The War On Us

Whether you know it or not, you are at war. It’s not a shooting in the street war, at least not yet, but it is a war. Specifically, the people in charge have decided to wage war on segments of the American society. To paraphrase the late historian Christopher Lasch, the managerial elite has turned their back on average Americans and opted instead for a ruthlessly cosmopolitan view of life, one that values rootlessness, internationalism and transience. Increasingly, their ends are in direct conflict with liberal democracy.

Another way of looking at this is that the managerial elite has reached class consciousness in the Marxist sense. Who they are is defined by who they are not and who they are not is you. Their class interests may or may not overlap with the interests of society, but their identity, their sense of who they are as a class, only exists in opposition to the white middle class. That also puts them at odds with the institutions of liberal democracy. That’s the point of this article this article on the new Civil War.

Peter Leyden is a high end grifter who makes his money telling the managerial elite what they want to hear. He pitches himself as a technologist, despite having no math or science. He’s a blend of Alvin Toeffler and Tony Robbins. Ruy Teixeira is an old Progressive hand, who has spent his life pushing various political strategies to help the Democrat Party win elections, mostly by undermining the white middle class through open borders and multiculturalism. These are men who know the mind of the managerial class.

Most of the article is complete nonsense, especially the part about blue state energy versus red state energy. That’s almost as daffy as framing the Republicans as the party of the elites and the Democrats as the party of middle America. That is the thing though. They did not write the article to clarify. It was written to flatter. These are people who make their money telling the people in charge what they want to hear. When Jack Dorsey, the head of Twitter, is retweeting the post, it means it rocketed around the ruling class.

The other interesting thing about the piece is the naked hatred of white people. If you read “Republican” to mean white middle-class, the snarling is not hard to miss. Much has been written about the motivations of the open borders people. There’s certainly a money angle, with business wanting cheap labor. There’s also a political component, as the Democrats cannot win without foreign voters. The core motivation,  that co-evolved with class consciousness, is a visceral hatred of white America. They really do want to replace us.

This is why they really hate Trump, despite the fact he is more than willing to sign off on big slabs of the Democratic agenda. He’s not a threat on social issues and he will spend like crazy on infrastructure projects, that disproportionately help Democratic Party constituencies. They hate what he represents. Trump is a reminder that white people will not go quietly into the night. Again, the article reads like the authors spend their nights dreaming of genocide. They do not want to win; they want to win permanently.

Of course, the increasingly bold and sophisticated efforts to wall off the public square from dissent is part of this larger project. The social media platforms are now using sophisticated analytics to piece together the network of people they see as the enemy of their class. This lets them coordinate their efforts to purge dissent from their platforms, without having to go to the trouble of finding violations. They are using the tools they developed for the Chinese Communists, against American dissidents.

The brashness of it is suggestive too. They are now censuring harmless black ladies because they amusingly support Trump. After all, all is fair in war. It’s one thing to censure some guy, claiming he is alt-right or a racist. No one is going to believe two middle-aged black ladies are in the alt-right or part of a racist group. This indicates they no longer think they have to conceal their motivations. We’re a couple of clicks away from people having their credit cards cancelled because they live in an area that votes heavy Republican.

That last bit may sound ridiculous, but we have credit card companies working to prevent you from using your Visa card to buy a gun. If that is permissible, it is a short trip from there to shutting off your internet access because you will not die fast enough. More important, the fact that the captains of industry, the tech giants, are sitting around scheming of ways to undermine the very notion of your citizenship, suggests they see no limits to what they can do to solve their problems with the white middle class of America.

Again, this is war and all’s fair in war. You may not think you are at war with them, but they are at war with you. The longer you stay stupid about it, the better. That’s why the morons at places like Reason Magazine and Cato get a free pass. You can be sure they will be celebrating “property rights” when every bank in America coincidentally stops doing business with gun makers and gun retailers. What’ the matter? Are you against free enterprise? Start your own bank and credit card system if you don’t like freedom!

Over the last couple of decades, many reform minded writers have been doing yeoman’s work, trying to convince the public, but also the ruling class, that preserving the heritage of America is essential to maintaining civil order and liberal democracy. Lots of people in the civic nationalist camp agree with this approach. Just one more election, one more reform movement. The trouble is the people in charge are at war and the only things they want to hear are the time and place of your death or the time and place of your surrender.

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joey junger
joey junger
6 years ago

It seems that even some Civic Nationalist and Alt-Light people have figured out that the Left being wrong about South Africa really does mean white genocide (Laura Southern is talking about this stuff, and she’s a bellwether for this kind of thing, not “far-right” except in the minds of the SPLC and Wikipedia). The difference between California and South Africa is that whites 1) Can flee California much easier than South Africa 2) It’s much easier to ignore hatred for whites in some foreign, distant place than this close to home. It’s the difference between a neon sign and a… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  joey junger
6 years ago

Sadly, they are all moving to Reno / Washoe County now, and bringing their California hipster sensibilities with them. The place has in short order become California “over the Sierras.” In all likelihood, it would remain confined to Tahoe, Reno/Carson and Vegas; but, unfortunately, the left has the legislature now, and will probably have the Governorship next election. Then they will spread their progressive mandate over the remaining cow counties — hundreds of empty miles distant, and cultural worlds apart. The place will fall quickly, as it has the greatest urban to rural population ratio in the nation. Right now,… Read more »

Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

Oh, Primi, if only you could witness the throngs of Californicators arriving in the Seattle area to volunteer for enslavement at Boing, Microsoft, and Amazon and bringing their
Trans-bathroom and vagetarian gospel to the Pacific Northwest!

