Black Nixon

If you read the Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon, what jumps out to a modern reader is just how weak the case was against the President. Impeachment is a political action, so the rules of evidence we see in a courtroom don’t apply, but even so, the allegations seem weak in comparison to those against Bill Clinton. The case against Nixon was what we would now call a corrupt enterprise, like a mobster. Bill Clinton, in contrast, was accused of specific crimes that he committed while in office.

In both cases, the key question to be decided by the political class was what was best for the political system. The guilt or innocence of either man was a secondary consideration, outside of the impact on the political system. In the case of Nixon, his decision to resign, rather than fight impeachment, was all about defending the political order. Whether or not it was proper to run Nixon out of town or allow Clinton to remain in office is debatable, but the calculus at the time was about the best interests of the political order.

In fact, it was the political nature of both cases that led to vastly different results. In the case of Nixon, the move to impeach him was the denouement to a long war between Nixon and the Washington establishment. They wanted him impeached because they hated him. On the other hand, the impeachment of Clinton was unsuccessful because the ruling elite decided to defend him. There was no doubt that he was guilty of perjury and he brought dishonor to the office, but Washington insiders were willing to give him a pass.

These two events are relevant to our age, especially the case of Nixon, as evidence emerges of serious corruption at the end of the Obama years. It has been clear for a while that the ridiculous Russian hacking stuff and the special prosecutor were a smokescreen to conceal something else. Months ago, I made the point that the most likely thing being concealed was corruption within the FBI. It was the most obvious answer, as Mueller, Rosenstein and Comey were the guys leading the charge on it.

What we are learning now is the Department of Justice was most likely compromised by the same people corrupting the FBI. This story from The Hill reveals that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch was coordinating with FBI Director Comey on the Clinton e-mail scandal. Given the relationship between Lynch and the Clintons, it is safe to assume she was keeping them up to speed on the process. It is also possible that Lynch never stopped working for the Clintons and was steering the investigation.

The link between Peter Strzok, the Chief of the FBI’s Counterespionage Section, and the Clinton operation is important, because of what is being learned about what the FBI was doing during the election. This detailed write up from Conservative Treehouse is impressive, but quite long. It pulls together all of the public information related to the top-secret memo floating around Washington. Serious people are talking about what is in that memo, characterizing it as the worst scandal in American history. That’s not nothin’.

The narrative that explains all of this is that high ranking people in the FBI, maybe even Director Comey, were working with the Justice Department to help Hillary Clinton in the election. That has seemed clear for a while now. What is becoming clear now is Fusion GPS, the political dirty tricks operation, functioned as a cutout for the FBI and the Clinton campaign. The FBI shared secret intel with Fusion, who then sold it to the Clinton campaign or distributed to the media at the direction of the campaign.

There is a word for all of this and it is called treason. It is one thing for a career intelligence officer to go bad and start selling intelligence to a foreign government. That just a part of the life of a nation state. It is an entirely different thing when senior members of the political class are working to undermine the fundamentals of the political system. It is the sort of thing that results in hangings or civil wars. It’s why the infamous memo has not been released, despite the fact it could be leaked or declassified by the White House.

That is what brings us back to Dick Nixon. The mere hint of abuse of the FBI and CIA by the political side of the White House was considered enough of a threat to warrant impeachment. What we have here is worse than anything Nixon was accused of doing, even by his fiercest critics. Stuff that is orders of magnitude worse went on in the Obama White House. Imagine senior FBI men, faced with federal prison, agreeing to rat out major political actors. Imagine them pointing the finger at Obama or his top aides.

Again, this is fundamentally a political problem, but it cannot be ignored. That is probably why no one is in a hurry to release that memo. It is not just about partisan politics. Imagine how blacks would react if we had a full blown political crisis that paints Obama as worse than Nixon. That is looking increasingly possible. People have forgotten about the systematic abuse of the IRS, using it against conservative activists in the run-up to the 2012 election. There is only so much that can be swept under the rug to protect Obama.

This will not end well.

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Andy Texan
7 years ago

If a host of political insiders from the Clinton and Obama camps are not facing indictments in 3 months then constitutional order has devolved into a mere pretense.

Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago

There’s quite a bit of talk amongst right wing / conservative / alt right type forums and web sites that civil war is coming. I’ve seen the talk among a lot of commentors go from “civil war will get here soon” to “civil war is right around the corner” among a lot of the stuff I read over the last few years. As you said: Constitutional order may be on the edge of devolving into a mere pretense. I see similar comments being made in quite a few places. But………… I see this as an opportunity. An opportunity for those… Read more »

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  calsdad
7 years ago

A good way to kick off a civil war would be to indict Barack Obama.

Or even to begin investigating him.

The cities in this country would burn. And Obama knows this, which is one of the reasons he was willing to risk what he did in being involved in this.

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
Reply to  bad guest
7 years ago

“The cities in this country would burn.”
You say that like it’s a bad thing!

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Kauf Buch
7 years ago

It would be bad for the whites living there.

But I guess it has to happen sooner or later, if we’re to have a chance of taking the country back and restoring the rule of law.

So bring it on.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  bad guest
7 years ago

White have load of ammo, stored food and tacit arrangements to handle this situation

I don’t want this to happen, there folks White, Black and Brown who are my countrymen who’d suffer. I might not make it myself but if it happens so be it.

The question is will “Some of you Leftists must fall on your sword or the cities will urn and you all hang” work . I doubt it. Being a Leftists means never having to be loyal but you never know

Reply to  bad guest
7 years ago

“It would be bad for the whites living there.”

Well, sorry ’bout their luck.

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
Reply to  bad guest
7 years ago

By and large, the whites living in those large “urban” (vibrantly diverse) cities are Lwftist stooges. Again: WIN WIN!

Reply to  Kauf Buch
7 years ago

Exactly. Inevitably when the subject of EBT cards getting shut off, or Obama getting indicted – or any of the myriad of things that seem to be perceived as setting off the gimmeedats – you will get the “the cities will burn!” response. I agree with you : so where’s the bad thing here? I think people on the right are just sort of stupid about this. Pay attention to what happens when the inner city riots. They burn down their own shit and their own neighborhood first. They very rarely range outside of that. I don’t recall ANY instances… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Kauf Buch
7 years ago

Funny comment. I was going to say there’s not much left to burn.

Reply to  Dr. Dre
7 years ago

I remember what cities were like in the 1970’s and 80’s. Compared to what they were like back then – there’s a lot there to burn these days. Part of the problem we have right now with the cosmic whites that ZMan talks about – is that the cities have become to be perceived as some sort of paradise. (I’m leaving out places like Baltimore and Detroit) Women in particular seem to LOVE cities much more than men do. There’s been a shitload of money spent on cities over the last 20 years. An interesting exercise might be to trace… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  calsdad
7 years ago

We locked up enough Black people to keep the cities safe. That said baring Chinese style residency permits and some kind of forced small town living, you’ll never keep women out of cities Young women (under 40) are very stimulus and hypergamy driven and you can’t be that way in a small town or country setting. Fundamentally until the economy falls apart enough that cities are really really dangerous , a civil war or some very authoritarian slightly crazy anti urban faction takes over, expect more urbanization And yes this also means you should not expect fertility rates to go… Read more »

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Kauf Buch
7 years ago

But then where could I order my Double Ristretto Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream?

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  bad guest
7 years ago

So? Its not 1968 and no one is really afraid of the “kids gone wild” crap like they were back than

The rural/urban divide means a lot of Americans wouldn’t mourn if the Big Blue cities were smoking holes. We do’t really need them nearly as much anyway and they’ll be rebuilt in time anyway. The land there is valuable, the people, the dregs, Commies and rebels not so much

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  bad guest
7 years ago

let them burn, they are all shit holes anyway.

