Total Information War

The wars that ended the feudal period in Europe started as feudal wars but ended as national wars. Taking the 14th century as the start of the Late Middle Ages, The Hundred Years’ War would be the start of that period. It began as a war between kings, leading armies of conscripts and mercenaries of various ethnicities. By the end, it was a war between two nations, fought by the people of those two nations. It is why most historians point to this as the beginning of the nation-state in Europe.

Similarly, the Thirty Years’ War started as a war of religion, among the smaller states that comprised the Holy Roman Empire. By the end, it was a war fought by nations, carving up central Europe. More important, the defining characteristic of people would not be their king or their religion, but their nation. By the time of Napoleonic, nations were mobilizing their people around love of country, not loyalty to a king. War had evolved to match the new social arrangements.

The point here is that wars eventually reflect the age. At the start of the Great War, the French were still using the cavalry charge. They had their line officers wearing brightly colored uniforms so they were easy to spot. The Maxim gun put an end to those old tactics and by the end of the war, both sides were fully employing the weapons and tactics of the industrial age. The Second World War was the perfection of the lessons learned in the first industrial age war.

It is not a perfect framing, but a useful one, when thinking about the current crisis and the inevitable wars that will come. Ours is the information age, so the wars will be information wars, especially the civil wars. The corruption of the internet by global corporations on behalf of the emerging global elite is an obvious example. The corruption of the registrars by companies like Google is a new type of weapon in the social war in the information age.

That is an important aspect here. Up until recently, the Left had a monopoly on our cultural morality. Labeling someone or something as racist or fascist, was enough to sideline that person or idea. The general public was willing to take their word for it and play along. Now, our rulers find themselves facing a skeptical public. Merely calling someone racist or fascist is not enough. That’s why they are moving on to using the blunt force of raw power against threats to their authority.

It is entirely possible that Anglin reported himself to the registrar of Gab, in order to generate attention for himself.  Anglin is a provocateur, which makes him a useful example to understand what is happening. We have an extra-judicial set of entities that can now regulate political speech on-line. The mere fact that these companies can censor speech on-line, based on their whim or in response to pressure brought by the state, is a serious problem for civilized society.

Morally, this is no different than the decision by the Germans to use poison gas in the Great War. Once it was clear that their conventional weapons were not enough, they made the choice to throw off any moral limits to waging war. That is what is going on with the new ruling elite. In America, speech is considered sacred. Everyone alive has grown up hearing the line about giving your life to defend the right of someone to say offensive things in public. The First Amendment is sacred.

Our rulers have decided they must abandon that principle.

The response from the dissidents to the attack on speech by Big Tech, has been an effort to create separate platforms. Gab is an alternative social media platform and others are now in the works. A parallel internet is slowly starting to sprout up with people looking into creating new registrars, new search engines and new funding mechanisms. It is a slow process, and as the attack on Gab shows, one that will be met with escalating attacks from Silicon Valley. We are into a total information war now.

Alt-tech is a defensive response, like the trench was in the Great War. The good guys need weapons to damage the other side’s lines. That will come in time. The old order no longer makes a lot of sense, so it can only be held together by force. The people in charge feel they need to use any means necessary, even if it means squandering what little moral authority they have left. They no longer care if we respect them, just as long as we fear them. They will choose tyranny if that is what it takes.

That is why it is important to not follow guys like Andrew Anglin or Chris Cantwell down the rabbit hole. Anglin is a performer and provocateur. Cantwell is just a sad sack looking for attention and he should never be encouraged. He makes resistance look bad. This is an information war so things like optics, narratives and imagery are the weapons. Defending reckless lunatics and provocateurs just hands the other side ammo if not handled perfectly.

When the Germans moved to the use of gas, it was a sign of weakness. When they unleashed unlimited submarine warfare, it was a sign they were scared. Desperate people reach for any weapon that is handy, regardless of the results. That is our ruling class. They are losing the information war so they seek to reshape the battlefield by shutting off the dissidents from having access to the battlefield. It is a sign of weakness that they are willing to squander their moral authority.

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6 years ago

You need to go one level deeper. It’s not an information war, but rather a war to control the dissemination of disinformation. Repetitive targeted messaging is now being used to memetically infect the weak-minded and alter their reflex behaviors. This is how you create hive-minded sheeple whose sole talent is dependency. And once you control the herd, you can now stampede your way toward any end-goal you desire. This blog appeals to the shrinking subset of us who are still rational. Good luck trying to re-educate the zombie hordes.

