Free To Not Be Around You

Talk to a real estate agent, who deals in mid-sized suburban properties, and they will tell you that the local schools sit atop their client’s list of concerns. A great house in a bad neighborhood usually means bad schools and no one will choose that on purpose. Instead, families will pay extra for a not so nice house in a great neighborhood because that means good schools. You can fix up your house, but you cannot make the local school better, if it is full of misbehaving knuckleheads or headed that way because of the neighborhood.

People instinctively understand a basic truth about education. That is, the quality of product coming in dictates the quality of product coming out. Despite generations of lectures from our betters, we still know that the apple does not fall far from the tree. If the parents are low-IQ losers, the kids are most likely going to be low-IQ losers. The schools are not correcting this. In fact, it is the opposite, because the other old saying about apples is also true. One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.

Everyone, including our hypothetical real estate agent, is too polite and too afraid to say what this means as a practical matter. For instance, I knew someone who lived in a mostly Jewish suburban neighborhood of starter homes. These were townhouses and ranchers. A black family moved in next door and they got along well with everyone. Then another black family moved in, but it was ghetto time, with parties into the late hours. Suddenly, the neighborhood sprouted “for sale” signs and the demographics changed within one summer.

In a prior age, this problem was mostly solved through free association, home owner associations and covenants. People in that neighborhood would have prevented the threat to their property values by prohibiting the sale of houses to people who did not belong. It was not entirely fair, of course, but it allowed people to protect their property rights without having to resort to lying. As is always the case, there were trade-offs, but at least their was a natural way for people to guard their rights as property owners and citizens.

Similarly, in a prior age the neighborhood association would have cracked down on the troublemakers. Even the “progressive” neighborhoods policed their ranks and used the rules to enforce standards. A couple generations of myth making have convinced everyone that these rules were used strictly by racists, and they often were, but they were more often used to maintain public order without having the government send in the police. With enforced diversity came the police state and that is not a coincidence.

Free association is illegal now. If a real estate agent is too obvious in how they handle these things, they face disciplinary action from the real estate board. A homeowner, who refuses to sell or rent to whoever shows up, can easily find themselves in front of a judge. Freedom of association is no longer a right in America. Everyone has to seek permission from the state before they can make these decisions. That means finding a place to live has become a game of cat and mouse for middle-class families.

It’s yet another example of the worthlessness of modern conservatism. They rolled over for this stuff long ago, accepting the Left’s assertions that discrimination was the vilest of sins and therefore required an extraordinary remedy. Once you accept that people don’t have a right to say with whom they will associate, addressing things like crime and the schools means begging the Left to make exceptions to their moral code in order to enforce anything resembling civic order. That’s where school choice and voucher programs come in. They are an appeal to the Left for an exception.

Of course, the Left hates the middle-class so any appeal on their behalf is denied. Instead, these appeals have to be decorated in such a way that appeals to the vanity of the Left and allows them to benefit. So-called charter schools that are for the “gifted and talented” are marketed to Lefty as a way to cull from the ghetto, all of those bright and creative minds, otherwise left to be raised by their parents. In realty it means those self-righteous progressive women get to send their kids to schools that are not so diverse.

School voucher programs attempt to expand on this by playing the Magic Dirt game. “If only those poor mothers can get their kids off that tragic dirt and onto the magic dirt.” They muster statistics and education studies to buttress the claims. It’s all nonsense, but it is the only way modern conservatism can frame the issue. They are begging the Left for an exception to the moral code. No one is fooled by it, which is why school voucher programs have gone nowhere. The Left will not tolerate them.

Freedom of association is not just forbidden. You’re not even allowed to talk about it anymore. Imagine what would happen if someone went on TV and said they don’t want to live next to Koreans or Somalis. They would have their life ruined. It’s why all those principled conservatives we keep hearing about were nowhere to be found when the queers started attacking bakers. Even libertarians sprint from the room when the topic of free association is raised. It’s the result of conceding the moral high ground to the Left.

