The Case For Reparations Talk

Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris has tried to stir things up by coming out with a plan for reparations. Her scheme is short on details, but it is basically an as yet undefined special tax break for qualified people. She’s not the only left-wing candidate supporting the idea, but she is the first to talk about it in any specifics. It is an idea the radicals all think is a winning idea. For now, most are content to offer lip service, while making references to Ta-Nahisi Coates and his 2014 essay The Case For Reparations.

There’s an assumption among white radicals that all blacks have committed that essay to memory. In reality, 90% of blacks have never heard of Coates or his essay. That’s because Coates is the sort of boutique black that is only popular with the sorts of bourgeois radicals you see on the college campus or the Acela. He is the sort of black that only Progressives can love, in that he confirms all of their deepest held beliefs about their righteousness and never dares ask the wrong questions.

The amusing thing about their love for Coates is that he tends to make the case you often hear on this side of the great divide. His essay is so poorly written and constructed, it’s nearly impossible to critique, as that would require taking it seriously. It veers between conspiracy theory and emotive gibberish. There’s a paranormal quality to much of it, as he works from the assumption that racism is this spirit force that manipulates whites into doing bad things to blacks, without them ever noticing it.

Of course, the usual suspects are in a panic over this sudden burst of honesty from the radicals leading the anti-white coalition. They will never say it, but they know Hillary lost because she was unable to fool enough white voters. If whites wake up from their hallucinations and suddenly see things as they are, the coalition of the ascendant is in a lot of trouble. Telling Baby Boomers that they plan to take their loot and give it to blacks is the fastest way to get them off the golf course and into activism.

That is, of course, part of the plan. The Democrats always run far Left in their primary and then come back to less insane positions in the general. They can rely on the media to memory hole their nuttier comments and positions. They can also count on Republicans to never bring this stuff up. More important, they will never have to explain their plan or defend it against a thoughtful response. Instead, they will rely on the usual suspects in Conservative Inc. to play their role as the racist bigot opposed to reparations.

That’s an important thing to get here. The Left is all about morality. Whatever details they offer are just the minimum to complete the stage set. What they are doing here is carving out two roles, one for themselves and one for the Boomer right-winger, who seems to only care about his money, rather than justice. The role for Lefty in this play is to be seen as heroically defending the helpless non-whites, who are endlessly under assault from the institutional white privilege. The right-wing Boomer always falls for this gag.

There is a better response, one that the media and palace guards from Conservative Inc. will fight to make sure never happens. That answer is to agree, in principle, with the concept of reparations for the descendants of slaves. The one condition is that it has to be a good faith effort to arrive at a number that pays the debt in full. Since we’re mostly talking about cash payments, whatever that number is and whatever the degree of vengeance required, the final number has to stamp the debt “paid in full.”

That is, after all, the point of reparations. The person claiming to have been harmed, seeks to be made whole, by the person causing the harm. After a war, the winner will impose reparations on the loser, in order to facilitate peace. The cost of winning and imposing peace is imposed on the loser as both punishment and restitution. Once the debt is paid, that’s the end of it. If payments are supposed to continue into forever, without end, then that’s not reparations. That’s tribute and that’s what needs to be established.

That’s why a thoughtful person should always respond to this issue with a willingness to discuss the issue. The first question to Harris should be, “Is this a good faith effort to reach a final settlement, where the debt to blacks is fully paid?” Most likely, she would not know how to answer the question. The reason for that is she does not understand the definition of the word reparations. It just resonates with her target audience. What she and they, however, have in mind is tribute, a browngeld to be paid forever.

This is why responding to this stuff on-line with nutty demands like “Well, I’ll give them reparations once they return to Africa” is as dumb as blacks thinking they will be getting an extra check on top of what they get now. It just reinforces the moral argument made by the radicals, while blinding the intended victims to what’s happening. White people need to understand that they will pay. That’s written in stone. The question is, what do we get for those payments? When is this debt finally stamped “paid in full?”

Inevitably, the radicals representing the coalition of the ascendant cannot put a number on it and they cannot agree that there is a number. That’s because they are talking about tribute, rather than reparations. The question that must always follow a demand for tribute is, “If we refuse, then what?” Tribute must always include the threat of force and that’s what has been true about the Left for a long time. It’s why they avoid facts and logic. They make the demands with the assumption everyone knows what “or else” means.

Another angle to this approach is it would inevitably reveal another truth to what’s happening in this age. The radicals would not be able to limit the scope to the descendants of former slaves. Look at the language all of them are using. They never specifically say descendants of slaves. Harris simply says “qualified people of all races.” The reason for this is they are not championing the cause of American blacks, they are leading a coalition of non-whites, many of whom just got here, against white people.

For example, most whites are unaware that South Asians are in on this. Spend time in the Imperial Capital and you’ll notice most of the IT work is done by Indians. Africans, as in people from Africa, can go through special doors to get into colleges and graduate schools, simply because they are black. Latinos have their free pass too. None of these people have plausible grievance against American whites, but they get the handout because they are not white. That’s a reality white people need to face.

Seriously discussing this helps break the conditioning that seems to keep the older generations in a daze, as if they are drugged. The ascendant will never embrace the culture of American whites. They seek to drain the resources and power from whites, so they can dictate terms. This is not a competition they seek to win and then be generous to the vanquished. There is no generosity in their heart. We know this because there is no gratitude there ether. For them, reparations are vengeance with a dollar sign.

The point of our project is to raise awareness and wake up as many whites as possible to the new reality of this age. This is an opportunity to do just that. To allow mindless civic nationalists to lapse into their programmed responses is a mistake. These normie whites need to be slapped across the face and one way to do that is to embrace the issue of reparations seriously and dispassionately. Ask the question, “What is the number that pays the debt in full?” The answer is another red pill.

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5 years ago

To paraphrase from Burnham’s Suicide of the West quote: When I am weak and you are strong I ask for my liberty because that is your principle. When I am strong and you are weak I take away your liberty because that is my principle. It’s always a power play or shakedown. Reframing it as you did as tribute is a better way to put it. Our enemies can’t be argued or reasoned with, or even shamed with the hypocrisy they always display. People haven’t even noticed how the game has constantly changed and the goal posts moved. Legacy of… Read more »

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago


That’s like reframing the Battle of Kursk. The men are dead, the tanks are knocked out; spin won’t help.

After we “pay in full”, blacks will still be who they are now. We’re promising to fix them. If the plumber doesn’t fix your sink, he comes back on his own nickel until he does fix it. Well, we’ll be coming back a long, long time before we fix this one.

And it doesn’t matter what we think about it. How many divisions has whitey? Zero. Discussion over.

Reply to  Wilbur Hassenfus
5 years ago

I don’t know, if we kill enough of the whites supporting this bullshit, we have a fighting chance..