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

Very well said! One modification I’d make, however, is with respect to the “creation” of hive-minded sheeple”: I believe it reasonable to conclude that they’re born that way, having known no small number of them when I was about ten years old and could recognize the symptoms.

6 years ago

I have to disagree. I made the point here a while back that defending the Nazis was the way forward. The very fact that you have to talk about Anglin and Cantwell makes my point. The conversation wouldn’t be where it is without them and they provide foot soldiers with dedication that normies will never have. Declaring certain people off limits for the right is what NR did back in the fifties and sixties and all it did was tame and weaken the movement, depriving it of a ton of hard working dedicated people. This is a relatively tiny movement.… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

I think that without your extremists you pretty much don’t have a movement.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

I don’t know what NAZI’s you’ve been looking at, but the ones I’ve seen are flabby looking clowns. They are not warriors and don’t strike fear into the heart of anyone other than middle aged Jewish people who fund the ADL/SPLC. I’ve said this here before, but aligning yourself with David Duke and a very small army of trailer park losers is not an effective strategy. That you seem to think it is is bewildering to say the least. You want to know who you want on your side ? Guys like Jocko Willink. If you don’t know who he… Read more »

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
Reply to  Caleo
6 years ago

Well, Hitler was more of a Spencer than a Willink, and people followed him.

On the other hand, Hitler was a retarded lunatic who managed to do more damage to his own country than any leader in history, including winners like Pl Pot.

So there’s that.

Reply to  Caleo
6 years ago

The movement does not need trailer park trash, meth heads and LARPers as Nazis. They add nothing to the movement and worse alienate a whole lot of normies whom we need on our side.

From a PR perspective, they are the equivalent of finding radioactive waste in the punch bowl. Remember the rule in PR is don’t give your opponent any ammunition to use against you. Including Nazis is the equivalent of handing the MSM a steak knife to stick in our collective backs.

Let them rot, sell meth or just die.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Enjoy your posts tpd, but have to disagree on this one. Nazi flags and drama queens like Anglin are sure to drive away potential supporters. T

Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

Anglin told his guys to put away the Nazi flags. You aren’t paying attention.

6 years ago

Hmmmmm. One of the reasons the left has been so successful against us is that they are masters of divide and conquer tactics. They’re still doing it. Before we had cucks and the Alt-Right. They successfully equated the Alt-Right with Fascism and racism and sexism and homophobia and etc ad nauseum… so now we have cucks, Alt Right and ‘the dissident right’. And maybe some other varieties of ‘lost boys’. They can do this all day long. They own the platforms, they have no problems using violence, censorship and other dirty tricks because there is no incentive to keep them… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
6 years ago


One of the reasons the left has been so successful against us is that they are masters of divide and conquer tactics.

The other tactic has been to infiltrate and co-opt. Funny how Anglin rebranded himself as Alt-Right when when it started making inroads.

Reply to  slumlord
6 years ago

It also does not help that the alt-white movement is primarily composed of KKK types who have driven away pretty much every non-white and decent white male. Heck, even non-whites who are opposed to “diversity” and “multi-culti” nonsense would not touch you with a 10 foot long garbage pole. They also do not want to be a part of the corporatist cuckservative losers. By default they end up with left-liberalism. Maybe if the alt-white would stop patronizing Neo-nazis like Richard Spencer and the odious “scientific racists” like AmRen, and stop pushing racism wrapped up in “race realism”, the dissident right… Read more »

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

In 1960, the director of the CIA created ‘Wizner’s Wurlitzer’- funding and creating many of the “radical” cells, which then took on a life of their own.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Oops- meant to say you’re spot on about Trump and the baggage, the bad branding. We’re in a minefield.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

This kind of thing goes way back, remember the Rand Corporation? It is still around, I see.

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

Cucking has been a failing project for 70 years.

You advise tripping down on it.