Reply to  PawPaw
6 years ago

That’s Boeing, sorry.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  PawPaw
6 years ago

Correction noted. But did you really mean to say “vagetarian”? Because if you did, that’s a darn fine neologism, and I’m going to keep it!

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
6 years ago

“Vagetarian” … yes. Like a platinum mind bullet of clarity. Will have to credit PawPaw.

Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

Thank you, thank you!
I’ll be here all week.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  PawPaw
6 years ago

As you’re undoubtedly aware, the West was the place restless Easterners used to come to to escape the confining culture and craziness of the established culture. First in wagon trains, then in depression-era junkers, and finally, a hundred years after the 49ers, in Chevys and Buicks during the great post-war waves. Now, that very open-ness and (formerly) sparse population has become our fatal weakness. Lightly populated rural counties have no defense against the hyper-Californication of the hippest (usually couched as university, ski-resort and rock-climbing-supporting) western urban spots. “Rocky Mountain High ….” and all that). Las Vegas’ decades-long status as the… Read more »

Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

What’s sad is that the Californians who now flee the high real estate values and over-regulation won’t have learned anything and will just bring “progressive” values to the inland towns and cities they migrate to. Get ready for lax attitudes toward the homeless, sanctuary cities, etc.

Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

I was laid up this weekend on painkillers and suffering from bouts of fatigue. Nothing to do, no energy, so I surfed the TV. Did you know there is a Scientology channel? There is also one called “insp network”. All westerns. Watched the movie “Silverado”, and bits and pieces of old “Bonanzas” and “Gunsmokes” and whatnot. I felt like I was visiting some sort of cultural lost island somewhere. The westerns were shorthand for the old ideas of self sufficiency, protect the weak, fight don’t flee, and move on when it is time to do so. Guns, knives, and the… Read more »

Reply to  PawPaw
6 years ago

Heh…having lived in both places, I just wonder…how can you tell? (newly-arrived CA’s from seattlites, I mean.)

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

I think before Rod Dreher wrote about “the Benedict Option” he wrote in “Crunchy Cons” about how conservatives who live or work around liberals will pick up some of the lefty’s traits, intentionally or not, just through cultural osmosis. The inverse doesn’t seem to happen, however. Conservatism’s main strength as a belief system (that it’s based on experience and recognizes the human condition and limits) is also its main weakness when it comes to transmitting the philosophy to others. A Utopian fantasy about human perfectibility and the end of strife will always be an easier sell. Leftism is a virus,… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
6 years ago

I live in a university town. Most people, regardless of intelligence level, become products of their environment. Not becoming so requires something besides simple “intelligence”. I can’t define it.

This is one reason why you won’t find me as one fetishizing about IQ.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

tpdoc – Moral Character. Does that define it?

Reply to  fodderwing
6 years ago

There are plenty of good moral liberals who live lives like people did in the fifties, and yet hold political views more in common with Pol Pot. No.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

As Hume said, reason is the servant of the passions. A really good reasoning power simply serves the passions better.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

That’s why I’m leaving Reno and moving to Utah.

Reply to  Primi Pilus
6 years ago

Oregon and Washington are infected too. Sell your one million dollar modest California home, move to Oregon and buy something 1.5X bigger, with a bit of land, and pocket half a G. Lots of 50 something near retirees feathering their nests.

6 years ago

but the white working class can win … and it is vital that the video evidence of the white genocide in south africa be preserved and disseminated…because in a couple decades, when the south africa scenario approaches here, those videos can be used to prompt white americans to fight back in a new civil war…

Reply to  ChanChanRight--ActivePooter
6 years ago

Agreed, but I doubt if we have “a couple decades”.

Reply to  ChanChanRight--ActivePooter
6 years ago

Couple of decades ?
It’s been happening in every major urban area in the U.S. for the better part of 50 years.
White flight was the first response of the white working classes to the opening salvo of the race wars.

Reply to  Dave
6 years ago

yeah, I just rewatched the 1874 movie Death Wish with Bronson…great movie…the NYC white working class was under attack back then…but that aint nothing…the anti-white multiculti propaganda campaign just has too much momentum now…even if the elites wanted to stop it, they cannot do it now…but the example of what whites are doing in south africa scares me…they appear to be giving up…

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you”. Trotsky nailed that one. On the financial front, a note circulated last week in my firm concerning clients in the “gun manufacturing” business. Both from a client and investment basis. Now in the insurance world, the last thing you want to do is get on the wrong litigation side of something like Remington and their trigger problems, but this seemed to be pointed more at any kind of component manufacturing, warehousing, transport etc. So suddenly a precision machining firm that happens to make screws for Ruger among… Read more »

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

Climate change – good example of how the leftist agenda seems to rely constantly on BS. Maybe a good one to use as an example too – to try and evaluate and predict where the end point is. I’d like to think that BS eventually stabs itself in the eye and dies. There were people after all – who did see that the Soviet Union was going to die – despite the prognostications of most of the “people in charge”. So where does the “climate change” thing end up? Does it die because it’s based on BS – or do… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

The truth about “climate change” from their own mouths.… “At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said. Referring to a new international… Read more »

Reply to  calsdad
6 years ago

The agw end point: the propaganda outlives all the skeptics and, since schools can’t create more skeptics, we all live happily ever after under a UN World Government.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

Thanks, I figured Remington was under hostile attack.
Folks, watch out for insurance- “risk management” is the One Ring to rule them all.

