is no possibility of “compromise”.
Bring the Mule!

7 years ago

Your best column in months. You’ve been using the Mule description for almost as long as Trump has been running way back in mid-2015. What is going to be very fun to watch is whether Trump’s allegations that Trump Tower was wire tapped hold up. If reporting is accurate about the FISA court rulings in June and October, then there are some very powerful people who have a lot to lose. So, you’ll see them switch tactics. “We had no choice but to bug Trump,” will be the fallback position. Hence Obama’s non-denial, denials, over the weekend. They left themselves… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Not just that, but the fact that they picked Flynn out of what is probably a whole lot of wire taps. That means they were looking for people, particularly considering the way it was leaked. Nothing illegal happened, but they collected intelligence of a Trump guy on the phone with a Russian guy, and knew the media would run with it. The quote from Ben Rhodes (one of Obama’s flacks) is telling, “No President can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you.” That potentially tells us three things: That they considered… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I think that is exactly right. They expected to be able to make all these little problems “go away”. With Clinton in the WH, maybe some of this stuff leaks out, but Clinton just declares executive privilege, and everybody takes the 5th.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

An alternative hypothesis is that this was all about trying to find dirt on Trump for the election. It’s clear now that without the tapes, Trump would have won in a landslide and maybe the Dems knew it.

And didn’t Nate Silver give Trump about a 25% chance of winning on election eve? 25% is only correctly picking two coin flips in a row. Obama (and/or Hillary) was running scared, and desperately wanted to humiliate Trump and his movement. I think that’s the simplest explanation.

Reply to  Baltar
7 years ago

I thought it was 12-15%, but that might have been the NYT.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“…My hunch is that the Dems were so sure Hillary was going to win they started acting as if it had happened…” Here’s an interesting angle. Pure speculation. It is very probable that hacking voting machines is what gave Hillary the primaries. What if when they tried to hack the general election…they were stopped. Someone outhacked them and shut them down. The CIA, NSA, etc. has been doing super major crooked things not in the best interest of the people of the USA. Maybe some of those on the inside decided to stop it. Hence all the “Russia” talk. Maybe… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

Never write when you can call. Never call when you can meet.
Never talk when you can nod.

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

>> The problem the Obama DOJ has is that it is now the Trump DOJ At this point in time, this statement is absolutely not correct. This was the entire thrust of my comments on the previous post. You seem not to be grasping the way the DoJ works. To be clear, Sessions has recused himself on any investigation related to whether the Trump campaign had communication with the Russians. Since Sessions has recused himself, the sole responsibility for the decision regarding whether to appoint a Special Prosecutor falls to Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente, an Obama appointee. It… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Zman, that’s not correct. A special prosecutor may be appointed by the Attorney General or by Congress. This article does a good job of explaining how a special prosecutor can be appointed: With Sessions’ decision to recuse, authority falls to Acting Deputy AG Boente, as described in my comment above. I don’t disagree with your previous comment that Sessions would have eventually recused himself. Had he simply waited until Rosenstein was confirmed this whole debacle would have been a non-issue. Instead, Sessions recusal just handed the Democrats precisely the leverage they need to get a special prosecutor appointed, either… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

Guest, I am thinking that is exactly why Trump went nuclear Saturday morning. The Donks and the deepstate have NOTHING to gain now by a SP. A SP, even appt’d by Boente, would be inherently political now… and good luck avoiding the elephant in the room… FISA tap or was it? Etc. Trump called their bluff. We’re in uncharted waters as far as political gamesmanship in DC goes. High stakes; first time EVER. Trump threw a wrench into conventional political warfare. Heh.

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

I agree re: Trump going nuclear and uncharted waters. My only response otherwise is: when have modern Democrats ever cared about subverting the judicial process by being inherent political? Acting Deputy AG Boente is not a democratic party operative and I don’t think he will take the bait, but I could be wrong. I believe Rosenstein will have to commit on the stand to appoint a special prosecutor, and he will do so. Look at the smirk on Schumer’s face. It’s the same smirk he wore when he convinced idiot Rubio to support comprehensive immigration reform, thereby ruining his political… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

They have a hand. You make it sound like they have the whole deck.

