The Cloud Party Declares War

When the Muslim Brotherhood “won” the 2012 election in Egypt, most of the world just assumed Egypt was going to go down the road to Islamism. Either a slow trot like we have seen with Turkey or perhaps a faster pace into something closer to Iran. That did not happen. Instead, Egypt ground to a halt as the civil service and military, which are intertwined, refused to cooperate with the new government. The result was a sort of coordinated work slowdown and the Brotherhood got the blame for it.

That was not the only reason the Brotherhood failed. They had no idea how to run a country and they never had the depth of support they assumed. Still, the bureaucracy set itself to stymieing Morsi, so they simply stop functioning. People still showed up for work and manned their posts, but they got nothing done. It was a good lesson in how a modern country works, even one on the fringe of modernity. Real power is not in the office, but in control of the system. He who controls the bureaucracy controls the nation.

That comes to mind after Trump has been in office for little more than a week. His initial flurry of executive orders has dominated the news cycles, simply because of the infantile theatrics of the Left. Adult toddlers throwing tantrums at the local airport makes for good TV, especially when the people covering it are toddlers themselves. What has gone unnoticed is the fact that the Republicans appear to have settled on a  strategy similar to the Egyptian bureaucracy. They will slow walk everything Trump wants out of Congress.

So far, the Senate has approved the national security appointments because to do otherwise would make them look bad. The education secretary is still bottled up for some reason. Allegedly, everyone in the GOP would just as soon scrap DoE, but they are making a big issue of this nominee. The AG nomination has similarly been slow walked by the Senate. Of course, the traitor John McCain is stirring up trouble over the DHS appointments. The result is there will not be a full cabinet for months.

The bigger issue is the fact that the GOP Congress has no plan to repeal ObamaCare or pass tax reform. It’s pretty clear that the people we thought were secretly supporting Clinton, people like Paul Ryan, really thought she was going to win, so they never bothered to prepare for this. The result is all their big talk after he election about major reforms and repealing ObamaCare was just talk. They were planning for surrender and suddenly found themselves with a President ready to sign off on major reform.

That’s probably only part of it. The fact is, the leadership of the GOP has more in common with the Democrat Party than the emerging Trump Party. Despite the election results, they cannot let go of their belief that the winning hand is to turn the country into a flop house for the refuse of the rest of the world. Globalism is their creed and they will not let go of it just because the people hate it. They are sure Trump will fail so they are going to work hard to make it happen, After all, a prophesy that does not come true is not much use.

Then there is the bureaucracy, which appears to be organizing itself in opposition to Trump in the early going. Senior people in the State Department made a big show of quitting the other day. The acting Attorney General is instructing her department to sit on their hands over challenges to Trump’s immigration orders. It’s all small time and petty, but with the aid of the media it’s becoming cool for the governing class to throw sand in the gears of the Trump administration. At least that’s the hope in DC.

All of this points out the underlying reality in Washington. There is the Cloud People Party and an insurgent Dirt People Party. The Cloud Party and its donor class hate Trump and the people he represents. If you look at the funding sources from both parties, it comes from areas Hillary Clinton carried 2-to-1. According to this Brookings study, the 472 counties that Clinton won last year accounted for 64 percent of the nation’s wealth, while the 2584 counties that Trump won accounted for the remaining 36 percent.

There are plenty of Republicans who support Trump and a surprising number of people in the bureaucracy who know reform is long overdue. Some of the harshest critiques of the state you will hear come from people in the system. There’s also the fact that Trump is proving to be an exceptional political athlete. He has a knack for baiting the media in order to gain public support for his positions. No person has moved the Overton Window further to the right than Trump has done in my lifetime. It truly is amazing.

Even so, the next year will be about the Cloud Party conspiring to undermine the Trump administration, while Trump figures out how to work around the system to undermine the system. His immigration order is a foreshadow of what is to come. Instead of looking for compromise, Team Trump will go big in order to trigger the political class and their media to overreact. This tends to turn off the public and thus turn the Cloud Party assets into liabilities, as we are seeing with these ridiculous protests.

At some point, the Cloud People will shift gears, but for now, the game will be Trump picking fights and the establishment going bonkers.This gives Trump cover to do some important stuff, like we see with the H1B executive order. While the Cloud People are wailing about the so-called Muslim ban, they did not have time to notice the order to shake up the visa program Silicon Valley uses to screw its employees. This sort of cat and mouse game is how an insurgent party must use its speed and agility to overcome the establishment’s size.

