The Coming Violence of the Left

In my AmRen wrap-up about AntiFa, I noted that it was the women on the Left with the blood lust. The mentally disturbed woman I highlighted is a good example. She goes on social media with hysteric rants about imaginary violence, in an effort to get her fellow wackos to do something crazy. Her claims about gun fire and riots at American Renaissance were entirely false, but clearly, she was hoping her tweets would get her coreligionists into a violent mood. Her life is dedicated to bringing about bloodshed.

Further to that, this was floating around on social media yesterday in the run-up to the big rally in Charlottesville. Every claim in it is false. Mike Enoch has been lecturing people for weeks about the need to avoid violence and not bring weapons The organizers have developed a good relationship with the local police department so that the cops will protect the attendees from the Antifa. The cops spent most of Friday clearing weapons from the park that Antifa has been hiding there in advance of the rally.

Teddy Thin Skin has this post up on the same topic. He links to a mentally disturbed woman making claims about the rally, which are patently false. She claims to be a “behavior scientist” which is a clue that she is most likely just a cat lady. A look at her twitter feed reveals that she spends her days harassing people on twitter, in an effort to draw attention to herself. Steve Sailer often jokes that modern feminism is just a project for homely women to get the attention of males. Caroline Zero is proof of that.

Again, the trend you see with this cargo cult is that it is women out front, trying to push for violence and bloodshed. This is similar to what happened in the radical groups of the 60’s and 70’s. Many of the most violent members of the Black Panthers were women. The Weather Underground was led by a woman, Bernardine Dohrn. The radicalism of the 1960’s was initially led by males, but in time women took over and it became more violent and less coherent. Once again, the arrival of SJW’s signals the end phase.

There is something else going on today. Antifa is largely a cargo cult. They dress up like radicals and perform public events like the radicals of 50 years ago, all in the hope that the past will become the present. Unlike the past, there is no reactionary counter to the modern Progressive. No one is putting fire hoses on Lefty or having the cops break up Antifa’s protests. The people in charge are funding groups like Antifa. The government of Charlottesville is backing nutjobs like Caroline Zero.

As Eric Hoffer pointed out, mass movements need an enemy and the Left has always had the struggle as an essential element of their identity. It is why they have invented things like institutional racism and white privilege. Lacking anything resembling actual racism in modern America, and faced with a tsunami of anti-white sermonizing, they have been forced to invent a boogeyman. Like shamans of the past, the modern Left warns about evil spirits, but now they are called unconscious bias and extremism.

Similarly, and you see it in that Medium post linked by Thinskin, the Left is now trying to justify their move to violence. It is evident in the Antifa rants and that post claiming the alt-right is arming up for the rally. The Left wants to start murdering people, but they cannot find a justification, so they are starting to invent reasons. Caroline Zero is adding a veneer of 1970’s pop psychology to her calls for violence, but she is simply trying to invent a suitable stand-in for Bull Connor and the truncheon wielding riot police.

The incoherent and random violence of the 70’s was mostly due to dis-confirmation. The counter-culture did not usher in the age of peace, love and understanding. Instead, it decayed into drug use and degeneracy. Something similar is happening here. The election of Obama convinced many on the Left that the end times were upon us. The righteous would be carried to the promised land, and most important, the bad whites would be chased from the land, either sent into exile or reduced to the status of untouchables.

That obviously did not happen, which is why the Left is so unhinged. More important though, their attempt at a kill shot by putting Obama in the White House has ignited a genuine counter revolution. For fifty years the Left has faced nothing more than token resistance from “their friends on the Right” but now they are seeing a true opposition forming up. The Buckley Right embraced Progressive morality, with slightly different ends, while the alt-right rejects Progressive morality in its entirety. This is the result.

