How To Sell Soap

No one is excited about scrubbing a stain from the carpet. If you own a pet, you never look forward to their accidents on the rug or their decision to put their dirty paws on your best trousers. Cleaning up messes, figuring out how to get that stain off the couch cushion, getting the carpets cleaned, these are chores we all do, but we do not look forward to them. It is just a part of life, like cutting the grass or cleaning the gutters. No one goes on lawn care vacations or stain removal holidays.

If you are in the business of selling soap, you have to get over the fact that the mere mention of your product makes people think about a boring task or the dog leaving a pyramid on the rug. No matter how good your product is at doing its thing, if it brings negative images to the mind of the customer, they will associate you and your product with unpleasant thoughts. It why portable toilet vendors pick cheeky names for their companies. They want you laughing when you think of them.

The infomercial guys, who sell miracle cleaners, are good examples of people who understands how this works. They are super upbeat and they do small things to flatter the viewer. “You have frequent parties and one of your guests spills red wine on your brand new carpet!” He is saying you have good tastes and people like you, which is why everyone comes to your house to be sophisticated and cool. It is cheesy, but flattery works for a reason. The pitchman makes his audience feel good about the sale.

These guys also know how to avoid negative associations. They love using the red wine example, even though their typical customers drink beer from a can. Red wine is a stand-in for blood. If they used a severed hand to drip blood on the white cloth, people would be horrified and associate the product with a negative image. No one fondly remembers getting their hand caught in the snowblower. Instead, the pitchman uses wine and talks about you being the cool kid on the block with lots of parties.

Everyone has had a mishap. You are working around the house; something goes wrong and you are running for the first aid kit. In the process you made the hall carpet look like a crime scene. Or you are at work and you do not notice the paper-cut and now you have blood on your favorite shirt. That miracle product to get the red wine stain out is just what you need, but you do not want to be is reminded of it by the happy pitchman on television. It is why the good pitchman avoids creating negative associations.

Even the high energy super-positive TV pitchmen run into a problem of negative associations. That is because Americans associate the lone pitchman with the grifter, the con artist and the guy who takes advantage of the foolish. That is because we have a long tradition of these guys. The snake oil salesman, the patent medicine salesman, various door-to-door salesman, are all stock characters for the disreputable sharpie who blows into town and sells you a monorail.

You may be the most honest guy on earth, but as soon as you get out there to sell your soap as the fast talking pitchman, most people are going to think you are, at the minimum, a liar. It is unfair and unjust, but you will never change that perception. You can be the most honest and forthright soap salesman on earth, but that view of you and your kind is etched into the culture. It is why those TV guys always rely on objective authorities or unimpeachable demonstrations. They know you do not trust them.

Life is unfair sometimes.

The point of all this is that if you want to sell a product, you have to avoid associating it with negative images held by the public. That means you are going to have to use red wine instead of a severed hand to demonstrate stain removal. No, you will not be true to your faith, but you will get customers. You also have to accept the fact that a lot of stuff happened before you came along. If you associate yourself with confidence men of the past, people are going to assume you are a con-man too. That is reality.

Good salesmen never lose sight of reality. That is the problem with outsider political movements. They allow themselves to be trapped in narrow ideological ruts so any sales effort, which deviates in the slightest from dogma, results in civil war. The only pitchmen the ideologues accept are the guys waving around the severed hand, talking about how their product is great at cleaning blood stains. Any concession to public sensibilities is treated like heresy. The result is a self-ghettoization of the movement.

This has always been the problem with the libertarians. You can get a large audience in favor of limiting state regulation of commerce, but you are never getting a critical mass around the idea of abandoning paper money. You can talk people into loosening up marijuana laws, but no one is signing up for legal meth sales. That is why the limit on libertarians is to have some of their language appropriated by Buckleyites. Otherwise, they are seen as a collection of eccentric weirdos.

That is what is happening with the alt-right. The core believers refuse to give in on basic tactics, like banning Nazi gear or minimizing the JQ stuff. The result is anyone that tries to soften the image is attacked as a traitor. That is what you see with the Stormies. Anglin can’t accept even the token compromises at a site like Gab, so he goes to war with it. This ensures that his followers never stray from the ghetto that he has created for them. It also means potential recruits have a reason to ignore him.

