We Need A Tom Doniphon

Recently, the nation’s cat ladies have been asking the rest of us, “Aren’t you afraid that Trump is going to become a dictator and start bullying journalists and judges just to get his way?” Of course we’re all suppose to start from the premise that Trump is Hitler reborn and just looking for a reason to impose martial law. The fact that Trump has assiduously adhered to the rules of the game to this point is just proof that he is Hitler. After all, Hitler won an election too and we all know how that worked out.

My answer to that query is, “No, I’m not afraid Trump will do all those things. I’m afraid he won’t do those things.” For the last three decades, probably longer, the guys allegedly on the side of the rest of us, have been obsessed with playing by the rules. The thing I don’t fear is that Trump will “go too far” or fail to respect the rules of the game. I don’t care about those rules anymore. Those rules are the bars of the cage. What we don’t need now is a guy obsessed with procedure. We need a guy willing to break the rules.

We have reached a point where it is heads they win, tails we lose. The game has been rigged to make reforming the system within the rules an impossibility. When a majority of the people favor a policy that the managerial class opposes, the policy gets hamstrung by the rules of the game. All of a sudden, the process is sacred. When the managerial class wants something for their masters, they change the rules so it either flies through or simply happens without anyone noticing. The process is not all that important.

All the blather about America being a nation of laws is just cover for the fact that ours is a lawless nation ruled by lawless men. An obvious example is the Ninth Circuit judges, who have fabricated a legal justification for throwing sand in the gears of a wildly popular executive order issued by President Trump. These are not men enforcing the law or respecting the laws. These are men who hold the law in contempt. All that matters to them is obedience to the weird secular cult we have come to call Progressivism.

If what it takes to break the stranglehold this cult has on society is a dictator willing to toss a few judges from a helicopter, then sign me up for dictatorship. I’d much prefer to live in a society where me and my neighbors meet once a month to govern ourselves and our community, but that’s not on offer. What is on offer now is the post-modern theocracy that uses the corrupted and degraded tools of 18th century liberalism to maintain its grip on society. Squads of government men rounding these people up in the middle of the night sounds pretty good right now.

Totalitarians attempt to change the world and human nature, by controlling all aspects of society, including the granular aspects of the political system. It’s what makes reform impossible as we are quickly seeing with the opposition to Trump’s policies. It’s not that they object, on policy grounds, to the very mild reforms that are being proposed. What is at issue is the very concept of the all encompassing world state. To permit reform is to permit questioning and that can never be tolerated.

The only way to break the totalitarian stranglehold may be with a an authoritarian willing to bust down doors and crack some heads. Authoritarianism is only concerned with political power and as long as that is not contested it gives society a certain degree of liberty. You can still have judges falling out of helicopters as we saw with Pinochet, but the people can still go about their lives, free from the hectoring of secular fanatics living off the tax payers. Trump ordering the execution of the 9th Circuit is not ideal, but it beats the hell out of being ruled by angry lunatics from San Francisco.

The main argument against personal rule is that the person eventually dies. Then you have to hope the next guy is not crazy or dangerous. That’s also an upside to authoritarianism. Trump is not going to live forever. What follows is not likely to be another authoritarian. Pinochet eventually gave way to a form of self-government. The reason Chile did not suffer the same fate as Venezuela or Argentina is that Pinochet had most of the secular fanatics shot and tossed into a pit. As a result, Chile came out of the other end of the Pinochet years looking pretty good.

America is headed for a bad end unless things change quickly and radically. The suicide cult that has control of our society is not going to stop until we’re all dead. At some point, you have to use every means necessary to prevent a catastrophe. If that means Lindsay Graham winds up in pit covered in lime, so be it. If Bill Kristol has to write his tantrums from exile in Israel, I can live with that. In order to have a world run by Senator Ranse Stoddard, you first need a Tom Doniphon to do the dirty work of clearing out  Liberty Valance.

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George Orwell
George Orwell
7 years ago

Someone very wisely noted recently (it even might have been Zman) that people are realizing elections no longer change anything — anything substantial. That’s potentially risky territory, for the fully sufficient reason that people may decide to change things in less orderly ways. Personally I’m more worried they won’t. Mitch McConnell can vanish and never be missed ever again. However if having his personal residence mobbed by SJW goons can’t wake him from his Cloud Privilege slumber, he deserves what’s coming. The Prog street vanguard has shown they are willing to break the Cloud Rules to win, rules the genteel… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Do not throw in the towel! Do you want to live in such a world, waiting for the knock on the door and the arrests to follow? Fight this with every fiber of your being, not to strike down your enemies, but to find friends. Support each other in resisting the temptation to fall to the dark side in your own actions, or to give up in the face of bad times. I am an often skeptical Christian, but Jesus’ example teaches us two things. One is to always do the right thing, the second is to never give in.… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

wake up magoo.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Jesus’ example is to clear out the Temple – with violence.

Reply to  antipater_1
7 years ago

Why’d he do it?
Because they were cheating their mandatory customers, giving 9 talents for 10- in the God’s own house!

(One had to exchange any currency for the shekels only used in temple)

Reply to  antipater_1
7 years ago

Violence only to inanimate objects, not to human beings. Big difference.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Darth says come to the dark side…..we’ve got chicks and cookies.

Old Codger
Old Codger
Reply to  DFCtomm
7 years ago

Much prefer hookers and blow……

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

As a Christian, I simply look at the writing on the wall. God gave us free will as well as His Word. He sent his Chosen People, the Jews into lands to conquer and subdue the land and it’s people’s for their own use. The fact that our country is split almost 50/50 means to me that it is essentially impossible to hope for reconciliation and that we will have to endure the kind of crap we are seeing for decades to come, unless something drastic changes the balance. I opt for preserving the country as it was founded and… Read more »

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

I am not so sure that one can truthfully say that elections don’t change anything. Trump’s election changes everything. We have opened a door and walked into a new place, and there is no going back now, no matter how Trump’s tenure turns out. Until last November ninth, I, too, believed that elections changed nothing. What I have come to realize is that elections where the choices are all representatives of the powers that be, almost all of the elections, do change nothing. Very occasionally, an outside candidate forces his way into the game and everything changes. These are the… Read more »

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

True enough; the real question is has anything *substantial* changed. Only time will tell. Trump can rewrite his EO or issue fifty more; the Cathedral’s bottomless supply of lawfare soldiers will crush every one in court. All we suggest is Trump pay as little attention to court rulings as Jackson did, or Obama — which is to say, obey most of the time. Trump needn’t defy all or even most judges, just a crucial few. This is less lawless than it appears, especially when it is Robart who is defying plenary executive prerogatives of the president.

