The Art of Life

At the Mencken Conference, I made a point to some big brained people, a point I’ve made here many times. That is, if a reasonably aware and smart person in the 1970’s had fallen asleep, like Rip Van Winkle, and woke up in our age, he would assume the Soviets had won the Cold War. After all, we have adopted the aesthetic of the Soviets. Our cars all look the same and come in black, white or shades of gray. Our buildings are sterile, utilitarian structures. Our high and low art is purely ornamentation, rather than imitation.

Living as we do in this age, we don’t often notice this, but we live among the ruins of the culture that made the West. That culture is dead and has been dead for a while. It’s why our creative side does not create much of anything. The other day a high end art auction featured a work that self-destructs. That was probably the closest thing to art created by a modern artist in several generations. Otherwise, it is all pointless nonsense that says nothing about life. At best, it matches the decor and provides a tax break for the owner.

The death of western culture, or what we think of as western culture, was a top down thing that started with the spread of democracy. Modernism began roughly a century ago with painters of limited skill, abandoning any attempt to imitate or celebrate the world around them and instead make increasingly abstract pictures. By the middle of the 20th, painting meant something closer to what is produced at a daycare center. Sculpture looked like something found in the local dog park and architecture had devolved into brutalism.

The top down decay made its way into the lower forms of cultural expression. Look at popular music which probably peaked in the 1970’s, but is now produced by robots and grunting retards with no musical training. When was the last time someone wrote poetry popular with the middle-class? Do they even teach school children poetry today? The world of fiction is mostly a poor imitation of what was done in the past. Even movies, a modern creation, are now made by robots and aimed at foreign audiences.

Imitation is the celebration of life. That is the art of a thriving, growing culture. Like a child coming into the world, it seeks to capture the beauty of the world around it through imitation. It’s why most of the western literary canon was created by young writers, while the great histories are written by old people. Today, the brightest minds wish to spend years in ugly training centers called colleges so they can get a cubicle job and participate in the enforced conformity that defines this age. Our young people have no souls.

Ornamentation, in contrast, is the sign of a dead or dying culture. There is nothing left to create, so the goal is merely to “add a personal touch” to the creation of others. Home builders stamp out the same dozen house designs, but allow the buyer to alter some of the light fixtures, so they can pretend to be unique. Cars are all aerodynamically designed to look the same, but you can get the sport package, because you’re different. Every pop song made by the robots sounds the same, but the singer wears a slightly different outfit.

As people sensing we live in the winter of western culture, it can be discouraging. After all, what’s the point of trying to preserve anything, if it is already dead? Why engage in political fights, if the outcome, in a larger sense, has been decided? It’s important to remember that the world does not end when an important man dies. The world may go off in a different direction than if he had lived, but it goes on nonetheless. Cultures come into being, grow and thrive, then decline and die. That is the cycle of history, the cycle of life.

Here is the important thing though. The plowed under fields of the one age become the birthing ground from which will sprout the life of the next age. For example, imagine if in the next election, all white Americans decide to sit it out. Whites don’t run for office, participate in the debates or follow the action. Whites stopped voting. Fox News would have Ben Shapiro debating Tariq Nasheed about how the gay black guy is more conservative than the one-legged, transgender lesbian of color, but they will do so as a pantomime to no one.

If whites turn their back on the rest of the people living in this land, those people will spin themselves like tops trying to get whites to reengage with them. That’s because what we think of as culture is purely a white thing. That flicker of life is an ember carried from one white culture to the next, that ignites the fire of what follows the dying present. If whites turn their back on all this, they will not be looking into a void, but into a mirror. They will see themselves and their power to create. This scales up to a new culture being born.

That’s why people on this side of the great divide continue to engage with whites still trapped on the other side. It’s why we engage in politics, follow the news and debate the issues of the day. Every election, every event, is a chance to tap a normal white guy on the shoulder, so he breaks free from the trance for just a minute, to see that that there is something else going on and he needs to be a part of it. After every election, after every turn of the wheel, the boats crossing the river to this side are full of new adventurers.

We may be living in an ugly age, but you cannot have spring without winter. It is the normal cycle of western civilization. At some point, the number of people realizing this reaches a critical mass. The project then swings from trying to animate the long dead carcass of the past, to building a new culture for a new people. In time, the aesthetic will reflect the flourishing of the new, a celebration of life through imitation. Most reading this will never see it, but you will probably live to see the green shoots.

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5 years ago

Appropriate (and very good) post given the results last night. This is the type of downer shit people need to be reading rather than “We picked up seats in the Senate”. Last night showed that Trump’s election was a mirage and that there is zero political will to fight the left amongst suburban voters.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I think over the next 6 years, whites will be forced out of the Dem party, and cause a forging effect in the wider white community. The jews will be left out in the cold as they don’t fit into either party at that point. No one is going to be feeling too sentimental or kind towards the brown hordes.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

In terms of fight or flight, the flight option will always be chosen unless moral leadership tilts towards fighting, or there is nowhere to escape to. There was lots of Boomer conservative rage at the New York gun ban five years ago, but no politicians were assassinated. I scarcely even recall petty vandalism. When 10K gun owners went to Albany to protest, the state billed them for lawn damage. And they actually paid up, rather than showing up a second time and burning the city down.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

I think you underestimate the hold that the fanatical religion called “antiracism” has on a HUGE number of whites. They will not leave the Bolshevik Party. They are True Believers.

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
5 years ago

How many whites are in leadership positions in the ANC?

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  karl Mchungus
5 years ago

The deputy leader of the SACP, Jeremy Cronin, is white. The ANC finds it useful to keep a few token whites around as shields. Even ZANU-PF north of the border has done the same.

Reply to  Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
5 years ago

educated whites will stay in the Democratic party as long as the business and financial elite are there. They can virtue signal about how much smarter and better they are than the lower class people in the Republican party. It is like highschool. Most people want to be with the cool kids.

m rapp
m rapp
Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago not let Matt Bracken hear you say that !! shame…

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Jews wield too much power to be left out in the cold. If they were as smart as they are alleged to be, they would hitch their wagon to whitey.

Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

Oh, they have.
The mob boss doesn’t keep subordinates who can replace him. He wants his kids to inherit the business, not yours.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

We’ll see who rises from the ashes of the coming economic collapse. Not sure when it will be but it seems to be a black ship rapidly approaching.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I get what you’re saying, but I think under a limited set of conditions, democracy is viable. Switzerland seems to be rather well-governed place.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I just think those on the other side of the river need an explanation as to why democracy produced *reasonably* effective governance for awhile but no longer. Something along the lines that with high levels of social trust, Democracy isn’t a disaster. (On second thought, Sweden had that and gave it all away. Maybe this theocracy just has to run its course before and generate enough misery before anything happens.)

