Witch Hunters

Alex McNabb is one of the personalities on The Right Stuff. His primary role is as a side kick on the TDS podcast, but he turns up on other shows and works on the various bits they do. In his spare time, he is a licensed emergency medical technician working in rural Virginia. That means he is one of the people riding an ambulance to situations where people are injured. In rural parts of America, there is a shortage of EMT’s and ambulance services, so much of the work is done by volunteers like McNabb.

For the past few week, Antifa agitator Christopher Mathias has been trying to get McNabb thrown off the ambulance crew. Mathias pretends to be a news reporter, but his real job is to harass people with whom Antifa disagrees. He started harassing the ambulance service and when that did not work, he started calling the state licensing board. When that went nowhere, he started harassing the Board of Supervisors. He finally found a fellow lunatic to try and use his government position to pull funding from the ambulance service.

Now, it should be said that most people in McNabb’s position would have tried to lie low for a while until the lunatics found a new target to harass. Instead, he stood up for himself in public and made his case. The Board of Supervisors appears to have been suitably impressed, or perhaps shamed, as none of them were willing to support the lunatic’s effort to harm the ambulance service. That’s not the end of it, of course, as lunatics never quit after they lose a fight. Instead, they redouble their efforts and keep coming.

Even so, you have to wonder if people are starting to get tired of these ridiculous show trials, where mentally unstable people like Christopher Mathias get the final word on public morality. Whatever you think about McNabb’s entertainment life, he’s causing no one harm with it and his work as an EMT saves lives. It’s why rational societies maintain a barrier between public and private life. We’re better off not knowing the interior life of the people we deal with every day. More important, we don’t need to know it.

Watch the video of the exchange between the chairman of the Board of Supervisors and McNabb and it looks like something from a Stalin show trial. The chairman was not there to serve the people of his county. He was there to put on a performance and show his betters that he is a true believer, willing to sacrifice all for the cause. In fact, his antics were so cringe inducing, it made McNabb look like a hero. If you’re on that board and you see that, you don’t want any part of that Boyd character. He’s a nut.

Of course, it is a great example of how people like Mathias are the new Puritans. They spend their days looking for sinners. Replace the phrase “white supremacist” with “blasphemer” or “heretic” in these things and it makes much more sense. It’s why they indiscriminately throw around the term, applying it to anyone they oppose. Just as Eskimos have lots of words for snow, these new Puritans have lots of words for the sinners they are sure must be holding back progress toward the Promised Land.

It’s also another example of something that never gets discussed. Settled society is that space between the fanatics on one side and the barbarians on the other. For most of human history, the barbarians were a real threat, so keeping the fanatics under control was a necessity. The witch hunters in the 16th and 17th century were eventually suppressed, because they were dangerous. In this age, our rulers have no fear of barbarians, so they are amused by fanatical lunatics like Chris Mathias.

At some point, one of these witch hunter is going to mess with the wrong witch and something very bad will happen. It would be one thing if these nuts were content to write silly posts on sites like the Huffington Post, but they are not. As we see in this situation, this Mathias guy has invested a big chunk of his life trying to ruin a life. McNabb is a reasonable guy willing to combat this nut within the rules. One day, the target will not be reasonable and he will not be concerned about the rules.

Even if that day never comes, these stories serve to make the case that the people in charge are, at best, indifferent to what is happening in America. A responsible elite steps in and puts the brakes on this nonsense. The people running the Huffington Post, that would be Verizon, would not give these loons a platform. They may not be able to stop a crackpot like Mathias from stalking people on-line, but they can send the message that his behavior is unacceptable. It’s how sensible elites maintain order.

Instead, we live in a world of daily reminders that the people who rule over us hate us and take pleasure in our suffering. Again, no matter what you think of McNabb, he provides a much needed service. People will literally die if this ambulance company is shut down because of McNabb’s blasphemy. Rural communities rely on volunteers like McNabb for these vital services. That tells you the truth about our rulers. They may not agree with what you say, but they are willing to lay down your life in order to suppress it.

