Be Prepared

Older readers will surely recall being taught as children the importance of being prepared for the various emergencies that are a part of life. Before the usual suspects destroyed the Boy Scouts, preparedness was a central part of the Scout ethos. People used to regularly make sure they had things like candles and matches in the house. Every equinox we were told that it is a good time to check batteries, test out flashlights and portable radios, as part of general preparedness.

Being prepared fell out of fashion over the last few decades, as technology made the supply chain a marvel of timeliness. In a world where you can order something on-line and have it the next day, being prepared takes on a different meaning. Today, a weather event means having the latest games on the Xbox and your watch-list ready for a day of video entertainment. In modern America, emergencies are an excuse to have a party and enjoy the emergency unfold on television.

This is probably why some people panic and buy ridiculous things like toilet paper and bottled water before storms and now before the plague. The emergency triggers something in people. The items they buy are symbolic. At some level, people know they are dependent on a system that they don’t understand very well, or trust all that much, to be there when it counts. The panic buying is a reaction to the sudden reminder that we are not as prepared to make it very long on our own.

Putting that aside, people need to be prepared for what will unfold over the next weeks or longer, depending upon how the virus spreads. One thing you should do is get to know your neighbors. Most people have limited contact with their neighbors, as most moved from somewhere else. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself to the other people in the neighborhood. Give them your contact information. Simply being a good example like this does a lot to prepare for what’s coming.

Here’s the thing. If the alarmist are right, Netflix will not be available, because the stack or bodies outside the cable company offices will keep the techs from entering the building and keeping the grid running. Playing cards with the neighbors will suddenly have real meaning in your life. Even if this is not the zombie apocalypse, taking the opportunity to build a little community with the people around you will do more for our people than a million lectures from activists.

For young guys, take this opportunity to call the old people in your life. You will quickly realize the internet banter about the “Boomer Remover” is childish when you start checking in on the older folks. You’ll learn the joys and being a man and what it means to be responsible. The first duty of every man is to protect the vulnerable. Old people, women, kids, they are your duty. Now is a good time to practice that habit. You’ll find that it is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Sadly, the generations of plenty means we have an unsightly build-up of maladapted mutants¹ in our ranks. Everyone has a nutty wine aunt or screeching AWFL² in their life these days. These people don’t get better under stress. In fact, they will seem worse, because your patience for them will be lower. Since we are not allowed to burn them at the stake just yet, you need to plan for them. Remember, they feed on your irritation, so the plan must be designed to starve them of what they crave.

There’s also the fact that many high functioning maladapted mutants will go haywire during this crisis. Remember back to the 2000 election. Think about how that sort of loopy liberal person in your life suddenly turned into a lunatic. That election triggered something in these mutants that sent them around the bend. The 2016 election made many people in our lives so unpleasant we had to cut them off. The mutant is most volatile in times of high social stress and uncertainty.

That means you have to be prepared for some people in your life revealing themselves to be totally bonkers. The social media ghettos are already full of mutants hoping Trump gets the coronavirus. They will no doubt be going on about how Orange Man made the virus situation worse by doing something or not doing something, as the case may be. Remember, you are not good to anyone if you are sidetracked by these crazy people in your life. Prepare for a mutant outbreak.

Now, to help with that, here’s a bit of good news on that front. Maladapted people, like that AWFL in your office, tend to be lower in overall fitness. Their numbers are mostly a product of good times. That means they will be more vulnerable to this virus than normal people. Think about it, these people tend to be sick more often in general, so nature is probably going to clean up the mess in aisle crazy for us. At least it is pleasant thought, as you prepare for the zombie apocalypse.

Finally, prepare for that moment when you heard someone use the phrase “flatten the curve” for the six millionth time. Ritualized recitation of popular incantations are a part of modern life, but they will get really bad in this crisis. At some point, you’re going to hear “slow the spread” one too many times and the fist will instinctively ball up. The counter to this is to unplug from the media. They are useless anyway. The first duty of the prepared is to keep their wits about them.

¹Ed Dutton

²Affluent White Female Liberal

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4 years ago

In Taiwan on business. On another day we’ll take up the infuriating subject of how you have to go hat in hand to East Asia if you want to manufacture any kind of physical object. Just want to point out that there has been no panic here. No empty shelves, no fighting over toilet paper. The government has set up a system of rationing masks and hand spray. Your temperature is taken at a number of big stores and government buildings. Things function normally. Infections are low, about 50 cases and 1 death. I could point out the obvious virtues… Read more »

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

Of course, there’s the interesting subject of why Taiwan is so orderly, and why China, where the virus started in the first place, is such a mess, despite the two countries sharing a racial and civilizational background.

But I’m just a lowly merchant, not a sociologist, ha. My armchair theory is that size itself dissipates social trust. China is just too big to cohere.

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

You have a point. Here in the US, I feel a bit more affinity for my State and the West in general than say the East coast. But obviously, the East coast more than say Canada.

What’s the adage… Me against my brother, my brother and I against my cousin, my brother and I and my cousin against all others…

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

Paul – I find myself feeling a twinge of jealousy for countries like Taiwan, SK, Japan, etc. Just to not be incessantly confronted with the diversity. And their endless demands. I have nothing personal against any group of people – it’s just what Derbyshire says: a little salt in the stew is perfect. But endless amounts destroys the stew.

I miss feeling like a people. I miss the celebration of European arts and music. Or the traditional American spirit. I’m a dreamer I know but what I wouldn’t give to turn the clock back. Way back.

