The Great Disconfirmation

In one of his recent communications with the resistance, John Derbyshire mentioned this Joel Pollak column about the demise of the Obama cult. Pollak does not come right out and say it, but Obama was essentially a totem for the Left. His election was not about him or his polices, but instead it was about returning the Ark to the Temple, so to speak. The long war with the bad whites over racial justice was finally won and the blessings of the void where God used to exist would now descend upon the righteous.

As Derbyshire points out, Pollak is not the first guy to notice this as readers of this site certainly know. The only way to properly understand the American Left is to look at it as a civic religion. Because the American Left adopted European anti-Christianity in the 20th century, it is easy to think they are anti-religious. That’s a mistake the Right has made for half a century. The New Religion, what Progressivism is today, evolved out of the Social Gospel Movement, so it carries with it many of the same habits.

The most obvious of those habits is the obsession with public morality. Public Protestantism starts from the assumption that society is judged as a whole. The righteous, like the virtuous in revolutionary France, have a moral duty to raise up the fallen into the righteous life. This is what gives them license to nose around in your business and order you around.  It’s not about fitting the economic pieces together as with European socialists. The American Left is consumed with building the City upon a hill.

Derbyshire makes the point that when a prophecy fails, it is does not mean the end of the religion.

In fact all the hysteria on the left this past few weeks yields to a religious, or pseudo-religious explanation. Clearly some of the same kinds of passions are involved that you find in committed religious believers.

Consider, however, the fact that religions very rarely fail. They just adapt.

Recall the Millerite sect that flourished in the 1840s. William Miller, who founded the sect, predicted the Second Coming of Christ at a certain date. Thousands of followers sold all their belongings and waited joyfully for the day. When nothing happened, Miller just reworked his calculations and set another day … then another.

You’d think a disappointment like that — it was actually called the Great Disappointment — you’d think it would kill a religion stone dead. Not at all. Here’s a historian writing about the Millerites, quote:

Following such a catastrophic failure, one might expect that the Millerite movement would fade away entirely. But that is not what happened. Although the fragmented Millerites languished for some time, and though many did abandon the movement, several of the competing splinter groups would ultimately gain new life. Hiram Edson’s [Millerite] sect … developed into a denomination that still exists — the Seventh-Day Adventists, who today number as many as 15 million members worldwide.

End quote. For truly committed believers, a religious or pseudo-religious passion like that can’t be put aside. It doesn’t fail, it only needs adjusting.

Again, readers of this site know where this is going. The thing that holds together these sorts of movements is an internal psychology that allows them to internalize disconfirmation. There is a famous study in psychology by three guys named Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken and Stanley Schachter. They studied a UFO cult based in Chicago that claimed space aliens were due to arrive on a certain date. When that failed to happen, the cult did not dissolve. It transformed into something else.

That’s an important lesson to keep in mind when watching the antics of the Left of late. Their lunacy is not directed at the rest of us. They don’t care what you or anyone else thinks about what’s happening. Their public acts are about signalling to the rest of the believers. By holding protests and making fools of themselves in a public way, they are providing support for one another as they work through the disconfirmation. Like herd animals, they are huddling together in the face if danger. It is pure instinct.

If they were left to sit alone at home, they would have no one around to help them through their doubts. These are people whose entire sense of self is dependent on the identity of the group, so getting out and “making their voices heard” lets them focus on something other than the disconfirmation. Trump as Hitler provides a short term bridge between the failed prophesy and whatever comes next for the New Religion. They can tell themselves that their faith was not wrong, it was just subverted by mysterious forces, or Hitler.

In the past, Progressive Awakenings were followed by period of hibernation as new missions and causes were conjured by the next generation of believers. The trouble for them this time is there is no obvious replacement for identity politics and social justice. When you’re reduced to championing the rights of mentally ill men in sundresses, you have run out of victims. The nation’s changing demographics also means that identity politics will play against this sort of utopianism.