Andy Texan
Reply to  calsdad
7 years ago

Today’s tech makes the possibility of armed insurrection very remote. The gov have the money, the manpower and the weaponry. Can you think of a way to avoid detection from satellites and drones? However, large scale disobediance would be possible, work strikes, non-payment of taxes, etc. I think breakup of the union is likely.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago

A few guys with an AK-47 were able to shut down power to part of silicon valley with ease and that is was a test run or a prank not a real problem. I’ll also note the USG could not stop the leak of its entire security clearance database with names, addresses and sensitive data of millions of people . Likely it was the Chinese buts also possible for patriots to get the same. Equifax leaked even more information than that as did Yahoo and if you think patriots/deplorables can’t figure out how to get that data think again On… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago

Andy — Today’s hyper-tech has had a very hard time against relatively backwards insurgents in the Middle East for the past seventeen-plus years. An armed and resistant populace is foolish if it goes toe to toe with M1 tanks, cruise missiles and Predator / Reaper / Global Hawk systems. That’s not how it works. Note: They take out the oppositions guys as they are tossing their trash; they dont try to take on FA-18s and Apaches. Not advocating; just observing.

Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago


This the type of cuckservative response that constantly gets trotted out whenever this subject comes up.

The US military still hasn’t pacified Afghanistan. And it never pacified Iraq.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago

“…Can you think of a way to avoid detection from satellites and drones?…” Sure let me tell you how. If you take one of those “space age heat blankets” you can get for a couple bucks and cover it on both sides with a couple of dyed sheets,(for camo), Thermal can’t see you at all when you’re covered with it. So there’s you’re drones out assuming you camo the sheets. Now just the State of Pennsylvania has more hunting permits issued than the whole army every year, meaning they all have guns and that’s just one State. Take out support… Read more »

Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago

Though some of them may already have been the subject of sealed indictments…

Reply to  pyrrhus
7 years ago

9274 sealed indictments prepared by last week.

Trump’s tax cut benefited the MIC.
He’s sided with the army against the spooks.

This is civil war at the top.
Deep State military foreign adventurers against Shadow Government domestic surveillance political officers.

Throw in the Black, Latino, and Muslim Brotherhood proxies, and watch the favelas ignite, while the Womyn attack the middle class.

‘Bigly’ doesn’t begin to describe this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

“…9274 sealed indictments prepared by last week…”

Says who? 8Chan? I’ll believe it when I see it.

walt reed
walt reed
7 years ago

The Intelligence section of the FBI providing raw, unverified signals info to Fusion GPS is key. Sally Yates blocking the IG from oversight of the Intelligence section was the first flashing red light. Easy to see in hindsight, of course. Please remember Senator McCain is part of this little party. A personal note, if I may, concerning forgiveness and salvation. McCain needs to be hounded and prosecuted to his miserable last dying breath.

Reply to  walt reed
7 years ago

Second that! Considering the necessity of “reciprocal forgiveness”, as a [daily] ACTIVE Repentant, I frequently have a difficult time resolving the possibility of forgiving a John In-Sane or, worse yet, the HildaBeast, notwithstanding the likes of Soros, Sick Chaney, Eric [the race-baiter/gate-keeper] Holder, etal – just to mention a few of the most reprehensible. But, I take solace in the [almost] assurance that said reprobates would NEVER be able to “give restitution to the FULLEST of their individual capabilities”, which is the second element of the three-part “repentance/forgiveness/salvation process” of what I call the “three Rs” – 1) Realization/acceptance of… Read more »

Reply to  walt reed
7 years ago

McCain needs to be hounded and prosecuted until his miserable last breath for this if nothing else:

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  walt reed
7 years ago

McCain’s a no-goodnik from the get-go. Hope he gets-gone stat.

7 years ago

Piffle. The (ongoing) IRS scandal was far, far, far worse than anything Dick Nixon ever did, and has been going for years. What happened? Bupkis. The rule of law is dead, dead, dead. Pick your patron, kids, it’s going to be a rocky ride.

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
Reply to  Thag
7 years ago

Thank you (/s) for your Tokyo Rose “all hope is lost…surrender!” imitation.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Thag
7 years ago

Then fukkin’ go kill yourself.

Maxi Dean
Maxi Dean
7 years ago

We can only hope:

comment image

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Maxi Dean
7 years ago

In the immortal words of Jesse Jackson “Keep Hope Live” and my fav, “Stay Out The Bushes”.