It’s why the so-called Right is in a panic over Trump’s immigration talk. If it is acceptable for Americans to say “no” to Muslims on the grounds that we don’t want any more Muslims, then we’re back to discussing the limits, if there are any, to the freedom of association. Put another way, if we don’t need a reason to say “no” to Mohamed, then we don’t need to ask for permission in order to say “no” to diversity. That’s not a fight, or even a discussion, the so-called conservatives want to have with the Left.

It’s also why the hand-wringing over free speech on campus is a pointless distraction. You cannot have free speech without freedom of association. That’s the obvious lesson from the confines of the academy. Put a bunch of people in close quarters and you have to police what they say and where they go. Otherwise, you have violence. The same is true of all other rights. All natural rights are premised on freedom of people to live apart from those they do not wish to associate. Self-segregation requires little policing.

Bring back freedom of association and all the other rights follow.

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Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
7 years ago

“Bring back freedom of association and all the other rights follow.” This, a thousand times. There can be no Right worthy of the name in the US that does not defend this principle. Sell out on Freedom of Association, and Cuckservatism follows as closely as night follows day. Selling out on this issue was actually the original sin of the Buckleyites, and in the end, it doomed their kind of “conservatism”, all because they didn’t want to be called racist and be blackballed from Manhattan cocktail parties. This is yet one more reason that the Alt-Right has to flee “respectability”… Read more »

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
Reply to  Toddy Cat
7 years ago

The weird part is that the Founding Fathers took freedom of association as a given. It did not even occur to them that a society could systematically interfere with such a natural right…..This demonstrates the degree of lunacy afflicting American society.

Reply to  kokor hekkus
7 years ago

In a world without mass transportation capable of conveying anyone and everyone you might want to exclude from your community into your community within hours or, at most, days, freedom of association would have been more or less a given.

fred z
Reply to  kokor hekkus
7 years ago

Nice comment.

However, you sound an awful lot like some guys I read about a few years ago, Sion Trumble and Franz Paderbush.

Know them?

Always nice to find a fell JV fan.

7 years ago

At the end of the day, it really all comes down to property rights. Property rights are the ultimate well-spring of free market economics and all other freedoms like freedom of association. Individual property rights ensure the corollary to freedom of association – which is the freedom NOT to associate. My aunt and uncle live in what was once a prosperous, middle class, neighborhood in the Philadelphia suburbs. The area is almost unlivable now, as HUD had decided inner city housing projects place undesirables too close to their urban gentrified liberal voters. So, they’re buying houses in the burbs, and… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

Our daughter went through the public schools here. The local one has a great reputation, and a huge influx of Asian families keeps the expectations fairly high. She never thought her high school was very good (her BS detector is highly sensitive), but now that she is coming out of a hard-core STEM program at the University of California, she realizes her high school was actually not too bad. She is shocked at the lack of discipline and preparation of her “highly capable” peers in the UC program. So I suppose all of this “good-not good” education is relative. Imagine… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

A lot of her success stems from you, not the school. If you think the school is not too good, but make the most of the resources you have, you’ll do better at the next level. A lot of parents in the same school likely found out when their child went off to college that because of the way the system shakes out, a lot of the kids were unprepared. They might still be better off than the average at the college, and there really are good schools in America, but whether kids leave those schools prepared generally comes down… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

I blame the genes, in her case. She claims she is borderline “Aspy” (and I probably am, too), and she makes her ability to laser focus on specific things and see things in her own wonky way work for her. One needs to use the tools God gives you.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Play to your strengths!

A.T. Tapman
A.T. Tapman
Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

In the land of the blind the man with one eye is king.

