A Generation of Sociopaths

Humans are wired to distrust outsiders. In the very early days of man, about 50,000 years ago, humans lived in very small bands of territorial hunter-gathers. The reason for this is the species was hyper-violent and hyper-aggressive. In a world where every ape that looks like you could and would crush your skull with a rock at any minute, identifying friend and foe was vital. The easy solution was to stick together in relatively small kin groups. Trust your family and no one else.

The mechanisms for identifying friends evolved over time along with our complex relationships with one another. The mechanism for identifying foes was much simpler. If you are not a friend, it is assumed you are a foe. Evolution does not pick the best solution. It picks the simplest ones that work.

People who study these things tell us that altruism was one of the first modern human character traits to evolve. Trusting strangers is a big deal in human evolution. You cannot have much of a society without the capacity for trusting unrelated people. Males in particular have to have a way to trust unrelated males. Otherwise, you have to guard your women all the time. Figuring out how unrelated males can coexist was a big deal in human evolution. It made settlement possible. A bunch of dudes who are unrelated, but agree not to bang each other’s women, working in concert is a force multiplier.

Without getting too deep in the weeds on evolution stuff, the point is that civilization is about trust. That encompasses a lot more than just being able to leave your house without worrying about your old lady getting it on with the mailman. It is about willingly taking on obligations, even when the payoff is not obvious. It is about agreeing to settle disputes within a set of rules, administered by the rest of society. It is about preserving today for those who have yet to be born.

Anyway, what got me going on this is this post from Jim Geraghty. Most of it is nonsense, but there’s something of value lurking in it. That would be my great comment.

Well, the next generation is more transactional. This is something business and the military are struggling with as they hire, train and develop millenials. This generation puts lifestyle and personal goals ahead of all else. They are not interested in work that is uninteresting or routine. They need constant positive feedback either from superiors or through participation in a team.

The result is this generation has little emotional investment in work. They will walk away from a job if they don’t feel it is satisfying, even if that means leaving co-workers and friends in a difficult position. Anyone watching millenials take over a family business has seen them cut ties with long term employees and vendors on a whim.

How this will play out in society is seldom discussed. The military is spending a lot of time and money trying to get ahead of it. Retention of young officers is an enormous concern right now. Politically, we may be a facing a generation of sociopaths incapable of seeing past the immediate value of policy. These are not the sort of folks likely to carry a heavy burden to finance their parents retirement.

I’m not the first person to pick up on this. In fact, the military has been spending a lot of time and energy trying to figure how to adjust to the new generation. This paper from the Navy on the challenges they face in retaining young officers is very interesting. If you scroll down to page seven you get this:

Numerous studies have been conducted that evaluate the differences between significant workplace demographics, most notably between Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1980), and Millennials (1981-1995). One of the most concise is a recently concluded study jointly conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, University of Southern California, and London Business School. This 2011-2012 joint study collected data from more than 40,000 respondents, including a set of 13,150 PricewaterhouseCoopers employees (9,120 Millennials and 4,030 non-Millennials) at the same point in their career. Some notable differences between Millennials and their Non-Millennial counterparts include:

    • Millennial employees are unconvinced that excessive work demands are worth the sacrifices to their personal life.
    • Millennials say that creating a strong cohesive, team-oriented culture at work and providing opportunities for interesting work—including assignments around the world—are important to their workplace happiness, even more so than their non- Millennial counterparts.
    • While the same basic drivers of retention exist for both Millennials and non-Millennials, their relative importance varies, with Millennials placing a greater emphasis on being supported and appreciated

Addressing retention, the report notes “Generational differences do exist among Millennials and non-Millennials, and should be taken into account by organizations that include employees from both groups. For example, Millennials are more likely to leave if their needs for support, appreciation and flexibility are not met, while non-Millennials are more likely to leave if they feel they are not being paid competitively, or due to a perceived lack of development opportunities.” This has alarming implications for senior leadership, since the traditional top-down approach and differences in generational perspectives are likely to hinder cross-generational communication.

Another concern is the Millennial’s perspective on employment, which takes a more “transactional approach” than that exhibited by Baby Boomer or Generation X officers. In general, this younger generation is not emotionally invested or tied down by 4-8 years of naval service. Instead, Millennials are more willing to vote with their feet if they feel their needs aren’t being met, forcing the service to adapt or subsequently fall victim to a lack of talent as disenfranchised service members leave – reducing the talent pool that will produce our future senior leaders.

Anyone who has seen a Millennial take over a family business has probably seen the behavior described in the Navy paper. Long time employees are jettisoned and vendor relationships are broken. It is not a money grab. it’s just a weird need to personalize everything, even to the point of self harm. The Millennial will cut loose the old trusted option and replace it with something novel, because it makes them feel special or empowered. Their emotions count for everything.

Employing this generation is a challenge to every business owner. I know of a few companies that quietly avoid hiring this generation. They will hire a college grad, but they avoid hiring the 25-35 year old. The reason is they are, as one guy I know put it, “lazy clock punchers that make more demands than they are worth. I’d rather hire a retired guy or a single mom. They may need time off, but they work hard and are grateful.” The guy I’m paraphrasing is not a geezer, but a guy in his forties.

A generation that has no loyalties and no concept of loyalty is going to be a problem in a welfare state with staggering debt obligations. Throw in the fact that these folks are only interested in that which elevates their self-esteem and you have a serious problem on the horizon. A generation willing to say “fuck it” and walk away from a good job, leaving friends and colleagues to struggle, is not going to be paying high taxes for granny. They would very likely support turning granny into dog chow if that’s more convenient.