Reply to  Rhino
6 years ago

Not at all, I recognize that cuckservatism has been a big fail. Any lingering doubt on that ended with the O-care repeal fiasco.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

This is the problem I have with that, UY: on some things, those racists and Neo-Nazis ARE right, and some of their aims might coincide with ours. It’s a slam-dunk for Progs to equate Nazis with us the same way they did with the Alt-Right. We’re still pandering to them on their playing field and if we do that we’re going to lose. The fact is we need to define ourselves too. I happen to believe in race realism – the collective black IQ is what it is. I think we need to stop with the welfare and social program… Read more »

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

I agree fully on reducing immigration, hell the most strident folks in favor of reducing immigration are immigrants who have stayed here for 20 or more years. Affirmative action – end it now. It may have made sense 40 years back, not anymore. Generally, thing is this. Maybe Black IQ is lower than the white IQ, but the dissident right needs followers and money. Everybody, even the blacks themselves in their hearts know that most black run nations are basket-cases and so they will be for the forseeable future. The dissident IMHO should not harp on this, The new right… Read more »

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

The so called “scientific racists” at AmRen are basing their arguments on decades of uncontroversial psychometric research, as well as irrefutable crime stats. Any individual you meet should be treated as an individual, but group differences are real and matter at the societal or civilizational level. Pretending they don’t exist so as not to hurt the feelings of various minority groups is not doing any of us any good, in fact the pretense that we’re all equal is destroying the West. If you can’t at least admit to the reality of group differences and different civilizational outcomes based on that… Read more »

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago


You may be on to something. I bet there are a lot of high-IQ natural conservatives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 82,000,000 people! All you have to do is go there and pick up all the cognitive $100 bills lying around on the sidewalk. They’d be just what our movement needs.

Bon voyage!

Once we get rid of the racists and the nativists and the fools who think girls don’t like algorithms and data structures as much as boys do, we can really get this thing going, and purge those transphobes once and for all.

Reply to  UpYours
6 years ago

You’re cucking in overdrive and throwing out every MSM trope there is at us and anyone who isn’t with John McCain or McMullin. Lets get some things straight, most ethnics don’t like whites, they are tribal as hell and promote their own kind over ours. The Mexicans still see themselves as citizens of Mexico. The Blacks hate us because we don’t want to give them more bling and hand outs for free. Most will never ever vote for us unless we morph into Democrats. IOW open the borders and lifetime handouts for everyone. Race Realism is not racism. It’s simply… Read more »

Reply to  slumlord
6 years ago

That’s the big one, right there.
Why destroy an asset, say, a corporation, an army, or a nation, when you can take it over?

Reply to  slumlord
6 years ago

Wonder how many of the nazi protestors are imposters? Or paid for? As a side note, remember all the questions about the guy with the newly pressed pants and the nazi flag with fold marks, new out of the box, at Charlottesville? Seems everyone was trying to id him but I’ve never seen a definitive story. Poor guy was either a left plant or is now hiding in a hole somewhere trying to avoid everyone. T

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Glenfilthie
6 years ago

The Political Right is terrified of the concept of “collective” anything being so atomized I’m surprised cooperation is even possible.

A pro tip for them, collective action for collective goals is not Communism

hang together or hang separately

Reply to  Glenfilthie
6 years ago

Look on the bright side. South Africa was able to rub the country in a relatively stable, successful way for 350 years with what; 10, 15% white people?

If the minds can be captured this can be done.

Demographics aren’t the problem; will is.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Jimmy
6 years ago

Mexico is run, however well or badly, by ten percent of the population. Business, media, government. In my personal experience Mexicans apparently believe this to be entirely natural.

Reply to  james wilson
6 years ago

The US is run by less than 10 percent

6 years ago

Sorry, but this being somewhat in my area of expertise, I have to interject. If the established gatekeepers of the internet (domain registrars for example) will it, there will be no alt-tech revolution. Tor is a bit of a tougher nut to crack, but should the state desire to crush darkweb sites, they can and have. Truly decentralized web solutions just aren’t in the cards yet. There are some clever ideas floating around and some alpha-level implementations at a very small scale; however, you shouldn’t be putting a lot of stock into a global mesh-net appearing any time soon.

Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Especially since Obama gave ICAAN away to… somebody. Such a coincidence. As if that were legal, as well.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Why was ICAAN ever Barry the Kenyans to give away?

It was supposed to be an independent non-governmental body.

Reply to  Issac
6 years ago

Isaac… I don’t get internet architecture. Is there a good basic introduction to it? Thanks. Tim

Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

I don’t want to dissuade you but this is a implicated subject. Start with DNS, authoritative DNS, BGP and autonomous systems (AS).