For people like Caroline Zero and Lacy MacAuley, this is reason enough to start murdering people. To them, this parade is violence because it is the nullification of their movement, which is the nullification of them. Their entire identity is now defined by their largely imaginary struggle against the mysterious forces of institutional racism, white privilege and invisible Hitlers. To them, that parade is the manifestation of evil, so they will resort to any means necessary to stop it.

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7 years ago

This is your best post in a while, I have very little to add. Some random thoughts: 1. Marxism over the years has morphed from workers vs owners to non-productive vs productive people. The left is now almost solely people on the dole, the underemployed affluent young, and professionals who produce little of tangible value. As always, it is based almost entirely on envy. 2. The people who the left is fighting against have something to lose, and I like to think they will fight back before all is lost. 3. I’m almost to the point personally where authoritarian fascism… Read more »

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Since you are agitating for “authoritarian fascism”, it would be a good idea to consider the leftist genealogy of your political morality. This will help you to remember your place in the ranks and files of a movement of which almost all the leaders had been radical leftists. I would recommend that you begin your studies of Fascism by reading… The Mystery of Fascism By David Ramsay Steele I should add now that I’ve met the author and been to his home a few times. On one occasion he gave me a copy of “Atheism Explained”, an extraordinary book… Read more »

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

I’m advocating for nothing of the sort, I’m just saying it’s becoming more and more the lesser of two evils. Things can’t keep going as they are. I’d prefer a better way, but I’m not convinced there is one.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Oh, bullshit, Taco Town. You’re just trying to have it both ways, and it’s clear that you have only foggy notions about Fascism itself, which originated on the radical left as an expedient alternative to the shortcomings and defects of communist internationalism. At least, however, you are being true to the history of Fascism, which found it rather easy to manipulate frustrated folks like you who had been prodded leftward for decades anyway. Since you will need a salute for your political movement, why not suggest to your leftist handlers–after they emerge from obscurity– that they rehabilitate the Bellamy salute?… Read more »

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

You sound like a pansy libertarian.

That being said, this is a war, and wars are messy. If you are this concerned about personally staying ideologically pure, then you’re useless. The left needs to be defeated and punished, by any means necessary.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

You write like you doublethink in cliches. Not to worry, however. I know how to apply a joint lock firmly enough to bring your attention back to reality without wrecking your elbow, for example. A nice feature of this is that you’ll be struggling to handle your knife or gun with your weak hand at about the same time that I’ve just learned where to get another tool. Don’t hoot and holler now that you have property rights or a right to keep and bear tools. You’ve made it thoroughly clear that you have no rights at all. It is… Read more »

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

I own firearms and know how to use them. There is no way you ever get close enough to apply a joint lock before I’ve already put two into vital areas.

Ideology and big talk is nothing compared to actually pulling the trigger. I put my faith in trigger pullers before I put faith in intellectuals. Your ideology doesn’t amount to anything if you’re the one bleeding out on the ground.

If the past few years have taught us anything is that the future is not going to be won by cucks.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Oh, ok, Taco Town. You never shake hands, and you never misjudge people who get close enough to shake hands with you.

P.S. The present America was won by people who are reluctant to carry weapons, and much of their bullying is done by people described as “heroes” by right wingers. The astonishing irony is not lost on all of the winners.

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

What are you saying here is that the left isn’t the most important enemy. You are saying you would rather the left win than the right be something you don’t want it to be. You’re just the same as the McMullin re-ublicans.

I say first priority is the defeat of the left, worry about the details later. If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

You’re still refusing to understand. What I’m claiming is that you, are a leftist, albeit not an internationalist one. I have claimed also that you think in cliches, and you did not fail to confirm this when you wrote, “If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” It’s by the way that the Fascism experiment has been carried out enough times to learn that it’s a fool’s errand. This comes as no surprise to those of us who have done their homework about the topic, know its origins, and can resist the bromides of antirationalists. So,… Read more »

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

How does any of that beat the left? Why is what you just said more than empty talk?

I’m open to a better way, why is yours it? What makes you think you can win? Convince me that you can win.