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
7 years ago

Blacks don’t care if Obama is worse than Nixon according to some goofy white-people standards they don’t even understand.

They care if he goes to prison, that’s all.

Further, our whole culture is so compromised that most white Democrats, and effectively zero fake American Democrats, won’t care either. They’ll think these guys were just bending the law a tiny bit to do the right thing for what they call “America” — the Cathedral, the Cult, whatever.

Reply to  Wilbur Hassenfus
7 years ago

We will soon witness the extremes people will go to, to protect and to promote their warped worldview. I honestly can’t explain it, other than as an example of mass brainwashing. Jim Jones’ people in South America had nothing on this crowd.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Wilbur Hassenfus
7 years ago

You know, I think Obama would benefit from prison. Look at how Mandela was granted sainthood because of his “principled resistance”. Plus, he would learn lots of neat skills, like how to do laundry, how to make a shiv, and how to be someone’s bitch. Besides Moochell, that is. And, of course, his favorite part of prison will be the shower room where he can bend over to pick-up soap to his heart’s content.

Charles Handsome
Charles Handsome
7 years ago

While it’s very, VERY easy to get so enraged about this that the drums of war start sounding like a good tune to dance to, there is still reason to believe that our system is not completely hopeless. That reason is sitting in the oval office today. If our political system were totally compromised, there is no way Donald Trump would ever have been on any ballot to begin with, much less have won the general election. In a nation where political corruption has set in past the point of no return one does not see outsiders challenge the status… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Charles Handsome
7 years ago

We get one shot at this. Trump snuck through simply because Prog hubris assumed he never had a shot. And as we’ve seen when the deep state strikes back, they won’t make that mistake again.

Reply to  Saml Adams
7 years ago

So true. The system will be “tightened up” to prevent this sort of thing in the future.

7 years ago

The worst scandal in American history? Maybe, by rational standards that assume the Rule of Law still exists. It doesn’t. Otherwise Bill Clinton would have been removed from office, and his even more corrupt wife would have been shunned. My guess- nothing in this memo, nothing at all, will matter- even if the witless morons of the gop somehow manage to make it public, which I even manage to doubt. The left doesn’t care, because they cheerfully embrace any tactic up to and including murder to win and keep political power. The disinterested aren’t going to care, because they simply… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Xennady
7 years ago

I don’t know. The elite can probably weasel their way out of it and baring an attempt at disarmament or maybe a cup against Trump the Right is barely able to manage a protest march The US went from 90% White to 60% with barely a whimper and we lost our cities to a foreign invasion . Sure we are good at buying and hording guns and ammo and prepper tat but so effing what? If you don’t have the ability to organize or any real plan what to use them for they are of no real value. Right now… Read more »

7 years ago

Obama isn’t smart enough to have orchestrated this, though the Obama White House (I’m thinking more Valerie Jarrett than anyone else) could have done it. Obama had a winning smile and he took a good photo. He would have made a hell of a good mulatto mall Santa. I think (as usual) Steve Sailer has the best take on this. There’s a lot of class animus motivating the attacks on Trump. The high-low coalition was supposed to be the black and brown underclass and Chuck Schumer types selling America down the river, but the high-working class team-up between Trump and… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
7 years ago

One working theory is that Sessions and Trump are keeping arms length so when the blows fall there is as little taint of retribution as possible. But funny how HillAry et al have gone radio silent. Particularly with the opportunities present by the Vagina March. Only Schiff is talking on the Dem side and his latest schtick is “partisan talking points”. All that does is scream for release of the underlying documents. Half the shutdown may be to get breathing space to formulate the 4.0 version of Russiagate and line up the press outlets.

Reply to  Saml Adams
7 years ago

Obama and Hillary have been very quiet lately. Any travel plans to non-extradition countries on their agendas?

7 years ago

I was tweeting this the other day. People want so bad for Obama to be frog-marched into prison and Obama has known all along that no matter what is discovered he’ll walk free because there is no reasoning with identity politics. I would be somewhat mollified if Hillary walked the plank, and she just might be thrown off the ship as a sacrificial appeasement.