6 years ago

Tangential: I’m listening to the Irish ghetto music on NPR tonight. Leorna R is going about the “Irish Revolution” 1916. She segues into some ballad from 2016. I’m thinking it only took 100 years to sell your freedom you stupid micks.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  nrer
6 years ago

I know a guy who shouts, “Potato Nigg@@#” whenever I bring up the Irish. Too many Irish and Irish-Americans (plastic paddies, as the Irish call them) are so obsessed with being the victims of English rule that they will side with anything besides the West when given the chance. Christ, look at that disgrace Connor McGregor. It takes work to make Floyd Mayweather look reasonable.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  joey junger
6 years ago

Notice how the Irish were not suckered into being cannon fodder for the bellicose Brits in either of the World Wars.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Liberty Mike
6 years ago

Your history’s pretty weak. A lot of Irishmen fought and died for Britain in the Great War. Start with “There’s a Devil in the Drum” by John Lucy. The “Easter Uprising” did cause recruitment to taper (more like plummet) but you’re flat-out wrong.

Reply to  joey junger
6 years ago

Two of my great grand uncles joined ” the great falling “. One at 18 after 3 days in France. The other lasted a remarkable 3 years before being atomised at 22.

About 30,000 Irishmen died, not including the wounded and maimed.

Few did it for King and Country. Most did it for the money..

Reply to  M.A
6 years ago

My semi-literate grandfather from Liverpool was conscripted, saw what was going on deserted and fucked off back home (in a thrilling act of creativity he changed his name from John Jones to Joe Jones ). The other grandfather joined up was gassed and bombed at the Somme and spent the next 50 years coughing his lungs up and having excruciating pimples exuding bits of shrapnel appear until he died in the late 60’s.
For What?

Liberty Mike
Reply to  joey junger
6 years ago

Did I write that no Irishman foolishly fought and died for Britain during the first world war? Did I cabin my post to just the first world war? Do you not agree that the Republic of Ireland was neutral during the second world war? Additionally, my post reflects the reality that there were far more Irishmen who did not sacrifice themselves for the sake of Queen and Crown than did those who did. To wit, when one takes the total number of Irish men between the ages of 18-45 during both wars, there is no irrefutable evidence to support the… Read more »

Reply to  Liberty Mike
6 years ago

At least 200,000 Irish volunteers from Ireland served with the British forces in WW I. Several hundred thousand more, who lived outside of Ireland and who joined (or were drafted by) Imperial and British forces, were not counted as Irish. I don’t believe the British extended the draft to Ireland, which was ruled by GB until 1920.

Reply to  nrer
6 years ago

The Irish have had an unfortunate attraction to the Dems.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

That’s because the Irish are de facto white niggers.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

So you HAVE been to Oklahoma, then.

David Wright
6 years ago

I had this discussion with my adult daughter the other day. (My son needs no explanation). They are trying to replace us, get it through your head.

I looked briefly at Peter Leyden’s site, and the first thumbnail video I saw was The reinventing of America. Sounds ominous doesn’t it?

Others have taken notice of Jack Dorsey’s endorsement, check Vdare.

Yeah, this is serious shit right now.

Reply to  David Wright
6 years ago

I’m curious about your daughter’s reaction. Did she roll her eyes and look at you as “poor, crazy Dad?”

The first time someone hears about white dispossession they usually thinks it’s obviously crazy. It’s not like we can prove our case by presenting a confession signed by our leaders. All you can do is plant the idea and hope they start noticing the patterns in spite of themselves.

David Wright
Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

She knows it but I just used an opportunity to really drive the point home. Quiet resignation I guess.

6 years ago

Back in the days when monarchies ruled, they were the managerial elite of their time. And when another ruling elite sensed public disquiet and dissatisfaction, they overthrew the ruling dynasty and supplanted it with another more congenial to their needs. The time has come to consider the same course of action…a top to bottom clearing out of the liberal political dynasties which came to power in the west back in the 19th century. They are worn out and have become dangerous.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Is it illegal to possess a guillotine? Can I get credit card financing to build one? Will building it in my backyard violate any zoning laws? Do I need a permit? Does it become a piece of taxable personal property? Can my homeowners association make me remove it? If my insurance agent finds out I own it and have it on my insured property will my rates go up? Once my neighbors see it can I expect a visit from local PD and/or the FBI? Will YouTube close my channel? Will Facebook turn off my account? While I’m typing a… Read more »

Reply to  Swrichmond
6 years ago

All that and more. So keep it sharpened.

Reply to  Swrichmond
6 years ago

I would pay money to see the HOA on-site inspection for that one.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Swrichmond
6 years ago

As long as it isn’t an assault guillotine

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Not a lawyer, can’t say for sure, but most likely, yes, it is legal to own a functioning guillotine – just like you see in the movies! Using it however…
It is legal to own a flamethrower, for example. Burning liquid is not a projectile, it’s not a firearm – despite the name.

