The Civil War

Something the old paleocons recognized in the 1980’s, was that the new conservatism of Bill Buckley was doomed to fail, because it started from the premise that the current political arrangements were legitimate. Since the Left had defined those arrangements in the 20th century, it meant the New Right was going to become corrupted by its willingness to operate within the Progressives rules. For example, if you agree that segregation is evil, there are only a narrow set of policy positions you can support with regards to race.

That is, of course, exactly what happened. Instead of being a moral philosophy that stood in opposition to Progressivism, it became a foil. Conservatives were the controlled opposition, who gave legitimacy to left-wing ideas by opposing them and then ultimately embracing them. If you embrace the premise, you inevitably embrace the ends. The debate is about the middle part. It’s why conservatives have spent decades trying to accomplish the goals of the Left, without embracing the means of the Left.

In the context of the Cold War, this debate between the Left and Right, was mostly about economics and foreign policy. As much as the conservatives tried to paint the Left as a bunch of Bolsheviks, the Right never seriously challenged the Left on socialist policies like public pensions, socialized medicine and anti-poverty programs. Similarly, the approach to the Soviets was a debate about how to best manage it. The exception was Reagan’s talk of roll back, but that was mostly rhetoric. He was more than willing to bargain with them.

That’s something to keep in mind with the battle over what will come to oppose the latest iteration of Progressivism. The Ben Shapiro types who are endlessly punching Right by demanding America be defined as an idea, rather than a place and people, are embracing the main argument of the Left. They have different notions of what those ideas mean and how they should be implemented, but fundamentally Ben Shapiro agrees with the Left that America, or any nation for that matter, is just a set of ideas, not a place and people.

This new conservatism must end the same way as Buckley conservatism ended. That is, as an amen chorus for the Progressive state. If you agree that the new definition of a nation is post-national, as in not being defined by borders, language and people, then the debate is what defines the new state. If you further agree that the new state is defined by ideas and a set of values, then the only thing left is to figure out who defines those ideas and how will they be enforced. Eventually, an agreement is reached.

This notion of the state as a post-national, post-Christian theocracy is not without real consequences. It may seem ridiculous, but when the people in charge believe in something, no matter how absurd, the people pay the price. You see that in the Kavanaugh fight. Big shot intellectuals are starting to notice what people on this side of the great divide have been saying for years. If society is defined by “who we are” then someone who dissents must be excluded from that society, by force, if necessary.

In that context, splitting the difference could no longer be passed off as moderation. It was cowardice. Any Republican who voted against Kavanaugh (and, of course, any Democrat who voted for him) would thereby exit his party. Just as the congressional vote in 1846 on the so-called Wilmot Proviso revealed that the fault-line in American politics was about slavery, not party, the Kavanaugh nomination shows what American politics is, at heart, about. It is about “rights” and the entire system that arose in our lifetimes to confer them not through legislation but through court decisions: Roe v. Wade in 1973 (abortion), Regents v. Bakke in 1979 (affirmative action), Plyler v. Doe in 1982 (immigrant rights), and Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015 (gay marriage). The Democrats are the party of rights. As such, they are the party of the Supreme Court. You can see why Ted Kennedy claimed in a 1987 diatribe that the Yale law professor Robert Bork would turn the United States into a police state. For Democrats, an unfriendly Supreme Court is a threat to everything.

That means the country itself. The general Democratic view that has hardened since the 1960s is the one expressed on many occasions by Barack Obama. The United States is not a country bound by a common history or a common ethnicity—it is a set of values. That is an open, welcoming thing to build a country around. But it has a dark side, and we have seen the dark side during the hearings. If a country is only a set of values, then the person who does not share what elites “know” to be the country’s values is not really a member of the national community and is not deserving of its basic protections, nice guy though he might otherwise be. Such people “belong” to the country in the way some think illegal immigrants do—provisionally.

Back at the founding, opponents of the new Constitution argued that the new political model would inevitably result in the supremacy of the court. Anti-federalists argued that the Supreme Court, as defined under the Constitution would become a source of massive abuse. Beyond the power of the executive, the court would eventually come to dominate the legislative branch. This is exactly where we find ourselves today, where both sides of the ruling elite view the court as the only source of legitimate moral authority.

That’s why the Kavanaugh fight was so vicious. Progressives fear the court could define “who we are” in such a way that excludes them. It’s also why guys like Ben Shapiro are not just wrong, but dangerously wrong. By going along with the general premise of a country being just a set of values, he is committing suicide on your behalf. He has a place to go if things don’t work out here. If the definition of “who we are” turns out to not include you, where are you going to go? More important, where are they going to send you?

