Our Struggle

The great political realignment we are experiencing is due in large part to demographics, but there are other factors at work. The age in which most of us grew up in was formed by the two great industrial wars and the long Cold War between Bolshevism and liberal democracy. The Cold War is over, the demographic age is upon us and we are well into the post-industrial age of society. As a result, the political arrangements of the old age are slowly giving way to a new politics that will reflect the divisions of this age.

There are at least three camps now, maybe more. One is the new Progressive camp that believes the brown tide will wipe away the white culture and replace it with something that has yet to be explained. The opposition to that is where the demographic and race realists are congregating. Like the former, it is not all that well defined ideologically. Then there is the large group of people, mostly white, who remained trapped in the mental framework of the past era. These are the normies our side endeavors to convert.

People on our side of the great divide talk a lot about this last group, but we don’t spend a lot of time getting to know them. The clever boys of social media invest a lot of effort into coming up with clever memes to either scandalize the normies or red pill them. Sometimes they do both with unpredictable results. The NPC meme, for example. More important, I don’t think our side spends enough time contemplating just how difficult it is for these people to even make it to the water’s edge, much less commit to crossing over to our side.

That came to mind when reading some of the responses to my Letter to the CivNats post a couple of weeks ago. More than a few commenters here fell back on the old lines you hear from people like Ben Shapiro. Others fretted that the gap between Left and Right has become dangerously wide. This post from Robert Stacy McCain was what got me thinking about the normies. His post is actually a post about a post, where he sort of summarizes me and then turns back to the old civic nationalism. In the build up he writes:

“I assume my readers to be intelligent, sane and mature, capable of evaluating facts for themselves, and unlikely to suddenly go join the Klan because of some article they read on the Internet.  Joining the tiki-torch brownshirt parade is a bad idea, and I should hope my readers don’t need to be cautioned against this.”

What struck me about it, is I read heretical bad thinkers like me every day and I never think of them as evil. I don’t think of myself as a dangerous heretic, even though I’m well aware of my heresy. As far as I know, no one reading me has joined the KKK, donned a brown shirt or taken up with Old Scratch. Yet, people who still find Gavin McInness edgy do think people on our side are dangerous. They do worry that even limited exposure will cause them to burst into flames. They really do worry that we deal in the black arts.

A point that cannot be made enough is just how scary it is for most normal white people to contemplate their future, even when they accept our demographic reality. Later in his post, McCain writes, “The prospect of a “permanent majority” alliance on the Left that disturbs ZMan is, indeed, a cause for concern. But despair is not a strategy. If we wish to summon to our banner all men of goodwill, we must be able to persuade them that we have hope of a better future. How about this: Discredit the institutions of the decadent elite.”

This is where most normal white people have been trained to veer from the road to reality into the lotus fields of multicultural delusion. Reading that line, I expected Ben Shapiro to pop up on my screen, lecturing me about how a nation is defined by its ideology, rather than the complexion of the people in it. It is that mental block that so many white people have which prevents them from taking the next step in their chain of logic. If the Left is going to be an explicitly anti-white coalition, then our side needs to be….libertarians!

Now, in fairness to Robert Stacy McCain, I don’t know much about him. He could be /ourguy/, but working as a missionary in the land of the normie. He could be a super normie guy who is struggling with the changing world around him. He could have been bitten by the werewolf of race realism and is starting to turn. I have some recollection of him being quoted by gentry conservatives, but I could be mistaken. He’s not the topic here, just a jumping off point to illustrate a larger point about white people.

For as long as anyone reading this has been a live, white people have been marinating in a poaching liquid of self-loathing. To root for your own team has been defined as the worst imaginable evil. The result is a mental block that operates like a great barrier in the mind, that always causes normie to return to where he started. More important, beyond that barrier, the place on the map that reads, “Here there be monsters”, is the land where the bad people dwell. To cross the barrier, means never coming home again.

That’s an important thing our side needs to grasp. For most white people, individualism, civic nationalist, anti-racism and so forth are what define their life as a citizen. To abandon those things would be the same as moving to another country. People do walk away from the friends and family to start new lives. Many of the people reading this have ancestors they knew, who left the old familiar to become Americans. For most Americans, though, this is the destination, so leaving it is like abandoning the point of their life.

The reality is, America is going to be a majority- minority country, at least while it remains a country. There is no changing that demographic reality. Robert Stacy McCain is right about “summoning men of goodwill to our banner.” We will need numbers to contend with the rising brown tide that threatens the West. It’s the “goodwill” part that our side must always keep in mind. Converting these normies is about convincing them that rooting for your own team is the moral thing to do, the thing men of goodwill do. That’s our challenge.

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5 years ago

To root for your own team has been defined as the worst imaginable evil.

Today in the Australian parliament a motion that had been tabled by a right wing politician on our side was voted down 31-28 by the conservative government.

The motion presented was this: “It is okay to be white.”

Reply to  Adam
5 years ago

This is progress.

Paul Bonneau
Reply to  Adam
5 years ago

I love the “It’s OK to be white” meme, but to be honest there are multiple reasons not to support it in parliament, not all of them unreasonable. Anyway, parliament follows culture, rather than leading it. We shouldn’t be too concerned over what these ruling class cronies vote for.

Reply to  Paul Bonneau
5 years ago

Agree. It was a silly stunt, a clumsy attempt to be edgy and Trump-like.

Reply to  Paul Bonneau
5 years ago

People like you need good old Bolsheviks terror. Somebody will take your stuff, let your kids die off malnutrition and make sure your grand kind NEVER make it college. It will really give you perspective.

5 years ago

You have to consider the political landscape and what it looks like from Over There. Over There, they see fags like Milo and Vox Day and think we’re all like that. Their edgy thinkers tell them that. Then there is the fear – they have their hands FULL just coping with the lunatics in their midst. They want to stay in the hive, they want to keep their families together, and they don’t want to fight with anyone. Most of them are good guys that aren’t all that political and just want to pay the bills and get ahead –… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

“we can talk about that – like adults” can’t be stressed too much. TLC, TLC, TLC!

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

I would only add that among the normies there is a sense, sometimes a conscious sense, of the language and thought borg, a living force that must be observed and feared. Others react to the force by agreeing with it. By instinct or calculation they understand the cost of open opposition is not worth it. If and when that damn breaks the wheel turns.

5 years ago

It’s strange that so many people are scared of ideas. If white men do not develop the mettle to stand up for themselves and their values, Western Civilization will perish. It’s that simple. Will enough of them wake up before it’s too late?

Reply to  wjkathman
5 years ago

I remember the flurry of “deprogramming” back in the 70s (80s?). The media would feature stories about therapists deprogramming kids who became Moonies et al.

Deprogramming Normies who are stuck in the Left/Right paradigm is the current problem. How do you ferry them across the river when they’re not aware of the water? They refuse to believe the evidence of their lyin’ eyes. What would constitute the bucket of cold water in the face without going through a life-threatening episode? The latter is surely coming; how to head it off at the pass?

Reply to  RWnova
5 years ago

Yes, I remember some teenagers who got busted drinking beer and smoking pot were sent by their parents to a program called “Scared Straight.” I wonder if its effects held long-term.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Well the “scared straight” programs morphed into a re-education camps for wayward teenagers. The toughest and most brutal ones are in Central America and they work the kids over. Now the kids sent to these camps are from wealthy white, professional parents. You know the typical high striving dick heads who obsess over money and career while letting junior be raised by the school system and his friends. Eventually mom and dad freak out when they finally notice junior has become a out of control drug using freakazoid. They try different approaches and none work. They call up a camp… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Ursula. The program was called Straight in my area back in the day. The kids that graduated were never the same and kinda creepy. The rest of us kids didn’t trust them. Similar to the Scientologists that have taken over my hometown.

Reply to  Dtbb
5 years ago

Oh, maybe I remembered incorrectly and it was in fact called Straight, as you noted. Yeah, I vaguely recall that no one knew what happened to the kids after they were sent to the program, there were rumors that they were sent to military academy or to boarding schools, but we never saw them again. The impression was frightening to kids like me in grade school observing from afar, a very extreme response to something most kids were experimenting with back then in the 70s.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

No, you had it right; I remember Scared Straight. There was a TV special aired on it where the cons reduced juvenile delinquents to tears.

It’s like those deprogrammers with the Scientologists, or any other cult – bullying people into opening their eyes.

Reply to  RWnova
5 years ago

How do you ferry them across the river when they’re not aware of the water?

Take away their cable, give them hi-speed internet.

