Why Conservatism Died

I read Tyler Cowen’s blog a couple of times a week, despite the fact he banned me from his site. I mostly skim the comments looking for familiar names. There are a handful of commenters there that post interesting responses. Cowen is not all that interesting. He’s Thomas Friedman without the mega-rich wife. Here’s Friedman’s wife’s home, in which she permits him to live. Banal rump-swabbery pays well, but not as well as marrying the daughter of a billionaire, so Cowen remains a junior rump-swab.

Looking for material, I stumbled upon this in Cowen’s links. It’s not a very interesting article, so don’t bother reading it. What is interesting is the author is a guy named Reihan Salam and he wants to reorganize American politics to be more like some place not called America, perhaps his home country of Bangladesh. Proportional representation has always been antithetical to the American creed, because it breeds the sort of tribalism and sectarianism a continental sized country can never afford.

One of the reasons many of us gave up on conventional politics is that in the mainstream, guys with weird, unpronounceable names, from foreign lands keep demanding we change our country to suit their needs. That would be tolerable if the response was “shut up and learn how to be Americans.” Instead, the political class goes out of its way to celebrate these people. Our rulers make it clear that the opinions of newly arrived boat people count for more than the opinions of the natives, who made the country possible.

Putting aside my justifiable xenophobia, take a look at Salam’s biography.

Salam was born in Brooklyn. His parents are Bangladeshi-born immigrants who arrived in New York in 1976; his father is an accountant and his mother is a dietician. Salam attended Stuyvesant High School and Cornell University before transferring to Harvard University, where he was a member of the Signet Society and lived in Pforzheimer House. He graduated from Harvard in 2001 with a degree in Social Studies.

Everything sounds like an American success story until that last line. What we have is a classic example of how the affirmative action game is played at the highest levels. Most likely he went into Cornell through the agricultural college, which has much lower admissions standards. He then transferred into Harvard because he ticked the right boxes and was placed into a nonsense track like social studies. Barak Obama was at least able to pass the bar. Salam has yet to prove he can stock shelves at a grocery store.

That’s not the worst of it. According to his bio, “Salam has been described as Literary Brooklyn’s Favorite Conservative. He has written that he intends to pump ideas into the bloodstream of American conservatism”. If there is any question about the dullness of Reihan Salam, it is answered right there. Conservatism, by definition, is the rejection of exactly what he claims as his goal. Conservatism, allegedly, is not about chasing the latest fads or ideas. It is the preservation of the proven and the traditional.

That’s not the worst of it. Again, according to his bio, “He believes it is “racist” for people to date only those of their own race.” Everyone knows that a cornerstone of conservatism is race mixing. Of course, that’s a requirement to get invited to the “right-wing” platforms on which he regularly performs. Salam is a regular on Slate, Vice, NPR, The Bill Maher Show, Chris Mathews Show and The Colbert Report. He also writes for National Review when he is not too busy with all of his other media ventures.

You can certainly see why Salam is Brooklyn’s favorite conservative. He’s a regular on all of their favorite shows and writes for their favorite publications. He even holds most of their favorite opinions. If you were one of those ridiculous racists who thinks words have meaning, you would erroneously think that Salam is just playing a well crafted role as the house broken conservative. That would be ridiculous. Salam is a conservative in the tradition of Bill Buckley and Ronald Reagan. What sort of bigot are you?

Obviously, Reihan Salam is just another guy working the Conservative Inc hustle. His utility lies entirely in the fact he has brown skin and a weird name. Instead of being an ornament on the ankle bracelet of Elizabeth Warren, he is a token on the charm bracelet of Rich Lowry. Even so, he is always ready to better deal himself and become a full-throated Progressive if there is a well paid opening. For now, he’s perfectly willing to convince people that today’s Progressive lunacy is tomorrow’s conservative dogma.