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5 years ago

Old people with nothing to lose need to stand up. I’ve tried talking to the old man, who they can’t do anything to, to go to these open meetings in his town and be, “that guy”. I spent my summers on a farm, and there was a salty old ex ww2 vet, mussel fisherman, electrician, and farmer in his late eighties down the road that got into it with local cops and “hunters”/trespassers. The cops came to his house and threatened him, the salty old fuck, no shit, this is a quote, told the cops: “I’m eighty nine years old,… Read more »

Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

My kind of crotchety SOB

Reply to  roo_ster
5 years ago

I miss that old man. He used to come get me and pay me to help him work around his farm. Every summer from about the age of nine until I went to College. We blew up stumps and beaver damns. No idea where he got the dynamite. “Farmer’s luck boy, bull calves and daughters”. We were walking to the barn one day and his wife was working in the garden and waved at him from a distance. “Whatever you do boy, make sure you marry a good hoer hahaha”. Didn’t get it until years later. Drove all damn night… Read more »

Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

Nice of you to sign up the AARP crowd to fight your battles tough guy. We’ll step up when we see your bright shiny faces going out there and hunting down some of the elites and their tools. Until then, learn to HTFU. Look dealing with Anti-fa is simple, if they threaten and harass you and try to destroy your life. You fight back and use every dirty trick in the book. If you don’t know them go read George Hayduke. BTW that old guy you mentioned. with today’s police, he’d arrested on the spot, trussed up, stripped of any… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Simmer down grandpa, no one expects the boomers to step up and be the patriarchs of society. They’re a bunch of pussies.

Tully Bascombe
Tully Bascombe
Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

That’s not what he was saying, so stop being an asshole.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

Encouraging the seasoned citizens to join the dance is a GREAT idea!
WTF is wrong with you.

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

What the fuck do you think Charlottesville was an attempt at, dumbass?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Watched most of the exchange. What’s interesting is that Chairman Boyce very quickly moved from what McNabb said to statement after statement about how great a person Boyce is and was. I saved blacks in Africa, etc.

Also, when McNabb points out that it’s comedy and a fictional character, Boyce repeatedly shoots back that McNabb shouldn’t even think these thoughts. Orwell’s name is thrown around too much in my opinion, but in this case, it fits.

The truth is that the different white tribes hate each other. There’s no chance for reconciliation. We need a divorce.

Tax Slave
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Divorce, yes, enforced by lead.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

People like Boyce will never leave us alone. They view as their purpose in life to ram their views down our throats often at the point of a gun or some other form of extortion.

IOW the only we get a divorce is when people like Boyce stop breathing.

5 years ago

A highly substantial point is being missed. McNabb mentions the local hospital being shut down in that rural community. The hospital reimbursement system is set up to cause this. Rural hospitals get far less reimbursement for the same diagnosis codes than urban hospitals, despite having to care for those patients with less advanced equipment and in far worse circumstances and higher levels of acuity. A community hospital can sometimes be the economic bellwether of a small town. Often it is the largest employer in the community, and the money brought in is one of the few sources of income that… Read more »

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  teapartydoc
5 years ago

It’s beyond average people. We need leaders and experts to guide us on these things.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  teapartydoc
5 years ago

Thank you for that valuable info. I had not known that.

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Reply to  teapartydoc
5 years ago

It’s right; a hospital is an infusion of federal funds into a small community via Medicare and Medicaid. It also requires a certain level of technical capability which equates to white. Hence the resentment from above. They would rather see everyone be miserable than whites succeed and other groups fail.

Reply to  teapartydoc
5 years ago

“Rural hospitals get far less reimbursement for the same diagnosis codes than urban hospitals…”

Interesting claim. Link?

Reply to  Gandydancer
5 years ago

I don’t have any links because I don’t learn everything from the internet. I was once asked by a rural hospital admin if I knew the shortest road route to the next big town because if it was eithin some set limit his hospital would qualify for higher reimbursement.

No one talks about low rural hospital reimbursement, they talk in terms of big city hospitals requiring additional monies because of the special stresses of urban healthcare, which ignores the special stresses of rural healthcare.

It basically boils down to money going where the votes are.

5 years ago

As a parasite, Mathias rightly views any dissenter as an existential threat and consequently behaves with the desperation of a cornered rat. You cannot reason with a cornered rat. You cannot persuade a cornered rat to desist. You cannot expect a rabid cornered rat to stop snarling and biting. A healthy society does not keep a rabid cornered rat as a pet.