That’s why this new notion of the state can only end in horror. Since the Greeks, political philosophy has assumed that a society is a group of related people, with a shared history and shared space. The debate was over how best to organize society, to match the temperament and character of the people. This new model allows no room for debate and no tolerance of dissent. Like every totalitarian ideology, it has to end in a bloodbath as the fight to define “who we are” results in the pruning of those who are deemed “not us.”

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6 years ago

Another excellent column that should not be permitted to be lost by moving down the thread. As to the excerpt, Christopher Caldwell needs to take himself to the woodshed for writing the sentence “The Democrats are the party of rights.” To the contrary, the Democrats have actively opposed the 2A right to bear arms, property rights, the right to free contract, freedom of association, free speech, and freedom of religion, and many others. The Democrats are the party of their political positions, which they have to enshrine as rights through the court system precisely because their political positions cannot obtain… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

It would be better said “the Democrats are a party of privileges” – they don’t really believe in “unalienable rights to anything” just temporary “allowances” based on who/what/where and under what circumstances

Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

Well said, Guest

Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

Agreed. The democrats/leftists are a party of political privileges bestowed on some and denied others. The don’t believe in rights they just keep creating new privileges for their ever expanding circus of “victims” and thereby excluding “the Other” from participation in their own governing.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
6 years ago

Cuckservatives lost the game in the first quarter — the rest has just been both sides running the clock out — when they folded on leftists defining everything they wanted as somebody-or-other’s “rights.” Now there’s virtually nothing left, no barking mad demand, that progressives do not claim as a right, as opposed to a privilege or a political choice. How can anyone stand in the path of a divine rights steamroller and yell “Stop”? But still, the chinless Constitution clutchers don’t get it that progressives neither know nor care about the precious Constitution, the Founding Fathers, all that old Fourth… Read more »

Reply to  Gravity Denier
6 years ago

Constitutions are like arseholes: everybody’s got one. Most constitutions in the world are carbon copies of the American, the difference is that only Americans care about it.

If Euros feel their civil liberties are being trodden upon, they rarely argue by referring to their constitution rather than to common sense and Dead White Males.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
6 years ago

Why partition? You do realize less than 10000 people are the cause of the shit storm we are in. If we took the energy and violence needed to pull off a partition and directed it at these 10000 people most of our political problems would recede quite rapidly.

Our side is f**king weird, We’d rather try for a partition that would result in the deaths of tens of millions and probably start WWIII rather than selectively retire members of the ruling elite and their apparatchiks in government, media and academia.

Reply to  Rod1963
6 years ago

You’re right, Rod, but consider the logistics and organization that would require. OPSEC would be a nightmare. Who has a backdoor into any comms outside of HAM radio and even that is vulnerable? It only takes one Reality Winner to spill the beans or warn the problems.

6 years ago

There are potential compromises that could avoid a civil war, but the Left will never compromise because it is a religious war for them. A return to states’ rights or a negotiated exit of the I-95 corridor and West Coast — either one would be fine with our side but not with them because they want to centralize power and crush us like the cock roaches they think we are.

Reply to  Max
6 years ago

Max, don’t be shocked if some of them face the music, that they’d better deal soon, before their bargaining power collapses.
This BK – Ford gambit of theirs was insane, and may very well blow back hugely on them (along with FISA-gate etc.), perhaps quite soon.

In recent days, folks like Sundance (at the Last Refuge), Jim Kunstler (at Clusterfuck Nation), and K.N. McBride (at Posse Incitatus) have been connecting dots, e.g. about, ahem, “intersections”, between Ford, Monica McClean, Schumer, David Laufman, and Peter Strzok.
Kunstler flatly predicts that “they’re going to get nailed”.

Reply to  jaqship
6 years ago

Completely agree that the Ford thing was a DOJ/FBI op — the Laufman connection is the kicker. Even if revelations led to a Red Storm in November, we’re not to the point where Dems would even consider secession IMO. The DNC/media will just foment more James Hodgkinsons.

Reply to  Max
6 years ago

What is all this talk about secession and/or breaking up our country to massage the senses of the leftists, the minorities and our enemies? Screw that! I secede nothing! This is our country and if a civil war comes we kill them all or throw them out but we won’t reward being anti white, anti Christian and anti American with a chunk of OUR LAND.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Max
6 years ago

If the blue wave doesn’t materialize and the GOPes hold Congress, election night is likely to be very lively.

Reply to  jaqship
6 years ago

Yes, they are going to get nailed. McLean has retained counsel, which means she knows that a target in the investigation that Grassley requested.

