
Like many people, I enjoyed reading the leaked John Podesta e-mails, back during the 2016 campaign. Most of it was nothing, but it offered a window into the smallness of the people who rule over us. These are people who put a lot of effort into telling us they are smart, sophisticated and engaged in important work. In reality, their inner lives are quite boring, because they are dull people, who have weaseled their way into the circus of national politics. Still, it was interesting to see who talks to whom in Washington.

The thing that has never made any sense to me is how the Clinton Crime Syndicate handled the situation. They instructed the press to ignore it, which they happily did, but the stuff was all over social media for weeks. It was like Team Clinton was unaware of the fact that the internet was where most people get their news. At the minimum they could have played the victim card and maybe got some sympathy points. Instead they went with blaming the Ruskies for hacking Podesta’s e-mail, which was obviously false.

It is easy to get confused about this stuff, as there is so much fake news blasted at us every day. The media has worked hard to rewrite the narrative so that the Russian hacking stuff was “discovered” after the election. In fact, Team Clinton started peddling this Russian hacking line in early October 2016. I recall the presser when Jennifer Palmieri appeared to have Tourette’s, as she kept blurting out “Russian hacking” to every question. It was as if she was having some sort of spasm during the presser.

That’s the main reason the event sticks in my mind. It was such a bizarre performance, I suspected the women was on drugs or possibly drunk. It sounded at the time like a ham-handed effort to shift the focus from Clinton’s troubles. Everything about the presser was odd and the claims made little sense at the time. People who had followed the release of the e-mails knew perfectly well it was a case of an old man using a simple password and letting someone get access to it. But, the press went along with it anyway.

The thing about Hillary Clinton and her people, is they lie a certain way. Most people either deny or provide an alternative narrative that is intended to lead the curious down some other path of inquiry, that avoids the truth. A politicians that gets in a jam will deny knowing about the issue or provide some alternative version of events, that shifts the focus onto some other bad actor. The thing with Hillary Clinton is she likes lying in a way that often reveals some unknown caper she and her people are currently plotting.

Reading the excellent site Conservative Treehouse the other day, I spotted a story on the time line of the FBI scandal. The one thing they do well is put all the news stories and known facts into easy to read timelines. Down in the post they have a screen shot of the text messages between some of the plotters who were manufacturing the fake FISA warrant, claiming Trump’s campaign was plotting with the Russians. Look at the dates. The Clinton Russian hacking claims started right in the middle of that timeline.

This explains that bizarre presser in the campaign and the decision to go with what seemed at the time to be a silly strategy. Someone, most likely Loretta Lynch, told Clinton about the wiretapping of Trump Tower and the spying on the Trump campaign, under the false pretext of Russian meddling. Hillary Clinton, being a notorious bungler, could not help herself. She and her flunkies decided to go with Russian hacking as their strategy to deal with the e-mail stuff. It is speculation, but it fits the timeline and the Clinton pattern of lying.

The other piece of this is the phony dossier the Clinton people paid for that was eventually used by the FBI to get the fraudulent warrants. The Nunes memo puts the date for when Christopher Steele shopped this to the FBI as early July, right after Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton in what was supposed to be a clandestine meeting. It was always assumed that Lynch was there to pass intel onto Bill Clinton, but it is entirely possible that the meeting was about Clinton giving Lynch information they could use against Trump.

I thought from the beginning that the Mueller investigation was an effort to conceal the FBI shenanigans from the public and the political class. Comey was proving to be mentally unstable, so Rosenstein engineered his firing and then recommended a special counsel to investigate the entirely farcical Russian hacking story. Mueller would then put the conspirators on his team, and they would hoover up the evidence of their crimes and keep it sequestered. In time, it would be quietly buried and everyone would move along.

What appears to have happened is someone was onto the caper before Trump took office, possibly the IG, and tipped off some members of Congress. The severity of the problem has scared the political class. If this was just one or two crooked FBI agents, leaders of both parties would grandstand on it and the agents would have been fired. With this case, only a few people appear to be willing to speak publicly at all about it. It’s as if no one wants to be within range of this if the facts every become clear.