Talk is cheap.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

I really don’t see how there’s much of a difference between getting my ass kicked by some multicultural a-hole in a grey suit who marches under a red flag with a hammer and sickle on it – or some white a-hole in a black suit who marches under a red flag with a swastika in the middle of it. The whole “this is a war, and wars are messy” is just a bullshit excuse to justify one form of tyranny over very slightly different one. The people who fought the revolution that founded this country were at least thinking along… Read more »

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

You might be advised to consult “The Fascist Persuasion in Radical Politics” by A. James Gregor.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

T.T.; Historical note re #3 above: Over the last 100 years (with the exception of Czarist Russia), leftist anarchy and nihilism is _exactly_ how authoritarian corporatism (how actual fascism works) usually via military takeover, came into power in a good part of the world. It seems Progs cannot help themselves nor learn from their mistakes. It’s almost as though they are in the grips of some powerful, evil, spiritual force causing them to aim for their own destruction and, incidentally, at the destruction of any civilization they inhabit any organized numbers. /sarc The weeping tranny in the video clip could… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Al, that’s kinda why I brought it up. That and how the left keeps talking like its fighting a preemptive war against that sort of Fascism, to which I can’t help but think “that sort of fascism would be far preferable to a world/country controlled by you idiots”.

I would love to see a better outcome this time, but at this time I’m not that optimistic and I must say the left getting thrown out of helicopters by a modern day Pinochet regime is something I will enjoy watching.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

T.T.; I know you and the rest of the guys talking about Pinochet, et al, are meaning this as a warning to the Progs about where things might go if they don’t back off forcing every one of us to kneel down and kiss satan’s butt, so to speak. But suppose that they are spiritually blinded, inoculated against rational moral thinking. What then_? It appears to me that they can no longer help themselves. Morally rational people will recoil at the idea of summary executions until the strife is at full boil, then it would suddenly be on with great… Read more »

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

the left are zombies, by definition.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

The left won’t listen to reason, it’s going to take force and people are going to be hurt. Hurting people is something you need to train yourself for, our own armed forces train people to pull the trigger. We, as a political movement need to train ourselves to pull the trigger when it becomes necessary.

This being said, timing is everything and we should indeed wait until the time is right, when the normies in the center will cheer us on for pulling the trigger or at least stand aside.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Yes, we aren’t there yet. The left won’t retreat, so we need to lure them into worse self-destruction.

Reply to  stephen
7 years ago

I believe it was Claire Wolfe who said,”It’s too late to work within the system, but it’s too soon to shoot the SOBs.” Spot on, methinks…

7 years ago

I am in Cville right now. I was at the torch march and the rally. We had to make it through a block long gauntlet of pepper spray, projectiles and batons to just get to the monument. No cops in sight. Then out men had to build shield walls to keep the antifa scum from over-running us. It was a constant running battle with the police inside the park barriers watching. The park was cut in half with barriers and the only way to the other side of Thebes’s park was to exit into antifa land and fight your way… Read more »

James LePore
7 years ago

Hoffer: There is no telling to what extremes of cruelty and ruthlessness a man will go when he is freed from the fears, hesitations, doubts and the vague stirrings of decency that go with individual judgement. When we lose our individual independence in the corporateness of a mass movement, we find a new freedom – freedom to hate, bully, lie, torture, murder and betray without shame and remorse.

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

Ah, but in lefty’s case the freedom is for the good cause of saving the weak, the needy, and the “downtrodden” without the discomfort of bearing much of the cost implied by her alleged caring.

