The Grand Conspiracy

The modern age often seems chaotic and random, but there are fixed rules to human nature that transcend even this age. Despite the proliferation of gender as the preferred way of describing sex roles, biological sex still prevails. Boys and girls are still boys and girls, despite some loud attempts to create exceptions. Feminism has ruined a lot of female lives, but most women are still normal women. Human nature is immutable, despite the best efforts of the crazy people in charge to convince us otherwise.

One of those iron laws of life that will not go away, despite every attempt to pretend otherwise, is the Opposite Rule of Liberalism. Whatever the Left is howling about at the moment, you can be sure something like the opposite is the truth. Their need to deceive and their natural habit of projecting their sins onto others, combine to create a predictable part of Progressive culture. Wherever they are focusing the attention of their cult, find the spot 180 degree the opposite and you are getting close to the truth.

The release of the Mueller report is one of the great confirmations of this rule we have seen since the the Left’s reaction to the Tea Party. In 2015, as the Clinton campaign was struggling to deal with the slow releases of e-mails from WikiLeaks, they started howling about Russian hacking. The claim was Boris and Natasha had secretly gained access to the computer systems of the Clinton officials and the DNC. The point was to have the media focus on that rather than the contents of the e-mails being leaked.

The Russian hacking conspiracy soon morphed into Russian collusion and we have close to three years of frivolous investigations and media coverage about alleged collusion between Trump and Boris. The truth of course, using the opposite rule here, was that it was the Left colluding with the Russians, or someone, to undermine the election. That was really just the tip of the iceberg, as it turned out to be the FBI and the Obama White House conspiring to undermine the election. Once again, the opposite rule of liberalism holds.

Again, this is the tip of the iceberg. For years, the media has been peddling this nutty conspiracy, while at the same time waging jihad against what they consider to be conspiracy theories. The Progressive media is full of pink hat types scolding about the proliferation of conspiracies on line. CNN spearheaded the de-platforming of Alex Jones on the grounds he was spreading falsehoods. In truth, Alex Jones is a rock of sober-minded empiricism compared to the aluminum foil hate crazies of CNN.

Again, there’s that opposite rule again. The Left has been howling about conspiracy theories for several years. It turns out that it is the Left that is the primary peddler of conspiracy theories. In fact, it is not unreasonable to say the Left is nothing but a series of weird conspiracy theories now. Everything from gun grabbing to white privilege rests on the claim that mysterious forces, operating in the shadows, control daily life. The only way to counter these dark forces is for the shamans to perform the right sacrifices.

The truth is, the West is now ruled by a cult of primitives, who are incapable of dealing with the reality of the age. Instead, they cook up one nutty conspiracy theory after another to explain away that which they find upsetting. When Trump won in 2016, they could not accept that result, so they fell in love with the mother of all conspiracy theories. Even now, like a UFO cult, they cannot accept that it was all a big lie. If you want to know how they will respond to the Mueller report, here’s a preview that will hold up pretty well.

The thing about the conspiracy theories on the Left, versus the more conventional conspiracy theories, is that the Left’s theories are less plausible than anything coming from the Alex Jones types. Lizard people who look like us and live among us, but secretly control society is at least bound by physical reality. There could be a race of lizard people traveling the universe. The Left mostly relies on evil spirits and the supernatural to explain their conspiracies. All of their conspirators are dark forces operating in the shadows.

Think about how the Alex Jones types respond to their conspiracy ideas versus how the Left responds to their theories. The guys worried about the lizard people are spending their time learning about lizard people and interstellar travel. They create on-line groups to compare notes. The Left, in contrast, forms mobs to attack local statuary, believing the statues are casting evil spells on the locals. In comparison to the Left, the people worried about the lizard people come off as sober-minded and prudent.