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

The democrats have a hand.. like a foot.

Reply to  Dorf
7 years ago

And right now, it is firmly planted in their mouth!

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

With all the potential info out there, the best you can come up with is “Business Insider?”

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

If the Dems vote as a block they can prevent his nomination from advancing? With the numbers favoring the Repubs, just what else are you saying?

7 years ago

Bravo Z. I thought of the same aspect, never threaten an outsider who isn’t dirty. The police precinct meme is apt. That Trump went nuclear when he did speaks volumes. His instincts are excellent and he wisely assessed the Sessions-gate attack as a do or die moment for his agenda and his administration. Enough is enough! I am heartened that he is so often ridiculed and underestimated, and though the press and commentary is mostly dark, it is now time for some pain and thrashing in DC. I predict gnashing of teeth and scary stories, but Mr. Trump will prevail… Read more »

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

Whoa, DalyKos made the same Asimov’s Mule analogy over a year ago? Wth?

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Z… yep. I like how they could see it, but thought for sure they could prevent it OR no-way Trump could possibly win. heh heh. Helps explain to me the added freak-out on the left.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Nobody goes to National Review to read the columns. The smart people would read the comments, and you most likely influenced their thinking.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Z Man; OK, I admit I don’t get the ‘Mule’ business or even less why it matters who came up with it first. I started reading Asimov after reading Heinlein and thought Asimov’s work tedious weak tea, so I quit reading it. So maybe not seeing subtlety is my problem in seeing the Mule analogy. But for the benefit of us linear thinkers out there, please spell it out more directly why the Mule is a good analogy for Trump. I get it that Trump looks to be a threat since he might just be able to blow up Beltway… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

It’s been 30 years since I read the book but wasn’t one of the defining characteristics of Asimov’s Mule that he was sterile?

Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago

Yes, but it’s always a mistake to carry literary metaphors to far.

Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago

My recollection of more than 40 years was that the mule had rare unforseen powers making the predictions made by Hari Seldon about the trajectory of history no longer correct. The Mule was a fly in the ointment or black swan, if you wish. He was not predicted or predictable.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The way Trump was winning people over once they met him was a Mule-like thing. I did think of Asimov’s Foundation at that time.

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

Even a nut finds a blind squirrel occasionally.

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

To the point of most of Trump and his team being “outsiders” to the DC establishment and the premature recusal by AG Sessions, I would urge Trump AND his entire cabinet get an immediate download/debrief on just what kind of swamp they are playing in and the creatures that inhabit such. I was so dismayed that Sessions would capitulate so easily, so quickly but knowing him to be an honest, good hearted man, he still wants to play by some kind of Gentleman’s Rules. He is in the wrong swamp for those kind of rules and if he hasn’t learned… Read more »

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

I’m pleased (((Schumer))) is so eager to be the face of the war on Trump. The post-Kennedy order of post-WASP run America, and it’s progressive diminishment mirrors that of many once loved cultural institutions which were taken over by same, and their respect, earned through decades of hard work and objectivity, was turned into yet another implement of cultural destruction. The fact many refuse to acknowledge the war upon Whites by a hostile elite, even at this advanced stage of cultural cancer, is demoralizing.

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

Demoralizing yes, but necessary. It is time people; fish or cut bait.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Gnawbonejack
7 years ago

Paper signs? Or hard steel???

I vote for, “Lock and load!” That “Mr. Nice Guy” stuff hasn’t worked for awhile.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

An absolutely great Wall Street Journal op-ed by Shelby Steele today parallels this discussion: “The Exhaustion of American Liberalism,” showing a lame white guy holding a sign denouncing thought crimes like ‘white privilege’ and such. They needn’t have bothered to use a color photo for this image, as the fellow looks like he is about to faint from anemia!!