7 years ago

I know, I know, if you could see the logical consequences of their actions, you wouldn’t be Leftists, but please, I’m begging y’all: Stop now. At a 4th of July party, the host had a big Rottweiler-type dog, and a guest brought a yappy lapdog. The yappy lapdog, never having seen a Rottie, thought it would be a good idea to run around and play Mx. Tough Doggy all over the Rottie’s yard. The Rottie, poor beast, spent most of the afternoon with this bemused “are you @#$ kidding me?” expression on its face. Then the lapdog nipped him… Fortunately… Read more »

7 years ago

What all of this is really about is the Left seeing that people no longer have personal, economic, or emotional independence. We are all supposed to be minions of the Progressive Borg, bowing down to our masters. Isn’t going to happen. They have pushed so hard for so long, and Obama was supposed to put this whole Borg thing over the top. Instead we all got Trump. One paradox is that the two sides have dug in so fiercely, that those of us who prize our independence are now forced to make a choice. Do we organize our side, or… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
7 years ago

These folks will go down about as easily as a wounded Cape Buffalo. Can’t underinvest in optics and range time.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Saml Adams
7 years ago

more like a mush skulled zombie

Reply to  Saml Adams
7 years ago

We’ll have to walk the battlefield and cap them all…just to make sure.

7 years ago

It helps to understand the underlying motivation. The Antifa crowd are parasites utterly dependent upon a host for survival. For them, the pushback against endless government handouts is an existential threat. They truly believe that they will die if their government host is, in any way, diminished. Worse is that they somehow believe that they can fight. Parasites feed, they do not possess the skill to fight. But they can shriek loudly.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

We agree that the structure of the federal budget is irrelevant. They are not bright enough to understand such details. They see government solely as a magical source of nourishment that is essential for life. Their desperation springs from this imperative.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Hey, Z – I really liked the podcast yesterday!

But… what culture, Z? When you say the word ‘culture’ to me, it evokes stuff like art, literature, architecture, education of the young, etc.
These a-holes don’t have any of that. Vox Day makes a living publishing because SJW’s have literally sunk the classical publishing houses. The universities are now intellectual wastelands, and Hollywood has gone from being a centre of glamour to being a contemptible cesspool for degenerates and deviants because of these idiots. Can’t it be said that these guys have no culture at all? Am I misunderstanding something?

Reply to  Glen Filthie
7 years ago

Glen, this is what I found on for ‘culture.’ You were probably thinking of #1, 2, and 4. Those are positive meanings. Z was using it for #5 and 6. Those are neutral. 1. the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc. 2. that which is excellent in the arts, manners, etc. 3. a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or period: Greek culture. 4. development or improvement of the mind by education or training. 5.… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I disagree.
A vast number of the lunatic left are funded either directly or indirectly by taxes.
The Feds are the major source.

Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago

Bingo. They are either directly on the public welfare teat or if they have jobs they are made-up jobs funded by taxpayer money. They are able to cause so much trouble because they are not hungry. They have immense amounts of free time available for this sort of crap. If they were forced to scrounge for food most of them would fade away.

And people can get hungry quickly.

Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

They have been trained in tactics and to fight in classes funded by George Soros. when the police are ordered to stand down and observe then the Antifa and BLM create havoc. Many supporters of lawful gathering in Charlottesville were injured by the Antifa-BLM attacks.

7 years ago

The blessings of having given up on the media, especially the news, is I didn’t hear about this until late last night. Then an idiot screamed at me “This is your fault!”. (Did I mention I was wearing a MAGA hat?) I suggested that though I didn’t know the facts, he didn’t either. Especially if his source was the MMedia. Of course he wasn’t listening to me, I was supposed to stand there and be screamed at. Finally I stopped the diatribe with two stiff fingers into his chest, stepping ‘Right’ up in his face and saying as slowly and… Read more »

Reply to  John the River
7 years ago

Well played, Sir!