Reply to  Deana
4 years ago

I disagree with the rice burner derbyshire whos children do not look like him much at all. A little salt is like giving a mouse a cookie, he’s gonna come back for more and tell all his mice friends, then you have an infestation on your hands and before you know it the pantry is empty.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Deana
4 years ago

You may be a dreamer, but you’re not the only one….
(sincere apology for any song refence this may have engendered)

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

I talked a while back of my intention to retire in Taiwan. I know that doesn’t sit well with many here, and I understand why. I won’t argue their points, but this is the trajectory my life is currently on. One overwhelming reason why the idea of retiring there becomes increasingly attractive to me is that with one fell swoop the tax disappears from my life. Here in my upstate, rust belt city, the old way of life has been thoroughly dynamited. I was at mass this morning and whereas the church was SRO in my youth, there were maybe… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

“…with one fell swoop the tax disappears from my life.” KGB, not sure what you mean exactly, but be aware that our fedgov holds all American citizens and “U.S. persons” worlwide liable for income taxes, no matter what country they live in, how long they’ve lived there, or where and how their income, interest, or capital gains were acquired. And under most circumstances your foreign bank, brokerage, and other fincancial accounts may be considered reportable each year to both the IRS and the Treasury Department Financial Crimes Division. The increasingly oppresive regs in this regard are somewhat complicated, and the… Read more »

Reply to  Lars
4 years ago

KGB is talking about the “Stupid Tax”. It’s a Z-man thing…

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Ah so. An equally inescapable tax in my AO. .

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Lars
4 years ago

Blogs such as “Nomad Capitalist” and “Sovereign Man” offer much advise for dealing with the U.S. policy of global taxation. I recommend reading those blogs.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Kgb, do you have a Taiwanese wife or plan to start a business there? Taiwan doesn’t have a retirement visa. However you can get permanent residency after working or running a business for 5 years

Reply to  My_Comment
4 years ago

Mrs. KGB is Taiwanese, our daughter holds two passports too. In fact, my wife inherited a small strip of land on Penghu when her father passed away. With some capital improvements, it would provide a peaceful retreat from the bustle of Kaohsiung.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Why would anyone have an issue with you retiring in Taiwan? My self, I’ve considered Costa Rica, Panama, and Malaysia. I have a friend, originally from Canada, who lives in Shanghai, but has recently bought a place in Georgia (Caucasus) where he and his family are currently riding out the plague. Having a plan B (international living with second passport), as the sovereign man puts it, is basic horse sense. How can one argue with horse sense?

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
4 years ago

>>>> Why would anyone have an issue with you retiring in Taiwan? My self, I’ve considered Costa Rica, Panama, and Malaysia.<<<

Boomers: say shit like this

Also Boomers: Why do people hate us so?

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

You must be joking!

Why would I take life advice from guys like you?

Aren’t you a silly boy/

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

I talked a while back of my intention to retire in Taiwan. I know that doesn’t sit well with many here, and I understand why. No, I don’t understand this mentality at all. We can debate politics and other stuff to our hearts’ content on blogs like these. But at the end of the day, your life choices are your’s top me. I would not take advice from anyone on the internet unless they have some specialized knowledge that is necessary to you. That knowledge certainly is not to be found on an alt-right blog such as this. Websites such… Read more »

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

They definitely don’t want us to get a whiff of that “Hitler feeling”.

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

I live in another Eastern Asian country and don’t see any empty shelves except for face masks (which the government banned private entrepreneurs from selling on or off line. You have to go stand in line at a government center to get masks now). People don’t seem to panicking.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

Let’s just say you’re dealing with a higher quality human capital and leave it at that.

North American Vespers
North American Vespers
4 years ago

What is the worst n word you can call a black person? Neighbor.

Reply to  North American Vespers
4 years ago

Mine advised me one day that I was the worst racist she ever met. She’s a retired elementary school teacher and I asked her a question about an incident I experienced that – to me – indicated a high degree in indoctrination in our public schools. Race never entered into anything I asked her.

Did I mention her ancestors came from the “dark Continent”?

Reply to  Bill_Mullins
4 years ago

“I cannot rebut your argument. Racist!”

4 years ago

Thanks for donating your Sunday morning to post an article. A day without Zman is like a day without sunshine. Agree 100% with your sentiments.

4 years ago

Men cannot entertain even an atom of fear. In times of crisis, women and children instinctually follow our example — whether they admit it or not.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Good advice Zman. The panic will be the most dangerous thing we face. Walter Williams used to call the “black leadership” — Poverty Pimps. I think we now have Panic Pimps causing havoc around the country. The Wife was sick in bed for 3 days — and could not believe what had happened by the time she was up yesterday. Crazy people doing crazy things she cried. I will make a prediction that I know many here will not agree with; but we can disagree here can we not? I predict that the corona virus will cause less death than… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Yep. I agree with that analysis. Saw a video yesterday with a doctor who claims to cite the latest stat’s on the seasonal flu, 45M infected, 40k or so deaths and the season is not over.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I tend to agree with this, but I don’t have enough information to come to anything close to a firm conclusion. That’s the frustrating part of living in this age, the more information I have, the less I trust.

4 years ago

Remember the merchants and people that are currently taking advantage of this situation. Price gougers and fear mongers. When power was out in the 80’s here during the summer we all repaid the store that charged $20 for ice. He didn’t last long.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

They aren’t price gouging. They are part of the market indicating necessary pricing. /sarcasm

This is from the same people that told us that shipping everything to China was a smart move.

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
4 years ago

To be fair, sometimes it costs a lot of money to bring something scarce to market. Like if a region runs out of something and the regular logistics aren’t working, it might cost way more than normal to get the good. Sometimes the oil pumping stations go down and there are gas shortages and the only way to get the gas is to truck it in, which costs a lot of money and then consumers complain about the higher prices. Or water in a disaster area. It costs a lot of energy to bring that bottled water into a disaster… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Did you happen to see the guy who went through multiple states buying up all the hand sanitizer, was banned from selling it through Amazon and Ebay, and thought it was a good idea to complain about it to the NYT? Some people . . .

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

“Ban “price gouging” (otherwise known as “market pricing’), and you won’t have any market at all. And you will be shocked and amazed and have no idea why that happened.” – top post on Insty about the guys.

Some people of have no clue and mindlessly worship at the market altar.