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Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Trump canned Yates in a NY second. And he will not hesitate to cashier entire departments if the natives act up. Since all levels of government are horribly over staffed, it will soon sink in that it is everyone against everyone as far as keeping your job; i.e. Trump will turn them against each other. As you mentioned, there is an emerging Trump party, so the gope is just about out the door. i suspect that primarying ryan and mconnell will be more successful next time. There will be a fight for sure, but at the end of the day… Read more »

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Yep – he made a perfect example of her. I doubt Congress has the balls for wholesale civil service reform, but Trump need to fire as many of these people as he legally can.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Drake
8 years ago

Trump doesn’t need congress to gut the fed workforce. but i expect the worms in the gop to fall in line.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Hey, the 800 pound Gorilla in the room is the Clouds have declared war on me. Notice how they do not in any circumstances ever put me and dirt people like me in front of the camera and ask us what we believe in, how anything effects us, what we believe is the right thing in the given circumstances. Now I know why they do not. It is clear as a bell. I’m exactly the so called “un-American, racist, white, mysigonistic, privileged, bitter gun bible and tradition clinging supremacist Schumer and the rest are railing against. So they say. Steve… Read more »

Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

The civil service is the bane of a representative democracy. It is overstuffed with substandard people doing non-jobs.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

I tried to upvote your comment twice!! I gag when I see Ryan’s blank, blue-eyed stare or McConnell’s quivering wattles. The state Republican Parties need to shake off these old reprobate clowns. Glad that Ohio has a fresh faced WOMAN Party Chairman. She’s also a Timken, from NE OH. Her male relative used to be the State Party’s Finance Chief. Timken Roller Bearings was the company. Not sure what the status is now, but it was a manufacturing powerhouse in Canton. Say buh-bye to Governor Kasich and his tawdry hangers-on;-) I have a feeling that the ghetto cadres, who do… Read more »

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby
Reply to  Dr. Dre
8 years ago

That’s too funny….My dad instilled in us ( at about the soap box racer level) that Timkin bearings were the ONLY bearings we should EVER buy. I have followed his advice.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Bingo. The old “helicopter interrogation”. “I’d like to ask you some questions”. “I’m not answering any questions”. “Time to learn how to fly”. Turns to the next guy. “I’d like to ask you some questions”. “What do you want to know?”.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  SamlAdams
8 years ago

old ways are best ways

– Alex DeLarge

Reply to  SamlAdams
8 years ago

Seen the same process in a old (and first) Billy Jack movie called “The Born Losers.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Easier with political appointees than career Civil Ssrvice. He’ll most likely have to look for ways to reorganize the various departments to essentially organize people out of jobs…like redistricting in Congress. Some might require legislation, but it’ll be interesting to see what organizational bloat his cabinet can eliminate without Congressional authorization.

Mark Matis
Mark Matis
Reply to  hokkoda
8 years ago

Look up “Senior Executive Service” and understand how it works. Understand that Obama was able to turn the DoJ 180 degrees in four months as a result – NO charges against those armed Black terrorists at the polling place in Philadelphia. And understand that DoJ is largely people with law degrees. You think they might know their rights under Civil Service law? If President Trump wants to change the Federal government, he can do so thanks to the Senior Executive Service. And he can do so within one year. Here’s a subtle hint: Anyone who nominates Christine Whitman to run… Read more »

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

I made it my full time unpaid job for eleven months to eliminate Mitch McConnell in the 2014 primary. He’s actually fairly despised among his constituents here in Kentucky for all of the right reasons (he represents crony big government and not us, he’s a flat out liar, and he’s the poster child for out-of-control big government), but he had too much money, power and connections. There were two positives from that experience: 1) McConnell’s Republican primary opponent, Matt Bevin, is now our governor. 2) I had the Bevinmobile (my friend’s box truck) parked at the entrance to the world… Read more »

Backwoods Engineer
Reply to  LetsTryLibertyAgain
8 years ago

OT, but I miss Mike Vanderboegh. Never met him in person, but we corresponded a good bit. I did make it to his funeral.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

I certainly hope you’re right. Trump won the election but the might of the entire Affirmative-Action Bureaucratic Deep State is arrayed against him, and they mean to make sure there are no changes in public policy regardless of election results. He may have to do more than do away with departments–he may have to rip large chunks of the Permanent State up by the roots and start over, and while I am hopeful, and willing to be convinced, does he even, legally speaking, have the power to make all sitting Federal judges go away, to be replaced with individuals loyal… Read more »

8 years ago

It’s too late for me, but I believe this election may save the jobs of many engineers that I knew, trained and worked with. Now I know what Moses felt watching the People enter the promised land.
Now the best work I can get into is joining the fight to deny Elizabeth Warren re-election next year. Truly a ‘Left-handed’ blessing, but living in Massachusetts I’ve been able to cast votes against some real monsters, Liz hasn’t killed anyone yet, but she’s second to none in BS.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  John the River
8 years ago

why is it too late for you?

John the River
Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

I didn’t want to whine about it, the thing of it is it will be almost 7 years since I was laid off from my job that was sent to India . And in telcom engineering after seven years what you know is of limited use . Add a couple of accidents and my back and knees aren’t up to starting over again at the bottom.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  John the River
8 years ago

that is a tough situation, for sure. but if you do want to get back into the game, try Code Academy to bring your skills up to date, then apply for intern jobs. that’s what i did (am the oldest working s/w engineer in America) and it may pay off for you. good luck sir!