Of course, the Left will never let go of this. It will be their JFK conspiracy, operating as a rallying point until Trump is gone. Mueller probably tried hard to find something he could use to support the theory. He was no doubt under intense pressure to find something to confirm it. His report being sequestered will feed a new round of conspiracies, but in reality, the opposite rule will apply here as well. The details of his report will reveal it was the FBI and Obama’s White House all along. That was the grand conspiracy.

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Da Booby
5 years ago

“The truth is, the West is now ruled by a cult of primitives, who are incapable of dealing with the reality of the age.” Oh really? While the Booby largely agrees with your description of the left, sir, are they truly “incapable of dealing with the reality of the age.”? They’re winning, after all. Send your children to a public school and you’ll see. They’re winning. Send your children to a university. They’re winning. Go to a Hollywood movie. They’re winning. Watch your so-called “conservative” politicians prostrate themselves at the alter of political correctness. They’re winning. Watch the divorce courts… Read more »

Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

Looking at the areas they dominate I’m not sure what they are winning. Definitely nothing recognizable.

It’s more accurate to say that theirs is a mass hysteria phenomenon that is spreading.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  JoshInca
5 years ago

Are gentile whites losing power and population?

If the answer is “Yes,” and it most certainly is, then, yes, they are winning exactly what they want. How victory over gentile whites is achieved is of no importance, just that we lose.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

If it’s all Jew conspiracy, which is what you’re implying, well they sure ain’t winning in the long term. The left always turns anti Semitic, which we are seeing happen in real time right now.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  JoshInca
5 years ago

No conspiracy. The men in little hats aren’t convening in some star chamber to plan the downfall of gentile whites. However, it’s quite obvious that for a very long time, very powerful Jews have been working independently for the same goal, namely to make the West multi-culti because they believe its best for their people. It’s perfectly logical for Jews – a market dominant minority that sticks out like a sore thumb (mainly because they keep hitting that thumb with a hammer) that has had some pretty rough run-ins with gentile whites – to push multi-everything in the West. Why… Read more »

Da Booby
Reply to  JoshInca
5 years ago

No conspiracy. Just a mass movement / quasi-religion of comfortable rich brats who think they will build a utopia by whatever means necessary. Any Jewish person who joins the secular left or Marxism ceases to be Jewish for that very reason.

The Booby wishes more Jewish people would stay true to their religion, instead of joining the fashionable new academic cult that so many spoiled brats of Christian families turned to.

The left is and always has been a top-down imposition of ideology by the intelligentsia upon the people.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

Maybe, but there sure are an odd number of lefty, multi-culti American Jews who fully support very unlefty, very un-multi-culti Israel.

Rich gentile white kids fully believe all this non-sense. Many rich Jews see it as a tool, or, at best, something to play with in other people’s lands. If gentile white leftists acted like Jews, they’d be doing everything in their power to help Russia, Hungary, Poland and Salvini.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

And England.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

And that’s the rub. White people have NO solidarity. None whatsoever. If they did, then a lot of our problems would be solved in a stroke.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Jews just want America to be a merchant empire like Phoenicians, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, and British were intermittently. Multiculturalism is just cover for a caste system, merchant empires are always caste systems. Without US naval trade route and financial infrastructure support, Israel is incapable of favorable international trade. Friction arises when the world hegemon is naturally a continental empire (France/Spain/Germany/United States), necessitating color revolution until said country is amenable to its unnatural role of merchant empire. Look where they put their money in Panama/Singapore/New Zealand, ideal bases for merchant city-states. Europeans err in thinking they ever had a choice about… Read more »

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

I used to work with an orthodox jew and got on with him very well. Politically, he was sold right-wing and chairman of his local Conservative Party association. Always had a signed photo of Margaret Thatcher on the wall behind his desk. I’ve kept in touch with him via FB. A few weeks back I was chatting with him through the IM system and he sounds even more red-pilled than I am. I asked him why he doesn’t speak out more, given that his minority status might carry some weight. He told me that it doesn’t carry any weight at… Read more »

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

The “British Right,” is a neoliberal, open borders, zionist party virtually identical to the american democrats.

Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

“fashionable new academic cult that so many spoiled brats of Christian families turned to.”

Frankfurt School is now fashionable NEW academic CHRISTIAN cult?


Reply to  JoshInca
5 years ago

If you think two junior house members spell doom for Israel, I have a bridge to sell you.

Da Booby
Reply to  JoshInca
5 years ago

The courts, the schools, the universities, the political arena, the media, and the corporations.

The Booby would say those are some pretty compelling areas they dominate. Barring an economic collapse, or the US suffering some kind of major military defeat, nothing’s going to jar the left from power now.

Time to let this ship sink. Time to live life. Maybe in a different country.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

If I was young and unencumbered, I would at the very least be looking at emigrating. Best to beat the rush. The only question is where? Australia and NZ look good but have two problems: Hard to get into and they seem afflicted with the same disease, i.e. you’re just delaying the problem. Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia seem to be waking up but, again, tough to get into and, of course, you’re talking about huge language and cultural barriers. But those are more questions for my kids. As for me, I think that I’ll stick it out here… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Immigration is a young man’s game (IMO). To a certain extent, we made our bed, now we lie in it. Citizen is right. Where do we go? My thinking currently is some sort of internal exile/flight. Save your resources, congregate with fellow internal “refugees” if/when possible. Become a harder nut to crack. Hope for death before you and you loved ones are “poz’d”

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Not just a young person’s game. Look at all the retirees who relocate to someplace cheaper and usually warmer, most frequently Latin America but sometimes Southeast Asia.

Reply to  Ripple947
5 years ago

@Ripple947 Yeah, Boomers abandoning their children, nothing new on that front.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Really? You think disarmed, cucked, stiflingly PC, multi-culti NZ and Australia look good? You haven’t really been looking.

If there are any bastions of freedom they’re in rural areas of the US. There’s nowhere left to run. Make your stand on your own ground.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

I don’t know. Did look. Rural areas, at least everywhere I personally looked seemed to be overrun by meth users. Any suggestions?

Reply to  LeafyGreen
5 years ago

I am not sure where you are looking but as someone living in a rural area I don’t see the stereotypical hordes of meth users. Certainly there are some around but the vast majority of people I live near are working and middle class whites mostly concerned with raising their family. Where we live property taxes are low, you never see the cops unless someone hits a deer and when you hear gunfire you look around curiously to see which neighbor is shooting instead of diving for cover.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

That sums up where I live. The last gunfire I heard was the Deputy shooting the deer I had hit with the 18 hour owned car.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

KY and WV.

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

Went with a realtor to look at river side property. She had difficulty with the lock box. So we pulled up next door. The owners came out with their shovels… After a little back and forth checking, they shared some scary stories…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

NZ and Australia are majorly Poz’d, but they’re also majorly white. Politics can be fixed. Demographics can’t.

But, yes, they’re ridiculously cucked, so they only have a generation or so before they’re in a similar boat to ourselves. (Of course, they seem to be inviting in an over-class of Chinese and Indians instead of an under-class of Mexicans.)

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

The only reason the Left is winning is the Right became cucked when its economic system and “liberty” became its key values Its a defenseless because it has nothing to defend but money grubbing A proper Right Wing State is built around preservation of family, tradition and moral conduct with an understanding if human nature More importantly it is willing to use force to defend that. That is why porn for example was generally illegal even though its clearly protected speech as was homosexual conduct and adultery. You have to use force and a movement unwilling to do that deserves… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Sorry about the bad edit above. I get buck fever , err post fever and post before I read thoroughly sometimes.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Northern Canada/Alaska if you can stand the weather. No one will mess with you.

Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

A while back, I mentioned the attractiveness of emigration for young people. Several commenters here pointed out that the Eastern Europeans would be turning an increasingly jaundiced eye toward immigrants from western countries, fearful of importing cultural dry rot.