Reply to  Swrichmond
6 years ago

Hemp or sisal rope and tree limbs for the win. Keep it organic.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Good to see you again, E. Especially when, as usual, you speak the truth.

6 years ago

The hive is buzzing loudly because Horowitz is about to drop his first bombshell report. Don’t despair at the noise, a very large cohort of Americans are still rational and able-bodied. The tide will turn.

Reply to  TomA
6 years ago

Hope so. Waiting for Horowitiz is starting to feel almost as ridiculous as paying attention to Q. Only Horowitz has not promised a specific delivery date, then missed it repeatedly.

Reply to  Jackson
6 years ago

have noticed his pattern is exactly like Hillary, the fbi, the doj — stonewall, lie, wait, any day now, no wait- next week, no, in march, no- — all the time doing damage — well, at least for the others, so I don’t hold faith too well in Horowitz till he actually delivers.

6 years ago

“Managerial Class” “Globalists” “Elites” “Open Borders People” Oh, just grow a pair of balls, ZCuckMan. Who created the intellectual basis for anti-white hatred in universities? Who spreads that anti-white hatred through mass media? Who donates money to politicians who push anti-white policies? Who runs & funds the “civil rights’ and ‘immigrant support’ groups that work tirelessly to harm white interests? I will give you a hint: They are not Roundheads, Puritans, or WASPS. They are, mostly, Jews. Or if they aren’t, they are people repeating something they learned from Jews. The pattern is clear & obvious. That’s not to say… Read more »

Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

This is a dead end position. And have some respect.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

No, you coward. A dead end position is to keep whining about symptoms, while deliberately ignoring causes.
For all their exploitativeness, our former WASP elites weren’t trying to exterminate us for pure spite. That’s coming from the Jews who grafted themselves into our ruling class.
Any analysis of our current predicament needs to point this out, or it is a lie.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

They are our cross to bear. One has to wonder how many of them are agents provocateurs.

Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

More than a few. Also that position is a easy one for those who don’t like to think.

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Do you deny that the 1965 Immigration Act was the product of decades of activism by Jews, almost exclusively? Do you deny that the large majority of politically active Jews in the last 150 years have put their talents towards white dispossession?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
6 years ago

At most that means that we were outplayed by the team that is a tiny minority. Perhaps before we start in on the jews yet again (And frankly I would lose no sleep if every one of them vanished from the face of the Earth) we should consider why we whites seems incapable of paying attention to our own interests and why we are so easily led/fooled.

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

Do you deny that the 1965 Immigration Act was the product of decades of activism, almost exclusively by them? Do you deny that the large majority of politically active “Russian immigrants” put their talents towards white dispossession?

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

Here we go again…Hey, look everyone, it’s time for a Final Solution!

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

Hey, some of us know that there are a couple of intermediate options between “describing the pattern” and “GTKRWN” but you do you.

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

And what exactly would that be? Yellow stars, perhaps? Don’t ever complain about others in our Republic attempting to curtail our liberty when you are poised to do the same thing to others.

Reply to  Tax Slave
6 years ago

You are whatever is beyond cuck.
When someone is attacking me, I stop worrying about their “liberties”.

Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

Identify the individuals. Jews must ignore the “rule of Judaism” that requires Jews to deny/conceal/ignore evil behavior by Jews against non-Jews, if they wish to survive as a minority race in a society of high-functioning non-Jews. The other way is much more permanent, and distasteful.

Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

Be patient. Non-specific, class based language works better at getting the picture across.
It doesn’t get all tangled up with other concepts.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

Obviously there are times & places to speak plainly. And other times & places to speak more vaguely.
But an anonymous blog that professes to be truthful is no place to beat around the bush.

6 years ago

> but we have credit card companies working to prevent you from > using your Visa card to buy a gun This is inaccurate. Citibank is making noise about not processing credit card sales for businesses that deal in firearms. They are not allowed by contract with Visa/Mastercard to tell me what I can and cannot buy with my Citicard. I just took out a signature loan to pay off my citicard (yeah, dumb. Except that it’s slightly over 1/2 the interest rate on the card (7.99 v.s. 13.5 for the card) and most of what was on the CC… Read more »

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  BillyOblivion
6 years ago

Nice. You should let their customer service people know.

6 years ago

Leyden: “…….California is thriving right now, the economy is booming, state government budgets are setting aside surpluses, and the public is happy with its political leaders (as we have laid out in other articles in this series)……”

WHAT THE….? When did he write this? 1988? 1958? Silicon Valley is the only thing keeping the plates spinning, the only thing separating CA from Arkansas-on-the-Pacific. Half the population is scheming on how to make an exit. Including me.

Reply to  fredcdobbs
6 years ago

California is also supported by the wealthy retirees from all the tech, biotech, and aerospace booms that have nurtured the state’s economy since WW2. When the retirees face first hand risk of being mugged when they exit their front doors, which means the enclaves have been breached, it is all over. Retirees are not tied down by jobs, and have little interest in suffering through the few good years they have left. My sense is that the exodus of upper middle class white retirees is well underway.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

This won’t be long. SF Gate a far left newspaper reported that the Game Developer Conference had such a horrendous time in SF despite lots of extra security that the general consensus is to not go there every again. This is a global conference BTW with people who do understand that some areas aren’t safe its just they had a reasonable expectation that they conference area in a 1st world nation would be and they were shocked by how bad it was Also the mass importation of people from low trust countries and this includes some White people and the… Read more »

Rabbi High Comma
Rabbi High Comma
Reply to  fredcdobbs
6 years ago

I’ve listened to thousands of hours of (Sacto/LA) political talk radio, and was also left “WTF?” reading Leyden gush over California’s fiscal health. As Zman correctly pointed out this piece is meant to flatter the elite. Its hyperbole (read: lying) regarding quantifiable reality is interesting. Either Leyden’s lies are ass-kissing to bolster his own status, or he’s attempting to comfort unsteady fellow travelers. Probably the former, or it would be less ridiculous. Are the elite so vain and detached that a tissue of lies papering over clown world’s dystopian disfunction is effective? Apparently – at least in Dorsey’s case.