I’ve been commenting here for three years about the corruption at the top of the Obama DoJ and FBI. This Ford hoax was a gift from God in the sense that it provided exactly the pretense needed to go after them. A civil war is coming to the DoJ/FBI. It will be fun to watch.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

How about suing the Holton-Arms School, where these charming women all went to school? Blasey, McLean and the one they tried to suborn, Leland Ingham Keyser, who refused to play along, even under pressure. There are about 3 men, all “P”/fathers of current students who are on the Board of the place. The head of the school cheered on the alums who “believed” Christine Ford, saying how great it was to “support’ her — A LIAR!!

V. Pejorative
V. Pejorative
6 years ago

That’s why this new notion of the state can only end in horror…. This new model allows no room for debate and no tolerance of dissent. Like every totalitarian ideology, it has to end in a bloodbath as the fight to define “who we are” results in the pruning of those who are deemed “not us.”

When I’m trying to explain this to people who don’t get it, I find it helps to put it like this:

“A proposition nation isn’t a nation–it’s a cult.”

That seems to get the point across. Persuasive because it’s true.

6 years ago

Unfortunately, we’ve seen this movie before. Stalin and Hitler did a lot of pruning for their respective sides. And the gardener looks to be headed toward one side or the other once again. If reasonable people cannot be elected, you’d be best advised to get yourself a second passport.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

And in the PRC, and in Cambodia.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Or some clippers.

Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

To where? We have a second passport, but I don’t think that country will be any safer in the long run. Anyway, I’m an American, so I will stay and fight.

Tax Slave
6 years ago

But I’m still smiling…
comment image

Christopher S. Johns
Christopher S. Johns
6 years ago

The lasting upshot of all this Kavanaugh business, if you listen carefully to the rhetoric, is that the left has openly declared itself as a revolutionary party: As the left has lost control of the Supreme Court, the Court is now illegitimate; As the Senate allows for equal representation regardless of population, the Senate is illegitimate; The electoral college, illegitimate; Any opposition party presidency, illegitimate; Federalism in general, illegitimate; The 2nd Amendment, freedom of religion and association (and by implication, the rest of the Bill of Rights), illegitimate. The left is nothing if not lacking in reflection, and no one… Read more »

Reply to  Christopher S. Johns
6 years ago

Reminds one of islam. The need for dhimmis to control, only one group having the legitimacy of being able to witness, one group holding certain positions of power and certainly only one way of looking at things considered legitimate. It even shares the characteristic of having a group of mullahs (or profs, bureaucrats, talking heads, etc) deciding what that set of beliefs will be.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

The progs badly misplayed their hand this time, and Trump is letting everyone know just exactly what they would do if given enough power. Have a strong suspicion that Soros is going to be hauled in and locked away for good, soon. We’ll see. All those SJW types are going to find future employment very difficult indeed, given their social media “confessions”. Not disagreeing with your main thesis, just saying it isn’t going to happen this time.

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

Yes, since almost everyone, male or female, has done something stupid in high school, this was a bridge too far for the Left. A large percentage of people on both sides of the political spectrum thought that the Ford allegations shouldn’t have disqualified Kavanaugh even had they been true, which they pretty evidently were not. Also, the Republicans displayed unexpected testicular fortitude on this issue, obviously figuring “Good Lord, if Lindsey Graham can man up, what’s my excuse?!?” Here’s hoping this pushes the Left into realizing that separation is the only way out.

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

That’s certainly something to be hoped for, but I can’t imagine the Left ever ceding us the legitimacy to have our own territory. We’ll have to fight for every square inch.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

That is precisely the problem. Unlike the Second Revolutionary War (ca. 1861), this will be a truly civil war in that the combatants are not neatly divided geographically. So where is “our own territory”?

Reply to  c matt
6 years ago

The invaders and traitors all live in tiny blue counties in a sea of red. Cut off the transport networks that feed those colonies and then wait. For extra spiciness target water treatment facilities.

Reply to  Tykebomb
6 years ago

Definitely an intriguing scenario. I imagine, however, that we’ll have to let them have their islands. There are a lot of them.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

Give ’em New England, and good riddance!

Reply to  c matt
6 years ago

That remains to be determined. There may well turn out to be more than one. As a first guess, I’d say not the coasts. The southern birder region probably becomes Mexico. A good part of the southeast woukd have to be contested with the blacks. A good part of the heartland, though, coukd be ours.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

And just like clockwork, another honyock cedes the ‘southern birder (sic) region’ to Mexico. Every single time there’s a discussion of splittin’ up the USA, some expert intones that the south or southwest will go back to Mexico. Do you experts realize that 40-45% of all the US petroleum extraction + refining is in Texas alone? Factor in New Mexico and you’re up another 3-4% of the country’s petroleum production. Do you want to rely on a windmill to power your lights? (car, water treatment plant, sewage plant, etc.) Not me.