5 years ago

These leftist agitators act this way for a simple reason. Because they can. Whether or not they succeed in destroying their intended target they NEVER suffer any personal consequences for their abusive behavior. Normal functional people tend to pretend they are harmless nutjobs and never hold them accountable for their evil conduct. And while they are nutjobs they are NOT harmless. They destroy countless lives causing untold grief, heartache and ruin. This needs to change. And if the system won’t hold them accountable then their victims should do so…… Extrajudicially if necessary. Until these evil crusaders start paying a price… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dan
5 years ago

Yes, that is a major issue with the Left. Failing has no consequences. It’s a great bet. You either win or nothing happens, like getting free lottery tickets. Why wouldn’t they keep trying. It works some of the time and that’s all that they need.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Dan
5 years ago

I used to joke that horsewhipping scoundrels into the gutter should make a comeback. Years ago when I commented under my real name at the WSJ had a Social Vengeance Warrior get butthurt, doxx my phone number and call one evening to threaten to “set me straight”. We had a fulsome discussion that included some helpful facts about terminal ballistics and that I was going to report a credible physical threat to local PD. Perhaps the dead-fucking-serious-flat tone in my voice made an impression and he went away. That was over ten years ago. Not sure it would end the… Read more »

Reply to  Dan
5 years ago

this maybe might make misinformation trolling an interesting idea.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Dan
5 years ago

Well … dueling is founded upon a code and a sense of honor, so …

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Have you noticed that these leftists, though always accusing us of hate, are on fire with one thousand times the hate of any of our guys? A classic example of the “liberals always project” rule.

And when people don’t suppress their hate, but instead support it with sanctimony and rationalizations, that’s dangerous. And in the end, I suspect, they may turn us into the haters they always said we were.

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Read the comments by Benjamin on the article linked ( a fellow lunatic) by the Zman. I think the term for him is cognitive dissonance.

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

I’m a hater. When I think about Justine Damond getting shot and killed by an enricher or James Fields going to jail for life or think about Tucker Carlson’s beautiful children who the left hates not just because they’re his but because they’re beautiful, I hate them back.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

“I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.”

Psalm 139: 22.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

The trial presumably wasn’t fair but Fields deserved his sentences. Save your advocacy for those who’ve suffered actual injustices (the KKK guy who drove off flamethrower man, the League of the South guys attacked at the garage…).

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Gandydancer
5 years ago

Puh-leez grandpa… 411 years in prison for vehicular manslaughter (and even that is questionable). He deserved to do time but the sentence was outrageous and egregious.

That was a fucking show trial in a kangaroo court. You, boomer, are a HUGE part of the problem. Your generation has screwed us and goofballs like you still haven’t gotten the memo apparently.

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

It’s stupid to blame Boomers. Average people don’t determine the course the political elite take.

Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Read Ted Kaczynski’s take on leftists and hate. Not that he is the only insightful person on this, but he does go on about their lust for power and their projection.

Kirk Forlatt
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Interesting little video on hate. Tip o’ the hate to Heartiste…


Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Yeah, well, let me be the first to say it: I hate their goddamn guts.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

“I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies.” Ps. 139.

just joe
just joe
Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

they’ve done it to me.I’m turned, i’m old, and ready to take some with me — big C and a mound of smoking brass >>> just big C!

5 years ago

People like Mathias and Lock Boyce aren’t going to go away, and there aren’t just a few of them. They’re everywhere. Their minds cannot be changed and they are highly motivated to seek power over us. There is no solution in which we continue to live together in the same nation.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

This should bother me but it doesn’t. I guess its going to come to lead. It comes to mind the movie V, the fascist Northfire ‘bad guys” a left wing satire of an authoritarian state was freer and more functional in many ways than the real life UK There were old people being British , tons of kids and young people. In other words a functional civilization. I suspect Saxon the parodic action TV show was better than the current Dr. Who Dialed back a notch its a pretty good model Of course in fairness the creative Left has such… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

We’re not getting out of this without a serious fight. No peaceful divorce is possible with this power hungry group of fanatics. They’ll only stop when their side starts ending up morgue and in very sizable numbers.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
5 years ago

One thing about the first response business, one gets to spend more time up close and personal with “vibrancy” in a couple months than all the armchair Progressives do in a lifetime. It’s really easy to get cynical and/or develop what normies would consider odd tastes in humor.

Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

1st responders have wicked senses of humor, it is a defense mechanism against seeing the worst of humanity on a daily basis.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Unknownsailor
5 years ago

Trust me, between doing Fire/EMS on the side and growing up in a family full of combat vets, I still get some odd looks in my day job down on Wall St.