Finding and being found on the internet is complex. Addressing and routing.

Unless I am mistaken Tor still ultimately relies on traditional implementations of the above by major carriers.

Reply to  SWRichmond
6 years ago


Reply to  Tim
6 years ago
6 years ago

Speaking of which, here is the Guardianess literally peeing it’s panties at the sight of a rich Alt-Right turning the tables: “Robert Mercer, the big data billionare waging war on mainstream media” Gee, I didn’t hear such wailing and rending of garments when the Silicon Valley quants created microtargeting for Obama (and got rich off the subsequent NSA wiring contracts.) A bit lengthy, and I apologise for linkiness. Zman, you certainly know much more about this than I do. It also seems a fine example of how war is married to finance. Looks like some rich guys are finally… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

PS- found it perusing NZ/Aussie sites.
Seems they’re tearing down Captain Cook statues there.

Like ghey marriage, immigrant floods, and green fronts- it all seems a tad coordinated.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Can confirm. Plebiscite for gay marriage this months but the progs are challenging our supreme court to forbid the people the vote.


Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

So solly, NSA/HFT (high frequency trading) contracts- wiring up the Deep State at all ends: a “public-private” venture, as were the Roman Legions.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

“Looks like some rich guys are finally defecting! Lordy, we’ve waited long enough.”

I hope he brings some friends with him.

“Speaking of which, here is the Guardianess literally peeing it’s panties at the sight of a rich Alt-Right turning the tables:”

That’s no exaggeration. Thanks for the link.

Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago

You are most kind. The detail really spoke to the depth of this Total Information War.

(I do feel a bit guilty as linkage can be bad form, so I thank you in return.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Dang! Speaking of friends, would a billionaire President do?


Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago


6 years ago

When the powers that be take this site down, I’ll see you all later on the other side, God willing.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Zman you may want to ask Vox about his backup sites for just this possibility.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

why has nobody tried the “decentralized web” yet?

freenet, maidsafe, i2p, etc

6 years ago

Meanwhile, back in the real world. “t is generally assumed that gas was first used by the Germans in World War One. This is not accurate. The first recorded gas attack was by the French. In August 1914, the French used tear gas grenades containing xylyl bromide on the Germans. This was more an irritant rather than a gas that would kill. It was used by the French to stop the seemingly unstoppable German army advancing throughout Belgium and north-eastern France. In one sense, it was an act of desperation as opposed to a premeditated act that all but went… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

So Z is still right.

Chris Lutz
Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

No, I would say his understanding is this instance is superficial. Saying the use of poison gas was a sign of weakness or unrestricted submarine warfare is due to being scared, is the equivalent of calling the British development of the tank and their naval blockade weakness and being scared. The stalemate in the West during WWI caused both sides to look for answers to break the stalemate. Just like tanks or a whole host of other innovations, poison gas was an attempt to break the stalemate. It wasn’t used in WWII because everyone remembered how bad it was in… Read more »

Chris Lutz
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Yes, the Schlieffen Plan was designed to knock France out of any war quickly so that Germany would not have to face a two front war. By the end of 1915 though, the Germans mainly stayed on the defensive in the static West while they parried periphery issues to the south and beat the Russians in the east. I don’t see how using gas is desperation. The German navy had been clamoring for unrestricted submarine operations since stopping the practice in 1915. So it wasn’t something new. The German submarine force was much larger than in 1915. The problem was… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I think the main point to keep in mind about using poison* in warfare is that the present, somewhat odd** moral distinction is in place largely because it is mostly *ineffective* in mobile warfare against a prepared enemy and is difficult to employ in sufficient quantities to be effective. Equally important is the credible threat of reprisal.*** As shown by history, should any weapon become highly useful and the issue of the war be in doubt, it will likely be used, particularly if the enemy retaliation is likely to be feeble. As a recent example, Saddam used it against Iran… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

I won’t weigh in on the debate, but it’s interesting to note that the Chlorine gas shells used by Germany were developed by German Jew Fritz Haber. Upon learning of his involvement his wife committed suicide in the back yard. Haber went directly back to the front lines after her death. He later developed the process for exacting Nitrogen from air to form Ammonia, without which modern agriculture could not exist. He, along with Norman Borlaug, are uniquely responsible for the rise in the population of Earth. Billions of people exist today because of these two men. One of the… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

An excellent example of the a-morality of technology in this fallen world. Fritz Haber: Damed for one achievement in mass production chemistry and acclaimed for another. IIRC, both Zyklon A & B were originally developed as candidate, more effective insecticides. Their less human-lethal derivatives are used for such today.

