Liberal Fundamentalists

Listening to sports radio this morning, I heard two knuckleheads on a Boston channel blabber on about about Tim Tebow. They want Tebow cut from their favorite team and they cannot sleep knowing he may make the roster. They did not put it that way, but it was obvious. Both jock sniffers were standard issue lefties that you see throughout the mass media. These are the type of folks who walk around convinced they are middle of the road moderates or maybe libertarians, when in reality they are solidly on the Left.

Anyway, listening to the two idiots rant and rave about Tebow, I was reminded of something about Liberals I have always found irritating. That is, they never want to be around contrary opinion. They don’t want to see it anywhere in their lives. If they are in a group of people that includes a non-liberal and the conversation turns to politics or current events, they will walk out of the room. Often they put their hand up in that  way women do to indicate they don’t want to hear anymore. It’s like they will melt by hearing bad-think.

In the case of Tim Tebow, his mere presence as an adherent of another religion so upsets them they demand he be cut from the team. That’s really what it is with him. He’s a vocal and unabashed Christian. He’s also very southern, which is a second strike against him in the case of Boston liberals. For liberals, his very existence is an abomination that has to be removed from their site. Heck, they would probably be OK with having him removed from earth. They see him as a mockery of what they believe to be holy and true.

This is why liberalism needs to be viewed as a religion. It’s got a lot of similarities to Islam, which is mostly defined by what it opposes. Muslims are nuts about eradicating non-Muslims from their ranks. It’s not enough to simply know they are right. They don’t want infidels anywhere around them. Of course, the Bolsheviks maintained a rigorous internal exile system to accomplish the same thing. The totalitarian mind is defined by those borders, as well as their purity. That means the heretics are either expelled or killed.

That’s the liberal mind and why they hate guys like Tim Tebow.