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
4 years ago

It’s one thing to buy up generators that aren’t being used and spend lots of money and time to drive them into a natural disaster area. It’s another thing to take advantage of panic to profiteer by hoarding.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Buying generators and transporting them to a disaster zone to resell is fine. Doing that and then charging ridiculous prices is not.

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
4 years ago

People who do that are incurring large bills to do it. That is why they have to be sold for much. They have to drive around to a bunch of stores and buy them and then drive all the way to the disaster area and have to eat on the road and probably stay at least one or two nights in a hotel. Once they get there, people there are going to offer more money. There will be a bidding war if there are multiple people where you are selling them.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Doing that with critical items is a good way to get worked over with a hammer or a tire iron.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Chris_Lutz
4 years ago

This entire thread about gouging in scarcity brings up a matter long on my mind; distribution of necessities if and perhaps when the money supply breaks down. Shelter we have. Water and energy are installed, and can be commanded by the state at many levels as we have seen thru numerous shocks. The problem is food distribution if money is worthless. A problem I urge you all to consider, as famine is in that scenario a possibility. Its not food itself, its distribution. Now the problem is even if the shopkeeper gives it away – or its taken – is… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

My daughter legitimately ran low on TP and baby wipes and tried to get some online. IMS, she wound up paying over $60 for a single roll of that 12″+ diameter roll commercial TP. I thought Amazon had controls in place to prevent price gouging like that. It would appear otherwise.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Bill_Mullins
4 years ago


Reply to  Bill_Mullins
4 years ago

At the supermarket yesterday, there was no toilet paper. At the Dollar General store immediately next door, there were packages galore of paper napkins—exactly the right size for the job, but again no toilet paper. Folks need to think this through a bit—but of course that’s the essence and downside of panic, fear induced stupidity. Hence the reason I speak so much on avoiding it.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

My relative was complaining about all the bottled water being gone. I pointed out ” hey, you live in Seattle and its springtime, can’t they get enough to drink just by putting a pot outside”?

Reply to  Bill_Mullins
4 years ago

She’s as responsible as the seller for the price being $60. There’s no substitute for toilet paper?

edit: h/t Compsci below. You can also modify Yves search and, if you insist, find tp for a lot less than $60.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

If the grocers had done a little price gouging on toilet paper the shelves wouldn’t be as empty. Seems like people love the free market only until free market principles kick in. Just sayin’.

Reply to  Fodderwing
4 years ago

Most stores kicked in with limiting the amount you could purchase.

Reply to  Fodderwing
4 years ago

If price gouging is allowed, every garage might have a pile of stuff to sell in an emergency. Don’t like the prices? Stock up before need. Think of it as evolution in action.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Ok so what about the Fed?

$500B in repo for “high quality assets like Treasuries”.

$700 Billion in QE.

The pattern is now policy. Any crisis wall street cashes in, as well as local, state govts.

In 6 months they’ll be celebrating the “explosion of pent up demand” as they buy up the bankrupt little guy for pennies.


I’ll print up a bunch of bonds, and you print a bunch of dollars to buy them with. That way it can’t be called counterfeiting, except by people with more than 2 brain cells to rub together. Producing useful goods and services is for flyover rubes.

4 years ago

The virus is a fraud (higher contagiousness with a mortality rate of the flu) but societal panic to it is not. It will be interesting to see how our just-in-time distribution system, with very little reserves (reserves cut down profit maximization), will or will not cope with people “self-isolating” in their homes for week, driving down consumption enormously, and how the stock market, with its historically high amount of debt and the highest PE ratio of all time ( ) will react to it. My concern is a cascade effect where we are basically willing a Great Depression 2.0 into… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  JR52
4 years ago

To me, the most surreal aspect of this situation is how the US has collectively decided to euthanize its entire economy with barely a whimper of protest. Is it because there is some mass realization that asset prices are far too high and air needs to be let out of the bubble? Totally agree about the poor quality of the population. I was just at the grocery store picking up enough supplies for the next 10 to 14 days. The average person there was an aimless, chronically ill, decrepit, obese mess. They are not going to do well at the… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Yes, scary as wrt population quality. I am in that age bracket. I admit to bad thoughts on such as well. I’m scared because I look at them with horror and fear and in my worse moments I think “will that be me”, “how long before I become like them”, “how rude to even think such thoughts”, “who am I to judge”—but I can’t help it.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I ventured out to the gym this morning and was very pleasantly surprised. About half the people that there are normally – and far more of them were White or black. Almost all the Asians stayed home, same for the dot Indians. All the AWFLs were absent and all the LBFMs – about 75% male crowd. It was so much less stressful and I had no trouble using whatever I needed. I could easily get used to this.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

You prefer blacks to asians? I find that very odd since when asians replaced the blacks and browns in my area the graffiti was gone and it became a lot more civilized. I can’t read any of the signage on most stores but I’m far less worried about getting mugged these days.

Reply to  FashGordon
4 years ago

I don’t want to live among any of them . .. but at the gym, the black males are at least exercising – and given my death stare, no one has ever hassled me. The Asian women are always on their phones, or twittering together like birds, and they only pretend to exercise at best. The other day there were some Asian male teens and they were struggling with 10 lb dumbbells. They’re irritating in the extreme.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Yeah ok, but why should you need a death stare to not be hassled? Does not sound like a plus in favor of blacks. It’s mostly asians at my gym and sure they are weak but that just frees up the heavy weights for me 🙂

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Find a better gym, dude. Not busting your nuts, your stress level will go down and your post-workout satisfaction will go up markedly if you don’t have to exercise around mystery meats and women.

Reply to  Forever Templar
4 years ago

I’m not a dude . . . and my husband’s cheap (at least re gym membership)! Actually, we’ve belonged to numerous gyms at numerous prices and there are always women and mystery meats. My older son’s girlfriend claims her new one is much less diverse so I’m going to check it out.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

(Puts on best Sir Alec Guinness Voice) “LBFM… Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a very long time!”