5 years ago

The issue of reparations came up for the first time about 25 years ago. I remember watching some guy on TV say what a good thing it would be because we could finally put a number on it and be done with blacks constantly complaining about slavery. I thought it was a good idea back then, and still do. But as Zman says, minorities will never let whites off the hook. If reparations were to be granted them, the next item on our agenda would be to have affirmative action canceled because it would no longer be necessary. Don’t hold… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Put that is part of the quid pro quo – reparations in exchange for debt paid in full, including affirmative action cancelled, release of all claims, known and unknown, etc., etc. Just be sure to get it into the settlement agreement. If they refuse, then i guess they just aren’t serious about reparations.

Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

“Sometimes you just have to walk away from a deal”—some President somewhere.

Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

The Left has (perhaps unconsciously) anticipated this. Racial quotas haven’t been about compensation for slavery for some time. The (not so) new justification is ‘diversity,’ which we all know by now is our strength. In Grutter v. Bollinger Justice O’Conner estimated that affirmative action would only be necessary for 25 years. That deadline is in 9 years. That deadline is dead letter and always was, because it is based on the blank slate theory and everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that that theory is total horsesh__. As a result, racial (and gender) quotas will continue until… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Reparations and constantly bringing up past sins is just an admission that they can’t survive without whiteys help into perpetuity.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Wrong. They honestly believe that whitey is keeping them down via conscious and unconscious racism – a form of voodoo. They believe that if whites gave up their racism, we’d all achieve equally. They believe that so long as there are gaps, white racism still exists and, therefore, whites should be punished.

Since those gaps will never go away, whites will be punished forever.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Right. Who cares if they “honestly” believe they’re being held down? All you have to do to talk around that bullshit belief is point out that human history is full of peoples that just TOOK what they wanted – sometimes as a distinct minority . They didn’t whine about being “held back”. The Afrikaaners didn’t move to South Africa and whine about the blacks owning everything. They took that shit over and ruled the place. Wright is right. Reparations and the constant bleating about past sins is a tacit admission that you can’t compete without help. Pretty sure even Jordan… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

I agree, but our target audience isn’t POC but normie whites. We need some of them to find their way across the great divide and this is a way to do that.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

You get the normie whites to get on board by continually provoking the POC to chimp out. Sooner or later the normies are going to suffer directly from it and get “woke”.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Thomas Sowell: Reparations were paid in a 1968 program. It ended up $15 a negro.

O Gangster
O Gangster
5 years ago

Well written article. This line is gold: “Telling Baby Boomers that they plan to take their loot and give it to blacks is the fastest way to get them off the golf course and into activism.”

5 years ago

Maybe I’m just rephrasing the thesis here, but I think there needs to be a companion step – a condition precedent – and that is getting them to actually define what “paid in full” means. Does it mean no more affirmative action? No more preferences? A restoration to true property rights and freedom of association?

But I totally agree, taking this stuff seriously in order to unmask it is a smart way to lift the veil of those dupes in the middle who don’t pay enough attention to this stuff.

Dr. Murdoch
Dr. Murdoch
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I’ve seen massive back of a napkin tallies of a century of welfare, foodstamps, EBT and assorted fees that have already been paid. This doesn’t take into account affirmative action or the ‘brown tax’ you pay for ‘good school districts’, nor the real and social costs related to 13-50.

Does calculating and presenting this, with a receipt ‘paid in full’, ‘now GFY’, work in your argument to reframe?

Reply to  Dr. Murdoch
5 years ago

I think it plays back into their hands if you say “we already paid”. Their rhetoric is that we *haven’t* paid. Bringing up the past is what they want you to do so they can call you a racist. Instead, talk about the actual proposal now. Because that’s what they *don’t* want to talk about.

Reply to  Dr. Murdoch
5 years ago

That’s the thing, actual numbers are all phoney-baloonie. “Real” calculations are laughable, what you’re actually dealing with is “indignity damages.” Say we agree us gov pays cash money, $100,000 per slave in 1865, inherited down to surviving descendants. That’s $400 billion from FedGov – but in reality this is just MMT and it’s all OPM and Monopoly money anyway. Or screw it, do a million, that’s just quantitative easing part 4, add another zero. And that makes Z’s point: In exchange, that wipes the slate clean, right? So then why would they oppose repealing all the Great Society legislation? We… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

You are a wise man Z.

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Z is a solace and a balm.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I’ve used this method on other issues before, playing the role of the very woke white. It works extremely well. Take the academic achievement gap. Suggest concrete actions that could be taken to help blacks. Bring up busing or Section 8 vouchers to get blacks into wealthy whites’ neighborhoods. Suggest that white kids should be required to work with black kids at school, maybe have them join after-school groups together. Suggested hiring black and Hispanic teachers as roll modes, and if we can’t find enough certified teachers, we should have a program allowing uncertified teachers in the school if they… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I like this, Citizen. It’s been pretty easy for a lot of whites to “not be racist”, even though they might move out of neighborhoods getting too diverse, citing “good schools” as a reason. Forcing the issue on them is a good way to move them off their moral (not racist) perch.

A Texan
A Texan
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

The goal is to wake up normie whites who either aren’t paying attention, or who are currently deluded into thinking that supporting social programs, race-based quotas which punish whites who never considered owning a slave, let alone ever did so (oh, excuse me, “Affirmative Action”), etc. Wake them up, get some reasonable percentage of them to vote the right way (or vote in the first place – there’s a lot of apathy out there), and you relegate the reparations people into well-deserved obscurity. You will NEVER convince the vast majority of POC, because they generally aren’t motivated or conditioned (by… Read more »

5 years ago

The hilarious part of the whole thing is that Harris is descended from plantation slave owners.

The girl with far-away eyes
The girl with far-away eyes
5 years ago

Another question to ask:

Where does the money come from? Because if it comes from the treasury, then it’s coming from all taxpayers, which means blacks are funding their own reparations. This is obviously intolerable. But exempting blacks would increase the burden on other oppressed peoples, and why should they have to pay to expiate white sins? So in order for it to be fair it would really have to be a special extraordinary tax applied solely to whites.

Reply to  The girl with far-away eyes
5 years ago

Good point. I understand and agree with what Zman is trying to do with reframing the argument – and I disagree with his opinion of saying: ” ok here’s reparations – now you’re going back to Africa”. I see that as just a different reframe. In fact I’ve been saying for a long time: “sure I’m all for repatriation! ” in response to people who scream “reparations!”. The reparations crowd usually has such a feeble understanding of the English language that they think I’m agreeing with them. If my tax load suddenly has a line item that says “pay back… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The girl with far-away eyes
5 years ago

You’re getting into details – because you’re a smart white guy. But details don’t matter.

This is marketing, not accounting.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

To be more transparent: I’ve never had the reparations discussion with an actual black person.

To your point about marketing: If I had to discuss reparations with an actual black person, my response would be something along the lines of : ” I hope you realize that if you try to force reparations down my throat – I’m going to be highly motivated to want you dead – and EVERY single other white person I know feels the same way”.

It doesn’t matter if the “ever other white person” thing is true or not.

How’s that for marketing?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

That’s negotiating. And I like it!