In the mean time, the rage of the true believers will result in more public displays of incoherent misery. The reason they have no point is they cannot face the cause of their pain. It has nothing to with Trump or his policies. It is an unspeakable rage at having failed to reach the promised land. The rage is a distraction and a source of comfort to the believers as the Cult of Modern Liberalism comes to terms with the great disconfirmation of the last decade. Let’s hope they to make their way through it.

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George Orwell
George Orwell
7 years ago

Progressives have conjured their own nightmare. They convinced themselves not only that Donald Trump was The Worst, Most Stupid, and Most Disreputable Person in the World, but also that beating him would be so easy as to be trivial, a matter of jest, a mere novelty showing how feckless and silly any opposition to The Cult would be. Instead, all the smartest and most sophisticated people have proved wrong. Not just a little mistaken, but wholly out of touch with the frightening, unexamined wasteland that Dirt People call America, a wasteland that wallows in blasphemy… and now has power. Manichaeans… Read more »

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

The more the left yells, insults, and acts batshit crazy, the more us Dirt folks dismiss them as unserious crackpots. It’s like we have started a reinforcing loop which the leftists are now trapped in. They only know how to get crazier and more detached from reality.

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

I’m treating them the way I treated my kids when pre-shoolers. Just ignore the tantrums, and try to keep them from hurting themselves or someone else as they battle their demons. Worked with the kids, all six being elderly, responsible, self sufficient adults now.

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

A tagline I use on several websites is: ‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

That it’s a temper tantrum there is no doubt, but it’s very much deliberate and calculated. Remember that video of the protestor in a green jacket shouting that long drawn out “Noooo,” when Trump took the oath? It was preceded by a bit of a tell as the protestor opened his (her?) eyes and glanced sideways to make the camera was focused on himherself. This is all wonderful theatre and they actually think it’s going to have an effect. Tim

Reply to  Tim
7 years ago

It is going to have an effect, just not the one they want.

James LePore
7 years ago

This is why the Cult loves radical Islam. They see it as kith and kin and secretly admire the terrorism by which they seek to enforce their “religion” on others. They wish down in their bones that they had the nerve to do the same. Both of these religions are filled with lunatics.The difference between them is that the Cult are physical and moral cowards and not quite as insane at the real terrorists. They are western after all and have good lives. They will march, cry in public and wear vaginas on their heads, but they will never do… Read more »

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

There’s not much fundamental difference between the two cults. They both certainly employ crisis as a means and creating false narratives, they both lie through their teeth, because to both, the ends justify the means. Ones is dressed up in the gig leaf of religion, the other morality superiority, being both disguises are false fronts, there is little difference. Looks like they have a ripe meme with the murders in Canada last night. And it’s White Supremacists! Who could have imagined. Works out somebody trolled the Daily Beast and they took the bait. Some reports speculates it was Sunni against… Read more »

James LePore
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

It looks like the Quebec killer was Moroccan. There goes the meme.

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

Lets watch how they spin this one. Musloids with guns shooting other musloids in a dis-armed socialist state. Somehow they will figure how to twist into the cause of white racism.

James LePore
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

I agree, they’ll try but deep down they’re freaked out as this is a whole new ball game, I.e. which Muslim is the bad guy?

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

the ayatollahs initially partnered with the communists, during the takeover of Iran. within a year all the commies were dead.