Reply to  Kinch
4 years ago

I learned it from my hubby, who learned it from his father, who was an army officer. Passing down of knowledge ya know!

Reply to  JR52
4 years ago

“Willing a Great Depression 2.0 into existence…”. Yes. Though it was due anyway, given everything that has been going on for a while. This is simply the catalyst.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dutch – how about willing a man-made famine into existence? Stalin had to starve the Ukrainians, the Globalists just induced a panic.

4 years ago

Well, writing from near the epicenter of the largest concentrated outbreak in the US, so has been interesting to watch this play out. First batch of cases within town boundaries came in last night. FB exploded. I monitor it just to keep on top of local situation. This is AFWL-burg so am down to exactly two neighbors of the same ilk. However, there is a small network of the like minded and we check in with each other regularly. Panic took hold over the last few days–very similar to what I saw during Sandy. These people are not well adapted… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

WTF has happened to New Rochelle?
I lived there, near eastchester and north, in the early seventies; it seemed like such a nice place. lots of trees and open space, nice people, clean streets.
Zoning changes?, over-development?

4 years ago

I’d like to think that this epidemic will cull the herd, but I fear that only a few thousand sick, old people (I’m in the old, but not the sick category) will die. Then it will be back to business as usual and within a few months, this will be forgotten.

Felix Krull
Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago


It’s Climate Change on fast-forward. The Danish PM just put me in hock for $6,000 to prop up Danish employers, the total amounting to a fifth of the Danish GDP. That’s a pretty deep trough, not to mention that in a few weeks, the banks will start buying up assets at rock bottom prices.

The Western countries are fat and rich from generations of labor, but now it’s time to butcher the golden goose. In six months, we’ll all be speaking Jewish.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

In America we already do but don’t realize it. All that talk about capitalism and socialism, the city life, the dollar chasing, everything for sale, the neurotic focus on healthcare and therapy, gynocracy, etc.

Or Jews are just exemplary of all that, I can’t decide. All I know is it’s an insane asylum.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Mette Frederiksen is Jewish?

Aryans can be idiots all on their own without the necessity of puppeteers.

Felix Krull
Reply to  1Gandydancer
4 years ago

Mette Frederiksen is Jewish?

I wouldn’t be surprised.

She has decided to close our borders, but that it doesn’t apply to asylum seekers, who will be admitted as per usual.

Germans, Swedes, Norwegian, Brits, they can stay the fuck away, but refugees are always welcome.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Yes this is a panic to get money from the government , then use the free money to buy up the bankrupt in 6 months. No doubt we’ll be told its a recovery; “an explosion of pent up demand.”

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Wait, don’t the Danes count Govt spending as part of the gdp? That’s how the US gov boosts gdp – useful products can then be turned into useless scheiss by useless people and it counts as a win.

Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

I think so too but per Z’s post a couple of days ago this is a preview of coming attractions. Let’s use the ‘calm before the storm’ to get ready. We’re getting a useful look at what the future troubles will be.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Its a panic to get free money from governments then profit buying out the bankrupt in 6 months.

Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

The problem is that the precedent has now been set for a society-wide shutdown every time one of these viruses comes along.

We’ll be seeing this show on repeat in the years to come.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Meme, I hope you’re right. Their problems are our advantages now. Communities of level-headed realists that don’t soil themselves at the thought of collapsing the Chinese supply chain will have increasing leverage, influence and appeal.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile – the next time it happens, its curse shall be on Slow Joe’s head.

Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

It won’t, the economy isn’t like a water faucet you can turn on and off. China hasn’t even gotten it’s factories back on line. The trains that ship Chinese goods from Long Beach harbor to the rest of the U.S. haven’t been running for 4wee very weel ow. I used to hear one inter-modal train come by about every hour. Not anymore. Same with the trains goingLos Angeles.Every week this situation continues it means factories laying off workers and shutting down lines. This all has consequences. What China and our dependency on them showed was how fragile globalization is and… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Good point. The reliance on China is nuts. Still I think you’ll see what Americans are capable of when people are ready to get back to making money 🙂

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

There will be a demand to bring back medical manufacturing to the U.S. Everyone who manages a supply chain understands being dependent on a single source for anything, and China with the Kung Flu is certainly a single source. However, international trade and commerce, in general, will never go away. Rather, manufacturers will seek to diversify their sourcing so that they are not dependent on a single region for any of their inputs. Some of us call COVID-19 the Third World (non-Chinese) Full Employment Act of 2020. I think South East Asia will take over for a lot of China… Read more »

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

The prediction is for 500,000 to 2 million deaths, mostly elderly. I suspect the long term economic impact will be minimal. The 1918 Spanish Flu did not crater the economy, and the roaring 20’s came in in full force. I see no reason why it should be any different this time.

4 years ago

“nature is probably going to clean up the mess in aisle crazy for us”

Z sure can turn a phrase.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Morning Z! Yep….you have a true following. So many of us turn to you for rationality and stability. We don’t feel so alone reading you in the morning. And you give us a rueful laugh. Okay….enough about toilet paper already. We should write odes to toilet paper in the time of pandemic. Is it a sign of first world civilisation that we obsess over?! That we don’t wish to be hurled into the void of Turd World sanitation. Think you’re right. And your point is…. Yet the level of security and satisfaction that Range and Basic Husband have the perspicacity… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Yes, Range Fault, that’s exactly what to do. Keep living, enjoy life. Wife and I are catching up on chores. Tomorrow is being prepared for, but that is not considered one of death, gloom, or whatever. It’s life. God’s will, not ours will see us through.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Well said.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Also I picked up the biggest bottle of Bailey’s the liquor store had. 😉

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Always love hearing from you, Range Front. Best to you and basic husband – keep well and congratulations on your health – I am totally jealous of your weight loss!