It’s why Conservatism is dead. It’s not just that they outsourced their movement to Asian migrants. It’s that they stopped being serious. They turned their thing into a parlor game, where they play a role the Left designed for them. Instead of being in opposition to the Left, they have embraced the morality of the Left, in order to party with the Left. If the public leaders of conservatism prefer to hang around degenerates like Bill Maher, rather than fight for the causes they claim to champion, why would anyone follow them?

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Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
7 years ago

The disconnect came through loud and clear with the Sadiq Khan vignette at the Democrat National Convention. The Dems and the bigwigs of Conservatism, Inc. were breathless with admiration when the heroic Muslim, with his silent laundry-bag sidekick, “called out” Donald Trump and “shamed” him by waving a pocket Constitution at him. So noble! So diverse! So that’s-who-we-are! Ordinary Americans (and some foreigners, like me) saw a chippy, haughty foreigner playing the martinet schoolmaster to an American who’d been born and raised in this country. He clearly thought that he was the superior “American” and had no embarrassment lecturing a… Read more »

7 years ago

Salam isn’t just a failed (or masquerading) conservative, he is an affront to the male gender and the species as a whole. Turn back the clock 10,000 years and he would be the bait in the mastodon trap. Shame itself is becoming extinct in our culture.

Reply to  TomA
7 years ago

Mastodons were herbivores and green hair hadn’t been invented yet. Let’s go with smilodon.

Reply to  Byzantine_General
7 years ago

I agree that Salam belongs in the vegetable category, but I think you’re saying that he would even be a failure as bait.

7 years ago

You take that back! Some of my best friends are gay transexual Marxist negroid conservative writers.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
7 years ago

…who write for the New York Times.

7 years ago

Maybe just becoming a “get off my lawn” old man, but what is truly irritating about all these types…white, asian, whatever, is that “pundit” has become an entry level career track. These people have never actually worked for a living, made a payroll, actually run the models that show the ROE sensitivities based on tax rate/domicile. They just set up shop and start espousing nonsense about “proportional representation” or what ever else is the flavor of the day. At least with Progs, my expectation is to get blithering idiots with no grounding in reality. That’s their schtick. Bernie got kicked… Read more »

Larry Darrell
Larry Darrell
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Same as Max Boot. A real mystery how these charlatans pull it off.

Reply to  Larry Darrell
7 years ago

Have a soft spot for Boot, mainly because we have almost identical educational backgrounds. But he has blind spots. “Savage Wars of Peace” was good book in that it covered a wildly ignored swath of military and diplomatic history, but then his conclusions simply do not fit a modern media driven world. “Civilizing ’em with a Krag” can no longer happen out sight of cameras, twitter and Facebook…

Reply to  Larry Darrell
7 years ago

Well I take that back (nothing do with down votes, could give a shit) after watching him “Triple Crown” himself with Tucker Carlson. That was pathetic.

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Larry Darrell
7 years ago

Max Boot is a hysterically deranged homosexual who speaks as if he were on some moral crusade. It’s only a matter of time before his tenuous grasp of sanity snaps like an old, dry rotted rubber band. I’m expecting a lurid TMZ headline.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

And a cunt t boot.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  SamlAdams
7 years ago

You are right. It is truly APPALLING the DRIVEL that the news networks expect the people to swallow. And the people DO swallow it. But it’s a chicken-and-egg question: Do they swallow stupid drivel because they are stupid, or are the stupid because they swallow stupid drivel?