This does not mean the alt-right is condemned to having fat guys in their tighty-whities, dancing around at their events. To avoid that fate, they need to produce leaders with the credibility to swat down guys like Anglin, when he gets out of control, but also aware of the fact that growing the movement means appealing to the general public. That means softening the pitch and making some compromises. They do not have anyone capable of doing that at the moment, but they better find some.

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D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
7 years ago

…..”if it brings negative images to the mind of the customer, they will associate you and your product with unpleasant thoughts.” So true. Every time somebody mentions the brand name “Democrat”, I think of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Rotten Clinton, Obummer, Antifa, Maxine Waters, Harry “the body” Reid, Regressives, and the list can go on and on and on. Very unpleasant thoughts indeed! 🙂 Now to be fair for the Regressive Liberal reading here, Republican makes me think of RINOs, GOPe, Lindsay Graham, John McLame, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, anybody named Bush, Paul Ryan, Mitch Mcconnell. etc, also unpleasant… Read more »

D&D Dave in the Bubble
D&D Dave in the Bubble
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The enemy of my enemy (political establishment types) is my friend! 🙂

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Like Derbyshire said of Thatcher, “She was hated by all the people I hate.” My living standard/life in general have not changed since Trump was elected, except for the fact that people I don’t like have been running around like chickens with their heads cut off worrying that the world is going to end, so (best Colonel Klink voice): “I REGRET NOZINK!”

Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

More Schultz than Kink, I believe. DIIIISMISSED!

Reply to  Ganderson
7 years ago


Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Indeed. I think most Dirt People know the system is rigged, they just wanted to create a little bit of misery for the Cloud People in retaliation for all the misery the Cloud People have inflicted on them over the years.

Reply to  Owen_Lynn
7 years ago

We have not yet even begun to create misery for the cloud people.

Reply to  Owen_Lynn
7 years ago

Owen – Interesting that you used the term “Cloud People” in reference to the globalist elite. I have always thought of this globalist elite as clouds floating above us, disconnected from and with no sense of fellow feeling with their ostensible fellow citizens. If they possess a sense of fellow feeling with anyone, it’s with the globalist elites in other lands.

“Cloud people” and “dirt people” (that’s us). I’ll remember that.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
7 years ago

Credit goes to Z for those terms, not me.

Reply to  Owen_Lynn
7 years ago

Yup, I read the following post. I do like the terms.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

There’s more to it than just being attacked from both sides. We haven’t ever had anyone like him before. Reagan could take heat and he could give a little back – but that was infrequent and polite. That’s as close as we’ve come to Trump.

Trump is different though because not only does he give it back fast, hard, and nasty – he seems to have fun doing it.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
7 years ago

“The point of all this is that if you want to sell a product, you have to avoid associating it with negative images held by the public.”

There was an old Porterfield cartoon, with a manager at ‘Fullbean Paints’ regretfully telling one of his executives, “We’ve sold 10,000 gallons of ‘Robin’s-Egg Blue’ and 15,000 gallons of ‘Harvest Gold’, but we’ve yet to sell a single gallon of your ‘Toilet White’.”

7 years ago

I hate to say it, but like in the 1930s, all the Nazis need to do is just look relatively reasonable compared to the far left loonies er, communists that they will be compared with. After all, that’s how the Nazis were able to win the quiet support and muscle of German industry leaders, even though most of them didn’t like or agree with most of the NSDAP ideology. They looked at the commies lunging at their throats and threw their lot in with the alternative. This is what happens when the center crumbles and nobody’s willing to compromise on… Read more »

Reply to  Owen_Lynn
7 years ago

The industrialists were easy to gain the support of, they are defined by greed. The Nazis blew a giant credit bubble (MEFO bills) and bought their support; the MIC is as old as Methusela.

Leverage in the MEFO bills system was a state secret.