7 years ago

I hope they don’t make their way through it any time soon. Idiocy like the women’s march with the obscenities and genital sculptures make it plain to anyone these people are crazy. I think these women should take their signs and sculptures to their next job interview. I ‘d like to know how that goes.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  thor47
7 years ago

and to their first/next date

Jay Dee
7 years ago

The human mind can tolerate only so many conflicting thoughts before descending into madness. An excellent example are the conflicting ideas that police are racist murderers combined with the fervent belief that only police should have guns. While self-styled Progressives may decry Trump, they cannot deny that they themselves nominated Trump. The thought was that Trump would be the easiest candidate for Hillary to beat. So, the Democrats crossed over in open primary states to vote for Trump, the candidate. If Progressives were into self-flagellation, they would be beating themselves bloody for that brilliant move but then, Progressives can never… Read more »

Reply to  Jay Dee
7 years ago

I learned my lesson about crossing over in primaries in 2008. I thought Obama would be easier to beat than Hillary. Silly me.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

The vote isn’t in on that decision yet, but consider that “The Light Bringer” couldn’t be bothered by working changes through the Congress. (Besides he really wasn’t very good at it) So the “Czars” (remember them?) and Executive Orders. Hillary with Bill’s help (In my opinion) would have done a much better job of cementing their socialist agenda in law, and that would be much more difficult for the next Republican president to overturn. So a Hillary Presidency might not have left America in as bad a shape, probably would have been a single term but it’s ‘accomplishments’ would have… Read more »

Reply to  John the River
7 years ago

Good point.

Reply to  John the River
7 years ago

Agreed, I’ve said that in ’08 that 0bama was actually the less worse alternative to McInsane. In many things, they were equal such as open borders and bailouts.
But McInsane was even more bellicose than Bush. Bush didn’t want to touch the Georgia/Russia conflict with a ten-foot pole, McInsane wanted us to go in guns blazing. Not to mention all of SoS Hillary’s wars were enthusiastically supported by McInsane – down to direct involvement in Syria. Romney thought that simply being a Republican was enough to beat 0bama.

Reply to  YIH
7 years ago

If McCain had won, fly-over Republicans would have been told to sit down, shut up, and don’t rock the boat, misapplying Reagan’s dictum about not speaking ill of one’s fellow Repubs. But yes, JM would have done his own evil work on our country, and us without a patriot around whom we could rally.
No. We had to endure the Obama years in order to wake up a sleepy citizenry about the hot-pot we were sitting in, about to boil over.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

Oh buggars. Silly me, I thought Obummer’s inexperience would slow things down and Hitlery would hit the ground running. My bad.

In Voice
In Voice
7 years ago

“It is an unspeakable rage at having failed to reach the promised land.” Too right. For now, sign waving and incoherent demonstrations are the fallout from the rage. What will follow when it becomes obvious that the tantrums get them nothing? There is only one higher gear they can shift into, and we know what that is. Yesterday I was at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and among other exhibits I saw the jewelry made for the last Czar and his family. Now the Russian system needed reforming, no question. But the Bolsheviks’ “unspeakable rage” began a reign of… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  In Voice
7 years ago

they are, just not by the secret service.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

Still weeding out Obama’s weeds. Like the SAIC from Denver who said publicly she would not take a bullet for the new President. She needs to be fired because she has flat out said she would not do her job.

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

best suggestion: not fired, put her on Hillary’s current SS detail instead
(wives and children of former presidents also have lifetime Secret Service protection)

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

hahaha too funny. put the alchies there too

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Oh hell no! Put her on detail with her goddess? On the taxpayer dime? Essentially reward her? I don’t think so. She needs to be shamed big time, if that is possible. If there is the equivalent of a Courts Martial, she should be “Dishonorably Discharged” and retirement benefits forfeited.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

that entire department needs to be restaffed. it’s full of whoore mongers and drunks.

Reply to  In Voice
7 years ago

Not by this bitch…

Drain the swamp and don’t forget to shoot the alligators, remember they can travel overland a surprising distance and find a new home.