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

Schmucky Schumer is not an attractive face or voice for the war on trump or anything.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  Rurik
7 years ago

In Schumer’s sulphur voice one can sense that evil does exist. The tribe, and especially is leaders, both “religious” and political, which are one and the same, single-mindedly prey upon the kindness of “the other” to benefit the in-group. They view compassion as a design flaw to be exploited. On one glorious day of reckoning, they will be forced by the weary, exhausted hate of a world out of excuses for the tribe to see past their dual moralistic excuses for their craven Talmudic desire to crush all others. But it will be a mere momentary break. “Whenever one tried… Read more »

7 years ago

Bare with me guys. Z, so I read that DalyKox mule anaolgy. In May of last year they mention defeating him. The comments are closed, but what a tidbit I found there. One guy was prescient : ” Visceral May 13 · 08:57:16 AM I would be wary of this analogy. From what I know of Trump’s supporters, they’d welcome the idea that Trump is the Mule, while regarding any real-life equivalent to psychohistory, Hari Seldon and his Foundations, and their Plan as exactly the kind of vast, pervasive, but impossibly subtle “elite” conspiracies that supposedly shape every aspect of… Read more »

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

I wish we could repost comments to the top. I’d do that in this case.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

Vote it up and sort on most voted

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

Leto and Paul (Maud Dib?) are you talking about Dune?

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
7 years ago

From everything I have seen and read lately, the American political landscape has turned from a two-party system of Democrats and Republicans, into a two-party system of Pro- and Anti-Trump. This is a first! Even Mr. Obama was unable to create such disparity which polarized both parties against one person. To consider the Russians as the “bad guys” is to dig so deeply into what I would call the “Vault of Villains” that it is laughable. I keep waiting for someone to say that Trump wants “…sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads”. It’s that ridiculous.

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

Substitute “establishment” or “elite” for Trump and you are correct.

“If Donald Trump did not exist, something like him would have had to be invented.” – VDH

Dusty Reefer
Dusty Reefer
7 years ago

Using Asimov’s “the Mule”, great analogy.

Reply to  Dusty Reefer
7 years ago

I thought it was a Larry Niven analogy at first and was ready to get my geek on.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

Your the first person I’ve heard mention “the Mule”. I’ve been thinking of him in that way for a long time. I really liked that book.

I often wonder if Trump is super competent and thinking three steps ahead of his enemies or…is he just lucky? Don’t snicker at luck the ancients held Men with luck in great regard.

This was a plot feature in the HBO Rome series but it really existed to our forefathers.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Agree, and too… really.. Trump is blessed by his enemies. The political class really isn’t that clever. VDH’s recent “elite” column comes to mind too. We’re witnessing what happens when a business person goes to DC. I wish him well. He’ll either be victorious, or destroyed. No middle ground in this.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

“We’ll either be victorious, or destroyed.”


Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

Quite right, that’s the lesson in all this; International business is very hard, politics in comparison is not.
And if you think about it, that’s why Soros is the brains and director on the other team and Obama wasn’t.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

The Ancients recognized LUCK happens when “preparation meets opportunity!”
Ain’t nobody MORE PREPARED than POTUS DJT!

7 years ago

Per the British tabloids through Drudge, Trump had a busy weekend dressing down Bannon and Prebius. So The Donald is the force here, not anyone else. He is the guy that makes it all happen. I am encouraged, he is doubling down again, no matter who needs to be shaken up.

Also it looks like training cameras on the Oval Office is done now. Things are about to get much more interesting…

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
7 years ago

Reading this article and everyone’s comments is almost as exciting as waking up on November 9, 2016, to learn that DJT was elected President!!
The Zman has put forth a new “Unified Field Theory”!! ‘Destroyer of Worlds’, from the original Sanskrit, is of course how Robert Oppenheimer described himself and what he did in developing the atomic bomb. He got cold feet along with some others when they learned that the US was going to use it against Japan, not Germany, and ended up losing his security clearance. An early case of Russian hacking;-)

White hat
White hat
7 years ago

In other words, Trumo is saying no more mister nice guy, bring it on!

7 years ago

“The Mule” is an absolutely correct analogy. If anyone should have won the Republican nomination, it should have been Cruz, who had calculated and assembled political coaltions for victory with Seldon-like accuracy. I told people at the time that Trump was beyond their ability to anticipate, a fluke who overturned all expectations and set all plans at naught. Bravo on your clever analysis.