Reply to  SWRichmond
7 years ago

You can be assured though, that the commies would not have done the same for them. They would’ve been lucky to have escaped in permanent exile. Most likely the commies would’ve hung them from a tree. Germans did hang people back then.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Owen_Lynn
7 years ago

Possibly the most under-studied period in modern history is Europe in the immediate aftermath of WWI. Most people in the US have no clue how narrowly much of eastern Europe and Germany avoided the same fate as Russia. Even in the US the Immigration Act of 1924 was substantially a reaction against events in Europe and the desire to not import left wing revolutionaries into the US. The marketing advantage the NDSAP had was their opposition to the guys (Bolsheviks) that had already racked up lots of bodies in trenches once in charge. People were willing to take a bet… Read more »

Reply to  Owen_Lynn
7 years ago

There was a legitimate fear of Communism, both internal (“Jewish Bolshevism”) and invasion by the Soviet Union. So, even religious individuals supported the Nazis as the lesser of two evils. The Nazis, at first, did posture as defenders of traditional morality vis a vis the pervasive moral degeneracy of the Weimer Republic. Hitler was photographed holding an old Bible, etc.

Great post!

7 years ago

>> The point of all this is that if you want to sell a product, you have to avoid associating it with negative images held by the public. This raises the larger problem of the alt-right, or dissident right. They have no product to sell, only complaints about the current state of affairs. It remains reactionary in nature. The alt-right movement is going to be consigned to the remote corners of the internet until it develops a positive political agenda that can be sold to the public at large. Americans know that if we put the Democrats in charge for… Read more »

7 years ago

I just read this thinking it was a commentary on how the NFL has allowed the BLM crap to completely infect their product.. and now with Trumps’ calling them out, the lines are drawn. Are you a patriot? Do you love your country and sick of politics in sportsball games? Trump set a trap on Friday night, sprung it on Saturday, and it keeps getting better. In 24 hours, Trump has ruined the NBA and the NFL…. they just don’t know it yet.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

Nope, won’t work. We can’t “compromise” because it will be seen as a sign of weakness. We are not selling a product, we are selling a civilization. Strength and virility is what we need to project, not virtue signalling against badwhites. Who exactly are alt-righters signalling to when they loudly declare their anti-Nazism? Redpills are aware you’re not a Nazi, but everyone else has been fully conditioned to associate Nationalism with Nazism. You’d basically have to adopt African children to prove to a normie that you’re “totally NOT a Nazi, like, really, really NOT a Nazi, at all.” We need… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

I’m one of those evil, selfish, cucked boomers in a racially mixed marriage, and I don’t have one problem with anything you said. We need a big tent right wing that embraces itself, and not one damn trait of the left. By the way. In saying what I’ve said I am not repudiating one single thing about the way I have conducted my life. I lived it the best way I knew how and am happy with it. It is hard to imagine how things could have turned out any better. What I’m getting at is that there’s a time… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

Yes, going full Fuhrer will work any day now. This is either the work of a paid Soros infiltrator or someone with no understanding whatsoever of human nature. Hitler was a massive failure, no one wants a neo-Pagan made up garbage (want to sacrifice your cute young Niece to Wotan?) and yes, the West is fundamentally Christian in heritage and outlook; the marriage of Greek Humanism with Jewish monotheism spread by Roman organization. Jesus in particular in the Gospels sounds a lot like Aristotle. And was called a Teacher by his Disciples. Richard Spencer is obviously a Soros paid plant… Read more »

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
Reply to  Whiskey
7 years ago

Yea, but there’s no such thing as Confederate fetish porn. Lots of Nazi fetish porn though. We’re actually not trying to appeal to stuffy old Churchians who value “respectability” over victory. We want to appeal to the base nature of the human species. Nazis are the baddest badboys ever. We can use this to bring young men and women in to the movement and strike fear into our enemies, but it’s all about tact and game. If some hysterical lefty calls you a NAZI! just smirk, comb your “Richard Spencer” haircut and say that’s ridiculous, you’re not a Nazi. Then,… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

The response should be:
“What makes you think I’m any sort of Socialist?”