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

“Those on the other side of the river” have analyzed and explained this literally hundreds of times. You just haven’t informed yourself properly.

To condense thousands of hours of reading down to a few simple concepts: The degenerative effects of democracy are proportional to wealth and population density, and inversely proportional to IQ. Switzerland will fail, and is failing, it’s just taking longer because of its small size and limited migration. Feminism has already taken hold, c.f. the recent incident at CERN.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Democracy started going downhill with universal suffrage. Giving women the vote has been ruinous for Western white nations

Reply to  My_Comment
5 years ago

Women aren’t going away any time soon. Gods, I hope not!

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

#MeToo lol

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Being surrounded with mountains, an armed militarily trained male population, a nearly universal gentile population, and seperate cantons for one’s western European language helps a bit too, eh ?

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Viable in the short run. In the long run democracy is a perverse incentive, or a positive feedback loop. The great mystery is why everyone does not vote for more free stuff? The incentive to produce a tragedy of the commons via the ballot box is just too great. Accountability comes with ownership.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Switzerland also has aspects of their society that have long since been wiped out in this country by our progressive overlords. The lack of ability for women to vote is one of them ( I don’t believe women got the right to vote until 1971). A militia type system of military service instead of a military geared towards empire is another one. And an obstinate refusal to allow in outsiders as refugees or otherwise is another one. Go and read some WW2 history and remember back to around the time of the Clinton adminstration – (((people))) were jumping all over… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

My trepidation about whites stepping away from the struggle for power is quite simple. The browns and their puppet masters would herd whites into work camps and starve us to death.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

it will only be “gradual ” until the numbers give them uncontested control of the levers of power.

m rapp
m rapp
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

..well Z man they HAVE been running the military with that low IQ for some years now…grown men in high heeled red shoes…..and it is in steep decline….the once vaunted army RANGER school now graduates the wimins !fitness in the combat arms is minimal !!! so by that logic we are going in the right direction and winning….until somewhere else decides we are at the lowest readiness….and there you go

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

There comes a time when the ship has too much rot in the hull and mast. So cut your loss. Give it one last coat of paint. Sell it, and build a better vessel with what we have learned as a wright.
Don’t invest time or money in a leaky vessel.
Time to chew your arm off if necessary to get out of the snare. Least ye die where you lay.
I love that new country smell. Don’t you?

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Democracy gave a predictable result reflecting the needs of the oligarch class. What’s going to shock the normie right in the coming days is seeing their “right wing” supreme court appointments foreclose on the remainder of Trump’s reform attempts.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

“Most white people are not worth saving”. There lies the problem. Not enough red-pilled whites, and we will never get there. There once was an alignment of interests between the powers-that-be and the average whites. That alignment disappeared some time ago, and we are on our own. I don’t really see how we get there from here, other than bringing on board who we can along the way.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

“Most white people are not worth saving”. Really? In your heart of hearts, do you really mean this? So then, some white people are worth saving, just not most of them. Got it.
I’ve always enjoyed your writings. You’ve got a unique perspective on the issues I also care about. And today I’ve seen your feet of clay. What an arrogant ass you are.

Reply to  Arch Stanton
5 years ago

Most whites are unwilling or unable to face the truth. Attempting to save them is therefore a waste of valuable time and energy. Zman is hardly arrogant for understanding that.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  wjkathman
5 years ago

My husband and I watched an old TV movie called ‘Escape From Sobibor’, about a mass escape of prisoners from the Sobibor concentration camp in 1943. The guys coordinating the escape had a great plan to get everybody out with no drama, but in the end it fell apart. Then there was no option but a mass run for the fences while shooting at armed guards, and hope for the best. 300 people made it out, but amidst all the chaos, there were several dozen older people who just sat down on the ground and refused to move. The leader… Read more »

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  Arch Stanton
5 years ago

Just like a human body doesn’t need extra fat cells. think of the culling as a diet. Anyway, they can keep the brown hordes distracted while the core gets organized.

Reply to  Arch Stanton
5 years ago

There is always a “remnant” population.

Reply to  Arch Stanton
5 years ago

White people are worth saving? Hmmmm. Been to a Walmart lately? Contrast a typical mid-western town’s business district in 1948 to Walmart today. Of course the modern architecture is hideous, but the people have gone to shit too. Obesity, grungy clothes, sloppy tattoos, and green teeth were not things you saw much among whites a couple of generations ago. The only things that are better in the public spaces are the lack of cigarette butts and coal dust everywhere. Our side does a fine job cataloging the deficiencies of our opponents, but whites are far from blameless. Many whites have… Read more »

John Pate
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Vote harder. That’ll fix it.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

“zero political will to fight the left amongst suburban voters”

Must depend on where you live. Where I’m from it was tooth and nail.

Reply to  teapartydoc
5 years ago

Where I live , the suburban voters ARE the left. Michigan had a real blue wave. from the top to the bottom of the ballot

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

It’s more complex than that and not a downer. I expected it since about half of the GOP House is composed of cheap labor republicans like Ryan. They refused to give Trump any help on immigration related issues. Look most Repugs are still Bushite Repugs. They are not populists, they are not America first types at all. They are bland globalists. They have no real motivated base. Some are just real horrible pols with stupid platforms that drive voters away. Yoder was a classic example. Some were actually attacked by the GOP like Kris Kobach. The KS GOP actually sided… Read more »

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

That (Kansas) and the Montana Senate race result were the most disturbing outcomes of Election Day.

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Disagree..Trump showed his power campaigning in certain States, and the defeated or retiring Reps were mostly worthless cucks, whom we are better off without. Meanwhile, with 54 Senators, Trump will be able to push through his nominations for the real unelected Government without difficulty. The House, which has become useless anyway, will give the Dems a chance for internecine warfare by the minorities against their antique white leaders.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Max
5 years ago

Suburbans have not experienced enough diversity up close and personal yet. By the time they do, it will be too late (if it’s not too late already).

This is what I don’t get about third worlders – you leave your shthole country to come to white country because it’s better. Why the hell would you then vote (once you get the chance to) to turn the new place into the same shthole country you just risked life and limb to leave?

Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

I seem to remember some polling data that showed that a majority of Hispanics in the USA are opposed to more immigration. I suspect that even more would be opposed to more immigration as long as they could bring in their own family members. Hispanics will always vote for the free stuff candidate. Worrying about the long term ramifications of policy is sort of a white thing.

Wilson McWilliams
Wilson McWilliams
Reply to  reluctantreactionary
5 years ago

>>>Worrying about the long term ramifications of policy is sort of a white thing.


Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

C Matt;
Applies to CA & NY/NJ whites too. Apparently a higher IQ (if true) is not enough to grasp the fact that if you bring your emotional-centered politics with you, the result will be the same in the new place that it was in the old place you left.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

Well, a high IQ isn’t often paired with shrewdness and humility. Take Sweden. And Minnesota, for that matter. “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher. All is vanity!” That explains Sweden and Minnesota (and Frau Merkel and teddy bears for refugees and all the rest of it). “We don’t have a race problem, so let’s import one!” “Great idea!” “Yeah, we’ll bring all these brown people here and give them money and housing and education, and they will admire us and love us! The whole WORLD will admire us and love us! Let’s DO IT!” Simple human vanity. Explains most of… Read more »

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

You can move an ant from Africa to America, but it will still act the same way. Come on now, do you really that obtuse when it comes to human nature?

Reply to  Max
5 years ago

I would be interested to see stats on White male voting versus the other emotional creatures (Women, Gays, Blacks, Browns, and brainwashed youth)

5 years ago

I got to say this because it has to be said. It is becoming plain to me, personally, what Z is talking about originates in the heavily populated centers. In the rural, and I’m talking the rural area of the Appalachian range, you look out from here and those high population centers are self destructing. All the concerns out there are so them. The politics, the culture, its like seeing an alien planet out there now. Sure, there’s problems here in “The Unsecured Spaces”, though most are introduced in some way from the outside world. As the days pass, increasingly… Read more »

Reply to  Doug
5 years ago

Nice to see a post from you again, and well said.

5 years ago

The modern songwriting process goes like this: gather multiple teams of 20-year-olds with laptops into a conference room. Give them 2 hours to write a song. Pick the best song. I heard about this process on an NPR podcast and said yup that explains everything. In contrast, a member of the Allman Brothers was holed up in a motel or cabin trying to write a song. In frustration with writer’s block he went out to the local store. Inside a woman was chasing her young daughter down the aisle calling her name. He liked the name and went back and… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Rent the film version on amazon for a couple bucks. Great movie if you grew up in that era.

5 years ago

Our species is changing, and very rapidly compared to the history of our evolution. Whereas our ancestors were once the survivors of a natural selection process that favored intelligence and robustness, we now live in an environment in which possessing hive traits results in a competitive advantage for survival. That is why our art and culture are so monotonous and lacks creativity. These modern traits cannot be changed through dialogue and an appeal to intellectual reasoning. We will continue down this road until the environment once again demands better of us.

5 years ago

“After every election, after every turn of the wheel, the boats crossing the river to this side are full of new adventurers.” I’m one of those new adventurers that slowly crossed the river of the great divide in the last three years and I would like to see more of these type of posts, or maybe a podcast, dedicated to managing our expectations. Mocking and tolling progressives from behind a desk at the Oval Office is great fun and may slow them down but it doesn’t stop the madness and certainly doesn’t create something new. Even here on the dissident… Read more »

5 years ago

ZMan, I was thinking about you when I looked at the stats for who voted for whom based on race and sex. The black vote was something like 87% democrat, the Hispanic vote was something like 67% democrat, and the female vote was something like 65% democrat. You are certainly right about demographics eventually completely crowding us out. If it was not for the abortion industry, I am guessing the black vote would have already guaranteed continuous democratic victories going forward. I had to laugh when I saw that a lesbian native american won in one race. If she was… Read more »

Reply to  Frank
5 years ago

The free stuff quote was Ben Franklin. I am not as pessimistic on 16-18 year olds. That is the time before they are propagandized in college, and are not old enough to get the free stuff. Plus, whites are more likely to drag their kids to the polls. I am hopeful that GenZ can preserve the country.

Lester Fewer
Lester Fewer
Reply to  Frank
5 years ago

The tipping point is not coming, it’s already here, no fraud necessary. Both Georgia and Florida only escaped by a hair from being governed by vengeful psychopathic black retards. And there’s lots more where they came from. Forget illegals, look at it this way. Every year we naturalize a million brand new voting-age Guptas, Mohammeds, Fareeds, Ching-chaos, Pedro’s and Yolanda’s. By 2020 that’s two million more Guptas, whose prime directive is not American values, but to keep the gibs, the chain migration and the H1-Bs flowing. And this is all legal, and actively cheered on by Shlomo, who controls all… Read more »

Reply to  Lester Fewer
5 years ago

The funny thing is I can get along with the Guptas better than any liberal you ever met, but the words that came to my lips while reading your post were: Now yer talkin’.

Reply to  Lester Fewer
5 years ago

Well said, Lester. And true enough. But you guys still don’t get it. History is not a series of random events. All of these things are happening because of simple cause and effect. Like it or not; try and wish it away and say it ain’t so, but the actual founders of this Nation (not the “founding fathers” of this current ‘constitutional’ government), but the original colonists were white and Protestant Christians, and they came here specifically to build the “Kingdom of God”. Their sole purpose was to create an exclusively Christian society. Read their own words. See the 1639… Read more »

Reply to  Frank
5 years ago

the kansas story ” a lesbian native american won in one race’ is that she ran against an open borders Super cuck anti trump congressman named yoder. he was hard core antitrump cuck. democratic female who won the governers race in kansas was endorsed by the last 2 GOP former governers. Big Ag is the beating heart of the open borders -free trade wing of the GOP and they worked hard for the dems in kansas against pro trump republicans . The loss of the house is a result of paul ryans total opposition to the trump agenda .