Reply to  wjkathman
5 years ago

I am afraid not . normie is arrogant and smug because cobert and jimmy kimmel are really cool and think the same things he does.

5 years ago

Another country. We now live in another country. It still looks a lot like the old country, at least in most places. That makes it easy to overlook the fact that we’re foreigners here. Some of us occasionally glimpse that fact. Most of my (mostly) white neighbors do not.

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

Recently I was looking at all the leftists in politics and realized, “these people don’t live in the same country as me.” I mean, technically, sure. But not in any real way.

America isn’t a country, it’s a muddled empire.

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Re: America isn’t a country, it’s a muddled empire. This is exactly why paleocons (like Pat Buchanan) and some on the libertarian side – CONSTANTLY make the point about the empire being the death of the country. I’ve seen numerous people make comments to ZMan’s posts where they trace where it went wrong – back to the 1960s. This is laughable. The design for empire was setup well before that – at least as far back as the early 1900’s when all those progressive changes were made to the structure of the REPUBLIC. All of these design changes enabled using… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Good start, carlsdad, about early 1900s.
Add in the do-gooders’ Prohibition, and an FBI to help enforce it, and the birth of Mad Ave, and you get a culture that plays or tees off on normies, and teaches them to love their being hemmed in by Big Bro.

Reply to  jaqship
5 years ago

The FBI was created and administered for over fifty years by a sexual pervert. At least he was on the side of whitey. The current FBI is not.

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Do you one better. Reconstruction. Once the Southern plantation owners were defeated, the Puritans were free to create their shining city on a hill. All progressive movements originate in new England.

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Republic or empire? That was the debate on the Spanish American war….there were people who could see it then

Reply to  Tim
5 years ago

Still not early enough.

The founders saw it clearly.

Do people really know so little of their history that they don’t recognize this?

It appears so, seeing as how all their warnings have been ignored.

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

“…the early 1900’s when all those progressive changes were made to the structure of the REPUBLIC….When FDR came into power – he made further changes.” Many of these changes were necessary and valuable, or at least preferable to nothing. Slaving in factories 18 hours a day with no power or recourse vis a vis your employer, living in squalid tenements and sending your children off to their own factory employment, was/is problematic. I’m surprised communists and anarchists weren’t more prevalent back in the day. Trump won via swinging over the white working-class Democrats to our side. Classical liberal/libertarian “get the… Read more »

Reply to  Joachim
5 years ago

Who slaved in the factories?

Have you ever read the history of how people worked BEFORE the factories arrived?

Working outside in a farm field isn’t exactly leisurely work either. And many people PREFFERED factory labor over farm labor.

All you’re doing is repeating the timeworn excuses used by so-called progressives of the early 20th century.

FDR did not need to change the structure of the Republic simply because people worked in factories.

Again: WHO worked in the factories?

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Once one leaves Mises’ imagination (praxeology), and Rand’s sexual fantasies (John Galt, etc.), most people find the market place is not quite Galt’s Gulch, that shortsightedness, egomania, irrationality, laziness, corruption, dishonesty, etc. in fact hold large sway. If, other things equal, I have to pay a bit more in consumer prices and taxes, and maybe sweep Rothbard’s or Rand’s moral/ethical abstractions to the background, in order to acquire reliably safe food, safe and fair working conditions, reasonable job security, a say in my workplace, environmental protections, humane treatment of animals, a safety net, etc., etc., then most adults will agree… Read more »

5 years ago

It sort of reminds me of how parents back in the day told their sons that jerking off would cause them to go blind or grow hair on their palms. Now a lot of people are afraid to even contemplate some of these questions for fear of turning into a “racist” or a literal Nazi. They dance right up to the edge sometimes but always pull back. Rod Dreher is a great example of this, some posts he sounds like he just gulped down a handful of red pills but then he turns around in his next post and tries… Read more »

Reply to  Arthur Sido
5 years ago

Ask the white Afrikaners of South Africa if yakking keeps them safe from genocide. We’re in a party boat floating downstream and assuaging our anxiety with erudite discourse while being oblivious to falls up ahead.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

TomA: Excellent description of 2018 Amerika. I for one, have abandoned discourse in favor of watching, waiting, planning, and prepping. As more and more Normies get punched in the face, or tune in to watch their “THIN BLUE LINE” get overwhelmed by BLM, Antifa, etc. the tables will turn. I do not waste time talking to people. Especially up here in Rawles Land. Too many clueless idiots here who are overdue for a mugging, car-jacking, etc.

5 years ago

The best use of talk is to share wisdom and knowledge that will help keep you alive during difficult times. Yakking to change politics just creates false hope, which then becomes an easy excuse to avoid the doing the hard work of bettering yourself to become stronger and smarter.

5 years ago

I have a friend who is in center-left normieland. When we talk he at least pretends to have some sympathy for my populist-right views, but if I mention certain things–I recall the “It’s OK to be White” thing specifically–he will recoil almost instinctively. He tried to deny that mainstream/liberal culture has become anti-white. I sent him some links and he conceded my point. But he insisted there was just “something wrong” with “It’s OK to be White” but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He went on to say it sounded like a bunch of white Christian men complaining… Read more »

Reply to  Kodos
5 years ago

“I sent him some links and he conceded my point…. I don’t know how to get people to make the leap.” Kodos, hang in there with your friend. His ability to concede any major points shows his respect for you, and gives you a very good opportunity to dent his current hesitation. Instead of hoping for him to leap, use TLC to help him crawl. Tortoise, not hare. Treat him like an adult, and give him the opportunity to end up responding like one. Keep on nurturing his respect for you, by showing him the respect he’s due as a… Read more »

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  Kodos
5 years ago

Triple-digit IQ guys respond very strongly to scientific and statistical studies. Especially under the imprimatur of “respectable” normie newspapers or magazines. If you can find any semi-fair article summarizing studies of crime stats, Bell Curve stuff, or Putnam’s legendary diversity study, I’d go with that.


Reply to  Kodos
5 years ago

White men are often raised with the mantra, “never complain, never explain”. So some may be turned off by what they think is a faint odor of victimhood claims when encountering white consciousness. After all it’s all they’ve ever seen done by other races.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Look, either you are innately connected to your sense of racial identity or you are not. I personally am extremely proud of my white race as the statement “everything good in this world was made by a white man’s hand” is more right than wrong. But then I don’t really crave or care for social approval; I strive for a kind of invisibility within society. I was born red pilled and that is no lie. McCain was a druggy lefty in the 70’s (his own words) and has feminism as his “thing”. He is not running a grift like the… Read more »

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Nah, you can develop a connection to it through changing circumstances

A lot of people started out as totally a-racial libertarians living in a world of theory and ideas and ended up as racial extremists after getting more practical experience with the problems we’re facing.

It might not be the same connection you have, but it’s a form of identity that circumstances can force people to gravitate towards.

That’s not to say it is inevitable.

5 years ago

One major recent event that I think is opening the eyes of a lot of “normie” males at least – is the Kavanaugh hearings. I think it’s hard sometimes to come up with the roadmap of what happens to a person that leads them down the dark path to wakening to the reality around them, but I do believe that when a person has some of the very basic assumptions they make about the world challenged in a very visceral way – it also opens the door to questioning a whole bunch of other assumptions they make about the world.… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Just *keep* her wheels turning, carlsdad. She’s likely well on her way to your side.
See my above reply to Kodos, on tortoise vs. hare.

And, you’re spot on about the Kav hearings. They (incl. the buildup to them) were the Talk of the Country, for weeks.
This Kav stuff may well become, by far, the biggest disaster in the history of feminism.
The voting 3 weeks from today will be something of a Tell.

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Right India is a s***hole bc it’s overpopulated with a relatively small smart set. Every indian who comes here pushes us incrementally in that direction. Same with Mexico, Guatemala, Somalia, Nigeria, …..

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

If we have something good that they want, why is it only the responsibility of white countries to give it to them? Why not Korea, China, Japan, etc?

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

You’re still not getting to the final argument: WHY DO WE HAVE TO *GIVE* THEM ANYTHING. Why can’t they do it themselves? Japan is actually an excellent point case – since up until the mid to late 1800’s they were far behind the west in technological advancement. Their world got invaded by Westerners, and the leaders (similar to native Americans) – wised up to the fact that they would have to adopt some of the ways of the “enemy” in order to survive. Have you ever read about how the Japanese figured out modern naval architecture? They basically stole it… Read more »

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Yeah you’re right, but it’s in our “Christian” hard wiring to want to help the unfortunate. To gain any traction with the masses we will have to get them to understand that by giving our country to teeming third worlders, we are in fact taking it from our own progeny and racial future.