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
7 years ago

The big difference is this time the Right knows or at least thinks that of they don’t win, its gulags and mass graves for them This changes the calculus a lot To win this the Left depends on amenable authority and k selected people being tricked into fighting each other , Police vs. Citizens Army vs. Citizens and so on However the Right is also aware of this , armed up, The other scary thing is that unlike in the 70’s Days of Rage when it was a war of preservation with clear lines of demarcation, we know have normal… Read more »

Ward Dorrity
Ward Dorrity
7 years ago

Vital Resistance and Social Justice Today, being an “elite” simply means you have been trained into sneering, illiterate idiocy. This is why you cannot even begin to have a reasonable debate with these people. We’re a hair’s breadth away from a descent into violence and savagery that will take almost everyone by surprise. Why would this be the case? Because those with the leftist worldview have invested their entire existence in what amounts to a fundamentally insane and downright evil premise: that your life doesn’t belong to you. Chantal Delsol, in her landmark “Unlearned Lessons of the Twentieth Century” has… Read more »

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Ward Dorrity
7 years ago

The narcs on the left don’t have the emotional IQ to anticipate unintended consequences.

Reply to  Ward Dorrity
7 years ago

Well said, Sir.

James LePore
7 years ago

Soros’s Big Left is using Antifa, BLM, Progressive Crazies, etc. as red flags. It worked in Charlottesville. We are going to see Big Media, which is still very powerful and has a huge megaphone, go crazy over the guy from Ohio. Conservative, Inc. will be on their side. They (Big Left, Big Media) are playing a long game: to defeat Trump and to impose globalism/open borders/progressivism on us. I am opposed to the use of force in situations like Charlottesville except in self defense. Normals/Dirt People need to play a long game too if we want tight borders/nationalism/traditional values to… Read more »

El Polacko
El Polacko
7 years ago

I’m finding myself surprised at how little political violence there has been over this summer.

Where have the antifa goons gone?

Why isn’t Black Lives Matter burning down their own neighborhoods?

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  El Polacko
7 years ago

Soros finally realized they were weakening his friends and strengthening his enemies.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  El Polacko
7 years ago

Since they only use these people as a political tool to push whatever agenda they feel needs pushing, and the 2018 mid-terms are on the horizon, evidently, dead dindu nuffins aren’t what they need to sell to get votes, so, no BLM protests.
Same thing happened with Occupy. Once they no longer needed them for their agenda, they packed up their rape tents & their genital lice, & hit the bricks.
We’ll just have to wait & see what political activist iteration Mr. Soros’s money takes in the future, I guess.
I can hardly wait.

Ultimate Gaylord
Ultimate Gaylord
7 years ago

The funniest part about the mentally ill woman is that she was essentially held hostage by a Turk in Turkey and raped repeatedly by him but she still shills anti-white. She wrote a huge blog post about the experience and probably left out a lot of details.

That’s what real crazy looks like.

Reply to  Ultimate Gaylord
7 years ago


the surprise you express with your “but she still shills anti-white” is misplaced. Her Turk experience, given the tendencies of women generally and the twistedness of that woman in particular, is all the more reason for her to shill anti-white.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Ultimate Gaylord
7 years ago

i think the fact that this woman was undoubtedly corn-holed multiple times (and probably by multiple people) shows that god has a sense of humor. i take comfort in this knowledge.

Reply to  Karl Hungus
7 years ago

If she liked it – then where is the humor?

7 years ago

Just finished listening to Huckabee on Fox. Whew! This guy is truly clueless.

7 years ago

“The organizers have developed a good relationship with the local police department so that the cops will protect the attendees from the Antifa.”
That didn’t happen. The police Stood Down as ordered. ProgreSSive Mayors and City Councils Control or Appoint Prog Police Chiefs. Prog Governors like McAwful control State Police and National Guard.
Charlottesville, Va. is behind enemy Lines. Virginia is a “toss up” Purple State , and that’s considering most “Red” States are run by Politically Correct Rino Repub Governors unwilling to call out Antifa-BLM.

Ward Dorrity
Ward Dorrity
7 years ago

Another piece of ancient wisdom with respect to dealing with AntiFa and their ilk:

“There exists a law, not written down anywhere, but inborn in our hearts; a law which comes to us not by training or custom or reading; a law which has come to us not from theory but from practice, not by instruction but by natural intuition. I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.”