Reed Hill
Reed Hill
Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Yep, Big Ag and the Chamber of Commerce run the GOP in Kansas. You saw that with the purge of a great man in Rep. Tim Huelskamp. The moneyed bugmen opposed him with a CofC squish and ran Huelskamp out of office last cycle. The there is a huge faction of the GOP here who are democrat-lite. Yoder sold out the country on his H-2 amendment paving the way for 3 million more legal Guptas over the next decade. There’s a picture of Yoder next to ‘Supercuck’ in the dictionary.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Things move faster now, so anyone around in 20 years will see the newly emerged system in full (or nearly). One thing the brown horde may not count on, is that Whiteville will not fund them once the split-up occurs. They will inhabit horrible 3rd world mega cities, filled with violence and pestilence. Federal government will be much weaker and smaller too. Will there be any great nations in this new system? I don’t think so; people don’t have that feeling of working to build a nation any longer. So we will have city-states that are Venice like in their… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Our nature is to tend towards individualism, even though we are unmatched in terms of collective military power. We react to decline by turning inward, or becoming collaborators, rather than through higher birth rates. It is said that whites in South Africa devote far more time to wildlife conservation, than to conserving themselves in the face of a system that ensures they cannot exercise power without begging blacks for permission.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Private security outnumbers the police and military combined in South Africa. These mercs could overthrow the government were they to develop a political consciousness. No post-colonial ruling party has yet lost an election in Southern Africa, a legacy of having the appearance of achieving independence through military victory. It will be interesting to see in Bolsonaro causes a change in the former Portuguese African colonies.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Enjoy Page 11

ANC loves to use the word “democracy”, forgetting that it was the British that introduced it in 1854. Their own people don’t want it.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Spot on. IMS the whites who voted for Hillary were all college educated urban professionals and government employed whites.. Basically well off people who have benefited from globalization and current government policies. They aren’t going to change unless the pain becomes personal and imminent. The closet we came to that was the last bubble collapse. That really puckered some a**holes out there. It will take something like that again to get whites to pull their heads out of their asses. Right now it’s too Nerf World for that to happen. That said, Trump got exactly what he deserved. McConnell and… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Attacking government employees is unhelpful. Due to veterans preference, there is a sizable number of GOP voters working in the public sector. Any time someone is attacked, they get angry and their turnout rate increases. Cutting the public sector won’t create enough savings for a vote-earning tax cut. But going after tax-evading oligarchs like Zuckerberg will win back the Bernie voters.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

The long-expected financial crisis has begun, and there’s no stopping it. It will take the form of a worldwide currency crisis. The US dollar will continue to appreciate against ALL other currencies until entire countries (well, their gov’ts) simply go under b/c they won’t have enough of their own currency to buy US dollars to pay their external debts. Eventually the crisis will get to us b/c we are the best house in a bad neighborhood. As interest rates were kept artificially low, every pension fund in the world was ruined. We have seen Dallas police and fire pensions disappear… Read more »

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Look into Biohistory and the work of Dr Penman (an Aussie). There’s a book “Biohistory: The Decline and Fall of the West” and Penman’s interviews on You TUbe.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Look into Biohistory and the work of Dr Penman (an Aussie). There’s a book “Biohistory: The Decline and Fall of the West” and Penman’s interviews on You TUbe.

5 years ago

Green shoots may emerge; or maybe not. And if they do emerge, no telling how long it will take nor how long it will last. When the Russian Czar met his demise, the only shoots emerging were Bolshevik red ones and they were far more murderous than any Russian Czar of the preceding 1000 years. Any evidence of green shoots had to wait until 1990 or so.; a wait of about 70 years or so. Most adult Russians alive in 1917 were already dead by 1990. Not so sure what color shoots they have now in Russia, but suffice it… Read more »

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  JohnTyler
5 years ago

The thing is, they hate each other more than they hate whites. so bake that into your calculations…

Reply to  JohnTyler
5 years ago

The commies always bitch about the Nazis, but the more I’ve watched and learned – the more I’ve started to wonder if the reason why lefties and commies hate “Nazis” -is because the Nazis put their “hate” (if that’s what it even was) to constructive purposes, whereas the history proves that progressive commie hate always ends up with degradation, destruction , and decay. I consider myself to be a builder. I’ve spent my life building things, I built my own home, I built a barn , I’ve restored cars, I weld as a hobby, do my own car repairs –… Read more »

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
5 years ago

“[…] Ornamentation, in contrast, is the sign of a dead or dying culture. There is nothing left to create, so the goal is merely to “add a personal touch” to the creation of others. Home builders stamp out the same dozen house designs, but allow the buyer to alter some of the light fixtures, so they can pretend to be unique. Cars are all aerodynamically designed to look the same, but you can get the sport package, because you’re different. Every pop song made by the robots sounds the same, but the singer wears a slightly different outfit. […]” Tattoos… Read more »

5 years ago

The Derb said it in his book. Culture is “pooped out.” Literally. Harridans menstruating on a canvas. Auto tune mulattoes. Sculptures that look like wreckage from 9/11. Just end it already.

5 years ago

Western civilization, as embodied by art (in essence, the thing that outwardly has no meaning or seeming value but in reality lifts the spirits, re-animates and inspires people in the west) is in this age a shallow and flimsy exercise. It has no purpose because the people in the west have no purpose, other than surviving stress and consuming to mask reality. There is no will in the people of the west to be uplifted any more. What is offered by present day ‘arts’ are shadows devoid of depth, because the west now lacks depth. There is nothing to propel… Read more »

5 years ago

For books and movies, hit the old bestseller and top grossing movies lists from way back. Find out what you like. I enjoy the noir stuff, and the Chandler and Hammett books. The political polemics, such as Sinclair, wear thin. The histories are good. Some of the really trashy movies and pulp lierature is fun. You get a few things out of it all. One is that people were always getting pulled around from thing to thing, jumping on the latest fads. Middle class life has always had elements of struggle to it. Crime and trashiness has always been the… Read more »

5 years ago

This reminds me of your commentary about Conservatives in the “Our Conservative Enemies” podcast recently. That really struck a chord with me, as I’ve followed Conservatism my entire adult life. For some reason, most Conservatives recoil from culture. Everything has to be about economics – Capitalism vs. Socialism. Over the years, there were several posts at Free Republic about some symphony orchestra in some large city that had to shut down due to lack of support and the city stopped funding it with tax dollars. The Conservatives were absolutely giddy at this. They loved it. Waste of tax money! Well… Read more »

Reply to  Highspeed2
5 years ago

Some cons get into art and culture. Intercollegiate Studies Institue, Institute on Religion in Public life (First Things magazine), John Jay Institute, Witherspoon Institute, etc. The problem is they are squishes and cucks. They claim to admire great men, but if they ever met one they wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to stab him in the back.

Reply to  Highspeed2
5 years ago

One of the major reasons that conservatives have abandoned art and culture is that the leftists have taken over the teaching institutions for these fields. When an openly conservative student is not allowed to graduate art school, conservatives see no point in supporting artists. This also applies to many of the fields that should be a critical part of western civilization and western culture- When there are no non-hostiles in a field, there is no reason to support that field of study. See literature studies, any of the grievance studies, language arts, music, art, most seminaries, etc. The reason that… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  R L
5 years ago

Thing is, an artist doesn’t really need to go to school, know what I mean?