Regardless, I’m just trying to force white people to realize that we’re slowing becoming slaves (helots, really). If they’re okay with that because it gives them some perverted masochistic pleasure, well, I say, let’em die.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I hope you think this is worth dying for – is a statement that really makes a person stand up and take notice. Recently I’ve taken to using the argument: ” you know – I don’t why people keep putting themselves into the position where they make me come to the conclusion that my life would be better if they were just dead” Sometimes I get a ” what do you mean by that?”. To which I respond: “there’s people I really like, I WANT them around and in my life. Then there’s an awful lot of people that I… Read more »

The girl with far-away eyes
The girl with far-away eyes
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

This is marketing, not accounting.

Correct. Maybe I’m not much of a marketer, but I was trying to do what Zman suggests: find a way of showing ordinary decent wooly-headed white people that “reparations” is code for tribute.

Reply to  The girl with far-away eyes
5 years ago

If it’s reparations and not “tribute”…i.e. a 1 off payment, I’m all for dividing the tab equally among every existing white person. IN RE: The BROWNGELD: Citizen “W”: you now owe Citizen “B” a check in the amount of $500,000. Payable now. Your federal government will loan you the money at a reasonable rate of interest. (terms are non-dischargeable in bankruptcy, also non-negotiable, and payments will be withheld from any paycheck you receive). That would be nice. Every white man, woman, and child would get the bill. In one generation, maybe two, it’s all over. Then it’s done. No more… Read more »

The girl with far-away eyes
The girl with far-away eyes
Reply to  Chuckles
5 years ago

It’s a new “white man’s burden”, and the last one we ever agree to.

No, if you agree to it once, you’ll agree the next time, and the next, and the next. What did Kipling say about the Danegeld?

Reply to  The girl with far-away eyes
5 years ago

” which means blacks are funding their own reparations. ”

Who should fund the reparations of blacks like Barry the Kenyan?

Mark auld
Mark auld
5 years ago

Lord,I wish we had picked our own Damned cotton!

Reply to  Mark auld
5 years ago

I saw that once on a bumper sticker, on a redneck’s pickup somewhere in Alabama (I think), posted right next to the Rebel flag decal. Gave me an evil chuckle.

Reply to  Mark auld
5 years ago

There’s a line in the Canadian Lord’s prayer thanking god it was too cold for cotton to grow there.

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

Seriously discussing this helps break the conditioning that seems to keep the older generations in a daze. Yeah, I don’t know, man. The media and educational establishments have become so sociopathic and Stalinistic, monolithic in their voice and with the barely-concealed threat of violence behind their “humanitarian” appeals, that I wouldn’t put it past them to put this over on the cowed and browbeaten white normies. Look at all the garbage they’ll already accept. I don’t want want normie white to start quixotically thinking himself a great political debater: “Well, we just need a sane, rational, responsible way to carry… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

But “browngeld” is brilliant. Will be stealing for Twitter and Gab.

Roger U
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago


Most whites and especially boomers won’t get the reference.

Carl B.
Carl B.
5 years ago

MY reparations debt will be “paid in full” when I run out of ammo or die, whichever comes first. And I don’t GAF what Horizontal Harris and her ilk have to say about it.

“Molon Labe” applies to my firearms and any stupid attempts at extracting “reparations” money from me as well. I am a healthy, strong, and nasty old “Boomer” and at this point in my life I no longer GAF.

Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

You have completely missed the point. You are not even wrong.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Educated.Redneck
5 years ago

I got the point, pal. I just don’t GAF. The only thing that’s going to “wake up whitey” is violence and death. And it is coming. Same as it ever was.

5 years ago

There is no way in hell and god’s green earth that black or white reparation advocates will ever, ever, ever, ever agree to being “paid in full,” even they agree with this concept. They will always come back for more and more and more, regardless of the form or amount or type of “reparations” they receive. There simply is no way to win an argument with these folks; they are immune – actually they don’t care – to reason or facts. The liberal progressive/communist mind set is motivated by hatred and contempt of any group – white, black , hispanic,… Read more »

Oregon Hobo
Oregon Hobo
Reply to  JohnTyler
5 years ago

There is no way in hell and god’s green earth that black or white reparation advocates will ever, ever, ever, ever agree to being “paid in full,” even they agree with this concept. … You would have better luck reasoning with Heinrich Himmler about how to treat jewish folks. That’s exactly Z Man’s point. People in the mushy middle, and even passively liberal voters need to see that this is so. Discussing terms exposes the scam to the many who have been thus far able to keep the issue restrained to the fuzzy-thinking hemisphere of their brain where it only… Read more »

5 years ago

We’ve transferred something on the order of 20+ trillion dollars in browngeld payments during the past 50 years. Welfare, Grant, bs fed jobs, bs private sector jobs, cities and neighbors run into ruin, etc. All of this under the nose of the boomers, millennials and Xers. Even if they have to finally face reality those who have gone along to get along for so long will suddenly, at a calcified age, take action? Agreed it’s better to finally have everyone’s cards on the table. Expecting something to come of that? Longshot. BTW, we’re already a minority. A significant percentage of… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Oldvannes
5 years ago

YOu forget the WWII generation, the “notch” group between them and the boomers, and the group before the WWII folks … the malfeasance began in earnest on their watch. I’ve talked to many survivors of the WWII cadre. Some say they saw it happening way back when, but that no one thought things would really change so …

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Oldvannes
5 years ago

Baby step, my friend. Baby steps. It took us 60 years (more really) to get to this point. And we were calling the shots! It’s going to take just as long – if not longer – to get back home.

Just keep moving the ball forward.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I normally agree with most of what you post and just upvoted you on another comment here but you are waaaay off target on this one. “And we were calling the shots!” Umm… what? We are under withering fire from every angle with fewer places to find cover. Shitlib lefties and fake oppo ‘conservatives’ marching in lockstep. As for taking 60 years to reverse course. Check your watch. Demographics is destiny and time is a bitch. In 60 years there won’t be anyone left TO reverse course. You will have a South Africa / Brazil scenario where even with zero… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

Regarding calling the shots, I was more referring to 1950s and 1960s before the PC police hit hard and the Jews more or less took over, but, in general, you’re right. You’re also right about the time frame I gave. I thought about that after I hit send. Regardless, we have to do what we can, even if they’re baby steps. But I agree. As I stated above, the other side will never leave us alone willingly. They hate us and blame us for all of their ills. They want us dead or as slaves, apologizing all the while. That’s… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

It won’t happen 1950s white men are way stronger than current year white men and they decide to submit to government And Hell, I saw the Base Gen-z girl posting Abolished the Wall sign with mom Younger white boy aren’t much better when wearing trump hat and think voting republican party is only options You think 20 year later where white demographic reduce to 40 percent will fight back Anti-European Order? at that times I will actually surprise any pure European left, Think about Chinese literally exploit Africa and take aggressive action to their neighbor or Israelis who just made… Read more »

Reply to  Oldvannes
5 years ago

I lack your optimism. Probably because my perspective comes from California. I’ve watched it change from the Beach Boys, John Wayne, the early tech revolution, the flowering of the UC system and the beauty of its coast and mountains into neolithic savagery, tech enslavement of the young and ugliness everywhere. The whole time YT didn’t lift a finger to stop it. Those who did escape the rot even carried the poz elsewhere spreading the Californiacation. I’m more worried about our own tribe screwing us. The muds and the rootless cosmopolitans can only win if we defeat ourselves first. California is… Read more »

5 years ago

Gen Z is going to be working overtime with the helicopters and guillotines.

Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago

The Phalangists did nothing wrong.

Larkin Lover
Larkin Lover
5 years ago

The taxation idea is stupid: those “in need” of reparations are in dirt low tax brackets, while those in real tax brackets don’t need reparations! It will probably come in the form of credit card and student loan debt forgiveness. I bet we would all be surprised to learn to what degree this is already happening! What is the endpoint, the paid in full stamp? They are asking for equality of outcome, of course. When socioeconomically and in all measures of outcome(Nobel laureates?) nonwhites are equal to whites. It’s the perpetual motion machine of racial grievance I talked about before:… Read more »

Reply to  Larkin Lover
5 years ago

A lot of it is just going for the “gibs”. Tom Wolfe immortalized a good word for the shakedown process, “mau-mauing”.

Reply to  Larkin Lover
5 years ago

Anything other than actual cash money (or Federal Reserve notes if that’s what we are using) will present decades, at least of whingeing.
Debt forgiveness is an appalling idea. The most profligate get rewarded the most.

5 years ago

I’m all in favor of reparations – as long as the recipients also turn in their American passports in return for a one-way ticket out of the country.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Yes – exactly.

When people start screaming for reparations – they’re loudly admitting that they have no intention of participating in this country as constructed. Since you simply cannot have two peoples with two different views of a nation living together – one of them has to go.

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Tie your own blindfold it is. ::Sigh::

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Wrong attitude. This is about marketing to normie whites. Stop worrying about the details.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Your comment leads me to believe that you did not actually read the post, or if you did, you have failed to understand it.
In short, the position you are espousing has failed, repeatedly and over many decades. A new approach is needed unless you are willing to walk yourself into the killing field and tie your own blindfold.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

We’re thinking alike. 🙂

Repeating my link from above…

5 years ago

But I thought electing Obama already paid the white man’s debt in full?

Reply to  ConservativeFred
5 years ago

Wasn’t good enough because we didn’t let Hillary continue his reign of terror.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

Living in a California, supposedly the most diverse place on earth (possibly, I doubt it) it amazes me just how openly racist immigrants of all kinds are to the blacks. The blacks need Wonder Bread whitie to survive. These east asians (whom I get along with very well) literally call them monkeys out in the open. No PC filter. Same thing with eastern Europeans. Same thing with the latinos. They just make no bones about it. It’s only white bread Americans who look at blacks with humanity and acceptance. How ironic that they probably hate us the most. Pure ignorance.… Read more »

Total Mass Retain
5 years ago

A very simple, easy way to make the whole “reparations” question vanish like a puff of smoke is to shine a very bright spotlight on the extremely outsize role played by Jews in the slavery business. Jews were purchasers of slaves on the African coasts, they were the owners of /large/ numbers of slave ships, they were principal slave merchants in America, as well as disproportionate slave owners themselves. Furthermore Jews were large plantation owners in the Carribbean and Brazil — a vastly more cruel and brutal form of slavery than anything in the American South. Furthermore Jewish wealth from… Read more »

Reply to  Total Mass Retain
5 years ago

Thank you for mentioning the psychotic brutality of Welsh slavers where unrestrained- hung ’em on meathooks in the Carribean, they did.

Pointing out that 78% of Confederate slaveowners were Welsh and controlled King Cotton, and that Welsh alcohol fueled the Indian Wars and was opium to the Indians, would demand a proportionate Welsh tax.

It isn’t blacks who thought up the reparations industry, that’s for damn sure.
Perhaps this spotlight would break the alliance of the Civil Rights generals and their sepoy footsoldiers.

james wilson
5 years ago

There are forty million blackish people in the US, almost all will be dead within eighty years. My question to reparation types is this: What do you claim is owed to the forty million blackish people who have not yet been born over that same period? Do we owe the unborn? An answer to this question will reveal the true nature of their argument even to the stupid and inattentive. They will not say no, even in a lie.

George Orwell
George Orwell
5 years ago

Zman has the matter squarely framed here: “The Left is all about morality. Whatever details they offer are just the minimum to complete the stage set.” No need to parse things into questions of whether affirmative action is included, or which descendant gets what or even who pays whom… because this isn’t even altogether about money. Perhaps not even primarily. This is about what Zman mentions, morality. The POC hyenas will never let you pay the debt in full. That would be tantamount to saying “Okay, now we are all even, morally equal and justly reckoned with each other.” The… Read more »

random passerby
random passerby
Reply to  George Orwell
5 years ago

“Whitey must always be the debtor to POC, in perpetuity.”

If you’re always in debt, you’re a slave.

Blacks don’t want a “paid in full” amount, because they want whitey to pay forever. It’s just a way for blacks to actually bring back slavery — with blacks as the masters this time.

That’s the concept to use to refute a lot of the demands of the non-whites, that they want whites to be their slaves. In addition to whatever rhetorical power it may have, it has the advantage of being true.

Reply to  random passerby
5 years ago

Random passerby: that revelation has zero rhetorical impact. It’s just Dr3. They know they are racial supremacists, it’s a fundamental part of their ideology. That’s like pointing out to a reaganite that they’re pro-free market.
The zmans point is that this engagement on the idea of reparations will highlight that to yt still on the left. The coalition of the freaks breaks down if/when the yts still in the D tent realize they are on the menu, not just the waiter.

George Orwell
George Orwell
Reply to  George Orwell
5 years ago

Some may be missing the point here. The objective of the exercise is not to corner Lefty into an answer and then actually pay these jackals. The point of asking the question “How much to retire this so-called debt, forever?” is to wake up normie. Let him see that there is no number that would ever satisfy Lefty, that normie is expected to remain a moral slave to non-whites forever.

Reply to  George Orwell
5 years ago

YES! Finally, someone who read the same post I did.
For all the BoomerCons talk about how great education was for muh-muh-my generation, they have some G*d-awful reading comprehension skills.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  George Orwell
5 years ago

Remember, your target audience is not the black guy seeking the reparation, but the white normie who thinks it may be justified o ris clueless (and whose complicity in the evil is ultimately required). That is the weakest link, and that is where the “paid in full” reframe will have to have effect in order to be successful.