That would explain Comey’s pointless book and media tour, obliquely pointing the finger at Loretta Lynch. It would also explain longtime Clinton henchman George Stephanopoulos doing his best to make Comey look like an idiot. Of course, Lynch has been out trashing Comey as well. The Clinton machine wants to make sure Comey is the bad guy in all of this and a desperate Comey is trying to paint himself as a tortured saint. All of which means this was a caper run at a higher level than Andrew McCabe.

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6 years ago

I have to admit – as a middle class normie with bills to pay this entire scandal is starting to draw fatigue. I do realize that it is likely the largest scandal in the history of our country, but nobody is in handcuffs, and no one likely will be. Trump can’t even get a couple of low level players like Strokey McPage fired. Even if a few people end up getting fired or suspended sentences for “obstruction” or some such, it will change nothing. The only true justice would be that every single one of these people is lined up… Read more »

Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  Mike@Mike.Mike
6 years ago

Have to agree. Once you awaken to the fact of the Swamp, the Uni-party, the Media and Tech giants being SJW stormtroopers, and the fact that nothing is going to be done about, you do just want to put your head down and hoe your own rows. But, I think you should still keep lifting your eyes and scanning the environment just so you can make whatever moves you’re able to.

This kind of sentiment often brings out snarky comments about being defeatist or some such. Just want you know, “Don’t care.”

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
6 years ago

It is surprising how far things have gone and how much has been revealed, given that Trump, a few Congressmen, and we “little people” are the only ones on our side of the fight. When the other side stops being directed by addled old people without a clue, things will get much tougher for our side.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Egads. Now you’re really scaring me.

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
6 years ago

“Heads up,” is what you want to look for. News from the imperial city is hard to decipher for most people, most of the time. Occasionally; however, it is crystal clear that you would be wise to duck. Outside of that, I believe the dissident right does itself more favors by becoming politically agnostic. They can’t reform the GOP. The demographic destiny of the US isn’t going to be averted. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their immediate family, friends, and (if lucky) local community. Shore up the bonds of good will… Read more »

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
6 years ago

Defeatist? Nah. Realist.

They might have a nicer car, but thank gosh I’m nobody worth notice.
I just sigh and say “it’s a wicked, wicked world”- with a grin.

Still, if we made public executions on the Mall a pay-per-view event, we could probably pay off the national debt.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Mike@Mike.Mike
6 years ago

throw them off the washington monument

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

We all have a little Pinochet in us, trying to get out.

Reply to  Mike@Mike.Mike
6 years ago

I lean more toward bands of irate citizens with torches, hot tar, feathers, and lengths of stout rope.

Reply to  Mike@Mike.Mike
6 years ago

That’s their tactic — draw it out for so long the public gets tired of hearing about it and gives up on any prosecution or accountability and the scum walk away. But they’re making people so mad doing this. It’s giving rise to more extreme politics on both sides.

Reply to  Ursula
6 years ago

My sense is that the minority of people that see things as we do will never forgive and forget. It is a sad state of affairs when the butcher Kim Jong Un may appear to be a more honest broker than our own domestic political enemies

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
6 years ago

And to think, incompetent freaks like these people are running the most powerful country in the world. No wonder Russia and China are trying to limit our influence in any way they can. Both Russia and China are run by competing corrupt elites, but they are at least adults. The US is being run by something that resembles a corrupt and incompetent student council at a third rate high school. Simply astonishing.

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

The strength of our system of government is that it can continue to operate in the face of such utter incompetence and deceit. I suppose we are in the process of testing the limits of all of that. The danger is that something inconsequential and unexpected ends up tipping over the whole thing.