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Try Udacity’s Nanodegrees also

8 years ago

One other trap that the clouds and globalist and media haven’t picked up on is the fact that about 47-48% of the country voted for Trump despite him being called Hitler. I don’t think that they understand that while we take Trump seriously but not literally, that we take them literally but not seriously. In other words, they say that Trump is Hitler and don’t believe it themselves, while we are willing to take them at their word, and if they are right we don’t necessarily care as long as he gets the job done. In that case, if Trump… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

A favorite! A petard was a primitive grenade on a stick- sometimes the wobbly thing would fall off, thus, “hoist by his own petard.”

Obama and Hillary are the Jimmy Swaggart and Tammy Faye Baker of the New Religion.
Mere mention of their names will trigger Daily Show listeners into foaming fits of frenzy.

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

I saw a great documentary once about the seige of Malta in the 16th century. (The Ottoman Turks were trying to take the island from the Christian Knights of Malta.) Cannon had been invented, but small arms not so much. The defenders had a lot of cool pyrotechnic weapons, like wooden hoops wrapped in flaming oily rags that they rolled downhill at the towel-heads (who then as now wore loose, billowy robes). The most fascinating weapon was called, so help me, a “trump.” Imagine a bundle of Roman candles attached to a spear shaft – essentially a Renaissance flame thrower.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

That’s an affirmative. The election results I looked up at Fox News shows more than 61 million voted for Trump. A movement it is.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

Not sure about your figures: 47-48 percent of the vote is not the same as 47-48 percent of the country. over a third of the country did not vote. still: a third for Trump, a third against, a third who didn’t care. similar to 1775.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  coyote
8 years ago

i think it is safe to consider only those who vote when talking about “the country”. if a person isn’t moved to vote — especially in the last election — they aren’t going to be a factor in any “change”.

Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Right . People who won’t vote aren’t going to fight for jack shit.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

There’s an underground of people who believe there is no voting our way out of this, (TINVOWOOT). They may be right. (Interesting aspect of that is those who choose not to vote on principle, is actually a vote, if they are a plurality, their power of withdrawal of consent for the status quo is a real thing. Ignore that at your peril if you are the reason for that non vote vote). In a way it is relying on voting to solve problems that got us in this pickle to begin with. Both sides have valid arguments, regardless, the remedies… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

Love that — “take him (DJT) seriously, but not literally”! That explains why people like me did not worry about the pussy comment etc., whereas a number of my contemporaries, female college classmates and similar types, went screaming around the bend with that stuff. Michelle Obama did, too. Remember her comment about being damaged to her “core”? BTW, is she still on va-ca in the Virgin Islands somewhere, w/ her “husband” golfing with new friends in Palm Springs? I am keeping an eye on the newsstands at my local Publix, waiting for that National Enquirer that breaks a big story… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Dre
8 years ago

“she” is not a she. “she” is a he. If you’re a doctor, you should know that.

8 years ago

There is an important factor here that is very different from years, decades past. There is not the full weight and power of the federal government for the clouds as their ally. The clouds are having to rely on their own motive power and having to finance their long march. That means they are going to have to actually sell their interests and agenda to the public. They risk exposure of their true motives and interests like never before. The 5th column media is reviled by a majority, and it too for the same reasons as the clouds risks greater… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

The white male tribe has found a leader and a voice.

Reply to  Dutch
8 years ago

Easy Peasy I’m a willing dupe, I just copped out on thinking for myself the easy way. Trump is a fascist, there I fixed it. And anyone who voted for him is a fascist too. Bitter Clingers! Waaaah! were’s my safe place! Sincerely, I believe many people have never experienced a Leader in the White House, I’m saying a president who is a leader, behaves like a leader, takes action, (the most important thing, the Act), like a leader. Not a puppet who is in essence an effective echo chamber of the cloud clan. It appears to me many people… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

If Trump is a fascist, then I’m a fascist, too.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

Fascism has been around a long time. I think the 20th century characters who took it to the extreme gave it a bad rap. In milder forms, isn’t it a kind of feudal chief or lord, kind of form of rule? If there is an honorable form of fascism, more like big tribe nationalism, with certain inalienable powers of will of the governed, like primal rights to weapons, it would be a balance of co-operating co-powers. It might have certain dynamics of the Viking clan system, or Scotts, or Irish Chieftans. But the thing is to fight for and retain… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
8 years ago

Fuckin finally.

Reply to  Dutch
8 years ago

Not just a leader. They know Patriarchy when they see it. And the White female dirt people tribe understands with White Patriarchy comes White Matriarchy. That is only effectively possible with a strong prosperous dirt people family/clan/tribe/community. What self respecting dirt woman doesn’t desire a strong successful protecting dirt man to stand by, and he for her?
If that is the leftest ideal of fascism, count me in Brother.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

Caesar Americanus. leader of the populares 😛

Reply to  Karl Hungus
8 years ago

Legion. The best kind of natural born resistance going.

