Things Are Looking Up

A pretty good rule of politics is that your enemies will always give you terrible advice. It is a lesson the so-called conservatives and Republicans have never learned. The Left offers them advice and they jump at the chance to take it. The corollary to this is you know you are doing something right when your enemies try to steal your issues. The Tories figured out that UKIP was getting traction on immigration, so they moved right on the issue and offered a referendum on Europe. It worked, even though it tanked Cameron’s career.

We have not seen much of that since the start of the populist revolt led by Trump in the GOP primaries. In fact, the GOP went the other way. The higher Trump’s polls rose, the more they rejected Trump’s issues. It was a weird thing, but the Republicans are not called the stupid party by accident. Even after he won, his own party is struggling to come to terms with the new reality. The Left, in contrast, is good at politics, so seeing some rumblings on the their side about adopting nationalist themes is interesting.

Across the Western world, center-left parties are in trouble: In Germany, Austria, France, and the Netherlands, social democrats have suffered historic electoral defeats. Right-wing populists, meanwhile, have scored a series of victories, including Trump’s election, the vote for Brexit, and the continuing erosion of liberal democratic institutions in Hungary and Poland.

But while many people take for granted an inherent contradiction between nationalism and left-wing politics, there simply isn’t one, either historically or philosophically. Throughout the 20th century, progressives mobilized for social justice most successfully when they spoke in the name of national solidarity rather than focusing exclusively on class-based interests or on abstract notions of justice. Left-wingers often cite the adage that patriotism is the last resort of the scoundrel — and with good reason. But it is important to also remember that a deep sense of national commitment underpins the egalitarian institutions we hold dear.

The historian Michael Kazin put it mildly when he wrote that patriotism “is not a popular sentiment on the contemporary left.” The influential British left-wing commentator George Monbiot has equated patriotism with racism: To give in to patriotism, he writes, is to deny the plain truth “that someone living in Kinshasa is of no less worth than someone living in Kensington.”

Yet in giving up on appeals to national solidarity, the left has forgotten the basic political argument that served it so well in the past: that out of the ties that bind together our national communities emerges a deep commitment to the well-being, welfare, and social esteem of our fellow citizens. This recognizes a basic moral intuition: We have deep and encompassing obligations to those we consider our own, based on a shared sense of membership in a community of fate — or more simply, based on our shared national identity.

American Progressives are pegged as fanatical ideologues, but that misses an essential feature of the American Left. They can turn on a dime and reverse course if it has practical value. In the Clinton years, Bill Clinton scoffed at homosexual marriage. Even Obama seemed to be revolted by the idea. Yet, they spun around on a dime and embraced the whole rainbow collation of sexual deviants when it suited them. Hillary Clinton ran her 2016 campaign on the not so subtle theme that she was an old lesbian.

Bernie Sanders did a lot of damage in the 2016 primary because he had a reputation for left-wing populism. You can be sure that he regrets abandoning his closed borders position that he held for decades. There’s a good bet he would have done much better if he had embraced a halt to immigration as a way to help the working class. The alt-right guys will tell you that some of guys came to their thing from the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat coalition. You can bet Democrats have noticed this as well.

None of this should suggest the Left is about to go alt-right, but when old liberal warhorses are on the ropes, because the “New Americans” are voting for their own, you can be sure there is some soul searching going on now. The math says the coalition of fringes only works if the fringe types are just a supplement to the core white vote that has always voted Democrat. Once the fringes decide they want to be in charge, and they have the numbers to make it happen, there’s no room for whitey at the top of the party.

It’s hard to know where this will go. The Left is committed to identity politics and to open borders, but that does not mean they cannot find a way to adopt populist and even nationalist language. On the other hand, the Left has pivoted on issues when practical politics demanded it. Regardless, It really does not matter from the point of view of populists and nationalists. If the other side is trying to figure out how to steal these issues, it means these issues are working. It means we’re doing something right.