Reply to  Joan of Argghh!
7 years ago

Seeing Obama frog-marched into prison would be nice – but I agree, identity politics might keep him out. Hillary being thrown off the ship as a sacrifice might mollify the masses. But there would have to be a lot of other heads lopped off to make the whole thing “right”. Since it’s unlikely Obama will ever go to jail – I’d be satisfied with seeing him flee the country and take up residence in some Muslim majority country as a political refugee. That would give all the people saying he was a Muslim all along a massive political card to… Read more »

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  calsdad
7 years ago

” I’d be satisfied with seeing him flee the country and take up residence in some Muslim majority country” Maybe not so far out of the realm of possibility. The military government in Thailand surreptitiously allowed the former PM to leave the country before they brought charges against him. Then about a decade later his daughter became PM and started causing them problems, so they got rid of her the same way. They were having a lot of trouble with popular insurgency in Bangkok and throughout the country, so I guess they figured that it was better to get rid… Read more »

Reply to  bad guest
7 years ago

It’s probably also easier in the bigger picture to have him flee the country , end up in some Muslim majority shithole country , then wait til he (inevitably) starts dissing the United States – then drone strike his ass to get rid of him.

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
Reply to  Joan of Argghh!
7 years ago

LOOK: We are talking about TREASON and SEDITION here…*not* some after-the-fact “coverup”. What’s with the “liberal” hand-wringing?!?

Charles Dolci
Charles Dolci
7 years ago

The Democrats in the House have to be careful with all this talk of impeachment. If articles of impeachment are drafted, the conduct of the FBI and DoJ as outlined in the secret memo and other documents will be directly relevant and would have to be made public in the trial in the Senate. Whether or not Trump is removed, the DoJ will still be headed by Sessions and a lot of top Obama Administration officials will have to worry about doing some prison time. Are they willing to take that risk, particularly if the thread leads all the way… Read more »

Reply to  Charles Dolci
7 years ago

It’s the Streisand Effect, the obverse of what Hunter Thompson noted in his writing about Lyndon Johnson. If you call the other guy a pig fucker to make him deny fucking pigs, the other guy’s denial may loom in the public imagination. But people may remember that you brought it up. Every time Hillary or someone brings up Trump’s alleged collusion with foreign powers or Russia, she runs the risk of her technique backfiring. Ditto with the dems and impeachment proceedings. Trump’s a honey badger and once he gets going and pushes back those dominoes will topple.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  joey+junger
7 years ago

The biggest problem for Democrats continues to be the fact that Trump refuses to play by the rules. And they simply cannot figure out how to deal with that. All the rituals that have worked against Republicans in the past keep failing.

Reply to  Saml Adams
7 years ago

Trump is a great example of operating inside an enemy’s OODA loop.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Trump is lapping the Dem’s inside their own loop!

Reply to  Saml Adams
7 years ago

As we have seen for the last 80 years, playing by the rules is only for suckers…The left never plays by any rules except seizing power anyway they can…

Reply to  joey+junger
7 years ago

Fully agree. This is why I don’t really believe the apparent excuse for Bannon’s defenestration: that Trump was furious about the Trump Tower meeting with Russians being brought back into the public eye. It seems to me that Trump can’t lose with that story; every time it comes up, it reminds people of what a lying nothingburger it’s turned out to be. In fact, I was thinking that the big danger is that the whole thing will fade away and people will forget about it, allowing Mueller and his cronies to slink off once the spotlight is off them. Bring… Read more »

Reply to  Dr.+Mabuse
7 years ago

The June 9th Trump Tower meeting was a carefully orchestrated sting operation (CIA style tradecraft). Nixon went down because of what he did “after” the Plumbers got caught (coverup). They are trying the same trick on Trump and focusing on alleged obstruction related to Don Sr.’s coaching of Don Jr. Make no mistake about it, this is an attempted coup d’etat in progress.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Dr.+Mabuse
7 years ago

Yeah, I remember the media giddiness as Watergate unfolded ’72 – ’73. If you were, like Hillary, elite Boomer spawn, it was a wonder to be alive in DC just then. Out in fly-over we were just scratching our heads.