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

Good points Doug. Everything they try to do to Trump they do to the dirt people and makes it much harder for them to put daylight between Trump and his supporters. Trump is defined by his opposition…. ie, he has all the right enemies. I’d worry about someone with a weaker character or of modest means, as they would try to amass wealth and or power. With Trump, he had all he wanted before he ran. There is room for a careful eye, but for now, I take him at his word that he wants to make us great again… Read more »

Reply to  Uncle_Max
8 years ago

Many of us are figuring out we don’t care what they think about us. That is the revolution. We make them irrelevant. Because they simply are to dirt people ways. It’s not complicated. They only have power over us if we let them have power over us. Difficult to explain, very easy to do when you grok it. I took a couple small unit infantry tactics combat courses up at Max Velocities school in Romney WV. Great guy, A highly intelligent gentleman, was in the SOS, immigrated to America, was a US Special Forces, then became a combat medic. Retired,… Read more »

8 years ago

It is difficult to fire civil servants without cause, but much easier to transfer them to posts where they can do little or no damage. Hiring new people may be the answer in the long run. The first hirees should be people with a strong personal loyalty to Trump and they should be placed at key points in the bureaucracy not to do work, but to observe and report. You can call them “political officers” if you like. When someone is a bit slow they get transferred to bureaucratic Siberia, or the Eastern Front, figuratively speaking. You create an office… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

Like I said above, civil service reform would be near the top of the agenda if the GOP leaders in Congress were on our side. End the ridiculous pensions, no more government unions, and make them all at-will employees. In other words, make government workers just like us peasants in the private sector.

Then the wholesale downsizing can start in earnest.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

Makes me wonder if it’s legal to transfer bureaucrats to the janitorial staff.

Reply to  Taco_Town
8 years ago

My daughter is accounting manager at a VA hospital. She had an opening because of someone leaving which was filled internally by a veteran. Veterans should have preference but the problem is this one knows nothing about accounting, hates working with numbers and doesn’t want to learn. He plays computer games all day and there is not a damn thing she can do because of the union. She is now forced to hire another individual just to get the work done.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

“It is difficult to fire civil servants” now. it will get considerably easier, soon 🙂

Reply to  Karl Hungus
8 years ago

comment image

Question. What to do about these useless dangerous idiots?
Talk about Manchurian Candidates and sleeper agents. Even if they are not, they might as well be foreign enemies. They certainly are domestic ones.
They been around killing people the world over to fatten their wallets waaay to long.

A.T. Tapman
A.T. Tapman
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

Shame on you Doug, the two Senators pictured above PROUDLY wear their pussyhats. It appears you think badly of them, both are heros!

Reply to  A.T. Tapman
8 years ago

Now that you mention it, they do look like they fit their heads well, rather becoming wouldn’t you say so? And the color, washed out has been red. It’s the latest fashion trend this presidential election year.

Reply to  A.T. Tapman
8 years ago

Dumb and Dumber! Beavis and Butthead! Whatever you call them, they are not heroes. And just what is up with this Gang of Two being together all the time? Was there a Civil Marriage performed we were not told about? Weird.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

kind of looks like a scene out of “Of Mice and Men”

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

Not as hard as most think in the Federal government. Our Constitution invests all power of the executive in the President. Executive branch employees and appointees only job is to execute the power of the chief executive, the President. That pretty much covers all the regulatory tyranny, and the executive tyrants who have operated without check, we have been under for waaaaay to long. The US Constitution has been used as an instrument of administrative tyranny for over, at least 150 years. That administrative tyranny has evolved into an almost unaccountable autonomous government in and of itself serving it’s interests… Read more »

Clayton Bigsby
Clayton Bigsby
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

What about The likes of a Secret Service agent that says she’s not going to take a bullet for Trump?? in my mind she earns a dishonorable discharge…. I don’t know what kind of an oath a Secret Service agent takes but I would imagine in the first couple sentences it involves a pledge to make the ultimate sacrifice

Reply to  Clayton Bigsby
8 years ago

Secret Service are employees of the Federal Reserve, which is neither. I’ve often wondered how that was set up in the ratification of the 16th Amendment myself. Do they work for the 12 family banking cartel, or are they direct federal employees. Are they there to protect the interests of the cartel, and if so, what happens when a President is hostile to the interests and intentions of that Cartel? There’s two more reasons why Trump is smarter than most grasp. Rumor has it Trump has his own personal protective detail that buffers him from direct controlling contact with the… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

Secret Service is Treasury Dept, NOT the Fed. Although Treasury is like the mirror image of the Fed, they are accountable to Mr. Trump.

Reply to  coyote
8 years ago

What is the difference between the two?

Backwoods Engineer
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

The Federal Reserve is neither Federal (it is private) nor a Reserve (fractional banking in the extreme, fiat currency).

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

After firing the poobahs and pajundrums, well, Trump could just shut the agency down or merge it. Take that, union bosses!

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

What about Barrow, Alaska?

Reply to  Marina
8 years ago

do you mean, Utqiaġvik? Barrow is no more.