5 years ago

The hell of it is – your average two-bit garden variety vibrant isn’t going to see a dime either. He’ll happily give his vote not knowing that oligarchy is the way coloured mutts roll. All through African and South American chit holes the pattern is the same – the privileged 1% get everything and the rest grub along as best they can. Take that coloured underclass – and drop, en masse – an entire demographic that is smarter than they are, and just as ruthless when motivated. I think if these coloured monkeys get their way, we will see Mexican,… Read more »

5 years ago

I think part of reparations will be DNA from anyone wanting a payout with the understanding that this DNA may be used to solve past or future crimes. Might lower the bill.
And DNA will determine payout.

5 years ago

Beautiful! I always say that all you need to do to refute any Leftwing idea is take it completely seriously. So let me state, unequivocally and for the record, that I personally will pay almost any amount in reparations — sell the house, empty the kids’ college fund, the works — if it means we’re done with Blacks and all their nonsense. I might have to rent an apartment and walk to work, but I’d be able to leave my apartment door unlocked and walk without fear. You on your side of the tracks, and we on ours… and I’ll… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

SET THE BACKFIRE! “Lord, I wish we had picked our own Damned cotton!” Hello Severian the Good! Yes, I see all you would give up, tongue in cheek, if you could work through this long brewing mess. And Z, damn it all man! Great post, you are on fire, and look at all the hair you set on fire….Wow! Folks, this is flushing the game birds! Flush them out! FIRST STEP is to flush out Lefty’s real plan which is TRIBUTE NOT REPARATIONS! Then watch the eyeballs roll in cognitive dissonance. Don’t go all A through Zed on arguments and… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

” to refute any Leftwing idea is take it completely seriously.”

They are yanking our string, hoping to see what we’ll be dumb enough to give them.

They are children playing dress-up.
They don’t mean any of it!

I call it a Klingon sense of humor.
Humorless Vulcans keep details, analyse stats, debate ‘policy’.

What they want is for you to play along. So play! Agree and Escalate!
Let the Stupid flow!
It’s a game of posturing, after all.

(Then block them in the real world any way you can- increasingly limited, I know.)

Nullus Maximus
Nullus Maximus
5 years ago

I would rather argue a reactionary case that the descendants of conquerors are now the rightful owners of whatever their forefathers conquered, as in the link shared in this comment.

Reply to  Nullus Maximus
5 years ago

That’s some good reframing. I could see that spread around by Gen Z.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
5 years ago

Z Man; A very creative and interesting take on the subject, a conceptual breakthrough actually. To further discussion, here’s a field report from my neck of the woods on how an actual parallel situation evolved, namely how the actual ‘Native American’ Tribes hereabouts share out their recent casino royalty windfall and the socio-political results therefrom. Starting from ~ 15 – 20 years ago, every tribe can now have a gambling casino and profit from the ownership thereof. It does not even have to be on tribal land, depending on the state. They are also able to sell ordinarily highly taxed… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

Nice overview of the tribal nations. I have seen quite a few fancy new Tribal Police vehicles as I drive through the reservations on the State Routes. I don’t know how far their jurisdiction goes (onto the highway itself, or whether you drop one wheel off the pavement?), but I drive slowly and carefully through the reservations now. I would not want to get caught up in a seizure or arrest situation, where I have no rights that I could exercise.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

I guess it depends on state law. Where I am, felonies by anyone, even if committed on tribal land are all tried in the normal county courthouse. Tribal courts have jurisdiction over misdemeanors on tribal land by tribal members.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

Splendid effort.
I see White Reservations in our near future!

By tribe? “That Irish-Italian border is heating up again”

Roger U
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Those aren’t reservations, they’re labor camps.

5 years ago

Reparations funds are going to be funded from what? I just don’t get it. Any of it. Where are we going to be when the boomers die off? The same place we are now, fucked. I have an uncle in his late fifties that bought a house years ago in Anaheim Hills during one of the many California housing market dips. His plan is to sell his million plus dollar home at some point and bounce to a more hospitable climate. The old man keeps telling him to sell now, and get out now. Nope. He’s going to wait. Who… Read more »

Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

Yep, all we do is print the money. We do that now anyway. What’s another few trillion?

Estimates are that there are ~50 Million Blacks in the USA.

Step 1) Print up 5 trillion dollars, give $100,000 dollars cash to each black person.
Step 2) Open a chain of liquor, cigarette, and lottery stores.
Step 3) Profit

@4:18 in this video:

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago

Sure, print the reparations money, but *in scrip* – create a dual currency like the ChiComs did in the late ’80s. Only so much can be redeemed at a time. It looks like you’re rich but you can’t buy anything with it but local product, whatever that might be.

Reply to  Mcleod
5 years ago

You sound sarcastic, but you appear to have grasped the point. If we actually paid reparations, we would be “paying,” not paying. It’s all Other People’s Money, Mickey mouse, fake news. No body is actually going to PAY anything, it’s just another trillion in debt US gov borrows from itself. Like Jeff Foxworthy’s old joke: hell yeah I can write you a check… I thought you wanted money!
You guys going “I’m not paying” seem to think the fedgov has a balanced budget or something. UsGov actually paying its debts stopped in the 1930s. Do try to keep up.

5 years ago

Is Lefty going to reestablish the Freedmen’s Bureau to oversee the reparations?

Robert Lee
Robert Lee
5 years ago

The Pigford case. Some folks were given a bad time, indeed. Yet many, many folks signed up and got free government money. Tribute will be the same process. Oh, I do love Z Man’s morning essays.

5 years ago

Given that some of my ancestors fought and bled for the North during the North’s subjugation of the South (and incidentally helped to end slavery) I expect a nice, big, fat check from Black America. They did not a thing to free themselves, but did so only on the backs of white guys from up North. This descendant of those guys expects repayment–with interest–for every drop of sweat and blood.

Until that happens, Black America can DIAF.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Its a waste of time to reason with the Left. Its them or us and the sooner Whites get that, the better. The problem is as you said, this is a religious war and “Good Whites” have bought into the opposing belief system Change that, you change everything That said I’d be OK with a one time payment of 100K to anyone who can prove they were a victim of systemic legal racism , that is born before 1965 or so . I’d suggest 100,000 US as its roughly “40 acres and a mule.” with a basic of tools. I’d… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Such payment must be contingent on a change in law and policy which favors the recipient, such as affirmative action prohibition.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Of course. It almost goes without saying that paid in full is not optional.

Robert Slanton
Robert Slanton
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Get over yourself and your self satisfication with your own cleverness. By getting the right to start opening up to talking about reparations would just set up a situation that would end disastrously for us. You would think you are being clever, but what would happen is some Republican politician would take your cue, run with it and “compromise” ending with another payout and no “final settlement”. Not that the left would ever accept a “final settlement” anyway. You whole article is more 4d chess bullshit, and the only proper and masculine response to the question of reparations is NO!… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Ouch. Caught me too, Zman.
Good lesson.

Reply to  roo_ster
5 years ago

rooster – Save that thought until after the country is partitioned.

Reply to  roo_ster
5 years ago

300,000 Blacks joined the war effort when they were allowed too.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Normie
5 years ago,_North_and_South

Number is about half of what you spoke.