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

Our hard-wiring is more altruistic, generous and sympathetic than others, but the white mindset has been cultivated for decades to aim these qualities outward to “the other” and to despise ourselves for having had so much success, to see it as undeserved privilege and to hand over all we’ve created to those who won’t do it for themselves. Our trust and highest human traits have been exploited to hurt our own kind and it’s our trusting and altruistic nature that allowed it to happen. We MUST learn to treasure, protect and nurture the ways of white people; it’s the best… Read more »

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Correct, a weakness weaponized against us. Everyone has a weakness.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

I’m actually getting a little tired of hearing how we’ve been taught to despise ourselves for being successful. If that is so – then I submit that it’s because there’s a lot of white people who haven’t really worked all that hard for their success. I can tell you I don’t despise myself AT ALL for whatever success I have. I’ve had to bust my freaking ass – to get what I have. And that includes in many cases literally having to build it myself. I built my own house, I have restored cars, worked in startup companies and helped… Read more »

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

A hand up implies the person is willing to stand on their own two feet once they’re helped. This mentality has decayed into leftists berating me because I am unwilling to carry around one negro, one illegal immigrant and a seriously overweight white chick and her three illegitimate children on my back – while I take care of all MY own shit – without any help from anybody else. A couple of years ago – I came to the realization that there’s a whole bunch of people in the world – that if they were just dead – my life… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Good stuff, carlsdad, about showing respect for those other cultures, which actually take bulls by horns, instead of just whining for gibmedats.
By saying such things, you counter the caricature of righties, as being just a bunch of knee-jerk cheerleaders for Western Civ.

5 years ago

I was reading a piece the other day about how the denigration of inherited “privilege” conditions people into short-term thinking. Low fertility, ancestor-shaming, poor parenting, and high time preference go hand in hand at the macro level. I’m referring to an issue affecting America’s white population here, demographic issues aside. The effect is pervasive enough that even the typical “normie” who does have children is still under the influence of those other factors. This definitely started with the boomers, but at least boomers started with the well-meaning (albeit hideously wrong) idea of wanting their children not to have to face… Read more »

Reply to  Lance_E
5 years ago

I think the US may have a bigger non-white pop as a percentage than the UK or even France.

Lance E
Reply to  Strabo
5 years ago

It’s hard to compare. America doesn’t have a massive and powerful Muslim underclass like the UK does, except maybe concentrated in a few isolated regions. Even America’s black underclass is heavily concentrated in a few dense urban centres. America’s long-term demographic direction is absolutely awful. But America is so big, geographically, that certain outcomes are possible (balkanization) which aren’t realistic in European countries. There’s an enormous amount of unused land here – it’s actually crazy how much is unused – so the white flight can go on for a very long time. All this points to a slow decline punctuated… Read more »

Reply to  Lance E
5 years ago

The UK’s Musim population is not massive, although it does have an outsized voice which is more due to the elite using it as a medium for its own agenda. I think the ability to change the situation is more due to culture or will than geographical resources but we’ll see. If you lose the fight in the cities ,in Europe or the US, then I think you have real problems. The US is vast but it appears to have the majority of its population concentrated in relatively small areas which are run by Leftists so unless the rural areas… Read more »

Reply to  Srabo
5 years ago

The US is vast but it appears to have the majority of its population concentrated in relatively small areas which are run by Leftists And the usefulness of the vast majority of that concentrated population is strongly negative unless voting for Democrats is still a thing. Strategically, think about what each part produces, lots of us think food and fuel trump the “entertainment” and “news” that comes from them. It’s also fairly hard to keep those exquisitely fragile big Blue cities alive today, especially now that it’s almost impossible for Team Blue to competently and affordably repair or build new… Read more »

5 years ago

Looking into the face of a cuckservative like Jeff Flake, you can see the excruciating pain these people are going through on every issue that involves ethics. Because they have no other firm foundation for their political beliefs other than “doing the right thing”, they have to struggle for guidance. We call them cuckservatives because they take that guidance from people who wish us white people harm. But they don’t even consider this possibility. They can’t. If they were to abandon the idea that you should always forgive your leftist enemy and embrace him, they would simply dissolve into inchoate… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

“..Because they have no other firm foundation for their political beliefs other than “doing the right thing”, they have to struggle for guidance….” Not so sure about that. Their idea of doing the right thing , IMHO, is “what must I do to get re-elected, ” or “what must I do to get a high paying job as a commentator on CBS,NBC, CNN, etc.” I think that if they were really concerned about doing the right thing, we would not see the level of acrimony and vitriol now observed in Congress. Common ground would be sought. Fundamentally, the democrats just… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
5 years ago

I was describing cuckservatives, not sociopaths. The kind of politician who pursues a self-centered career based on triangulation and deceit is the perfect example of a sociopath. These kinds of people are attracted to politics because that environment plays to their strengths. The donor class actually like this profile in their political puppets because they are easy to manipulate. They can be bought more easily.

Reply to  JohnTyler
5 years ago

“the average castrato-republicans are beginning (finally ? maybe?) to see who the democrats really are.”

We may well have seen a major watershed on this, with Graham’s Kav hearings remarks, about “Boy, you all want power. God, I hope you never get it…. God, I hate to say it, because these **have** been my friends.”

The GOP would be huge fools, if they don’t have TV ads these next 3 weeks, showing him (McShame’s butt-buddy) saying this.

5 years ago

McCain is so frightened by the prospect of being red-pilled, or that his readers might be, that he closed comments on the column you linked. My guess is that some of the people like himself will eventually come to at least tolerate race realism and realists as allies in the fight against the left, and some will eventually either retire from the fight or go to the other side. I think McCain is one of those people whose paycheck depends on him not understanding this aspect of politics. In other words, he makes his livelihood off of the net and… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Same one.

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

I posted on his site that he was anti-Trump and that alone would keep me from buying his latest book. He claimed he wasn’t anti-Trump; I haven’t taken the time to find the posts where he was yapping about Trump.

Reply to  karl Mchungus
5 years ago

He’s not anti-Trump now. He was up until some time after the election, then reconciled himself to things, and now mainly just does his thing.

5 years ago

The handwringing over politics in our modern era is enabled by extreme affluence and an excess of leisure. Yakking at each other to change minds is feasible only because we don’t wake up each morning desperate to find food or fight off real bodily threats. Consequently, no one is going to be motivated to change until they feel the pain of loss; be it standard of living or personal security. This is the stupor we find ourselves in; lulled into passivity while the environment slowly changes around us and then one day we wake up and see that we’re not… Read more »

Lester Fewer
Lester Fewer
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

I don’t know, I think there are a lot more Whites out there than you think, who are not ashamed or guilty for being White. I grew up in a white-ethnic neighborhood which despite being working-class was actually very nice. On one side of us was a Latino neighborhood, also working-class, which was quite obviously NOT nice at all, and on the other side was the standard Black non-working neighborhood, which was… well you know. Everybody I knew had their eyes open since birth, no red pills required. But my assumption is that the future holds not a genocidal apocalypse,… Read more »

Reply to  Lester Fewer
5 years ago

your neighborhood was like that because they could see the effect of the diversity. sadly most live in rural towns away from the poz , or wealthy neighborhoods the poz cannot afford . they do not see any of it . they are civ nats or liberal. to them we are the devil.

5 years ago

I don’t want white people to despair regarding the future, I want us to stop being such incredible f*gg*ts. But even that might be too much to ask for many of us.

Reply to  ronehjr
5 years ago

sadly the normies are very depressing . they are completely programmed and conditioned . they react without thinking. to quote john derbeshire ; “what the hell is wrong with white people. ” . to answer him , they are wholly informed by the media . spending time in an area that is not diverse will show you that they have swallowed the POZ because it’s universal, and they have no experience otherwise.