Reply to  Rabbi High Comma
6 years ago

Talk radio points out the symptoms and then scrupulously hides the causes. It whips up legitimate outrage and then redirects it to irrelevant causes like flat taxes and Constitutional conventions.

Reply to  fredcdobbs
6 years ago

Hey Freddie, I live in Arkansas…your slur triggers me, and I don’t feel safe. Ban him, Z!

Reply to  Shrugger
6 years ago

Damn straight. They can’t begin to understand the understated elegance of dog racing in West Memphis.

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
6 years ago

California as a model for the rest of America? What a joke. I’m only here as a mercenary for one of the tech giants. Home prices in my neighborhood have gone up 2% in the last MONTH; 1200 square foot tear-downs are selling for a million five, while tens of thousands of acres in nearby Palo Alto (by Stanford) remain undeveloped. Real great for the middle class. A few more years and I can retire; there’s no way I will stay in California. I predict massive numbers of Americans will retire overseas after the Left finishes destroying the rest of… Read more »

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  Spud Boy
6 years ago

I’m eager to know where I can go. Chile is plausible; a beautiful and varied nation with civilized and attractive people. Not a fan of the earthquakes… Thailand is a possibility; I have family there. I don’t care for the heat, the weird and dangerous snakes, and the occasional outbreaks of political chaos. Gangsters rule Thailand, but at least they rule without any pretense at “caring” about people. There is comfort in that. Or Siberia. If Putin and the Russian people could get their heads out of their ass they’d promote Siberian settlement as a “white homeland”. I’m a northern… Read more »

6 years ago

When I was in eighth grade, I had one last chance to piss down the nuns’ and priests’ legs. So I planned and executed the theft of all the beer in Parish Hall. The nuns were too embarrassed to try to recover the beer or even tell our parents, but we did end up with a Saturday detention. We would have gotten away scot-free if it were not for one of the non-plotters. Let’s call him Tim. He followed a couple of the last wave participants in, grabbed a can of beer, and was showing it around the playground where… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  el_baboso
6 years ago

Your parish hall episode mirrors my own only it was RC cola.
Not one of my prouder episodes of life.

Reply to  David Wright
6 years ago

There are things that I did in seventh and eighth grades that I still feel very strong guilt over.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  el_baboso
6 years ago

sins of the flesh, perhaps?

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Real premeditated evil crap. As a grown up, I’ve had to choose between the lesser of two evils and feel I’ve always chosen correctly. But at twelve and thirteen, I was an angry, smart, poor kid from the barrio in well-to-do white suburbia. I’d just finished two years literally fighting my way into that school and I was going to tear the fuxor down.

Reply to  el_baboso
6 years ago

And worse things that you still celebrate.
Hail Victory!

(Here’s hoping we see both of you on t-shirts and posters someday)

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

And yes, per the biotech investment newsletters, the elites are mad with excitement at the immanent arrival of the End Times. Perfected bodies in a perfected world, with rule by the Benevolent Dictatorship.

Reply to  Alzaebo
6 years ago

I am in a minority, but I really think that is driving a lot of this madness. Shills like Texiera and Leyden are just sucking up hoping for a taste. A really smart commenter at another blog once wrote, “What we really have is an immortality shortage.”

6 years ago

“Who they are is defined by who they are not and who they are not is you.” Well put as to how they elevate themselves over us as being no longer our servants but our masters. “Peter Leyden is a high end grifter who makes his money telling the managerial elite what they want to hear. He pitches himself as a technologist, despite having no math or science.” Reminds me of Dogbert from the Dilbert cartoon strip. Dogbert would often talk his way into being hired as a consultant by Dilbert’s clueless boss, earning loads of money talking moonshine and… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Ron
6 years ago

Reminds me of a Black Mirror episode with Opie’s daughter.

6 years ago

Wowsers. You ain’t kidding about this Peter Layden (can’t confirm ((())), but quite possible) character. For one thing he doesn’t seem to remember this: If his dreams of ”ending California’s oil addiction” ”that’s causing climate change” were to come to fruition, that’s what California would go through again – and it would probably be longer and worse. I can picture Mark Zuckerberg now: ”What the hell do you mean the servers won’t boot!!!”. ”We’re in blackout, no power!”. ”They’re in ‘sleep’ mode, we can’t get enough power to get ’em out of ‘standby’ mode and the generators can’t put… Read more »

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
Reply to  YIH
6 years ago

”What the hell do you mean the servers won’t boot!!!”. ”We’re in blackout, no power!”.

Not to worry. Tech giants tend to put their servers in other states, like down in the southeast where they have cheap, reliable electricity generated by fossil fuels.

