Africa and Malthus

In fifteen years, one out of every six people will be murdered. Of those who are left, 25% will be thrown into poverty. Millions more will commit suicide rather than face what will suddenly become a dreadful present. Marauding gangs lead by drug addled youths will harass what remains of civilization, as life descends into a Hobbesian war of man against man.

That sounds pretty awful, I bet. But, a world that suddenly has only enough food to nourish 70% of its people would quickly descend into violence and mayhem. How the mayhem would play-out would depend upon the people. When the French ran out of food, they perfected the use of the guillotine. In Africa, it has meant widespread famines where millions starved to death.

Africa is a net importer of food and it has a stratospheric fertility rate. I don’t think you have to be Raj Chetty to figure out that this will lead to some problems far more serious than income mobility or the lack of self-actualizing jobs. Africa is a low-IQ world with high disease rates and massive public corruption. Add in a staggering murder rate and it is not had to think the description in the first paragraphs is the best case scenario for Africa. The exodus that is on tap will make the current flood look like a trickle.

That, of course, is the specter haunting Europe. There are roughly a million Africans trying to get across the Mediterranean at this very moment. They are not starving or fleeing war. They are, most probably, members of what passes for a middle class in their home countries. They have the means to pay smugglers to get them north. They also have relatives, who made the trip before them, so they can have a cushion in their new home in France.

People on the Dissident Right like to talk about how the Euroweenies have no idea what’s coming their way. The implication is that the coming great exodus from Africa will wipe out the European just as Homo Sap wiped out the Neanderthals. That, I think, is very wrong. The Europeans know exactly what’s brewing south of them.

The sheer numbers are staggering. Sub-Saharan Africa has about a billion people. The EU countries have about 500 million people. If 20% of Africa heads north the EU suddenly resembles Baltimore in many places.

Or worse. Most of these immigrants will head to urban areas so imagine dozens of Detroits dotting the map of Europe. Throw in an equal number of Arab Muslims and , well, you have the diversity paradise our betters have been dreaming of for so long.

That’s never going to happen and the evidence is right in front of us. The Europeans are finding ways to turn back the boat people. If that fails they will start repatriating them in mass. Additionally, they will pay the Berbers and Arabs in the Maghreb to hold the line and turn a blind eye to the tactics they use to do it. The politicians in Europe are not going to commit suicide over the plight of Africa.

It’s not that they would not like to sellout their own people. It’s that they have bigger problems. The Russians are creeping in from the east. America is disengaging from the Continent. Most member states are effectively bankrupt, held up with currency games. The EU is too unstable to do anything other than take a hardline on African immigrants.

If the Africans can’t head north and they can’t stop breeding, then the choice is follow the old route out of Africa and head into Turkey and the Near East. While that would be hilarious for a number of reasons, it is unlikely. That leaves famine and war as tribes fight over the limited food supplies.

Yemen is probably a good example to hold in mind. The Saudis and GCC have been subsidizing them for years as the population far outstripped the country’s capacity to feed its people. It was a loser bargain. The Saudis wanted to keep the Yemenis in Yemen so they sent them food. Free food set the Malthusian event horizon further and further out, allowing the population to mushroom.

What not one thought about is how a population explosion would impact the other social infrastructure. Yemen was a land with cultural and civil infrastructure for about 2 million people. Now they have 20 million and the whole thing has collapsed into anarchy. I’ll just note that everyone has turned a blind eye to Yemen, letting the Saudis do what must be done to keep the Yemenis in Yemen.

That’s the likely outcome of the African population boom. Eventually, the Finnish model will be adopted by the EU, not the Swedish model. The Finnish model is to send food and reject refugees, arguing that food aid does more good for more people than importing refugees. The Swedish model is the opposite. Sweden is trying to turn their country into Syria with snow drifts.

Europe has too many other problems to try and pass that by their voters so they will adopt the Finnish approach. Inevitably, the French will lecture the rest of us for not sending more food and medicine to Africa and the US will be there to ship tons of food to the needy Africans. That, of course, will literally feed the population boom.

There’s an assumption that the West will not let the Africans starve and the blockade will be lifted, letting tens of millions of Africans to enter the West. History says other wise. The two big East African famines carried on with little more than hand-wringing by the West. The Rwandan massacres were allowed to go on without any in the West even mentioning it. Bill Clinton simply shrugged and went back to raping interns.

It’s common in the West to read about how we are post-Malthus. We are now in a post-scarcity world in which there’s more than enough of the essentials. The poor are fat and lay around all day in comfortable homes watching television. Machines will soon be doing all our work, leaving us free to live like Eloi.

In the coming decades, Africa is going to demonstrate that the Malthusian limit is still there. As we saw with the Ebola breakout, modernity means Africa’s problems can quickly become our problem. The nightmare future of Africa will be no exception. Our world will be a vastly different place in 20 years as a billion Africans figure out how to live on enough food for half a billion Africans.

6 thoughts on “Africa and Malthus

  1. You seem to be taking Ralph Peter’s position on Europe — that the Euros will go Fascist before they go Arab or African.

    Normally, I try to stake out the corner cases and then postulate the “playing field” in between. However, I don’t think I can frame this problem that way. I believe that the Euros at this juncture face a very polar solution set. They can try to blockade the barbarian hordes… they might even outsource the really ugly bits as you suggest. Or they commit suicide. I think Spengler the Younger would take the second option. I always thought a debate between him and Peters would be pretty kick ass.

    The Spanish have been fighting off the migrant waves fairly well at Ceuta and Melilla. So there’s some hope there. Alternatively, the Euros seem to be acting like they are already conquered in places like Rotherham and Malmo.

    I’m kind of in an interesting situation right now and hanging out with a lot of Euros. I don’t think they have the will to resist effectively. If there are any Sobieskis or Martels out there, I’m not meeting them. And so far, La Virgen is silent… no entreaties to pray for the conversion of the Musselmen.

  2. I would love to know where you get the figure of 1 in 6 to be murdered, and also where will the drug-addled youths will get their drugs? The common sense here is that as the state withdraws its money to pay the underclass to lounge around and do nothing except drink and take drugs then there will be trouble. That’s a given: I think as the anti-riot payments stop the word anti becomes redundant, but there won’t be many drugs being made or sold among it.

    Most cannabis farms in the UK use vast amounts of electricity to make the weed grow, and heat-detection is the usual way the cops find them. But once the power supply fails, weed growing is not going to be very lucrative.

    But, the future will unfold in some interesting ways I have no doubt.

    • I was merely painting a picture of a bleak future where food shortages implode the civil structures. But when you’re murder rate is 40/100,000 in the best of times, it’s not hard to imagine it rising to ten times that rate in a famine.

  3. Not a problem…China is being hoisted by it’s own petard as we speak…There is a massive export of Chinese jobs and industries to Africa…Kenya, Uganda,
    “He learned a lot. The corruption dismayed him. But Zhu liked Nigerians’ optimism, “always talking and smiling, not worrying about tomorrow”.”

  4. I suspect that African women of every race are capable of changing their breeding habits, which actually appears to be what the Yemenis did in response to free food.

    Even some of the most unintelligent people on earth have practiced reproductive control for eons. What is more difficult is convincing the Eloi to stop feeding the bears. Only a few hundred hangings would leave that peculiar class in a more productive relationship with gravity, and possibly save billions from short lives of misery. But this will play out the other way.

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