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Sweet! 3g…keep your observations on the world coming. Best to you in return! Thanks! Each day I have a startle moment….what body do I have on now. Women get pregnant….we forget what size we are and whack the tummy into the kitchen sink. Then baby is out and body is back to normal size. We get fat…we get thin. I dream in different body sizes. Often when I wake up, for a moment I’m not sure what size I am. PS: Men appreciate my weight loss. Basic Husband proudly comments on my size. Women often go to eyeball rolling or… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I fatten up before the collapse.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Range, You might add Daniel Defoe’s “Journal of the Plague Year.” to the reading list. It’s been a long time since I’ve read it but I recall him being somewhat scathing on the topic of local government responses to the Black Death. At this Amazon link, I note that some enterprising soul has republished a paperback edition, it’s dated March 3 2020 (After 250 years, I’m sure the copyright has run out, even in the States) I’m circling the pool on the “Man shall live in Meat alone” diet, I’d love to hear more if you’d care to (as… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Bile…thank you for book suggestion….Will momentarily look it up! . Your body will become adapted to a high fat keto food plan. It took about 4-5 months for me to not spend half a day near a biffy. Now my gall bladder is fat adapted. Running on ketones like a 15,000 YO woman. Also takes up to 2 years to develop the neuronal infrastructure to be totally fat adapted and efficiently burn ketones instead of glucose. Then normies can have a day or two eating normie food then go back to full meat and keto transitioning back and forth. I… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago


4 years ago

My wife finally put her Facebook on ‘pause’ today. I’m hoping it’s permanent. We’re going to a neighbor kid’s birthday party today. Our neighborhood, even though its one of those ‘synthetic’ ones Z rails against (named after the farm that was torn down to build it), does have lots of women that glue the (real life) social network together.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

It’s exceedingly hard for me to imagine living in a world in which my wife is glued to Facebook, or some other form of “social media,” and I have no other say-so in the matter than ‘I hope her putting it on pause is permanent.’ Or, in other words, ‘I hope my wife’s temporarily coming to her better senses under extreme circumstances translates to her permanently coming to her better senses under “normal” circumstances.’ Hope in one hand, and sh*T in the other, bro, and see which hand comes out the winner in all of that, best I can tell… Read more »

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

Beginning to see your point. There needs to be a source of stability. The weaker partner will inevitable gravitate toward it. Personally, I note that I attract the most attention when the discussion lately has moved to preparedness wrt home quarantine and supplies. What was once laughed at and even ridiculed, now attracts absolute attention as I point to where such supplies are and how they can be used and how long such will last. Not just food/water, but communications, lighting, solar power, money, and such. Hell, even the dogs have an emergency supply of “Purina”.

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

I’ll give you a break since we don’t know each other, and I certainly didn’t really make it clear, but my home situation is a lot more complicated than it appears, due to significant medical problems for her after childbirth (both physical disability and both short and long-term mental instability). I am often acting as caregiver rather than just husband. I certainly understand your message and agree with it. The challenge I face is identifying when the battle is worth fighting, because otherwise it is fighting and dealing with anger & resentment all the time. I work my ass off… Read more »

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

BadThinker, I make no judgement upon anyone. Can’t speak for others, only relate a recent experience that I find ironically amusing in the present context of pandemic and preparation. If the environment deteriorates and we need to “pull stores”, I’ll also comment on how well I prognosticated. All the best.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Sorry wasn’t clear (again), wasn’t reacting to your comment, but mr. morris’. I appreciate the sentiment.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

As bad as things may get during whatever course the WuFlu will take, once the worst is over the demands for gibs from the usual corners and the endless hissy-fits and demands from the AWFLs will make covid-19 seem mild in comparison. Many of the worst are toning it down a bit, taking a wait and see attitude…just in case. But once it’s past that’s when the real plague of endless demands and threats begins. Getting to know your neighbor and developing a relationship, even the start of one, may pay off when our leaders on behalf of the parasites… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Actually, as I remember throughout my life, power interruptions have caused more neighborly interaction than anything else I can remember—both in the large cities (NYC) and the local smaller bergs I’ve lived in. Folks seemed to get out of the home and walk the streets. We live in a world of electronic distractions I guess.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

The fires in 2003 really brought our neighborhood together, what was left of it. Until the PTSD set in, and then things got a bit testy.

4 years ago

As much as I enjoyed the content here just a few months ago, ZMan’s coverage of this panic is the best out there. Quietly taking steps to protect you and yours is a very prudent course of action, but we also can’t lose sight of how our culture has been consumed by the concept of crisis, of which this is the most egregious manifestation yet. Every politician, every “expert” out there is now the equivalent of the telegenic Kens and Barbies that stand out in a windy squall, insisting that this latest tropical storm is the most calamitous of all-time.… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Yes, the freak out has been turned up to eleven for a while…and now they found a way to get it to twelve.

4 years ago

Never let a good apocalypse go to waste!

Reply to  HamburgerToday
4 years ago

Fun Fact: the world ends 29% more often today than in 1960…

Clayton Barnett
4 years ago

“…sixth millionth time.”

Reply to  Clayton Barnett
4 years ago


4 years ago

Always interesting when specialists differ, either factually or in degree of alarm. Michael Osterholm, prominent public health, infectious disease expert, Univ. of Minn, on Rogan: “People say, ‘Wait a minute, flu kills a lot more people every year than Coronaviris does.’ And I’ll remind people that this is just the beginning…Our best guestimate is that Covid19 will be 10 to 15 times worse than the worst seasonal flu year we see.” 1:28 to 1:45 Jonathan Runstadler, Tufts Univ. infectious disease expert: “In some ways, COVID-19 has behaved similarly to the flu, though perhaps it’s a bit more contagious in… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

The truth is we just don’t know. Not yet, anyway.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

I posted a clip from Osterholm earlier this week – Z called its content scare-mongering and that’s what my instincts were as well.