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

Baby steps. Illegals are getting rounded up this weekend and sent to Mexico. A small percentage for sure, but it IS happening. A illegal was just thrown in prison for voting fraud for 8 years in Texas. It is starting as a trickle , but I’d wager, soon, self deportations will start en masse.. this obviously is just immigration and you are referring to big things, but the rule of law has to be reestablished and a very prominent way to do that is enforce immigration law. Trump has said it, we either have a country or we don’t. I… Read more »

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

Calfornia Senate Leader Kevin de Leon just acknowledged the other day how widespread the theft / fraudulent use of U.S. Social Security Numbers (SSN) was by the illegal immigrant community and how it’s no big deal, should not be a deportable offense. That even half of his own family would be eligible for deportation under Trump’s EO. Over the years, penalties for fraudulent use of SSN have been lessened as the law was somewhat de-fanged in order to accommodate illegal immigrants’ needs in taking U.S. jobs. The effect being a U.S. citizen who commits SSN fraud would be prosecuted and… Read more »

Andy Texan
Reply to  Chuckie
7 years ago

Have you ever noticed how poor neighborhoods seem to have a lot of income tax filing store fronts? Considering that these are exactly the kinds of people who pay no income taxes? Think ‘tax refund’ scam. For each tax refund an applicant gets, the tax store front must make a tidy sum.

Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago

Earned Income Tax Credits, Mexico’s main source of foreign income

Reply to  Andy Texan
7 years ago

Oh my goodness, I never even thought of that. Either you are really insightful, or I am really naïve!

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

No, dear, you are simply too kindhearted for this wicked, wicked world. May you always be so.

Now, if we could just Meena in here:
“I’m here to kick ass and change diapers, and I’m all outta diapers…”

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

AMEN on going after ALL the Muslim Brotherhood organizations (CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, MSA, MAS, ISCA, etc., etc.), as well as Soros and all the lefty NGOs.

I bet you’ve read (and I hope everyone hear does read) Andrew McCarthy’s book “Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America.” Talk about vital information! That book is absolutely essential.

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

Trump is making them, as Alynski put it, to defend their own standards. He is making them react, the cat bird seat so to say. They walked right into a trap of their own making. Trump has done a number of things like that, like with The Wall for instance. Their attempts of de-facto creation out of whole cloth laws as in overturning the “Unconstitutionality” and “UnAmerican” ban on immigration. ( Regardless it is Black Letter Law immigration is the sole purview of the chief executive and no one else. ) They own that ruling it is “UnAmerican”, including the… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Dutch you hit on something germane. I keep thinking lately since Trump was elected about the obscure theory of Water Empires. I read about it a long time ago as English class home work assignment when I was in Jr High School. It was actually in a science fiction story we where given to read. I can’t remember who wrote it. Anyways, in simplest terms if I remember correctly, a Water Empire lasts a long time because it has absolute control on a key component in it’s society, it seems like an immutable power, until one day an internal disruption… Read more »

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

The sci-fi story was Larry Niven’s “A World Out of Time”

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

Thats it! Persa for the State. The Water Empire theory strikes me as kissing cousins with the Chinese Mandate of Heaven. Which both are a bit prologue today.

Dan Kurt
Dan Kurt
Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

The actual book that influenced Niven probably was Karl Wittfogel’s Oriental Despotism: a Comparative Study of Total Power. First published in 1963 (Yale). Wittfogel coined the term HYDRAULIC SOCIETY. Here is a free internet source of the book: https://archive.org/stream/KarlAugustWittfogel-OrientalDespotism/KarlAugustWittfogel-OrientalDespotism_djvu.txt

Dan Kurt

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

Let’s give Mitch his due. He’s been the consummate politician. He’s sniffed the wind and now he’s seen the way the wind is blowing. He’ll be on our side…..until someone makes him a better offer. Sometimes, a politician is more useful than an ideologue. A politician can be frightened into following your demands, but an ideologue may choose to resist to the death.

Reply to  DFCtomm
7 years ago

I’m sorry but “consumate poltician” is way too polite a description of that weasel face, ass sucking scumbag! A politician who is supposed to be American first, should do what is best for America, then his constituents, then his own political beliefs. No, he is a weasel survivor who continues to exist because like a roach, he scurry’s from one morsel to another always looking over his shoulder never minding who or what he has to crawl over to do so. A real politician knows how to reach win-win deals and move things along. He and people like Paul Ryan… Read more »

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

TINVOWOOT has many meanings. The most profound is voting was never intended for voting our way out of anything, it was intended for not getting in the predicament of having to vote our way out of what has happened to begin with.

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
7 years ago

When the judiciary has fabricated jurisdiction over a matter (there was neither standing nor jurisdiction in the 9th circuit case), my opinion as a former Federal litigator is that the President has every right to point that out and treat the Order as null and void. Andy Jackson and Lincoln did it in far less egregious cases….

Reply to  kokor hekkus
7 years ago

I thought the same as you. The only thing I have thought of is; he is using this to his advantage. He could have told them to pound sand and he didn’t recognize their authority to even hear the case ( either Federal Court). BUT in allowing this to unfold… a lot of folks are stepping across the line and I figure, the administration is learning from this … taking notes, and building public consciousness to a clearly out of control progressive movement and wacky judges. Time will tell if it’s a missed opportunity or my hunch is correct.

Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

I hope you’re right. Scott Adams calls him a “Master Persuader” and we’re always being told that it’s the nature of a businessman like Trump, when he’s making a deal, to start with a high demand, then negotiate down to something more reasonable. But what happens when a man offers a deal and the other side not only won’t make a counter-offer, they insult him and throw him out of the room? Sometimes what happens is that he takes a harder line, and the other side eventually is left wishing they’d taken his initial offer. I deeply hope that’s what’s… Read more »

7 years ago

We have time. Anger at the so-called judges in WA and the 9th Circuit is driving most of this. Working against the Government Party is that NOBODY expected them to rule differently. NOBODY expected the Media to report that a Boston district judge refused to interfere with Trump’s executive order. That’s the kind of antidemocratic lawlessness that the Persuadeable Public understands. The Persuadeable ones get angry when illegal Mexicans show up to try and intimidate law enforcement from deporting a woman who is a known criminal (forgery, stolen SSAN, etc). It’s the kind of stuff that makes shrinking and eliminating… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

The average American has known that we have gone off the rails for many decades at least, but has been cowed out of speaking up about it for a long time. Now the typical citizen is seeing that he has been right in his outlook all along. Call them Persuadables. What they are is the real silent majority that is finally seeing their own point of view being represented and defended. The crazies will self-identify, and if they keep it up, they will need to emigrate to some other country if they want to venture out beyond their own front… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Good comment. I think a useful first step would be to expand the “press pool” to greatly marginalize the Government Media. I don’t know that even Trump could get away with kicking, say, CNN out of the White House (though he seems ready to try). But he can invite 100 others and ignore CNN/NBC/ABC/etc entirely. The silent majority felt isolated and ashamed mainly because they had been banished from the public square…ethnic cleansing in the media, in a way. Those days are nearly over. The social media rage spirals of the Government Party are largely the result of the silent… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Cogent observation, but what is this “shame” you speak of?