Reply to  hokkoda
7 years ago

I think what you describe is driving a lot of the SJW phenomenon. They get sunshine piped up their asses for four years in high school then get to a university and fail. To paraphrase an engineer friend: lim GPA -> 0 [pre med major] = [gender studies major] I used to recruit for a college. I spent seven years mostly working with Hispanic high schools. It killed me every time I spoke to some kid with a 4.0, class president, captain of a team, etc. when we got to the SATs (I learned early on to always ask about… Read more »

Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

We have a son we home schooled and never used any grades. We put together a family high school transcript without the grades and took him around to engineering schools. One of them accepted kids over a threshold Act or SAT score. He got an acceptance letter almost immediate our visit. He’s about to finish his second year in EE.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

It has been demonstrated that, between public and private schools, there is but thirty to ninety minutes of actual educating per day. My now dim personal recollection of 19th century German education suggests thirty minutes at most. When Tocqueville described Americans as the “best educated people on earth” in 1831 he noted that this came through but a few years of formal schooling or, in the frontier, becoming literalte through the bible and the odd volume of Shakespeare, while constantly applying their literacy to the education of work from an early age. He pronounced the American mind to be Cartesian,… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Yup, I always encourage my customers to “clock ’em”…actually spend a day volunteering at the school, and keep a stopwatch that runs anytime the kids are in the hall walking from here to there, outside playing (very necessary, don’t get me wrong), “settling down”, eating lunch, getting ready to go home, etc. I’d wager it’s more like 50% of the day, but it’s the NFL analogy…in a 3 hour game, there’s really only about 10-15 minutes of actual on-field action (plays being run). Ditto when the parents tell me their kids have 2 hours of homework every night. I tell… Read more »

7 years ago

There are indeed many “work arounds” for this issue. As a landlord I had to find them and employ for survival.

Reply to  Front_Toward_Enemy
7 years ago

i agree. but for these work arounds the gentrification would have happened a decade ago

7 years ago

This is SO true. We are in the process of preparing to sell here in a suburb of Boston that has one of the highest rated school systems in the state. We have been given access to the MLS listings at the broker level, and have been watching with awe houses selling the Monday after an open house weekend. One that sold this last Monday had 27 offers and went for $35,000 over listing price in a bidding war on a $400,000, 3 bedroom house that was listed on Thursday!! Our broker says everyone says the schools are the #1… Read more »

Reply to  1twothree4
7 years ago

Walking to freedom

7 years ago

Friend just sold his house recently. He said he sold it in 3 days for more than he asked for. He said that they are looking for houses in two school districts in the area. The other district is the one our house is in, which makes us hopeful we can sell it quickly as soon as we can get it on the market.

I really am getting to the point where I don’t want Muslims in this country. They may be good people, but they don’t belong here.

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  notsothoreau
7 years ago

And generally, they aren’t good people. There is a reason that muslim countries are culturally- and economically-retarded shit holes. Judge the tree by its fruits.

7 years ago

Here in Southern California, the “extreme” high-middle home pricing keeps the riff-raff out. Exactly the sort of thing Obama planned his section 8 housing (Furthering Fair Housing) to destroy. It is interesting to me that the Libs are anxious to move into the upper-middle, expensive, and somewhat conservative neighborhoods around here, especially because of the schools, and they then set out to change the political complexion of things. Not so far as to invite in the riff-raff, but so far as to introduce the usual Lib thinking about them–how unfair things are, and so on–from a certain geographical distance, of… Read more »

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

The only potential problem in California is the 3.6% down FHA loans. But sellers are somewhat leery of them, from the experience of one of my kids looking to buy in LA.

7 years ago

Virtually all of the 1% send their children to private school. Ditto for many politicians. These people have the means to purchase freedom of association. For everyone else, freedom of association is more limited if not non-existent. This is perpetuating and widening class differences in the U.S.

Oregon Hobo
Oregon Hobo
7 years ago

I’m surprised to see HOAs portrayed as bastions of freedom. Want to fly a U.S. (or Confederate!) flag? Be prepared to fight your HOA. Want to erect a small workshop in your back yard? Be prepared to fight your HOA. Chickens or goats, or even a small garden? Be prepared to fight your HOA. Anyone remember the rash of HOAs ambushing soldiers while they were away on an extended tour of duty, only to come back and discover that they’d gotten hit with some BS fine (eg crack in the driveway) 11 months back, resulting in late fees and interest,… Read more »

Reply to  Oregon Hobo
7 years ago

HOAs (at least here in CA) can fine you for nonpayment of monthly fees or violations of their edicts, and then foreclose on and sell your property out from under you.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Why did you choose to live in an HOA, Dutch?

