Theories Of The Crime

The recent developments in the so-called Russian hacking case have proven that it was never about Russia. It was about “other stuff.” This seemed obvious for a while, but now we know for sure. The two main figures singled out as part of some conspiracy to do something with the Russians, were found to have done nothing with the Russians. They have been charged with unrelated crimes. The public statements of Robert Mueller make clear that he is not investigating Russian involvement in the election.

This was not hard to figure out. I posted about this here and here. The chants of “Russian hacking” from the Clinton camp were always ridiculous. Lots of foreign governments meddle in our elections. That is not new. What they are not doing, because it cannot be done, is “hacking” the election. Instead, the public information has always supported the idea that the people involved in this probe were trying to hide something. The question is what are they trying to hide and why would they go to these lengths?

So, what is going on?

The first thing to note is that all of the recent scandals seem to include one of the people now involved in the probe into the mythical Russian hacking stuff. Robert Mueller was the delivery boy in the Uranium One deal. He delivered a uranium sample to the Russians on behalf of the United States government. He then handled the investigation of the shenanigans around the Clinton Foundation and the money that came in from Russian sources, just around the time when Hillary was pushing the Uranium One deal.

Of course, Mueller was the mentor of James Comey, who took over for Mueller as head of the FBI. Comey is one of those guys you see in Washington, who is a lot like the career assistant coach that finally gets to be head coach. Everyone loved him as the second banana and assumed he would be a great top banana. He gets the top job and suddenly, everyone realizes why he was a career assistant. Comey’s main role was in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal, which he managed to botch in ways no one imagined.

Comey’s blundering is reminiscent of Janet Reno. The Clintons picked her to run Justice because she was stupid, incurious and easily controlled by assistants. Reno was never bright enough to realize that her assistants were making sure she never asked the wrong questions or looked in the wrong places. That seems to be the role Comey played in the last years of the Obama administration. He staggered around thinking he was being the good citizen, when in reality he was being controlled by political operatives in the FBI.

Then there is the infamous “dodgy dossier” that was cooked up by a firm called Fusion GPS. This firm is run by former Wall Street Journal reporters. They exist to do opposition research for the political class. What we know is the Clinton campaign paid them for something. The NeverTrump loons paid them for something. The FBI relied on them to justify their Russia probes. We also know they are fighting Congress tooth and nail to prevent any of this being exposed to sunlight. So is the DOJ for some reason.

Then there is the fact that the FBI was bugging Trump Tower. Their justification was, wait for it, Russian gamblers. It is surely a coincidence and there is no reason to think they were listening to Trump. The fact that the DOJ was routinely unmasking Trump people, so they could listen in on their communications, was probably no big deal. Well, it was important to General Flynn. The FBI charged him with lying to them, because they had the electronic records contradicting his statement about his dealings with foreigners.

Then we have Obama appointee Rod Rosenstein, who seems to be in the middle of just about everything. There is a John Dean vibe to this guy. He was the one who wrote the long memo to Trump, recommending that Comey be fired. Then, coincidentally, he was the guy who recommended the appointment of the special prosecutor. Even crazier, he is the guy who picked Bob Mueller’s name out of nowhere to be on the list of options for President Trump. He just happens to be an old friend of Bob Mueller. What a coincidence!

Finally, the last member of the dramatis personae is Andrew McCabe, the second in command at the FBI. He came to fame when it was revealed that while he was leading the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail shenanigans, his old lady was taking fifty grand from Clinton bagman Terry McAuliffe. Mrs. McCabe was running for local office in Virginia and the governor, out of the blue, suddenly took an interest in her political career. He raised a bunch of money for her, just because he is that sort of guy.

Theories of the crime?

The first thing that is obvious is that the same cast of characters keep turning up in these different scandals. Rod Rosenstein, Bob Mueller, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, these names keep popping up in all of the not obviously related matters. Maybe it is a coincidence, but there is a Tammany Hall feel to it. No one guy is obviously guilty of anything, but criminality seems to hang over them like a bad odor. It is possible that the FBI has become a rotten precinct and infected some in the Department of Justice.