I don’t see much evidence of it in the behavior of the left. You could argue that the systematic elimination of shame is part of the progressive vision.

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

Yeah, Pyrrhic victory for the 9th circuit. There will be no tears shed when it is carved up. Also, Trump has been given an early example of why appointing good judges to these courts matter. He has a LOT of appointments to make. I also think because of the 9th, a LOT of folks would agree to new limits of term for Federal Judges. Trump knows how to learn from setbacks. None of this drama will have been wasted.

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

Agree. I see Trump following the process as far as he can, spelling out very clearly for the Persuadeables that he’s all out of options. Are helicopters coming? That’s up to the Left/Deep State, but I’d give Trump 12-18mos before he sees that as a valid option.

7 years ago

Maybe after Don and Vlad have their next friendly chat, we’ll hear that Mr. Soros has fallen ill.

Reply to  Chazz
7 years ago

Lets hope his son catches the same illness also.
How he has managed to remain alive so long after all he has done is a testament of how truly crooked and corrupt those running things are.

7 years ago

How much time do people think we have? I have heard Trump knows all regarding the Deep State, 9/11/01, etc. Most of us have already concluded that there is no point in dialoguing with the zombies anymore. So what do we see as the current necessary role of the ordinary citizen?

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Harriet
7 years ago

well, so far over 700 sexual traffickers and predators have been rounded up in the last week or so. and not a peep of it in the pizza press.


Pretty hard to believe, right? Stands to reason all the fake news, fake memes, crisis as a means and the desperate use of false flag operations like anti-fa hired “rioters” going on, is a two pronged strategy of tactics implemented to distract from the truth and to hopefully undermine President Trump’s legitimacy in order to retain the power which would cover up what these people truly are and the things they are doing and have done to us and our country. In following what can be separated wheat from chaff on Pizzagate, it’s looking like at least 1000 public officials… Read more »


Could you provide any links? This is the first I’ve heard of this. I tried just doing a google search, but haven’t found anything yet.

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Has evil Google scrubbed Pizzagate?
What the heck?!

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Plenty on Pizzagate, but I couldn’t find anything about 700 perverts rounded up in the last week or so — what Solomon Honeypickle mentioned.

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Here you go. Not surprised. The absence of even crickets is deafening silence of the press. Did you know over 100 federal employees where arrested over the course of a couple days? Or a ring of political figures in Norway where arrested? How about the suspected abductions of more than 2000 children from a northern Virginia, and the same in one location in Europe and in England? Ex fellon ex congress critter Jerry Epstien’s connections and his private island and jet shuttle service, the Clintons numerous visits? That NYC Detectives passed their evidence to the FBI almost 6 months ago… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Thank you, Doug! I will look at all these. Ann Barnhardt has done many articles as well as a long video about Diabolical Narcissism that explain a lot about the inner dynamics of these monsters. http://www.barnhardt.biz/diabolical-narcissism/ I recently read a book about the Franklin Scandal, which involved a huge pedophilia ring that allegedly included ritual torture and human sacrifice — and involved multiple powerful political figures and even law-enforcement officials in Omaha, NE, and Washington, DC. https://www.amazon.com/Franklin-Scandal-Story-Powerbrokers-Betrayal-ebook/dp/B005H3AUIC/ Until Pizzagate broke, I’d only read about ritual abuse and powerful people being involved in pedophilia rings in FICTION by authors such as… Read more »

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

It doesn’t seem so hard to believe. The scale and scope of the reign of influence, corruption and treason revealed by the hour of these people alone is mind blowing. Look at the Roman empire at the height of it hedonism and degradation. Mao, Stalin. Marxists bath in the blood and suffering of their enemies. Nothing sacred but there to be no limits on their power. Using children as sex slaves, ritualistic canibalism, torture and murdering children, recording it to prove how much power they have, what is more powerful than doing that to children.

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

What would you recommend by Andrew Klavan, please?
And thanks to you and Doug for the links.

Reply to  Daniel K Day
7 years ago

I recommend anything by Andrew Klavan, he’s my favorite novelist!
But the one with the child trafficking is “A Killer in the Wind.”

Reply to  Harriet
7 years ago

Nothing has changed. You will need; potable water, food, shelter, warmth, like minded community(tribe), weapons and ammunition. The exact same thing you needed yesterday. The war will not be televised, comms(not commercial) will be a plus. Your role is to live, reproduce, and raise young in the way that they should go. Nothing has changed. Since you’re no longer ‘dialoging with the zombies’ you have a threat that must be addressed. People who can’t communicate fight. The bigger your tribe, the better your tribe’s natural resources, and the better your tribe’s armaments the better off you will be. We ain’t… Read more »

Reply to  Fred
7 years ago

I’ll back what your saying with everything I have Fred by saying that the absence of those things in our culture you mention has led to our becoming complacent and forgetful of our freedoms. That without those ideas and preparatory thinking as natural and a condition of self determination and individual liberty, us dirt people lack the hearts and minds and become vulnerable subjects of illegitimate power. It is a great and noble thing to see people becoming beginning to understand the past to understand the future, for becoming self sufficient, able to prepare for and defend themselves and their… Read more »

Reply to  Fred
7 years ago

Spot on. Anyone wondering how to go about such a daunting task to transition from todays normal to the mindset Fred describes, I suggest looking up The Reluctant Partisan, by John Mosby.

(https://readfomag.com/product/the-reluctant-partisan-vol-1-the-guerrilla/) (https://mountainguerrilla.wordpress.com/)

In this day and age of cheap, easy convenient goods from Amazon and Wal-Mart, it may seem expensive. it’s worth remembering the relation of quality, value, and cost, as well as what’s at stake.

Reply to  Fred
7 years ago

Amen Fred and Doug…I been advocating for building Community for a long time and if you can do it from where you are living then move to somewhere you can…

Reply to  Harriet
7 years ago

Holding pattern for the foreseeable future, so you might want to take this time to get ready. Everything is going to go along, not great but okay, as long as the checks keep coming, but when the checks quit coming all hell is going to break loose. The only problem is that we’ve got lunatics running the economic system now. It’s going to be one hell of a show.