Reply to  Chazz
7 years ago

They come with the territory around here, and they are everywhere. They have an upside, but you must watch your p’s and q’s around them. We did manage to avoid the Mello-Roos fees in a new neighborhood, so we got one out of two.

Reply to  Oregon Hobo
7 years ago

I was chatting with a buddy who lived in Las Vegas about HOAs. I was surprised when he went on about how great they are. I came from the same place as you where I saw them as a general nuisance.

According to him though, if you don’t live in a neighborhood with an HOA, the place will quickly turn into a seedy ghetto. The HOA serves a genuine purpose in places like Vegas to enforce a level of propriety in a given neighborhood.

Reply to  joe_mama
7 years ago

“Oath of Fealty” by Niven and Pournelle takes the concept to its logical conclusion.

Reply to  Oregon Hobo
7 years ago

It’s been rumored in these parts, that folks who live in HOA beehives cannot kill their neighbor [even if they NEED killin’]
because it is agin’ the HOA rules……say it ain’t so……..

Reply to  soapweed
7 years ago

See, I done told ya them thar city folk ain’t got a lick o’ sense.

A.T. Tapman
A.T. Tapman
7 years ago

Since no one has mentioned it, I guess I must; Diversity + Proximity = War.

Horace Pinker
Horace Pinker
7 years ago

Angela Merkel herself has spoken out against multiculturalism and called it a sham. Of course, what she means is that she wants the exploding Muslims to abandon jihad and assimilate, but I still think this is significant because it reflects a much broader European skepticism of multiculturalism. In the US, it’s considered unforgivably racist to think that immigrants should assimilate in any way. We’ve dropped the “melting pot” and picked up the “salad bowl.” The alt-right should exploit this. With Europeans taking the lead, we should try to mainstream the idea that we need to get back to the melting… Read more »

Reply to  Horace Pinker
7 years ago

Re: “Angela Merkel herself has spoken out against multiculturalism and called it a sham. Of course, what she means is that she wants the exploding Muslims to abandon jihad and assimilate, but I still think this is significant because it reflects a much broader European skepticism of multiculturalism.” Don’t be misled by Merkel’s public statements, which are pro forma and so much political theater. The blunt fact remains that Germany is, de facto, being invaded and conquered by so-called Muslim “refugees” on the hegira – and it is occurring on her watch. The buck has to stop somewhere. Why Merkel… Read more »

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  Georgiaboy61
7 years ago

A fifth possibility is, global elites profit from the chaos and violence that inevitably ensues from racial, ethnic, and religious conflict. Introducing African and middle-eastern Muslims into white, european, and (nominally) Christian countries is like hitting the trifecta of violent destabilization. How do the elites profit? Look at places like the former Yugoslavia: drug trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking, and organ harvesting and trafficking all thrived during the conflict years (and continue to thrive in places like Kosovo, which is literally run by a criminal gang under NATO and UN protection). Similar tactics have been used in Haiti, Central America,… Read more »

Reply to  Horace Pinker
7 years ago

Anyway that salad is for the cattle.

7 years ago

A lot of things, including the erosion of the freedom of association, have been accelerated by the globalists over the past (at least) 22 years. The reason I bring this up is that I just watched the 1995 James Bond film Goldeneye again. Found myself rooting for the bad guys this time. 🙂

7 years ago

The interesting thing is that outside the cities, no one really seems to care. If Mennonites start buying up farms locally, no one gets up in arms. In the old mill towns, the blacks stay in their ten square block neighborhood and as long as they don’t start trouble, everyone leaves them be. The SoCal high desert is full of compounds. I worked briefly with a clan that lived in one and if I can extrapolate, some mighty strange shit is going on in those places. Jerry Brown and the rest of his CA Ministry of Love seem unconcerned. I… Read more »

john smith
john smith
Reply to  el_baboso
7 years ago

Take him to Detroit!