Also notable that blacks largely don’t give a damn about their own history.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Normie
5 years ago

So what?

Reply to  Normie
5 years ago

Why did they have to wait to join the war effort until they were allowed to? That’s the point. Blacks (supposedly) lent some help to what whites were primarily responsible for accomplishing. Blacks would be respected and have some respect for themselves if they were responsible for freeing themselves from slavery. They didn’t rise up and free themselves from slavery. They didn’t then force whites to the bargaining table to negotiate a peace treaty to see who gets what. No. Slavery of blacks ended because white people ended it. Blacks got their rights not because of MLK, etc. but because… Read more »

Reply to  Federalist
5 years ago

If black people had proffered up one of their own – instead of Obama – and that person had been even a halfway decent President – they might have some respect today. By “one of their own” – mean a black man who can trace his lineage back to actual AMERICANS and maybe even had slaves in his background. I know these men exist . And I know there are blacks out there who have served this country and profess to love it and want to defend it. There are blacks who I am sure can trace their lineage back… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

I don’t think he was picked by the blacks. More likely, he was selected, supported and groomed by that lily-white cadre of hyper wealthy, uber-elites who quietly are driving this whole show. They just wanted the optics; they didn’t give a rats ass about genuine-ness.

Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

You’re missing the point. So Obama was chosen using the methods you outlined. So what? Were there ANY blacks of prominence who said what I said above ( I know there are blacks out there who get this , guys like Tommy Sotomayer have said the same things I said) – or did they all just double down and start shoving the “black candidate” down our throats? What’s the % of the black voters who voted for Obama? Isn’t it something like 85 or 90%? With Obama blacks (for the most part) – demonstrated very clearly that they’re racists –… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  roo_ster
5 years ago

Your version of right and wrong don’t mean shit. Stop thinking that it does.

Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, South Asians, Muslims and Good Whites operate under a completely different reality – a reality where you’re the bad guy and so were your ancestors regardless of whether one of them fought in the Civil War for the North. You’ll never – NEVER – convert them to your morality, so stop wasting your time.

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
5 years ago

We already pay reparations. It’s just named something different: SCHIP State Supplemental Health Insurance Program Healthy Start Food Stamps, SNAP School Lunch Program WIC Women, Infant and Children Food Program School Breakfast Section 8 Housing (HUD) Public Housing (HUD) LIHEAP Low Income Home Energy Assistance Universal Service Fund Subsidized Low Income Phone Service Weatherization Pell Grants Title One Grants to Local Education Authorities 21st Century Learning Centers Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants Adult Basic Education Grants Education for Homeless Children and Youth Aid for Graduate and Professional Study for Disadvantaged and Minorities Job Corps Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Healthy… Read more »

5 years ago

One of my co- workers, after receiving the back- to- school list of supplies each parent was supposed to send with their elementary aged- kids to stock the classroom for the year, declared he would be happier if instead of paying taxes and then still having his pocket picked for crayons, markers, kleenex, and gluesticks to be communally shared with the indigent kids in his son’s classroom, that the government would instead just assign him a specific black single- mother and her six kids to buy stuff for. That way he could at least establish a relationship with his wards.… Read more »

5 years ago

Exactly. You write tongue-in-cheek, but I’ve read dumb Boomer Cons who REALLY believe we can strike a deal. Y’know: We give each black $100,000 and every white person gets an autographed picture of Tennessee Coats along with an official “You are not a racist” certificate signed by 40 million black folks. The other question to ask, is not just “How much will it take?” but also, “What if they take the $$$, and CONTINUE to call white people racist?”- and what’s to stop them? No ethnic group was treated better then the Irish in 19th Century America, not the Krauts,… Read more »

Da Booby
Reply to  Rcocean
5 years ago

In today’s world, to be a bully you must first cast yourself as a victim. Once you get your “Official Victimhood” certificate from the local liberal arts college then you’re set. You may commence bullying, and we all know whom the target typically is: straight white males.

The anti-racism and anti-sexism crusades are not, were not, and never will be about ending racism or sexism, but are just about focusing upon a more fashionable target.

Reply to  Rcocean
5 years ago

Back in the eighties, having an Irish boyfriend was a thing in Copenhagen, so you ran into a lot of Irish guys. I met three of them, every one a whiner. And not just about the Potato Famine and whatnot, but on a deeply personal level, down to the way they spoke. A “how’s your beer?” would elicit despondent sighs and existential dread.

I suspect that’s why they make such great music, they feel pain more acutely than other people.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

During the 2016 campaign for prez, Hillary touched on the racial bias issue somewhat, but not enough. There was a moment in what I believe was the third debate with Trump, where she started to talk about the need for training to counteract racial bias and prejudice. I was hoping she’d go on and on about this, since nothing’s more unappealing than having Hillary, the scolding schoolmarm, lecture America on its racism, but unfortunately, the subject was changed right away. Kamala Harris needs to be encouraged to go full boat on these racial issues, so that Normie White America understands… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

MORE than our privilege and our money.

5 years ago

This a brilliant post. Ok let us discuss reparations. What are the terms? I hope conservatives take up this idea. It will be worth it to see what comes of it.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

They won’t because they’re idiots and cowards. But we can certainly ask conservatives that question.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

Hopefully, Tucker Carlson is lurking here. Tucker? Tucker?

5 years ago

What are our numbers when the Boomers die off? Is that the largest cohort of whites?

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

We need our own countries. But at this stage I’d be happy to see conservatives just admit that the demographic transformation was immoral. “Legal” or not.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Very immoral.

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

We had our own countries. We gave them away to reassure some folks that our hearts were in the right place.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

And half of them are suicidal so yeah that’s looking bad. We’re going to have to become tribal ironically like the Jews

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

I’ve been saying for years that we’re all Jews now. Time to start acting like it.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Of course, we always talk about America as if the percentages across the landmass were uniform … yes, we acknowledge the geographical differences, but I’m not sure we really let it sink in, or contemplate what that means to us for charting a way ahead. Most of this country, landmass-wise, is white. I spend considerable time on a virtual march through this nation county by county (yes, using Wikipedia as an initial source — their format is consistent, offers easy access and provides a good encapsulation). Looking for the place to resettle so as not to be caught behind the… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

OH …. Another excellent post by our host, so this is not a criticism … just a comment.

Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

Good work well done, Primi.
I’ve been in all 48 states, the diversity and poz is everywhere.