They had a good point.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Cerulean
5 years ago

If I was them, I wouldn’t let us in. We’ve shown what we do in our own countries. Why let us do the same in their countries.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

I think that the Cult of Primitives stuff (like the “White Privelege” oogabooga) is a real phenomenon, but that it’s cooked up for the left-wing NPCs and to give busy work to apparatchik “professors”–as well as hoping to trick some feeble-minded whites into self-hatred as a bonus.

But I think that the people really running the show, like the SPLC guy who keeps a white genocide tracking chart on the wall, are very clear-eyed engineers of extermination.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

Not primitives. Females of every persuasion.

5 years ago

An acronym describing the behavior of people with borderline and narcissistic personality disorder is DARVO. It stands for deny any accusations, attack the accuser, and reverse victim and offender so the offender is now the victim. The entire left is a super-organism of borderline narcissistic personality disorders. There is no reasoning with them. All it will do is make you crazy. Don’t be crazy

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

The epilogue will be Mueller in front of a congressional committee giving vague answers. These answers will be the prologue to a new play: Mueller, the DOJ, members of congress, elements of the press, etc…all duped by Russia and the globalist right. All out to destroy our freedoms and our democracy.

We will see a new round of deplatformings and to ratchet things up, dissident figures dragged up to Capitol Hill to be questioned and pilloried. Medieval mystery and morality plays. An election season to remember.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Yes, but how do you remove the Tick from Millions?
What is the solution….I don’t think anyone can answer that.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

…and chances are they try and reverse this by projection.

5 years ago

Need an investigation of the investigation. Wanna bet the Repubs don’t have the balls for it?

Reply to  Teapartydoc
5 years ago

The Republicans were gelded decades ago. Just imagine someone or just a few with a little temerity to fight back with these crooks and loons.
Ten elected Ann Coulter types would work miracles in our favor.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

There’s a really old lawsuit from the 80s between the dnc and rnc over shenanigans in Bob Dorian’s re-election – with charges of racism and voter suppression. The weird thing is the suit was settled with a secret consent decree and shortly after that the republicans went full cuck.

It’s almost like they agreed to lose gracefully and keep their cushy jobs instead of having whatever was discovered exposed.; or something.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Zman: The Bonfire of Legitimacy continues apace. Their preference might be to do it off-camera, but doing it conspicuously on-camera might claw back some semblance of credibility for FBI/DOJ/CIA/NSA/EIEIO agencies. Were this a serious country, with a serious ruling class, a public blood-sacrifice of some ruling-class miscreants would definitely happen, the only question being, “Who is the largest goat we will sacrifice? Wray? Brennan? Comey? Lynch? Obama?” I suspect our ruling class is too arrogant and lacks civic-mindedness to make the sacrifice of their own necessary to assuage the legacy population’s desire for legitimate governance. Sacrifices are what little people… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  roo_ster
5 years ago

I wonder if the ruling class calls for a draft for one of their wars, how many little people would still be willing to sacrifice for them.

5 years ago

I don’t know which is worse. The Russiagate scandal is really just a coup against an elected president conducted by a criminal cartel of high ranking Obama Administration officials, senior DOJ/FBI/CIA bureaucrats, and aided by members of Congress in both parties. And the MSM isn’t just a pack of loons being incompetent. Rather, they are full-fledged co-conspirators in the coup and know exactly what they are doing, which is lie with malicious intent. Both are a scourge and cancer on a healthy society.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

IMO it’s a mistake to think it’s driven by Obama plants, or even leftists. This is a classic inside – outside play. The deep state, ie the permanent bureaucracy is bipartisan, and driven by self interest. Their hatred of Trump most likely ramped up to white hot solely because he called them stupid incompetents.