J Clivas
6 years ago

“Open borders” really means “no borders”.

Reply to  J Clivas
6 years ago

Enforcement of immigration policies = smart, educated, prosperous people gain admission and ultimately citizenship through merit-based selection. They vote in their best interest as members of the middle class.

Looking the other way with illegal immigration = unskilled morons flood across the border for free stuff from our welfare state. They become a solid block of Democrats.

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

I can name one group of smart, educated immigrants that came in during the World Wars period, that definitely votes in their best interest Funny how America is “the New Israel”- No, hold on, this bit from Ol’ Remus’ Woodpile reflects Zman’s main theme: “The Two Faces of American Exceptionalism, at Black Pigeon Speaks:  During the Civil War, … biblical parallels were superimposed upon the Northern perspective: the war came to be viewed as necessary to attain redemption for indulging in the sin of enslavement, the fratricidal element was seen as following the steps of Cain and Abel and the… Read more »

Reply to  Drake
6 years ago

No. Stop all of the invasion. No foreign cheaper labor for tech jobs. Companies can figure out how to train and employ smart Americans for the jobs they need done. Suspend voting for persons enrolled in Gov’t Free Stuff programs, including elected and employed persons, for the term of getting paid and for 18 months after. End Permanent Resident programs: get US citizenship (& renounce all others), or go back.

6 years ago

Old means, complaining and starting GAB. New means: targetted assassinations via IEDs, deer rifles and others with telescopic sites looking at the homes and offices of the owners and the board of directors. Maybe a couple of surplus stingers to use on Initialed Tail private jets taking off from the Google Airport. Shooting up the rank and file via crazed vegan won’t get th e message across.

Reply to  vanderleun
6 years ago

A few Judges going missing might not be a tradgedy

Reply to  vanderleun
6 years ago

They keep thinking that they are the revolutionaries. They are in for a rude awakening.

Reply to  Teapartydoc
6 years ago

The Revolution is anti-gun.
Such brilliance!

Rich Whiteman
Rich Whiteman
6 years ago

Boy. Spent the weekend basking in the Glow of off the internet, laughing about how glum those Obama years were and how relieved we are that it’s the Trump era.
Then I read Zman’s last 3 and realize we’re not only NOT outta the woods, but the trees are alive and have frickin’ fangs.

6 years ago

The funny bit is the managerial class does not understand that when the non-whites reach critical mass they displace the white managerial class with their own tribal representation. You see it again and again in places like LA, San Antonio, Detroit.

Reply to  JohnMc
6 years ago

Even if we lose our racial fight, one pleasure we are guaranteed is watching the non-white victors overthrow and torture their “white allies.”

Here’s an example of a Somali defeating a Jewish Democrat.

Carl B.
Carl B.
6 years ago

Excellent piece. This alliance of the Left and Corporate Fascism can only lead to catastrophe – and, ultimately, the Cattle Cars.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Carl B.
6 years ago

for whom?

6 years ago

The white middle-class has shot their load. Their credit cards are maxed out !

Big business needs someone else to sell their cheap Chinese junk. Coworker told me that 20 years ago. Said we’ve been abandoned. They’ll target sales towards blacks now . They will buy anything.

Next will be the Mexicans and then the muslims. Big business will keep pumping in brainless consumers.

Reply to  sirlancelot
6 years ago

Businesses have been targeting Africans for a long long time. Who else is going to buy (and literally fight and even kill over) vastly overpriced, mediocre sneakers? Same with headphones, what are the most expensive? ”Beats by Dr. Dre”. How good? You can find much better ones for half to a quarter (from companies like Sony or JBL) of the price of Beats. Takes a special lack of IQ to buy crap like that 🙂

Jay Karknee
Jay Karknee
6 years ago

Great article. Here’s just a few observation. 1) Many on both sides have written about the “cold civil war”. When thinking about the genocidal, visceral hatred these people have for us, consider the following thought experiment. Imagine we were in an actual “hot” civil war. Now imagine one of us were taken prisoner by the other side. Can you imagine the tortures that await this unfortunate man? All the grandstanding about gitmo would be forgotten in a second. It would put the Bataan Death March to shame. 2) About being a few clicks away from getting our credit cards cancelled:… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Jay Karknee
6 years ago

Well, that is already happening with the NHS in Britain. But again, the “turnkey totalitarianism” can be invisible. Had a chilling convo with some IBM’ers several years ago when we were working on a proof of concept using the Watson AI technology. One of the case studies used to “sell” it was an oncology treatment application. Over dinner I asked one of the AI guys how hard it would be to build an age or other related bias into the algos to basically only recommend treatments based on economic “value” of the patient…he said “quite easy”. So just ponder that,… Read more »

Jay Karknee
Jay Karknee
Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

Very interesting point. If they can factor in economic value of course they could also consider “social vaue”, (i.e. the extent to which you are/are not a SJW) Ironically, this will often contradict the economic value concept. Who is more deserving of an expensive medical procedure, a 25 year old womyns study major who works part time in the Tranny outpatient clinic or the 45 year old white male HVAC repairman? Watson, make your decision.

Slovenian Guest
Slovenian Guest
Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

That’s nothing, think about drones + metadata!

They are already targeting phones in the stans.