Joey Junger
Joey Junger
7 years ago

The good news is that even if people aren’t going to abide by conservative moral principles, nature does, and will reassert itself and punish those who ignore her. If someone like Milo Yiannopoulos wants to call himself both gay and conservative, fine, but homosexuality is dangerous (as the CDC numbers as much as Leviticus make clear). Physically dangerous behavior (and dangerous policies like open-door immigration) can never be conservative because the consequences of these follies are incredibly expensive and require massive tax dollars (AIDS meds are incredibly expensive and court-appointed translators for Mexican or Nigerian felons charge by the hour).… Read more »

7 years ago

I certainly no longer refer to myself as a conservative with the likes of Bill Kristol or Eric Erikkson as potential soul mates. I don’t know what I am but I know for a fact that these so called conservatives can’t even keep perverts out of the women’s bathroom.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  MMinLamesa
7 years ago

especially the wide-stance kind of pervert (and the wrestling coach type of pervert)

George Orwell
George Orwell
7 years ago

Going back yet again to an old target, Jonah Goldberg remains another example of what we might consider a Rising Star of True Conservatism prior to the avalanche of red pills in 2016. Way back during Bush Jr., long before Obergefell, he declared we lost the war on gay/fake marriage, and isn’t it a relief to move on? Had he his way last November, being Never Trump, now he would be penning pieces on how we lost the war against immigration, gun control and the overturn of Citizens United, and isn’t it liberating to move along to make the Conservative… Read more »

Reply to  George Orwell
7 years ago

A S-ton pile of masks got dropped in the summer and autumn of 2015 through 2016. I appreciate the clarity. What the heck.. look back amongst the wrecked careers and tattered business models… the book deals… bwhahahaaaa. A catharsis … unlike I’ve ever read about or seen. So many went so far out on their branches… and sawed them off. The great red-pilling of the USA 2015-16 should make for great study in a few years, as we’re still too close to the event to fully appreciate the cleanse we’re living through. 2018 and 2020 ought to be revealing as… Read more »

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
7 years ago

“Salam has been described as Literary Brooklyn’s Favorite Conservative.”

Fuck that guy.

Kentucky Headhunter has been described as “the avatar of perfection” and ” a living god.”

It’s fun to just make shit up. Try it yourselves. Be your own CNN.

Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
7 years ago

“Epaminondas is not only a handsome guy, but his political and literary insights are simply unimpeachable and have never been seriously challenged.”

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  Epaminondas
7 years ago

“Buckaroo Banzai is a well-known rock star, brain surgeon, nuclear scientist, secret agent, and the confidant of many Presidents”

John Smallberries
John Smallberries
Reply to  Buckaroo Banzai
7 years ago

but who is also anti-alien

7 years ago

“they have embraced the morality of the Left, in order to party with the Left.” That’s it, right there. The problem is: Culture is HARD. It takes a lot of training to explain why Mozart is better than Salieri, or even why Salieri is better than, say, Jay-Z. And nobody gets laid to a symphony, while rap is nothing more than mating music for modern savages. You can hold the line for civilization, or you can have a good time… at least, that’s the choice that has been presented to us since 1900. And since all of Western Culture is… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Severian
7 years ago

Oh yeah? Beethoven was a closer for me in the past.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

Obviously you knew a higher class of gal! 🙂 Alas, I went to a cow college for undergrad.

7 years ago

Here in Australia our conservative side has also been slithering up to the left for the last 30 years. But now we’ve gone one better than you. The prime minister, who is the leader of Australia’s conservative party which paradoxically is called The Liberal Party, made a speech in London a few days ago where he declared that the Liberal party is not and never has been conservative. Which was news to quite a number of us delcons, (delusional conservatives). In other words, not only are they not bothering to hide it in Australia any more, they’re shouting it from… Read more »

Reply to  Adam
7 years ago

“TURNBULL! …You’re a C***!” …(First thing yelled out at the newly sworn-in ghe OZ PM!)

Fred Garvin
Fred Garvin
7 years ago

“Even so, he is always ready to better deal himself and become a full-throated Progressive if there is a well paid opening.”

Word gets out NBC is going to be shaking up MSNBC’s on-air talent and suddenly Meghan Kelly is on Fox doing a softball interview with pedo-sadist Alefantis while wearing sexy lavender off-the-shoulder evening wear.