That leads me back to where I started. This is a low-trust generation. They have to be. If you’re willing to cut loose a long time employee because you feel like it or send granny to the dog food plant because you can’t be bothered, no one is going to trust you.

A generation of perpetual toddlers unwilling to commit to anything that does not make them feel like special little snowflakes is hardly going to bite the bullet for societal obligations. I don’t think we’re looking at Late Bronze Age collapse, but American society is about to veer off into a low-trust direction. History says that brings consequences not good for civilizational progress.

14 thoughts on “A Generation of Sociopaths

  1. Pingback: Thoughts on Millennials at The Z Blog

  2. People should always find the best deal for themselves. Doesn’t matter what stage of life they are in, or what generation they are from.

    • Some of the oldest known graffiti is from old Egyptians complaining about the youth of Egypt. They found this stuff in the workers quarters around the Valley of the Kings. The fact that those old Egyptians were right is often overlooked. Ditto the old Romans around August of 410 AD.

  3. The military was making the exact same complaint about my generation of officers, twenty-some years ago, strangely enough also at the beginning of an enormous RIF. Translated from Newspeak into Oldspeak: “We’re in the process of firing 20% of you in a drawn-out, stressful, unpredictable process and you disloyal punks would rather find a job and quit now than wait for your RIF notice?”

    • There’s certainly some truth to that. Back before chasing Akmed was all the rage, I used to train with some reservists. At the time, the military was looking for any reason they could find to wash out middle-aged guys. PFT was the easy one. Reservists were easy prey to this because they were mostly middle-class suburban guys anyway.

      Still, private industry is experiencing the same problem and they have no reason to dump on the young and cheap.

  4. Then again, there are legal/financial firms out there that specialize in dissolving “inherited” companies, amongst squabbling and incompetent heirs, only to see the resulting cash buy oodles of ongoing liabilities, (maintenance/servant’s taxes/exotic auto reg., ins., tires,fuel/taxes/parties/clubbing/first class leisure travel/etc. and the principal be gone in five years.
    And suddenly, “snowflake” is involved in serial marriage/divorce, and sketchy legal liability claims.

  5. Hubbard – Reminds me of an ad I heard on the radio some time back. “Are your employees broken down by senority?” “Yes, mostly the older ones.” Something like that.

    Point of the comparison to The Carpetbaggers, a winning prescription for business takeovers has always been to jettison older, more expensive workers and to renegotiate vendor contracts. That may have trained “millennials” to be as they often are, or it may be a growing phenomenon due to soccer and tee ball, where all get trophies and there are no losers.

    Who knows. In ten years, you guys can argue about it. I probably won’t be around to join in.

  6. Sports teams ought to work like that. A 22 year old quarterback has many more potentially good seasons than 32 year old.

    But a corporation usually doesn’t physically beat up its employees the way a sports team does. Older employees have skills and institutional knowledge. The millennial generation, like those of us in Gen X, has seen that loyalty to a company gets you nothing, so they move on before the company moves them out.

  7. I’m from Gen X, and the millennials grate on me, too. Too many selfies and too much self-esteem. In this, you can tell they were raised by the baby boomers, who also have an uncanny ability to focus on themselves. But God help me, the millennial lack of loyalty to work is rational.

    There’s zero loyalty in corporate America. Twice now, I’ve been hired just before they axed most of the senior employees to save money. If millennials have no loyalty, then it’s because that’s how we’ve trained them. We are doomed to live in interesting times.

    • I knew I was going to live a different life than most expected when I looked around my first job and saw very few people over 50. I was juts a kid, but it seemed obvious that corporations tend to work like sports teams. They will prefer young and cheap, even with a loss of quality, over old and expensive. Small and mid-sized business is not like that, which is why our rulers are working to crush them.

  8. If millenials are overall 10% less loyal than preceding generations, that adds up to a big change. The fact that some millenials is irrelevant. If you’re eating 10% fewer calories month in and month out, the occasional big meal is irrelevant.

    People, even reasonably intelligent people, are just too stupid to grasp that fact. There’s something missing in the average human brain. I once told my girlfriend that women tend on average to be more likely than men to take all general remarks personally. She had a meltdown. “How can you say I do that!”

    Lol. That’s a true story.

    If a trait was present but rare in 1950, that’s not EXACTLY the same as the trait being common today. If somebody say they can’t see that, don’t waste time trying to communicate.

  9. Ah, I dunno, Z. Check out Harold Robbins’ The Carpetbaggers. The inheritor of Cord’s empire acted as you describe, and that was set in the fifties.

    I turned from the workaholic I was into a guy that determined “Millennial employees are unconvinced that excessive work demands are worth the sacrifices to their personal life.” when a close friend died suddenly. I damn sure ain’t no “millennial.”

    I think these types are and have always been dispersed among the population.

    • It could be. Frankly, I don’t think it is a clean break. The Millennial outlook is not entirely alien to previous generations. It is more of a full flowering of trends started with the Industrial Age. That said, there’s a difference between blowing off work for leisure time and blowing off work because you don’t think you are getting enough pats on the head.

      My sense is a lot of these young people are so conditioned to get positive feedback for even mundane actions that the real world is like a bucket of cold water on their heads. They respond with a callous indifference to anyone and everything. Maybe that will mature into a tough minded conservatism a decade from now. Life tends to beat the stupid out of everyone. Or, maybe Huxley was right again and we’re headed for a purely transactional society.

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