5 years ago

More affirmation than comment, but I had a hilarious back and forth with a bunch of Wyoming Valley, PA Democrats after a social media post one of them made (she’s the wife of an old HS buddy of mine). These are not the sharpest tools in the drawer back there in the Wyoming Valley, and they are easily triggered white people who vote Democrat because that’s what you’re supposed to do. Until your part of the country goes hard for Trump and you become a Stranger in a Strange Land. Anyway, the post was about the woman sitting in her… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  hokkoda
5 years ago

I like what you’re doing, pushing against their Facebook posts and getting them all riled up, but I wouldn’t have brought up the possibility that the woman ordering the donuts might not be racist. I’m rejecting their frame that to be racist is the worst evil.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

I thought about going down that path, sort of a “so what?”, but I felt like I had the high ground by pointing out that she took two very basic things, and then layed about 1,000 assumptions and biases on top of it, so that she could show-off on social media. Rather than tackle whether or not racism is bad, I tackled that most people crying “racism” are just doing it to feel better about themselves. It deflates racism as an issue once you realize that the word effectively has no meaning these days. If you want to beat down… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  hokkoda
5 years ago

hokkoda- yes, that’s an excellent tactic. The virtue-signalling and collecting “likes” is rampant on FB and we need to poke holes in their “look-what-a-good-person-I-am” behavior.

Reply to  hokkoda
5 years ago

Great stuff, hokkoda, esp. about ” be patient, and when you engage the religious disciples, you have to argue in a way that persuades the man or woman who comes along later.”

Your baiting of Lefties into showing their hysteria, gives you the wedge, to respond with the Socratic Method of calm, reasonable doubts.
With such approaches, normies will, *over time*, drift toward us.
See my reply to Kodos above, on tortoise vs. hare.

5 years ago

I don’t know who is easier to turn, a Boomer or younger generations. Probably Boomer but years of conditioning still has set boundaries. The millenials have been indoctrinated and denied truths all their lives. We were talking last night about Senator Pocahontas and I mentioned Indian. Immediately was corrected to native American, so I doubled down. (they think they are helping).

Yes AHfOH, the midwest is different. I concur with your statement here. Our work is more difficult and in my life I am making sure to always and politely instruct how we are being pozzed.

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

I’d say that Boomers are easier to turn. Despite all the fulminating against BoomerCons (much of it justified) Boomers can remember when presidential candidates ran on overtly racist platforms. They can remember when men who fought a race war in the Pacific as members of a segregated military were in their prime. They can remember when America was a lot nicer than it is today. This might as well be the Akkadian Empire to Millennials.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Toddy Cat
5 years ago

Being at the very end of the boom–see many peers that were “center” become highly disillusioned. They worked hard, raised their kids well, stayed off the dole, voted for the right people, signaled all the right virtues….but ask the minority woman who dumped her empty McDonalds bag on the town sidewalk to kindly put it in the trash can a dozen feet away and the stream of invective would leave you thinking you’d been transformed into an amalgam of Nate Forrest, George Wallace and Old Scratch. Then go to work and listen to HR diatribes about how work would a… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Although, to be fair, Native American may be more helpful given the influx of central asians. Or as we used to say “dot or feather?”

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Boomers are easier to turn than Millennials, who are a lost cause. But I have hope for Gen Z. My kids are Gen Z and red-pilled to the bone, but that could be purely anecdotal.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Millenials are far easier to turn and bring all the way But a whole lot of millenials are a lost cause, who can basically never be turned Boomers are easy to get part of the way there, but very difficult to get all the way there, because it means giving so up so much of what defined their self image and way of life over the years Even now, a lot of boomers who understand the raw math of what is going on are very, very concerned about people on their own side being “too extreme”. “Too extreme” in opposing… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

I’ve worked with several different tribes of Indians professionally, and they call themselves “Indian”. They often refer to their reservations or general locations as “Indian Country”. I’d joke about unrestricted immigration and “how’d that work out for ya..?” and receive a mournful laugh. You can tell those folks correcting you to go pound sand.

They got fucked, cause they couldn’t win the war, no matter how hard they tried. Our kids will get fucked because we refused to fight at all.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Generation Z(yklon) Rising… They’ve been fed lies from the cradle and are WAY more hip to it than millenials because millenials started off not totally immersed in Clown World / The Matrix. Gen Z is fully the first generation to be raised in Clown World and they experience OVERT hostility towards themselves. This occurs because they carry Original Sin according to the fanaticist zealots who are controlling their schools, media, and minds. That original sin is white maleness. The uber soyboys accept their shackles and chains willingly as many have throughout time. But there is a larger fraction that sees… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

Generation Zyklon Rising…

I pin my hopes on the generation after Z, it has a nice, symbolic feel: after Z, we’ll start over with A – Generation Alpha, unapologetic white supremacists.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Millenial here, 30y. As a white male, the obviousness of the direness of the situation has been clear since about 2014, but absolutely clear since 2016. Before that, there was some low level understanding of being white and affirmative action, but since say Obama’s Dear Colleague DoE letter, the writing has been on the wall. Fucking. White. Males.

On top of that we lost Christopher Hitchens, and so we lost one of the most beautiful atheist voices against the shit stain of political correctness.

5 years ago

Re converting the “normies”. My wife is pretty much the embodiment of normietude. She knows I read “wrong thinking” stuff and isn’t really bothered (probably because she doesn’t know the full extent of it), and on any specific issue she often recognizes the lunacy of the left as lunacy. So the other day when the topic of conversation turned to Kavanaugh (I think), I thought I’d see if there was any way to come clean about overt race realism (I’ve given her hints but not been overt about the underlying logic). Long story short, she absolutely refuses to believe that… Read more »

John Badger
John Badger
Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

Redpilling women is a whole other bag of worms. I’m not sure it’s even the same *thing* as redpilling men. A whole different art.


Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

Here’s the conundrum about women: large percentages of them profess to be either indifferent to, or actively derisive of, white men. Yet the data from dating sites reveals that women of all colors express a preference for white men. This is true even for women who espouse left-wing political views. Ask her to explain the apparent paradox in the data. If there’s only one race and people are all the same then why do women overwhelmingly express a preference for white men over men of color? Why did she marry a white man? Women are natural virtue signalers. They spew… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

Yeah, Guest, the Kav hearing was a dream come true for us. Sauron should get his squeeze to pay special attention, to Graham’s ripping of the Dems (who had been his *friends*, before their latest orgy of brattiness). Then, he could ask her, to *specify* what Graham should’ve done. Was what he did “giving in to them by replying in kind”, or ” “stooping to their level”? If she actually would *continue* to insist that, when her kids are attacked by PoCs, her hub should not act to defend them, so as to not “stoop to their level”, then, indeed,… Read more »

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

Stick to your principles. She may come around to them, or at least respect your steadfastness. Or not. She may get mugged by reality someday, at which point your battle is won. Leave her room to live in normieville for now, but keep the door open. It works, or it doesn’t. Which is basically already where you are at right now. But keep your principles intact.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Oh, not to worry, no chance in hell that I’m changing my mind. It’s hers that’s at issue! And yeah, I figured I’d just go on lightly mentioning relevant facts when they turn up without making a big deal about it.

Basically, she is (like most normies, I think) a fundamentally unpolitical person and doesn’t like overt theorizing about such things (though she obviously does have some unspoken premises floating around).

As for her getting “mugged by reality,” I hope not! She is my wife, after all…

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

I’m going out on a limb here and will assert that you are not providing adequate leadership on this issue in your relationship. You don’t need to burn crosses in anyone’s yard or even disparage other cultures. Just calmly explain to her that the enlightenment-based values that are unique to Western Civilization are paramount and that it is critically important to you that your children be raised in a home that recognizes and respects those values. And if she can’t respect and honor your position on that issue, then maybe this is not the right relationship in which to bear… Read more »

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

I presume to offer advice to a young man with a wife whom he loves. Your task – in the great plan – is to engender a happy and healthy family, not to ‘convert’ your wife into wearing a MAGA hat or reading the Z-blog. Best of luck to you both.

I blush to repeat it, but I haven’t yet heard the counter-argument: Love conquers all.

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

Lay off on the “divorce ’em at the drop of a hat” crap, people

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

S. Lazy Eye- It’s harder for women to understand averages, bell curves, etc. I’m lucky that my daughter caught on right away as a teen. My wife isn’t really interested in the scientific reasons, but she’s good at observing real life. Maybe you can try the evolution angle, explaining how different groups evolved differently in separate environments, etc. Most likely your wife doesn’t want to be a dissident thinker, and finds comfort in being part of the approved, conventional-thinking pack.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Maybe you can try the evolution angle, explaining how different groups evolved differently in separate environments, etc. The conversation came to a sort of natural end (we got interrupted by something), so I just dropped the matter, but I did consider taking this tack (r/K and all that). Maybe if the time seems right in the future. Most likely your wife doesn’t want to be a dissident thinker, and finds comfort in being part of the approved, conventional-thinking pack. Yes, and I think that’s the broader issue. I mentioned this anecdote mostly as a way of getting to the general… Read more »

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

Normieville is on its way out over time. Position the dominoes to fall your way when she has to make a choice. You have the advantage, because all the Left has is intense virtue signaling. Assuming your marriage has the usual devotions and emotional support (more or less), you offer her things that the Left can never offer, and that is comfort and protection. Sooner or later, she will likely value them greatly when choices must be made.

