Welcome to the Madhouse

The worst despotism is an arbitrary one. If you find yourself living under a set of rules with which you disagree, you can adapt. Jews living in countries that banned Jews from public office, for instance, adapted and carved out happy. Blacks in the American South did not like Jim Crow, but they could live with it. The fact that literacy rates, crime rates and illegitimacy rates were much better for blacks under Jim Crow speaks to the toughness of humans. As long as the rules are fixed and known, people can and will adapt to those rules, not matter how much they hate them.

Where things get ugly is when the rules are unknown and variable. Imagine driving on a highway where the speed limit is never posted and the cops get to set the limit according to their whim. Word would quickly get out and no one would drive that road for fear of being victims of the police.  It is this arbitrariness that makes for madhouse societies. Anyway, this comes to mind reading stories like this one.

A federal appeals court ruled Monday that young adult illegal immigrants whom President Obama has given tentative permission to be in the country — so-called “dreamers” — are also entitled to driver’s licenses and ordered Arizona to issue them.

The ruling comes while the government is debating policy about a new wave of illegal immigrant children who are surging across the border in Texas, overwhelming federal authorities’ ability to handle them.

We now live in a land where the President can wave his hand and the people’s laws are invalidated or altered in ways that are contrary to their intent. We live in a land where a Federal court can force a state to issue driver’s licenses to people who are not citizens and not even in the nation legally. In theory, it means the government would have to issue licenses to an invading army.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer blasted the court’s ruling, saying it could end up meaning her state would have to grant driver’s licenses to some of those in the latest wave of illegal immigrants if Mr. Obama finds ways to avoid deporting them too.

But immigrant-rights advocates hailed the decision, saying it is a major step in helping the Dreamers, who were brought to the U.S. as minors by their parents, move toward some sort of normal life in the U.S.

“This is a huge victory for the young immigrants who want nothing more than to make meaningful contributions to communities in their home state of Arizona,” said Alessandra Soler, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona.

A three-judge panel on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Dreamers — so-named because of pending federal legislation known as the Dream Act — are in the same situation as other illegal immigrants who have applied for legal status and to whom Arizona law grants driver’s licenses while they await a final ruling in their cases.

The judges said to treat the Dreamers differently violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Think about the madness baked into that last sentence. The US Constitution provides the structure of American political institutions. The people of France do not consider it binding on them. They have their own rules and structures. The people of Kenya have their rules. In other words, the US Constitution applies to Americans in America. These lunatic judges have just declared that all humans on earth are now covered by the US Constitution, thus making them Americans.

The 9th Circuit is a well known holding pen for liberal fruitcakes. Sadly, they are no longer outliers. They are the norm. The super structure of the nation is falling apart around us and we are left with the whimsical, arbitrary decisions of these petty despots dressed like goth druids. These people hate us and enjoy rubbing our noses in the fact we no longer are a nation of laws. The contempt for Americans in the words and deeds of these immigration fanatics is stunning.

In a madhouse society, the rulers are perpetually at war with the ruled. That’s where we are today. Elected officials furiously work to discredit the offices they hold in the eyes of the people. The keepers of the law undermine the people’s faith in the law. The law abiding today are criminals tomorrow. There are no fixed points and there are no rules. Nothing is on the level and there’s no grift that is too small. Welcome to the madhouse.

8 thoughts on “Welcome to the Madhouse

  1. Here’s the problem. The Office of the President is not entitled to demand that ANY State (ie)”issue drivers licences” to ANYONE, and the current office holder is, or should be, fully aware of that.
    ANYONE in the Senate, or House, is merely upholding their oath of office in “obstructionism” to all efforts to aid and comfort overt criminal behavior.

  2. The Socialist Internationale. Gramsci. The Frankfurt School. The long march through the institutions, in this case the judiciary. Workers of the world unite. Global citizenship.

    Very often I am amazed at the amazement in commentary across the web following a post such as this — present company of course excluded. Yes, we are living through interesting times regarding our borders, but the jaw-dropping so prevalent among the law-abiding citizenry indicates that the real intent of those in power has not fully sunken in for most folks. Whether or not it does, I s’pose we are in for blood, sweat and tears either way.

    Leftists would declare that the value of the number seven will henceforth be five if it would suit their purposes, regardless of the consequences for accountants, scientists, math teachers, etc and moving government including its bureaucracies into the nonsensical and keeping their ways moveable are the preferred modus operandi of the Internationale.

  3. The solution appears to be very simple: change Arizona law so that NO illegals awaiting disposition of their applications for permanent residency are granted drivers licenses. According to your post, the problem was created by Arizona when the state chose to issue licenses to SOME illegals but not to ALL illegals. What did Brewer expect the Court to rule, that it was OK for the state to pick and choose which illegals deserved to get drivers licenses? D’uh.

  4. It strikes me that one of the biggest flaws of the current position of US policy — indeed of any country in the west these days — in that accepting illegal immigrants you are accepting people whose prime position is a total disregard for the law.

    If the law of a country says you cannot enter that country without permission then anyone who does, for whatever allegedly reasonable or supposedly justifiable is that they are arriving asa lea-breaker.

    If then people who arrive in a country as lawbreakers, then it follows they have no regard for the laws of that country. Of course, they may say they will abide by the law now they have been accepted as citizens but the truth is, surely, that they have clearly demonstrated they don’t care much about existing laws.

  5. You guys will be well and truly fcuked if any of the ‘conservative’ supremes retires before the Lightworker steps down. Actually since the stupid party will fail in 2016 and your choices now are between the Billary and the Fake Indian, the I Hate America party should be able to seize SCOTUS before 2020. Well and truly….

    • Unsurprisingly, Vaseline sales are booming here in the States. We do know what’s coming.

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