– Marcus Tulius Cicero

7 years ago

The dishonest media is all over this Charlottesville incident, but I have yet to hear a single mention of why the event was even taking place. Not a single word about the protest against removing a statue of Robert E. Lee from the campus. It’s as though the whole thing just “happened” without any reason…as though it all came about through the miasma of “hate” that suddenly distilled itself in Virginia. And, oh yeah, the counter-demonstrators and press just “happened” to be there to catch it all. This is how the sixties looked through the lens of the televisions back… Read more »

7 years ago

The Japanese Red Army was also led by a woman, the mainstream Right is read to surrender after today, they wanted Hillary after all.

Reply to  Chiron
7 years ago

The point is the mainstream right is just another wing of the uniparty that run’s D.C. It never defended anything, it’s job was to con conservative white people that they had a side to vote for. They really didn’t. They didn’t support Trump and they hate us with a passion for messing up their scam., We lost nothing today. We are still hated by the elites, MSM, the political parties and the Left. And as you can see they stack the deck against us anytime we go out in public. We know the game is rigged and the political class… Read more »

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

These people are not crazy in a way that goes away. Their political value has a short shelf life and they are becoming a liability to those who have sought and hired out their limited skill set. Whites are tired of being demonized and have become desensitized to the growing body count of the grievance culture and are increasingly less willing to finance the production line of welfare queens. For every 100th monkey realizing new ways to wage violence and game the system, there are one hundred 100th monkeys becoming better eugenicists.

7 years ago

I pray the rest of the country sees the blatant media spin on Virginia. However mention this to the women in my life they all respond, “I don’t want to hear that shit”. As working men we must band together. White collar, blue collar , rich middle-class, poor, etc. In the past fellow co-workers have thrown me under the bus when attacked by rabid feminist and militant minorities. They’re scared because they don’t want to lose their jobs. The left has used fear and intimidation to keep us on the sidelines. They have made the women in our life covert… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  sirlancelot
7 years ago

Please don’t be offended by what I am about to say, but as a woman, I need to tell you this. You need to get better control over the women in your life. You are not taking control in a manner that says to them that you will not put up with their nattering bullshit. Women will not belittle men or disregard what you have to say, if they truly respect you and your judgment. You need to start with your GF/wife and explain to her that you will no longer be in a relationship with a woman who does… Read more »

Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
7 years ago

Yes, truly said, in the urban centers where women outnumber men, the ladies are going to extremes trying to get our attention. They desperately want us men to re-engage in the eternal battle of the sexes.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

The power to deconstruct what others have built has its limits. The useful idiot proxy army is approaching obsolescence.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

It has always been obvious to me how deficient the left is in the ability to “successfully” perform violence. They have always been able to hide behind the military or the police while loathing these two groups. In the same way that the formerly great British Army relied on the Scots to do their fighting, the left expects White Males to kill for them. But, the soldiers and honest police have nothing but contempt for liberals. And the left has not bothered to obtain the skills necessary to be a lean, mean fighting machine. Being a soldier requires a type… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

The news coming out of Virginia today has the cops targeting the right.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Burning out and running off the Federal employees in E. Virginia has to be on the to-do list.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Good. Thick people deserve to be attacked by their own “heroes” from time time to time.

7 years ago

Looks like we have our first fatality in Charlottesville. One of their side.