Reply to  john smith
7 years ago

Escape From New York!

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  john smith
7 years ago

Well said, John Smith! Kentucky Fried Movie is criminally underappreciated by the current generation.

Reply to  Buckaroo Banzai
7 years ago

I don’t remember how many times I saw Kentucky Fried Movie in high school, at the drive-ins. Don’t remember a thing about it, we would always get too many beers in by the end of the opening credits. Guess I should revisit it someday.

Country Mouse
Country Mouse
7 years ago

I regularly tell my prog ‘friends’ that all anti-discrimination laws are unconstitutional and immoral, and I clearly and concisely explain why. But they can’t hear my explanation. Because they are busy trying to see if I have a 3rd eye in my forehead or something. The rare proggie that does comprehend the argument *always* has the same reaction : “but that’s not FAAIIR!”. Which of course is true. And I remind them that letting people negotiate their unfairness issues on their own often tends to work out better than sticking ingnoramuses with guns and rulebooks in the middle of the… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Z Man; While your main argument is clearly correct, we need to choose a specific point of attack to regain freedom of association. I would vote for education because it is both vital and vulnerable due to the demonstrated incompetence and inefficiency of Big Ed. Plus it is a large spring of slush fund money in the Cloud ecosystem. And it can be justified in Prog. Speak. For almost all of history up to ~200 years ago, education was a private affair. Scions of the elite got a classical education paid for by their parents’ networks, often via private tutors,… Read more »

7 years ago

The other issue in this debate – property taxes. I pay $1k a month for the the privilege of owning my house and land. Most of that goes to fund our fairly good K-8 local school and shitty regional high school.

I’ve exercised my freedom of association by paying to send my kids to other high schools. Here in NJ, the liberal machine politicians will ever let people spend their education money as they please.

Controlling your own education money would make who moves into the neighborhood less important.

Reply to  Drake
7 years ago

Jersey, where you pay two mortgages- one for the house and one for the property taxes.

Reply to  alzaebo
7 years ago

Yes – about 15 years ago we looked at a nice 4-bedroom house in Randolph or Roxbury in our price range. Then saw the property taxes: $19k a year back then, We promptly exited the scene and looked elsewhere,

7 years ago

Part of this explains expensive homes/suburbs. They are expensive, as to keep out the folks they can’t say they don’t want to live around. High price, BUT they have great schools and IF a minority moves in, it’s one that doesn’t want to be around other minorities, no? So lower middle class get stuck living next to sec 8 housing or rental neighborhoods, etc. The schools deteriorate, cycle, rinse repeat until everything settles to ninth-ward territory… and everyone in the upper middle class and higher are completely ok with it b/c they’ve found a way to buy their way (go… Read more »

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

As an upper-middle-class who fled the neighborhood of my upbringing and went into big debt to get something better for my family, I can tell you that I am not happy with how the old school district and city handle things. But I am not about to sacrifice my own family in the name of “fairness”. The system is set up against the old-school nuclear family, and flight is the best I can do, at the micro level. Call me a chicken or a sell-out, but it works for me, it is the best choice I could have made. This… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Dutch, I don’t blame you a bit. I have friends that have done same. My attempt was to say, since freedom of association is verboten regarding housing, it was accomplished by money. It works for those that have money or go into great debt, but the downside is forcing (otherwise good )folks who can’t afford to, into bad schools, bad neighborhoods…. they become doomed by lack of money into a cycle of bad apples tearing everything down in one area, and others removed from it. It’s always been like this to an extent, but seems worse or more pronounced now…… Read more »

Reply to  Uncle_Max
7 years ago

I am a supporter of vouchers/charters not because the student outcomes will be much better overall (early results from Detroit and New Orleans suggest that student test scores only marginally improve–but that is a whole ‘nother can of worms–what do test scores signify, anyway?), but that the parents and families have some measure of a way out of their educational circumstances, even if they are not fortunate enough to buy their way out with lots of their own money.