Reply to  Arch Stanton
6 years ago

And ceding the coasts to people of color doesn’t sound like a good idea. Whites will probably continue to be responsible for the most part of growing the food, making the goods, keeping machinery running, etc. so it’s only right that whites control the ports and business centers found on the coasts. Otherwise the people of color will run them in to the ground, whereas the white people will create prosperity. I still think the white people need to rise up and take all of the Americas for ourselves. After the die-off from fighting for this scenario, the people of… Read more »

Reply to  Arch Stanton
6 years ago

Yea why can’t we drive Mexico into South America…;) But I understand where the thought comes from because when no one wants to band together what makes you think we will hold anything…Our pettiness, bitching, backstabbing, stupidity is going to not only get us killed but our bloodlines as well…WTF men is that couch just to comfortable…

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago

I don’t know why we don’t just push them below the Panama Canal, then shut them down there. Easy peasy. No need for a wall

Reply to  c matt
6 years ago

So where is “our own territory”?
Whatever you can defend and if it doesn’t look like you can defend much where you are at then you better make more allies or move to somewhere you can…

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago

How about this…it’s all our territory! Why give any of it to some other group. Who the hell tamed this land mass called the USA? Wasn’t no black nor brown!
All these damn keyboard experts want to carve up the continent like they’re Metternich, for pete’s sake.

Reply to  Arch Stanton
6 years ago

I view it as a strategic withdrawal, before new offensives can be launched. But I’m open to other strategies.

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
Reply to  MBlanc46
6 years ago

They’ll cede control when you rip it from their bloody claws

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

Graham and Pence seemed to have learned that you can deliver the “screw you” message to people that deserve it, have some fun with it, and the world doesn’t end. Wonder who they learned that from? 🙂

Reply to  Dutch
6 years ago

Some old boomer, prob’ly

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

“The progs badly misplayed their hand this time.” To this I say, so what. They will do what they always do; regroup and try again to achieve dominance using any and all means – mostly lies, deceit, slander – and of course, greater levels of violence and personal terror. You know, after the USSR fell to pieces (it devolved into 15 independent nations) , as did the 8 communist nations of Eastern Europe (but hey, real communism has never been tried !!) , one could surmise that the religious ideology of communism / socialism would be on the ash heap… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
6 years ago

Well there wouldn’t be an elite class if the peasants weren’t so dumb and malleable…Also if the middle class knew how to band together then maybe the elites would shut up and just enjoy their blood money…But that apathy thing keeps rearing its ugly head…

6 years ago

“As much as the conservatives tried to paint the Left as a bunch of Bolsheviks, the Right never seriously challenged the Left on socialist policies like public pensions, socialized medicine and anti-poverty programs.” The problem is that a lot of the stuff the Left pushes ends up being either popular or popular enough. When Eisenhower took office, he didn’t roll back any of the New Deal because he knew it would have hobbled him politically. The problem for the Right is that the foundations of our current order don’t stretch to 1776 or 1865 but to 1945 and that it… Read more »

6 years ago

“If you embrace the premise, you inevitably embrace the ends.” Reminds me of Johnny Carson’s setup to a comedy skit where he said if you buy the premise you buy the bit. The, that’s not who we are, rejoinder is used by both sides now in mainstream politics. Really tired of hearing that and our push back has to bury mantras like that and every other tedious reprimand from them. Even if the progs are beaten down good, what replaces them? The virus is present everywhere and in everyone. Hell, it lies dormant in me and I fear my Boomer… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
6 years ago

I went to segregated schools in the South. That inoculated me from the idiocy that followed.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Epaminondas
6 years ago

Ditto. I’d have no problem whatsoever being the one who decides who gets right and privileges and who doesn’t. The aristocratic republic is the only viable polity ever devised. We had a great one, but New England Puritans and their cronies destroyed it.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
6 years ago

The left is going to have a hard time with “who we are,” when they find out WHO their Coalition of the Ascendant ARE. The Muslims, Chinese, Mexicans, Guatemalens, Indians, etc, aren’t really who they are and hold many values and beliefs abhorrent to the pussyhat crowd. But they’re too busy attacking white privilege and white males and traditional white European values to notice that this will be an example of “beware what you wish for.”