It wasn’t the chemistry that made the difference between the two.

6 years ago

Amazon is evil and Bezos is a Globalist. So I stopped buying on Amazon. Will someone please create an Alt-Right commercial site that I can spend thousands of dollars a year at? Pay-Pal is evil and uses it’s control to destroy Conservative businesses on the web, punish ‘wrong thinking’ and probably kills puppies. Will someone please create an Alt-Right transaction application so that I don’t have to type in my credit card info every time I need to buy something? Which came first? The great business idea for the internet or the progressive/fascist beast behind it? Or does the power… Read more »

Reply to  John the River
6 years ago

When you say “obscene amounts of money”, do you mean merely scandalous or… truly pornographic? To answer the question, privateers look for opportunity, and sometimes create it. Since the Bolshevik East India Company- excuse me, the CIA- had a large hand in Google’s development at MIT, I suspect their allies saw Amazon as one such opportunity. Spengler of Asia Times (David Goldman) once explained that the generals of Egypt own pretty much everything. Ours is a ‘public-private’ world now, of rentier Kapitalism, not capitalism. Of interlocking directorates and revolving doors, all trained at the same trust fund universities. Our purchasing… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Sorry, ‘the generals of Egypt own everything in Egypt.’

Reply to  John the River
6 years ago

I start out by going to local stores. If they don’t have it I go to the net, look up the various places and prices and try to find a vendor who signals something right wingish in what they sell, how they do it or in what they sell. Usually try to find it even in sporting goods sites or survivalist sites. Can find almost anything that way.

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
6 years ago

It’s important to remember that all of this warfare you’re talking about (while real in some sense) is still virtual. Virtual and real warfare can meet (I knew guys screwing with predator drones at Fort Huachuca almost a decade ago), but the virtual arena is still mostly just a glowing box. Someone can walk up to you in your swivel chair while you’re engaged in a flame war online and put a bullet in your medulla oblongata and it’s game over. Government-ordered shutdowns have happened (see Egypt) and been proposed here (see Joe Liebermann’s bill). You don’t have to be… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Junger
6 years ago

In the dial-up days, Australia decided to tax the phone lines, shutting down 3/4 of internet commerce by small and micro businesses.

Then they ‘black-holed’ sites- over 100,000 until they lost count. (Nobody knows.)

Then they banned gun ownership- because of a deranged school shooter off his meds, natch.

Then the Muslim beach gangs began.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Joey Junger
6 years ago

Joey; Excellent point. Specifically, at least for me, the transformational insight, the lightbulb moment, was realizing that significant elements of our current ruling elite are actively hostile enemies of me and my descendants for ill-considered, casual reasons of enrichment and inclusion. The older you are, the harder this concept is to grasp because it is so much at odds with the situation existent in our formative years (i.e. when such attitudes are formed in your early adulthood). Once one gets *that* concept, your advice (and the discussion here) makes perfect (if confused) sense. Maybe your advice is even insufficient. So,… Read more »

6 years ago

Typical boomer. Bitches for years about how those darn kids never do anything, then when they do he bitches about that. The French were the 1st to use gas in WW1. Anglin is 1 of the most effective offensive weapons in this new information war, and you think he is a moron… Cantwell is a self-promoter, which is another way of saying effective in an information war. He is also a fanatical ideologue who is still learning, will likely end up playing a similar role to Thomas Paine. Mid 19th century war to WW1 was an entirely new thing, probably… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

And only one testicle. There was even a song about it.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

If I recall correctly the popular jingle was
“Hitler has only got one ball
Goering has two but very small
Himmler has something similar
While poor old Goebals has no balls at all.”

