The Z-Cast: Radio Days

This week I’m continuing the experiment. The segments are shorter and there are more of them, but organized into logical groupings. I think I may have struck on an idea that will work for me. Each week, I’ll do bits around a few themes or topics. That makes it easier to select material and keeps me from rambling on like a lunatic. I’m finding that there’s so much in the news I can rant and rave about that I need to set limits.

I also did some tinkering with the sound quality. People told me I needed to crank back the volume a little and trim the high parts of the audio. In the process of learning how to do that, I found out that cheaper gear and software, means it is much harder to do this efficiently. It looks like another item to the learning curve will be figuring out how to select the right equipment for the job. But, I only have a whole $30 invested thus far.

This week, Spreaker has the full show. YouTube has the full show and an image that stays put the whole time. I’ve also offered up on YouTube segments from the show for those with a short attention span. I think I like this method going forward. Next up will be loading up iTunes with the podcast, but that’s a bit more involved. I want to use their API rather than do it manually so I’ll be unriddling that this week, as time permits.

This Week’s Show

  • 00:00: Opening
  • 01:40: Ballot Stuffing (Link) (Link)
  • 05:45: Court Packing (Link)
  • 09:44: Drone Swarm (Link)
  • 14:58: Grifters (Link) (Link) (Link)
  • 20:13: Health Care (Link)
  • 25:30 Sports Posting (Link) (Link)
  • 35:30 The Mule (Link) (Link)
  • 45:30 Saudi Arabia (Link)
  • 50:30 Syria (Link)
  • 55:30 Israel (Link)
  • 59: 59 Closing

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Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
7 years ago

You call modern America a theocracy, a progressive theocracy, and I get your point, but with this objection, or caveat, or whatever: Progressive theocracy differs (and the difference isn’t trivial) from Islamic theocracy because it has no foundation in a sacred body of writings. Say what you will about the Koran, but it is the basis of government, law, and morals in a very substantial portion of the present world. Within its own sphere it is harshly conservative, not to say reactionary. In old England they used to say “the law is an ass”. That was meant as a compliment.… Read more »

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
7 years ago

I like your suggestions on how to improve the appeal of tennis. It reminded me of something Bill James wrote years ago, concerning baseball. His observation was that if modern ballplayers had to play in the ballparks and use the equipment on hand in 1950, they’d soon be playing baseball as it was played in 1950. Athletes should never transcend the game they play – it is a sign of decay in the sport: Excellence is the goal of the athlete, not transcendence. It’s the main problem I had with Barry Bonds: The game itself had become too easy for… Read more »

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

If Israel is a theocracy based upon religion, why are they genetically testing immigrants? It’s a religion that worships a race who considers itself gods, and you goyim are beasts created in human form to serve them as slaves…..2800 goyim slaves per jew to be exact per the Talmud.

Don’t Boomerpost. Boomerposting is to lose. Boomerposting is to accept the genocide of your race.

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
7 years ago

we’re God’s Chosen People, goy.

didnt we tell you?
7 years ago

I’m already liking this better than Radio Derb.

Keep it up, Z!

John Derbyshire
Reply to
7 years ago


David Wright
Reply to  John Derbyshire
7 years ago

An alliance!

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to
7 years ago

It is not possible to like anything more than Radio Derb. You must calm yourself.

Eclectic Esoteric
Eclectic Esoteric
7 years ago

How much longer can we allow cultural marxists to throw our sons’ masculinity into the ovens.

Desert Rat
Desert Rat
7 years ago

Well done. You are doing good work. God bless.

7 years ago

Another great show, Z. I don’t think you need to get a better mic, unless you really want to spend more money. When the recording level is set well, the mice you have sounds fine. It is tough to record different segments consistently big with breaks in-between–if you talk a little louder or softer (maybe different energy level or mood) it will make a difference. Have to check & set the level every time. You can do it post-recording, but it’s a pain.

More importantly your topics are winners and you make interesting and provocative points. Really well done.

Karl Hungus
Karl Hungus
7 years ago

took this pic while touring ZStudios:comment image

7 years ago

I listen to 30-40 Alt-Right or conservative podcasts every week and yours is already one of the best.

Worldly Wiseman
Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

podcast getting better all the time. comment about saudi arabia- there is no option on the table of not dealing with them. they are the guardians of mecca so it is vital to have the rulers on your side. israel is keeping them in line.

Reply to  Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

the Saudi Royal Family are Talmudic jews

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  anon_4343
7 years ago

It would not surprise me one bit.

Reply to  Worldly Wiseman
7 years ago

I agree with the first part, and with both Odid Yinon and Eretz Yisrael.
Let the Semitics deal with their own Frankenstein’s monster- only if they contain and quarantine it.

They won’t, and that’s why I think Slavic Russia’s Nasserite socialism was a less worse alternative.
One one hand, it was modernizing the Muslim world. On the other, however, it kept it well fed.

james wilson
james wilson
7 years ago

Never played, never heard of Smear a Queer. I was robbed, deprived of a proper childhood. Not to late to teach it to my grandsons though.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

We used to play smear the queer after lunch. We would use a crushed milk carton from the lunch room. If I remember correctly you ran with it until someone took it away or you were tackled to the ground and couldn’t move. Then you threw it on the ground and someone would pick it up and run with it.