Reply to  Unknownsailor
5 years ago

Now, Now, the acceptable terms are vibrancy or diversity, not ” the worst of humanity”

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Always preferred “dregs”

just joe
just joe
Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

my buddy did EMT in N hollywood; got spat on and cursed for ruining the high of blue lipped unresponsive corpses-in-training… his fantasy was to hitch a wood chipper to the rig…

5 years ago

Through most of the night, McNabb taunted others, including a 10 News camera, while openly reading a copy of a pro-white book.

Lol. It’s Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin. They can’t paint it as an anti-Black/Jewish/whatever book, because it’s not. But they, revealingly, react to “pro-white” as if it should somehow be shocking.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

“Taunting by Reading”:. Gotta be a felony, at least.

Yeah the way “pro-white” was used in that article jumped out at me, too.

5 years ago

Never been a fan of TRS, but his framing at the beginning was perfect. Think that PuffedHo or any of these other media hacks care about children, public safety, personal morality, or even the identity groups they pretend to represent? It’s the fakest of fake concern, never anything more than a public performance to sell ads or punish ideological enemies.

Everyone should take a page from this; Molyneux has made the same point. Don’t try to defend yourself, just point out their incompetence, incoherence and glaring hypocrisy.

Tax Slave
5 years ago

Assuming Mathias lives hundreds if not thousands of miles away from McNabb and where he works, why in the fuck would anyone give him the time of day? Who is really “mentally ill” here, Mathias, or the compliant sheep that cower at his threats?

Reply to  Tax Slave
5 years ago

Next, Mathius will demand that McNabb bake him a cake, and claim damage when he doesn’t.

Mathius is a “job wanted” ad.
“Pick me! I’ll do it, pick me!”

If this isn’t malicious intent to harm, I don’t know what is. It seems that the whole system is a one-sided demonstration of power, the #MeToo Party. Join #MeToo!

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Sorry, Tax, I missed it.
Why do “the compliant sheep .
…cower at his threats?”

Corporations aren’t converged intially, but converged against their will.

We have got to find a way to reintroduce real risk to lawyers, judges, and their disparate impact tools. Hint: real, risk.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Mathius is evil but an astute career man. He knows which way the winds are blowing and who is the real power behind the thrown. He provides a white goy face to the plan and will be rewarded well for his service

5 years ago

I’m reminded of an fellow I knew who pretty much worked from age 15 to his mid 30’s. He didn’t have much education and ended up doing hard physical labor in very rough work environments. Oil patch roughneck was his latest job He came into some serious money in his mid 30’s and bought a house, truck etc Shortly after moving to his new neighborhood there was social function where he met one of his neighbors, a lawyer, who told him that he should set aside at least $500,000 as he would need it, as he was now a target… Read more »

Reply to  robins111
5 years ago

These are like bed time stories to me.Now I can drift off pleasantly.

Reply to  robins111
5 years ago

See ……. yet another example of the point I was making the other day about how eliminating the cash economy is really going to screw you.


5 years ago

“It’s how sensible elites maintain order.”

Anyone on here know any sensible elites? I’d like to contact them.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Funny you should ask. I am friends with some uppercrust super wealthy “elites” through a hobby of mine. I was having lunch with a couple of them when a local (((business))) man came by our table to kiss their asses a little bit. Their demeanor went from friendly to curt quick. The quote: “that’s why we don’t let them the club”. And by club they mean the high end country club whose initiation fee is more than I could make in a lifetime, and I do OK. The club let a black dude in though.

Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

“The club let a black dude in though.”

Either virtue signaling or strategic tokenism.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I met the black dude they let in and he is on the far end of the curve, and a nice enough guy, but honestly, it was strategic tokenism.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Sometime long ago the sensible thing for the elite to do is to surrender. Too much to lose or just don’t care? Doesn’t really matter.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

It’s like the question they ask about cuckservatives like Jeff Flake. “Is he stupid or gullible?” And the answer is: “What difference does it make?”

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I noted somewhere else today that Jeff Flake has Resting-Cuck-Face.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Or just SEE them.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

The Swiss. With the exception of one Central Banker a few years back, they are usually sensible enough to keep so far in the background as to be anonymous.