I’m not seeing this giddiness now. More like desperation. I hope this is a harbinger.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
7 years ago

Suspect that memo contains information that is so “nuclear” that the dilemma is how much of the village do you wish to destroy to save it. That is why Devin Nunes has looked like man who sees dead people all around him for the past nine months. Mike Rogers’ body language in all those hearings screamed “I want to strangle these fucks sitting next to me with my bare hands”. Technically this probably falls in the sedition rather than treason category (unless there was real collusion with a foreign power). But I imagine even Trump is concerned about a couple… Read more »

Reply to  Saml Adams
7 years ago

Maybe we all need to start sending emails with pictures of Mussolini hanging upside down to all of our local politicians , with a caption underneath that reads:

“Don’t let this be you. Do the right thing. Prosecute the ones you KNOW are guilty. Stop fucking around. We’re watching”

Reply to  calsdad
7 years ago

calsdad: Best suggestion so far for “encouraging” the powers that be to get moving.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  calsdad
7 years ago

OK for leftists to do stuff like that with Trump, but you would get a visit from the FBI if you sent anything like that to any of your congress critters.

Cabeza De Vaca
Cabeza De Vaca
7 years ago

The correct term here I believe is ‘sedition’. Treason is when someone sells out to a foreign power.

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

CORRECT. Definition of Sedition Sedition is defined as “conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.” Examples of Sedition When the United States instituted the draft for the Vietnam War, many young Americans showed their defiance by burning their draft cards. This act alone was seditious in nature, but not illegal. Burning the American flag has been upheld by the Supreme Court to be a constitutional right of citizens, but is also considered seditious. While not all acts of sedition are legal, being seditious does not automatically make them illegal. In dictatorial governments, of course, any act… Read more »

Reply to  Kauf Buch
7 years ago

The US Constitution itself defines treason, in Art.III section 3: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.” The punishment required if someone is convicted of treason is… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Agree, sedition over treason. But was billy clinton’s cash for secrets to the Chinese not treason?

Bill Jones
Reply to  james+wilson
7 years ago

Why is China my enemy?

Reply to  Bill Jones
7 years ago

That was Jonathon Pollard’s argument.

7 years ago

It must be really bad. If the republicans aren’t leaking it then they are into it up to their eyes, or the whole system is at risk. I doubt anyone will be able to spin it so their only hope is to just bite the bullet.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Allen
7 years ago

Other Al;
I know that it’s beyond all recent precedent for Repub. conduct, but it’s just slightly possible that the House guys are slow-walking the disclosure to maintain negotiating pressure on the Dems.

As evidence, the Progs/Harlem Globetrotters caving on a government shutdown today instead of the GOPe/Washington Generals is a first ever event in my getting-to-be-long lifetime.

Of course, “If wishers were horses, beggars would ride.” as my old Appalachian granny used to say.

7 years ago

Prosecuting and jailing the top members of the losing party by the winning party is about the worst thing I could imagine for the Republic. The only thing worse would be not prosecuting and jailing them for obvious sedition.

We’re about to find out if we truly are a country of equal treatment under the law, or just another corrupt system like so many that have gone before.

Reply to  Herrman
7 years ago

So true. We are about to test the limits of immunization from prosecution for being black or being a woman.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Sadly, I think you’ve got a point. Part of the energy at the various pink pussy hat rallies around the country this weekend were to warn off politicians from pursuing any prosecutions vs. Hillary and her band of Merry Men by emphasizing that “We Vote” and “We Will Persist” with Senator Elizabeth Warren’s image on the posters.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Dr. Dre
7 years ago

“emphasizing that “We Vote” and “We Will Persist” with Senator Elizabeth Warren’s image on the posters.” – As if to remind everyone what a terrible mistake we made in the 1920s by passing the 19th amendment.

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

In November 2007 I told my coffee group “The country just elected George Soros President.” Still not sure I was wrong.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

The Mueller charade is a bald reanimation of the notion that the best defense is a good offense. And it is. Without something for the MSM to poke in the public’s eye they would have been left with a never ending shit storm of revelations to deflect. But now it’s round two and the home team is coming to the plate.