Move from CA, why? There’s nowhere left to go.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

From Nevada, with considerable sadness. And there are some places less close to immediate foreclosure. Problem with NV, that the left figured out, is that western states with small rural county populations are ripe for the plucking. NV was perhaps the easiest, as it has the highest urban to rural population ratio in the nation, as I understand it. Estimated 2.2M+ in Vegas, in a state with around 3.1M … over 2/3 of the overall population??? One of the highest, if not the highest percentage hispanics in the nation (my facts might be a little dated). A state that absorbed… Read more »

Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

PP, what you say is true, but so what? The most clueless whites are in the whitest areas. There is no organized resistance, there is no resolve. I read somewhere that, recently, the editor of a small town Mississippi newspaper opined that ‘the klan should ride again.’ He was immediately replaced as editor by a black woman. Even in Mississippi the line isn’t holding. You can bet the local doctor, banker, etc., doesn’t want to be associated with the unwashed in those towns. Furthermore, white people don’t even need to be bribed to turn on their own, usually a pat… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Ivar
5 years ago

Yes ….. but I don’t think we’re really facing off against blacks. Sure, they vote Dem, and that’s a real problem. However, the existential threat to us is our hostile, implacable, America-hating intellectuals / elites. They’re what’s killing us, not the blacks. And yes, white Americans are weak, ignorant, self-absorbed and complicit. But we have to start somewhere, with something. Not all traditionals are like that. Just heard today that in my (now lost) formerly-free (and former) home state, the newly elected Governor, who just signed the first of many anti 2A bills, and is working National Popular Vote passage… Read more »

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

More focused on your point — they (regular, traditional Americans) don’t know how to organize, to analyze problems, to plan, or to motivate people. Almost 30 years working with people of all sorts in operational organizations taught me this hard lesson. Even among those who are supposed to be trained in and good at such activities, real inspired ability is painfully rare. Most seem to get by on rote task completion, and survive / advance via interpersonal skill, political acumen or just plain shameless self promotion. I mean, just look at the disaster in Iraq after the initial fight “defeated”… Read more »

Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

Right now if you are a married Christian with more than one child, you are actively part of the resistance. (Married to the opposite sex that is.)

Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

Across the intermountain west, where ever the is industrial agriculture there are lots of Mexicans. Yakima county in central Washington is 45% Hispanic. Even with the Yakima Nation reservation it’s only about 4% American Indian. Huge dairy farms owned by Friedlander immigrants or their descendants and operated by immigrants of uncertain legal status from south of the border.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  G706
5 years ago

Yes …. same in that great swath of dairy farms running north and east up the Cumberland valley of South Central Pennsylvania. Opened by Scots-Irish, Welsh and English in the early 1700s, heavily settled by Germans beginnning in the early 1800s, it still retains its almost postcard-like traditional farming image. But starting about 25 years ago, local farms began looking to expand dairy operations, and many were unable to do it with family or locally supplied labor ….. or, they didn’t want to pay the wages “native” Americans would demand. So they began to hire Mexicans. Then, when they sought… Read more »

5 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks that we must admit the uncomfortable truth? Most whites are unsaveable. Have anybody heard about tiny white homeland where hardworking white people living in peace and never ever committed any crime, killing natives, slavery, colonialism, saved Jews from Holy Hoax and so on. There is such country in the planet Earth ant it is called a SWEDEN…:D.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

There’s a big problem we have, and it’s the widespread belief in egalitarianism and the blank slate. Whites are always going to out-achieve blacks, so anything like reparations will never be enough. Blacks will never stop demanding things and shrieking white privilege, discrimination, social justice etc until they achieve at the same level as whites.

5 years ago

Very well. I accept her reparations. I have had numerous ancestors who served in the Union Army in Civil War combat, several of whom were wounded in combat, attempting to liberate those who were enslaved. $250,000 a piece for me and my fellow ancestors of said soldiers should about do it. I’ll take a check.

Reply to  Amazed
5 years ago

Well, get behind me in line — one of my ancestors came over on the Mayflower as an indentured servant, which is to say, a slave with a fancy contract. Surely I deserve reparations, or better yet tribute!

james wilson
Reply to  Amazed
5 years ago

You can write me a check for $250K as penance for your ancestors self-righteous behavior, bringing the Republic to an end and birthing Leviathan.

Reply to  Amazed
5 years ago

Well, you should be on the hook for additional reparations for your ancestors crimes in the Northern War of Aggression.

5 years ago

What is the amount that pays the debt OF SLAVERY in full. Reveals the tribute goal AND divides the enemy.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Shrugger
5 years ago

From what I’ve read of their arguments, they indicate that there is no monetary level that will satisfy them. That probably isn’t the case, but the usual demand is for the black household income and wealth level to be equal to the white level.

Remember that they are still making hay out of the gender pay gap. And they claim that women making 75% or so of the purchasing decisions is actually oppression.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Key statement—“tribute, not reparations”. Tribute is blackgeld. Pay the blackgeld forever. The thing is, we pay it already, just not with checks directly written from us to them.

Do not fall into the trap of responding to emotional arguments and demands with logic. Logic has no place here. “How much and to whom makes it ‘paid in full’?” may be unsatisfying to ask, but it has the quality of unmasking their fraudulent argument in a way that does not require a deep dive into logical thinking.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Point taken, but I tend to think like DeBeers. The few times I’ve bothered to listen to these arguments wrt reparations—how much, how long, who, etc.—the answer comes back indefinite. Usually hinging on/until some type of parity is reached. Of course, if one understands and believes in HBD, such parity can never be reached. So the ultimate outcome is tribute rather than reparations. Also, I would say that we’ve paid reparations already since the civil rights act of ‘65 in the trillions of dollars. More will do no good as it goes against human nature. However, the rhetorical tactic suggested… Read more »

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

I don’t think a response from them would be the point, but rather the point made to those who will be paying the tribute. Some of them may hear the question and its non-answer and start thinking.

5 years ago

There’s only one kind of fair reparations: reparations in kind. Whites need to be enslaved by POCs for the next 200 years. Whips, chains, rapes, the works.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

This has already happened. In Haiti in 1804.

Pat Wreck
Pat Wreck
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I think the North America vibrant – or at least their goodwhite handlers – may have learned from the Haitian example that you can’t just kill YT, ‘cause who gonna make all da gibs?

Reply to  Pat Wreck
5 years ago

I don’t think they care. Look at South Africa: most of them wouldn’t mind living in caves, if it meant getting back at the white man.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Holy Crapski! It’s R. Crumb! The Greatful Dead Keep on Truckin’ man. This comic was done 26 years ago. Felix, do you opine that RCrumb drew this to lampoon the “paranoid” whitey, or do you think he believed there is an element of truth to his cartoon? Possibly, knowing his early cartoons and the times, he was skewering middle class whites. Your take?

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Crumb is a great artist.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

I have no idea. I even suspect it might be a fake, but if so, he’s got Crumb’s pen down to a tee. On the other hand, Crumb was a real weirdo, even by the standards of his time. Maybe he had a bad trip or something; there’s a touch of authentic dread to it.

At any rate, I think it’s safe to say they had a bit more freedom of speech back then.

5 years ago

You guys can talk and reason all you want.

Eventually, this will have to be settled with Flesh and Steel.

There really is no escape.

See: South Africa for further details.

5 years ago

Are not the $Trillions of ongoing welfare and affirmative actions admissions, hirings and promotions not essentially reparations already? Four generations of urban blacks have lived off the labor of the productive class of Americans. Enough. Paid in full already- and by citizens who’s ancestors had nothing to do with slavery.