5 years ago

>”For example, imagine if in the next election, all white Americans decide to sit it out. Whites don’t run for office, participate in the debates or follow the action… If whites turn their back on the rest of the people living in this land, those people will spin themselves like tops trying to get whites to reengage with them.”

That’s delusional. No they won’t. They’ll take power, disarm us, open the borders, confiscate our land, and ship anyone who complains off to a re-education camp. Because leftists know how to wield power, and we don’t.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  AntiDem
5 years ago

Would be interesting to see “A Day without White People” similar to the Day without Immigrants pulled a while back But it would require a large % participation. Would be more effective than sitting out voting. I have a strong suspicion it would have more impact than an un-mowed lawn or un-mopped floor for a day.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

It would be nice but I suspect there are far too many fence sitters, cucks and Leftists to make it stick.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  AntiDem
5 years ago

This is absolutely the truth. Worse than not knowing how to use power, the Right hates using power and the few that don’t have no vision for what they would do with it if they got it They got very pozzed by Libertarians Truth is you can’t run away to Monticello 2.0 and Leave Me Alone is not an ideology. You have to understand and actually run a complex 80% urban society with many options. It can’t be left alone to run itself or it would degenerate and be subverted . Cthulhu always swims Left after all A small caveat… Read more »

5 years ago

The project to kill Lincoln and Churchill has already begun. We need to put our heads down and struggle into the light.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Lincoln could do with a little killing. Probably for different reasons than they have in mind

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Same with Churchill.

5 years ago

“Our cars all look the same and come in black, white or shades of gray.”

Living in a non-driving city for decades, I’d lost track of buying and selecting cars. I was amazed one day a couple years ago to notice that very thing: all cars look alike, and come in black, white and grey. When did that become a thing? Take a look at a movie from the “dull grey 50s) and ordinary people are driving Pepto Bismol pink and canary yellow cars. Or those old Cadillacs in Cuba.

Reply to  James_OMeara
5 years ago

One reason car design is so blah is government regulations. The same reason every car will probably soon be a four cylinder turbo. Safety and emissions regulations.

Reply to  James_OMeara
5 years ago

Leaving cultural issues aside, modern automobiles are technological marvels. They are more reliable, safer, and far more comfortable than anyone in the 50s could imagine. I know. I’ve lived through the evolution. Remember how ghastly those 1970s/80s Detroit cars were? (Shudder.)

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Yes, compared to what we drive today they were pieces if shit. But they were big, and brightly trimmed and even though they broke often you could fix it yourself with a screwdriver and duct tape. Ya didn’t need a half million dollar diagnostic machine and an imported mechanic named Ludwig. Plus, you were safer in crashes, had room to make love with your girl and could carry ten kids to dollar a car load night at the drive in. But yes, they were shit. Now we drive under powered uncomfortable mundane vehicles that have sucked all the love of… Read more »

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Put me off American cars for life…although I do miss a company that can make and name a car called the Gremlin.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Those old cars were easy to work on. They were also cheap, big and comfortable. And were not self-propelled coffins. Yeah the 80’s era Detroit Iron sucked. But after that they got better and better. The new ones take what amounts to a aircraft mechanic to diagnose and work on. Oh yeah the engine compartments are now so cramped you can’t reach half the stuff unless you dissemble half of the front end. Even on smaller SUV’s it’s bad. I know this from experience buying and restoring salvaged autos bought at auctions and junk yards. I stay away from compacts… Read more »

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

The older cars were much less safe to drive in, than new cars. The old cars did nothing better than new cars. Yeah you could work on them, as they needed tuning every couple of months. You can get one and drive it and fix it right now — but you won’t.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  karl Mchungus
5 years ago

Having worked a few hundred MVAs over the years, when it comes to safety, new cars win hands down. Extricated people from wrecks that by all rights should have been dead, not just bruised, bloodied and scared pissless. Back when my grandad and uncles were doing the job, these would have been body bag case.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Dammit I miss bench seats.
And telling all the neighbor kids, “Just get in the car, we’re gonna see Caveman at the drive-in!”

I’ve always wanted to thank Ringo Starr for that. Poor as church mice, with a gaggle of kids sitting on blankets. We were screaming with laughter. So stupid and funny.
That was a good, good night.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

I really miss drive-ins 🙁

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Not to mention it being easier to cop a feel on a hot date.

Reply to  James_OMeara
5 years ago

Nathan is correct . cars are all a result of the quest for the last .02 MPG as dictated by the EPA. Safety regulations also play a part. the short windows you see on all new cars reflect mandatory roof crush standards. the huge radiators are required to cool the turbocharged engines that are necessary for GPG, as are the wind tunnel drive body shape. this makes them all the same.

Reply to  James_OMeara
5 years ago

Here in the Bay Area Mini is a very popular brand and they come in all kinds of colors.

Reply to  James_OMeara
5 years ago

Because when you go to the dealer for a new car, they show you a model that’s white, black, or grey (or sand like my truck) that you can test drive. When you decide you can live with that model and ask if it comes in another color, they show you a brochure of all the colorful models of it you can choose for just a little bit extra and you can’t drive it off the lot but have to wait for it to be delivered…..and that deal you talked them down on? Gone. So you take that crappy colored… Read more »

5 years ago

Demographics is destiny.

Lets look at who opposes you: Blacks, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Homosexuals, Transexuals, white girls, Hispanics

I like our chances

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Tikebomb
5 years ago

The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.

Samuel Huntington

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

“White men can’t jump but they sure as hell can march”

Reply to  Tikebomb
5 years ago

Whites in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Montana. “Our” chances are merd.

Occasional Commenter
Occasional Commenter
5 years ago

I’ve long feared a total eclipse of what was once called Western civilization. “He who controls the present, controls the past; he who controls the past, controls the future.” As a preventive measure, I’ve advocated that the greatest works of Western literature and art be transcribed onto acid-free paper and bound into new volumes, to create an archive for the future. Part of this archive should contain a narrative of how we got to the present point. These books should then be placed in specially designed “footlockers,” designed to withstand decades, if not millennia, of time. Obviously, each archive would… Read more »

Reply to  Occasional Commenter
5 years ago

Occasional Toker

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Occasional Commenter
5 years ago

If only our enemies were merely barbarians, we could retire to monasteries and keep the flame alive.