Reply to  Marina
8 years ago

Send them to Clay County West Virginia running a National coal miners museum. Best of all worlds, all the HillBilly white trailer trash dirt people and meth addicts you can make friends with, no Starbucks for 250 miles in any direction, no cell service. Only iceberg lettuce, 100 lb sacks of taters, and stacks of Bud Light in the local 3 isle IGA. Best of all they can get some of that cultural die-ver-city they like so much, going from living in the richest counties in the US to the poorest. (Don’t get me wrong, I live next county over… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

I think it would be wonderful to house some of these bureaucracies in the Midwest. Cheaper cost of living, so how can they complain? And it would get rid of a lot of the dead weight.

A.T. Tapman
A.T. Tapman
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

The lack of proximity to Starbucks is a deal breaker, let us never mention this again, hives you know.

Backwoods Engineer
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

I was fixin’ to get my back up until the last paragraph… native-born West Virginian myself, and I am just sick of what welfare and meth has done to my people.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

relocate all the ones you want to get rid of to the ghettos. and cut their pay by 80%.

8 years ago

Great post, Z man. The Cloud People may be hiring boatloads of foreign H1Bs to run their companies , but they are American through and through when it comes to strategy. Something in the American psyche makes it very hard for us to hide our centers of power (avoiding using the Clausewitzian “center of gravity”). The Chicoms used to take advantage of this in Korea. They’d send the first wave in and the GIs would open up with everything they had. The Chicom commanders would note where the machine guns and mortars were and then send the second and beyond… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  el_baboso
8 years ago

you might want to mention that the PRC lost 1M+ men using their superior tactics 😛

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

The Chicoms had numbers to spare. What’s a million to them? And their troops could either take it from the front, from US fire or from the rear where the Chicom political officers manned the machine guns aimed at their own troops..

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Old Codger
8 years ago

the chinese demonstrated their martial prowess in nanking.

Reply to  Old Codger
8 years ago

It was a feature, not a bug. Almost all of that million, by some strange coincidence, were of Cantonese ethnicity, despised by Mao and the Party.

Reply to  el_baboso
8 years ago

H1Bs are not really indentured servants. They’re scabs. All Americans working in tech know that sooner or later they will be laid-off and perhaps brought back as a contractor for half the pay and no benefits. They know the H1Bs will take their full-time jobs and put up with whatever management wants because they just want to get to the US. They are all desperate to get to the US. Wave after wave of Americans is laid-off but American tech workers, if they’re not working in defense, routinely go to the polls and pull the lever for “D.” At work,… Read more »

Reply to  PRCD
8 years ago

Would you shed any tears if California seceded?

Reply to  Libertymike
8 years ago

As a person who lives in CA, I can tell you that any secession vote will fail by about 70/30. Outside of the newsrooms and college campuses, secession is a dead duck.

Reply to  Dutch
8 years ago

Those same newsrooms and colleges characterized secession talk as racist when it was emanating from the likes of Tom Woods and other conservative / libertarian circles during Obama’s tenure.

Reply to  Libertymike
8 years ago

Hell yes, I am done ceding anything to these clowns. My fathers fought and died for this country since before it was a country. We fought for it all. Not for some of it to be taken over by Mexicans who never owned it really in the first place.

They can pack off to Puerto Rico. I don’t care if it is crowded and live there.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  TWS
8 years ago

i’m with you, let’s take cali back and baja too!

Reply to  TWS
8 years ago

It makes me sick when I hear people simply say “let them leave!” Why would we let the Left “take” California? If you look at the history of the state (since 1850), it is only in recent decades that it has become liberal. So who built it into the glorious powerhouse that it became? That’s right! Hard working Americans. Generations of them. The clowns who want to secede today have done nothing to “build” the state and, in fact, have done much to destroy it and bring it down from it’s former glory. So, I say “Hell NO!” You want… Read more »

Reply to  TWS
8 years ago

Are you willing to grant the federal government even more power over your life in order to prevent “ceding” California? Are you willing to give up 75% of your income in order to give the federal government all of the resources it claims it needs in order to prevent the people of California exercising their right to determination? Are you willing to die for the cause of federal aggression? Are you willing to sacrifice the lives of your children for the cause of federal aggression? Are you willing to sacrifice the wealth of your children and your grandchildren so that… Read more »

Reply to  Libertymike
8 years ago

California is not going anywhere. The media is playing up the tiny minority who are pushing this thing. Most of us Californians will exercise our right to stay put.

Some Guy in WA
Some Guy in WA
Reply to  Libertymike
8 years ago

Fake and gay.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  Libertymike
8 years ago

And took its $1 trillion unfunded pension liability with it???

Reply to  PRCD
8 years ago

The discussion here a few months ago was that given the terms of their visas and employment they are effectively indentured and their employment violates the 13th Amendment of the Constitution. I was looking for a legal and emotional fallback position to counter the mewling of the SJWs once you start sending them home.

I think that they are a lot worse than scabs. They are like the Levantine slaves brought in to work the latifunda after the Plebs had been dispossessed. Those servants could buy their freedom, too.