Reply to  Dutch
7 years ago

Forgive me, but I’m not. One ugly anecdote was enough. I was told by someone with a child in a Detroit-suburb school district that the vouchered students from these low income areas reduced that school to unmanageable chaos. I daresay that the people who were paying a rather high rate of property taxes to send their children to that district were less than pleased. His younger child attended a private school, which he of course paid for out of his own pocket. I have sympathy for kids who were stuck in lousy schools- I was one of them- but as… Read more »

Reply to  Xennady
7 years ago

“Furthering Fair Schooling”, I see.
I remember the desegregation/bussing riots.

As a result of bussing, Black America lost half it’s savings, invested in houses.
Their kids couldn’t walk to school anymore; that and feeling more comfortable around their own is why they bought homes in the first place.

7 years ago

The death of the right to free association began in earnest with the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That single piece of legislation, and the legal consequences thereof, acted as the thin end of the wedge that eventually
separated Americans from their rights of association. Senator Barry Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act – despite being one of the earliest conservatives in favor of desegregation. He saw, correctly and quite presciently, the danger the act would pose to this most-fundamental of human rights.

Reply to  Georgiaboy61
7 years ago

I’d push it back even further, back to the mid-1950s, including Brown-v.-Board, which also took down States’ rights, because Sociologist rag–doll theory and Swedish thinking about the “American Dilemma” were so much more important than a mere Constitutional Law. Once we were forced to agree that private businesses were actually public, everything else could be twisted into anything else.

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
7 years ago

In our HOA here in conservative AZ, we have rules, and we enforce them against everyone.AZ is the land that time forgot, LOL…. Back in Chicago, however, the situation is exactly as you describe, Z-man, so the segregation is exclusively economic. The result is that the Chicago area is one of the most racially divided in the country, and the upper middle class is found exclusively in expensive communities along the northern lakefront, and those communities are protected by the Democratic politicians.

7 years ago

It’s looking like the Civil Rights acts were all about freedom of association for every except white people.
This is going to have to change.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

Everyone except white people. Stupid autocorrect.

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
7 years ago

You cannot treat the gentleman and the savage as equals without consequences. That includes pavement apes, muzlimes and illegal aliens from South of the border. It also includes 85% of democrats, *all* AntiFa-types and every sort of irrational ShitLib (.org and to the person) like Lutheran Services or Catholic Charities who suck off the ,gov tit to settle these hoards in our homeland.  They cannot be engaged with reason, nor are they willing. Build the wall. Resist with everything you have against Sec 8 housing anywhere within 100 miles of you. No more Rapeugees of any sort into our country, … Read more »

Fuel Filter
Fuel Filter
Reply to  Fuel Filter
7 years ago

Oh, and BTW, fuck wyminnis’ day right in the ass.

(Can anyone imagine what an international Men’s day strike would be like? Civilization would grind to a halt.)

James Delingpole:


Now bring me a fucking beer, bitch.

(Oh, and the bathroom needs cleaning as well. And do my damn

7 years ago

“Has good schools!” = code for “Has no coloreds!”

7 years ago

I think we’ll re-trace our steps to the pre-Westphalian way of doing things. Back then, there were few police and schooling was done by the church. Society had to maintain what order it could around institutions like clan and church. And local strongmen. I think, until we reach a consensus on full-blown South African style enclaving, we’re going to have to decide whether public schools are simply a lost cause. I send my kids to one, but am in an area with “good schools.” Every year I weigh sending them to a local Christian school. I wonder if the alternative… Read more »

7 years ago

Perceptive as usual, Z. Perhaps now’s the time to employ the Left’s Alinskyite tactic of using an opponent’s own moral code against himself. Maybe in the form of finding ways (through the courts, of course) to severely limit the Left’s own freedoms of association. Tats for tits.

fred z
7 years ago

ZedMan, I quibble at you sometimes, but you banged it out of the park with this one.