Maxi Dean
Maxi Dean
Reply to  Whiskey
7 years ago

Nazi imagery serves no purpose.

comment image

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
7 years ago

People like you are the reason normies are scared of the alt-right., They know the GOP and Democrats are DOA and useless. And I’m not talking about 20 somethings but people successful people in their 40’s and ever 60’s. They know system is broken and society is seriously screwed up. Talk to a lot of 40+ tech workers frozen out of a job because of H-1B and they are “red pilled” as hell as is the factory worker who lost his his job to off-shoring. We need to bring them in.and there are millions of them. Because they’re bright, hard… Read more »

7 years ago

The right wing has a lot of different parts which are not, and never will be, interchangeable. If we can get past the point of everybody trying to play sheriff and force conformity on all of us maybe we can get somewhere.

7 years ago

I like the analogy but its being applied to the wrong problem. We aren’t going to vote (sell) our way out of this.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
7 years ago

all this talk of “selling” and “marketing” and “building” an alternative party is a category error. that is the “build it they will come” approach; i.e. more of the same with a different name. the nazi cadres were military veterans, every one of whom were willing and eager to fight. they *took* control they did not *ask* for it. and that is the only way something new will arise here or anywhere else on god’s green earth. anything short of that is just a cuck daydream. so look left for what’s coming next, because the only thing coming from the… Read more »

Reply to  Karl McHungus
7 years ago

Agreed. It will be either the Communists or the National Socialists. Leftists already think in terms of race and group identity so they could easily become good National Socialists given incentive and a little time. If a National Socialist movement prospers it will be mostly ex-leftists. The right won’t unite, but the left does this easily. They are much more dangerous than many on the right imagine because of that unity of purpose. Their lack of martial skills and weapons training can be remedied in 3 months of training. The rights constant bickering can’t be. The Alt-Right can effect the… Read more »

Reply to  Sharrukin
7 years ago

Recently someone examined the fearsomely deep, entrenched organizing industry of the Left.

Organing IS their industry, that’s why the issue is never the issue.

The idea seems to be create chaos, while preparing to dominate and offer order once the rest are balkanized and fighting each other.

Thus, Cloward-Piven or Coudenhove-Kalergi: government dependence is always primed to be easily overwhemed by it’s own impossible demands.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
7 years ago

Big talk from the little troll. Amazing how much violent, unproductive rhetoric you get from anonymous cowards online.

Reply to  A_Livingstone
7 years ago

He’s right. Power isn’t given, it’s taken.

Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago

Some of us are, per the American tradition, fighting for liberty, not power. Which is why the DR/AR needs to repel bile like you and McHungus – you can’t be trusted anymore than any other totalitarian.

I’m not giving up on the American project because the assholes on the left and the assholes on the other left have decided to go to war.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  A_Livingstone
7 years ago

i see you in a t-shirt that says “This vagina kills facists”

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  A_Livingstone
7 years ago

As John Adams noted Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. The current population is not moral and only 1/3 of young people are White and Christian which is the people the document was written for well English white Christians with a smattering for other liberty minded European folk actually The Constitution and “Muh Liberty” is a dead letter issue, has been since the war on drugs and as such a lot less people care about the fine details They want order and prosperity and need… Read more »

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
Reply to  Karl McHungus
7 years ago

The Nazi cadres weren’t military veterans to a man, or even for the most part. A lot of them were too young for the First World War and played soldier on the old parade grounds around Tempelhof or on the sand at Wannsee and fantasized about what the war must have been like. Horst Wessel was only 11-years old when the Great War ended and he was about par for the course among the ranks in the 2nd World War (even though he died before the outbreak of hostilities).These kids were LARPing in the Wandervogel and other Boy Scout-esque youth… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

you are right, the SA were not nearly as veteran-heavy as I thought they were. was not able to find any hard numbers, but given the numbers involved (3M at peak) not more than a small fraction would have been ex-military.

7 years ago

I think what would help things tremendously in general is if people would ditch ideology altogether and be honest about their political interests instead of trying to dress up their interests in moralistic or ideological clothing.

Then perhaps like in the old days, people can come together and do the horse trading they used to when reconciling their political interests.

