AmRen Diary Part III

On Friday night, Jared Taylor took to the podium to welcome everyone, but also remind everyone that the protesters would be out in force on Saturday. His order was to ignore them and avoid engaging with them. A local judge had ruled that the protesters had a right to harass the people at the facility and come inside to use the facilities. That meant it was possible the protesters would try to bust in and disrupt things. As a result, the park police were deployed inside as well as outside in an effort to maintain order.

From what I was told by one of the cops, the previous events had avoided all of this by putting the protesters on a hill well away from the facility. That way they could be easily contained by the park police and easily ignored by everyone else. The judge, a liberal for sure, did not like that so she came up with a plan in the hopes of creating a violent confrontation. It is a helpful reminder that the rent-a-nuts we see at these things are paid for by the ruling class. In a sane society, Antifa would not exist.

Despite the best efforts of our rulers, Antifa was more entertainment than political statement. The conference people stayed inside and largely ignored them. The young people could not avoid pulling out their cell phones and taking pics of the circus through the windows. Then they started taking selfies with the circus in the background. The scene had the feel of a futuristic zoo, where people get to view the humans who came out of the factory with serious flaws. It is hard not to laugh at this stuff.

The twitter feed of the mentally disturbed women where I got that tweet is useful, when thinking about groups like Antifa. Pretty much everything she tweeted about the day did not happen. There were no gun shots or confrontations. It was just a few hours of a freak show, where bizarrely dressed people and septuagenarian hippies danced around in the parking lot. It was a hot day and most of them ran out of steam by mid-afternoon. The whole thing was so silly, I suspect even some of the protesters felt ridiculous.

For Lacy MacAuley though, the thirst for violence is all consuming. This story about her trip to Turkey and this story about getting beat by Turks are good examples. This is a person who hates herself and hopes for nothing more than a violent denouement to her otherwise pointless existence. That’s probably true of almost all of these people. They self-mutilate and dress like clowns because they seek to degrade themselves. Almost all of them smoke and by the looks of it, I’m guessing, many use street drugs to excess.

Watching the freaks dance, as they tried to take photos of everyone inside, I noticed that it was a girl thing. There were extremely ugly old women, wearing shirts with feminist slogans. There were a few younger women, dressed in what used to be the uniform of the skateboard punk. The young ones clearly were the ones hoping for some ultra-violence, like the stupid girl Damigo decked at Berkeley. And of course, there was a tranny. This one was maybe six foot tall, with half its head shaved and the other side died bright yellow.

This reminded me of how David Horowitz described the Weathermen. In the late sixties and early seventies, the normal white males had either left or were pushed aside in radical politics. Instead, it was blacks and white women. In both cases, it was the women who had the greatest thirst for blood. Similarly, the Manson gang’s women were the ones hellbent on murdering people. The American Left has been a feminine movement for at least fifty years and maybe longer. After all, women pushed through Prohibition.

That raises something else that was obvious on Saturday. Antifa is a cargo cult. They think if they ape the aesthetics of the radicals from the past, the past will become the present. Many of the geezers I saw at the protest were just reliving their youth, if they ever stopped living their youth. The younger ones though, they are romantics. They believe the world needs to return to a better time when they were the radicals and people cared about their issues. Antifa and the other Progressive rent-a-mobs are the death rattle of the Left.

Oswald Spengler wrote about this phenomenon. A culture, like a person, is born, lives and then it dies. Like a person, it’s youth is a chaotic becoming, while its maturing is what it became. It’s death is romanticizing what it was and then, it is gone. That’s the American Left now. It is a thing for old people and young romantics, but the death certificate has been filled out with everything but the date. The radical culture that was born in the 60’s and flourished for two generations is about to expire.

One final thought on this. I was standing in front of the big glass windows watching the Antifa loonies, when I turned and looked at the young AmRen guys taking pics and selfies, laughing and enjoying themselves. On one side of the glass were grotesquely out of shape people in grubby clothes, smoking and gesticulating. On the other were young men in suits, well groomed and composed. It was one of those times when you can stand on the timeline of your life and see the past and the future at the same time.