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

Looks like you have your work cut out for you with that woman of yours.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Well, she’s normal!

Reply to  Saurons_Lazy_Eye
5 years ago

With each comment you post it is becoming more and more evident that you are a beta male. A man can’t lead a woman or a family from a subordinate position, or even a position as equals. Either man up and take a leadership role in your relationship or accept that you are a beta male, your wife is going to call the shots, and quit complaining.

Go spend a little time at the Chateaux. It might do you some good.

5 years ago

“The reality is, America is going to be a majority- minority country, at least while it remains a country. There is no changing that demographic reality” – yes and it’s too late to turn this around unless we start a civil war tomorrow. “Converting these normies is about convincing them that rooting for your own team is the moral thing to do..” – there might be some normies who can be converted but not many. From own experience – you cannot talk anybody into understanding anything especially if it concerns religion, politics or social norms, only pure science or facts… Read more »

5 years ago

No conservative who publishes under his real name will say what needs to be said. He’s just looking for a paycheck.

Reply to  ExPraliteMonk
5 years ago

I resemble that remark.

5 years ago

“Converting these normies is about convincing them that rooting for your own team is the moral thing to do, the thing men of goodwill do. ”

That’s a pretty tall order when all the normies (like me) are told and taught in schools church, by the media, by Hollywood, from charities and by political parties is rooting for your “own team” when white is racist, hateful , un American, un Christian and separatist. IOW, EVIL!

5 years ago

If one wants to be hopeful, the Kavanaugh thing is a good start. Even the soccer moms of my acquaintance were more than a little put off by that shit show. If one wants to be pessimistic… well, it’s not like genocidal lunatics have ever been taken seriously in the past. They spend 15 years telling everyone exactly what they intend to do; then they do exactly what they said they were going to, and everyone is shocked. How could we possibly have known? (does anyone know how tough it is to learn Hungarian or Polish? Those seem like the… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

This comment reinforces a point that I have made here on many occasions: the right needs footsoldiers in the street ready to commit violence to defend the interests of the right. I am unaware of any right-wing movements that have come to power without a credible threat of violence at the street-level. Islamists are a case in point. They may be only 20%, but they exercise significant political power precisely because of the threat of violence. To borrow a military term, footsoldiers are a force multiplier in a political sense. People on the right routinely mock Antifa, but they are… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

This comment reinforces a point that I have made here on many occasions: the right needs footsoldiers in the street ready to commit violence to defend the interests of the right. And then be thrown in prison for a very long time if not the rest of their lives as the price for a little bit of street theater. Read the Days of Rage essay, there’s no institutional support for Right Wing offensive violence, and as we’ve seen and are seeing right now, not even for self-defense. Prior to things getting genuinely hot all around, the author correctly says: Effective… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

That’s because large government is in and of itself a leftist preferential type of institution.

Being right wing means being for smaller government.

This is why right wingers who call themselves conservative and still support all sorts of left wing government programs – are either stupid or are lying to themselves (and others)

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

This is why God invented masks. Antifa wears them. We can too.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

To me, while the leftist 20% Zman refers to are a political religion, the American right are freedom-loving (including for the left and those who back them), bourgeois, individualist, milquetoast-Christians entirely wrapped-up in their personal circle, consumerism, their 401k, etc. I think that’s central to understanding how we got here.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I grew up in a major Southern metro. I am, needless to say, a pessimist. But I would suggest a tactic for mobilizing that 20% — some kind of “national coming out day” for redpillers. You’d need something plausibly deniable — I assume we all want to keep our day jobs — but obvious, such that we can recognize each other in the streets. The first step towards direct action is finding out how many troops we actually have.

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

White H. Boss cap

Reply to  RWnova
5 years ago

I wear mine! I haven’t seen anyone else with one though.

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Nor I, but it does look pretty bitchin’ here in the belly of the beast. Hi sign.

Reply to  RWnova
5 years ago

We’ll be the two most stylish dudes in the reeducation camp, that’s for sure!!!

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Yeah, Zman, and the Kav hearings may well help turn the Left into (something of) a fractured mess, from black men’s greater fears of rape charges from Beckys.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Think like a Polish bunny.


Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

As all Slavic languages Polish is easy but Hungarian is very difficult and is not for the fainthearted.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Poland is beautiful and Budapest is a fabulous city. Although I am British, I emigrated to the Balkans a year ago. I live in a completely white world.

Polish is a Slavic language which is not too difficult to learn. But Hungarian is not an indo-european language and, hence, many find it impenetrable. English is widely spoken in Budapest though.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

Just spent a few days in Slovakia doing a shooting course. The instructor said they’d been getting a lot more business as people take courses preparing for a gun license because of the fears surrounding the influx of migrants from Africa. Europe won’t stay lily white for long.

5 years ago

The problem with the socialist/communist/statist is not just that it’s evil, it’s that it doesn’t work. Throw people in gulags or commit genocide, it still falls apart. We’ve been living in a statist society for at least eighty years and we have the 200 trillion in debt and long term liabilities to show for it. What comes after the certain financial collapse of the federal government? How bad will it get? When the dollar debt can no longer be milked what will happen to the left? What’s the old saying about the farmer ignoring the weeds during the good times?

Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

Our conception of “freedom” is entirely modern, wrapped up with those last 80 years you’re talking about. People used to be heavily constrained by Christian norms enforced by their families, local communities, and, yes, governments. The notion that because laissez-faire worked in the Founders’ Republic of white male farmers, we’re bound to it today, is false. We are in radically changed conditions, which might, unsurprisingly, demand new thinking and solutions.

Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

They will just keep printing to buy their treasuries, until the $ is worthless.
I think the real inflation rate is running at 8-10% . I remember this from the 70’s . they cook the numbers so it looks like it isn’t , but from what is see everyday , it certainly is.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

It’s those two Acts, the 1964 Civil Rights and 1965 Immigration Acts that really screwed things up, where the idea is that all discrimination is wrong, period. At every opportunity when talking to normies about immigration, I explain the ’65 act, and almost nobody is aware of it. These are mostly the “legal-ok/illegal-bad” types. Once they understand that demographic change was planned, and that the US previously was meant to have a concrete White and mostly Christian identity, and that this rapid demographic change was a planned experiment, it makes the thought of discriminating more palatable to these patriotic MAGA… Read more »

5 years ago

Now, in fairness to Robert Stacy McCain, I don’t know much about him. He could be /ourguy/, but working as a missionary in the land of the normie. He could be a super normie guy who is struggling with the changing world around him. He could have been bitten by the werewolf of race realism and is starting to turn. This gets the chronology backwards. He was /ourguy/ a couple decades ago, but he renounced his old views in order to preserve his career. He understands that ethnocentrism is rational. He just doesn’t want to be persecuted by right liberals… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

That’s why I don’t comment Patterico any longer. They decided they were too “moral” to support Trump even when he beats the shit out of leftist pigs. He’s vulgar don’t ya know? There are still a few guys there who can think but by and large they have metastasized into a bunch of semi-leftist lawyers who believe since they’re not full-on leftist that saves them. I was taken to the wood shed there once for using the term “the browning of America”. You know, all the names racist/bigot/Islamophobe.

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
5 years ago

My two cents: when talking to normie it’s always a mistake to talk about white identity politics in an explicit way – any mention of white this or white that starts a buzzing in a normie ear so all they hear is “blah blah blah literally Hitler.” My method, which has worked well generally, is to attack the core progressive belief that “diversity is our greatest strength.” Begin by pointing out all those instances – and they are legion and never-ending – where diversity is not a strength, but a source of bitterness, conflict, division and violence. Don’t hesitate to… Read more »

Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
5 years ago

Not bad, Christopher. If you mention whites, it’s best to do so by quoting PoC spokesmen (e.g. Coates, Dyson, Jeong) about their emphatic hatred of “racism”, *except* when it’s directed (incl. by these very brats) *at* whites. And, point out how the Establishment slobbers all over these brats, rather than canning them, which it would do to anyone teeing off on PoCs. Then ask “why should we have any hope, that these brats have any desire to live at peace with us?” At some point, it may help to mention Derb’s concept of Ice People vs. Sun People. If you… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
5 years ago

You are highly over-complicating this. The word or phrase “white / white people” is the kiss of death and should be avoided at all costs. The (((media))) has spent decades insuring that people tune out immediately. Europeans on the other hand hasn’t been put on the hate speech list (yet) and you are effectively conveying the same point in soft language.