Reply to  Harriet
7 years ago

The answer, or the question really, has always been the prospect for unencumbered individual, and unfettered economic, liberty. Those two absolutely essential qualifications of sovereign individual freedom are nowhere to be seen or heard spoken by anyone outside the realm of the dirt people. And I mean no one, speaks of those things in the arena of affairs of the people, nor their will as the governed of the republic. All I see is a political and ideological war over who will hold power over a fractured and divided Former United States of America, otherwise known as FUSA, to the… Read more »

Reply to  Harriet
7 years ago

Support Trump as long as he supports us.
Realize that even a totalitarian/ populist government can’t do everything, and so look for ways at the local level to de-commy America

Reply to  Zorost
7 years ago

Thumbs Up

7 years ago

I am with Z, it is the only way. The human extinction movement will not stop. Till they are. Shit rolls down hill. It rolls onto us dirt people. It is the nature of such things. It is the dirt people who have ever effected positive change in this world. The manifest truth is most dirt people know this. There is no voting our way out of this. There never was. That is not such a bad thing either. Because us dirt people become manifest in our righteousness and our legitimacy.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago


7 years ago

I posted this on Kakistocracy this morning. It’s relevant to this post too: __________________________ The solution to the issue of federal judges acting as philosopher-kings is to pare back the subject matter jurisdiction of the lower federal courts to hear questions arising under the constitution. Full stop. The US Supreme Court is established by Article III of the constitution, and it’s jurisdictional scope is set forth therein. Neither the executive nor the legislative branch can change this. By contrast, while the constitution authorizes the creation of lower (i.e., district and appellate) courts, there is no *requirement* in the constitution to… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

defund the 9th circuit court and see what happens. bring personal law suits against the sitting judges — in friendly jurisdictions. doxx the shit out of the liberal judges. produces videos that will “guide” the crazies into thinking killing a judge makes one a “hero”


With respect, there really is no practical way to remove funding from the 9th Circuit. And federal judges have immunity from personal lawsuits for their acts on the bench. These are not viable solutions. Nor are doxxing or killing federal judges.

At the very least we need to eliminate the privileges of Senatorial Courtesy and the Blue Slip process. Judge Robart is on the bench because Democratic Senator Patty Murray recommended him and the Bush Administration acquiesced. This needs to stop.


Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

who authorizes the funding of the ninth circuit? is it federal or state?


The 9th Circuit is a federal court circuit. It is funded by the federal government. The problem is not the 9th Circuit, per se. The problem is that the 9th Circuit is stacked with liberal, activist judges. This is not accidental. Rather, it is a direct result of Senatorial Courtesy and the Blue Slip process referenced above. Most of the district courts in the 9th Circuit are in the populated areas of the West Coast. Accordingly, the Senators of CA, OR, and WA get have a vastly disproportionate influence on the appointment of district court judges in the 9th Circuit.… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
7 years ago

True to some extent. But they can be Impeached. It may just start to become a remedy, that Impeachment as a weapon of rule of law’s time has come. Franklin was brilliant when he proposed Impeach instead of physical assassination as a constitutional republic’s remedy to treasonous politicians and executives. He felt Impeachment was a form of personal Assassination very effective because of the potential message inherent in such action to remove usurpers and conspiracies of treason from government. Lord knows there is no shortage of usurpation and treason.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Thousands of judges, bureaucrats, officials, and politicians were jailed in the 1800’s for abusing their office.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

During the Seditions act?

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

As regular practice.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Wouldn’t hurt to do that right now. A lot of need a vacation in the crowbar hotel.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Z Man; Your second-last paragraph about the perils of strong-man succession is totally consistent with the thrust of your just-previous post about the history of Rome. One of the few things that writers on the subject cannot really disagree with is that during the unified empire, Rome prospered when there was orderly succession to Emperor and faltered when there was not. Most agree that the wastage of provinces and legions caused by the civil wars of succession was one of the main causes of the fall to the barbarians who were increasingly recruited to participate in said civil wars. Now… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Western Rome fell because eventually the tax revenue dried up, and the state collapsed on its own. not so exciting as a barbarian invasion, but that’s in fact what happened. same is happening now, here, re: government pensions and pay levels. wait till all the tax eaters in cali learn there is no more “porridge” for them.


Al is more correct, though you are both correct.

Bringing in foreign mercenaries who expect to get pay from a shrinking tax base… vicious circle

The new Overseer class muscle will defend their privileges as vibrantly as our homegrown overseers, political officers, and informants, or more.

We’re not seeing ordinary stupid here- this is weaponized stupid.
This is enemy action.

7 years ago

The way I see it, what Trump is trying to do right now is to change things without bloodshed. Not sure what to make of that.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

Exactly. Push back hard, and do not waver. Play by the rules, but at the far end of the rules. These crazy people are beclowning and isolating themselves, and the pushback of the normals will get stronger and stronger. The genius of our system is the ability to fix things within the system. Almost all governments are instituted to perpetuate themselves, ours was instituted to reinvent itself as it goes. Don’t give up on the system. We have been hypnotized and lied to for a century or more, and the blinders are coming off just now. Leverage that realization within… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Let’s see… 58M abortions since Rowe v Wade (who knows how many more in NY, CA, and the other states that legalized it before), 100K’s dead in black communities due to violence, and now tens of thousands more of our white and black dead, apparently drinking and drugging themselves to death in middle age due to being made superfluous by crazed policy. And you know what really galls me? After aborting the 58M babies, the bastards imported roughly the same number of legal and illegal migrants to keep the economy from stagnating like Europe and Japan. Doug is right. It… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Yes! To all of it, Dutch. As another alternative to the helicopter drops, I have fantasies of seeing revoked citizenship of heavy-duty globalists like Soros, Hillary, Merkel, all the EU leadership and sending them to Saudi Arabia or any of the Gulf states. Not welcome back to Western civilization, or at least the U.S. Either use the corrupt existing U.S. telecommunications / broadcasting laws against them or revise the laws to take away media control from globalists and allow re-programming of people with broadcasts of the many alternative sources to be found these days that teach the versions of history… Read more »

Reply to  Chuckie
7 years ago

100% agree with Dutch, and 95% with Chuckie. Disagree with Chuckie about “not Jews.” Orthodox Jewish believers are our friends and allies. Witness the Orthodox Jews who are totally with us in the struggles against abortion and against the attempted redefinition of marriage to include homosexual partnerships. The Jews who actually believe that the Torah, the prophets and the Psalms are the inspired word of God are descendants of the ancient Hebrews to whom the Lord God revealed Himself, and through whom our Messiah, Jesus, came to the earth. Jesus is a Jew! So please don’t deny real believing Jews… Read more »

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Kathy, I used to be in your camp but, with all due respect to your graciousness and beautiful creed, after working for Jews came to see a very ugly reality about what they think of goyim and how we are exploited. Also read up a lot on them and re-learned some history, which I’m doing a whole lot of in recent years. Don’t feel too bad for them, they have a disproportionate amount of money and power and will be just fine. They definitely look out for each other, while we Christians compete and undermine each other. They play all… Read more »