She may as well as held an imaginary phone to her ear and mouthed “Call me”

Tim Newman
7 years ago

One of the reasons many of us gave up on conventional politics is that in the mainstream, guys with weird, unpronounceable names, from foreign lands keep demanding we change our country to suit their needs. That would be tolerable if the response was “shut up and learn how to be Americans.” Instead, the political class goes out of its way to celebrate these people.

You even elected one president, FFS!

Reply to  Tim Newman
7 years ago

Look at the rubbish we have elected in the UK

7 years ago

I think it’s all degenerating into professional wrestling. The point of Conservatives Inc. is to go on liberal TV shows and provide entertainment to liberal viewers. They exist to fight and lose, like the bad guys in wrestling. But they can’t be just some scrub from small town, they have to have real credentials and authentically put up a fight. The guys who make up the Washington Generals are probably pretty good at basketball.

And that I think is the simplest definition of Alt-Right, it is the Right which is not merely entertainment for liberals.

7 years ago

My first response to nonsense like Salam is to go on about our counties republican tradition of government and how the most effective way for people to retain control of their government is to keep it close to home. But more and more I find myself saying to people like Salam ‘you have to go back’.

7 years ago

“He believes it is “racist” for people to date only those of their own race.”

Translation: “Where da White Wimminz?!?”

You know, the Alt-Right wouldn’t be gaining so much traction if the Left and Conservatism, Inc. weren’t working so hard to confirm its observations.

7 years ago

The denizens of Conservatism Inc. have snuggled up to the rest of the Political/Media Establishment, and are much more comfortable there than with the real Right. They are mild mannered, ineffectual debating partners for the left, many of whom are lacking in authentic intellectual prowess. They attend the same educational institutions, live in the same upscale neighborhoods, and eat at the same restaurants. With the able help of Conservatism Inc., these ambitious, ladder-climbing apparatchiks have created exactly the sort of inoffensive, useless “opponent” that the left desires: a marionette conservatism that will not venture beyond a very narrow parameter of… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Epaminondas
7 years ago

Just like The Washington Generals, who were pretty good BB players, but who existed solely to lose to The Harlem Globe-trotters. From Rush.

Reply to  Epaminondas
7 years ago

The political media establishment and the punditry are the servant class of Big Global Gov Inc. The politicians occasionally pretend to care what we think, and the MSM / punditry tells us what to think. All of this is simply to allow the looting to continue unimpeded while we believe our “vote” matters. Of course it does not. Krauthammer is a psychologist, for crying out loud. The only qualification got these jobs is saying what you’re supposed to say and not straying off the reservation, keeping the debate framed within acceptable boundaries. Having great legs doesn’t hurt either. Pundits compete… Read more »

Reply to  SWRichmond
7 years ago

Funny, I don’t think Krauthammer’s legs help him much.

Banned By Mark Levin
Banned By Mark Levin
7 years ago

Affirmative action memes performing below their pay grade have created a vacuum in our social order. White alpha males abhor a vacuum. I’m fastening my seat belt.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Banned By Mark Levin
7 years ago

There! You said it!

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
7 years ago

This is why I pray for the day I wake up and read the news that Trump has had most Democrat, RINO, cuck politicians, so-called “journalists” “editors” and a large portion if deep state operatives rounded up and imprisoned.

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  Tax Slave
7 years ago

“Hoist the black flag and start slitting throats!”

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  Old Surfer
7 years ago

“Hoist the black flag and start slitting throats!” I have to tell you, Old Surfer, that’s a bit of a weird declaration, since you were just decrying anti-Semitism, a couple of comments, above. Who, exactly, do you think would be the overwhelming majority of these folks “rounded up,” by Trump, causing seditious acts? I feel as if you haven’t thought this through. A good 80% of the punditry of Conserv, Inc. are Jews. If you took all the mid-range and low level right leaning Republican bloggers, Twitterati, and think tankers who sway opinions, you are looking at Zionist City. It’s… Read more »

James LePore
7 years ago

The open merger of Conservative, Inc. and Progressivism, Inc. is a direct result of the Dirt People electing Donald Trump. E.G.: I watched a few minutes of Steve Hayes and Chris Stirewalt whack Trump this morning. I changed channels just to prevent puking.