I’m not holding my breath though.

Reply to  Owen_Lynn
7 years ago

Oh my gosh yes. We’re fighting over religious terminology instead of addressing the real, the results.

We end up sounding like a student council.
How long was the argument “who’s a real conservative?” while the corrupt and crazy took over the world.

Reply to  Owen_Lynn
7 years ago

A heck of a lot of moralizing is just a mask for self-interest, anyway. Just be above board with it.

7 years ago

Well, the newest bright idea from the confederacy of dunces in the alt-right “leadership” is a “March Against Communism”, featuring such luminaries as Richard Spencer (ofcourse.wav), goat-sacrificing failed Senate candidate Augustus Sol Invictus, and Vanguard America, who go in for quasi-fascist imagery. Spencer has to go away, yesterday if possible. Regardless of what charming personal qualities he may have, he is complete poison for the Dissident Right. His mismanagement of Hailgate and Charlottesville caused the alt-right to be linked to some failed German nationalist party of the mid-20th century (can’t remember the name), he repeatedly engages in gay slapfights with… Read more »

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

Spencer seems hell bent on creating conditions for gun violence at rallies. This means he is working for our enemies. McAuliffe clearly wanted gun violence in C’ville. I agree, new, more genuine leadership is needed.

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

Spencer is controlled opposition. he is in the business of leading the right into disasters. the media know this and thats why the always ask him to “represent the alt right ” when they want a quote.

Isn’t it funny how he holds and event , normal people go, something nazish happens , everyone there is tarred and doxed . then Spencer moves on to the next one.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

Vanguard America are the guys who organize things and have consistently gone into the streets, actually willing to take on Antifa. Without them, and others like them, we just have a bunch of hand wringers who write about the Alt-Right online, but don’t go out with their faces showing, to carp about optics, like a bunch of cuckservatives. As for a “March Against Communism,” I don’t know why anyone in the Alt-Right would be against that. What is more important to protest, in this day and age? Are you against going out and protesting, because having an online political party… Read more »

Reply to  Murray
7 years ago

You seem to think that the “‘Alt Right”” is some kind of organization, with structure and a Board of Directors. “Spencer needs to be removed…” By whom, you? Nobody in the Alt Right has the authority or the ability to punish or reward.

7 years ago

Let met get this straight. The United States is now, probably, and despite what the census claims, around 50% White, and dropping. And a large portion of those are elderly and will soon not be with us. The left has gone into full Bolshevik mode, with the majority of the political and economic establishment supporting them and we’re on the cusp of a “Russian” style revolution. The internet, the final platform to gather and speak freely is quickly being reigned in and we’re in the closing days of such sites as this. BLM and Antifa are effectively carrying out acts… Read more »

Reply to  Narrator
7 years ago

This is a great line: ” you may not be interested in race war, but race war is interested in you.”

However, costumes and regalia still do figure into it. Choosing trappings of a past murder cult is obviously stupid and counterproductive, especially if our aim is to enlist help fighting a murder cult.

Reply to  SWRichmond
7 years ago

Everybody is somebody else’s murder cult. That’s Victimology 101.

This is not an issue of enlisting anyone. If you’re White, you’re drafted.

Reply to  Narrator
7 years ago

A severely battered young country the size of Missouri almost took over Europe (and the World, we were told)-
Such losers, eh?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
7 years ago

Look no further than the recent fundraising efforts by the Democrats to see how well a message that swings between negativity and political nihilism sells. The checkbooks have closed. No donors want to fund this crap.