7 years ago

Good post Z. Thanks for the two links. The further demise will be in education. It was all part of the better society… make it mandatory,.. the state knows best… professionalize the teachers; indoctrinate. Then Universities.. they didn’t know what to do once they’d rigged the system to their liking.. ascendant women and minority participation and then control of speech. All for the greater good. If the push to legitimize other avenues for work/career blossom (instead of colleges), the worm will have really turned. This it the signal I’m watching for. Some of these pillars of the movement are in… Read more »

7 years ago

As a hopeless utilitarian, my only contribution to this post is to note that the economic mechanism that has enabled the Cult to expand to a meaningful segment of the population is the pervasive welfare state driven by a fiat dollar and unlimited debt. Back in the good old days the size of fanatic cults was strictly limited by the number of idiots a snake charmer could fool into devoting their limited financial resources to the cause of the cult. Not so with the Cult of Modern Liberalism. The debt-driven welfare state provides both direct and indirect financing for their… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

One of my worries — and I’ve blabbed about this at Belmont Club before — is that the Cult has the potential to turn into something truly pharaonic… something that controls every aspect of life… a real history ending event without any barbarians left to bring history back. That’s why I tend to see the Cult as an existential threat right up there with nukes and biohackers screwing around with DNA in their garages.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

that is too extreme a thing to spend time on.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

You’re right. There is no strategic, over-arching solution to any of those things. All we can do is fight today’s battle and hope our efforts give us one more day.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

exactly. pick your battles and keep your powder dry.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

If you believe resistance is futile you will never win nothing.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

not sure whose comment this is directed at 🙂

in case it was mine, that isn’t at all what i was saying.

Reply to  Karl Hungus
7 years ago

Not you Karl.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

I believe (mere) resistance is futile.
That is why I accept NOTHING but total conquest, in ALL my affairs.
(para) “One simply does not wound a king”

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

As a follow up to my previous post, here’s an article in the Denver Pravda about more women running for office after the election of Donald Trump: The object of the article, identified as Lucy Sedgwick, is a 28 year old woman who has been “working in political advocacy and organizing since she finished college. She’s passionate about the environment, public education and reducing student debt. In September, she started an application for a program that trains women who want to run for office.” It’s not remotely obvious that Ms. Sedgwick has ever held a steady job, much less… Read more »

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

“if” ?!! ever seen maxine waters, barbra “dumb ass” boxer, etc?

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

“What would inspire her to believe …”, well just maybe the election of a dindu nuffin Barack Hussein Obama a.k.a Barry Soetero.

some guy
some guy
Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

I agree it gives a secure base to this sort of behaviour, however, I am not sure that is completely correct. Look at the first crusades. Approximately 300,000 peasants were swept up in a religious frenzy, abandoned their homes in Germany/France and went on foot through Hungary and Greece, looting as they went. Despite the fact about 150,000 were killed on the way due to battles with the forces of the areas they passed through, they still had enough belief at the end to engage the Moslem forces in Palestine and were wiped. This had little effect on the subsequent… Read more »

7 years ago

Zman your title could be The Great Discomfiture. The leftist mob was denied it’s promised land. The great cargo cult of Obama has ended in a fizzle, the exalted Vag in a Mao pantsuit has been deposed, there was no great cultural revolution, no rainbow harmony of diversity has come to pass, and the enemy dirt people arose out of their scummy trailer parks and their White cult of bitter clinging denied them the station as glorious busybodies they so well earned because they are indeed the penultimate disciples that where granted exalted status in the new world order. They… Read more »

7 years ago

I just don’t know about “an internal psychology that allows them to internalize disconfirmation.” These people are doing anything to NOT have to internalize the fact that they lost in the court of public opinion, this time. How quickly they forget they just had eight years of nirvana with their smooth talking, clean, black American President. They ignore reality that the pendulum always swings back with the force of gravity. They think they are superior to nature in that regard. All they are is “useful tools.” Do you really think that all these protests, worldwide, are spontaneous? As Trump says… Read more »

7 years ago

Looks to me if these crazies can not fulfill their madness with prophesies that come true, they are going to find an enemy to justify their madness, because of late they sure are working themselves into a rage. In no doubt there are cunning few behind them who are fanning the flames, and a core support group of the media which is basically a signaling system for the herd, which makes the whole affair that much more insane. The question is how far are they willing to go to keep the prophesy alive. They sure behave like nut jobs who… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

That’s what makes me nervous.