Pat Wreck
Pat Wreck
5 years ago

Wait a minute – isn’t the current government (post-1865) exempt from reparations? They conquered the Confederacy, freed the slaves, and established a new centrally-controlled Federal system. Why should they pay? I do like the idea of forcing a final number, because it will reveal that what the coalition of the fringes want is what they always want – an further bloodletting with no expiration date. I can’t remember who I first heard say it (maybe Jared Taylor) but what non-whites want is not the destruction of whites, but rather “access to whites” and control of their intelligence and productive activity.… Read more »

5 years ago

You could ask the question about what a suitable reparation is, but it would meet the reply that this is a complicated matter and would be decided by the “Reparations Board” on an individual basis. The fact is that there’s no intention to introduce reparations or tributes – it’s just a carrot for POC to stay on the plantation. That is until the POC have the numbers, and decide they’ve had enough of their white and Jewish overlords and decide to strike out on their own. That’s when the fun will start.. Reparations ffs, how do you work that out?… Read more »

5 years ago

You really need to go deeper on this. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society welfare program of the 1960s was slow genocide in disguise. It literally destroyed the black family unit by paying black mothers to cast off their husbands in favor of a faux federal substitute. We’re now into the forth generation of this manufactured familial wasteland and it’s consequences. The Democrats will never give up their dual power programs of institutional genocide and infanticide by abortion. The irony of this is that blacks continue to vote for them by over 90%.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Black fathers arent even a thing in Africa. When you look at West African bantu tribes, the woman does all the work and the man sits in the shade. The son is only interacted with when he gets old enough to join Dad in the shade.

Johnson freed blacks to act like blacks.

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

I grew up in a ghetto in the Midwest. That’s not what I saw. Black fathers whipped their sons with belts for doing wrong and they were serious about attending church and following scripture. Still true in many parts of the South.

5 years ago

I’m still sticking with my prediction that Kamala Harris will take the oath of office in January 2021. It will be the best thing that could possibly happen to our team–boomercons will finally wake up.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

That’s what I thought about Obama. They’d vote for him one time because it made them feel good – my God the vapid excitement was so depressing that day – and then they’d finally learn their lesson. That sort of happened but he was still reelected.

Reply to  Jr.Ewing.78
5 years ago

They voted for him twice; they learned zero lessons.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

They won’t actually. What makes you think anything will be different after all the gibs that have already been extracted? Please articulate as clearly as possible what you think will happen when the ‘white peepo’ tax is levied. Marches on DC? Storming congress in armed insurrection? Hell, even a call to a congress critter? I think not. They will coast by on retirement pensions / SS until the reaper’s hand touches them perfectly content to ‘go along to get along’ once more with a little more money shaved off from their late years fortune. The only way ‘out’ of this… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

Well, except for tanks, Apache helicopters, rocket launchers, guns that fire 50+ rounds per second, a nearly omnipresent surveillance system, etc. under the control of Pres. Harris. But yeah, we are just about as close to parity as the Colonists and the Brits in 1776.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  c matt
5 years ago

How does that blackpill taste c matt? Pretty bitter going down, innit?

Those machines require fuel, maintenance, parts, etc. They also have to land and / or park at some point. The men who operate them have families. They also had all those weapons in Afghanistan and we didn’t ‘win’ there whatsoever. Nobody said it would be easy but what is your alternative? Roll over and die? Glad to see that spirit of ’76 is still alive and well…

5 years ago

‘Paid in Full’ is an interesting concept. Would that mean I wonder, that if we cut a check to the individual descendents of former black slaves, that we could also then disband every single solitary policy designed to give them preference? Can we then do away with the concept of ‘equal results’ as measure of success in fighting racism? No more affirmative action in hiring, school admittance, or government contracts? Can we do away with funding normalization for public schools based on test scores? How about programs like ‘head start’ designed to normalize results across racial and demographic lines? Can… Read more »

Reply to  Tom
5 years ago

Since they tend to have a short time horizon and we have a long one, they would certainly take the deal and both sides would see themselves as better off. The trouble is, the drumbeat for more would almost immediately start all over again, as the short term bennie to them played out. Our grace, tolerance, and generosity would be tested and taken advantage of once again, because we are rightly seen as “easy marks”, and we are.

The value of the “paid in full” argument is the argument, not actually seeing it through.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

This is correct. Unless you actually get to the “paid in full” part, you’re just setting up another transfer payment that will never die and they’ll keep coming back with their hands out for more whenever they decide they want it (“Tribute” is the way Z put it). And YOU have established a precedent that you’ll give in to it.

Then again, they’ll do this even if it is “paid in full” so the value is the argument, not the conclusion.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Exactly – it is never a done deal. It would be like promising to drop income taxes in exchange for a sales tax. What really ends up happening is the sales tax gets added, but the income tax somehow never gets repealed.

But then, as Z man says, this is not about actually doing the deal, but getting people to talk about taboo topics such as AA, right of association, merit based advancements, and a slew of gibs.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Tom
5 years ago

I think the answer to your question is NO. I do think the Z-Man’s plan is elegant and should be adopted. I do not think it will achieve the result of really and truely paying in full some (perceived) debt. In fact, I think it will only fuel more expansive and hysterical calls for white reparation. The desired end would for complacent, deluded traditionals to finally see the game afoot on the part of the LEFT.

Reply to  Primi Pilus
5 years ago

There is also the short term micro benefit of making your enemy “cross their beams”, in what they are actually trying to do with this reparations thing (browngeld). Never cross the beams.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

A good heckler would bring up the name “Julius Malema”.

Can he make the same jump to the big leagues that Trevor Noah did?

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Who is Junius Hooha and who cares?

Nobody and nobody.

“A smart heckler would show off his knowledge of minor characters in the Marvel Comics universe!”

Surprisingly, no.

Reply to  Wilbur Hassenfus
5 years ago

Julius Malema, leader of the EFF in South Africa, promising death to whites.

Why isn’t he as well known as a similar leader, Nelson Mandela?

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Because the left has moved from only being able to kill whitey over there – to being on the brink of being able to kill whitey over here.

Julius Malema just gets in the way of the narrative and reveals their true intentions. So he gets memory holed.

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Maybe somebody could write a clever article about it in the National Review. That just might be what it takes to change everything.

Oregon Hobo
Oregon Hobo
5 years ago

Z man, I’m not one to often praise your positions, but this is brilliant. I’ve nothing to add.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

OFF TOPIC: Strange. I never thought of this until Z Man brought this to my attention awhile ago. As a Drudge reader, it really does look like Drudge is scattering penis articles all over the place lately. He’s really been engrossed in it this week.

5 years ago

OT: Can you lurk on Gab anymore? I used to click your link on the sidebar to go to your feed (I’m not on Gab proper) but now when I do it I get an error message.

Reply to  DJ3Way
5 years ago

You need to login to view posts else I get a 500 error