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

“…….at least they are adults.” Not only that, but Putin and the leaders of China are doing whatever they feel they must ( right or wrong) to make, in their view, their nations great again (for better or worse.) There is absolutely no equivocation, no “guilt trips,” no self moralizing by Putin and Chinese leaders about the policies they must pursue. And they could give a rat’s anus what others think – they just barrel on, straight ahead. This is not the case in the US govt, where many there of influence – this includes the ENTIRE democrat party members… Read more »

Bill Cox
Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

Gee I wonder why we’re 21 trillion dollars in debt

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Bill Cox
6 years ago

maybe you are $21T in debt, but I’m not.

6 years ago

The real import of Russiagate is that it has the potential to expose the sheer enormity of corruption and criminality within the DC Federal Government. If all of it actually came to light, it would be 1776 all over again. Seth Rich was murdered for stealing Clinton/DNC electronic files (and the police/justice are fully complicit in the coverup); that’s the level of seriousness. If the story of the Awan brothers and the Weiner laptop emails ever gets out, Katy bar the door, it will be on.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Put cynicism aside and one does wonder if there is a small core in Justice and Congress confronting the reality of having “the wolf by the ears”…and now are not sure what to do. Government and finance both run on confidence, lose it and things get squirrelly in a hurry. A self styled Praetorian Guard at the very top of DoJ and the intel services, working with the Exec Branch to fix or undo a national election is a big honking problem to explain to everyone. I do wonder if that is why so many Congress critters are retiring. Shrapnel… Read more »

Bud Keegan
Bud Keegan
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

There’s also a disconnect between public and private processing speeds. The rapid exchange of information allows the Dirt peeps to figure all this out w/o benefit of Ivy League degrees. We’re actually processing all this on the Outside, while those on the Inside are still trying to ‘manage’ it and our perceptions. We all see where this should/may yet still go– but the Cloud peeps are still only about a half hour into their movie– and we’re already well into the 3rd Act of ours.

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

The frustrating thing is that the Awan brothers’ story and the Weiner laptop e-mails (the existence of them, if not the particulars) are already somewhat “out there”, and yet almost no one seems to care. The media-government complex is not forcing them to care, and in fact is encouraging them to not care. It is so aggravating that reasonably bright people, including close family members of mine, are willing to drink the media-government Kool-aid, in all of its permutations, without questioning it. You want to shake them vigorously and ask them why they are not using their capacity for reasoning… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Nosy reporters have a lot of accidents. Safer and more profitable to be a go-along-get-along type of reporter.

William Middleton
William Middleton
Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

What happened with that Weiner laptop? I remember Erik Prince went on Breitbart a few days before the election after the NYPD raid and said that NYPD was going to go public if FBI didn’t.

Reply to  William Middleton
6 years ago

Apparently Lynch was holding the threat of a civil rights trial, for the officers involved in the arrest where that black guy died, over the NYPD to maintain silence. The FBI grabbed the laptop and, no doubt, buried it somewhere.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
6 years ago

“The thing that has never made any sense to me is how the Clinton Crime Syndicate handled the situation. They instructed the press to ignore it, which they happily did, but the stuff was all over social media for weeks. …” —————————— Geriatrics don’t get the social media. For them, it’s still the 1980’s and the mass media tells it like it is, and tells them exactly what they want to hear. I used to come home after work and find my inlaws glued to the TV watching Dr. Phil and Orca Winfrey. If they went on the net, they… Read more »

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

The main ‘news’ pages on the web- Yahoo, Microsoft, ATT- are as hopelessly retarded as their paper cousins.

Glen Filthie is right, the geriatrics think it’s still 1980, and their pap is useless mush.
The Federal class live in their own bubble- who here has heard Federal Radio in DC, or the bland ‘news, weather, and traffic’ stations?

No wonder they’re getting blindsided.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

I accidentally discovered Federal News Radio while searching for the former WTOP news station which I had listened to as a DC-area kid back in the 90s. It’s painful because most of the commentary on that station is now provided by so-called IT “project managers” who obtain superfluous MBAs or PMP certs in order to move up in the Federal contractor or SES hierarchy. The people who they interview have little or nothing to do with the folks in IT who actually keep the Federal government running. Blindsided is an understatement. They still have no idea what is coming their… Read more »

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Glen, I get a kick out of hearing you talk about your family. Why do you think they are left wing? Has the media convinced them that all good people are leftists? How do they explain that you disagree with them?