Reply to  PRCD
8 years ago

Something similar is happening in medicine. The affirmative action docs aren’t as productive as white males and they try and make up the difference with foreign graduates. These doc’s will take orders and comply with stupid administrators much more readily than self assertive natives and make better chess pieces for the big systems.
If we get more immigration restrictions the med schools will have to concentrate on producing productive docs rather than ones that fill the quotas that aren’t supposed to exist but we all know do.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

My last trip to the hospital, about four years ago for a pacemaker job, I saw a parade of Indian and Pakistani staff docs, a couple of whom spoke such broken English I couldn’t follow what they were trying to say. One tried to change around my long-prescribed, and somewhat complex hypertension-kidney function medications, which I figured had nothing to do with the pacemaker deal. I chased him off and got hold of my nephrologist (friend of the wife) to make sure the hospital stuck to whatever regimen he wanted. I dread my next hospital trip (if there ever is… Read more »

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

In a matrix organization, I was once responsible for a significant fraction of the output of the design work of what I called our in-house H1-B sweatshop (we didn’t want to pay top dollar for this category of engineer so some genius had the bright idea of hiring a bunch of second-raters instead).

They weren’t competitive, we fell behind the competition, and since we also hired an Arab (!) green-card holder as their manager, they were all miserable.

So I oppose the H1-B program on nationalistic, economic, and humanitarian grounds. End it and end it now.

Reply to  el_baboso
8 years ago

All H1-B is is open borders profiting for the connected and oligarchy. The kickbacks and influence money involved alone would probably fund a nation wide school of industrial trades.

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

This is what happens when management is a bunch of short timers fluffing up their golden umbrellas with faked quarterly numbers.

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

Someone over on Vox Day’s blog commented on how Intel used to be a great place to work until the H1B visas started. Apparently, many American Intel engineers actually lobbied Congress for the H1B program at the suggestion of their employer. Silicon Valley engineers actually believe that foreigners have a right to come and dispossess them. If they have any children (which is rare), they are estranged from them in some way. They see their bubble of a world as Star Fleet Academy (I’ve been told this literally) and the foreigners are just different Federation races. The East Asians are… Read more »

Some Guy in WA
Some Guy in WA
Reply to  PRCD
8 years ago

This is mostly an artifact of living in the expensive cities and the more “elite” jobs. In the smaller cities (Portland, for example), almost everybody has kids much younger than you see in the larger cities on the West Coast. It’s something that people from SF, Seattle, LA, NY, Boston comment on regularly. The IT people are generally less autistic, whiter, and more balanced socially.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

my family will only go to white doctors. passing tests is not the same thing as actually being a good doctor.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
8 years ago

Ditto civil engineering. To add insult to injury walk into any state DOT in the nation. You’ll find more brown and Asian faces beavering away than home grown white or black ones.

To be fair, some – by no means all – of them do know their stuff. But no better than the home grown guys I graduated with. If we’re going to overcompensate people for doing next to nothing, at least let them be native born.

No other country in the world would do this. They would laugh at the mere suggestion.

Reply to  PRCD
8 years ago

Having worked in IT services consulting for close to a decade, I can attest to the fact that the H1b program is nothing but a rampant scam scheme, abused by foreign corporations and Silicon Valley. It amuses me to see the reaction of the population of enlightened tech leaders in the media. Trump has shifted the starting point of negotiations on the H1b to his terms, not theirs. His starting point is always to be extreme in his favor and negotiate from there, rather than let the opponent define the starting point. How much leverage will his team have with… Read more »

Reply to  Alex
8 years ago

Few in tech voted for Trump, so he’s not going after H1Bs to stick up for engineers. We don’t deserve it. I suspect he’s doing several things to Silicon Valley. First, he’s trying to drive up the cost of their labor by reducing H1Bs. He has also torn up the TPP, so all of Intel’s manufacturing in Malaysia will probably be facing stiff import tariffs soon. (They were building a plant in Colorado in the Aughts but abandoned that for tax bennies in Asia.) This will drive up the prices of Silicon Valley goods that are actually still silicon and… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  PRCD
8 years ago

think about busting up facebook google amazon over anti-trust violations. that will show these spergy fukks what’s what 🙂

Backwoods Engineer
Reply to  PRCD
8 years ago

30-year electronics/RF/firmware engineer here. Yes, I voted for Trump.

Reply to  PRCD
8 years ago

I can’t really fault them there. The GOP has been just as bad, or worse, than the Dems on H1Bs. Until this point it hasn’t mattered which party you voted for because both were for “legal” immigration designed to take your job.

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
8 years ago

Like Britain leaving the EU , it is going to be a generational endeavor to replace the entrenched elites. France is next , a few exploding Mohamed’s and Le Pen becomes president. Than its all out war

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Worldly Wiseman
8 years ago

$10 says germany and france go down in flames, rather than face reality. you just can’t imagine how wide spread and deep the shit headery is over there. forget about them, they are already lost.