7 years ago

Climate change is their new, rapidly melting, iceberg. They thought by changing the name from something relatively specific – global warming – to some largely inarguable that this would give them a more stable platform. The climate does in fact change whereas global warming has been either debatable or intuitively obvious to the casual observer: NYC used to be covered by a mile-thick ice sheet. It no longer is. Therefore, the climate is warming…and has been for tens of thousands of years. They have learned a bit from their mistakes. All of the predictions of doom are for the year… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

It should be about what comes after national bankruptcy. Worried about the kids’ future my fat a**.

7 years ago

Interesting, now the progressives are in the same position we were in the last eight years. Using their own time and money to fight against government decisions or actions they don’t like.
While their taxes go towards paying their opponents fight against them.

Interesting question. Anyone know if there are any radical-liberal bakeries that we could order a Trump Victory Cake from? The shoe is on the other foot.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

unless decent people are willing to physically fight the left (and i very much doubt they are) then the ultimate victory will go to one bad group or the other. in weimar, no one was on the streets fighting for…weimar.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
7 years ago

There’s another dynamic here that they already have ignored at their own loss and future peril, it us dirt people and The Great Fuck You that voted Donald Trump into office against all odds, corruption, and political forecasts. We dirt people have played fair and square, we played by the rules, we did it nice, and we won. Inherent in that truth, is another, and it’s you don’t illegitimately, illegally, with malice and forethought, take away that last peaceful mature expression of will of the governed. It was not mob rule, it was not gerrymander, it was not out of… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Example: the FedEx driver who stopped the burning of the American flags by a bunch of nitwits. Those guys and gals didn’t know what to do. They didn’t know what hit them. “How dare anyone interrupt their little party!” Another example: The SAG Awards: The “actor?” who said he was going to hunt monsters and punch somebody. Did you notice he was “reading” his script while his hands were shaking and his friends were patting him on the back? If he met any of us on the street, I am sure he would shite his pants and probably faint for… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I love the way the protesters, especially the Hollywood hypocrites now wrap themselves in the American flag, and call this “their” America. Hypocrites … all of them!

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“the Left has operated under the assumption that the other side will not fight back”
The Left operates under the assumption they are RIGHT! DAMMIT! And because they are RIGHT! they are justified completely. They can contradict themselves (support women and gay right and defend muslims) and they can do illegal things – like threatening the prez – because, they are RIGHT!!!!

Reply to  John the River
7 years ago

Make the cake say, “Praise Jesus for Donald Trump”.
Triggers them more and makes the case a religious persecution type of offense.

Reply to  John the River
7 years ago

Yes, I’d like a two layer sheet cake with the image of a Colt M1911 in the middle of the American flag, please. Also, make the filling ‘bacon jam’ and the icing butter cream!

7 years ago

The Left and MSM hate Trump more than they love the truth.

Reply to  Jake
7 years ago

Same dynamic as the haters over in the Middle East. I love that quote from Golda Meir: “Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.”

7 years ago

I’ll check back later to see if anyone can fill me in, but the idea that Protestantism is built on the idea that society is judged as a whole is news to me. The branch I was raised in was very individualistic. It’s between you and God. I can certainly recall biblical references to judgements on cities and cultures, but if Luther or the Puritans made this a big part of their theology it would be good to know. Chiliasm can be found almost anywhere you look. Think about the idea of technological singularity, when humans are supposed to transcend… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

In that case quite a bit. The non-denominational churches don’t have a public face to speak of. When your hierarchy runs no higher than a few elders, deacons and a preacher who only speaks to his congregation and not for them you don’t get the major pronouncements like the Lambeth conference, etc. They might encourage people to go to a march for life but that’s about it . I’ve had a a lifetime prejudice against churches with a hierarchy partly because of my upbringing. When John Paul II was the pope I began reading a lot of Catholic doctrine going… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