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6 years ago

I am more on the nrer side. For the critical reason of Demographics. First, the Left representing fully the commercial oligarchs who really run the West is committed to stuffing Western countries with as many people as possible. A declining population like Japan is disaster. Disaster for Nestle, for General Mills, for Amazon, for Wal-Mart, for Procter and Gamble, for Johnson and Johnson, and for various financial institutions like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and even investment banks doing M&A work for consumer companies like Time-Warner or Disney. The declining native birth-rate has led to Open Border mania. I agree… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I’ve been arguing with all the right wing “conservative” types I know for going on 2 decades now – that the way to defeat the left is to stop fighting them and trying to hold them back – and just let them do the stupid shit you know they want to do. Just let them ” get too far out over their skis” – as you put it (good description BTW). The problem we’ve had for a long long time – is that the left has always been far too circumspect about what they REALLY want – for the normies… Read more »

Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

I’m fine with the left poisoning their water supply. as long as its downstream from mine.

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

I am perfectly fine with letting them hang themselves, and I’m also fine with selling them the rope and building the scaffold.

At work I notice a more open “fuck them” attitude when the subject of leftists comes up. Granted, I work with construction types, but they certainly aren’t as hesitant to express their conservative views as they were.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Self-immolation is always in the nature of fanaticism.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Epaminondas: Yes, but, only after roasting everyone else.

Reply to  Whiskey
6 years ago

yeah, I agree….open borders propaganda is being pushed because it increase consumer demand, which is 80% of the economy…if consumer demand drops, the assets of the elites & big corporations will decrease, and they do not like that… our enemy here are the big corporations, and their CEOs and plutocrat shareholders….plain and simple….that fact needs to always be foremost in our minds… at this point, I don’t think there is any political solution…for congress, unless I see a really radical GOP candidate on the ballot, I will vote Dem (but I will vote trump in 2020 unless I see a… Read more »

Reply to  ChanChanStudios
6 years ago

Want a single payer for health care? First, visit a VA hospital.

Richter Rox
Richter Rox
6 years ago

The golden brown homo party may try a swing at nationalism but as their honkey purge continues it will be for nought. Once the moneyed yids leave the dems will implode under the weight of an alliance of the most ridiculous assortment of fringe freaks ever assembled.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Richter Rox
6 years ago

The loons, psychos, degenerates and freaks of the Left moved from the side show to the center ring of the Big Top.

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

There’s a parallel problem there. As the freaks take over the Dem party – all the slightly less freaky will start jumping ship and looking for a place to go. I sense that is already happening somewhat with the alt-right. As somebody here pointed out – there are commenters out there using words that stink the place up – like “masses” and “proletariat”. One of the things that has killed the right – is letting the Neocons get a say within the right. If the Dems go full retard and the slightly normal jump ship…… don’t pick them up. You’ll… Read more »

6 years ago

Leftist, socialists , progressives, democrats – call them what you wish, have only one goal; to attain and maintain absolute power.

They will support or repudiate any policy or group or agenda as often as necessary – regardless of their previous stance – as long as they believe it will advance their cause.
The ends justifies the means.
This is nothing new for lefties.

They really have no moral compass.

And it is this latter characteristic of leftists – no moral compass – that makes them exceedingly dangerous.

Just look at history.

Reply to  JohnTyler
6 years ago

They could repudiate anything, but they probably won’t. The ideological bent of white lefties dove-tails perfectly with the genocidal kitch of the worst diaspora offenders and the swarthy hoards of back benches who have been promised a nation to rule. The coalition is fragile, on account of the single minded hatred binding it with little else to speak of, but the extraction of the white and diaspora shitlib elite from their glass totem would be extremely messy for them. Imagine a million shitlib footsoldiers being told tomorrow that being white is alright and the platform will now include immigration restriction.… Read more »

6 years ago

Sanders is a bait and switch guy. He plays up like he’s a radical socialist taking on the man but really his platform is old-fashioned New England “tax and spend” which only seems radical because it is as much of an anachronism in our day as actual socialism is.

In reality he votes just like any other back bench Democrat.

6 years ago

If the Dems start using nationalist appeals they will be fake ones, like back in the day when so many of them were “pro-gun”. Remember back in the 1970s-1990s when so many Dem congressmen and senators had near-perfect NRA scores and yet we still had various types of gun controls and restrictions voted in? Assault weapons ban? So Gore had a perfect NRA score going in to his race against Bush in 2000.

All they have to do is talk to their Republican buddies about how to fake being pro-American.