7 years ago

Rather than ban the wackjobs why not control them like the left does ? The left is unapologetic for their crazies but yet demand we eliminate ours. It’s like squaring off with a street fighter using Queensberry rules. Most organizations have a myriad of rules and regulations you’re supposed to follow, but once hired or accepted you find out that most of them are rarely ever enforced. ( Unless of course their looking to terminate you. ) Present the alt right to the public as no-nonsense by the book organization and yet let some of the weirdos in just like… Read more »

Reply to  sirlancelot
7 years ago

Kick the lunatics out. They’re mentally unstable and hence unpredictable. You want to distance any movement from them as far as possible. They add nothing but trouble,. Your understanding of the NRA is certainly twisted to say the least. The NRA has never attracted nor wanted the sort of lunatics you admire. They want normies or mainstream whites who are successful, stable and have money. Same with the Jewish version of the NRA.. There is no place for crazies in the NRA. In fact the crazies hate the NRA. This is why the NRA is successful and has serious political… Read more »

Reply to  sirlancelot
7 years ago

You talk about the NRA like you’re not a member. Why the fuck aren’t you a member?

7 years ago

I think they’ve done the appropriate thing by declining to nominate a true figurehead. A cooperating major-party is the moderate arm of any fringe political movement that matters. Alt-right figures seem to understand that what they’re doing is mostly cultural. They have all the right enemies and are positioned well to gain disenfranchised working and middle class ears. If both parties reject the zeitgeist it would be impossible to unseat them via third party anyhow.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Issac
7 years ago

Not having a figurehead is essential to the survival of the .alt right at this time as any figurehead would be immediately discredited, subverted or failing all that just killed at this point No leader, no target As for the anti Communist march, meh. That’s mostly for the militia crowd and given some of the marchers (not the militia crowd) are Nazis its almost to be expected. . Commies show up, the other Socialists will show up Lastly, re: removing unwanted elements. All the recent drama at Gab has been about just that The Nazis were butt hurt that they… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  A.B Prosper
7 years ago

Not having a singular leader has its advantages, but wasn’t that also supposedly the brilliant masterstroke of the Tea Party too? It didn’t stop them from being corralled and neutralized in just a few years. The disadvantage of a purely grassroots movement is that there’s no gatekeeper, and no one in charge of laying down and enforcing the rules, so anyone at all can join in and end up corrupting the host. The Left is only temporarily stymied by not being able to employ its Alinsky tactic of personalize-isolate-destroy. Lacking a genuine leader to focus on, they make do with… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
7 years ago

The Tea Party has had a hefty measure of success at the State level . Problem is that they had an impossible ideology, Federal government spending can’t and won’t be cut until the system falls apart . I’ve run the numbers in my head and on paper and it pencils out that we borrow basically everything other than Military, Social Security and Medicare and worse we are trillions on the whole and need massive more infrastructure spending The only way to get the money with less taxes is dramatic wage growth , doubling or the like Problem is that technology… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
7 years ago

The Tea Party was easily co-opted and/or absorbed into the Republican Party itself, because the various groups around the country were started by average Joe and and Jane who knew nothing about politics and just wanted to make changes to the Republican Party platform, not tear it down. The Alt-Right is completely different from the Tea Party in that the ideas espoused aren’t mainstream or acceptable thought in today’s Overton Window. That means each group formed organically throughout the country already knows from their founding that they will not be accepted by the Republican Party and the party has no… Read more »

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

“The core believers refuse to give in on basic tactics, like banning Nazi gear or minimizing the JQ stuff.” I say this with respect Zman, because I respect you and your insights….in your recent podcast you admitted that the jews run the West. Ok….well how’s that going? Since 1965 they have gained hegemonic power in nearly every realm besides voting numbers (they used our tax dollars to get around that problem). Have things gotten better or worse for Whites? Based upon your writings, unquestionably the latter. If the people in control aren’t responsible for the grim trajectory, who is? If… Read more »

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

JQ doesn’t have the potential appeal of other “hate facts” because it’s pure conjecture. Unlike HBD there are no IQ averages or crime stats. All you have is an overrepresentation of Jews in influential positions, which to an outsider appears no less benign than overrepresentation of black sprinters or male computer programmers. All the JQ and CofC stuff is just guess work.

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  Jew
7 years ago

Do the goyim know? They do!

Check out El Al’s fare deals. You love a bargain don’t you?

7 years ago

Good and timely points, Mr. Z!

If you’re selling soap and someone else is selling dirt, you have a natural advantage. But if people believe your soap will harm them, you’ve got a problem. The dirt salesman will try to make people believe that; you don’t need to help him.