Another possibility is that these guys were turned by the Clinton machine and they got sloppy in the year prior to the election. They assumed Clinton was going to win, so they wanted to show their enthusiasm and loyalty by going the extra mile during the general election. After all, everyone in official Washington was sure Clinton was going to win for at least six months prior to the election. John Dean went to great lengths to conceal his own perfidy during the Watergate years. We have a gaggle of John Deans here.

Of course, there is the Trump factor. Maybe these guys figured they could clever their way out some embarrassment by maneuvering Trump into appointing a special prosecutor. Then he and his people would not get too curious about this stuff as no one dares take on a special prosecutor. They just assumed Trump would be like a normal politician and roll over for them. Instead, Trump is banging away at them. Suddenly we have serious people saying Trump should fire Mueller and bring in someone fresh.

Back when Trump started running in the primary, I started calling him The Mule, after the character in the Asimov novel. For two years now, everyone who has dared to take on Trump has been blown to bits, usually by their own hand. It is quite remarkable. The arc of the Trump political career is littered with the obituaries of people who foolishly challenged him. The fact that Trump has maneuvered all of the main actors into the same box now, suggests he may have been ahead of these guys all along.

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t professor
t professor
6 years ago

To quote Cersei Lannister ” when you play the the Game of Thrones you win or you die ” . Clinton Inc. must prevail & force the President out. If you fail in overthrowing a government the parties concerned do not usually shake hands & go for a beer together.One has to wonder just how far everybody is willing to go?

6 years ago

There are numerous interesting theories surrounding these events. I’ll try to summarize one promoted by Thomas Wictor, Brian Cates, Imperator Rex 3, and others on Twitter. Supposedly Trump used references to Putin during the campaign to lure the Democrats into the “Russian collusion” story, knowing that he had nothing to hide, but that Hillary did (Uranium One, etc.). Mueller has been Trump’s man all along, helping to root out leaks and biased political FBI agents, and destroying the Trump-Russia story. He intentionally stacked his team with the Clinton-connected, not because he was biased against Trump, but to catch them: they… Read more »

Reply to  PapayaSF
6 years ago

If you are going to throw it against the wall to see what sticks, this is as sticky as any.

Reply to  PapayaSF
6 years ago

That sounds awesome, but as much as I hate to use the overused term Occam’s Razor…the theory is just too complicated.

It’s much more likely that this is just Version 4.0 of the “Special Prosecutor” kabuki theater that took place during Reagan (Iran Contra), Clinton (Whitewater), Bush (Plame)…mysteriously took 8 years off for Obama…and is now back for Trump (Russia).

The tinfoil hat theory that this is a gigantic mole hunt ignores the fact that all the people involved in running the investigation are avid antiTrumpers, and Mueller is buddies with Comey.

Nope, this investigation is just revenge-porn, nothing more.

6 years ago

Wasn’t it Machiavelli who said it’s better to kill someone than make them poor? All those in intelligence who were working for a Hillary win, knew there would be a quid pro quo as they slid down the greased skids from the government to the private sector and enjoyed early retirement. Now that Trump won they’re remnants of a failed revolution, reduced to sniping and laying roadside bombs at night in the hope it takes Trump down. Peter Strzok is the guy who’s going to make or break the faction still loyal to Hillary trying to destroy Trump. If his… Read more »

Reply to  joey+junger
6 years ago

Exile in Chile? Far too comfortable and civilized there. Exile the bastards to Madagascar.

6 years ago

Let’s hope you’re right, Zman. If Trump can take down this Deep State cabal, he may emerge as our greatest president.

Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Pimpkin\'s Nephew
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

If he can dynamite the bunkers of the Cabal, he may emerge as our greatest human being, never mind president. I would reintroduce the 500 dollar bill (which we need) and put the Donald’s portrait on it. Or maybe Melania; after all, the Romans issued coinage routinely with the images of imperial wives and mothers, and she is beautiful.