7 years ago

Several thoughts come to mind. One, regarding Property rights. It brings to mind Pearl S. Buck’s novel, “The Good Earth”. where the protagonist cherished owning his own property,because it brought him not just prosperity, but autonomy, privacy, and roots. Then he is betrayed on the last page, when as a old man dying, his sons lie to him that they will not sell the family property while nodding to each other over his head, despite his efforts to stress to them that property–The earth he farmed on all his life–means freedom and security. The second one as mention by others… Read more »

7 years ago

but, but, but… magic dirt theory!!

John Howard
John Howard
7 years ago

The “civil rights” legislation of the 60’s was typical government perversion. They went from forcing people apart (Jim Crow) to forcing them together (anti-discrimination). It is force that is the problem, not discrimination. The parasites called government don’t ever care about justice, only power, and the two are mutually exclusive.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  John Howard
7 years ago

“The “civil rights” legislation of the 60’s was typical government perversion. They went from forcing people apart (Jim Crow) to forcing them together (anti-discrimination)”

The difference between Jim Crow and the “civil rights” legislation was that Jim Crow was a State government issue (and was desired by the White citizens of the States, as intended by the Founders) and the uncivil rights legislation was a Federal government overreach in violation of the original Constitution.

John Howard
John Howard
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

Yes, it’s a difference, but not a significant moral difference. Government at any level is evil. Force is their moral error.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  John Howard
7 years ago

“Government at any level is evil. Force is their moral error.” So, what do you suggest? Anarchy? “Yes, it’s a difference, but not a significant moral difference” The difference is that the original intent of the Constitution, the contract under which all the States accepted to become part of the united (note the small u) States of America, is served by one, but not the other. The contract under which the citizens of the States choose to exist under recognized the sovereignty of the citizens of the States. The States were the entities which decided who could vote, who could… Read more »

John Howard
John Howard
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

In your lengthy reply above, you claim the constitution is a contract. It is not. You then lump together everyone who approved of the constitution with all those who did not, using the collectivist fraud of “representation”.

There is no such thing as “the people” – there are only individuals. A representative cannot represent two individuals who don’t agree.

Your moral distinction is nothing but word-gaming. Government is the use of force by a group of individuals to rob and rule their neighbors. Your government-school rewording does not change that fact, nor its moral significance.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  John Howard
7 years ago

Are you out of high school yet? You might want to look up the definition of a contract. This term includes every description of agreement, or obligation, whereby one party becomes bound to another to pay a sum of money, or to do or omit to do a certain act; or, a contract is an act which contains a perfect obligation. In its more confined sense, it is an agreement between two or more persons, concerning something to be, done, whereby both parties are hound to each other, *or one is bound to the other. 1 Pow. Contr. 6; Civ.… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
7 years ago

It is not “freedom of association”. It is freedom of disassociation. The Founders saw no distinction between the 2. But, contemporary society has too many social justice warriors that will kill the goose that laid the golden egg just so they can signal everyone how virtuous they are. Plus, the loudest voices are either still in the day care centers of college, in gated communities, or in areas that no riffraff could ever afford to live in. I have debated on line with several pixie dust believers and point out how in a free country you can choose not to… Read more »

7 years ago

[…] When societies fragment, the first act is to try to guarantee the ability to exist apart from the insanity through “cultural libertarianism” or “freedom of association” or some other similar idea. These, like the American Constitution, consist of allowing some to break away from the rest through rule of law, which fails because the mob then just changes the law: […]

7 years ago

So true. A lot of historical black districts with nice row homes and brownstones now have to tolerate whites coming into the neighborhood and owners and renters. These new comers never come to meld in, they also come to conquer and try and change everything with no regards to the existing community culture.

And there is nothing any of the long time residents can say or do because the realtors say its against federal law to refuse to sell or rent ti whites on the basis of race. This is contributing to all the “gentrification”.

7 years ago

[…] And these are the people who are playing the game by its manipulated rules. Valerie Jarrett knows no such bounds of decency. So why this shadow government featuring an evil Anti-Trump? Fear of Freedom of Association. […]

7 years ago

[…] Reprinted from The Z Man Blog. […]