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Do you really believe that, Zman? Yes, I am aware of the two “new books” by “historians” that postulate these things. Do I have to remind you that books that histories and biographies that have been written in the last 17 years should always be suspect. Especially about Hitler. While his cryptorchidism has been discussed since before the end of WWII, why would information that would reflect badly on Hitler only be “discovered” since 2001 and 2015 respectively? The jews would have used this 70 years ago if they could have gotten away with it. And who has been more… Read more »

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

No, he doesn’t believe that, he’s using the “Vox Day, Sargon of Akkad, etc.,” technique of attack against guys that Vox likes to tag with the label “Alt-Retard.” It was bad enough with Sargon, who is no Rightist, but it has reached the point where Vox has developed the theory there are infinite number of Andrew Anglins. How this of benefit to anyone, is this anything other than childish man-boys dick waving, I have no idea. Whatever it is, it is repellent. Please don’t adopt this tactic, Zman, even if only in jest. Your top down neutrality is your strength.… Read more »

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

“Hitler’s First War” by Tom Webber sheds a lot of light on the myths of Hitler (both pro- and anti-Hitler). Hitler was wounded in the leg at the Somme (but didn’t lose a nut), and none of the weird sexual fetishes attributed to him were substantiated (though Eva said they’d never slept together). He strikes me as an asexual ascetic, though everyone who knew him said Hitler in private was (obviously) much different than in public. His “wound in a gas attack” was actually hysterical blindness, and aside from the Battle of Ypres he was an “Etappeschwein” (in a support… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Unfair. He banged his niece. Who committed suicide. Before she committed suicide. I think.

6 years ago

I read a lot of countersignaling against Andrew Anglin from people who fundamentally don’t understand what he his doing & who he is doing it for. 1) He’s not writing for you. He’s probably not even writing for anyone you know. He’s writing for white, rebellious teen age boys who have grown up in a technology & meme tsunami. He writes the way he does, simple-mindedly & outrageously because that is what young men respond to & think is funny & worth sharing. 2) He’s trying out a new method to do something very important, that nobody else has quite… Read more »

Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

Spot on. Spot on.
The damage the deliberately false religion of Holocaustianity has done. The Narrative that conquered the world.

Us old fogies didn’t get Anglin’s inside joke.
Never trust anyone over 30!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

The Holocaust still effects us today. There’s a need to preserve the camps so that future citizens can see for themselves. For instance look how they’ve allowed the Auschwitz swimming pool to deteriorate. It’s criminal.

comment image

6 years ago

i dont care about “moral high ground” or “moral authority” any more. non-whites are encouraged to fight for their interests and whites should be able to as well. more and more it becomes clear that non-whites and (((you know who))) are the enemy

Brother John
6 years ago

“Up until recently, the Progs had a monopoly on our cultural morality.”

They still do. They simply control those corporations that function as gateways to the Internet. They went from being shaken down by the hustlers to joining them.

6 years ago

I don’t know Z. I hope you’re right, but OTOH, maybe they’ve only just begun.

6 years ago

The Ongoing War is first and foremost a financial war with info control being a subset thereof. Unless and until control of finance is wrested from its present overlords and implementers and financial sovereignty returned to nations (e.g. public banking), nothing else can be done effectively.

Reply to  Montefrio
6 years ago

‘Funding both sides of the war’ is what we’ve got.

james wilson
james wilson
6 years ago

Well…….these prog fits of righteousness may be a sign of weakness and fear, but to borrow from Burke there’s a lot of ruin in a prog. I do love your optimism. Look forward to it.

David Wright
6 years ago

So what lines of communication do we retreat to, BBSs and Irc channels?

6 years ago

I think Observer makes a very good point. As long as you have “victim status” you can never be criticized or questioned about your motives. Don’t know who this Andrew Anglin guy. He could very well be a 100% crackpot, however have an honest discussion with one of your Jewish friends and you’ll find out that they do in fact enjoy being untouchable. Not an expert on the subject but believe Rules for Radicals states define your enemy’s rules and make them abide by them. We denounce these so-called Nazis (which could very well be plants ) yet the left… Read more »

6 years ago

Well, the FANG’s are all the central banksters fav stocks and all, but this has pushed them sky high. Just waiting for time to wound all heels.

6 years ago

“The response from the dissidents, to the attack on speech by Big Tech, has been an effort to create separate platforms.” It’s painful to put money in the coffers of Big Tech. Here’s the lede of an article today on breitbart about M$: “When Microsoft said Tuesday that Congress should put aside tax reform and make passing legislation to revive the DACA amnesty program its top priority, it did not mention that it is a huge beneficiary of the current corporate tax system.” One of the reasons I installed Linux Mint on my computer was to avoid paying money to… Read more »

6 years ago

Z thanks for the perspective in this article.