Reply to  Pimpkin\'s Nephew
6 years ago

Trump is a warrior–and he will do his wily best. I don’t know if he can succeed, but he will have done his best and open the paths and byways to accomplish what has to be done tediously and meticulously. But he will do the brave and audacious and hard-hitting part, and for that, we must all thank him and honor him. Even if he *doesn’t* make it–he opened the door.

6 years ago

I’ve started to think that Trump knows *exactly* what he’s doing by leaving Mueller in place… because Trump *knows* there’s nothing to find on his side, so everything that’s dug up will eventually redound on the opposition. And so far, that’s pretty much what’s been happening… all manner of ugly getting exposed that under a ‘friendly’ SP might never have come up, because a friendly wouldn’t have been so desperate to find dirt that redirected attention away from himself. And now it’s all public record. You don’t have to drain the swamp via a pump and a ditch; letting it… Read more »

Reply to  Reziac
6 years ago

Mueller is way outside the lines of his original charter. Trump should show the same balls firing Mueller that he showed firing Flynn, Comey, that assistant AG, Price, and others. Nobody EVER gets fired in the Government Party. It is the ultimate humiliation, and the ultimate rebuke. Which is why Trump should wait for the tax bill to pass, and then shit-can Mueller. Frankly, I think that’s all Trump is waiting for. Between the ABC News false reporting, the Reuters false reporting, the Strzok scandal, all the leaks, the half-dozen or more investigators who are Obama/Clinton donors, and the obvious… Read more »

6 years ago

The most important thing people will end up taking away from this is the pervasiveness of corruption in institutional government. The whole idea that a civil service system provides a country with “civil servants” is being destroyed. We need to go back to something closer to the spoils system, where at least people get what they voted for.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

The biggest problem is that there is now an unspoken tradition of keeping the prior president’s appointees in place after the inauguration. Every single Obama appointed should have been pink slipped on Day 1. That there are still Clinton/Obama types all over the place is a big problem. Trump should also ID appointees who were “hired” into the civil service, and can them too.

Kill the alligators, then drain the swamp.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

We need to get back to what the Founders (at least some of them) intended …. which is a minimalist Federal Government. Less government = less corruption. Even if the entirety of the government is utterly corrupt from top to bottom – if they don’t have the power to do much and the number of people and the money involved is exponentially smaller – then overall corruption problem is inevitably smaller. I love saying this to lefties – and then letting them rant. Once they dig their hole deep enough I remind them that this is the exact same logic… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

No. What we need to do is get in power and begin totally fucking up the entire world of the liberal and destroy every fucking thing they love before killing every Damn last one of them.

Get the idea?

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

LOL. So I say make the government smaller – and you say No. You’re riding the failbus if you’re going to try and do this any other way than by reducing the size of government. Conservative does not = large government. Your response is just another example of the idiocy floating around on the right side of the aisle – and reminds me that “conservatives” signed up lock stock and barrel for the leftist stupidity being offered up by the Neocons. Is “Teapartydoc” supposed to be ironic? Government is irredeemable. It simply cannot be fixed. That is the lesson of… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

I don’t disagree about making govt smaller. I’m saying we can’t afford to wait on some kind of constitutionally compatible evolution. We no longer have a constitution as it was intended. Taking things as they are now and playing by the rules as they have been changed by the libs isn’t going to salvage anything. I’d love to have the old constitution back, but getting there is going to take action as radical as it took to get there in the first place. Tea Party ironic? Those guys dressed up like Indians and boarded ships while armed. Do you think… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Sometimes you just have to kick ass and take names. Seems like one of those times.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

The problem with your “solution” is that it only is temporary. If today the left/liberal is totally destroyed, it will only be a matter of time when they are once again in power. Why? Because we have voters and elections, that’s why. And it was voters that elected our first black communist president; our first left wing, big govt., anti-constitutional president, Woodrow Wilson; and our first pro-Stalinist, pro-fascist president, FDR. A very small federal govt., IMHO, can only be accomplished if the 16th Amendment to the Constitution is reversed; which established the income tax in 1913. It was the income… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Ha! I knew I liked you for a reason.