Reply to  JoshInca
5 years ago

The coup was the brainchild of closet Marxist John Brennan, who came up with this treachery after being challenged by Obama directly. Yes, the Deep State jumped onboard the coup train after it left the station, but it’s origin was in the Obama Whitehouse.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Not only that, but Brennan has operational experience with this exact scenario. In 2014 the CIA helped overthrow the democratically elected President of Ukraine by sowing the idea that the Russians had rigged the election and that Yanukovych was a Putin agent. Why was this done? Yanukovych ran on renegotiating trade deals with the EU, a general mistrust of the EU, and opposition to Obama. Now, Yanukovych is a toad, but if you’re Obama/Brenna, he was also a roadmap. The broad strokes are remarkably similar. Brennan stayed on after the election by joining CNN to use his “insider” credentials to… Read more »

5 years ago

This is one of those historical moments when we get to look right down into the heart of the ruling establishment to see what they are made of. I’m not expecting much, and neither should you.

5 years ago

The whole country learned one valuable lesson from all this. Never talk to the FBI. If you do, you better have a lawyer present and demand everything be recorded. This whole “302 report” crap is unbelievable. The FBI does not record its interviews/interrogations, but takes hand-written notes, and then transcribes them into 302 reports days or weeks later. If anything they claim you said is contrary to the evidence, they have you by the balls. This is a recipe for false prosecution.

5 years ago

The first action after a failed coup is to find, and hang, the conspirators. Let’s have that be the objective. You’ll know the Mueller Report implicates the Obama Administration if the Democrats start hiding behind security classifications, “sources and methods”, etc. as reason why maybe we shouldn’t be hasty to make the whole thing public. Although I would have fired Mueller on his first day of work, this has worked out better than Trump could have hoped for. By characterizing Mueller as a Government Party hatchet man armed with 16 Democrat lawyers, the Democrats were forced to grant Mueller premature… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
5 years ago

Yeah, it’s kind of strange to me that people such as Pelosi and Schumer are asking to get “everything out there”. I don’t think they have thought this thing through. I am guessing that they think they can continue to contain the problem by continuously stirring the pot. The problem being the attempted coup by Obama/Hillary/FBI/DOJ. “Lock them up” seems somehow too generous, these days.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

It’s clear they were drinking their own bath water in the Government Party. The best they could come up with was the short lived, “We demand full release.” They are likely to get just that. Couple of good columns out today asking the stupid-obvious question: “OK, so how exactly did this get started, and who is behind it?” There is a straight line with no breaks proving definitively that the money trail leads to the Red Queen’s door. A Democratic Party looking to move past Clinton won’t save her this time. They’ll still fall in their swords for Obama though.… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

And the MSM isn’t just a pack of loons being incompetent. Rather, they are full-fledged co-conspirators in the coup. (TomA above.) This. A lot of normie conservatives have pathetically weak takes on the media that they think they’re taking victory laps around. Normiecons: “Ha ha, media, see, you were wrong!” And go no further than that. This is the nastiness of the left’s use on the feebleminded of the Alinsky rule, “Accuse the Other Side of That Which You Are Guilty.” A lot of normiecons think it’s a victory to prove that Trump wasn’t guilty of entirely fabricated accusations, which… Read more »

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

We’ll see. Trump strikes me as a “kick ‘em while they are down” sort of guy. Here’s his chance. Personally, I think he would rather be liked than feared.

There’s always Nunes, leave it to a podunk dairy farmer to be the most principled and tough hombre out there.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Babe, finally someone who understands the “game”. All was a distraction and a delaying tactic to keep Trump as impotent as possible. Once the 2018 elections lost the House, the immediate threat was over. Now it’s onto a 2020 Dem replacement of POTUS and a return to power. Trump can only depend on power he directly has as Executive. Using funds under color of emergency order, reducing regulations, AND initiating an attack from the justice department wrt corruption from the Deep State apparatus. Regulation reduction is ephemeral. Those go back on with a vengeance next Dem POTUS. Emergency powers for… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Were I Trump I’d have someone poke around Bezos and find a Russia connection then cancel Amazons contract with the CIA on the grounds of national security.
I’d be looking for something similar to do to Carlos Slim.If their vanity publishing projects spent 3 years fucking with me I am going to fuck them back,

5 years ago

It’s inevitable that the left will claim Mueller too was compromised by the Russians and that we need a new pure investigator.