I’d rather negotiate a monastic settlement for the ‘remnant’ with Alaric than with the coming ruling elites of the Left.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
5 years ago

Just today I read that Warner Brothers is planning a new Willy Wonka movie – a prequel this time, since the remake with Johnny Depp in 2005 was not that successful. After reading your essay, I thought of your opinion that imitations celebrates life, and then I realized that this endless parade of remakes and prequels is not imitation, but ornamentation. To really imitate the 1971 movie with Gene Wilder would be to attempt to recapture the originality and quirkiness of the original, but that’s not what filmmakers do nowadays. Now, they update and “bring to a modern audience” their… Read more »

5 years ago

I’ll eat my crow and admit I called the House wrong. Demographic change comes at you fast. I think we’ve crossed the demographic threshold where Republicans can no longer win the Presidency or hold a majority in the House. I suspect massive voter fraud in Nevada. Republicans were up slightly in the polls, which have a 2-5 point bias in favor of Democrats. Heller lost the Senator race by almost 4 points and Laxalt lost the Governor race by about the same. There’s no explanation for that kind of spread other than voter fraud. Trump is effectively neutered as a… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

Corruption in the Democratic Party is at least as old the “Curley Effect.”
The assumption that they’d vote differently if their corrupt machines saw the light of day is belied by their history. They like corruption. They depend on it. That’s why securing the vote never gains traction. It doesn’t bother them even a little bit as long as they maintain power.

5 years ago

If you are looking for some uplifting art, I have two recommendations. Google “art contrarian” (If part of waiting for Tuesday is to see what Remus posts at the top of his page, along with the short but informative descriptions, you will be in hog heaven). For those on the West Coast, get on over to the Getty museum. These two will completely overwhelm you with the kind of art that sets your spirit soaring. The secret is that one rejects, and the other ignores, modern art. Both tail off somewhere in the early to mid-twentieth century.

5 years ago

The fourth turning is upon us, we view all institutions as corrupt, public trust hits new lows. How this turning ends is anyone’s guess, but if the previous ones are any indication it will be bloodier than the last.

5 years ago

Sorry can’t remember the author ( would like to give credit ) Loosely paraphrasing, “Steel strapping shitlords must take back the cities they built away from the brown squatters ” It’s something our grandfathers understood. Good ,honest men until you pushed them too far . Then they took care of business. Honestly feel sorry for the kids nowadays. They’ll never know the feeling cruising down the highway , top down, feel of a big V8, cold can of beer between the legs. Bonfires on the beach. Getting laid outside, running from the cops. No passion , no adventure, nothing to… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Fuck it, we’re still gonna win, eventually. Im done pouting.

5 years ago

this was the case of dams breaking. In the us house, the democrats won in a lot of areas they weren’t expected to – like in a Gwinnett County based seat – but in rural america – the Rs did better than expected which explains Brown and Manchin’s smaller than expected victories.

It’s actually kind of horrifying. Both parties are in a race to max out there constituencies.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  thekrustykurmudgeon
5 years ago

GA and TX were closer because white/suburbs moderates in suburbs started voting like moderates outside of the South. The Abrams and Beto candidacies drove turnout higher than it otherwise would have been, flipping those House seats. We don’t know if these moderates have permanently re-aligned, or will flip back without the emotional backlash to Trump. Black pols may decide that a (black) Blue Dog is a better option than a DSA member, even at the risk of decreased black turnout.

5 years ago

This is a beautiful post, one of the best I’ve read from you. Thank you.

5 years ago

Such a nice column, this. Thanks for putting it out there. We really need shocks to the system from time to time to help us sort out what’s really important from the dross. History will take its inevitable course; we don’t really have that much to do with it. The little spark of sentience that flows up and down through time, linking generations, and ever adapting to the shifting fields of circumstance represents resilience, anti-fragility even, for all who judge its tides. We get a new deal each day. For every one thing that is out of our control, there… Read more »

james wilsonN
james wilsonN
5 years ago

Nothing sucks the life out of art of all kinds as does the democratic equality. Inequality drives art, and literature no less. Long before women and retarded people were added to the democratic equation art was in decline under democracies. And there was never much art in America.
Someone pointed out there was more art of greatness produced in 17th century Venice, a small city, than in all of 20th century Europe. Genius is provincial. The object of democracy is universalism. Leveling. With a few smart monkeys left to keep it level.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

The dems got 218, if it had to be, that was the slimmest margin possible. But I cant quite escape the feeling that losing the house when it is clear that the left is baying for white blood, for our jugulars, is not good. Not good. Maybe it actually will be civil war or secessions or something really big like that. I see Z’s point about rebirth. I just wonder how many whites will eventually be left for that. A Cherokee or Comanche talking about their ‘rebirth’, in the 19th century, yall think they had their current stature in mind….… Read more »

5 years ago

With regard to aesthetics, I doubt peoples’ tastes have changed as radically as the “gatekeepers” would have you believe. The Marxist “long march through the institutions” ceded control of the public space to the enemy. Including what is available in automobiles, housing, furniture, etc.

5 years ago

Unfortunately, “white Americans” aren’t going to sit it out because a realistic analysis will clearly show that this is not a race issue, it’s a class and ideology issue that frequently clusters around racial lines. Denying the intra-racial differences is as wrong-headed as denying the inter-racial differences. If the racialists had the sense to concede that the “white Americans” they praise are actually just Amerikaners and about 80% of the fringe right, then the idea might actually have some legs. But as long as you insist on commingling with liberal/progressive whites just because they’re white, the project will continue to… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Lance_E
5 years ago

YES !!!!

James LePore
5 years ago

The laws of God, the laws of man, He may keep that will and can; Not I: let God and man decree Laws for themselves and not for me; And if my ways are not as theirs Let them mind their own affairs. Their deeds I judge and much condemn, Yet when did I make laws for them? Please yourselves, say I, and they Need only look the other way. But no, they will not; they must still Wrest their neighbor to their will, And make me dance as they desire With jail and gallows and hell-fire. And how am… Read more »

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

That’s optimistic. Mexico has never created art, literature, arcchitexture or music to compare with that of North America. Perhaps north Asia, China and Japan that is, can hold a candle to us. If there is a resurgence of art it will have to come from Europe.

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

“Mexico has never created art, literature, arcchitexture or music to compare with that of North America.”