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

They were products of their times. In the 1960’s, you could still get a good job with a high school education. If you went to college or university – you were on Easy Street. My parents are leading edge Boomers that both got cushy gubbimint jobs, gold plated pensions and bennies, early retirement – the works. The mass media is also owned and run by geriatric boomers that don’t have to live or work in diverse environments, or compete with imported wage slaves for jobs, or face any of the consequences of their actions. They see me as a fascist.… Read more »

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

it kills me that, after all the pics of the Tea party rallies, with the folks obviously ‘of a certain age,’ followed by the Trump win, some people still dismiss anyone older than Gen X as worthless fools.

Look into how many who were hippies are still just as passionate, but in the supporting tradition and borders way…and…gasp…lots of time in retirement to get the real story on ‘the news” by spending hours on the net. We’re on your side, but some still carelessly toss off half the people voting their way with a few “geriatric boomers” slurs.

Not smart.

Reply to  vlad
6 years ago

Vlad, you shouldn’t take it personally. I’m an early Millennial (born in 85) and I engage in some Boomer-bashing from time to time. It’s cathartic.

The Boomer-bashing is almost always aimed squarely at those loud-mouthed (leftist) Boomers who never learned and never needed to learn because their perquisites insulated them from reality. We will most likely never get to “retire.”

Again, don’t take it personally. The young guys out there need allies and mentors. The 65 year old guy with gray hair waving a Gadsden Flag is somebody I’d like to work for.

El Eff
El Eff
6 years ago

In the past week Michael Scheuer, (a retired CIA officer with web site – oh no! danger Will Robinson!), posted a very fine essay on his site, “non-intervention(dot)com” dated April 12, 2018. Entitled, Mueller, his DoJ superiors and their subordinates – first for elimination?” One excerpt from that: “Both (FBI and DoJ) institutions are apparently thoroughly corrupt and politically motivated across the country, and at all levels of the organizations. We must utterly reject the crap-filled mantra that there are only a “few bad guys” in both DoJ and the FBI.” The next day, April 13, 2018 he was on… Read more »

Reply to  El Eff
6 years ago

The Clinton/Bush/Obama cabal inserted and promoted their kind for a good 25 years within our government, courts, schools, think tanks, institutions, NGO’s. They’re everywhere now, working to complete the globalist agenda. Lustration is required, but how can Trump accomplish that without being smeared as an authoritarian? Trump needs to become as ruthless as his adversaries but the msm smears stymie him.

6 years ago

You know Big O and ValJar are at the center of this. I agree that the Russian hacking fits Clinton’s MO. But tying it to moral turpitude has the Chicago Duo’s fingerprints all over it.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

The model I use for the O-Jarrett relationship is Hindenburg and Ludendorff. H was mostly a figurehead, but not completely and served a positive role in buffering L’s neuroticism.

The model I use for the Clinton’s is Stalin. He found that the Party was full of angry little men, who having been passed over for promotion, were willing to do *anything* to get ahead and settle scores. We tend to focus on how he held on to power. We forget how he gained power.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

zzzzzz … with the z-man sex is always a possibility
zzzzz sounds like James Comey: russians, sex,
golden showers, sex, Baltimore – nickerson juice

Reply to  el_baboso
6 years ago

Must agree that the holy O is being protected, and O and Jarret certainly lent a hand to keep Hillary from burning down the place. El baboso’s example is most useful when we remember that Obama was a loose tool of the Clinton machine. He was the ambitious climber using early tracking software in 1991 to sue Bank of America, leading to Billy’s CRA expansion. (This was after he and Ayers successfully raided the fortune of a dead Republican with the Annenburg Challenge.) He was then rewarded with the post of ACORN when it was 30 aging hippies in Arkansas.… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Obama is like most diversity bosses. Just bright enough to play the role but please don’t do anything, remember you are incompetent.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I read somewhere that Lynch was promised RBG’s seat on the Supreme Court. I think it was from a Q post, so might not be totally accurate, depending on how you view all this Q stuff.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