Lance E
5 years ago

The difference between a right-wing conspiracy and a left-wing conspiracy theory is that the left-wing conspiracy theory isn’t called a conspiracy theory, it’s called “news”.

Mainstream acceptance is literally the only distinction.

Reply to  Lance E
5 years ago

No, the main difference is that Left wing conspiracies nearly always involve something they themselves are doing. Right wing conspiracies are the more traditional paranoia kinds of conspiracies as opposed to psychological projection.

5 years ago

The Deep State, the security and intel agencies have all promiscuously and irresponsibly abused their authority and displayed open contempt for the public in the process. They’ve proven unworthy of authority, unable to self-police and unwilling to change. Tear them down and salt the earth. They’re already a Praetorian Guard. There is little accomplished by the FBI, DEA or ATF that could not be accomplished by state law enforcement and our intelligence agencies have been rotten since inception – ask Truman or Ike. Replacement agencies with new personnel will come with their own problems, but what good is the present… Read more »

5 years ago

Yes. When looking at Adam Schiff, it’s easy to forget that long before his bug-eyed visage filled TV screens regularly, there was an actual UFO cult guy named Marshall Applewhite who also had those crazy eyes…

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  MMurcek
5 years ago

Justice would be removing Schiff from Congress and handing the seat back to James Rogan.

5 years ago

This is one of those “John Brown Moments.” There’s no coming back from this. A legit poll shows that something like 53% of Americans agree this was a witch hunt. and since Our Betters, the Liberals, never cease reminding us that Trump got less than 50% of the popular vote, that means there are a lot of liberals out there who will never believe another word the Media says. How does that work out for a society, where everyone assumes everything official is a lie? I suppose we could ask the Russians, but then we’d have Mueller and Rachel Maddow… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Putnam’s diversity dystopia bumped uglies with Burham’s managerial state and had a very ugly baby. Diminishing trust within groups and between them, cratering trust in government, media, academia and religion/moral institutions, with a sort of constant, low-level “realistic paranoia” toward the news among the red-pilled while NPC’s blue-pill on Two Minute Hates. On the bright side, cucks will not survive long in this Woke New World. On the dark side, the vast majority of Whites in Numerica are still cucked.

5 years ago

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago

The official Zman coffee mugs and ties are snazzy, too.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Don’t forget the cruise. Ice chests full of beer on a Duffy boat.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Oh no, not the dreaded CruiseshipCons!

5 years ago

To think we live in a day when the seemingly craziest conspiracy theories can’t hold a candle to the mainstream media. It is a tough era for both tinfoil hat types and writers of satire.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Has anyone in the foreign policy establishment apologized for helping Yeltsin steal the 1996 election?

5 years ago

“The truth is, the West is now ruled by a cult of primitives, who are incapable of dealing with the reality of the age”

I think if you explain to a group of leftist that the entire universe was actually riding on the back of a turtle they would all nod sagely and say it’s definitely possible and all viewpoints need to be considered.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Well… not to go all Stephen Hawking on you, but that IS possible since observation outside of the known universe is simply not humanly possible. It is Turtles All the Way Down, innit?

But joking aside, I take your point… 🙂

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

I’m just so sick of these people. They have a veneer of rationality over their insanity but the cracks are always there. They want to debate everything but the first thing they debate is truth and decide it doesn’t exist so what’s the point of debating? And they say they hate all religions but what they really mean is they hate Christianity because they’re happily collecting statues of Buddha and Ganesh to prove how spiritual they are. I know I’m not the only lone conservative in a family of crazy leftist in the comments on this blog but it’s really… Read more »

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

The multi-culti, globo-homo thing is simply a framework for them to tell you they hate YOU, where they then can quickly scurry back behind all of that, and get all bug-eyed and “how can you say such a thing” when you call them out on it.