Reply to  James LePore
7 years ago

It’s no wonder Trump keeps winning, with enemies like ConInc. Moshe Dayan, when asked how to win wars like the Israeli Army did, famously said, “Fight Arabs!” As any liberal can tell you, fighting Conservatism, Inc will always be crowned with success. The real threat is from the Ringmaster (Soros) not the clowns.

Larry Darrell
Larry Darrell
7 years ago

He looks like the non-obese, beardless version of Kevin Williamson, another of our favorites.

Jim Don Bob
7 years ago

What did you do to get banned from Tyler’s site?

BTW, the term “rump swab” is hilarious!

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I went back and re-read the column. Now I’m going to have to link to Cowen for the first time to see what this particular douche looks like. OK, did that. He’s a placeholder. My learned aversion to the term “conservative” has grown into something more resembling disgust. If you are not right wing you are left wing. Plenty of choices on the right, but conservatism is not one of them.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

That is some pretty tame stuff you linked to. Barely rises to the act of Petty Noticing, let alone Noticing While Gentile or even Aggregated Noticing With Intent to Analyze.

So, do you mean the JQ in general is something for which Cowen has no tolerance?

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

Guilty of the Crime of Noticing, ZMan. The sentence is internet death.

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.” One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense. Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist. Nothing… Read more »

Reply to  Buckaroo Banzai
7 years ago

I’m a Jew, and if I punched you in the face your facial structure would collapse. You pathetic faggot.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Garr
7 years ago

I’m very partial to a Jew who will throw a punch, especially since where I come from so few will take their own side in a fight.

Buckaroo Banzai
Buckaroo Banzai
Reply to  Garr
7 years ago

“Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist.”

Thanks for proving my point. kek.

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  Buckaroo Banzai
7 years ago

I trust this is satire. It’s hard to tell sometimes.

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  Buckaroo Banzai
7 years ago

Goebbels ! Well done!

Reply to  Buckaroo Banzai
7 years ago

Such bigotry is the par for the course for the alt-white neanderthals. The alt-white is the KKK where the white sheets have been replaced with business suits.

Old Surfer
Old Surfer
Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I’ve been noticing a lot of outright antisemitism on GAB which bothers the hell out of me. I thought we’d put that o rest in the West, but no. This is a real blot on the conservative movement.

A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Old Surfer
7 years ago

In my experience an antisemite is one who Jews do not like.

7 years ago

Why does he say he is conserving?

Zeroh Tollrants
Zeroh Tollrants
Reply to  HorrorsGreeley
7 years ago

Tranny bathrooms, anal sex, gay cakes, Marxist classrooms, the Military Industrial Complex, Muslim soldiers, patriotic open borders, duh. What all good Conservatives for, in 2017.

7 years ago

You already know this Z but is worth saying again, the western elite is Neoliberal to the bone, the so called Center-Right and Center-Left parties in western countries are ruled by Neoliberals and when they don’t the media comes crashing down on them, just look the never ending smear campaign on Trump and Corbyn!

Even when the establishment stop supporting the main parties they come with “outsiders” like McMuffin (CIA, Goldman Sachs) and Macron (Rotshchild, Bilderberger).

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
7 years ago

Maybe this discussion solves the mystery of why a colonial administration model with the Cloud as the colonial district officers, etc. and with us as the native subjects feels and sound about right but there’s no obvious overseas mother country. The Cloud is building a global overseas mother country one celebrated migrant at a time.

7 years ago

Salam only shows that even on the alleged right there are some pretty worthless people with worthless degrees. I guess in theory worthless conservatives like Rubio and Ryan could be in law practice. What would Salam do with a a degree in social studies?