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Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
7 years ago

Unlike feminist women, I’m a woman who loves men. I love my son, son-in-law, my six grandsons. BUT, the one thing that annoys me the most about men, is their misunderstanding of women. So many men think of women of being these weak, overly emotional, sweetly naive, basically harmless creatures. This is a fundamentally flawed mindset. Women can be vicious creatures, vengeful, petty and definitely blood-thirsty. You cannot look for women to behave in the same logical ways you look at things, our brains do not work in that manner. Just because we can be soft, nurturing mothers & caregivers,… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
7 years ago

Why is it that our mothers don’t teach us fuck-all about women? Is it the Sisterhood? Or maybe they are preoccupied with de-barbarizing us, but still. I didn’t get a proper schooling in women until I drove my daughter and two friends to school each morning for three years, grade 5-7. The society of women is brutal.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Mothers don’t teach their sons about women because they’re afraid to tell them the truth. They silently hope their young man finds a nice young lady who isn’t a f****** psychopath. This is one area where Dad has to intervene. And there’s another reason which is something I’ve been thinking about women lately. An emotionally healthy woman like my amazing wife of 32 years is a font of love for her family. I feel lucky to have experienced this and have given it a great deal of thought as it regards the experiences my late twenties son is having with… Read more »

Reply to  SWRichmond
7 years ago

Younger generations are also burdened by two ideas that set them up for relationship failure: 1) Being happy is the most important thing. 2) It wasn’t meant to be. A person who believes these things cannot be depended upon in matters great or small and is fundamentally unsuited to marriage. At some point or other, there will be unhappiness. Since happiness is the most important thing, this state of affairs is intolerable. Therefore, the relationship must not have been “meant to be.” I had a conversation with a young woman who said that happiness was the most important thing. When… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Watch the MGTOW vids on UTube and you will be educated about women

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

That is fascinating, actually.
That young. I never imagined.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Self-awareness is not a feminine attribute.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Did you ever consider that we don’t know what we want or what is best for us all the time?

Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
7 years ago

Yes. I’m older and calmer now but I think back to when I was young and dating and if I could have accused some guy that hurt me of rape and messed up his life I would have done it. And so would 90% of the other girls I knew. And we weren’t bad girls we were just very emotional

Reply to  Whitney
7 years ago

Whitney, your remark about not being bad girls is nearly the silliest b.s. I’ve encountered all day. You were not merely bad. In fact, you were deliberately bad, untamed, and lawless. Same as almost every female, esp. when she receives a secular education. There is a potential solution, however, to the perennial problem of female badness, which was noted in ancient times too. As you know, humans can extract an egg from a human body, fertilize it, and return the embryo to a womb for gestation. After a fetus is ready for life outside the womb, it can be fed… Read more »

Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

Whitney’s callousness is disturbing, but Allan’s even more so. It’s sickening to encounter such cold, raw hatred. I hope both of you do some serious self-examination.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

This is going to be changed, soon. Mice embryos from skin cells and by 2037 human embryos from skin cells Turns out eggs can be made from skin cells but it takes sperm to create a zygote. Of course the dark side of this for Women is that with the new artificial wombs Men will no longer need Women to have kids. When this happens Men and Women will be truly equal and it will be very interesting on how exactly society will handle this. Combine Men able to choose to have children on their own, sex robots… Read more »

Reply to  Whitney
7 years ago

Thank you for the honesty- and the warning!

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Zeroh Tollrants
7 years ago

Women differ from men in their violence. When a real threat is perceived, it triggers a state of psychosis, the adrenaline is in the driver’s seat. I believe I have experienced this on more than one occasion.