7 years ago

Greenwald has it partially correct, but he let his leftist tendencies carry him away. I expect the memo to be released or leaked to the press. The lugenpress continues to report that the memo is classified, but it’s not clear that is correct since a Congressional committee has no legal authority to designate a document as classified. However, much of the supporting material upon which the memo relies may be classified. Without the supporting material the memo will be written off as a partisan political document, with the help of a compliant press. To the best of my knowledge, nobody… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

Greenwald doesn’t have leftist tendencies, he is left. So was Orwell.

7 years ago

Undisturbed by the surrounding drama, Jeffy Sessions will continue to play with the train set he got for Christmas.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

“as evidence emerges of serious corruption at the end of the Obama years.”

You mean just the last 7.9 years of his administration?

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

And the six months before it when foreign money campaign contribution verification was turned off.

Reply to  james+wilson
7 years ago

Yup, as Din C Nuffin observed, another Color Revolution pulled off.

7 years ago

I suggest that someone in Congress read the FISA report, out loud, on the floor of the House or Senate. It would be interesting to see how the MSM could avoid reporting that, and it would be interesting to see them try to maintain the narrative. Members of Congress are immune from prosecution from anything they say on the floor of Congress, so there is no legal consequence. We would get a chance to hear the details, and they would be in the Congressional Record for all time. Watching the rats scramble on the sinking ship would be great sport.… Read more »

7 years ago

Treason most foul, but if it succeed “none dare call it treason.” Since it didn’t succeed, hangings and long prison terms are in order for a large number of government officials. Make it so, President Trump.

Reply to  pyrrhus
7 years ago

See Maxi Dean’s masturbation fantasy:

Maxi Dean
Maxi Dean
Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

Aw, poor little sensitive Allan’s feeling were hurt.
Here’s something to cheer you up:

comment image

Reply to  Maxi Dean
7 years ago

Your grasp of reality would improve if you could believe that you can be, and are, held in contempt by another enemy of egalitarianism, democracy, feminism, blank slate theory, etc.

Maxi Dean
Maxi Dean
Reply to  Allan
7 years ago

Enjoy wallowing in your contempt.

comment image

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
7 years ago

The memo hasn’t been leaked or released yet for a number of reasons. Firstly, as Nunes is well aware, there’s an ongoing counterintelligence operation by the FBI/DOJ to identify leakers of classified information. Nunes has made it very clear to GOP members of congress that anyone leaking the contents will be swiftly identified. Secondly, I suspect that Nunes want’s not only the memo, but all the supporting documentation released. My understanding is that this is part of the delay. Also, Nunes doesn’t want this leaked to the press, who have proven themselves time and again to be dishonest brokers. The… Read more »

7 years ago

“This will not end well.”

Well, let’s hope not. I, for one, want it to end wretchedly.

Kauf Buch
Kauf Buch
7 years ago

“32. S. 110 of Article III of the Constitution & 18 U.S. Code § 2381 are quite clear. ‘Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.’

33. So let’s go through the elements. Did Obama owe an allegiance to the United States? Yes. Are Hezbollah and Iran enemies of the USA? Yes. Did Obama adhere to them? Yes. Did Obama give them aid and comfort? Yes. Worse – Obama deliberately made Iran and Hezbollah stronger.”


7 years ago

The bigger problem is that a real Big Brother apparatus has been in place for over a half-century now and high tech communications now enable much easier and comprehensive spying. Both Clinton and Obama raided the FBI political dirt files and actively used this intel to blackmail key members of Congress and the Supreme Court. DC is terrified that the current scandal will reveal the breadth and depth of this activity. Best case scenario is that Trump can put a real dent in the problem. Worst case scenario is that the beast is only slightly wounded and bounces back even… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

Back in 2010 at a conference over in Crystal City by the Pentagon, happened to share a lunch table with this guy and had a long talk about what he termed “turn key totalitarianism” and his own experiences being surveilled by the FBI. Never looked at things the same again.