6 years ago

Leyden thinks “Obama will be seen as an historic president.” Exactly what is left from Obama’s tenure, aside from the corpse of Obamacare, and the renewed war between the races? Come to think of it, maybe revving up the race war IS historic….

Reply to  Shrugger
6 years ago

Well, he destroyed Libya and gave it the good old college try against Syria and Yemen, flooded Europe with alien third world illiterates and destroyed the greatest cultures on the planet,

6 years ago

I have a copy of Lasch’s book, but have yet to read it. I get the impression that it involves the elites becoming impatient of republican government and the attempt to rule via informal oligarchy, which is what we see before our eyes now. Framing politics through the simplified lens of “capitalism” vs “socialism” makes it easy for libertarians to excuse the perfidy of the elites. As long as an organization is not under the direct supervision of the government it escapes their attention regardless of the power it accumulates. And power is the language and currency of both the… Read more »

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Sorry, Z. But – legally speaking, yes, the Fecesbook and Twatter forums are private property, as is OyTube. And yes, their right to moderate their property is guaranteed under the same constitution yours is. Hey – I don’t like this either. But it is what it is. And yes. We need our own competing forums. And yes, when a twink like David Hogg is schlepping for the mobs and cameras, we should have one of our own doing the same for OUR cameras. And yes, we should be boycotting those firms that come out against our interests and freedoms. I’m… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

So are bakeries…lot of good it did them.

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

what was Sobran’s quote, the U.S. Constitution poses no serious threat to our form of government.

Reply to  David Wright
6 years ago

Yup, Florida is known for having quite gun owner friendly laws. Quite a few FL residents have CCL’s.
It’s a ”shall issue” state, you meet the qualifications, you get one, period. Guess where you can’t carry in FL? the whole (and it’s huge) complex of private property. To give you an idea how big, I’d bet you could fit a city the size of Baltimore completely inside the FL Disney property lines. No joke. An area the size of an entire county that’s ”a gun free zone” smack in the middle of FL.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

Hmpfff. I see your argument now, and concede the point.
The debate among us gunnies right now is ‘should we stay on Oytube or go somewhere else, like or even porntube. My two bits is to pull the ripcord and leave. Some of the guys say we have to stay so we can reach more people.
I think we won’t reach anyone; all we can expect from Lefty is a protracted pissing match. What are your thoughts Z?

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Why not start your way through a target list?

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Seems to me that since Facebook uses the public infrastructure, they fall under public accommodations law.

Reply to  Guzalot
6 years ago

That’s related to Cruz’s talking points today.

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Intense comment – demented, yet (given the times) hard to dispute.

Reply to  Glen Filthie
6 years ago

Ted Cruz talking today about their special breaks, like the inability to be sued for slander, because they are supposedly a ‘neutral forum.” They need to be honest, or they are cheating taxpayers. (i know, I know, big surprise.) PS. forgive stupid caps key that only works about half the time.

6 years ago

I had to laugh. The Leyden fellow doesn’t know squat about how things work politically in California. All the really important things happen at the county, or local level, and by voter referendums with 2/3rds requirements on much of it. The legislature and governorship have become largely ceremonial, and they engage themselves in theater to make themselves seem important. Talk about hate, they’ll never forgive the voters for Prop 13, Term Limits, and the other things we took away.

V. Pejorative
Reply to  Allen
6 years ago

The rest of the country should do the same. Defang the Federal and state governments and push everything down to the county level. That’s probably the best way forward at this point. Local government would also be better government.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  V. Pejorative
6 years ago

Such a county government exists. It works well. They were the last holdouts to female suffrage forty years ago, but the cracks in the foundation are spreading now. Women are compromisers, and concrete doesn’t compromise well.

6 years ago

If this is the result of you taking time off and writing fewer columns then the pay-off is well worth it.

6 years ago

If Trump survives the midterms, expect this headline in October 2020: “Trump Gasses Own People, Again!”

6 years ago

Excellent article. People don’t get that fights start long before the first blow is landed. A large part is positioning oneself at the right time and place. The fact is the managerial class and it’s tools in the progtard movement are doing that now and have been doing it since the 70’s. Their leaders think long term. Those worrying about a invasion of liberal Californians are 30 years too late, this isn’t 1985. We are already in a cold civil war that is ready to go hot in the not too distant future and you better be taking the time… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

And have a plan to….

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

“If you read “Republican” to mean white middle-class, the snarling is not hard to miss.” The sentence is wrong two ways. I think you meant “…hard to miss”, not “…not hard to miss”. But the important error is the Republicans have always been branded as the friends of big business by the Dems, and correctly so. They are not the friends of the white middle class, and neither are the Dems. Where the Dems went wrong in 2016 was forgetting they had always branded themselves as the friends of the working man, who was ignored. The white middle class has… Read more »

6 years ago

You know, a lot of those California policies don’t sound so bad. They even sound like stuff I would happily vote and campaign for. Too bad, I’m too poor to get into one of those gated communities.

Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

California’s policies are designed to solidify the can afford/can’t afford situation. Economic stratification.

Someone, somewhere recently mentioned that the bullet train is actually the mechanism by which the rich whites in SF and LA can have their darker skinned gardeners and nannies get to work, but not live too close by. That’s why there are all of those bullet train stations in the Central Valley. Makes “California” sense to me.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Have spent a lot of time in Silicon Valley over the last decade and a half. Sit in a coffee bar in downtown Palo Alto and you see that “barbell” economy in action. It’s the people who made it in tech and everybody else. And the 101 is jammed with “everybody else” trying to get from where they are warehoused to their jobs making coffee and unclogging the toilets of their masters.

