The Death of National Review

Mark Steyn’s response to Jason Lee Steorts may be the end of his relationship with National Review. While not explicit, he is clearly making the point that Steorts is both a homosexual and a homosexual activist. Rich Lowry will most likely side with his editor and Steyn will be sent packing. Lowry is a mouse of a man, who is allowing himself to be bullied by a belligerent homosexual. If he was a man, he would fire Steorts and be done with it, but that would take self-assurance, which Lowry lacks entirely.

At this point, there are only two reasons to read National Review. One is Mark Steyn and the other is Kevin Williamson. Williamson is phony in many ways, but he will take an unpopular position on occasion. His writing style is a bit ponderous, but it is better than most of what you get these days. It is just a matter of time before National Review looks more like the Nation than anything Buckley imagined. It is another example Conquest’s second law. Then again, conservatism was always just right-wing Progressivism.

The decline of National Review is a bit shocking in its speed. Rich Lowry has proven to be a ridiculous person and a coward. It was always clear that his main skill was in snuggling up to Buckley and O’Sullivan. That type is familiar to anyone who has worked in a organization of more than three people. Usually this type is quite ruthless once they get power. Instead, Lowry is turning out to be quite incompetent. Again, he is a ridiculous mouse of man, who has no business being in charge of anything.

The interesting thing to watch is whether the people controlling the money figure out that NR is in a death spiral before it becomes impossible to reverse. The current conservative movement is dead and it is about to be replaced by something new. We are headed to a demographic age, where your position on race determines your politics, not your position on economics. Will NR figure this out or will it still carry on like it is 1985? History says the latter and that the publication will be gone in a decade, maybe sooner.