Excuse me for pointing it out, but anything north of Central America is North America. Mexico is North America. Taken in context, the meaning of “North America” is the gringos who live north of Mexico. The whites who create cultures and civilizations that everyone else would like to live in.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

If trends remain the same, and they usually don’t, Mexico will be whiter than the US in 2100.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Especially if they keep sending all of their browns up here.

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

True, Mexico is North America, but it is so culturally more like central and South America that I mentally group it with them! Thanks for the correction

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

I get it, I’m the same way. I think many of us group it like that mentally. Just shows how races/cultures are distinct in our minds even if we’ve been shaped to see and talk about things in a PC way.

George True
George True
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

The last few times I checked a map or a globe, Mexico was still part of Central America, as it has always been, at least geographically speaking.

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

My point is that we are being replaced demographically. The invading groups, using Latin Americans as “a part for the whole,” are incapable for the most part of creating western art, but will insist on inclusivity and that popular art resembles them. This is not a source of inspiration for minority white artists who will not pursue these avenues. There can be no artistic spring without the genetic substrate. But perhaps I’m being hateful and cynical, maybe some sort of equilibrium will be achieved and hope and inclusive love will rekindle the artistic flame.

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

I enjoy small doses of mariachi music, Diego Rivera, and street tacos. I just feel like I need to take a shower afterwards.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

I don’t know about hateful, but have you been to Mexico? Guadalajara? Merida? Maybe you should go and have a look. Things weren’t always the way they are now. And it was whites who made the mess, not browns. They are just cashing in on our stupidity and vanity.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

You might want to do some travelling in Mexico. Open your eyes to a few things. The world wasn’t always the way it is now.

5 years ago

Sometimes a picture is worth way more than a thousand words;
comment image

you can substitute SJW for any of the other assorted left wing excremental
malevolents that wish to destroy individual freedom and any social / political structure that values individual rights.

5 years ago

One of the things I’ve noticed in a lot of architectural high art is a certain fractal quality. There is detail over a wide size aspect ratio. See this recent picture on Gab,

Here’s another example of a cathedral in Barcelona,comment image

Modern buildings are just flat glass, metal and stone sheets.

Reply to  Cloudswrest
5 years ago

Here’s another source for the basilicacomment image

Reply to  Cloudwrest
5 years ago

Didn’t Ol’ Remus label that “White man’s stick hut, AD 1180”?

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
5 years ago

“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”
Percy Shelley, Ode to the West Wind

Yes, it can. After the western Roman Empire collapsed into its own shadow, it took a thousand years until the Renaissance dawn broke.

Yet, spring will come. Like those monastic scribes of the Middle Ages who copied and preserved the ancient works, we can prepare the ground for it.

5 years ago

I see someone’s been re-reading Oswald Spengler! Nicely put.

Back Porch Geezer
Back Porch Geezer
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Spengler hurts. We only get to see 70 years’ worth of the larger cycle, at best.

5 years ago

Jared Taylor started his white advocacy in the 1990s. He told the story of people calling in after a conference in 1996 had been broadcasted on C-SPAN and they were grateful for the event, because they were already considering themselves mad as nobody else seems to have shared those views or even considered the implications. Nowadays AmRen has daily traffic from all over the world and the race realists have a lightyear headstart against all those science deniers. Why? For all those years Taylor thought his project was just a documentation of the demise of his people some Chinese would… Read more »

5 years ago

this is a leftist propaganda from hell. along with the mistaken facts of iq. until the whites were dumbed down by lack of education, whites and chinese/orientals had basically the same iq. but our children have been lied to for so long that everyone now accepts the lies as fact and truth. THUS, our civilization falters and falls. All planned; all following a well laid out plan which is above the mental capabilities of the masses to comprehend. this is why invasion of brown/dark skin is forced upon the ‘western’ world for the masses will gladly accept it and lose… Read more »

5 years ago

“Today, the brightest minds wish to spend years in ugly training centers called colleges so they can get a cubicle job and participate in the enforced conformity that defines this age. Our young people have no souls.” Why did so many bright minds of the 60’s generation agree that 1950’s America was an “air conditioned nightmare” and revolt, through the rest of their lives, and radically change the culture? I think there is even more room for this today, and in every sphere, spiritual, moral, cultural, social, economic, political, etc., and I think many people see, or can be made… Read more »

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Joachim
5 years ago

‘The Air Conditioned Nightmare’, by Henry Miller, saw the light of day in 1944. It’s a travel book. Miller’s highest praise for the peoples of this land of ours is given to the traditional south. In its way it’s a paleocon classic. It’s funny and at times perceptive. Has aged better than Miller’s pompous porn classics that Orwell wrote about in ‘Inside the Whale’.

It’s about the old weird America and the rising tide of ‘booboisie’ that overtook and now seeks to finish it off.

Reply to  pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

You’re right, but my impression was that the 1950’s came to more purely embody the world he was attacking, and that his cause really became more synonymous with the 1950’s Beatniks and such (who Julius Evola commended for their dissatisfaction, but condemned for the direction they took in their revolt). I may be wrong.

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Joachim
5 years ago

I agree. We all know how “bad” the “Fifties” were, a time of peace and prosperity in a white country. Nothing says ‘badness’ like a self-confident superpower of 160 million people driving on interstate highways, living in their own homes, raising nuclear families and going to church, financing the recovery of other countries, sporting a nuclear deterrent, etc. That said, the idyllic nation of 1950 is now the decaying and frankly comical post-nation of 2018; we blame communism, but at a guess guys like Miller were closer to the mark when they saw our ‘Achilles heel’ in things like, well,… Read more »

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

Well said, Pimpkin. Not sure what your point is, but you made it well.


5 years ago

Next on the Twilight Zone: Zman endorses Passivism.

karl Mchungus
karl Mchungus
Reply to  Lance_E
5 years ago


5 years ago

Great post, makes a ton of sense at the 30,000 foot view. But I can see how the progressive would spin it. What about all of the art and beauty created by primitive cultures? Black music, Indian art, ancient Chinese/Japanese culture, all plowed under by western civilization. Look how much culture from others would then flourish if the evil white person was not there to appropriate it.