These are the same government “scientists” who told us 15 years ago that the glaciers would all melt in 10 years, and now tell us that gender is a choice.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I don’t know, Osterholm has a lot of experience studying these things. In various interviews he does display some over-hype tendencies and ego-need for recognition. But he has serious background and has always been the opposite of PC on China. My view is to take in as much expert opinion as possible, and not be too quick to wave them off as mere charlatans.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Frip- I see your point, but the Joe Rogan Experience isn’t where you go if you’re about serious, nuanced discussion.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Rogan was probably a C-, D+ student. That doesn’t mean his guests are dumb. Interview was an hour & a half. They covered a good bit. But yeah, if you meant to just generally dis Joe, I’ve got no problem with that. He’s sucks at follow-up questions and is afraid to truly question expert assertions, because he’s afraid to look dumb. Many missed opportunities with Osterholm.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Scientists unable to stand up against stupid things like “gender is a construct” does not bode well for their credibility. Tenure and funding mean towing the official line.

Now no one believes the official line.

4 years ago

My response to people going on about how terrible the covid-19 pandemic is/is going to be is to recite Vanderboegh’s Dictum.
“When in danger, or in doubt,
Run in circles;scream and shout!

Non-mutants and non-AWFLs get it and laugh. Those who don’t aren’t worth your time.

Felix Krull
4 years ago

Great column.

We should signal boost the panic mongering, make people appreciate their primary social networks more.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Absolutely. Normie does not think, normie is only afraid. Let the word “corona” be the new razizz.. This time we say the normie scaring magic word to get things done.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

So you’re saying it was wrong to text #boomerremover to all my older relatives?

4 years ago

Totally off-topic Zman, but would make for a good column from you – latest fertility doctor scandal reported at Daily Mail (the usual, using his own sperm to father dozens, rather than the intended sperm from partner/husband) in Holland. Take away line from one of the more than 60 people who find themselves to be half siblings: “Before this happened I thought nurture was more important than nature, that we are all a product of the way we are raised. But meeting Marsha, and all of the others, makes me realise you’ll never change that blueprint. Many of the Karbaat… Read more »

4 years ago

The Ed Dutton video is both perceptive and hilarious!

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

He’s a “hoot” as my ancestors would have said. 😉

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

It was hilarious when they asked him to use a microphone because he was breathless. “I’ll carry on!”

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
4 years ago

A Field Report;
Fear not, for I bring you glad tidings of great joy. On our roads local log trucks are still picking up Poppel Logs* from the winter woods. Those log trucks are still driving to nearby paper mills. There those logs get made into, ….TP_!!!

Hallelujah, the TP supply chain lives_!

Z Man: My compliments on your nice lite, semi-humorous touch above.
* Poppel is local for any sort of fast growing softwood.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Al from da Nort
4 years ago

I suspect then that you are aware Georgia Pacific continues to produce mass quantities of TP (and likely you are also aware Koch Industries owns GP). Charles Koch can’t be too unhappy these days.

King Tut
King Tut
4 years ago

Been on a call with family back in the UK today. They personally know three people who have been diagnosed with the Wuhan Flu and all are critically ill or fighting for life. So that answers my question of whether this whole thing is bullsh*t or not.

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

Nobody sane thinks the virus is bullshit, it’s the projected scope and incessant panic mode of the media that is bs.
Anyway, we have 10 to 14 days before the supposed worst case scenarios manifest.

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

Unless you’re old or have a compromised immune system, it’s total bullshit.

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

Most here think its bullshit. They are royally pissed at Trump for being a serious Buzzkil about it.

Their advice is to simply ignore whatever the government says and just party on.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

As per usual, Trump’s initial instincts were dead-on, then he got horrible advice from those around him. (Rumor has it a certain son-in-law featured prominently in that advice).

I don’t see how this can be anything other than a catastrophic “L” for him. I’m open to arguments otherwise, but there’s no way this will be his Pearl Harbor; more like a nationwide Katrina.

4 years ago

nig-nogs to the right of me, wine box ladies to the left of me. books and bullets in the middle. the box wine ladies get a pass. the nig-nogs ,well I’m sure there are plenty of new Orleans type jerk spices left on the shelfs just in case. I haven’t owned a tv in 15 years, don’t do the smart/dumb phone thing, got rid of Netflix when the dear white people show showed up a few years ago. so not really a stretch for me. I got a stand up old lady and no rug-rats or dogs to deal with.… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

I don’t care about the virus itself that much, it’s basically the flu with a punch. What people will really feel is the derivates contracts that are blowing up right now. Billion dollar contracts tied to oil, currencies and everything in between are running afoul of their covenants. We’ll fell it in the smattering of bankruptcies next month.

4 years ago

From the ground. I live in California which has more mutants than Genosha. People here while buying lots of guns and ammo and the like are actually more pleasant than usual and behaving fairly soundly. I just see a lot of perplexed people and a lot of concern However stores are basically bereft of goods and this is a real problem as they aren’t being refilled. The same “just in time” systems are tied to lean manufacturing and one guy comes down with so much as the sniffles the factory gets shuttered and there is no surplus labor to make… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

If none of that happens to near the degree you espouse, would it be ok if I revisited your post 4 months from now and called you “panicky”?

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Sure. But I have assumed everything is gonna go since the late 80’s. Assume the worst, hope for the best, you know the rest.

That said some supplies are still available, Costco had a small amount of paper goods and rationed them pretty well. Bottle water is not available which is silly. I doubt the water supply is going to go out any time soon.

People in general have been pretty polite though. I

Shelves being empty of most everything except crackers, ,candy and soda is highly disconcerting

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

Spare a thought for your local neighborhood sex worker.

Reply to  abprosper
4 years ago

I live in a university town in the Upper Midwest. I went to the local SuperSaver on Thursday to pick-up a few items (primarily for my strategic beer reserve), and it was worse than the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Paper products were gone and so was bread, however, other items remained in full supply. I went to the SuperSaver this morning and most paper products had been re-stocked (although, you were limited in purchase amounts).

On the balance, it was orderly both times, but people were on edge. Hopefully, the worst has passed.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
4 years ago

The grid never went down in Wuhan. I see no reason to believe it will here.