5 years ago

I heard Goad interview McNabb and he came off as a very knowledgeable professional in his field. He is definitely a smart guy, one just has to get past his physical appearance.

Good for him to fight this. You mentioned he is a volunteer, so this is not his regular job?

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Lot of times it’s a mix of vollies, paid-on-call and full time paid. Was volunteer Fire/EMS for years. Funny thing is, even in “vibrant” areas the bulk of guys are white, not all that personally enthusiastic about the natives, but never saw an instance where that affected service. Even in one of the vibrant adjacent cities next door, where we routinely mutual aided their chronically understaffed paid department, we’d never hesitate even though we had to ride “heavy” with an extra guy just to watch over the rig so everything didn’t get stripped off it.

Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

The county McNabb works in is (according to wikileftopedia) 91% white and 6% black, with a smattering of other vibrancy.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Steve
5 years ago

You don’t have to use Wiki–lefty–pedia. There’s an excellent alternative now:


Reply to  Saml Adams
5 years ago

Just yesterday I came across an article saying that firefighter is among the Whitest and malest of all professions — Whiter and maler than police or military combat arms (both of which are very White male). Unfortunately, I can’t remember on which site I read it!

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

I think yer lyin’. The TV is telling me that at 25% are women – and of the rest at least 50% are black.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Yep. In one of the cities next in our county, they eliminated the criminal conviction disqualified to get more vibrancy. All that happened was the guys we sent up the FTC for the FF I&II classes complained they had to put locks lockers provided since shit kept getting stolen. When I went through you could leave anything out and no one would touch it. Only place safer from pilferage was a shooting range.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I saw “paid volunteer” in the link.

An oxymoron surely.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

At your prompting I looked up a story on this at WSLS.com. McNabb was described as paid part-time.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

He has said on his podcast that he works there one day a week.

5 years ago

We want a wall on the border because then nobody has to treat anyone bad, so perfect a response by today’s America. Don’t want a trail of Mexican tears back to the border. Let the Wall do it. Perfect passive aggressive faggotry.
We could never do Operation Wetback because we don’t have the fucking stones to drag some bitch by her hair and throw her ass and her kids back across the river.

Burger Pattie Joe
Burger Pattie Joe
5 years ago

What an A hole.

Please… Write a series of posts about how these people are financed, get paid, derive income? I want to learn how to effectively investigate the harassment mob and their financiers. Especially any kind of NGO that channels tax financed funding. This isn’t where taxes are supposed to go and when the public learns that, there will be hell to pay.

Reply to  Burger Pattie Joe
5 years ago

“when the public learns that, there will be hell to pay”

You do lead a rich fantasy life, don’t you?

Reply to  Burger Pattie Joe
5 years ago

….. IF ONLY STALIN KNEW !!! ….. right?

5 years ago

ot awakening:

“$2.9 billion annually for AIDS funding = totally noncontroversial, not even worth mention, really.

$5 billion for border security = government shutdown.

Yeah, we’re not voting our way out of this.”


5 years ago

I’m going to need access to your computer for that.

James LePore
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

You’re right. How do I delete my comment????

Albionic American
Albionic American
5 years ago

The Virgin Mathias feels threatened by the Chad McNabb.

Seriously, McNabb has become a target because he doesn’t fit our elites’ propaganda stereotype about the white nationalist as a loser. He comes across as intelligent, competent and responsible. And worst of all from our elites’ perspective, he has committed the sin of fathering a white baby with his wife.

5 years ago

I loved the guy in the crowd saying Amen every time the chairman said the word racism. Best part was when he plugged the show though, fantastic.

5 years ago

Personally, I was hoping McNabb would show up in prison stripes with 1488 written on his arm.

Until the time comes to slap leather, mockery is our greatest weapon.

Tax Slave
Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

Unfortunately this would go over most leftists heads. They might actually use it to call him an antisemite.

5 years ago

“One day, the target will not be reasonable and he will not be concerned about the rules.” “it being reasonable and just, I should have a right to destroy that which threatens me with destruction: for, by the fundamental law of nature, man being to be preserved as much as possible, when all cannot be preserved, the safety of the innocent is to be preferred: and one may destroy a man who makes war upon him, or has discovered an enmity to his being, for the same reason that he may kill a wolf or a lion; because such men… Read more »

5 years ago

I just finished listening. I have a lot of doc/nurse friends. Sorry folks, if your problems are largely self-inflicted they’re not speaking admiringly of you when they’re out of earshot. Regardless of politics.