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
7 years ago

At least with “conservatives” in the castle like the National Review types, they know they’re part of the establishment holding back a resistance. The left is so loony that even when they have the high-ground, they look down from the battlements and think the peasants down below are in charge. I was watching Robert Reich’s show “The Resistance Report” the other day and I was thinking, What the hell is a guy who taught at Harvard and Berkeley and wrote for The Atlantic resisting exactly? I guess the answer is “reality and the American people.” The same could be said… Read more »

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

‘What the hell is a guy who taught at Harvard and Berkeley and wrote for The Atlantic resisting exactly? I guess the answer is “reality and the American people’

Ze peasants, zey are revolting. 😷

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

‘A man’s admiration for absolute government is proportionate to the contempt he feels for those around him.’
Alexis de Tocqueville

jay dee
Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

Same thought crossed my mind many times over the past 8 years. Not that it took exceptional insight on my part. Progs control every lever of power in popular culture – media, government bureaucracy, education, etc. It is always 1968.


Saml Adams
Saml Adams
7 years ago

“Cargo cult”. Perfect analogy. Should have tried throwing them a few cans of Spam. I generally refer to them as LARP’ers. Remind me of the time we accidentally booked a hotel in Boston in that was HQ for the ComicCon convention in the adjacent convention center. Though the highlight was my son getting up on the second floor balcony and in best Shrek voice, admonishing “all you fairy tale creatures, get outta ma swamp”. They were not amused. Like antifa this dress up thing is apparently very, very serious.

Reply to  Saml Adams
7 years ago

Ha ha! A chip off the ol’ block, I’ll bet.

7 years ago

“In both cases, it was the women who had the greatest thirst for blood. Similarly, the Manson gang’s women were the ones hellbent on murdering people.”

I was once told that in the SAS — and this may be true for many special forces — when you are confronted with a man and woman, both armed and with deadly intent, you shoot the woman first. The male will often surrender, but never the female.

Reply to  UKer
7 years ago

I did some research on violence awhile ago, and there were very different evolutionary pressures on men and women in regards to it. Male violence is largely symbolic, as it is about dominance. This is why most battles only result in a few % casualties to each side, even if the battle lasts all day. Women are passive, as they pass on their genes if they submit to whoever wins, no matter which side. BUT… if they are faced with a real threat they go mad-dog and can’t surrender. This is why self-defense trainers wear those silly padded suits when… Read more »

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Zorost
7 years ago

A woman will fight to the death to protect her children, she has nothing to lose. She will maximize any weapon at hand and will kill with a plastic grocery bag when stealth is called for.

Reply to  UKer
7 years ago
Reply to  UKer
7 years ago

Cops have always told me that during a domestic violence call, never, never turn your back on the woman.

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

Sha-zam! I learn something useful every day at the Z-blog. (Not on my missus, that’s for damm sure.)

James LePore
7 years ago

Soros is not stupid. Antifa is meant to provoke violence that will discredit the right. It’s also meant as a distraction while he funds leftist movements and political campaigns around the world. The AmRen people handled it well.

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

Antifa is a smoke screen, a diversion from the real insurgency. When the attack on America happens they and the rest of the SJW movement will tie down LEO assets while the critical infrastructure is attacked by the trained revolutionary fighters inside the US (100,000s). It will start w/a computer attack and instantly move to kinetic action on a national scale

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  ensitue
7 years ago

you got spit on the screen, typing that, didn’t you?

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

“Many of the geezers I saw at the protest were just reliving their youth, if they ever stopped living their youth. The younger ones though, they are romantics. They believe the world needs to return to a better time when they were the radicals and people cared about their issues.” I think this is due to social engineering, not some Spenglerian cycle. Why does society romanticize the 60’s? They don’t. The media does. There was a social change during the 60’s. It was not a natural, organic process in which the cosmos somehow readjusts people’s natures. It was engineered. Everything… Read more »

7 years ago

The Antifa crowd is what you get when natural selection is perverted by long-term affluence and the demise of real hardship. In its place, we have substituted government grown dependence and the attendant loss of personal dignity. These people can no longer work (or excel) in order to earn their survival; their sole talent is pitching-a-fit and whining.

Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

And opening the gates to foreign barbarians.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Z Man; At this point, after reading some of the comments in the previous thread, I’d recommend a post of your usual high quality about provocateurs, how they work and what to watch out for. If the many and varied armed federal police forces so wastefully deployed by the deep state aren’t working the alt-right by now, they are even more supine than usual. It’s not like a couple of Prog USAG’s didn’t demonstrate their right to rule by stating on the record that disgruntled vets. are the real internal threat, and really not guys with names containing the word… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

When I was active in my local Tea Party we had a “volunteer photographer” who documented everything, took pictures of everybody and everything at all of our events and whom I am certain was an FBI agent undercover, based on his behavior, quiet unobtrusive but ever-present demeanor, and so on. He was quite literally always available for us.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  SWRichmond
7 years ago

Did you get his pic. too, just in case_? Pics of the informant doing his documentation work might have provided useful material in a borderline entrapment* court case. At least as long as the ‘rule of law’ sorta lasts. One big danger in provocation from the agency side is their agents’ getting a little too enthusiastic about putting another pelt on the wall, crossing the line over into the entrapment* zone and blowing the case on that basis (if the defendant has a good lawyer and there is some evidence in his favor). You’ll notice that the accusation of entrapment… Read more »

7 years ago

Bill Ayers would berate Weather Underground males that poor Bernadine Dohrn was having to perform the lion’s share of bombings, and that they needed to up their game. Her fingerprints discovered at the scene of the bombing which murdered San Francisco PD Sgt. Brian McDonnell via hundreds of inch-long fencing staples to the body and head would appear to corroborate Billy’s complaint, and Z-man’s thesis.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

Darwin’s law and the current opioid epidemic will make them a footnote in history.

7 years ago

“The American Left is dead.” Sounds like a good graffiti tag.

Or to paraphrase Frank Zappa, “The American Left is not dead, it just smells funny.”

7 years ago

Thank you for the AmRen Diary. I had no idea this event was happening – but now that I know about it, I want to get there next year.

Reply to  BTampa
7 years ago

I recommend you start visiting AmRen on a regular basis, and watch particularly closely in January. When they announce next year’s conference, sign up immediately to beat the rush and the overfill. Rurik looks forward to seeing you there.

james wilson
james wilson
7 years ago

It would seem wise to keep the conference at venues that place the greatest inconvenience upon the inevitable lunatic fringe. Burns appears to have done well.

7 years ago

Great last line.

I was talking to a black guy a month back or so. He is active in #BLM, and described what sounded to me like organized militia training. Weapons, the whole bit.

If that’s true, I can’t believe Jeff Sessions isn’t arresting George Soros. War on drugs? Let it go already.

Reply to  c_willie
7 years ago

It should be abundantly clear to anyone on the right by now that Sessions intends to pursue his own agenda as the AG and has no intention of serving the Trump administration in any capacity.

I’m astounded at how many people, even on the right, believe that somehow the AG is an independent official, rather than part of the administration they serve. When did they stop teaching basic Civics?

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  c_willie
7 years ago

Sessions will be checking everyone’s underwear, soon. typical gop creep. with all the political crimes (on both sides) going on, this Akins-like fukk hasn’t done shit about any of them. Trump really needs to do a better job on finding people who are loyal and will actually show up and work.

7 years ago

Pathology on parade. The left seems to eschew rudimentary civilization. Basic sanitation, disease prevention (STDs), and some form of hygiene are all passe with this crowd. No wonder they want free medical care, their behavior requires it.

wan wei lin
wan wei lin
7 years ago

Liberals have a violent core. Even your nice liberal cat lady neighbor will resort to mentioning death and violence when cornered by a well constructed factual argument. Violence is their Plan A and Plan B.

7 years ago

I have been to one protest rally. As a college student I checked out the No War in Iraq rally because I thought instead of just whining I could do something. The place was full of ugly people who I tend to avoid and then after about 30 minutes came chants about homo acceptance. To think I had come all the way into the city for this! Now I just stick to whining.

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

there should be a separate tab next to theory of everything and essential knowledge devoted to amren or any othere conference you are planning to attend. it’s history in making

7 years ago

Antifa = Don Quixote without good morals?

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  TuNeCedeMalisPJS
7 years ago

more like Lord of The Flies

7 years ago

Excellent observations as always. I wonder if they (the Antifa leftists) know their “certificate” is all but filled out. I reckon they don’t. That’s the way denial works.