6 years ago

I think you need to consider Admiral Rogers’ November 17, 2016 visit with Trump in your analysis. The next day Clapper leaked that Rogers should be fired.

I have believed since the Rogers’ visit that Trump knows all of the cards in the deck and can force deal the deck any way he chooses. He is showing a Jack with an Ace in the hole. The managerial class is showing 19 and is asking to get hit.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  el_baboso
6 years ago

Rogers seems to be one guy that has largely kept his mouth shut in all of this. Don’t know much about him, but seems different from the rest of these cartoon characters.

6 years ago

The revelation that a big time anti-Trumper (Strzok) within the FBI was basically working as a mole for the Clintons is enough for Trump to fire Mueller. The fact that Mueller was, as they say, “less than forthright” about Strzok‘s dismissal from the investigation, is enough for Trump to state that the investigation is nothing more than a hit job. After all, how can Mueller prosecute people for lying and obstruction of justice when he and his staff are lying and obstructing Congress. If Trump were to fire Mueller the way he fired Comey, that would be extra sweet. Comey… Read more »

Richter Rox
Richter Rox
6 years ago

Trump is an idiot savant with a double dose of savant , He does the greatest impersonation of Columbo I have ever seen with equally and efective results.

6 years ago

The total failure by Mueller and his team of merry globalist Hillary worshipers of finding one item that connects PDT and his campaign to “Russia collusion” speaks for itself. Makes one wonder if Jim Hoft over at GWP isn’t on to something when he wrote on December 3, 2017, “It’s even plausible that the entire investigation is in place to allow Mueller and his team the ability to destroy information related to their past criminal actions.” Time will tell. Also, for those who like to get into the minutia of things, I’d recommend a recent (November 6, 2017) posting on… Read more »

Reply to  El+Eff
6 years ago

Past criminal actions such as $21 Trillion displaced and missing from the Federal budget since 1998?

Seperate from the 23 to 43 trillion $ vanished in the Mortgage Meltdown aftermath.

Stripping the place. They are asset stripping the place.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Oh, and didn’t the Marines raid Langley recently? Since the CIA is a privateer company with letters of marque, Trump may be taking on a much, much bigger problem than we realize.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

That’s why the Mad Dog is SecDef. When push comes to shove, the military will wholeheartedly follow that man to burning the Swamp to the ground.

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

Trump has chosen the military industrial complex as allies, and that may save his life in the end. Something will eventually have to be done about the MIC since we can’t occupy every country around the world, but for now divide and conquer.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Yes, ever since the Vietnam War, there has been a looting extravaganza of epic proportions by the political establishment and the (((financiers))), which will apparently end only when America is completely gutted.

Reply to  pyrrhus
6 years ago

I like how the new Saudi king dealt with this. He arrested his entire “billionaire class”, and held them prisoner in the Four Seasons hotel until they realized he was serious and supposedly he’s recovered several TRILLIONS of dollars in hidden assets, and had them signed over to the Royal Treasury. Imagine Trump rounding up Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, various Hudge Fund criminals, banksters, and holding them incommunacado in his DC hotel, letting some loyal CIA interrogators get the goods on all of them. The political operatives who are obvious traitors like Rice, Huma, the Clintons, Mills, Podesta bros could be held… Read more »

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Jackson
6 years ago

If only!!!!!! A man can dream…

Reply to  Jackson
6 years ago

I’m an old man but I would love to be in a 10 x 10 room with Zuckerberg and one baseball bat.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

The “Mule” was prescient. I’ll be happy when these bastards get led into a small room, a memo is placed in front of them detailing their crimes and they are handed their service pistol with one round and given five minutes to do the right thing.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

When you go back and see what our government did to the Rosensteins for 1/16 of what the Clintons have pulled, and pulled brazenly, at that, is when you know that the concept of equal justice in the good old USA is as dead as Julius Caesar.