5 years ago

I didn’t see the video but I heard the audio on TDS. The guys said the only one clapping was the Negro. You should listen. This is rural VA, not Shartsville. Boyce’s act was a huge dud. It’s a nice white pill (we need them) to see these Whites not jump on the “burn the heretic” bandwagon.

5 years ago

The elites in the institutions and upper classes treat middle Americans with the same disgust and derision that Yankees heaped on southerners in the past. Now Yankees are looked down upon as a disgusting group of inbred back-assward country fucks. I find it hilarious when Boomers talk about muh constitution or healthcare, That shit is over, those memes are dead, the future is Infinity-migration, your country is gone. Interesting that El Presidente Trump has many other ways of battling immigration at his disposal but it has to be a wall, and when that fails that’s it, guess we have to… Read more »

Reply to  Altlander
5 years ago

Duped? Speak for yourself, don’t presume to speak for me.

Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

Interesting post! I’m intrigued about something, this is not meant to be trolling, but what is meant by the “true believer” demonym I see tossed around from time to time? It’s typically used in reference to some over the top neo nazi skin head sort. Also, in the movie The Believer, for instance. Does it mean that most of the alt right type posters are merely entertainers, that you don’t see yourselves as a legitimate political interest and subtly mock those who do? For example, McNabb likened himself to the Jerky Boys. Clearly TRS is mostly entertainment, but what about… Read more »

Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

Read the True Believer by Eric Hoffer

Babe Ruthless
Babe Ruthless
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

The Zman and dissident right guys usually mean the type described in Hoffer’s book “The True Believer,” for whom politics is a kind of quasi-religious fanaticism.


Also see this unsettling link, which I just found based on a comment above, which mentions the True Believer in entry #222:


Reply to  Babe Ruthless
5 years ago

Eric Hoffer cannot be recommended enough. It’s like he took a time machine to today from 1948.

House of Pancakes
House of Pancakes
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

This is a common misconception; Christians are indeed working from facts. The Gospels are eyewitness accounts. They are facts in evidence. Nobody saw Mohammed fly to the moon on a magic horse, nobody saw the Angel Gabriel talking to Mohammed, but plenty of people saw the ministry, trial, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. I don’t want to start a long zany religious quibble, this is just a question of different types of materials, a difference which is easily lost in the glosses of off-the-cuff comparisons.

Reply to  House of Pancakes
5 years ago

Here’s a fun fact about Muhammad and his magic horse. Which of course was entirely a dream that he flew to the Temple Mount and that is Muslim entire claim to Jerusalem. The horse had a name. Barak

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Barak also appears in the Book of Judges in the OT. Commanded Deborah’s armies.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  House of Pancakes
5 years ago

Not quite. Granted Christianity has a more rational base than some other religions as it happened in historical times , the record if only do to the passage of time is sketchy However no one can prove they saw a resurrection only what they thought was a resurrection. People right now every day come back from injuries as bad as or worse than Jesus had but we can’t rightly claim magic Also as the Old Testament is a required part of Christianity bat least it was in my day Huge parts of that are outright myth and the best evidence… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Don’t mix up evangelical Christianity with actual Christianity that commands us to reason and prove. The former is completely emotion based, as is shown by most congregations complete acceptance of equalitarianism and immigration.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  ronehjr
5 years ago

I’m not

No one can prove the central tenant of Christianity, the Resurrection much less the more abstract things like the existence of Sin or Jehovah being the actual creator

It still requires faith

Practiced properly Christianity is an excellent religion however and even its crappier forms aren’t too bad however

The West can only survive with folk religions or Christianity. Nothing else will work.

Reply to  House of Pancakes
5 years ago

” The Gospels are eyewitness accounts. They are facts in evidence.”
How do you know that?

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

No one knows that for certain . Its an article of faith.

There are even a few scholars who question the existence of Jesus as the Gospels show him or other facets and these are not all anti Christian ones.

I do not agree myself but its a thing.

Christianity may be more rational than some religions and a damn sight better than most. Its still requires faith over proof which is fine. People need something to believe in

cue Poison


pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

By the same standards of evidence applied to all ancient documents.

Find me ANY other historic fact of the Roman age attested by four (and actually more than four) roughly contemporaneous accounts. Good luck.