But what role will they play in society when the racket has run its course?

Will they just disperse and find other things to do? Or will the anger linger on?

That is what I find fascinating. Wondering what is next.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  hoboken411
7 years ago

the answer is in Zman’s descriptions of the protesters. the young ones will end up exactly like the old ones. once the government sinecures dry up, this lot will be in a world of hurt.

Reply to  hoboken411
7 years ago

They’ll try to go Alt-Right. These people have nothing else but being on the (socially acceptable) Radical Fringe; it’s their entire identity. For most of the 20th century, that meant being on the Left. But the pendulum is swinging, and soon the Radical Fringe will be out on the Right. Today’s SJW is tomorrow’s obergruppenfuhrer. It’ll be important to police the ranks — “have you ever used the word ‘intersectionality’ unironically? Is there a gender studies course on your transcript? Banished!”

Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

I think when Zman is old and gray they will be the anti-Semite posters on his blog who just won’t shut up about it.

Reply to  hoboken411
7 years ago

They become female judges. Or she-male, now.

7 years ago

I think that among WASPs (yes old term) in America individualism is very strong. There is a lot of research that indicates a tendency towards individualism versus collectivism is genetic. This may explain why a white identity movement is coming so late in the game – WASPs are not by nature “joiners” with strangers. Blacks can see any other black and go “we black!” even if they never met. Whites not so much – whites tend to only join others they know well. And because Protestants schism every ten minutes (unlike Catholics) WASPs tend to stick to small groups. (Note:… Read more »

7 years ago

Z it was an honor and pleasure to meet you, and I just regret we did not have more opportunity for longer discussion. Unfortunately there was that antifa incident after lunch and the attendee who was attacked happened to be a personal friend. So I was involved in trying to track his whereabouts and fate until he was released Sunday afternoon.Which is also why I was late getting home, and am posting this only now. One more check mark for Richard Spencer. He set up an on-line funding appeal for our casualty. If you go to this link you will… Read more »

7 years ago

[…] my AmRen wrap-up about AntiFa, I noted that it was the women on the Left with the blood lust. The mentally disturbed woman I […]

7 years ago

[…] so. It does however mesh with what I saw last weekend and other observations made of late. Z-Man points out that while there were lots of event attendees who could barely pass as legal adults, the […]

7 years ago

OK, the participants were, as it seems, united by the Antifa trying to riot on the conference premises. But please, Z-man, tell me, are you sure you really saw such an idyllic picture inside the gathering itself? I am asking because not so long ago, there was some news of a serious conflict between the alt-right galleon figures. Spencer and Friberg on their site giving a what for to Greg Johnson, obviously in reaction to his own prior attacks on them. The subject being quite common inside besieged political organizations and movements: essentially, who stole money from whom and who… Read more »

7 years ago

While on my balcony in DC reading this this morning, smoking, thinking of the past and the future at the same time ( ), and worrying about hopes for nothing more than a violent denouement ( ), I wondered about my own fumes.

In a sane society the Zblog would not exist. So what are we going to DO about that? The progs still have a vision of a future. What is ours? What are we going to DO?

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Casher
7 years ago

history doesn’t come with a steering wheel and brakes. we are going to go along for the ride…

Reply to  Casher
7 years ago

First things first. Build infrastructure, then use it to push the counter culture. The infrastructure that already exists is entrenched and based on ideas and technologies that are obsolete. Best to bypass it rather than try and repeat what the left did ala Gramsci.
The new infrastructure includes platforms like this but must extend to news, education, secure communications, and most importantly, finance and law. We need networks to securely fund projects without outside interference and we need radical lawyers to back us up until we are in charge.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

Agreed – where we are now is the early stage of what needs to be put in place to reach our people and be able to reach, inform, and inspire to action. it will be most likely an open and somewhat competitive process for the people who are best able to influence the course of events to emerge.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

Lawyers, absolutely. They are the mercenary guns that enable the looting.
The real damage wouldn’t be possible without them.