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  Chiefillinicake
6 years ago

re: Rosensteins (Chief…)

er, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, vielleicht.

Dan Kurt

Reply to  Dan Kurt
6 years ago

Is Rod Rosenstein a relation, by any chance?

6 years ago

Both the DOJ and FBI are demonstrating overt (in your face) criminality, and doing so with arrogance and impunity. That is no trivial matter. It’s not just that these organizations are fully corrupt, it’s that they have every reason to believe that they can continue in this mode indefinitely. There can be no check or balance until the average citizen comes to realize how horrific this is. Everyone instinctively wants to believe that they can’t all be bad, but that’s beside the point. The rot is systemic, not simply a few bad apples in the bushel.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
6 years ago

I’d say the Clintons had turned Mueller early on and he’s core. Why not send a flunkey to bring uranium to Russia unless a side conversation is necessary to the scheme_? We don’t need to spend much time on a larger ‘why’. It’s the usual from the dawn of time: Money, ideology, sex and ego. And with the Clintons it’s always the money As for how, I’d say ‘criminal enterprise model’: Clinton Crime Family operated along Russian lines is the mental framework to use. If so, then ‘comprimat’ is the tie that binds. Just about the first thing the Clintons… Read more »

6 years ago

At some point all of this reaches the level of conspiracy: “Conspiracy has been defined in the United States as an agreement of two or more people to commit a crime, or to accomplish a legal end through illegal actions.[22][23] A conspiracy does not need to have been planned in secret to meet the definition of the crime“

I believe that point has now been reached.

6 years ago

Excellent post. I’ve been writing here about the rot at the DoJ for almost a year now. The Clintons understood perfectly that if you want to run the government as a criminal syndicate you need to have the DoJ locked down and corrupted, which they accomplished. Obama continued their tradition. Trump needs to decapitate and replace the entire DoJ leadership, then scramble the assignments of the lifetime civil servant employees. One correction: McCabe’s wife received $675k from McAuliffe, not $50k. It appears that Trump has learned that there is no gain for him in cooperating with the establishment. Hopefully he… Read more »

6 years ago

The problem for the Left is that they always think the Republican President (or candidate) is stupid. Always. (And that was one of the things that led me to question them, back when I was a Democrat). They reflexively think Trump is dumb. They are mistaken and are starting to learn that.

Reply to  Notsothoreau
6 years ago

They are mistaken, but they aren’t learning a thing.

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
6 years ago

What I’m enjoying regarding this entire Russia/Mueller fiasco is that, while in the real world the last two weeks have shown that the collusion investigation is an utterly compromised partisan sham with more devastating revelations to come, in Left-World the cat ladies and soy boys are positive that the Fusion GPS/Steele dossier “has been proven” and that somewhere Mueller has hoarded mountains of evidence that will bring Trump down at any moment. I disingenuously egged one of these hysterics on the other day, and asked if the Steele dossier was true why Mueller hadn’t indicted Carter Page for treason and… Read more »

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
6 years ago

I am pleased with you as well, Chris. The progs deserve to be taunted and made to appear to be as foolish as they are.

Roy Lofquist
6 years ago

One ranger, no riot.

It really isn’t a fair fight, you know. The swamp has its rules and they’ve worked for a couple of generations. Now there’s a new guy in town – the Big Dog. His deputies are named T. Rex and Mad Dog. His rules.

6 years ago

Either Trump is way ahead of them, or they’re really, really, really, really, REALLY stupid. These aren’t mutually exclusive, of course, but Trump is giving me a newfound respect for kooky konspiracy theories. At least when the Saucer People and the Reverse Vampires conspire, the conspiracy goes off without a hitch. These people could fuck up a wet dream. You’d think people whose job is to investigate crime would be a lot better at crime…. No wonder we never win the war on drugs. “Oh no, officer, that’s just 35 tons of…ummm… bubble gum.” “Well carry on then!”