7 years ago

This has been a disaster of the highest order. If organizer Richard Spencer had been in the paid employ of Soros, he could not have done a better job. As a result, Trump has unleashed the DOJ on the Alt-Right; after Spencer trolled him into thinking the Alt-Right wants to gas his grandkids with the Nazi LARPing. Bannon is sure to be fired next week if he’s not gone already; along with Miller. Trump in preservation is sure to “pivot” and embrace open borders and the anti-White agenda; egged on by the knowledge that the Alt-Right, again wants to gas… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Whiskey
7 years ago

Richard Spencer did not plan the march, nor did he plan Saturday’s rally. He was only invited to give a speech. He was, in fact, driven to the park in a van, and was only there, briefly. The event was planned months ago by Jason Kessler. The movement cannot do, what the movement cannot do, in regards to fighting media perception, infiltrators, or whoever wants to destroy it. That’s the struggle it faces. As far as Spencer goes, you are acting as if he’s some “God-King of the Alt-Right.” Which frankly, is beyond weird. He’s just a good looking guy… Read more »

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

“Steve Sailer often jokes that modern feminism is just a project for homely women to get the attention of males. Caroline Zero is proof of that.”

Cultural marxism in tandem with the internet has turbo-charged the Jane Eyre complex.

Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

Sailer is dead wrong. Feminism exists to poison relationships between men, disrupt families and to ensure a lot of white women don’t find mates. No guy wants to date a feminist. Because it turns women into bitches.

If you want to wreck a culture, destroy the relationships between men and women. Feminism does that marvelously. .

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Rod1963
7 years ago

Feminism was designed to do just as you said. It is a suicide capsule labeled as a designer drug.

7 years ago

It really is the world’s largest shit-test.

With HR political officers running the admin, and lib females running the ad buys, their love of stormy social drama is pushing for “let’s get you and him to fight.”

Those interspecies commercials?
Fantasy marraige to Barack.

Joseph Martino
Joseph Martino
7 years ago

Just remember what Kipling wrote: “The female of the species is more deadly than the male.”

Steve Ryan
7 years ago

Very prescient, Señor Z!

7 years ago

I can’t seem to find any good information on the rally as it’s happening, but the fake news doesn’t sound so good.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Gateway Pun dit is full of news. Apparently the counter protesters (Antifa) have been getting rowdy. Apparently a car found itself caught up in the antifa mob and tried to ram its way through. I KIA and several wounded. The car had Ohio license plates and the driver is currently in custody.I suggest awaiting further information before tallying score.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Rurik
7 years ago

Gateway Pundit is ok as far as basic “facts” on what happened, but they are not going to write anything but anti white BS like “white supremacists,” or “neo-Nazis,” etc., and assign blame where it most likely does not belong. On a side note, I spent the day on Twitter yesterday being called a “c*nt,” a “Nazi-sympathizer,” a “lunatic,” and told that, I, and my entire “white trash family” should be “melted down, along with all those Confederate monuments,” by some lovely Christian, right wing, National Review reading, CPAC attending, people. They really are such good people, not like those… Read more »

7 years ago

The speaker in that video, man, woman or tranny in-between. It is really getting hard to tell with these wackos.

7 years ago

Here’s a report about a big protest against a national communism rally in “Cville”. Fun times watching the civil war among leftists. Too bad that it doesn’t feature honorary Bernie Bro, Sargon of Akkad, being sprayed as cosmic retribution for his stupidity.

#DefendCville: Community Responds to Alt-Right Violence

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

alr right anarchy in action. their twitter is clear – they wanted confrontation, these guys are all about chaos – they are not your friends.

Reply to  Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

The chaos is there with or without them. The left is at war with us, whether we admit it or not, whether we fight back or not.

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

if you don’t see that weaving nazi and confederate flags, screaming blood and soil and marching with torches deliberately looking for a physical confrontation with ANTIFA in a democrat controlled state and city is hurting Trumps agenda then you really deserve what’s coming.

Don’t read from the script your enemies wrote for you. Be smart like Trump.

Reply to  Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

The enemies call us Nazis whether we’re carrying flags or not. The only way to not be a Nazi is to stay home and be silent, and THAT is following the script they wrote for us.

Don’t be a cuck.