I’ll suggest readers here look at Wikipedia’s list of Alinsky’s rules for radicals. There’s a numbered list of them about half-way through the article. You might find some of them useful.

Reply to  cerulean
6 years ago

I prefer Infogalactic. I don’t give Wiki the clicks.

The Walkin\' Dude
The Walkin\' Dude
6 years ago

Meh, the faster we get to the shooting war, the better. This is Fantasyland.

6 years ago

“When they unleashed unlimited submarine warfare, ”
They have a right to break a blockade,
It was a sign that like Japan under FDR’s Regime, they did not have access to vital foods and commodities.
No one seems to remember that in WW! the aggression came from the UK (as usual) and the US

6 years ago

As Vox Day likes to reiterate, this is 4GW, and the moral supersedes everything in this type of war, especially since casualties are comparatively light compared to war between nation states. Until it comes to shooting, people like Anglin and Cantwell need to be encouraged to be less stupid, sometimes gently, like Vox is trying to do with his debates, and sometimes less so in the case of Cantwell, who my need to languish in prison, where he can serve a more useful purpose as a kind of martyr if he can control his impulse to say stupid things.

Reply to  ronehjr
6 years ago

Thanks for the info.
I have no idea who these guys are.
Zman is the People Magazine of the alt-right, letting us know who’s new and hot in the world of fash.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Ok, I duckduckgo’d it-

Egads! Mandy, close and lock the door!

6 years ago

What about Congressional action? Why not legislate “net neutrality” so it benefits us?

6 years ago

RE podcast 8: Spreaker must have purged FTN because it had a huge audience. Meanwhile, likely virtually no one was listening to the NS podcast you referred to.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
6 years ago

I’m not disputing your labeling of Cantwell as a “sad sack,” but I’d like to throw in my two cents, as someone who’s studied him carefully- Cantwell is a guy who wants to appear cynical, yet is actually a pretty naive fellow, who’s actions are emotionally driven, & his enthusiasm and inability to censor himself often lead him to make rash decisions that are very inadvisable. He is not a “bad” person, I’d call him a “means well,” person, but his lack of restraint dooms him. I rarely feel pity for people, (unlike most women), but I can’t help it.… Read more »

6 years ago

When did we reach the point where it became acceptable in polite conversation to argue that “maybe” the Nazis were bad guys, but they weren’t necessarily wrong? I’ve been reading this site for a long time, and much as I love free speech, there are some things that we can and should agree are 100%, absolutely, wrong and worthy of being shunned. The Nazis ran a brutal, murdering, cruel, inhuman, police state, and made a concerted effort to wipe out entire races of people in service to their cult of personality dictatorial dear-leader. There is no argument to be made… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

A national socialist of the worst kind cannot equal the damage the international socialist have already accomplished. Until the apologist for socialist get that, some people will feel the more impolite the better. Fascist are running amok in black with masks, calling themselves anti-fascist because we have been drowning in polite for several generations.

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

Everything you’ve been taught about male & female nature has been a lie.
Everything you’ve been taught about races has been a lie.
Do you think it’s possible that what you’ve been taught about history might be a lie too?

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

That’s what we’re mad about. They Lied. Lied!! Yes, Hitler became a monster, and it all went terribly, horribly bad. But they- some of them- started a war, and got millions of their own people hurt or killed! They never quit, never reformed, and continue to this day! There was no unspoken German conspiracy to exterminate a people. Only deportation camps to push them into the Pale of Settlement. It was a war their brothers had started. The same brothers who cancelled the voluntary Havara plan to emigrate to Palestine to increase the pressure, The same brothers who ran and… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

“There is no argument to be made that maybe they had a point”?? Not even about wiping out Marxists, syndicalists, and other secular humanist totalitarians? We need to temper your righteous declarations with some rather interesting facts. The NSDAP, a party of nationalist communism, came to power amidst the chaos which internationalists, humanists, and Yahoods had cultivated enthusiastically for at least 150 yrs or so. (Granted, Prussianization, too, was an important influence upon German politics.) The great Weimar republic, a machine constructed to advance humanist internationalism, provided the NSDAP with a transportation service into Berlin. Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor was… Read more »