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Trump is a speculator. You push him, he’ll fly into the asteroid field. He has a different relationship with risk than the professional politicians.

re: ideology – do you know how he came up with his policies? He spent a few hours listening to callers on talk radio bitch about what they didn’t like about the status quo and took notes. That’s it. He’s the kind of guy who would play chess with a roomful of chessmasters and just have them all playing each other while making them think he was playing them by himself.

Reply to  Spherical_Cube
6 years ago

Trump is the rube who gets invited to the poker table, asks the others about what beats what, consistently loses small amounts, then runs the table.

Reply to  Spherical_Cube
6 years ago

I like the story about how HRC and DJT chose their campaign slogans. HRC focus grouped over 100 phrases before settling on “I’m with her.” Trump heard someone shout MAGA from the audience and immediately made it his slogan. Then he turned hers on its head: “Clinton’s Slogan Is “I’m With Her”; My Response is “I’m With You: The American People”. Brilliant

Reply to  DLS
6 years ago

All the professional politicians are like that though to some degree – “What’s the safest thing I can do next?” And they’ll spend all this time and money to make sure they know the answer to that question, and then very deliberately and carefully, that’s what they do. Whereas Trump will make 10 different decisions in that timeframe. Some of them will bomb, but on balance he’ll win enough to more than make up for the losses. He’ll just splatter spaghetti everywhere because he knows enough of it will stick. What would really change things is if a few of… Read more »

Reply to  Spherical_Cube
6 years ago

Yes. Trump talks like we do, instead of in corporate word salad phrases. Plus, he showed the next Republican running for president, that he doesn’t have to curl up in the fetal position every time the MSM criticizes him. Also, that he can be tough on immigration, and not only will it not cost him the hispanic vote, it will help him with white voters. Of course, the likely scenario is that Trumpism dies with Trump, which would be a real shame.

Reply to  Spherical_Cube
6 years ago

You haven’t read any of his books, have you?

Reply to  Spherical_Cube
6 years ago

” … he came up with his policies……”

Try building even a one shitter out-house in NYC and after spending a few hundred grand in legal and regulatory fees you will find your permit is not-approved.
This is basically the crap Trump had to put up with – as well as sucking up to crooked politicians and mafia controlled unions to get anything done.
If this does not crystallize your ideology, nothing will.

Talk radio just affirms how F’d up govt. is.

Din C. Nufin
Din C. Nufin
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

If Trump is the master strategist you describe here, then given his over-sized ego, his target would ultimately be the dude who belittled him in 2011 at the White House Correspondent dinner. None other than Barack Obama.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I’m not saying Trump isn’t smart – I think he’s very smart, and way more canny than he is smart — but he’s also going up against the B Team’s JV squad here. The dumbest people in the world are the Dunning-Kruger cases, and the more I see of this whole mess, the more I realize the FBI is DK’d, top to bottom, bow to stern.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

He reminds me of successful traders. Zero care if the market is moving up or down, so long as it is moving. The lack of a complex idealogical rule set is an asset not a liability. The focus is on a short list of outcomes that can be counted on one hand. In the Washington construct, that, plus fearlessness, makes Trump a complete enigma.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

Someone has been playing the Illuminati card game I see. Sounds like there ought to be a Trump card in SJ Games next set though.

6 years ago

The persistence of these highly placed felons suggests to me that the old habit of chopping heads off such treasonous individuals, after a short trial, was probably best…

6 years ago

Tangentially related:

“Under new leadership anxious cfpb workers begin communicating in coded messages … ”

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I hear they’ve ordered snakes, too.

6 years ago

Nice summary, by the way, as I lost track long ago. Got them in a box is right.