I refuse to engage them on their terms. An enigmatic smirk works well for me, as it works for the Sandman.

5 years ago

I think a perfect example of this is so called “fake news”. It started out as an accusation by the Left which backfired on them stupendously.

5 years ago

We saw a great example of the Opposite Rule of Liberalism today with Jussie. We are told endlessly that whites enjoy “unearned privilege” simply because we are white and therefore get away with all sorts of stuff. The reality is that Jussie Smollett is 100% getting away with this hoax “hate crime” because the political cost of prosecuting a half black/half Jewish famous homosexual is just too high. He checks the right oppression categories on the checklist so he walks away.

5 years ago

I would argue that, much like the race hoax scams, the Russia collusion scam was an unqualified victory for the left. It shows that they set the agenda and dictate the terms of public morality. Fail to comply with the left and they will unleash the furies of Hell on you.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

Not so. They continue to expose themselves to clear identification. Not a good place to be when things get real. Trump as flushed them out of the tall grass.

5 years ago

I just saw that Micheal Avenatti was arrested/indicted for embezzlement, fraud, extortion, etc. I’ve lost faith in Trump. He’s either unable to do anything at all or he’s not even trying. So, it’s not like Avenatti’s downfall makes any real difference with regard to Trump. And I agree with Z Man that we can’t vote our way out of this. I don’t care much about politics anymore as it appears to all be a show. All that being said, I hate that smug prick Michael Avenatti. Even though I think it’s probably all a bunch of B.S., I really enjoy… Read more »

Reply to  Federalist
5 years ago

Avenatti has nothing to do with Trump, other than representing the strumpet banged by The Donald. Trump’s stupidity is limited to “keep it zipped up, brother” on this one.

5 years ago

We have to give a bit of credit to Mueller and a bit of credit to the system. However way one wants to explain it, something went right, when it had every reason to go wrong. Separately, contrary to thousands of reflexive cynics on our side, Jesse Smollet was indicted on 16 felony counts. As anyone who plays the stock market knows, you’ve got to learn from your losses, not simply make excuses and shoo them away. WHY was my prediction wrong? Who or what did I think too little of, or too much of? What didn’t I see that… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

I think it goes to the outsider nature of dissident politics. Outsiders tend to exaggerate the will and motives of insiders. Guys like Mueller and Rosenstein are mostly useful idiots, “doing their jobs”, not grand conspirators all meeting in the secret basement room of the library of congress.

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Mueller is up to his eyeballs in the fraud. He hired all the fraudsters that originated the fake Russian thing to investigate it, covering them with a veneer of lawyer new hires. Strock and Page were found out when their text threads were leaked. Otherwise they would have been working the investigation to this day. Mueller is trying to get out of town without jail time, and the report is the best he can do to make that happen.

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

That’s actually a good point, Frip. For the system to work, it has to work out in the open under the closest scrutiny. Trump is as clean as a whistle (as far as collusion goes) and the Donks have to eat crow on it. As the boys are saying though – the retaliation has to be on now. Hillary and her emails would make a juicy target, and getting that cnut in prison would go a long way to restoring faith in the system and keeping the Donks reasonably honest – which is probably why it won’t happen – because… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

As for Smollet, charges have been dropped:

“After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollet’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition & appropriate resolution…” Cook County SAO

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

What a difference a day makes.

Jäk Bartön
5 years ago

Thanks for your example of how to apply the Opposite Rule of Liberals to the Mueller report release. It’s helpful for me to see concrete examples in the day-to-day of how the theory manifests itself. I quoted you in my article here:

5 years ago

I have a more cynical view of Russiagate, the Dem leadership needed a conventional enemy to keep its coalition of fringes together and Russia is the only one who fits the bill, everybody in Washington knows what foreign country is in charge of the US foreign policy.

Who will triumph in the Dem party, Ilhan Omar and AOC or Nancy Pelosy and Chuck Schumer? Be tuned in the AIPAC conference for more answers.