Reply to  james wilson
7 years ago

we played Smear the Queer in the late 1970s at school and we also had a week of fun themed days at school, one of which was Slave Day, lol

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I notice you said that Syria is a problem we don’t understand. Well I do. It was stated very plainly by the Israeli’s that their strategy was to break up the Arab States into squabbling provinces like Lebanon. They then attacked us on 9-11 by blowing up the WTC and building 7 to give us an excuse to be involved there and blamed it on the Arabs. That building 7 had the bottom demoed out from under it can not be disputed as it fell the exact same speed as a rock dropped in air. “Meaning” if the rock was… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Let’s also put the pipeline myth to rest. I got to wondering about this so I looked up pipelines across the Mediterranean and found there’s a few already and there’s plans for more. So the idea that they MUST have Syria for a pipeline is a lie. The attacks on Assad are as I said to destroy and atomize the Arab nations by the Jews. More evidence that this is a lie is what company wants to spend money on a pipeline through a country embroiled or recently embroiled in a civil war to emplace a pipeline? It’s stupid.… Read more »

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

i think the pipeline is part of it but no doubt the jews would lke to destroy Syria and other middle east countries

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Israel gave up the southern half of their country- and its oil fields- to Anwar Sadat. Oil seems unimportant. An atomised Arab world means an endless proxy army. For a thousand years, Jews fled Christian European pogroms for protected sanctuary in the Muslim world. Hebrew became a dead language, only resurrected in 1948, as Arabic had become the primary language used by the majority of Ashkenazim. I believe we are seeing an attempted repeat of epic revenge; the “Soviet” Empire probably was such an attempt. Memories are millenia long, never forgive or forget. If it is true that the Saudi… Read more »

7 years ago

You seem to be developing a little more confidence and are improving your timing in presentation. Very good.
I look forward to actually meeting you Friday evening after the AmRen opening session. I will stand the first round for you and Derb.

7 years ago

Direct mp3 link:

They can be found at:

A new epizode makes for a great Saturday morning!

Reply to  guest
7 years ago

That’s it, I’m finally going to learn how to download podcasts.

7 years ago

Just listened to the first episode- very good stuff. Looking forward to checking out 2 and 3.

7 years ago

Great podcast, I’ve listened to them all. You should challenge yourself to do an entire episode without using the phrase “you know”.

7 years ago

Hey Zman what was the story on The Mule? I click the links and they were about Trump. You mention a story about the Mule coming back will cause plants to fall

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  JohnC
7 years ago

The Mule. It’s also not plants but “plans” to fail. Trump is very much like the Mule. The Mule was my favorite book in the series when I read it a long, long time ago.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Thank you

7 years ago

The podcast is okay, seems professional enough to me. My only problem is figuring out how to listen to individual sections of it. Are they listed in YouTube?

7 years ago

This is reminiscent of the little radio programs Reagan put together. I used to listen to them while driving to school as an undergrad.

7 years ago

thezman: Why not, instead of a late episode, do a quick history of the blog, the z man origin story (every superhero hast one)! Maybe with a little q&a thrown into mix, something that would not require much preparing.

Because the worst thing a podcast can do, is break schedule.

Reply to  guest
7 years ago

I figure you were not bitten by Zorro as a lad…

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I really liked the podcast. Don’t wnat to give the impression that most of it was stellar.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Don’t want to give the impression that most of it was NOT stellar. Sorry.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

You should start a blog already Sam.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  guest
7 years ago

I would mostly babble the same things over and over.
Man’s got to know his limitations.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Better there, rather than spread over countless blogs.
If nothing else just copy paste the longer comments.

Would be worth just for the blogroll!

7 years ago

Tennis is more popular today in Europe (with the possible exception of Germany) than at any time in my life, and I’m old enough to remember the Borg/Connors/McEnroe days. Right now I’m in Canada. Here I’d say it declined just like in the U.S. from the late 1980s until about five years ago when it began a resurgence. So no, we don’t need to change it; but just like with soccer you Americans will no doubt talk about! (Maybe you guys do that just to troll the rest of the world?) Incidentally, it is also a very American characteristic to… Read more »

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

Maybe this will be helpful. You can get most any sound you want by using open source free software. Maybe slightly more difficult that multi-hundred dollars software you buy but possible. I’m assuming you need a compressor to bring the volume up on quieter passages and lower the high volumes and a equalizer. With cheap hardware and proper tweaking of the sound signal you can get a reasonable sound out of most anything. (I said reasonable not perfect for the nitpickers)Here’s a page I found by someone who does podcast with the software ” Audacity” that’s free. It also has… Read more »

Larry Darrell
Larry Darrell
7 years ago

A search on for “Z-cast” yields only a podcaster who describes himself as “Yo guys! Im Zack. I live in Akron Ohio and am very new to the broadcasting business.” Not you I think.

L. Beau Macaroni
L. Beau Macaroni
Reply to  Larry Darrell
7 years ago

I found it by searching for “Z man blog” on

7 years ago

One technical suggestion. You need some way to keep your sound level constant. At the beginning of each segment it’s quite loud, then softens. The last segment the sound level was really low compared to the rest.

Perhaps some sign off music to end the podcast.

Pimpkin\\\'s nephew
Pimpkin\\\'s nephew
Reply to  Cloudswrest
7 years ago

Sign-off suggestions include ‘Night and Day’ by Ella Fitzgerald, ‘Die Nacht’ by Schubert, and ‘Love Shack’ by the B52s, depending in the mood you intend to convey. Just a thought from a drunken Trumpster…

Pimpkin\\\'s nephew
Pimpkin\\\'s nephew
Reply to  Pimpkin\\\'s nephew
7 years ago

What’s the story with all those hashmarks? I’m just Pimpkin’s nephew. I don’t even know where the left hashmark is on my keypad.

Ben Wagner
Ben Wagner
7 years ago

This might be a useful resource. Marco Arment is an IOS developer and podcaster in the tech sphere.

Trent Denton
Trent Denton
7 years ago

Since the subject is general media:

“It’s terrible what history books say about white people”

So much truth