6 years ago

No more than he’s way ahead of the North Koreans and the US foreign policy establishment as well.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  james+wilson
6 years ago

You get the feeling that Lil Kim is sitting there seething that his repeat of Dad and Grandads Cargo Cult rituals has not resulting in ships full of oil and food showing up.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

I expect that Kim and Trump already have a better relationship than Trump has or wants with State.

Jay Dee
6 years ago

The whole Trump Russia thing never made sense. If Putin wanted anyone in the White House, it was Hillary. Hillary had a long history of selling out U.S. interests so long as she got her cut. I’m sure the KGB had a truckload of blackmail files on Bill & Hillary even before they hacked into the DNC server. Putin could get whatever he wanted from Hillary.

Trump, on the other hand, is rich and rich people are notoriously hard to buy off.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Jay Dee
6 years ago

Jay; Very plausible. But her husband *might* be compromised as well. He made a mysterious* visit to the USSR during his days in the UK as a ‘visiting scholar’ (Rhodes, Fullbright, I forget) in about 1969 or ’70. Ox-Bridge was a pretty notorious CP-USSR recruiting ground at the time. Alternatively, a young man of his sexual indiscipline would have been easily (even enthusiastically) enticed into a KGB honey trap. Even lowly butter bars such as myself were explicitly warned of such possibilities at this time in history and required to report any and all contacts with anyone ‘from there’. A… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
6 years ago

Sure would explain his odd loan to Russia to shore up their credit and ease their currency crisis, the year after Soros’ raid on the Thai baht.

Lawrence Rosen
Lawrence Rosen
6 years ago

Interesting, I also analogized Trump to the Mule and as a Black Swan. We were absolutely correct. Lets see how it all ends.

Reply to  Lawrence Rosen
6 years ago

An Orange Swan!
Never before seen, not in my lifetime.

6 years ago

“Finally, the last member of the dramatis personae is Andrew McCabe, the second in command at the FBI. He came to fame when it was revealed that while he was leading the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail shenanigans, his old lady was taking fifty grand from Clinton bagman Terry McAuliffe. Mrs McCabe was running for local office in Virginia and the governor, out of the blue, suddenly took an interest in her political career. He raised a bunch of money for her, just because he is that sort of guy.” I’d say really focus here. Virginia is a wacky state… Read more »

Reply to  Ryan
6 years ago

I would love to see Trump give a prime time address where he shows pictures of these guys, and says, “This is Andrew McCabe. His wife got 6-figures from former Clinton money bag man and loser McAuliffe in some tiny little race in VA. Guess who’s playing a role in this ‘investigation’?” “This is Peter Strzok. Peter is the guy who got Comey to change his review of Clinton’s email from “gross negligence”, which is a felony, to “extremely careless”. According to Peter’s extra-marital squeeze, Peter really hates me. So, of course, he was running the investigation for about a… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
6 years ago

A man can dream.

6 years ago

I never understood why John Dean was allowed to testify against Nixon. Weren’t his conversations subject to attorney-client privilege? He always came across to me as a sleaxy rat.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I’ve always thought it was a set-up.
Somebody dropped a dime to bring the plumbers in. A set-up for the coup.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I read that exact same book. Conrad Black always thought Dean was a POS

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Also failed to mention that Dean tried to sue them over that book.

6 years ago

Don’t know if you are familiar with Don Surber. He has a post positing the same notion.

Reply to  Bilderback
6 years ago

Great article, great comments!

Spoiler alert: Investigate the investigator and his team. Let him make himself too toxic to touch.

Plus the happy hoots of “Anybody? Mueller? Mueller? Mueller?” in Ben Stein’s voice!