6 years ago

They already have defined us as the enemy whom they want to see us dead and gone and pretty much already kicked our asses to the curb in terms of political influence and power. The only thing they haven’t done yet is stuff us in boxcars and send us to some quarry or incinerator. But that day is coming. Point is the Left has always treated this, as war by other means. That means they are ruthless SOB’s that will do anything to achieve their goals. We still don’t get that and that”s partly why our side is a dumpster… Read more »

6 years ago

The problem, though, is that if a “nation” isn’t just a set of beliefs and ideas, then it is a volksgemeinschaft, and we can’t be having *that*!! (Really, I love the meta-irony here. “Racism” itself is a purely White characteristic, in that only we can perceive it. No race darker than Taylor Swift in a snowstorm has a word equivalent to volksgemeinschaft, because it’s utterly pointless for them to have one).

Lester Fewer
Lester Fewer
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

Everybody here already knows this, but I’ll just re-state it concisely, for the benefit of the future book-reviewers: the clarity, lucidity, complexity and density of Zman’s thought is simply put, a marvel to behold. We’re at levels of Nietzschean-aphorism-elegance here that the textbooks told us shouldn’t be possible. I could make a long-winded comment (and maybe I will, just to annoy Hungus) on any one single sentence of this post, but I’ll wait and catch my breath. Bravo. Even in the points where I might have some sort of antsy fencing-foil quarrel, who cares. This is masterful stuff. Zman, Tucker… Read more »

Reply to  Lester Fewer
6 years ago

I echo your sentiments!
Only change I’d offer is to take Ann Coulter out of the running. She has since shown herself to be part of the Establishment, and not go too far ‘off the plantation’ with her remarks about things.
Her popularity still exists so that she can sell more books to the CivNats.
Now Ann Barnhardt, that’s a gal I’d like to see running things.
(But she won’t, b/c she understands that the people who *should* be “running” things, have no desire to do so; and therefore the Catch-22 situation makes them the best –yet untenable– candidate.)

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Carrie
6 years ago

You do realize–don’t you?–that Ann Barnhart is mentally unstable.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Lester Fewer
6 years ago

Dear God. Tucker is a total cuck.

Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

The PoC certainly seem to be exhibiting some such thing when they get up in srms over gentrification.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Severian
6 years ago

“Nation” is derived from the Latin “natus” the past participle of the verb “nascere,” to be born.” A nation is a group of people related by blood, hence the Cherokee nation, etc.

6 years ago

To sum this up more succinctly (and if I understand correctly), Progressives are taking the physical nation of America with its shared history, customs, land, and borders…and creating a brand new country that is only defined by “who we are”. And Progressives get to define those borders. Thus, many of us will suddenly find ourselves to be “illegal aliens” and denied the very rights and liberties that we enjoyed previously but that the Lett want to confer I in everyone who crosses our border. Their country will be far more restrictive towards their ideological opponents than we ever intended for… Read more »

Reply to  Samuel_Adams
6 years ago

The Progressives (and their co-conspirators in the DC political elite) are only in favor in open borders because it provides a new voting block that they can bribe using tax dollars and thereby ensure their incumbency. Provided these new illegal “citizens” adopt the Progressive ideology, they will remain within the flock. If they ever veer away from the approved orthodoxy, then they will be sent to re-education camps along with all the other dissenters. This is the magic of totalitarianism.

Reply to  Samuel_Adams
6 years ago

To sum it up, Samuel_Adams, the left is trying to delegitimatize the conquest of the Western Hemisphere by white people with white culture and priorities. So yes, to them WE are the illegal aliens and worthy of only hate.

6 years ago

I’m not a conservative because there’s nothing left of the old order to conserve. It’s like Abe Lincoln’s favorite axe: he replaced the head twice and the handle three times but it’s still his favorite axe.

I’m now a radical.

6 years ago

When your motto is to stand in the path of history yelling, “Stop,” there isn’t much you have to offer. It’s a passive plan with no goal. It is obvious that the Buckley conservatives were only willing to be a little edgy lest they to be cast into the void. They never spoke of casting any of the left into the void. Instead they bragged about those on the right they had sent to Siberia. OT: What are your thoughts on the market priests who, every natural disaster is seems, have to come out lamenting anti-gouging laws and how it… Read more »

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  Chris_Lutz
6 years ago

Fortunately, the Ben Shapiro types have almost no support on the ground, it’s all a media-astroturf phenomenon, like “NeverTrump”. Among actual, normal people, most conservatives support Trump (at least functionally, even if they don’t care for him personally), and most liberals oppose. I’ve never actually met a “but muh values! – America is an Idea” conservative in real life.

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

Are you HIGH????????
Conservatives LOVE Shapiro. My Twitter timeline is choked full daily of Shapiro acolytes 24/7. All the old Boomers think he’s the next Reagan.

Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
6 years ago

Yes, the old boomers — 60 + “a little” here. The illusion / delusion is strong in this group … still.

Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
6 years ago

Benji took considerable flak from his followers over some of his Ford comments…

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Zeroth Tollrants
6 years ago

Not “all.”

Reply to  Toddy Cat
6 years ago

Little Benji, Israel-first chickenhawk that he is, has been promoted by the (((media)))..

Reply to  Chris_Lutz
6 years ago

“Standing athwart the course of history yelling, ‘stop'” Basically admits, “We are the controlled opposition”.

Zeroth Tollrants
Zeroth Tollrants
Reply to  Chris_Lutz
6 years ago

You can’t throw anyone into the void when you’re just two sides of the Enlightenment. Or, two sides of the same coin, if you will.

6 years ago

W, our worst president ever, totally blew a golden opportunity. The only logical first step after 9/11 was to totally shut down our borders and points of entry. After these steps alot of our agenda would have naturally followed due to the patriotism and single minded purpose that existed at that time. Oh if we only had a real leader then. Hell most of the world was even on our side. W FUCKING BLEW IT!

Reply to  Dtbb
6 years ago

Great point. Hadn’t really thought of that. My thinking was that W had the option of randomly invading the Middle East, or just beefing up security at home. You’re right though, he could have gone apeshit on the borders and immigration, and pretty much gotten away with it at that time. I’ve always hated him. I think Z said he hates W more than any modern-day president.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

I’m proud to be able to say that I never once voted for a Bush.

Reply to  Dtbb
6 years ago

His biggest crime was tamping down our natural rage along with constant assurances that: 1. islam is an ROP and 2. islam is at risk (from us) and must be protected. Even with that, not in the same ballpark as O when it comes to intent and actual destruction of long-held values.

6 years ago

You got to think like a Fabien Neo-Bolshevik. The mid-terms are their “November Revolution” now. The leftists aren’t planning to win the mid-terms, they are planning on loosing. It’s their only way out of MAGA. Their fundraising efforts are just that, to fund their intentions. Thing is they do not know how to pass legislation via honest lawful means. It’s impossible for them to enact any meaningful legislation thru The Congress, they don’t offer anything but the politics of hate & envy. Not enough people buy into the human extinction movements ideology or strategy, never mind the tactics as we… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
6 years ago

You write these lengthy comments and you don’t know the difference between “lose” and “loose” and their derivatives?” Seriously?

Reply to  Ripple947
6 years ago

Seriously! I’ll write whatever I fucking like, and you can take your snide grammar nazi nastiness and shove it up your worthless troll ass.

Reply to  Doug
6 years ago

Well said sir.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
6 years ago

I often just sort of fucking marvel at the blind spot that was the Supreme Court by our Founders. They wrote a rather bulletproof document and set of laws that have been copied the world over in various iterations throughout the centuries. But on this one issue, they seem to have been completely out to lunch that day. Let us set up nine (Nine Rings to Men…) judges that sit on their appointed, not voted for, seat IN PERPETUITY. W T F?! Even Judge Scalia (Peace Be Upon Him) knocked it outta the park in one of his final statements… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

Look at it not as a blind spot, but a feature of the centralism the USC as an instrument of administrative tyranny created. Then you see why The US Constitution, has never created one iota of freedom and Liberty. Only usurps power not granted them by the will of the people. Its the timeless war of hearts and minds, good verses evil.

Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

Consider historical context. There we no inferior federal courts at the time. The Supreme Court was envisioned largely as a forum to consider disputes between the states and branches of the federal government. Early justices routinely retired to take other jobs. and lifespans were shorter then.

Moreover, there’s not much documentary evidence that the founding fathers considered the Supreme Court to be the final arbiter of the law. Marshall kind of pulled that decision out of his arse in 1803 in Marbury v. Madison, and ultimately it stuck.

The constitution does not specify the number of justices, fyi.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Apex Predator
6 years ago

The Founding Fathers never specified nine–or indeed any number–of justices of SCOTUS. Nor did they give it the power of “judicial review” that it now has. That is a usurped power (Marbury v Madison). The Congress has the power to restrict the SCOTUS to its original, Constitutional jurisdiction, but the political will to do so is lacking.

6 years ago

” If a country is only a set of values, then the person who does not share what elites “know” to be the country’s values is not really a member of the national community and is not deserving of its basic protections, nice guy though he might otherwise be. ” Values define ‘rights’. Values are more accurately Fashions. Very few Fashions are timeless. Most are momentary flashes of popularity soon relegated to ye olde dustbin of history. The shrieking Harridans/Herr-i-mans continue to ramp up the hysteria and shorten the cycle. It doesn’t even take 28 days. They are on to… Read more »

6 years ago

The stupid hurts, but this Charles Blow column is worth reading, if only to understand your enemy. If you are a real masochist, spend 5 minutes scrolling through the comments.