I bet McCain is writing a handbook for them now.

6 years ago

Here’s hoping the Dems have gone too far and “we won’t get fooled again”

The rhetoric between right and left has gotten pretty nasty. The whole deplorable business pretty much put the Line in the Sand. As mentioned the oligarchs will keep pressure on their little pets in DC to keep the immigration spicket open.

The rest of the planet is getting hip to the New World Order. Will be interesting to see if whitey can get it together before it’s too late.

Reply to  sirlancelot
6 years ago

That’s why the swamp needs to be drained so badly.


6 years ago

You’ve outlined the reason why conventional political analysis does NOT work with Trump. He is a Buchananite/Reaganite–with the Reagan Democrat vote behind him.

Conventional (R’s) on the other hand, are showing their Big Money/Chamber of Commerce loyalties–and will be damn lonely at the polls.

Ron Winkleheimer
Ron Winkleheimer
Reply to  dad29
6 years ago

Meanwhile, Kaisch is saying that the two party system has failed and from now on the US will have multiple political parties. Sounds like whistling past the graveyard to me. Trump has shown that nationalism and looking after the interests of the country’s citizens’ interest first is a winning political platform. No matter how hard they try, the PTB are not going to be able to get that toothpaste back into the tube. Please excuse the two trite cliche phrases.

Reply to  Ron Winkleheimer
6 years ago

Trump is the third party. I don’t see any evidence that he has changed the Republican Party.

Reply to  Ron Winkleheimer
6 years ago

You’re reading too much into Kasich, a simple donor class parrot. He is simply announcing that money will be going to find third party spoilers for 2020 (and beyond should another populist get through the GOP primary).

Ron Winkleheimer
Ron Winkleheimer
6 years ago

Back in the 70s Cesar Chavez talked about growers using illegals as a tactic to subvert the picker’s union. He stated that he wanted tough border enforcement. Hell, the unions and a good portion of the left opposed NAFTA. But I think those days are gone and won’t be coming back anytime soon. The Democrat party is now owned by nut cases and minorities that are actively hostile to whites. And are self-righteous about it.

6 years ago

I’m especially attracted to trying to figure out how this whole mess will turn out. With California sliding into the abyss, does the rest of the country (federal government) jump in and forcibly try to stop the Calexit? My daughter lives in San Diego and is tired of stepping over drug addicted homeless crappers. She is moving back to the midwest and is not letting the door hit her in the ass. What I’m trying to get my head around is do we even have the national will to stop the invasion. Not sure we do unless what Z is… Read more »

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Matrix
6 years ago

Why stop it? If it succeeds it’ll be a foreign country and then we can declare war on it. After a few neutron bombs, it’ll be fit to be annexed and recolonized. Really, they can’t leave fast enough!

6 years ago

If one were to draw a Venn Diagram of Nazi and Communist beliefs (and I mean literal Nazis and Communists, not the insults hurled on the internet), there would have been overlap between Julius Streicher & Co. and Rosa Luxembourg on the Treaty of Versailles, the decommission of the Ruhr, and the onerous war-guilt debts. The left as a deliberate suicide cult (as delineated by James Burnham) is a more recent phenomenon. Still, the left must be granted a massive victory inasmuch as our thinking has been altered to the point where we consider borders and sensible immigration policy “right-wing.”… Read more »

6 years ago

The pivot of which you speak is out and about. It’s the individualism of Pinker, Peterson, and so forth. They stride as close to the dissident position as they safely can and fish for those who are timid enough to be brought back onto the left’s moral reservation. “Take two slaverys and a holocaust, call me in the morning if you still think whites deserve political representation.”

6 years ago

“Across the Western world, center-left parties are in trouble: In Germany, Austria, France, and the Netherlands, social democrats have suffered historic electoral defeats“

What is center-left today isn’t that different from center-right, it’s all Neoliberal Globalism in different flavors.