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
Reply to  Bilderback
6 years ago

The Trump people won’t have to look very hard – Mueller has staffed the investigation with some really rancid scumbags, Andrew Weissmann in particular, who has a history of egregious prosecutorial misconduct that goes back decades: Weissmann has recently hit the headlines again due to the discovery of emails cheering on 0bama/Clintonista Sally Yates at DOJ for her refusal to enforce the Trump travel ban, but this guy is pure poison. He should have been disbarred, indicted and sent to prison years ago. The fact that he’s on the Mueller team is a clear signal to anyone who’s aware… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told us that Mueller was authorized to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and…any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” Now, on the surface that appears to restrict his investigation to any links or collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. And none have been found, even after spending over $7 million in 3 months. But, here lies the rub. The authorization was also to find “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation”. For… Read more »

Bill Cox
6 years ago

Great piece Zman, made my day. Thanks

6 years ago

I voted for trump., but god is he stupid on process. He should have ended DACA on day one and asked for the resignation of all Obama DOJ, FBI and DHS appointees. that is standard procedure for a president elect. Better to have those slots open than have Obama/Hillary people there. The Bush/Rove/Mccain people in the agencies are fellow travelers, but would be less effective on their own . clearly he still does not understand the danger his family is in. Mueller will indict them all on slip in the wording. it’s an old trap, secretly tap a phone ,… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
6 years ago

His two biggest mistakes were not realizing how treacherous/criminal these holdovers were, and appointing a completely worthless coward as AG in Sessions. The AG is the one who should be cleaning house at DOJ. Plus, the RINOs like Lindsey Graham threatened to not approve another AG if Sessions was fired. Trump should have fired him anyway, because it’s basically been an empty office since inauguration.

6 years ago

I really want to believe that Trump is just biding his time right now until his tax plan passes both houses of congress and lands on his desk to sign, then shit-cans mueller, mccabe, and Rosenstein. If he does what needs to be done before he gets that, a bunch of never-trump assholes in the senate would pull a McCain just because they can. He needs to fire sessions, too. What a worthless pile of shit that guy is. He’s too much of a pussy to actually stand up to anyone who has the ability to defend themselves, which means… Read more »

Reply to  tdurden
6 years ago

The dirt’s all coming out now, innit?

Reply to  tdurden
6 years ago

Your’re not the only one wondering where in the hell is Jeff Sessions.
The FBI and Justice Dept are withholding documents from Congress, despite a subpoena to turn them over, and Jeff Sessions is nowhere to be found.
He needs to get off his ass or quit or replaced.

6 years ago

…she was stupid, incurious and easily controlled by assistants…never bright enough to realize that her assistants were making sure she never asked the wrong questions or looked in the wrong places.

Ever watched Yes, (Prime) Minister? If you have, this should sound oddly familiar. If you haven’t, you need to. BBC, 1979-87 or so.

6 years ago

[…] Director Comey, were working with the Justice Department to help Hillary Clinton in the election. That has seemed clear for a while now. What’s becoming clear now is Fusion GPS, the political dirty tricks operation, functioned as […]

6 years ago

Wow Z, spending some time on 4chan? Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think I have seen this much credit going to Trumpian maneuvering.

Reply to  Obscurus
6 years ago

DJT can see around corners. Get used to it.

Reply to  ChiefIlliniCake
6 years ago

Love to watch him operate. Awesome.

Greg Piner
Greg Piner
6 years ago

What planet are you guys from. No one outside altright losers think this way

It’s only a matter of time before Trump is impeached.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Greg Piner
6 years ago

You say that like Maxine Waters has her high heel on your empty sac.

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
Reply to  Greg Piner
6 years ago

Screech on, deluded Soros-paid millennial soy boy, screech on.

Name one impeachable offense that Trump has committed, just one, uncovered by the Mueller investigation.

6 years ago

You’re unending babbling about
the obvious is nothing but impotent
It serves no purpose, other than to free
your trapped and deluded cuck.

Reply to  felarca
6 years ago

Weak. Tiny on vacation?
Or is his boss busy shredding files?

Reply to  felarca
6 years ago

Unintelligible babble. Try again.

Reply to  felarca
6 years ago


Reply to  felarca
6 years ago


You must be hitting the big time ZMan – you’re inciting the hard-core loonies:

Reply to  felarca
6 years ago

Wow, it’s not every day that a fucking idiot wanders onto the blog.