As an aside, when did schools stop teaching basic civics in 7th or 8th grade? It’s astounding how few people understand that the US is a constitutional, federal, republic, and NOT a democracy.

Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

Huh, well…school can not change genetics. I was on the 7 and 8 grade in the USSR and they teached a lot that USSR is Soviet Socialist and so on. And we had Constitution too.The only thing we learned that this is madness and we need to get rid of it. This works other way too. 100 million diverse people see only white supremacy. Humans make the country not other way around. If anybody wants to talk about Constitution and integration, just ask. If somebody gives you Pakistani Passport, would you fuck a goat. If you claim that “they”are able… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivener
Bartleby the Scrivener
Reply to  Guest
6 years ago

You are correct.
The comments merit a face palm. But why be surprised by the article itself? Do you really expect a Grambling graduate to write anything else?
After reading and enjoying Z since I found him (via WRSA), my only suggestion is, buy more ammo.

6 years ago

Would you happen to have some specific citations for the anti-Federalists opposing the creation of the Supreme Court on the basis that it would be abusive? It’s not that I don’t believe you; it’s that I’m interested in what they had to say and would love to read it myself.

Of course, history has shown us that the anti-Federalists were pretty much right about everything…

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago


Reply to  AntiDem
6 years ago

Excellent historical account of the anti-federalist verses the federalists:

6 years ago

The idea that a country is “defined as an idea, rather than a place and people” sits well with the EU rulers in France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The yokels farther east who have proclaimed themselves as Christians living in Christian countries know they are a place and a people. Plus, parts of Eastern Europe were under Muslim rule for several centuries. Hungary and Poland especially adopted the idea “never again” because they have not forgotten.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
6 years ago

ahhhh, I can her a new post sizzling on the grill, ready to serve up, at the Zman Cafe

Reply to  Karl McHungus
6 years ago

LOL. great image

6 years ago

Fantastic writing!

6 years ago

Z: “Big shot intellectuals are starting to notice what people on this side of the great divide have been saying for years.”

Yes. It’s one way Overton starts nudging. The supreme court circus (hopefully) will force the big name intellectuals on the polite Right to write more honestly. I say write, and not think, because they’ve always known what’s up. Now their task is to start putting it into polite print.

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

It must be anger inducing to see these establishment Right intellectuals start coming around…WAY TOO FUCKING LATE…to what true badasses like Z, Sobran, Francis, Derb, AmRen, VDare, and others like them, have had to have their live’s ruined to be able to say for the last 20 years. You hope for a televised debate 20 years from now, when white man is near the end and finally woken up too late, and Z gets to point at a Christopher Caldwell type, and say, “where the hell were YOU 20 years ago when a real opinion would have mattered!” I’m wasted.… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

I’ll wager serious money that they’ll be right back to the status-quo in no time. It’s still important that they win, for the sake of the 1st and 2nd amendments, but the left just tried to move too quickly this time. The country is still too white/not enough whites are sufficiently bat-shit crazy yet. Look over the descent of America post-WII. Virtually everyone has embraced 90% of it, or shrugged their shoulders and changed the channel. For God’s sake, you literally cannot turn a television set on without being bombarded by propaganda attempting to induce white women to have sex… Read more »

Reply to  Joachim
6 years ago

I hear this a lot on our side, about how TV is constantly showing mixed black & white couples. I think the thought angers hard-Righters so much, that they greatly exaggerate the situation. “All the time”, “bombarded”, “every time”, “constantly”. Really? I’m not nitpicking or asking for precision. I watch a bit of TV (I still have cable, do you guys? If not, then ease off on the big opinions of what you’re not even watching). Anyway, I see mixed black & white couples on TV a few times. Not regularly. Yes, it’s increased since BLM/Trump/etc. But I think it… Read more »

6 years ago

It is no wonder why they had to add on the Bill of Rights and Amendments onto the USC before any of the various States would ratify it, and even then a couple hold out states didn’t ratify it till years into the next century. When they caught the Compact of Confederation representatives unprepared in Philadelphia, with the introduction of the USC, Patrick Henry summed it up rightly, “I smell a rat” which was putting things mildly. Didn’t everyone just get through fighting & dying, loosing everything, to rid themselves of the very things the USC was? Regulatory and administrative… Read more »

lars hemmers
lars hemmers
6 years ago

Unlikely that Shapiro has a “place to go if things don’t work out here” because the next Democratic administration will surely make that place walk the plank.

Reply to  lars hemmers
6 years ago

One can only hope so.