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

The Orthodox Jews I’ve encountered are not friendly to Christians or anyone other than Jews. I’ve come across outright hostile ones here in L.A. (in NYC and DC as well); at best they don’t acknowledge your existence or make any kind of contact. Some are apparently even violent to humans, like some of the settlers, not just in Israel but in Ukraine and other places on the planet (Colombia, Brazil and other places they’re developing outposts). I’ve come to think these Orthodox are the fearless extremist zealots sent out to fight their way into existence in places they’re not welcome,… Read more »

Reply to  Chuckie
7 years ago

As farms Soros, Hildabitch and Bubba, Obummer, and the rest go, I hear there are some vacancies at Club Gitmo.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

You can’t legitimately start throwing people out of helicopters or dumping them into pits without first exhausting all the other options. I’ve always felt that one of the vital keys to the American Revolution – was the militia men who stood on Lexington Common didn’t just start shooting wildly at the British when they showed up. They were ordered to disperse – and were in the process of doing so – when the shot rang out. Some of the militia men were shot – so they shot back. From then on – it was a war – and the Brits… Read more »

Pat Hines
Reply to  Calsdad
7 years ago

You’re way behind the power curve. The attacks you’re speaking about occurred many decades ago, some say in 1860-65.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

You’ve got it Taco. Trump has balls the size of North America and tells everyone what he’s going to do. Law and Order will prevail and peace brought to America with an Iron Fist and Will backed up by the Dirt People. Here’s the deal though, we have to grind the progs into dust in order for peace to last many, many generations. I have no patience for anyone who doesn’t get this including family and friends. We’ve been given one chance to derail the train to oblivion and set a new course.

Reply to  Leverage
7 years ago

What seems apparent to me is that without the money and ideas backing their ideas, the people being used as “tools” for the progressive cause would be like the robots who simply go limp when their power source is taken off-line. Take off the head of the snake and the rest won’t know what to do or have the motivation to do it. We know who the snakes are.

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

LetsPlay I agree with your assessment and this is a simple and effective way to fight back against the One Worlders. Real, enforced economic sanctions along with targeted assassinations will quickly mute the desire of Soros (only one example) and his ilk to bring attention to themselves as funders of anarchy. I want the dirt people led by Trump to get back in the big boy sandbox.

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

What your saying is spelled out pretty well in this interesting article,


Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Wow! Thanks for that. I was there and I had forgotten most of it.

7 years ago

Here’s the deal. If this goes on, the military, the National Guard, and law enforcement agencies are going to be called out into the streets to “keep the peace”. They are training for it already, ever heard of Jade Helm? What you want is for the military to be called out on “them”, not on “us” or on “everyone”. Prepare to the utmost, hold your fire, and let these crazies keep taking it further and further. Then practice the art of “lets you and him fight”, “you” being law enforcement and “him” being the crazies. We are winning now, don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Did you notice that odd minute during the Inauguration when a group of military men lined up silently behind Trump?

No need for bluster. They’ve got his back.
Been reading that military patriots are ready to purge national security and defense of the Deep State civilian criminals who have brought our doctrines, our good name, and our Nation to ruin.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

I seen that also, there was no mistaking the various subtle but sublime little cues throughout. Have to say it was a heart warming relief to see it. Bet you it was a signal as discreet message change of the guard to certain elements of domestic and foreign enemies.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Lets hope those Oaths really count for something other than fealty to the most admired or powerful Alpha leader. Out of the fire and into the frying pan kind of thing. I believe Montesquieu was right. Large nation states are incapable protecting the dirt peoples freedoms and liberty by their very nature they tend towards totalitarianism, they are too far removed from the dirt people, there are too many unaccountable agents within them, and all that implies regarding what men with power want, more power. Dutch, here is a splendid work on the ideas and reasons about standing armies and… Read more »

7 years ago

Good oh, Zman. Things “could” get kinda weird and ugly I’m think. Read this morn that Messieurs Obama ( NYPost) is making noise behind scenes to lead a shadow, insurgency to thwart the new administration and to organize resistance whenever and wherever to seed trouble. With the judges you describe, it is not hard to imagine a real conflict that our country has not seen. A former administration in active sedition with active judges willing to help. The rub comes when Trump and his decide to fight for the country, the rule of law and the Constitution. The ramifications will… Read more »

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

here you have it and below is just an exerpt, read the whole thing http://taxicabdepressions.com/?p=1193 I asked him several “what if” questions and let him riff on them… I just let him talk and wargame out the Second Civil War, there in the back seat of my car as we drove to the airport, and he painted a picture of horrific death and destruction. Once this conflict started, even the best-case scenarios he described sounded truly grim. He seemed to believe that civilian casualties would be extremely high, given how much fighting would centered in and around large cities, and… Read more »

Reply to  barogue1
7 years ago

A million thanks- I was so hoping someone would bring that.

He had me at “95% of the problems we have in this country could be solved tomorrow, by noon… simply by dragging 100 people out in the street and shooting them in the fucking head.”

Reply to  barogue1
7 years ago

Note to those who haven’t gone to the link: The piece was written in 2014, when Obama was still President.

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

jughead is making the same mistake o. j. did

he is going to end up hanged

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

Absolutely, O went to work on day one.
His lux ‘vacations’ are cover for planning sessions. Not done by a long shot.

Dr. Mabuse
7 years ago

It’s the smirking arrogance of the Left`as they brazenly break the rules to win, that has brought me to longing for the helicopter solution too. No matter what set of rules the Right plays by, managing to win just brings forth another hilarious bout of “Heads we win, tails you lose” from the Left. Now that the Ninth Circuit judges have done their pirouettes to the applause of THEIR side, I want to know what Trump is going to DO? It’s not enough to say, “Don’t worry, the Supreme Court will set things right.” The Supreme Court has become the… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
7 years ago

I like it. Kinda like Gen. Wm. T. Sherman and his scorched earth campaign. Things will not change until you make them feel the pain. Right now, they are the ones dishing it out. Let’s see how they like being on the receiving end.

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

Careful what you wish for, it was Lincoln’s Marxist who waged total scorched earth warfare against a sovereign population whom had every right and legal interpretation of the right to secede. Sherman’s march was pogrom on American soil. It was to make sure secession would die a bloody end and remind all who entertain such rights the consequences of defying the Banksters and one world order of the day. Remember Waco, it was Lincoln’s marxist decedents who used tanks and deliberately incinerated all those people because they where white men and Christian, remember who was running the regime in DC.… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Doug, I Letsplay is pointing out though, that the central point is, it will continue until and unless they feel the pain and forfeit the field. The left/Progs have done nothing BUT throw crap in our faces and taunted us. They have collectively flaunted the rule of law and perverted society… and they scream when anyone tries to bring them to bear. It’s time for real consequences for their sedition and treachery. There “should” be an account for inflaming their folks and inciting riots.