Why do people do all these gymnastics? Your talking points are solid but the word white is absolutely not a necessity whatsoever so why go through the angst to use it?

Flair 1239
5 years ago

At family gatherings when I chime in with my IQ and race blurb as an explanation for why the Minneapolis Somalis will always be a burden, it is politely buried. The family then Talks about how it might take a couple generations to assimilate. Like the Hmong people in our area. Problem is the Hmong have not assimilated, just that they are peaceful folk who keep to themselves and don’t cause problems. I think part of the issue is that people think that by pointing out incompatibility they are also advocating for internment camps. So they do not want to… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Flair 1239
5 years ago

One of the problems is that cool, friendly Hmong guy your brother works with. There’s always a few of them that “prove” they can assimilate. And speaking of Minnesota and Somalians, at a gathering of friends, the subject came up and one of my friends disagreed that they won’t assimilate. He trotted out the old “That’s what they used to say about the Irish!” card. That’s the kind of thinking we’re up against.

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

I’ve had similar discussions: my comeback is that the Irish are not savages, that the Irish have produced a Joyce and a Yeats and have built cathedrals. What have the Somalis ever produced? And what have the Somalis produced in Minnesota except to reproduce the viciousness, dysfunction and squalor of Somali? Who thought it was a good idea to bring these people here? Is Minnesota a better place for them being here?

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
5 years ago

Bingo, this is so easily dispelled it is comical not sure why anyone would get tripped up on this.

“The best and most accurate indicator of future behavior is past behavior.”

If the society you left builds crime ridden dysfunctional shitholes, well…

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
5 years ago

The way to get through to ‘normie’? Back in the day, as Christians we used to call the activity ‘witnessing’. These ‘normies’, as they’re often condescendingly referred to by commenters here, are simply your brothers and sisters. They’re not some group that needs to be spoken of as ignorant & unaware. They just need witnessing by sincere people who are willing to espouse their views, their beliefs, no matter the feedback. It doesn’t matter how many blogposts are written and read, what’s gonna’ turn people’s minds around is when someone they know and trust speaks with them in a calm,… Read more »

Reply to  Arch Stanton
5 years ago

Spot on, Arch.
See my above reply to Kodos: I just didn’t think of calling it “witnessing”.

5 years ago

Elizabeth Warren is the prophet. With no real possibility of even closing the border much less throwing out the illegals and their descendants already here (those alone guarantee a White minority nation) the question is survival. That is the only question. There is really no possibility of fighting: the FBI, CIA, DOJ, US Military, Courts, NGOs, Media, Universities, and every other center of power plus 100% of the billionaire supervillain oligarchs. It will NEVER EVER EVER be OK to be White. Not ever. Not the least of which is that THE most powerful force in Western societies: bored rich White… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

Christianity conquered the Roman Empire with 11 guys. It can be done.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  ExPraliteMonk
5 years ago

Or maybe the Roman Empire conquered Christianity.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

“Just claim to be an Indian. Or Black.”
Why not. My ancestors left africa thousands of years before MLK’s ancestors did.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
5 years ago

Far more than thousands. Neanderthals who are only ad-mixed with Europeans for the most part left on an almost geologically relevant timeline. 300,000 years. You’ve had QUITE the head start and it shows in every single thing you do white man. You are nearly a different species from Africans and they seethe with hatred and envy for this reason. I would too likely from their perspective.

5 years ago

How about this: Discredit the institutions of the decadent elite.

If RSM could give an example of a society that has peacefully changed course due to “discrediting the institutions of the decadent elite” that would make it more persuasive, but he can’t.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Political changes comes from the barrel of a gun. I’m paraphrasing Chairman Mao a bit, but on this point, he was quite on target. Pun intended.

5 years ago

Perhaps we just let the continuing impermanence of life work it’s magic, and wait for that cold hard slap of some “monsterous” reality that’s sure to manifest.

Maybe a world wide complete financial meltdown(?), where lots of normies loose everything to a zero value currency. Not having a home, a job, worrying about feeding your kids living in the back seat of the beamer will be like awakening from a pleasant dream to a real life nightmare, that realigns every star in normies head.

Reply to  Pursuvant
5 years ago

Bring it. I’ve been preparing for a complete financial meltdown for the past 20 years. Can’t wait to buy up the assets of stupid liberals and normies for pennies on the dollar.

5 years ago

Your recent trip through the midwest should have shown you all you need to know. We are not all in Lagos yet, and we don’t see much reason to think that our 1.8 grown children will have to live in Juarez. And we have jobs and careers that aren’t quite as successful as yours so we have to carry on getting along with individuals rather than races.

See John Derbyshire’s quandary with being on our side and still getting his tire fixed for $12.00. Repeat 60 million times.

Reply to  AHfOH
5 years ago

I don’t see a lot of dissection on the part of the right about WHY we have gotten to that point. One of the big problems with “normies” IMHO – is that they just accept the progressive world that has been built around them. I know ZMan is quite critical of libertarians – but one of the benefits of my spending time reading writers on Lew Rockwell’s site very extensively – was that I grew to question pretty much every single assertion coming out of the mainstream and especially the government and it’s so-called conservative defenders. One of the arguments… Read more »

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Yeah, in my experience libertarianism is pretty good at peeling people away from the left consensus.

The fact is that Our Thing might just be too far away from Normville to take at a leap.

Libertarianism can be a step down the Yellow Brick Road. We’ve just got to keep leading them back to Kansas from the Land of Poz.

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

The “Cheapest is Best” mentality is very American and did not destroy the country till recently because we imported cheap labor from high-trust countries; i.e., white people. The lowest paid whites worked hard, raised families and their kids took better paying jobs. The American dream! But since the ’65 Immigration Act, the fatal flaws of “Cheapest is Best” mentality have been brought into clearer and clearer definition. Now, even whites who’ve themselves been damaged by and understand the serious problems caused by being obscenely undercut by immigrant labor will still hire the cheap Latino labor rather than pay a few… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

That cheapest is best mentality is pretty deeply ingrained. Going all the way back to my teens, in the early 80s – that cheap product thing is something that I noticed quite a bit. From my teens all the way into my 30s I was a car nut – and one of the things that stood out starting from a base knowledge of American automobiles – was how much better the Jap and Europe stuff was as far as refinement and build quality. I’ve always attributed that to American labor unions – seeing as how I was exposed to them… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

I’m from MA originally, now I live in its armpit – ﹰRhode ﹰIsland. My wife and ﹰI travel the USA extensively, and the filth of RI and MA is one of the first things I notice after a trip. After that, of course, you notice the ridiculous condition of the roads and the self-absorbed hostility of people in the cities up here. A couple more years of working in the Boston area will probably encourage me to retire early, if only to get away from the traffic and Bostonians.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

You might point out, to the Cheapest is Best crowd, that the nickels they save by hiring Latinos, may come at a ferocious price, if something goes wrong while the Latino is doing the work.
The white guy will likely have insurance, but the Latino may instead send his Gang buddies, to shake you down for what he thinks he “deserves”, that you didn’t pony-up for.
High-trust societies have ways to avoid such dust-ups, that are settled in Low-trust societies, via resort to dukes.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

The Cheap Labor Lobby has been around since tobacco farmers imported slaves in 1618 (it didn’t work out for them)..The mass immigration of Irish, Germans,and Chinese in the 19th century was explicitly aimed at reducing wages.Labor unions fought back, and got immigration highly restricted in 1924, but they later abandoned the workers for the Demo-Communist party line…the result was the 1965 Act.
Now the country is facing demographic catastrophe.

Reply to  pyrrhus
5 years ago

We’ve already got the Brazilian mindset here in America, so the imminent demographic catastrophe is a done deal. Talented individuals in Brazil live behind tall walls with glass shards on top to keep out the scum. We’re on our way! Maybe Europe will turn it around before they’re destroyed, but I have no hope it will happen in the U.S. The public mind has already embraced the Latin American economic model as freedom in the free market. Oligarchs and peasants. Too bad.

Reply to  pyrrhus
5 years ago

Calsdad. Didn’t you hate having to buy all those metric tools? I did so I stuck to Chevys. Was nerer a paid mechanic though.