Ryan T
Ryan T
7 years ago

Being a CDN of the rightwing kind is a lonely existence politically. since parliamentary democracy is the syatem we’re used to, proportional representation would be a jolly good idea if for no other reason than watching centrist mainstream paries have to form coalitions with our first nationalist party. the look on trudeau’s face alone would be worth it.

7 years ago

If Conservatism has died, what can we or others do about it?

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Adrian_Drummond
7 years ago

Like King Brian said to Darby O’Gill: “Give it a grand wake and then forget all about it.”

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
7 years ago

bury the corpse

7 years ago

Yes, the credo of “Actions speak louder than words” is what really matters. This clown can “talk” all he wants but that does not make him what he claims to be. Just look at who his friends and business associates are.

That’s like the shocker I got yesterday hearing that Joe Scarsborough was leaving the Republican Party. What??? Who would have believed he would be registered in the RNC? What for? A turd is a turd no matter how perfume you put on it.

7 years ago

I have in the last year noticed the same devolution in Megan McArdle that I first noted in Tyler Cowen starting when he began writing op-eds for the NYTimes. I am not sure they are even aware of it.

7 years ago

These phony conservatives fill a need.

The soccer mommies and Joe six packs needs someone they can point to whenever they’re accused of being racist, homophobic, etc.

See ? I’m a nice conservative like this guy.

Honestly who wouldn’t jump in on this racket ? It’s free money.

7 years ago

At last I understand why so much of the Narrative rhymes with “Gack unh unh blooorf”! It’s that full- throated thing!

Joel Parker
Joel Parker
7 years ago

Conservatism did NOT DIE.
It was however hijacked by a lot of global grifter special interests though.

7 years ago

>What we have is a classic example of how the affirmative action game is played at the highest levels Reyhan went to Stuyvesant High School, which admits students entirely based on performance on a standardized math and English test. Stuy takes a rasher of shit every year because its students are, obviously, largely Asian and Jewish and not at all representative of NYC’s ethnic composition. I doubt that Reyhan needed AA to get into the Ivy Leagues. I also doubt that AA extends to Bangladeshis and other South Asians. When it comes to East Asians, there is negative AA, to… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

“I also took the time to survey his writing and banal is being generous. It’s not T. N. Coates quality, but I would not put my name to it.”

Absolutely true. If this guy was named Richard Salem, and was from Oklahoma, he’d be a barista somewhere, and everybody knows it. He makes Kevin Williamson look like Melville.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

That’s gotta be counting Chinese kids as “minority”, cuz Stuyvesant’s like 80% Chinese now. LionoftheBlogosphere, who went there, has noted this.

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

There was a test prep company 10-15 years ago that would have kids in China take the paper SAT exam and email the results to corporate HQ. Then the prep company would spend the night encoding the answers into the design on pencils. They would pick the kids up in a limo, hand them the pencils, and explain the encoding on the way to the test center. That was the test prep. I think it cost about $10K. I went to grad school with some spoiled, rich Asian kid who was there on a fellowship since he allegedly had some… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 years ago

I went to Stuyvesant in the mid-to-late 90s. “Minority” means “Chinese and Korean”. At the time, they were 50%. Now they’re 80%. Everybody there was bright, in the sense of IQ. But there were many, many intelligent people who were not very smart-they’d never had a non-banal thought in their heads (at least not one they’d let themselves think aloud.) Probably the majority of students. A very clear microcosm of what is wrong with American elites. In four years there, I met a lot of people whom I was deeply unimpressed by in terms of their depth, imagination, integrity, etc.,… Read more »

7 years ago

At least ConInc. lived the good life. Defeated Communism and smashed the Iron Curtain, which is no mean feat. The alt-white movement is stillborn or worse, born with Down’s syndrome.

Reply to  UpYours
7 years ago

Your hindsight is 20/20. Good job, I guess.

Might want to work on your foresight, though.