I know that control of freedom of association is a part of the whole alt-right zeitgeist. But I see no reason to give this liberty up for anything more than, say, a 3 month period.

4 years ago

As I’ve said, This is, of course , the Orange Man’s doing. It destroyed Bernie’s candidacy. 1. Granda’s legacy will pay off the Student Loans of the whinging X’ers who accumulated six figure debt for their degree in Messican Lesbian Literature and the subsequent job at Starbucks- no taxpayer bailout. 2. The housing shortage is solved: They can move out of Mommy’s basement and into the newly vacant Retirement Villages. -No excuse to destroy affluent white suburbs by flooding them with high occupancy zoning codes . 3. No need to import a million Guats a year (plus dependents) to change… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

And his bring the jobs back to the US from China looks pretty fucking bright right now, doesn’t it?

4 years ago

It’s extremely unlikely that utilities such as power, water, internet will be widely disrupted. The WuFlu is, at worst, as bad as the Spanish flu of 1918. Even though about 30% of the US got infected and it had ~1% mortality, the economy hardly noticed and 1918 was a good year for the stock market. That pandemic targeted middle-aged people (I.e., working age) more that this one, which seems to have a very low mortality rate among people under 60. If it were to get so bad that internet service is disrupted, we’ve got much worse problems than Netflix being… Read more »

Reply to  Gauss
4 years ago

The Spanish flu was unique in the high mortality rates for young adults.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Young adults were also unique at that time for spending the prior four years standing around ankle-deep in contaminated water in rat-infested holes in the ground and subsisting on potatoes and turnips in between the times they spent trying to kill each other. That’s why I’ve always thought it ridiculous to try and draw conclusions about pandemics today from the Spanish flu. Half the world at least was completely devastated after four years of destruction and deprivation and hardship. It’s no surprise that not many countries had the resources on hand to deal with flu outbreaks in 1918.

Reply to  RDittmar
4 years ago

Absolutely. But it struck down that demographic regardless of whether they had served or been abroad. I don’t know (neither do most posters on most sites.) I do wish people would keep an open mind instead of doing the -up/-down vote crap social media promotes.

Reply to  Gauss
4 years ago

The reason the Spanish flu didn’t kill more because we were a rural country, long distance driving just did not happen, cars were in their infancy and outside of town or the cities, roads were just muddy tracks.People stayed put.

Reply to  Gauss
4 years ago

Yeah but in 1918 there was social cohesion. 75% of the population wasn’t obese, on happy pills or addicted to the feelies. Country was 90% european and blacks were relegated to their own homogeneous neighborhoods. It was a completely different society. What we have now is a deracinated incoherent mess.

Jim from Boston
Jim from Boston
4 years ago

One wonders whether demographics is being considered in the projected death tolls.

The ratios on total-infected per fatality (based on China CDC numbers) for COVID-19 by age follow:

80 and older ….. 7​
50-something … 77​
40-something … 250​
10-39 ………….. 500

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

It’s puzzling, isn’t it? For a universal virus, you’d expect Africa, Central/South America, and India to get hammered. That doesn’t seem to be the case though. At least not yet.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

There is reported heavy infection in Africa but even mass casualties would go unnoticed as everything can kill you in that slaughterhouse of a continent.

They are also a lot of young people with robust immune systems so the casualty rate will be low.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

Those people all die before they reach 50. This is offset however by extreme r selection. All the women have 6+ kids. 20% of that continent has aids, this virus is not going to do much. They have the breeding strategy of mice, human life is extremely cheap to them. The reason our groups are so different is not simply due to culture, there is a strong genetic component.

Jim from Boston
Jim from Boston
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

On the cases-per-fatality rate, you’d think that the American healthcare system would be able to improve on the Chinese rates — such as 7 cases/death in over-80s — since we spend some 17X more on healthcare-per-person than the Chinese ($10.2K vs $605, c.2018), and have such open and free communication here in the States.

You’d think. Wouldn’t you?

Reply to  Jim from Boston
4 years ago

We spend more — as you noted — on the “healthcare system,” not the “patient care” system. Once healthcare was financialized and the stockholders’ returns became paramount it was all over. It’s easy to find the rate of growth of administrators v. providers. Medicine ought to have been the one sector immune from financialization. Healthy people don’t need it often enough to make it profitable and the price destroys sick people (who are often taken advantage of when they are least able.)

Reply to  Jim from Boston
4 years ago

Spend the most by far yet we are the only first world country who’s life expectancy is falling. Maybe paying some Indian with a third world degree from mumbai U 500K a year was a bad investment. Maybe allowing tribesmen owned drug companies to run rampant with very little oversight was a bad idea too. Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to fix that? But he’s a nog so to criticize him would be racist. What a fuckign mess.

george 1
george 1
4 years ago

I am just an average guy. I have no clue how all of this will end. But I appreciate the Z-Man’s words and all of the good input on this site. I want to wish you all well and God’s speed.

Take Care!!

Reply to  george 1
4 years ago

you dying tomorrow or what?

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
4 years ago

I love everything about this post today Zman. Sound advice and productive motivational points throughout. Thank you.

4 years ago

The more general error is lack of thrift. I have (even with the present crisis) more TP and bottles of water than I need. I just keep them in a pantry and rotate stock, but I bought them when they were “loss leaders” on sale (25% or more off) at the local stores. When the water is under $0.10/bottle, I buy several cases, if I have room. Same with TP that doesn’t go bad. Buy low. I’m tempted to “sell high”. I’m not as worried about food as I’m in a net producing region, and if they can’t get the… Read more »

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
4 years ago

Get to know your neighbors and look after the vulnerable.

One hundred times this.

4 years ago

Really miss the old neighborhood. Everybody knew everybody and they were friendly. You shoveled the old ladies walk when it snowed or dug out the fire hydrant at the end of the corner just because. Would always have a laugh on the street or help carry out an old sofa . . . ..and then the yuppies showed up. Living in a cheap condo development south of the city and my neighbors just flat-out suck. Never seen a bunch of more self-centered ,arrogant assholes in my life. To make matters worse they just finished the ” obama housing ” at… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Mexico closing their northern border is sure to set off a whole new bout of cog-dis amongst a bunch of people. Bring it on!