Reply to  Dtbb
5 years ago

I’ve always loved buying tools – so no. What I hated was working on American cars that were part metric and part inch. Somebody should have been beaten with a claw hammer for that. I’ve been driving Japanese cars for decades now (Hondas and Acuras) – and I’ve also spent a lot of time working on both American and Japanese vehicles. Spend enough time working on and cursing at automobiles and it starts to become obvious when and engineer takes pride in his creations. When I can take apart the front suspension in a Honda CRX using ONE sized wrench… Read more »

Reply to  AHfOH
5 years ago

While I understand that you want to deal with people from different races as individuals, I tell you as a person who has watched a few West Coast areas become inhospitable to whites that most of the non-whites you deal with feel a deeper loyalty to dominating our land than to the values that you believe you share with them.

I’m reminded of the OJ verdict when many whites saw the blacks with whom they thought they shared values rejoice because OJ beat Whitey. We are a gullible people.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

We live in a world rife with irreconcilable conflicts of interests between groups, in which one side will win/gain, and the other side will lose/suffer. Notions of a natural harmony of group interests, whether from libertarians, Christians, or anyone else, are utopian and false. One example: as a group, blacks gain from presence of whites, while whites lose. We either acknowledge our group interests and seek to advance them, or we, and our group as whole, lose.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

I make no claim that I share their values anymore than Derbyshire shares the values of the tire shop whose efficiency and skill he clearly admires. Even the most committed race realist must live in our transactional society. Friendliness and an efficient and honest $12.00 tire repair are at least SOME of my and Derbyshire’s values. In truth I probably wouldn’t have gone there because I don’t like a noisy workplace whether it’s Norteno music or just a lot of yelling, and I’m most comfortable in a clean and suburban space.

Reply to  AHfOH
5 years ago

Derb is feeding the beast that will later eat him to save a few bucks. And I love Derb.

Reply to  AHfOH
5 years ago

“Your recent trip through the midwest should have shown you all you need to know.” Indeed. Normies are free thinkers. They have relative high IQ’s, and contrary to popular opinion here, are not easily duped. They enjoy living life. They see America as being fixable, and no where near entering a Brazil or Lagos phase. So when the Alt Right talks about “converting them” because they have been “brainwashed”, they become angry. They make their own decisions, and do not need to be scolded that they must think of the white race, lest they be left defending themselves against the… Read more »

5 years ago

We have one silent but mighty ally. Economy. What is really biggest Ponzi scheme in history and it will burst very soon and then life goes very bad and this forces normies out from comfort zone.

John Badger
John Badger
Reply to  Juri
5 years ago

The 2008 recession ain’t gonna be nothing compared to when the entire United States government goes bust. I reckon it’s going to much worse–and much different–than people imagine.

It’s going to be grotesque, too. Imagine the soft, lazy, TV-drama-loving plumpers suddenly needing to literally fight for their lives. But also lots of people with guns. And some people with airplanes and tanks and nukes.

History is not going to be kind to us.

Reply to  Juri
5 years ago

I think this has been predicted too often, for too long. Nobody wants this to happen, least of all those in control. The notion of a salvific crash coming to the rescue is wishful thanking and a distraction from the urgency of positive action. Even if it did occur, I’m thinking far more people would be pushing for USSR 2.0 than would reach in our direction. The elite, united against us and in control of virtually everything, will dedicate all their efforts and resources to ensuring that, if/when such shocks/collapses occur, they be contained and the status-quo maximally maintained.

Reply to  Joachim
5 years ago

I was born and lived in USSR 16 years. It was the Economy what brought it down …:D

Reply to  Juri
5 years ago

Some have actually argued that the Soviet elite themselves were central in moving the USSR toward capitalism. This may well be nonsense, but here it is: https://www.amazon.com/Revolution-Above-Demise-Soviet-System/dp/0415143160/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1539769572&sr=1-1&keywords=0415143160 Regardless, the USSR, because it was failing to provide what it centrally promised, material advance for the masses beyond capitalism, and because the superior alternative was literally next door, for the Eastern Bloc masses to see, had broad, radical opposition. We have fairly broad support, more or less, for the basic status-quo. The “radical” opposition is largely within the Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul camps. 20% or more of whites, referred to by… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s amazing what the difference of 15 IQ points can do to a country. But I guess it’s really the upper end of the bell curve that the browns don’t have that really makes the difference.

5 years ago

Re: The NPC meme. I have noticed this popping up all over places I frequent in the last week or two. Unlike Pepe the Frog – it didn’t make much sense to me until I read the linked piece. I have however run across quite a few of those people described in the linked article who just talk in cliches, and seem to lack any capability for critical thought. Since my run-ins with these people go back far enough into history that the earliest encounters happened long before there was such a thing as an internet meme, my go to… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
5 years ago

Surely the great majority of humans have always been cookie cutter, but now since the personal is the political, one notices it more. “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
–Oscar Wilde, 18 effing 85

Auntie Analogue
Auntie Analogue
5 years ago

“Converting these normies is about convincing them that rooting for your own team is the moral thing to do, the thing men of goodwill do. That’s our challenge.” You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. This is especially true because, when it comes to changing perception and outlook, drink is not the only form of hydration – absorption/osmosis also forms perception and outlook. The problem with trying to convert normies is that the normies marinate 24×7 in Enemedia-Pravda propaganda, and they absorb it – precisely because the process is subliminal and unnoticed, so that… Read more »

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

I was going to write a long list of how to redpill different kinds of people, but it all boils down to this: just keep going.

Keep writing articles, donating money, making IRL contacts, Photoshopping memes, Tweeting, commenting, et cetera. I’ve done them all under different names over the years.

In the long run the internet is going to prove as revolutionary as the printing press–but not necessarily in the same ways. Our enemies are trying to use it as a tool of totalitarian control. Use it to the hilt while you still can.

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

I love the NPC meme! It’s perfect, that’s them! I loved the little metaphysical explanation of how too many bodies were being born to fit the souls available, so many are soulless. I realized that the Hindu cosmogony could easily be proved incorrect by simple accounting in the face of exponential population growth, but this rehabilitates it! Most of the new humans are soulless SJWs! Brilliant!

What is Kotaku btw?

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

“I loved the little metaphysical explanation of how too many bodies were being born to fit the souls available, so many are soulless.

Theme of a Piers Anthony book:


Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  James_OMeara
5 years ago

Not one of his jollier books…

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

Quantity is always the inverse of quality

Jack Silva
Jack Silva
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

Kotaku are a hacky social justice warrior video game news blog. One of those Gawker sites. They were a focal point of Gamer Gate several years back when it was revealed a female indie game developer was sleeping with their editorial staff for favorable reviews.

T.L. Davis
T.L. Davis
5 years ago

When I first started blogging back in 2010 or so, Robert Stacy McCain and others of that ilk, Legal Insurrection and such took me in, made me, if not equal, on the path to equality. Then, I saw the evil side of Barack Obama and Eric Holder and went off the reservation. People like McCain are terrified, as you rightly identify, to have to be thrown into what others call Nazis, no matter how contrived and spurious that accusation might be. So, it does not surprise me that he would recoil from what he considers “unreasonable” because reasonableness is the… Read more »

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  T.L. Davis
5 years ago

“McCain and his ilk are the ideological traitors among us.”

That’s rather severe. Remember what we all thought of Lindsey Graham just a month or two ago.

McCain has been one of the more amusing and combative right-wing bloggers out there for years – that he’s not ready to leap over the chasm to ‘our thing’ does not make him a ‘traitor’.

If and when he openly denounces writers like the Z man in Huffpo editorials, I’ll agree with you.

Cyril Holland
Cyril Holland
5 years ago

I’m going to guess that the left will do more effective work in converting normies than any kind of evangelism from those on “our side” ever will.

Reply to  Cyril Holland
5 years ago

Why? Are the ideas of the left more truthful? Are the normies unreachable to ‘our side?’

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

I think he meant lefty’s actions will push people to our side.

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Dtbb
5 years ago

I think you are right. Trigglypuff’s “oeuvre” – I think that’s her name – might have produced more converts to ‘our thing’ than the collected works of Russell Kirk, Z man, the Derb, Project Veritas and Jesus Christ combined.

And what’s her name, the Dr Prof Ford or whatever (it’s already sliding into the memory hole), gave our ball club renewed vigor.

Let’s never forget that great concluding scene in ‘The Caine Mutiny’. Captain Queeg was on the cusp of vindication by the Naval court, and he blew it – just by talking weird while rolling marbles in his hand.