7 years ago

The moment of truth will come for the GOP in a month or two when all the dust has settled from the confirmations. Will they deliver on their conservative promises they talked so much about for so long? Or, will President Trump (who many of them claimed wasn’t a conservative at all) have to try them into action? If most Republicans in Congress still refuse to act, will the party split? Paul Ryan, Graham, McCain, etc… belong in a center-left party with the platform of the 1980’s Democrats. Cruz, Rand Paul, and few others can go with Trump to form… Read more »

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

Pretty confident the Republicans will show their habitual stripes — they will do little with legislation and what they will do will be more liberalism-lite. They certainly won’t move boldly on the Wall. Yet the True Conservatives over at NR and Weekly Standard will keep wailing that Trump Has Betrayed You And Isn’t A Conservative. The TruCons’ have a problem with being a beard intended to make the Republicans look like an opposition party. Now that the Responsible Repubs have come out of the closet and openly defy their own party’s president, there isn’t much need for the TruCon puppet… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

If push comes to shove could Trump get enough votes in the House and the Senate to oust McConnell and Ryan? What exactly do they have that is so important to the rest of the members?

7 years ago

Awesome post. Dead on. Sharing broadly today.

7 years ago

Even Donald Trump, God save and protect him, does not yet realize the situation in which he finds himself. The old order, the status quo ante, the Constitution, is dead. Perhaps that old charter has been dead for nearly a century as we pretended to observe the pro forma niceties, much like dead Bernie propped up in his chair for the party. Now Donald must chart a new course, fashioned out of the usable parts of the old wreckage. In Caesar’s time those Romans knew the Republic was in trouble, Antony, Octavian, Cicero, some of them tried to save or… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

Love it! MAGA! Drain the Swamp, Mr. President, beginning with both of my congressmen, McCain and Flakey Flake.

7 years ago

Tales of the third world……

7 years ago

Trump’s idea that gov’t agencies will self-police to reduce the bloat is pure fantasy, so much so that I wonder who fed it to him.

7 years ago

Oddly enough, I just finished re-reading the entire Foundation series, all 7 books, some not so good.

Reply to  Strelnikov
7 years ago

Does one need to read all seven or can you just read the first three or so to get the story of “The Mule?”

random observer
Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

The original trilogy is self-contained and comprised of linked stories some or all of which were originally published separately.

IIRC the story of the Mule is entirely in the second book, Foundation and Empire, although I suggest at least reading the first book Foundation first for background. The third book, Second Foundation, adds something but is post-Mule.

The sequels Asimov wrote in the 80s are actually better, though of course less original.

7 years ago

love the Mule character

7 years ago

why not just Declassify everything?

7 years ago

After RINOCARE proposal I am beginning to doubt that an new order has arrived. More like a slightly less RINO has exposed himself.

Steven G. Ryan
Steven G. Ryan
7 years ago

Ha! As soon as I opened the page I said to myself, “Self, that reminds me of The Mule”. Love the Analogy!

7 years ago

Funny, I have been saying that Trump is a cross between the mule and a black swan. For better or worse remains to be seen.

Granny Goose
Granny Goose
7 years ago

Fascinating conclusions! Great article.

7 years ago

[…] Reprinted from The Z Man Blog. […]

7 years ago

Because of the plethora of enemies — enemies of our republic — I worry about President Trump’s safety. There are subversives everywhere, and there is nothing they won’t do to stop him.

7 years ago

However, I seriously doubt that there is a Preem Palver on the left waiting in the wings to neutralize the Mule.

7 years ago

Funny, I used to call BHO ‘The Mule’, with his magic Lyre enchanting his followers and instilling despair in his opponents

Mel Pell
Mel Pell
7 years ago

No fan of The Donald. Or Shrillary. But watching big media have to eat words, stool, and whatever else they had to eat election night and what’s happened since has almost put me in the D-Mans camp. Almost. Needs to lose the comb over

7 years ago

[…] Reprinted from The Z Man Blog. […]