i thought garland was the supreme court guy

6 years ago

Z, you reach a very sound conclusion in the final three paragraphs (i.e., that the Mueller investigation is primarily a cover up), but you have your facts and timeline a bit confused earlier in the article. In particular, the Podesta emails were indeed released in early October 2016, but “Russian hacking” story was being pushed by the Clinton campaign, et. al., long before then. On June 14, 2016 the DNC announced that Russia had hacked their network, including their emails. The next day “Guccifer 2.0” released the DNC opposition research file on Trump. This persona released more DNC documents on… Read more »

J. Jeffrey Baxter
J. Jeffrey Baxter
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

One ought to search through Sundance’s excellent stuff for the pieces about the bravery and courage of Admiral Rogers in all of this. It is he who shut down the illicit searches by Fusion and others of everyone’s files, as well as calling the FISA Court to account. Then- for his bold trip to Trump Towers to tell Donald personally!

Reply to  J. Jeffrey Baxter
6 years ago

Jeffery, I exhaustively read that site, and I agree. It was largely to that issue that I was referring when I speculated that the NSA had left no paper trail. Obviously, there is some trail there, but so far there is no evidence that any investigation has gone very far on it. I certainly hope that issue gets a full airing, but given how little it appears anywhere but at The Conservative Tree House, I fear it is being pushed down the memory hole. My prediction is that if anyone takes the fall it will be a few folks at… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
6 years ago

Sounds like the Agencies saw the Trump threat to them and began digging.

Remember how the Cook County vote tally showed Trump losing the popular vote, while the NSA final tally showed him ahead by 12 million?

So, I guess they can predict accurately, if it’s in their interest.

6 years ago

Unless people are sent to jail, all of these investigations will be for naught. Congress can hold people in contempt – as they did Eric Holder- but it had and has zero affect on the behavior of the miscreants. Any of these should-be-in-jail F’heads can easily get a job in the private sector for a lot more money. Being awarded a Congressional contempt citation is less serious than receiving a non-moving violation warning from a traffic cop. So far, it is clear that the political elites (usually lefties) are above the law. They can do whatever they choose and be… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
6 years ago

Should we be the EU or Africa?
We were supposed to have flying cars by now!

James LePore
6 years ago

Rosenstein is the key. He saw that Comey was a Clouseau-like idiot, whose “investigation” was becoming chaotic, so he had him fired. He also saw that Sessions was a dullard with integrity who would eventually have no choice but to go after the Clintons, so he talked him into recusing himself. With Sessions out of the way, Rosenstein appointed Mueller for the purpose of 1) diverting from/covering up his own corruption (he signed one of the FISA applications) and the corruption of his lifelong FBI and DOJ friends, and 2) keeping the Trump-Beast at bay. With his nerdy looks and… Read more »

Reply to  James LePore
6 years ago

Rosenstein’s task is to run out the clock to the midterms, so with a Dem majority in Congress, the narrative can be changed to “why Trump must be impeached”. Rosenstein is competently fulfilling his task.

6 years ago

What I find mind-blowing is Hillary has some dumb kid scour the internet looking for software to scrub her email server clean.

The fed’s move in, she’s found guilty and still no jail time !!!

Hollywood wants you to think the bad guys ( Clintons ) are seasoned operators in the ways of espionage with the one honest G-Man through trials and tribulations finally brings the guilty to justice.

Instead the clintons operate more along the lines of Boss Hogg on the Dukes of Hazzard

Reply to  sirlancelot
6 years ago

The free run that the gangster government people have had through the halls of government, has meant that extraordinarily incompetent people have reached the top. Obama was really good at burning down his rivals and using them as stepping stones to win the “big one”, but he became the barking dog that actually caught the passing car once he became president. He didn’t know what to do with it. He was also out of his league as a beta male, and was most confortable hanging out with the female leadership of various small European countries. Hillary, for her part, is… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

The classic example about Barry the Kenyan being eased toward the senate was when the sealed court records of his Republican opponent’s divorce case (name escapes me) magically became unsealed.
Funny dat.