Some Catholics (check out Ann Barnhardt) have doubts as to whether Bergoglio is actually, validly pope. First of all, Benedict’s resignation may have been under duress, which would make it invalid. Next, the conclave that elected Bergoglio may have been rigged by a cabal within the cardinalate (one of the cardinals seems to have admitted as much), and thus would be invalid. Lots of questions. But regardless, there have been bad popes before, and the Church survived. I’m not giving up my Catholic faith just because of Bergoglio. My relationship with Jesus — and only the Catholic Church… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

I’d humbly suggest that (eastern) Orthodoxy may be what you’re looking for. It’s generally not well understood as an option in the west, but answers most of the concerns that a lot of very serious but disenchanted protestants have.

Look into the “The Orthodox Church” by Timothy Ware as one starting place

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

My mother in law married into a Congregationist family: much pain and a lot of bad mojo on all sides.

7 years ago

Well, Z. Trump is smoking out the Cloud people. The H1-B mills (tech companies) seem to be at the fore of the opposition to the travel ban. You really got to love this stuff.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

it really is. and this is just Trump taking practice swings!

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

With the sole exception of Intel, somehow I’ve managed to live WITHOUT any of “the 20 companies ” with spokes folk weighing in.
YES I’m too lazy to build my own laptop.

7 years ago

“there is no obvious replacement for identity politics and social justice.” This is why I keep saying that today’s blue haired bicurious vegan slam poet is tomorrow’s obergruppenfuhrer — if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. As you’ve often noted, the rabidly pro-immigration Left was vehemently anti-immigration into the 1990s. As I’ve often noted, the same people who insist that gay “marriage” is a fundamental constitutional right were, up until the late 1990s, insisting that monogamy is the worst form of fascism the breeders could devise. All it’ll take is a little economic pressure — say, the last remaining Starbucks… Read more »

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

these are exactly the same people who were for hitler, before stalin and adolph went splitssies. they are mindless cretins.

7 years ago

I keep hoping that the Cult will go the People’s Temple route instead of the Millerite way. And not the slow grinding demographic suicide they are committing either. I was thinking something a little more along the lines of the movie, The Invitation. Oh, and please leave a six-foot hole, a shovel and a couple of bags of quicklime in the backyard so the neighbors can tidy up the next day.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

they just need a little push to get them over that “edge”. i am thinking more along the lines of the Heaven’s Gate group, than Jonestown. but either works for me.

Horace Pinker
Horace Pinker
Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

A couple of years ago a professor at Shimer College made some news when he called for white people to collectively commit mass suicide to atone for slavery. I know white feminists who didn’t attend the women’s march because they felt that it wasn’t inclusive enough for women of color, even though the march was pro-BLM, pro-immigrant, etc. The degree to which these people hate themselves and white people in general should not be underestimated. Mass suicide seems unlikely, but one can hope. I’ll bet Trump could get a few of them to self-deliver with an EO that institutes a… Read more »

Jim Don Bob
7 years ago

I took a Sociology course taught by Stanley Schacter many years ago. He talked about this group, and how they merely adjusted their beliefs when the Sacred Day did not come. Very interesting guy.

The Left and the MSM (I repeat myself) had convinced themselves that the election of HRC to BHO’s third term would complete their triumph, and they cannot believe that she lost to (inert favorite epithets here) DJT (PBUH).

The words President Trump are music to my ears, especially when spoken by some lefty wanker.

7 years ago

They more or less started as witch hunters in Salem. Same sh*t, different century.

Reply to  DiogenesLamp
7 years ago

Who evolved over the centuries to the Congregationalists (UCC). Reverend Wright’s (Obama’s buddy) denomination. Major home of the SJW crowd. What a long, strange trip it’s been.