Larry Darrell
Larry Darrell
Reply to  Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

I totally agree about Germany. I speak German and spend quite a bit of time there and reading the awful Lügenpresse. The stereotype about German susceptibility to brainwashing is frighteningly accurate. The country is a lost cause (unlike Austria, where the no.1 party is UKIP-like).
I fully expect in 75 years there to be a war between Europe (Poland, Russia, etc.) and the Muslims (Germany, France, etc.).

J Clivas
Reply to  Larry Darrell
8 years ago

Who besides yourself is looking 75 years ahead?

Larry Darrell
Larry Darrell
Reply to  J Clivas
8 years ago

Most people with children.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
Reply to  Larry Darrell
8 years ago

haha you burned that homo’s ass!

8 years ago

As long as Trump continues the strategy of doubling down in the face of resistance, I suspect things will go as well as they can go. Beat them down and wear them out, that’s all he has. When you are already Literally-Hitler, what’s the danger of doubling down?

Humans love strong leaders, it is just a thing, and while some leaders abuse their powers, others do well with it. To look at the nuts and bolts of Lincoln’s decision making as President is troubling. To look at the long term results and outcomes is much more encouraging.

8 years ago

Has anyone else noticed that there appears to be a polling “black-out”on the Immigration Executive Order? Rasmussen has a poll showing 57-33 in favor of the EO. Quinnipiac just issued a poll showing 48-42 in favor of “tightening immigration from ME countries” but was take a week or so before the EO was issued and is a generic question. Media have ignored Rasmussen and barely acknowledged the Q-poll, but keep saying its “unpopular” and “controversial” at best. But that has been it. None of the large media polling groups has issued a thing. You know they’ve been working on it… Read more »

Reply to  Campesino
8 years ago

What among Trump’s EO’s and policy positioning has not been favorably polled, especially once one separates the policy from the man? An element of the man’s success is that he understands the “normal” is now revolutionary, and is not spoken of in “polite company”. His job would be a lot tougher if the status quo was not so weird. He can take positions very difficult to intelligently argue with, and contrast them with the drivel we have been spoon fed for so long. Of course, the Democrats, the GOPe, and the media try to malign the motives and style of… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
8 years ago

An element of the man’s success is that he understands the “normal” is now revolutionary, and is not spoken of in “polite company”. His job would be a lot tougher if the status quo was not so weird


Exactly. One of the crazy things about the border security EO from last week was that all much of it consisted of was telling the Border Patrol to enforce the law as written.

Reply to  Campesino
8 years ago

How dare a President assure the law is being honored and the interests of the people are foremost in regards his duties. The Audacity of it, a President who follows his Oath of Office. That is political and cultural apostasy in that order. Imagine, a President holds the bitter clinging principles of representative form of government of White people in the highest regards. The illegitimacy of it all. It…it’s…It is Trumpageddon! There is no safe place to hide!

Reply to  Campesino
8 years ago

Along with stalling tactics from Congress, I think they are trying to run out the clock in hopes of undermining President Trumps legitimacy. Maybe it is desperation. Could have a lot to do with all the corruption and treason that has gone on so long and how it is impossible to cover it up because it has been so rampant. Stalling Senator Session’s confirmation and Trump’s head of the Fed, is part of it. Those two guys right there are going to have a first hand look at whats been going down for a long time. Going to be a… Read more »

Reply to  Campesino
8 years ago

I say this constantly. The media does more damage by refusing to report things than they do by making up fake or exaggerated stories. Their power of censorship is the greater power they wield.

I keep saying that we should be working to destroy their control of the information streams. We have to break past their ability to censor.

Reply to  DiogenesLamp
8 years ago

As you say very correctly. The media denizens are the most destructive element imaginable. It seems People are breaking past, just the simple act of us all commenting back and forth, on an alternative media of Z’s blog, is defiance and insurgency. It’s more evolutionary than revolutionary, which in the long run has far more benefits than a sudden revolution, like hanging the worst of them from lamp posts. Though some days that sure is a mighty fine alternative.
Just saying…

8 years ago

Trump has a major edge with elected Republicans for the moment, as the voters at home overwhelmingly approve of Trump more than their congressmen/senators. That is why we see foundations, think tanks, and commentators on the right opposing Trump more than elected officials.

8 years ago

This is something that I thought I would never say a politician, let alone say it about Donald Trump, but I’ve come to admire him. His work ethic, loyalty, and craftiness are examples of how life should be lived.