I think he was selected by Brzezinski back in his Columbia days.

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

Lol, I’m sure 0’s family connections gave him preferential notice to the Prog machine.

Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

His name was Kirk if I remember correctly, he was married to Jeri Ryan, yes 7 of 9 from Star Trek. One of the reasons for the divorce was that he wanted her to participate in a threesome. So because of a threesome, we got Barry.

Reply to  jimvonyork
6 years ago

@ jimvonyork His name was Ryan. Then the Repubs brought in a black guy from Maryland who wanted to talk about nothing but abortion. It was a cakewalk for Obama in Nov.

Reply to  sirlancelot
6 years ago

But hey!!!!! Hillary is on the cover of Time’s latest supermarket glossy, along with Oprah, Ellen and a few others I don’t recognize — Women Who Are Changing the World …..

David Wright
Reply to  PrimiPilus
6 years ago

Sorry you had to see that. Vomit inducing indeed.

6 years ago

I think in some ways there is a difference between dirt people corruption and cloud people corruption. With guys like Boss Tweed and Richard Daley – it was operating in the context of a traditional society and there was a certain authenticity to them.

With cloud people corruption its more like carbon monoxide because by the time you notice it, you’re already dead.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  thekrustykurmudgeon
6 years ago

It was once explained to me that the difference between old time corruption in, say the Daley years (Sr., not Daley the Lesser) and today was that the patronage was doled out in the form of useful things. Alderman needs to get some guys employed? Add a bus route–but you gotta show up and drive the bus..or pick up the garbage. And it was at the dirt people level and benefited the dirt people. Now the money leaves the ward, goes “poof” somewhere and nothing comes back.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

It was the “city that worked”. Now, as you say, the money just vanishes.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
6 years ago

I can not express how disappointed I am that Kevin Spacey is no longer around to keep “House of Cards” going. It was such a wonderful insight to the inner workings of American politics.

I must give credit where it’s due – American politics is certainly much more entertaining than European politics.

Well, except for those times when Nigel Farage puts the hammer down Jean-Claude Junker, or some other EU imbecile.

That is pure gold.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
6 years ago

“House of Cards”, like “West Wing” and the others, sells the fiction that our leadership is the smartest people in the room, even if they are flawed and act in evil ways. They sell the idea that bad people who are really competent, and who stand for the “right ideas”, are worthy of the position. In the real world, we have been led by boobs for decades. We finally get the smartest guy in the room, who is flawed and occasionally acts in evil ways, and the media that has been selling us this bill of goods freaks out. Why?… Read more »

6 years ago

This proves once more the old adage “there is no honor among thieves.” It will be fun watching them savage one another.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Unfortunately, we get savaged as well.

Bill Cox
6 years ago

Where are the pitchforks and lampposts when you need them?

6 years ago

This is all so depressing. Credit to Jonathan Swift and Nicholas Taleb, our publicly visible rulers are a confederacy of dunces, and they get their ideas from intellectuals-but-idiots.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Ryan
6 years ago

As was just telling a colleague on something else, never underestimate the accuracy of Hanlon’s Razor.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

Occam, surely?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  bilejones
6 years ago

When dealing with bureaucracies, Hanlon rules. Remember the inverse rule of collective intelligence in these organizations.

6 years ago

My favorite thing in all this: the Zman mentioned that he had watched the dossier story of golden showers developed in realtime as a 4chan prank.

The entire ludicrous circus, shaking the foundations of our world, a trigger to nuclear holocaust- all based on an internet prank.

Delicious. God must be a wicked jokester.

That’s why I don’t take the ancient sages at face value. They were pulling these stunts 3000 years ago, no doubt about it.

6 years ago

I am unable to be of service in this matter

6 years ago
6 years ago

The link to the Jennifer Palmieri press conference led to two minutes of a Donald Trump speech. Does anybody have a link to the event that Zman referred to?