Ken Eiler
Ken Eiler
7 years ago

“The New Religion, what Progressivism is today, evolved out of the Social Gospel Movement, so it carries with it many of the same habits.” Joseph Bottom has an excellent discussion of the evolution of those he calls “Post-Protestants” in his 2014 book “An Anxious Age: The Post-Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of America”. Today’s “Post-Protestants” – our progressive Left – have a worldview that looks in some ways a lot like the social gospel preached by its early 20th century proponents, but minus the Christianity. The key figure in that early Social Gospel movement was the (Northern) Baptist minister Walter… Read more »

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
7 years ago

I don’t fully understand why so many of you continue to degrade “Progressives” and their ideas. Would you include famous Americans such as Upton Sinclaire, Lincoln Steffens, John Muir, Theodore Rosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. as a “Progressives” and therefore consider their ideas evil, harmful and detrimental to the American way of life? I find it difficult to see how fair labor acts, anti-corruption legislature, civil rights and protecting the American landscape by the institution of National Parks are bad “Progressive” ideas. I would argue those who fight to defend the rights of private citizens, common workers, and the… Read more »

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Can you help me understand the American definition of “Progressive vs. Conservative vs. Liberal. Perhaps I simply misunderstand your terms and definitions.

And actually, many who live to the right (east) of Germany are actually German, even though they live Poland. Borders simply define geography, not demographics. Just saying. 🙂

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

progressives were early collectivists; they went in big on eugenics. i believe in this area, the chancellor of germany at the time, took his cue from this group.

but the short answer is progressivism is in direct conflict with the constitution. and human morality.

teddy roosevelt did some good things.

conservatives here are not worth discussing (i.e. they are too inconsequential for words). liberals are just collectivists, and that word is a synonym for progressive.

so it boils down to Americans vs collectivists.

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

@ Karl Horst, Gilded Age (c.1870-1920) American “Progressives” believed in what we now call “social engineering.” However, they took for granted things like Christian morality — they felt they could tinker with the “bourgeois family” (more a European term, but for the sake of argument) etc. because the underlying culture of hard work, thrift, respect for elders, etc. would remain. Think of Geroge Orwell — he called himself a socialist, but all he really seemed to want in the end was for Wigan Pier coal miners to have a middle class standard of living. Modern American “Progressives” are just Cultural… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

Karl, respectfully Sir, you are out of your depth on this one. I offer this link for some definition and clarity as well as some history on the topics you raise.

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

Progressive started out with ideas that were at least arguably valid. But they don’t stop piling on the government. Their answer to every last problem, real or imagined, is “more government”. And always more federal government, they are never satisfied to just screw up their own town or state. The Z-Man described them perfectly a few days ago – people without any limits, Jacobites. They never declare victory and end their crusades. Or, as Eric Hoffer said, “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” Mothers against drunk driving, the modern… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

Karl, you brought up progressive stuff that’s 50-100 years old. Progressives were a different breed of cat back then. Bring up some of the stuff today’s Progressives tout, like open borders, the gender stuff (e.g. skirt wearing men in girls bathrooms), family dissolution (“Heather has Two Mommies”) and such, and see how wholesome it all sounds.

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
Reply to  BillH
7 years ago

Just because a progressive idea is old, does it not still stand just as reasonable today if the logic behind it is solid? Please don’t think I confuse progressive ideas for those of imbeciles and perverts. I do understand the difference. Perhaps the terms conservative, liberal and progressive have lost their actual meaning. It would seem these modern “progressives” are neither modern or are they progressive, any more than conservatives are actually conservative or liberals, liberal. For todays progressives, they come across as nothing more than misguided imbeciles who wrap themselves in “feelings” rather than logic or reason. Can we… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