8 years ago

Zman, I apologize for a comment somewhat off-topic. But you brought up Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, and that reminded me… One of the campaign promises that Morsi made was that he would bring back the Blind Sheik. Now, how would some Egyptian politician cause the release of a criminal serving time in a maximum security prison in the United States? A file in a cake? Have him jump in the laundry truck? No, you need someone inside, high up. Here is my theory: Morsi got the signal to use that campaign promise from the WH. The plan was to… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
8 years ago

Well, our Cloud Folk have had practice and relatively recent experience, so Z Man’s scenario is not at all far-fetched. It’s already hapened_! More specifically, GWB failed to root out the Clintonoids and so suffered the bureaucratic slow-down Z Man describes (except for DoD ?), not to mention the gusher of leaks from the Intel Community, etc. IIRC, GWB’s rationalization was about restoring comity and dignity to the office of the presidency after The Horndog-in-Chief’s Scandal Machine departed with the White House crockery and furniture. I guess W thought that his fellow elites would be appreciative. But, once he disclosed… Read more »

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Al from da Nort
8 years ago

the bushes and clintons fall from the same tree.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
8 years ago

Jamie Gorelick,Washington insider extraordinaire. The woman has managed to fail upwards,spectacularly. It gave me pause to learn she is advising Pres Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner about Ethics and Nepotism in Government. Let the irony of that sink in. Maybe it’s a case of “keep your friends close,and your enemies closer”.

Reply to  Nori
8 years ago

That is one nasty piece of work right there.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Nori
8 years ago

Ewwww. I didn’t know that.

8 years ago

In 2006, 11 bubble billionaires of Silicon Valley had a meet with the emergent Obama in Palo Alto. They told him they would make him President.

The explosion in surveillance, hi-frequency trading, and informatics infrastructure was the result. QE monies pouring into Silicon Valley and the new DC Beltway suburbs. This is the new Gilded Age, the Railroad Barons.

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

Ya, for the mother of all reach arounds in return that would strip mine America and make them all even richer and more powerful.
They aren’t liking Trump and us dirt people too much. We wrecked their party. Did you see how they have filed a number of Amicus-Briefs, and have pledged funding for litigation of the 19 States Autourney General’s suing Trump on, ahem, “Constitutional Grounds” his immigration directives violate the law of the land.
That is so rich it defies all known theories of relativity.

Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

We no longer care what they say, what their opinion is, or for any of their monkey barking because they are chauvinist hypocrites too arrogant to ever listen.

Virtue, to them, means bringing in foreign mercenaries to improve the native Americans.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Doug
8 years ago

they will get theirs, good and hard. i expect them to be driven from the country, along with the obamas, pelosis, clintons, bushes, etc. keep in mind the nationalism tsunami is just getting started; in 4 years it will be a monstrous force rolling across the land.

Reply to  Karl Hungus
8 years ago

Doug was so right that the real revolution is that we no longer care about their opinion.

The next unanswered question is, “why did we EVER care about their opinion?”

Reply to  alzaebo
8 years ago

Why? Thats a question right there. The marxist/fascist social engineering formula of the Big Lie
has much to do with the why. Agitprop and propaganda, revised history. Blind trust in the “system”. The erosion of Patriarchy, a culture that forgets what the shovel, the axe, the sword, and the rifle are for. Tar and Feathers was once an honorable remedy. A government too big, too intrusive, which has usurped too much authority over dirts peoples primal right to self determinate.

Solomon Honeypickle IV
Solomon Honeypickle IV
8 years ago

Zman (et als) given that the clouders are so fukking incompetent, isn’t there a very good chance that they in fact will be ousted from their perches? I am thinking an Agincourt type wipe out. dibs on the Cock Brothers!

8 years ago

My money is on someone — not Trump himself — forming a new Trump Party, maybe a year or two into his administration. This way they’re not “outsiders,” “third parties,” aka the perennial joke of American politics, but fed-up insiders who are just pragmatically working for the common good. Of course, it’ll be full of grifters looking to use Trump as he actually tools them over and over and over (the one valid Hitler comparison in this whole mess)… but if/when that happens, whoo boy. This is a chubby-rific time to be a historian.

Reply to  Severian
8 years ago

I’ll take constitutional viable third party redress for a thousand Alex.

Edwin Pasic
Edwin Pasic
8 years ago

Trump’s biggest problem will be the ‘copperhead republicans’ that will back stab him at every turn. McCain, McConnell and those dinosaurs that need to die off are his biggest threat.

8 years ago

May I go offtopic a bit to thank Karl Horst for provoking a most educational discussion of terms and history yesterday?

I see an excellent intellectual floor supporting for our developing Movement.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
8 years ago

At some point, the Cloud People will shift gears, but for now, the game will be Trump picking fights and the establishment going bonkers.

Reminds me of Mel Gibson in Braveheart before that first battle scene.

“I’m gonna picka fight.”

We all know how that one ended.

Phoenix Rising
Phoenix Rising
8 years ago

Thanks Zman for another enlightening column to ponder over my morning coffee. I wish Trump well in his fight against the bureaucratic windmills of DC. The excellent points you raise are just more justifications for term limits. With all the tasks that Trump is taking on, I hope the term limits windmill is one of the high priority targets.

8 years ago

If you would like to send an “attaboy” to President Trump, feel free to print and mail this first of a monthly series of 8.5 x 5.5 postcards.

8 years ago

[…] noticed is that when I write about the Cloud People stuff, those posts get passed around a lot. This one broke a record for hits in a day. I thought it could be the Trump angle, but looking at the traffic […]

8 years ago

[…] The Cloud Party Declares War | The Z Blog […]

8 years ago

[…] Read it all at the Z Blog […]