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

I understand, and am not above thinking what payback is due, same as the next guy who is fed up with their stupid shit stirring. But this is a war of hearts and minds. If we dirt people are going to win this, holding the moral high grounds is as important as holding the tactical. We got to do it right. It isn’t just the leftists who want us slaves or dead. It isn’t about winning the battles, I have no doubts we win those hands down when it comes to it, it’s about winning something better after the battles.… Read more »

7 years ago

One problem with supporting a strongman tyrant to clean up your mess is that his and your definition of a mess may be very different. Another problem is that tyrants tend to increase their tyranny over time.

Doniphon was no tyrant, he was a man with the will and the skill to employ violence in defence of the right.

We don’t need *A* Tom Doniphon, we need to EACH BECOME Tom Doniphon. We need a country full of Tom Doniphons. The good news is that we have one, I think.

fred z
7 years ago

Vigilante: noun, plural noun: vigilantes: a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

To hell with this shit about “Squads of government men rounding these people up in the middle of the night”.

The first thing we will round up and liquidate are “Squads of government men”.

White hat
White hat
7 years ago

Either Z is having a really bad day or he is seeing how easily a civil war two could be upon us. The pendulum of the culture wars has swung in the other direction. Hillary was zenith and now with momentum it follows the arc back with force. There will be casualties and collateral damage. Hold tight with deep belief and faith, stand by the role of law ( you’ll be surprised how righteous it is – remember the consitituion was written by deeply moral and religious men) and remember a majority of working class women in the red states… Read more »

Reply to  White hat
7 years ago

You do realize what the Constitution actually proves don’t you? It’s been the best system to constrain the nature of man and it failed utterly in the end. Law proved no to be no restraint on the desires of man. Where it wasn’t subverted it was outright ignored, and all so that the bureaucracy could serve the desires of the ruling class. The American experiment has proved that there is no ideal or law superior the nature of man. It’s proven that the most important ingredient to a stable and just society is a just man. There simply is no… Read more »

White hat
White hat
Reply to  DFCtomm
7 years ago

Yeah it’s man who decides if the constitution is a bullet proof vest or toilet paper. Still I sense their fear of it. We may have already gone too far down and a reset (war) inevitable if that happens the codex is even more important.

Reply to  DFCtomm
7 years ago

I do not consider the Constitution to be the failure? It is it’s people who have failed. Just as Ben Franklin told the woman when she asked what sort of government the delegates had created, he answered “a Republic, if you can keep it.” We, have failed. Our forefathers have failed. The Founders understood the weaknesses of man and put together the best things ever produced for governing men, but that too, without constant cleansing has morphed into something of a monster that resembles in no way that which was intended. We have forgotten God’s law, and natural law. And… Read more »

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

Not so fast friend, I’m going to pick a bone with you. I can only speak for myself here, I never failed in my duty as a dirt person, nor my faith in the great creator and the ideas that where fought for that created liberty. Those thing have nothing to do with that instrument of the humanists who crafted a document of administrative tyranny. And what of all the dirt people of the South who desired to peacefully secede from that tyranny, are they guilty of failure? How about LeVoy Finnicum, or Randy Weaver’s wife and son? I do… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Doug, if you find the Constitution to be a “rancid piece of parchment” then we do have a problem. I tried to find something on the “Compact of Confederation” and I guess you are referring to something from the Civil War era? Of course, the Constitution does not stand alone. It goes hand in hand with the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. As has been said very eloquently, “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” – Winston Churchill Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/w/winstonchu164161.html What I… Read more »

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

LetsPlay, w/o knowing about the Articles of Confederation you must also be oblivious to the Anti-Federalist’s also. The Articles of Confederation pre-date the US Constitution by several years and governed the nation for that time,. The Federalist Papers, by Jay, Hamilton, and Madison, were essays pointing out the flaws in the Confederation, and the need for a stronger, centralized government. The Anti- Federalist papers refuted the claims of Madison, Jay and Hamilton. They were a collection of essays that basically foresaw the Federal Government becoming tyrannical, as it indeed has. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, the first… Read more »

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

So man failed not the Constitution. It’s almost as if you’re saying that whether the principles embodied in the Constitutions require men to behave accordingly for them to succeed. Making men more powerful than the ideals themselves. I could have sworn I said that very thing.

Reply to  DFCtomm
7 years ago

DF, what I was responding to was your statement of ” … and it failed utterly in the end.” I acknowledge you say later “It’s proven that the most important ingredient to a stable and just society is a just man.”, however, I guess it would be a correction in logic to say that this last makes the former incorrect. It was not the Constitution that failed, that is all I am saying.

Reply to  LetsPlay
7 years ago

But it didn’t succeed either. It’s goal was to be bulletproof, or as bulletproof as they could make it, but it wasn’t enough. Corruption still won. I’m not trying to cheapen the document or the ideals. I personally think it’s as good as words on paper can do, and apparently I’m not alone. Ben Franklin said “if you can keep it”, and that seems to indicate that more was required.

Reply to  White hat
7 years ago

I’m like you WH, the Constitution and its amendments mean nothing to me now. My rights do not stem from a piece of parchment nor laws man creates, as we are seeing first hand mean nothing to those whose sole responsibility was to uphold them. The Stoics understood ideas are like seeds, you plant them and they grow out of all size to their tiny beginnings. Z probably has always understood. I’ll send you a hundreds bucks if he didn’t. No matter, the closer we all come, as you say, in solidarity the stronger we are. No need for all… Read more »

7 years ago

I use to be one of those Conservative/libertarians that argued over the minutia of laws, traditions, and procedures, Then I realized there was no way in hell any of that was going to happen in the real world. Now I don’t care what color the cat is as long as it catches mice. The only thing that matters is real world results, the rest is just mental masturbation. It feels okay, and kills some time, but in the end is nothing more than a waste of paper towels.

7 years ago

Excellent post. Among your best. And you’re right; outside of violence the current trajectory of the US is highly unlikely to change. No government has ever voluntarily returned self determination back to the individual. It could happen, never is a long time, but I doubt that we have reached some new point in human history. The left wants a war. I, being Christian, must wait for them to attack first or some other morale imperative such as hunger. The world is such a place that when some seek war, they will find it. Soon enough, others will oblige. One upside… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Fred
7 years ago

” I, being Christian, must wait for them to attack first or some other morale imperative such as hunger”

let me reword this to make it clearer: “i am too comfortable and cowardly to do anything myself, so i will wait to see which side wins”


No, that’s not it. Thanks for your unqualified opinion of me. There is no such thing as righteous self-offense before a holy and just God. Only righteous self-defense. I’m not a churchian, I’m an actual Christian who carries a weapon 24/7 in defense of self and those less able. I was given a code, by Him, that I must live by or perish by, but I can’t change the code itself. Fear the ruthless vengeance of just man in concert with the holy redeemer.