6 years ago

Once upon a time, the earth’s surface consisted of many different ecosystems and all living things adapted and evolved uniquely and optimally within those “places.” Hence the second-order differences within all species, including Homo sapiens. We are racially and ethnically different because we optimized to the place and circumstances of our unique evolutionary path. This is natural evolution. Since the advent of language, a new and parallel form of memetic evolution has arisen within our species alone. This is the realm of “idea” based selection, and it is very new.

6 years ago

Been [one of] my primary themes for, well longer than my aged almost 72 years can remember: the CONstitution, that, by the way, does not formerly address the status of the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION. Any One else consider said CONstitution to be the beginning of the limitation of those INDIVIDUAL “RIGHTS” declared in the DOI and ratified by great suffering, loss of blood, limb, personal bounty and . . . LIFE? And for those unfortunate enough to have experienced war “up close and personal”, especially those conscripted and forced in to a far-away foreign “conflict” solely for avarice and domination… Read more »

6 years ago

And a LARP ftw!! How much does Soros pay you through one of his various entities?

Denny Tenders
Denny Tenders
6 years ago

A civil war go very badly for people like Zman and his ilk.

One side has the following: Black Muslims Jews Asians Latinos white women Indians homosexuals the trans community and others

Your side has a dwindling group of angry impotent white men

That tells you something right there

John Badger
John Badger
Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

This could be the treatment for a very dark comedy.

Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

Typical example of communist mindset and also most accurate prediction how communism dies.
I also predict that communism in US comes down the same way as in the USSR. As we remember, some people brought tanks on the street and believed, that somewhere under the rock are so called Homo Sovieticus, Soviet Human who rises up and saves the communism.
Huh, well, nobody came….:D

Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

Bring it.

Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

Tender is the Denny, go to any packed college football stadium on a Saturday morning. Almost every one of those virile screaming Chads joins our side when the shit goes down.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Even if their idea of fun is watching some Negroes play with a ball…

Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

You are right..and wrong. You have the coalition, the money and the organisation. What you lack is a binding internal logic besides ARGLEBARGLE KILL WHITEY. WTF does a lefty doctor from mumbai have in common with a black gangbanger? Nothing. Aside from the desire to exploit the wealth of White America. So when shit does go down, things will go very good for you. At first. But your coalition will eventually splinter, as its constituents have little, for lack of a better word, mannerbund. Its only binding glue is a negative, and that’s not enough in the long run. So… Read more »

Toddy Cat
Toddy Cat
Reply to  Dirtnapninja
6 years ago

“One side has the following: Black Muslims Jews Asians Latinos white women Indians homosexuals the trans community and others”

All of whom have never inflicted one single defeat on white men – losers to a man; either that, or they were too busy f*cking our brains out (white women), or were too smart to try (Jews).

Bring on your Trans/Feminist/Gibs Army, Danny – we could use the target practice…

Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

Our guys can make tanks, fighter planes, submarines, missiles, aircraft carriers and artillery. Your guys can make brass hookas and garish rugs.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

You forgot to include the pussyhat-wearing soyboys.

Din C. Nuffin
Din C. Nuffin
Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

Look at the down votes on Tender Denny – but he has a valid point. He forgot to list all the welfare recipients and government employees, college professors, etc.

Reply to  Din C. Nuffin
6 years ago

Look at the down votes on Tender Denny – but he has a valid point…
Truth sometimes is to painful to admit to…We have lots of potential but no organization to direct or does anyone really think we will all move in the same direction at the same time…

Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago

No organization, unless the Pentagon, or some like institution, has been (secretly) covering for Trump. Without some such backing, he wouldn’t have gotten in, much less lasted long enough, to where he may well be now able to deliver huge blows to his Deep State foes, and, possibly, to the institutions who’ve been covering for this DS.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
Reply to  Lineman
6 years ago


A.T. Tapman (Merica)
A.T. Tapman (Merica)
Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

Hey Tiny, your side consists of targets.

Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

And then the fun begins as the diverse bunch of lefty-lovers falls out among themselves, as they always have done and always will. Not only does the left always eat itself, turns out the muslims don’t like the blacks, the blacks aren’t friends with the latinos, the trannies aren’t liked by anyone other than TV stations looking to ‘shock’ the audience and the white women for all their ‘together’ talk don’t like what’s coming their way. End result, this rainbow coalition on paper is a whole lot of new little wars and the tenders get chewed up really bad and… Read more »

Reply to  UKer
6 years ago

White women will peel off with the white men…Probably no group is more upset at the Kavanaugh BS than those who can see or have seen their men in that position.

Reply to  Denny Tenders
6 years ago

Perhaps not all women are on that side. Perhaps you are thinking of college girls.