7 years ago

How nice. Zman took a break from assuring us that things were gonna start getting back to normal any minute now to do a little concern trolling & tone policing of the AltRight. Thanks for the advice to compromise & cuck like every other right wing movement fishing for that elusive Normie love. But we’ve got a better plan. We stay passionate & principled, even if it keeps our numbers down a bit. Then we don’t run for office ourselves. We let the mainstream republicans dance their jigs to sell that soap to the masses. But our support can only… Read more »

Reply to  Observer
7 years ago

If white people lose in this country, people like you will be a big part of the reason why. Nazi imagery is poison. 99.9%(might be low) of white people want nothing to do with it. If you want the movement to succeed, you will need better numbers that that.

Reply to  ronehjr
7 years ago

Faggots like you are why whites are losing this country now.
Pro Tip: You can’t resist something if you’re too big a coward to even say out loud what you’re resisting.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago
Reply to  Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago


Z better reconsider that comment about fat guys in tighty whities…

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  Glenfilthie
7 years ago

Loved the guy’s comment about the silver spray paint.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
7 years ago

I never click on links which seem to go places filled with things which can’t be unseen. So don’t tell me about what was there. Merely reading “lingerie model”and “obese” in the link was almost too much.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
Reply to  SWRichmond
7 years ago

Trigger Warning applies.

7 years ago

Here’s an idea for you sniveling little faggots:
NOBODY knows for sure how to turn this thing around. Not you, not Zman, not Richard Spenser, not Anglin. NOBODY.
So let everyone innovate & experiment & we will see what gains traction & what doesn’t
Your role is to pick the approach that you think is best, throw your full weight behind it, AND STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING.
P.S. Stop listening to what the news says.
PPS Just remember that every punch you aim right dies our enemies work for them.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Just harrumph harder, old man. It will fix everything any day now, I’m sure.

7 years ago

Considering the mess the neo-fundie Left is making of things politically, I can understand why the Founding Fathers were so keen to keep religion out of politics as much as possible.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Owen_Lynn
7 years ago

Their object was made clear: to keep religion out of politicking and politics out of religion while expecting religion to form the politician and the people. “Religion and government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.” They loathed atheism for the body of work that it had already produced.

7 years ago

A bit OT … Here’s how some people managed to finance the promotion of their soap.

Reply to  cerulean
7 years ago

So vitally important. So that’s the real game.
Obama holdover DOJ, HUD, CFPB lawsuit ‘settlement’ policies are slush funds for “protest groups”.

ACORN redux on a nationalized scale.
The brownies and greenies are looting the whities.

Few know that this type stuff was Obama’s entire career. I laugh when my Trump-hating friends tell me it’s Trump who got elected just so he could rob the country.

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
7 years ago

The point is that, unless the conditions that created the Nazis are replicated in America, then acting like Nazis, dressing like Nazis, and using their esoteric symbols and runes is not going to bring about the Fourth Reich (contrary to what both neurotic Jews and neo-Nazis want you to believe). Our recent sandbox fiascoes were bad, but more people died in a few hours in the Great War than in the last decade of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Americans eat crap food and people may fear the waning purchasing power of the dollar, but you don’t need a… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Junger
7 years ago

“acting like Nazis, dressing like Nazis, and using their esoteric symbols and runes is not going to bring about the Fourth Reich.”

Using Charlottesville as everyone’s go-to example, I didn’t see anyone acting like a Nazi (what does that even mean? Jews in boxcars?), or dressing like a Nazi, or using esoteric symbols and runes.

But by all means let’s keep buying the misrepresentations and pejorative appellations sold to us by the MSM, because they’d never lie to us.