7 years ago

I’m very skeptical that this “memo” everyone’s going on about has any substantive new information. There is so, so much hype. I always associate this level of hype with a lack of any underlying significance. This is the document we actually want to see: The Probable Cause Affidavit submitted to the FISA court on Carter Page. The law says that a FISA warrant to surveil a US citizen requires a showing that the individual is an “agent of a foreign power.” As in a literal spy basically. Get that document, then get whoever signed it in front of congress and… Read more »

7 years ago

Throwing that videographer in prison after Benghazi was a foreshadowing of what they did to Trump.

7 years ago

That being the case, would the “Obummer detractors”, be justified in characterizing half-black Valerie Jarrett – de facto POTUS – and it/her puppet POTUS, half-black “Barry – the “Preening-Prez of the DarkHouse” to both be “red-diaper [commie] babies” mentored by al-CIA-da operatives to eventually be [hopefully] exposed as TRAITORS who were almost successful in continuing said high TREASON via the HildaBeast?

Steve in Greensboro
7 years ago

Here’s a novel idea. Let’s enforce the law.

Monty James
Monty James
7 years ago

“Imagine how blacks would react if we have a full blown political crisis that paints Obama as worse than Nixon.”

For a first guess, the major urban areas of the country would burn like they did in the Sixties. Then, probably, terrorist actions by our native-bred criminal caste, the return of black revolutionary direct action, allied with Antifa.

bad guest
bad guest
Reply to  Monty James
7 years ago

Maybe that’s what needs to happen to clear the bullshit out of the way and start dealing with reality.

7 years ago

Punishing Obama would finally deliver the impossible dream of black Unity.

They are hardwired with excessive individualism and certainty.
They dream of the cohesion of other races, but their traits prevent this.

The crucifixion of Him would give them their Messiah. Their paranoia would be justified by this narrative.

The cities would indeed burn.
Riot is the negro default.
Be prepared for the fallout.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

There must be hundreds of hours of recordings of obama slamming inner citie negroes. it would all be released as a prelude to his trial and imprisonment.

7 years ago

Sedition it is. It is hardly a coincidence (tovarisch?) that the GCHQ chief (Britain’s NSA), stepped down days after Trump’s inauguration. Their surveillance of Trump and the campaign would have been useful to allow NSA to surveil domestically (“foreign threat”).

Having said that, I still believe the Donald’s main value is to be the man who comes to Washington and breaks all the china and crystal. We need it and it is likely the only thing that will allow a non-kinetic solution to some of our political issues.

Jack Amok
Jack Amok
7 years ago

It’s been guaranteed not to end well since at least the ’07-’08 bailouts. The only things really in question were just how bad and exactly what form the disaster would take.

bad guest
bad guest
7 years ago

I hope to hear some senator say of Obama, “What did the president know and when did he know it?” before the end of this year.

7 years ago

Our first mulatto president must be protected from corruption charges!

7 years ago

Somewhat OT, but the comment of the year over at Taki’s.

The pussyhat Marches against Trump?

“It was a selfie march.
The Look At Me Too! March.”

Hell, comment of the decade, comment of the entire matriarchy culture movement.

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 years ago

So when the womyn, who eagerly cheer this “let’s you and him fight”, come screaming, “save us from muslim and black beatings!”- why should we protect them? When blacks and browns come crying “save us from gang drive-bys!”, why should we protect them? When latte-sipping citiot man-buns come bleating, “save us from feminist putsches!”, why should we protect them? When administrators and jailers come pleading, “save our crazed mobs without water, food, or electricity, from doom!”- why should we protect them? When corrupt elites come demanding, “give us praetorians and mercenaries to guard our plunder!”, why should we protect them?… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
7 years ago

To be pedantic Its actually sedition. Treason in the US requires aiding a foreign power in time of war. This legal terminology is why the Rosenberg’s were tried for and executed for espionage over giving nuclear secrets to the Reds and why we haven’t tried anyone for treason since WW2 Its a legal impossibility to press treason charges unless Congress declares war Its also why Jane Fonda could never legally have been charged with treason. We weren’t at war with Vietnam . She could in theory have been charged with sedition not that would ever happen The side effect of… Read more »