6 years ago

With DiFi getting a vote of no confidence and Tony Villaraigosa almost even with Gavin Newsom in the polls, my home state seems to be well on the way to becoming a Latino ethno-state. MEChA wins. Speaking of MEChA, they are forcing some town in CA to take down a statue of William McKinley, pretty much because they can. Triumphalism is in the air. If DeLeon and Villaraigosa win, what way will Kamala Harris swing? In that scenario, I’m hard pressed to figure out a path for for her to win a second term. Maybe that’s why she wants to… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Yep, Latino society doesn’t work like that. When I left So Cal, all of the Latino Congressfolks in the LA Basin were women. The word “jefa” (chief) is an honorific for your mother. Those women would tear the eyes out of any gabachas who tried to get in the way.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Once Latina and Asian women get to the U.S., there is often a second generation new model and a new family model of careerist women. They are not half so deferential and unambitious as you might think. I’m not sure male Hispanics will tell the females to am-scray if they successfully advance the cause.

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

BTW, I was pretty down about this all weekend. But this morning, I’m amusing myself imagining the conversations in San Fran, Silicon Valley, and Westside LA. To be a fly on those walls!

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

Well, it took Stalin and Bukharin (if I recall correctly) all of about 2-3 years to figure out the Marx/Engels “all workers of the world are the same and borderless” shit was just that and get about building their socialist paradise on the base of an appeal to nationalism.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

It was actual Russians taking the reins of the communist party away from the largely Jewish Bolsheviks. After this trend began playing itself out the remaining Jews in the USSR became the famous dissidents we all worshipped back in the 1970s and made up the large exodus to Israel under Gorbachev.
It is also how we got the Commentary magazine version of neoconservatism.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

Except for Trotsky and his “permanent revolution” schtick, he just got an icepick in the skull. But largely an unheeded cautionary tale for the useful idiots.

6 years ago

There’s a word for when center-left socialists adopt populist and nationalist policies in order to gain popular support.
It rhymes with “Potzie”

6 years ago

Well, they ran in 2007 as conservative Democrats in red districts, the so-called “Blue Dog” Democrats. That was always a fraud. But, people are stupid, so it worked, and it gave us (among other things), Obamacare. Virtually all of them lost (all but one who voted for Obamacare) in the 2010 landslide. I fully expect them to do this again. They have the national media in their pocket. It’s not like anybody running as a closed borders nationalist is going to get any media spotlights placed on them to question their fidelity and veracity. As far as Sanders go, my… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

IMO the white progressives are comfortable with the whole Brown Party thing, because they truly think they will lead the charge. Dropping Feinstein is a shot across the bow, but there is a long way to go before the white progs feel any real pressure. When you live in a segregated and gated community, and your only brown contact is the gardening guy, the threat appears a long way off.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

A good reminder that you have to ignore millennia of history, and pretty much avoid all news, to subscribe to the theory major demographic swings in the US won’t lead to anarchy.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago
6 years ago

“But while many people take for granted an inherent contradiction between nationalism and left-wing politics, there simply isn’t one, either historically or philosophically” LIES!!! I have been told, by the best academic authorities, that something like “national socialism” cannot exist, and anyone who calls himself a “national socialist” is by definition a right winger, because reasons. Who is this lying liar who lies?!?

6 years ago

Its too late to turn back now:

California Democrats decline to endorse Feinstein

Reply to  nrer
6 years ago

That “Baghdad Bob” black pill isn’t necessary. When the left (or even the grimmer faction of the right) starts talking about something as inevitable, it’s time to fight harder. There were plenty of sensible people on the right (alt right/dissident right) who said Trump had no chance and he won. There are some smart, young white guys who are tech savvy and don’t care for our enemies, and sometimes getting rich is a fluke or an accident. Imagine a James Damore with Mark Zuckerberg’s money. As referee Frank Frank Cappuccino used to say, “Fight ain’t ovah!!!”

Reply to  nrer
6 years ago

DiFi is the best the Demonrats can come up with. The others are on full race warriors and prog lunatics. DiFi doesn’t scare the normies like the others do

Long term that should worry all whites. Because the bench of white progs who aren’t totally batshit crazy is almost gone. After them comes the rubber room squad that amount to political arsonists. Once they get in power they will burn down the country.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

This will be one to watch. In the current Prog construct DiFi sits just barely to the left of Pinochet. Another interesting sideshow is watching just how far a white, cis, hetero guy like Schiff will debase himself trying to signal enough virtue to be eligible for a job beyond the one he has in CA. But it seems no matter how much wet work he does on behalf of the party he’s going to be stuck right where he is. Whitey is now the one working the fields in CA politics.