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
Reply to  Jane_Dough
7 years ago

You’re just so persecuted, aren’t you, weathering these “pejorative appellations”? I didn’t mention Charlotesville as my “go-to,” so why did you go to it? My guess is you did it in order to create your own straw-man just to burn him and then bask in the warmth of your flaming sanctimony. This is the thing I’ve never understood about the alt-right, the weird passive-aggressive stance toward the 3rd Reich. It reminds me of someone who talks a lot of shit about beating someone’s ass, sees the guy he claims he’s looking for in public, then blinks, shrinks away and pretends… Read more »

7 years ago

For all the crap guys like McHungus throw my way, this is why I continually bring up the Judeo-Christian foundations of the west (as opposed to the pagan ‘fire dancing while wearing animal skins’ imagery many on the Alt-Right evoke). It gives a basis that people outside the movement can quickly grasp at a basic level, and as you go deeper into the history and meaning of the Bible stories, you begin to understand the relevance of them not just to the founding of the US, but the rise of pre-Rennaissnace Europe. Evangelical pastors may be the snake oil salesmen… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  A_Livingstone
7 years ago

you sure do have to tell yourself a lot of fairy tales, to sleep at night. and guess what snowflake, i can afford to eat at real restaurants.

Reply to  A_Livingstone
7 years ago

The foundations of the West are Greco-Roman and have nothing to do with the gibberings of Talmud parsers.

Reply to  bilejones
7 years ago

I thought rewriting history was something the Left does, but apparently so does the pagan right. Go to any town more than 100 years old and you’ll see lots of buildings with pointy roofs and crucifixes on them. And these were built in an age by poor people who were living barely above subsistence level. Go the U.S. or the rest of the New World and there’s lots of similar buildings.

Are you a Neocon? Because the Greco-Roman basis of the West is what they advocate.

There’s no West without the baby Jesus. Now go and play with your runes.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  slumlord
7 years ago

Only 1/3 of young people in the US identify as White Christians (the total number of Whites is around 50% and change in that age bracket BTW with some upward trend This could be poz of course and the US could be ,ore than a bit whiter and more faithful , who knows The number people in the UK saying they are Christian is in theory 65% but no one attends church as the same survey they are not religious is the same, so “cultural Christian” only So figure the UK is around 80% White or so, its maybe 25%… Read more »

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago
7 years ago

I agree with your assessment completely Zman, but I don’t understand why you do not think that is what Vox Day is trying to do with Anglin. I am sure some of what he is doing is personal, but I think his initial attempt to get rid of the naziism was exactly what you describe above. The problem is the nazis are insane, and we have many on are side who do not want them removed.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

“To avoid that fate, they need to produce leaders with the credibility to swat down guys like Anglin, when he gets out of control, but also aware of the fact that growing the movement means appealing to the general public.” I don’t think we should swat down guys like Anglin……in public. Any disciplinary communication should not be aired in public. It should be private. This also provides cover for when the rogue disappears, but your tutorial on disposing of bodies makes it easier to solve these problems. This has been a problem for the right since the division between left… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Lots of good points. This “urge to purge,” feeling makes me uncomfortable. I feel like we are just retreading Birchers VS Buckleyites path, and I don’t want to do that. I’d also like to add, it was Vox Day who started the war with Gab, not Andrew Anglin. I read Anglin’s posts, he had told Torba to take down his post if it was going to get them banned from their registrar. IOW, he was willing to work with Torba and staff. Torba has an issue, and it isn’t really Day or Anglin-it’s incoherence. The whole, “infinite free speech,” thing… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
7 years ago

the tv pitchmen typically have a lady assistant on stage with them, to deal with the con man associations. and i notice that the alt-right party in germany had a babe out front. same in france. the alt-right here isn’t gaining any traction due to things on the ground not being bad enough to cause masses of people to cry out for a savior.

Verne Burger
Verne Burger
7 years ago

The alt right can never be successful for three reasons

1. Racism is repugnant most people

2. Alt fighters are mostly failed human beings

3. No Black Men. For an Orginization to be successful there must Boack Men so that women (especially white girls) will be attracted

Reply to  Verne Burger
7 years ago

Thanks for the laugh.

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Verne Burger
7 years ago

Yeah, that’s the ticket, mudsharks and Ns are required for political success. Tiny, I believe you are thinking of a prison organization, they have lots of Ns, and some mudsharks, no wonder they are so successful.
Americans love raycisms, like mom and apple pie. Never doubt that.