Reply to  House of Pancakes
5 years ago

No, the Gospels aren’t “eyewitness accounts”. That claim is ignorance on stilts.

pimpkin\'s nephew
pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

No healthy system of belief is based on ‘facts and reason’. That’s an Enlightenment conceit which has led to nightmares.

Take it easy on the Evangelicals; they don’t kill people.

Reply to  pimpkin\'s nephew
5 years ago

Evangelicals don’t kill people?

Tell that to Iraqis and Palestinians.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

It’s a very old phrase that means the same thing as “dyed-in-the-wool.” You don’t need to read a book; just know American English. I’m assuming you are a “visitor.”

just joe
just joe
Reply to  Chaotic Neutral
5 years ago

True believers have broken minds — their infinite utopia does not and cannot exist but outweighs every fact and prevents the use of logic.

5 years ago

Watch the video of the exchange between the chairman of the Board of Supervisors


Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Talking to yourself again I see.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Best way to guarantee an interesting and enlightened conversation.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

You don’t have to feign interest in your conversation partner. 🙂

5 years ago

Laura Ingraham interviews Brian Kolfage who is running the “Build the Wall” Go Fund Me page


ps. Would you consider adding CC to your blogroll?

Ben Green
Ben Green
5 years ago

Words have consequences….. free speech or not. Racist hate speech have no place in our society even under the blanket of the first ammendment….. especially por the purpose of “entertainment”. Say what you want and if what you say has consequences, own those consequenses. Be kind and respectful to one another…… it’s really not that hard. Just remember, a Nazi has no place in civilized society. You’ve no right to debate, no right to discussion, nothing. We literally fought a war over it and we’ll do it again if necessary. It’s time to get back in your holes and be… Read more »

Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

Troll or satire?

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Troll. I was just about to down-vote it.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Sounds like he’s just another progressive puritan missionary venturing into the land of the heathens to show us how virtuous and pure he is.

Reply to  Anon
5 years ago

Good point. I should have said

Troll, Satire or True Believer?

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Anon
5 years ago

It’s as though the whole damned world had been turned into a gigantic Unitarian Sunday School from which there seems to be no escape.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Or maybe he’s just another pathological altruist wearing his rose-colored glasses.

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Yawn. Duck and troll.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

This is the same Benjamin copying/pasting his BS from the linked news site.

Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

(((Neither.))) Or (((both)))

Reply to  Mysteerious Rooshian Vooman
5 years ago

“Benjamin” denies being Jewish. Whoever copied him triggered your lunacy, I see.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

see my comment above

Tax Slave
Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

comment image

Bartleby the Scrivener
Bartleby the Scrivener
Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

Is this that Tiny Duck guy? Oh brother.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivener
5 years ago

Looks like Teeny Dick to me too.

Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

Cash that Soros bux check, buddy.

House of Pancakes
House of Pancakes
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

These twats who go around saying “speech has consequences” always seem to forget that “consequences” can ALSO have consequences.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

Troll or satire, Ben is actually right in a sense. We can’t exist in the same society. The other white tribe truly believes that white identity and the desire of some whites to associate with their own people is an abomination, something beyond the pale of a civilized society. The idea of a group of whites freely discussing racial differences and choosing to set up a white community within the overall society is simply not tolerable. We cannot be allowed to operate within that society. In their minds, we’re no different than a pedophile. We viscerally disgust them – and,… Read more »

Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

So does that mean that you oppose the terms “white privilege,” “implicit bias,” “institutional racism,” etc? Or do you think those are “real things” rather than anti-white racist hate speech?

Reply to  Steve
5 years ago

I’ve always found that the reply to accusations of “White Privilege”
are best met by
Oh, you mean White Heritage, where I adhere to the beliefs behaviors and attitudes that my people developed over centuries and which built the modern word?

Tully Bascombe
Tully Bascombe
Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

These are some choice comments from (((Benjamin))), the jew troll from the linked article

Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

Can you see it? Little bitchy Benny dressed up………. as Kirk on………. the bridge of the Enterprise, lecturing ………… himself in…….. the mirror and……..

Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

fyi: I recognize the above as a pastiche of comments, by “Benjamin” (and others?) on the WSLS article linked to by zman.

Reply to  Ben Green
5 years ago

Who is this “we” that’s going to fight a war? Not you or your buddies, I would wager..