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Fred
7 years ago

you are very welcome. too bad He didn’t give you functioning testicles


Killing people who are not a threat is not a manly act. It is cowardly. Politically, at what point is a justified determination of self defense reached, is something mankind has struggled with since recorded history began. I’m not the first, nor will I be the last. Taking a life, personally and individually and intimately, is no easy act. Mostly, big mouths calling for killing are the biggest cowards, mostly.


Going too far, dude.


Stop kicking your own.
That’s the Left’s national sport- once the Revolution is over, the Grim and Determined get to the truly important work of denouncing each other.


Take your meds already!


Now, now, unfair.
Once the shootin’ starts, it’s all over, never to return. Helicopter rain should be a gentleman’s affair.

Besides, the lights are still on, and I hope they stay on. Got toilet paper?

Reply to  Fred
7 years ago

“No government has ever voluntarily returned self determination back to the individual.” It’s never been tried other than the Confederacy’s secession from the Norths tyranny. But if we never try, it will never happen. And how many of us want to go into that long goodnight having never fought and tried? And really, maybe it isn’t the purview of the government, maybe it is the purview of the people to reconstitute a government suitable to their individual freedoms and happiness. For how else do we get this 10 ton whale of a leviathan off our backs? It isn’t going to… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Good points every one. I didn’t think about the war of northern aggression. That may qualify as an attempt at voluntarily returned liberty. I’ve been wrong before. I like your point about reconstituting a government suitable to ourselves. We really are different peoples. We are more like 4 or 5 peoples, I don’t know. To bad we all can’t simply say; this ain’t working so let’s split up into regions. Most on the right would go for it if were presented as the best of peaceable solutions. The left? I can’t imagine they would just walk away without wanting to… Read more »

Reply to  Fred
7 years ago

Nothing is easy or simple in this, there are no clear cut remedies. All we got is each other if we stick together, that it all begins with each of us, that we don’t have to stand or put up with this shit no longer. That in no uncertain terms should we ever bend a knee to the bastards. No more! We get another shot at this you know that? We get to do something about that legacy of freedom we where handed. It only happens once in an age. We got what it takes to come out the other… Read more »

Reply to  Fred
7 years ago

Have you read William S. Lind’s Victoria? It is exactly about what you suggest about splitting up in regions. Victoria begins in NH and Maine, they secede, and the cascade of secession and the resulting nullification of federal centralized power. http://www.traditionalright.com/victoria/ It has a lot going for it, not least of all it was something that has already taken place and was working pretty well under The Articles of Confederation. They had some important things to work out, but it left no doubts the autonomy of the individual sovereign nations states was critical to assuring the peoples will was attended… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
7 years ago

Here, here! the libs have just about pushed the rest of the country to the point where one way helicopter rides (and one way stadium visits) are acceptable. mobbing mcconnell’s house is going to help trump immensely. hopefully all the muslims will be returned to sender as well.

7 years ago

A hopeful note sung over at Belmont Club:

“I see the Democrat strongholds as slivers of prosperity surrounded by dysfunction. There is so much that could be pushed over with a tap that looks impregnable and secure.”

Maybe we could get some of our own ‘activist trainers’? That’s a mature industry over at the Left, and I feel like misbehavin’…

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

It really won’t take much. They all share one thing in common, wrenching their grasp from the levers of power isn’t easy at first, but once it begins, the thing in common is they will collapse faster than anyone thought. That is all they had, that power.

Not Sure
7 years ago

The mantra for so many years has been, “wait until the next election” and “you vote counts”. Well, here we are, still with the same mind set, as we watch the country “transform” into something we would not want to live in. It seems we have been conditioned to just wait, but in doing so, we miss opportunities to restore what was lost. So far the opportunity we will take will be when our lives and homes are threatened, but by then,it will be too late; there will be nothing left to preserve. So I agree with the article and… Read more »

7 years ago

I only had to read the first paragraph or two to give a thumbs up on this one.
I was just wishing this morning that Trump was a little more like Duterte.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

No, you don’t want that. Read up on Rodrigo some. Trump is using resources Duterte wouldn’t have a clue what to do with, if he had them … which he doesn’t.

7 years ago

Nothing is going to happen until the progs draw first blood or Trump engineers some sort of reichstag fire event.

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

so all the Trump supporters beaten unconscious isn’t drawing blood? harassing Trump’s daughter in public isn’t akin to same?

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

It’s already gotten to that Taco! Look at the Trump rally riot in San Diego during the campaign. Look at the riots at Berkley. That’s where we’re headed. The DC inauguration riots? The tell will be to see if those ~230 get real jail time and make it well known. I hope the Feds get a few of them to give info and go after the higher ups…. regardless of where that leads.

Reply to  Taco_Town
7 years ago

I have no doubt the progs will continue provoking in many ways until Trump is forced to crack down in the name of keeping the peace and enforcing law and order. The progs intend this so they can point their fingers and cry “Dictator!” and have the media machine go wild with it, further turning Americans against each other in the process.

Reply to  Chuckie
7 years ago

Wouldn’t taking away their money sources be a way to level the playing field some?
Freeze any funds sitting in U.S. banks and hack the rest. Deport any foreign born trouble makers. Then you could deal with the anarchists and community organizers.

Reply to  Shelby
7 years ago

I would love it if that happened. Let’s hope the FBI and Dept of Justice have dedicated some resources to investigating those very things. After team Hillary tried to destroy FBI Comey’s reputation on the way down, he has nowhere to go but up. He knows where the bodies are buried and what’s what. I’m curious what he’ll do under Trump. Will he do more than salvage his reputation? Will he go on to nail some of these traitors?

Reply to  Shelby
7 years ago

Send the shadow operations group Los Pepes after Soros like they went after Escobar and Che.

Reply to  Doug
7 years ago

Doug, don’t you imagine there is more than a few “black ops” retirees still able to kidnap a few puffy looking old men and take them to someplace…..
Not so friendly?
An unprovable crime that says you’re next.

7 years ago

Stoddard was a weenie. If Doniphon was smarter, he’d have shot Valance AND Stoddard.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  jdallen
7 years ago

Au Contraire, to win all Doniphon wouldn’t have had to shoot Stoddard too. Since it was likely that the wounded Stoddard would miss, all he had to do was let Valence shoot Stoddard first and then fire second or so later and kill Valence. Shooting too late could even have been an accident of timing, certainly would have looked like one. No jury would have convicted him for bushwhacking an obvious menace to public order who was then in the act of murdering a wounded man, etc., etc. As a result, Doniphon would likely have had Hallie to wife and… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
7 years ago

“No jury would have convicted…” But the theme of the whole show was that until Valance was killed and Stoddard’s gang of eunuchs took over, there WAS no law except that created at the point of a gun. To quote from the theme song. So, Tommy, my man, shoot Valance, then Stoddard, take the chick out to your ranch, and live happily ever after.

The End.