Lester Fewer
Lester Fewer
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

No, what CH means is that the mad, violent, outlandish, flat-out-lying behavior of the left, and their increasingly patently retarded ideas and goals, are becoming so painfully obvious that even the normmiest can’t help being disgusted by them. The sheer repulsiveness of the left, in every way, will repulse the normies and send them fleeing into the arms of the alt right, far more effectively than alt right arguments can persuade them. It may be true that you attract more flies with honey than with shit; but it’s also true that the smell of shit will chase you out of… Read more »

Cyril Holland
Cyril Holland
Reply to  Lester Fewer
5 years ago


Paul Bonneau
5 years ago

To be “scared of new ideas” is otherwise known as conservatism. Most people are fairly conservative – even when they are acting liberal (they are conservative in the sense of “sticking with what they know”, and what some of them know, is liberalism). There is room in this world for both the “sticking with what they know” tendency and the “let’s try something new” tendency, and things seem to work best when there is a balance between the two. The funny thing though, is that both tendencies tend to change their spots from time to time. For example, homeschooling back… Read more »

Lester Fewer
Lester Fewer
Reply to  Paul Bonneau
5 years ago

A sometimes interesting, and always amusing, obverse gambit is to red-pill the POCs themselves. (Just be sure to do it in conversation, not at like a rally, so you don’t get attacked.) BLM CRETIN: We must work tirelessly to dismantle white supremacy! ME: So… In other words, you WANT to be the slaves of the Chinese? That’s your plan? BLM CRETIN: What you talkin bout Willis? ME: Well let’s say you succeed in getting rid of all us White people. What’s next? You’ll be sitting on the finest real estate on the whole planet. You think nobody else wants to… Read more »

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  Lester Fewer
5 years ago

This is brilliant!

5 years ago

White Americans need their own version of neoconservatism.

5 years ago

I believe Christianity plays a role in all of this as a sort of adhesive to get the traditionalist, men-of-goodwill on our side under a common banner. Not the fake leftist Christianity but Catholicism specifically. Communists and collectivists have always bemoaned the Catholics for their adherence to a dogma which usurps the leftoid narrative.

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Rax
5 years ago

Agreed, and well-said.

5 years ago

Not self-loathing. The Genius of european culture – Christendom – is examination of conscience, natural law, testing premises, etc. Few are “true believers” which is not true of Jews, Muslims, or most other societies including Asians like Japanese or Chinese. We are fallen, so look at our selves (the VSE of Thomas Covenant seems to be an exact analogy) and fix what is broken or infected. They are “doing God’s work” as something said for them to do, so they don’t stop and think about truth, goodness, or even beauty. The SJWs are pushing self-loathing, but the error would be… Read more »

5 years ago

Nationalism without natalism is still doomed. There are two problems here.

Reply to  Vektor
5 years ago

I don’t know. I don’t think we talk enough about the relationship between population and quality of life. If we continue to import over a million people a year legally, then add in the visa-overstays (~700k/yr) and border-jumpers (~34K/mn) that’s a serious stress on schools, housing and infrastructure that never gets addressed because it adversely affects the working and middle class and benefits the elites.

Reply to  BestGuest
5 years ago

My comment wasn’t in regards to immigration. There is too much immigration. My comment was about the case that even if white people have pride in our culture(s) and believe it is worth protecting, white women have stopped/reduced having children for reasons beyond the scope of this article. These issues are interrelated.

5 years ago

Stacy McCain used to be on my “regular read” list until he came out as a NeverTrumper. I forget what caused the rift. Maybe it was Corey Lewandowski’s “assault” on Little Benny Shapiro’s unrequited crush, Michelle Fields. (Whatever happened to that bimbo anyway?) For me, NeverTrump is a litmus test for faulty judgement. If I recall, most of Stacy’s writing back in the day was about how crazy feminists were. A little of that goes a long way. Also, he wrote about his being stalked by some idiots or other. It got a little monotonous, or maybe just irrelevant to… Read more »

5 years ago

miforest: “normie is arrogant and smug because colbert and jimmy kimmel are really cool and think the same things he does.”

Yes. This can’t be emphasized enough. Since John Stewart’s Daily Show on Comedy Central in 1999, if you want to be seen as SKHN (smart, kind, hip & now) you’ve GOT to be on the Left. We’re asking normie to be the opposite of all that. If you’re under 35 that’s a lot to give up.

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

“If you’re under 35 that’s a lot to give up.”
True enough, Frip, but that could change quite fast, seeing as the MSM is fast losing cred, and the Kav hearings are inspiring young males to be MGTOW.

If the GOP can hold off the “expected” Blue Wave three weeks from now, this SKHN mood may have its bubble largely popped.
The “hip & now” part would, in this scenario, look at least a bit passe, perhaps enough to quite slow the Left’s Wave of the Future image.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

I agree w almost all of the post, the old ‘workers vs employers’ class struggle is late 19th and 20th century issues and that is now history, we ve managed to cook up problems that over shadow those. The one thing I didnt agree w was the positive reference to ‘men of goodwill’. When I read that in the quote, before getting to the end, my reaction was ‘well, there we have the problem, we re dying off, inviting genocidal clan strifes inside the fence. And talking about ‘goodwill’ is just too damn effiminate. We re talking about [bleeb] SURVIVAL… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Take a page from John Dalton:

I want you to be nice until its time not to be nice.

5 years ago

Damn the torpedoes.

5 years ago

My parents, my grandparents, my wife’s parents and grandparents are or were wonderful loving caring people. White people are great, as far as I can see. I’m not at woke as Senator Warren, so not sure what my peeps were doing in the 1600’s, but the life in America has been pretty great for my peasant ancestors. Funny that my peasant ancestors have done so well. Despite prejudice (no Irish need apply). Maybe whites are superior. I’ll go with that. My friends who are black or from WVa don’t have intact families or success. Africa or inbreeding are not the… Read more »

Slovenian Guest
Slovenian Guest
5 years ago

ZED: Any thoughts on Scott Adams?

He talks about muh racism every other day.
His virtue signaling borders on parody…

Is it all cover, or does he really have a HBD blind spot?

Reply to  Slovenian Guest
5 years ago

Adams’s first podcasts were so painfully bad I could not stand to listen to him, so I’ve paid no attention to him for months.

Has he improved lately? Otherwise I’ll keep skipping him.

Lester Fewer
Lester Fewer
Reply to  Slovenian Guest
5 years ago

OT but couldn’t resist…

Lizzie Warren took a test
To prove her claim was not in jest.
And when she saw what she had done,
The bricks fell on her, ton by ton.

Reply to  Lester Fewer
5 years ago

No, they didn’t. The headlines in every MSM outlet (NYT, WAPO, NPR< BBC) were that Warren's DNA test produced "strong evidence" of her native ancestry. I had the ill fortune of being stuck in the car listening to NPR, which was particularly egregious in taking license with the facts. They ran with a narrative story criticizing Trump for reneging on his promise to pay $1MM to Warren's favorite charity if her DNA test proved she had native ancestry.

Every normie in the world probably believes that the DNA test vindicated Warren.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

The normies buy it, for now.
Plenty of time for the whole truth to emerge.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

The normies don’t believe it. They are laying low and playing along. If Fauxcahontas runs, she will be a laughingstock. Massachusetts and NPR are not the real world. The recognition of their ongoing false narrative about so many things, by millions of people, even if they don’t know what to do with it, is one of Trump’s greatest achievements.

Reply to  Slovenian Guest
5 years ago

Not enough Red Bull to get through one of his podcasts. By his own admission he is (here we go) conservative on economic issues but very liberal on all the poz stuff. Throw in his atheism and I’m done.

But he and he alone predicted Trump.

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

“But he and he alone predicted Trump.” That’s not true. There were others. I like Adams but you’re right about his “I’m a right-thinking liberal except for this one thing” routine. It’s the sign of not thinking things through. My guess is that Adams would be very confused by what is a growing sensibility on the Right – many of us are anti-capitalist on economic issues but very conservative on all the poz stuff – The libertarian masquerade is so predictable and depressing coming from guys who want a claim to ‘edginess’ without sacrificing their incomes. Paleo-communism! Scott, your thoughts… Read more »

5 years ago

Sometimes they do both with unpredictable results. The NPC meme, for example. More important, I don’t think our side spends enough time contemplating just how difficult it is for these people to even make it to the water’s edge, much less commit to crossing over to our side. This reminds me of The Mortal Book trilogy by Ted Dekker – he describes a world where everyone is dead, but none of them know they are dead. They walk, talk, conduct business, but truly they are dead. They cannot relate to that truth in spite the ordered and ready-made existence. Reading… Read more »