At the risk of being thumped by someone with deep knowledge of U.S. political history, I’ll go out on a limb and observe that U.S. political forces have been in a long-term state of flux since the revolution. They’ve morphed, re-morphed, changed their beliefs, and altered their names several times.What you call misguided imbeciles today began calling themselves Progressives only a very few years ago. Before that they had called themselves Liberals for several years, riding on the reputations of the New Deal politicos and such. But, they fell into such disrepute they stopped calling themselves Liberal and started using… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

Karl; You are on track when you say those who today call themselves Progressives in America are ruled by feelings rather than logic. It is just for that reason that they adopted the name Progressive in the first place after their actions and policies discredited the name they had had just before, namely Liberals. It likewise sounded good and was equally false to the actual views of the originators of that label. In the the US of 120 years ago the original Progressives were utopian secular social reformers who explicitly modeled many of their programs of those of Das zwieten… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

That was good, Al. You have a solid grasp of the role Unitarianism and Higher Criticism had in apostatizing vast swathes of the church and turning the gullible into social gospel warriors. Itching ears and all that, warned about in Scripture.

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

Imbeciles appear to be adept at appropriating the names of the past and trading off of the achievements of the past. W. Wilson appropriated the “Progressivism” of T. Roosevelt and twisted it out of all proportion, to the point where Progressivism lost all positive meaning. Lefties moved back to “Liberal”, trashed that one, and then returned to “Progressive” again. Who knows what they will label themselves with next? “Conservatives” have similarly trashed their heritage as well, and the “Libertarians” and “Greens” appear to have taken their own paths to ridiculous irrelevance. “Populism” appears ascendant at the moment, but that movement… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

White men are the fathers of progressivism and the progeny they have spawned include the likes of the federal reserve, the income tax, the IRS, the deep state, compulsory public education, the pledge of allegiance, state licensing of occupations, the FDA, the FBI, the NLRB, and The Travel Control Act, a totalitarian creature of the Wilson administration. Yes, white men gave us all of the above. Neither negroes nor Navahos forced progressivism down our throats. They had little, if any ability, to do so. Take the income tax. Who supported the 16th amendment? It was not the aspiring entrepreneur. It… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

Nevada is 81% owned by the Federal government. Utah is 65%. The West Coast is majority owned by the Feds.

These are sovereign states. And this is what happens when you start down this road. The initial laws make sense. (Oh and we do not have guaranteed retirement plans. We have 401Ks, that the employers may help fund). The Left never stops.

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

Karl, the Progressives of the early 20th century were reformers concerned that the pervasive power of private capital was such that constitutional liberties were under threat. At the time, the federal government was unimaginably small and Standard Oil huge. Today’s Progressives have little in common with TR (to them he’s a white, colonialist proto-fascist.) They have managed to merge the noxious Marxist ideology of the Frankfurt School with a demented post-Protestant apocalyptic cult. They are the managers of the managerial state, and operate the megaphone of the establishment media, yet persist in painting themselves as victims of oppression. They are,… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

To try to relate the early 1900s Progressivism to something German, I would point you to Bismarck’s reforms. Progressivism was kind of an “aw shit” moment here. As in aw shit, we gave all these proles and farmers a little bit of math, literacy, and logic, and now they’re asking for things like universal manhood suffrage, retirement insurance, and the chance to make a living wage. While I think that the reformers were sincere in their beliefs, no doubt many of the era’s elites went along merely out of fear of the various Second International affiliated movements, anarchists, and other… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
7 years ago

“… perhaps Progressives can offer a third option that might be worth listening to.” But they never do. It is the same old rehash of failed ideas throughout history. We have a saying here about Liberals/Progressives/Socialists: “Ideas so good, they have to be forced on everyone.” The truth in that should be self-evident.

7 years ago

His own words…

Reply to  TuNeCedeMalisPJS
7 years ago

Just a suggestion TuNeCede, from what I have observed of your posts … a link, it would be helpful if you could provide a little “teaser” about what you are providing. Otherwise, it seems like one of Google’s “I’m feeling lucky” searches. A shot in the dark.