Kirk Forlatt
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Agreed. I lived in Japan for a while and admired much that I saw. It pains me to see them talking about relaxing their immigration policies, and to see the young ones coloring their hair reddish or blondish to be more Western. Watched an old 1940’s-era John Wayne movie the other night, “The Barbarian and the Geisha,”which was the true story of the first American consul to arrive in Japan. He was spied on and thwarted at every turn, but managed to make some diplomatic inroads with the Japanese. There’s a really good, intense scene in the movie where John… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Matrix
5 years ago

To a certain extent, the survival of us as a distinct culture requires that we become inward looking, localistic, and endogamous. I actually like it when the left complains about cultural appropriation, as it leaves no other option for whites other than eurocentrism. Obviously leftists would be outraged at a “European cultural revival”, but they lack the language to express their desire that whites have to assimilate into multikult. If whites stop listening to rap, and watching the NBA, blacks aren’t going to be concerned.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Think of it a similar way: Feminists have always been lasered on countering criticism from traditionalists, and from incel. Feminists are petrified at being coerced into a marriage with a lower status male. The idea that men would ignore women, MGTOW, doesn’t activate their mental alarms. Feminists don’t have fears of being a cat lady, even if they might regret it later. And women have always been more comfortable with polygamy than men. The idea that men need to be incentivized, shamed and coerced into marriage, would be a revolution in feminist thought. A fifth wave.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

And women have always been more comfortable with polygamy than men They are only more comfortable with polygamy where offspring isn’t desired and is easily disposable or society is relied upon for provision instead of an invested male. When offspring is desired or can’t be cast off and society doesn’t care about you and your offspring, monogamy is more desirable. I’m a “kids are important” kind of person, and extended family helping in the raising of the kids… but there is a really stark (even if fine) line between that and the “its for the children” and it takes a… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Christina
5 years ago

Polygamy signals a male with an abundance of resources to be able to sustain multiple wives and children. Polyandry is practically unheard of outside of strange cults, because male parental investment cannot be ensured without some sort of communism. Feminists have a superficial opposition to polygamy because the man must be more powerful. But feminists have never objected to men transferring resources to women, so their opposition is insincere as long as a woman makes the choice without “coercion”.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Note also how feminists claim that men are victims of “toxic masculinity” but they do it out of a sense of morally shaming men. The actual state of male well being is of little interest to feminist thought, which tends to wish that men should either “get out of the way” or “shut up and do as they are told”. The idea that men have a duty to women is still existing within most female minds, but feminist thought doesn’t engage because it implies reciprocal female duties. An unprincipled exception.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Most women do not want to share their men and will not. Anything other than the one-man-married-to-one-woman model is degenerate.

james wilsonN
james wilsonN
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Not entirely true. Most women, given a real choice, would prefer sharing a strong man to exclusivity with a middling man. Polygamy is more natural than we were led to think. Most men are are middling. How could it be otherwise? Until recent millennia 40% of men did all the reproducing, and that is how our DNA was built. Western Civ was more than anything the result of a trick, monogamy, conning women out of their instincts. It looks like women are onto us. Unfortunately they are not onto themselves.

Reply to  james wilsonN
5 years ago

“Most women, given a real choice, would prefer sharing a strong man to exclusivity with a middling man.” Ridiculous. No. Women want to be queen of their household and the one and only mate to her man, her king. A woman will scratch out the eyes, pull out the hair and gut any other woman trying to horn in on her man, figuratively speaking of course. The “trick” of monogamy for white people has been a beautiful piece of the many wonderful aspects of Western Civilization. There’s a reason we whites flourished living in a culture founded on Greek philosophy,… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Kinda what I said. And I repeat myself, not enough kings to go around for the tastes of many women.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Except when whites stop spending $$$ on them.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

Blacks have been perfectly fine with their own barbershops. White people tend to only show up as a guest of a black friend.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

They’ll be concerned when Whites aren’t paying to see their games or buy their merchandise.

Brenden Frost
Brenden Frost
5 years ago

Tom Wolfe on Modern Art

(“the Painted Word” is short and sweet; a good introduction to aesthetic decline)

5 years ago

This is a really fine post with — thank God — a whiff of optimism and a clear direction. I was really moved by the last lines. Good one, Z-man, and thanks!

Andrew C.
Andrew C.
5 years ago

This excellent analysis of the condition of what is left of Western Culture needs another component to complete the study; that is to answer the question “To what purpose”. Art for art sake does not adequately inspire a civilization. The building of Cathedrals, classical music, opera, art, poetry, the universities and political and economic theory has inspired the rest of the world to the point of paying the highest compliment, that is imitation, can all be traced back to their Christian roots, particularly Catholicism. There is the petri dish that spawned the great accomplishments of the modern era. Until what… Read more »

Bob Obobo
Bob Obobo
5 years ago

Not quite sure how it all works, but since I’ve been coming here, “The Z Blog” in a search engine is always on top. Now you’re three. Who knows? You know what the say about being big enough to catch flak.

5 years ago

My wife’s 2016 BMW 328D, a diesel powered sedan, is red with tan interior. She insists on a red car, her last one was a 2000 BMW 540i wagon, also red with tan interior. I dare say she’ll never buy a black, gray, silver, or other bland car. I know, this is peripheral to the discussion, but I felt compelled to post it. Once, when we were cruising to Montana to be at my old USAF buddy’s youngest daughter’s wedding, I had the 540i cruise control set on 105, easily maintained in Montana’s sparsely used major highways. Sure enough, a… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

As a long time car nut – it might well be that people want to blend into the crowd , which helps them avoid the attention of the man. I remember reading an article in Road & Track way back in the 1980’s that detailed a study about “the best color cars to speed in”. As expected red was the absolute worst color to have on a car if you wanted to avoid police attention. They said the best color was a light blue. Which I seemed to confirm one day when I blew right by a MA state trooper… Read more »

Reply to  Lei
5 years ago

How about some great contemporary Western Civ art. Make sure you stay for the last two and a half minutes (out of eight). You’ll be surprised by its beauty after all the preceded it.

5 years ago

Thank you for ending with some semblance of Hope. I am a late in life Father with a 9 year old boy and 11 year old girl. We home-school them in a system that focuses on Logic, Memorization, Latin, Math and Debate (its called Classical Conversations). As the Public School System (thought Gulags) continue to destroy the illumination of the soul these young ones being brought up in a truly free thinking environment will plant the seeds for the rebirth of Western Civilization.

5 years ago

When enough white men start to get locked out of the job market thanks to importing Kaleed or some robot and told they won’t get legitimate employment again – we’ll see things get interesting. Whitey still has a bit to lose when you factor his $80,000 wedding to Natalie (who is also outsourcing his bed to Kaleed on the side), his $176,000 college debt, $43,000 truck and $220,000 mortgage – he will wake up and drive to the cubicle a little while longer.