Reply to  jdallen
7 years ago

can’t agree here, jd. Stoddard had 2 giant brass ones and a spine of titanium. We need such men just as we needed a Lincoln or an Eisenhower. Rightly or no, i always saw the Stoddard-Doniphan pair as a Lincoln-Grant, Lee-Jackson or Ike-Patton pair. The one has strengths that the other doesn’t, but needs.

Reply to  escapeefromPGcounty
7 years ago

It took Doniphan to kill Valance, but it took Stoddard to be a hero for doing so and get away with it.

NM Sailor
NM Sailor
Reply to  escapeefromPGcounty
7 years ago

Lincoln? Give me a break. Lincoln was a traitor to the Constitution. You need to be deprogrammed, Sir.

King George III
King George III
Reply to  NM Sailor
7 years ago

The Constitution? Give me a break. The Constitution is a few empty words inked on ancient, disintegrating parchment. You need to be deprogrammed, sir.

(Keep pining over it though, I’m sure it will help you crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.)

Flying Tiger Comics
7 years ago

180 poast. This is the Law of Unintended COnsequences, or in the case of the Leftist mindset denying reality. One thing will, all else being equal, always lead to another.

Pinochet didn’t spring full grown from the forehead of a peaceful civilized first-world nation; sickness begets death or a cure. There is no third option. Never has been.

NM Sailor
NM Sailor
7 years ago

I’ll just settle for the Third American Revolution and when we come through to the other side this situation won’t happen again that soon.

7 years ago

Pinochet killed 3000 fanatics who themselves had killed 300,000 more, per a Chilean commentor. He then stayed long enough to purge the judiciary of it’s holdouts as well. Iran’s feather-boa dictator, Mossadegh, confiscated the assets of any opposition and was declaring the Pasdaran (Iranian Congress) null and void as he assumed supreme executive powers. The Shah replaced him. Over 20 years, his ‘brutal’ SAVAK killed 500 radicals, who themselves had murdered more than 20,000. If we do not clean house, soon, let us consider whom it is that the Left lionizes. Arafat, anyone? Che and Castro? Examples abound. Maybe we… Read more »

7 years ago

The natural abiding nationalism and traditionalism of the dirt people acknowledges hard truths about humanity, because they are human, it looks to the time horned patriarchal legacies of the past to see toward the future because they are what patriarchy is. The clouds wanted democide. They wanted to visit the globalist agenda on us. They wanted “equality”. Well it is time they got their equality. Equally all exterminated. They wanted a western hemisphere one world order, give them a world that is equally well ordered to rid them from our world. They like their rules?Give them the kind of rules… Read more »

7 years ago

here in lies the rub…. my fear… is that the totalitarian left sees THEMSELVES as tom doniphon. all of deplorable raysis middle americans they see as liberty valance. they tell us over and over how our words and disagreement are “violence” and i don’t doubt for a second that that’s how they see it. it is why in their world view violence against us is wholly justified. we ARE the Liberty valance character that stands in the way of their idealized utopia. was this movie perhaps penned by a commie? is it odd that liberty stands in the way of… Read more »

7 years ago

[…] The second reason is that I am starting to see more posts that express an interest in retribution against the Left. Warden, one of Ace’s so-called morons, wrote that piece to which I linked in the list post above, but last night I read another from Zman. […]

Paul Bonneau
7 years ago

“but that’s not on offer”

Certainly not, if you dismiss it out of hand. But wishing for a dictator is supposed to be more reasonable?

The grass is not greener on the other side of the hill. The grass on the other side of the hill will be torched. Oh, and that dictator? He does not care what you think.

Certainly, the current system is going to flop soon. But there are a lot better alternatives than dictatorship. Secession and panarchy, for two.

Reply to  Paul Bonneau
7 years ago

I appreciate your sentiment about secession — but, speaking as someone who’s read over 100 books about the so-called Civil War, I think our history has ruled that out as an option. Especially since: 1) the federal government is many, many times more powerful now than it was before 1861; 2) the two sides in our current conflict are not geographically separated, but thoroughly intermingled, since there are leftists in every single town in America, even in the reddest county of the reddest state; and finally, 3) our moral and cultural capital is much diminished since the 1861-1865 conflict, so… Read more »

White hat
White hat
Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland, Basqueland, Ukraine, South Africa, …..

Reply to  White hat
7 years ago

Comment on WRSA, “What if the only viable option is a long-term “stay-behind” operation, with the primary goal being multi-generational cultural preservation?”

John Slater
John Slater
Reply to  White hat
7 years ago


Reply to  John Slater
7 years ago

Lots of Beirut’s.

Reply to  Kathy
7 years ago

Secession is never off the table, the damn marxists are still waging war against it every day all around us. They fear people who believe in secession like nothing else. It is part of why they revise history of us, why they despise the south and all symbols of it. Secession is a matter of the heart and mind, just as resistance is never futile. Abolition of the state is quite possible also. The construct of the large nation state in the West will not survive much longer without scripture and Christian catechisms limiting and defining government. If people nullify… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Bonneau
7 years ago

The only rule the leftists honor, is there are no rules in regards to will of the governed of the white dirt people. but that works both ways. That truth weaponizes our dirt people consent and withdrawal of it. People are beginning to grok, that makes us the drivers of this bus of insanity and it is up to us to slam on the brakes. You got to wrap your heart and mind around that sooner or later if you are going to survive the consequences of the wonton malicious destruction of civil society of this republic and the original… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m waiting for the Grapes of Wrath moment where the corrupt sheriff and his thugs show up at the dance, trying to find a riot.

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
7 years ago

You know, one could make the argument that the three main male leads represent the Id, Ego, and Superego.

7 years ago

Talking of Pinochet

comment image

7 years ago

[…] was asked by a friend, in reference to this piece at the Zman […]

7 years ago

I like John Wayne movies, but, in that one, I’d argue that Doniphon was a narcissistic coward, afraid to face the law and take the consequences of his action – in fact, murder (he was not directly attacked, and it was an allegedly fair fight, by the standards of that time). He cared only about himself, not the town, or even the girl he supposedly loved. It was, in fact, Jimmy’s character that showed bravery, standing up time and again, in a lost battle. He went into that fight KNOWING he was going to die. He went anyway, which makes… Read more »

Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Solomon Honeypickle, proud octaroon
Reply to  LindaF
7 years ago

jimmy’s character was a cuck. you might want to read up on narcissism. also, you completely mis-interpreted Tom’s motives for “hiding” his involvement. he did that *so* jimmy’s character would get the credit, because he knew his time was over. other than that, i agree with you.

oh, would love to hear from you how Shane was a coward too.

7 years ago

You have bought the concept that Trump is all that different from any other of the candidates for POTUS. He is only different in that he has personality and is obviously more intelligent and quicker with his wit than the other losers like Graham, Romney, Sanders, Clinton, etc.

And Trump is backing off his most popular policies dealing with nation building, empire building and overly expensive international adventurism.