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

By gum, I think you’ve got it!

I live four miles from de Train, and regularly have to fight my way up the 580 hill during the 4am traffic jam to the Bay.

That makes much, much better sense than my own fevered imaginings. (I was straining to figure out why the train to nowhere. Signs all over the Valley show that millions wonder as well.)

Cattle cars for Sancho y Maria.
Of course!

James Mowry
James Mowry
6 years ago

The Z-Man is 110% on the mark. As always.

6 years ago

I stopped reading that essay when he started talking about the “clean” solar people vs the dirty coal people. I couldn’t take it anymore. Coincidentally there is this press release / puff piece from/on Apple today.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Cloudswrest
6 years ago

We have one of those little scams running here too…our town is allegedly powered by 100% “sustainable” power. From somewhere. And so are a whole bunch of other town here. Far more than the state’s output of renewable energy. Somewhere some dude is standing next to his solar farm laughing to himself about how he sold those city rubes the same output forty times over so they could feel good about themselves.

6 years ago

Leyden has almost every fact wrong and almost every premise false, but his thesis that the wave of demographic change sweeping across the nation will reshape American politics is spot-on. However, from a political science perspective the major flaw in his article is that America is a Republic, not a Democracy. The Democrats will likely have a permanent lock on the Presidency by 2028. As soon as one of Florida, Georgia, or Texas go blue it’s all over for Republicans in the Presidential race. The House will go permanently blue too, but it will take a while longer due to… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

Hate to say, but since Republicans, the Never Trump kind as well as the regular Rino types, are just the other head on the two headed snake the electoral map already is much, much bluer than many care to admit.

6 years ago

you’d have to be in a fucking coma to not know it.

6 years ago

The Democrat Party, GOPe platforms: The problem with America is too many Americans!

6 years ago

LOL – “liberal democracy”. Political/social LABELS and the possessive case of “my, your, our” for the dumbed-down, debt-ridden, drug-addled, [increasingly] debilitated, desensitized and DISTRACTED “Merkaa Mushroom” population segment that CHOOSEs to remain vegetating on the corp-owned “Lame Dream Tedia’s” “DISinfotainment” CRAP in the DARKness of Plato’s cave.

6 years ago

Just two comments:

1. Zman, for someone who values exactitude, you sure have a lot of typos. In almost every post since inception. I mean, in the very opening sentence above there’s a major typo. Tighten up man. Your writing deserves it.

2. If the elites are in power, doesn’t that mean that they deserve to rule us? All we do is whine. Maybe we should bow down and follow them. We kinda suck at winning.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Yes, we do “… suck at winning …,” at least in the arena in which our betters are most comfortable, and that they’ve made the only acceptable field of conflict. Again, it’s that assymetrical sorting of the population — the creative / verbal / obsessively controlling / delusional types gravitate toward the utopian collective order, and they’ve gotta put down any who contest that end. Our strengths lie in other modes of settling disputes. It’ll take a lot more for us to cross the line needed to unseal those operation plans. I think the line is right in front of… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

1. Some are intentional. You know that, right? Besides, if men such as Sir Walter Raleigh, The Brit Bulldog and Andrew Jackson and can make a few errors I think we can give Zman a pass.

2. ‘we’ – Speak for yourself.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

“kinda” is not a word.

Reply to  ifrank
6 years ago

And yet you correctly used it in a sentence. English-what a great language.

Pimpkin's Nephew
Pimpkin's Nephew
Reply to  ifrank
6 years ago

‘ifrank’ isn’t a word either. You’re kinda stupid.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

All we do is whine. We suck at winning. There will be no central authority issuing you instructions. Especially over the Internet You want to win? Arm yourself. Sharpen the mind, harden the body. If you get to the point where you can look down and at least see your own dick then the whining part will start to dry up, because you’ll Realize. Fitness is not the end all, but it is an indication of discipline and that a man can dominate fear and discomfort to further his own agenda. The rest are weak, and suspect, therefore useless. All… Read more »

Reply to  LFMayor
6 years ago

I would add: learn how to spend a night outdoors between Halloween and Easter; shoot 2-inch groups over iron sights with a high power rifle at 100 yards; and join/support some local organizations (clubs, churches, associations). I think those are the basics along with fitness. Prepping is fine, but remember their were some people who fled to the forests in revolutionary Russia. I’ve never seen any evidence of what the NKVD did with them during Stalin’s time, but by the 70’s and 80’s, the Soviet organs treated them as mere curiosities whenever found and had no problems writing up their… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  el_baboso
6 years ago

I read an essay about one of those families that went to the deep forest areas, after the revolution. This one nuclear family had barely managed to eke out a living, for about 30+ years (before being found). They were dead in a few months from infections they contracted from the people who found them.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

You do realize up until the advent of the internet their side controlled all sources of news and opinion and have since the Ludlow Massacre(that’s when the elite started buying up papers to control content) No we shouldn’t follow them. They are insane and evil. Their whole system will come down, it’s just a matter of time. Fight them? Yes. Except we don’t play by their rules. We know the political option at the national level is a dead end. The state and local options still work to some degree. So start fighting them there. We can still prank them,… Read more »