P.S. I see nothing wrong with:

Confederate flags
Blood and soil(though tactically speaking it’s probably too soon)
Seeking confrontation with ANTIFA
Marching in Democrat controlled territory

I don’t imagine the number of Nazi flags was very high, or representative of the attendees as a whole.

Again, don’t be a cuck.

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

I am not an anarchist. If that makes me a cuck, so be it. I draw a line in the sand when someone supposedly on my side starts mowing people down ISIL style.

Being a cuck means accepting progressive narrative which at the moment is – everyone that supports trump is a white terrorist. Which is what you are doing in this thread.

The only people benefiting from this mess are spencer and pax dick. They went there looking for a fight, they got it.

Reply to  Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

You are not an anarchist, you are Neville Chamberlain. The left has abandoned civil society and Western Civilization, and can’t be reasoned with. This ends in violence or submission to the left, no exceptions.

You are in denial, and you are parroting the leftist narrative. The fact is that we are not allowed to express our views or gather in groups without being met with violence on the left. Today proved that again, yet you blame us and not the left.

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

I saw a photo of the guy who drove into the crowd. Not exactly winston churchill.

And Neville got navy and air force ready and declared war on Hitler. It wasn’t his fault the French could not hold the line in Ardennes.

Reply to  Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

WW, your nauseating comments read like a Ted Cruz rant. You’re painting with a very large brush and have accepted the media’s portrayal of the men who participated in the Unite The Right rally. In fact, you are standing with progressives in condemning them as a violent mob of terrorists. Being pro-Trump doesn’t make you Alt-Right or Dissident Right. Aside from some pioneers in Paleocon Politics and Race Realism this is a movement full of young men and as such will have some volatile elements. If a few masked Antifa bums and BLM thugs get their skulls smacked then so… Read more »

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
Reply to  Roulf
7 years ago

I offer no advice. I also don’t care to know how my comments made you feel. My point is simple. This event was different then all the other incidents we had with the alt right anarchists and antifa/blm. Here both sides came together to the same location looking for trouble. And they both got it – 3 dead unknown wounded so far. Both sides shielded themselves in high moral principles- alt right with the first amendment and blm with their usual anti slavery rhetoric. in both cases it was just an excuse. In these circumstances, taking sides is, in my… Read more »

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

The point is not to act like an idiot – the point is to win.

Show me on the doll where the tactics being employed will actually lead to LONG TERM success.

Reply to  Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

I call better than even money the guy carrying the Nazi flag was a plant.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

There were the obligatory Craigslist ads for “actors and camera men” for Charlottesville listed, but have now been removed. They do this EVERY>SINGLE>TIME We know it, the government knows it, the cops know it, the left knows it, the media knows it, but it doesn’t matter. Everyone has the, “whites R bad nazis,” narrative, and that’s how it’s going to be, whether it be young men infiltrating for the lulz, or some on our side LARPing, or paid actors. There’s no way to win that battle, you just have to fight past it, all the dog shit humans like Larry… Read more »

7 years ago

I hear there were “no toasting” signs everything at AmRen, no drinks were served to Spencer and there was no hailing cabs, only uber was allowed. Fun fact, uber was invented so neo nazis can find a ride, why else do you think it has an umlaut in the name? Take a clue people!

Reply to  guest
7 years ago

There is no umlaut in “Uber Technologies” or in ueber, which is the best way to write über without an umlaut.

It’s by the way that “socialism” is a clever euphemism for secular communism, the most antisocial religion ever devised. So it would be appropriate to call Hitler’s party the National Communist German Workers Party. Note well, now, the rabid nationalism of leftist regimes in Venezuela and northern Korea.

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

Cute. All puffed up and ready to blow

Reply to  guest
7 years ago

Why all the dislikes?

It was supposed to be funny, an alt right inside joke!
No ice cream, no pets, no hailing people, our or otherwise.

Never mind.

Mal Reynolds
Reply to  guest
7 years ago

Your humor has become so advanced that people have mistaken it for stupidity. Might be time to roll it back a notch or two.