bob sykes
bob sykes
Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

He’s actually Jewish and likely identifies as non-White and sees himself as the natural ally of Mexicans and Negros et al. But Mexicans and Negros identify him as White, just as they did to Weinstein at Evergreen State and the two buffoons at Yale. Whites and Jews (however they self-identify) have no future in the Democrat Party. If they want a progressive party, it will have to be a separate, Whites-only, party.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  bob sykes
6 years ago

That’s always been their MO, only now, as Z points out the fringes are getting uppity. And guys like Schiff are out there still thinking if they take enough for the team, they get to move to the next job. My money says poor Adam ends up with a felony indictment and the next day the party line will be “Adam who?” Not that I’ll shed any tears.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

I can tell you, living here in California, the Prog whites live away from any direct consequences of the batshit crazy non-white takeover of the Left. The lines of segregation are explicit and clear. Those bronze guys working the artichoke fields in Watsonville are decorations for the people driving through the area. The Central Valley will be a nice cultural exhibit for the hermetically sealed bullet train passing through. No different from looking at the giraffes from the trains at the Safari Park. The Prog whites will just throw money over the gates of their communities via the tax bills,… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Had a multi-year streak where was traveling to Palo Alto and environs on a regular basis (was running a major IT re-platforming). Used to walk around Palo Alto a fair bit and always seemed like the valley had morphed to an extreme “barbell” economy. Wealthy people that made it in tech and the serfs that made their coffee and salads and were trucked in from outside and expected to vanish each evening. Never felt like a thing that was going to go on.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Californians want so desperately to be the bellwether for the rest of the country. We are stupid to take our cues from that human ant farm.

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

California’s collapse trajectory is way ahead of the rest of the country. It will be interesting to see what happens to them in the near future. Every municipality is bankrupt by ordinary accounting, and almost bankrupt by cash accounting. The tiny percentage of people who pay the majority of the state’s taxes are still free to leave for now.

More to your point: California will be a charred corpse well before the arsonists get real power in DC. Context might change things. Mass sanity has broken out on occasions past.

6 years ago

I forget who writes the blog Face to Face, but he is of the mind that the Democrats are the party on the way out, waiting to be replaced by left-leaning nationalism.

Basically the Bernie Sanders platform, but with sane young men instead of crazy old Jews.

6 years ago

sooner or late the dumb white liberals are going to learn this identity stuff will play havoc with their power and privilege. although possibly too late.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
6 years ago

The situation with Di-Fi is also driven by the fact she is 84. Granted Senators have served longer, Strom Thurmond anyone? However there are a lot of people out there who really don’t want to wait for another six or even twelve years Can’t blame them really. That said its going to be interesting when the Kevin DeLeon’s of this world get out of the Cali bubble and run into the rest of the country If they can’t manage to the culture clash its going to push the US closer to some kind of solution , war or succession are… Read more »

6 years ago

The types of people Z describes today are not the people he was ferrying yesterday, but the mob that will be leaving a couple vices behind and carrying the rest with them. Deja vu all over again. Democrazy is not self correcting.

Reply to  james+wilson
6 years ago

Sure it is. It just takes a while for the minority that identify as ‘explosively propelled lead projectiles’ to qualify for suffrage.

Their votes REALLY matter, though.

6 years ago

You miss the point. The left is MORE nationalistic than Trump. But it is of the nations within America exept whites. Puerto Ricans Central Americans Mexicans Other Hispanics / Latinos Somalis African Americans Jews Each has formed its own nation within the USA and demands things for its own benefit. They are often at odds – Jewish reps are being replaced with one with their district’s ethnicity – see Minnesota (Somali), New York (Puerto Rico), Califonia (Diane Feinstein). Jews don’t have many votes. There are the Civic Nationalist equivalents: LGBTQ Feminists Greens Unions Similarly, when Unions lost votes, they started… Read more »

6 years ago

ZMan, the left may turn on a dime, but it is always a left turn.

6 years ago

I read that Diane Feinstein did not get the Democrat endorsement for the 2018 CA Senatorial race. Her Demo rival, Kevin De Leon (D) Mexico, is going to make short work of Feinstein.