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Over at Hot Air (my normie conservative habits die hard), Jazz Shaw’s byline accompanying this story was, “You guys need a hand with that?”

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

LOL Who the hell is going to do the enforcement? The drug cartels….?

Reply to  bilejones
4 years ago

Something I haven’t heard discussed at all is what will happen to the millions of opiate and cocaine addicts who won’t be able to get their goods. I don’t think many of those people are much into prepping. I predict another few weeks of this and along with all the Wuflu cases there will be tons of people going into seizures from withdrawal. Then again, if you traffic drugs you have a high risk tolerance. It will probably hit the people addicted to prescription opiates hardest as the supply lines from China shut down. Bad month to be a garbage-head.

4 years ago

Ohio Gov. DeWine has just shut down all restaurants and bars. This is a crazy overreaction. Cooks, waiters, busboys — these people don’t have thousands of dollars in savings to weather being out of work for weeks. There’s going to be rioting in the street when people start being put out of their houses because they can’t pay the rent. But then I suppose DeWine will forbid me from evicting people who can’t pay, as if I’m just an endless font of money.

stain remover
stain remover
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

EXCELLENT! They’re not Americans. I’ll shoot the Mexicans first.

Reply to  stain remover
4 years ago

Around here, the cooks, waiters and busboys are mostly White.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

All the talk about “price-gouging” and “hoarding” brings a simple question to mind. Which is more desirable in a disaster situation: Price-gougers selling crucial supplies at very high markups? Or no crucial supplies available to buy at all? Honest question: Which is preferable?

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Just because you say it’s an honest question doesn’t mean it is.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Honest question, which is more desirable: People delivering critical supplies at reasonable markup or gougers showing up, taking valuable resources (gas, transportation, housing, preventing efficient distribution) to gouge people in need?

See two can play that game.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Chris_Lutz
4 years ago

I asked first Chris. But if you answer mine, I’ll answer yours. Deal?

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Hey, just answer the question Frip!

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I hope the ladies will listen to Doctor Oz:
Dr. Oz on Coronavirus: “This Has been Around. A Lot of People Had This and Didn’t Realize It. 80% of People Had Very Subtle Symptoms”

4 years ago

Does The Woodpile Report presage the demise of Mrs Remus?

4 years ago

I’m always a little taken aback when people say they don’t know their neighbors. We have one neighbor-from-hell but everyone else is really, really nice. We house/pet sit for each other all the time. Anyway, I’m self-quarantining because ever since I got gassed I’m susceptible to lung infections. So, does anyone have any podcasts or films they can recommend? (No politics, though, it’s just too depressing.)

4 years ago

Most of the charts being presented in order to generate and support a panic, display exponential expansion, asymptotically approaching infinity. Very few things in nature exhibit such dynamic instability. Instead, sinusoidal behavior, often critically damped, is typically what happens when a previously stable system is disturbed. The sigma in today’s equation in the U.S. is probably at about 20 degrees. If one believes the reports from China, theirs is probably now at 60 degrees, though the exponent is of course much larger.

4 years ago

Folks, I’m carrying chem for a hospital supply manufacturer- gloves, gowns, masks, that sort- on the West coast. Extra heavy because they’re ramping up. (I carried sterilizing wipes, etc out from Jersey, so they’re already there to restock.)

I carry amazon or fedex style freight to the East- so please don’t lose your jobs and keep shopping online, and I’ll keep the sanitary products coming. Lets get ‘er done.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Fooie. Overweight. Got tension on my suspension.
Too far from SinCity to turn back, I’m headin’ on to Shakeytown. Standin’ on it so hard the radiator fan is clippin’ muh toenails, c’mon.

I may not be a big dog, but I am an old dog, I know a few tricks. The People’s Republic of Fruits, Nuts, and Flakes can kiss my fat tailbone, 10-4. Roger that, ya copy?

4 years ago

“Grid didn’t go down in Wuhan”

Thank you Lineman
Thank you Range

CA coast is selling “organic TP, locally manufactured”: bags of leaves

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
4 years ago

The Protocols are working nicely. Fear and panic induced Goyim staring at the Jewtube to be told what to do. A sad, sorry day in what used to be America.

4 years ago

Z: “In modern America, emergencies are an excuse to have a party and enjoy the emergency unfold on television.”

Not in Mexifornia. No TV during the artificial power outage.

Now Newsom is demanding that I self-isolate, so no card games with the neighbors.

M. Murcek
4 years ago

The boomer thing. I get that these kids don’t even realize it’s shorthand for “I have no respect for you” and I’ll disrespect them right back. I’ve been called worse and I expect I haven’t seen the worst yet. I do notice older folks respond well to being treated respectfully. Are we all Japanese deep down inside? When I lived in PeeAye everybody bought milk, toilet paper and white bread every time the teevee weather person said “snow.” Fortunately in all that time I never had to choke down a stale milk and toilet paper sammich.

4 years ago

Central banks are priming the swap lines again. If this fails and we start discovering what can go wrong in a debt-based economy, we may learn that globalists can no longer maintain grid-based surveillance or hire enough muscle to suppress restless natives. Especially not way out in the provinces.

A total collapse of order is not necessary for things to start slipping. Simply an overstretched police force no longer able to respond to each emergency call is enough. A military unit confined to base. Consider how things were in Appalachia during the WBS, or in Baghdad after Saddam was overthrown.

4 years ago

Check and compare the latest stats for the U.S. against the rest of the world especially total cases per million population.

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
Reply to  Zachinoff
4 years ago

WRT China’s higher death rate, I’ve been to China many times, and unless you’re in a five star hotel in a major city, the place is filthy, and people live on top of each other like ants. There’s no way the situation will be as bad in the U.S.