Dear Black Friday

One of the little known truths about dissident politics is in order to get paid for a holiday, you have to work the day before and the day after. That sounds pretty rough, but you do get paid time and a half if the the holiday has the word “black” in it. That means a Black Friday edition of the Power Hour. The hardest working man in dissident show biz is not going to miss an opportunity to remind everyone of that fact.

This time of year is actually the slowest time of the year for site traffic. I think it holds for listening, but the metrics I have are not very reliable. The Spreaker numbers are not very accurate and the other platforms don’t have any measures. My guess though is the podcast audience shrinks along with the site traffic. People into this stuff have jobs and this is a busy time for the employed. Lots to do before take time off.

Given that this is the time of the year when American give thanks and think about their good fortune, a letters episode seems appropriate. I’m also now fully caught up on all correspondence for the first time in a long time. I have a few items left over, but those are outside the normal mailbag. Otherwise, the inbox is clean, the nail bag is empty and the secret e-mail account is also clean. For that I am thankful.

After the last one of these, someone asked how I pick the questions to use. The simple answer is I use those that I think are interesting. Questions about myself or about general politics are not all that interesting to people. Questions about subjects I don’t cover in the blog are much more interesting to me, so I assume they will be interesting to the audience. I could be wrong, but that’s the method to the madness.

Since I know everyone will be out donating their savings to globohomo today, you can now do so to the sound of my voice. I will not be partaking in Black Friday. Here in Lagos, every day is black Friday. I will be working around the house on some chores I have been saving for the long weekend. Arbeit macht frei. I’m also working on the book this weekend, trying to get that project off the ground finally.

I’m also now on something called Deezer, which I am told is more popular than Spotify, which banned me last year. I looked up the respective audiences and Deezer does appear to have a bigger audience, even though I’ve never heard of it. My guess is it caters to a European audience, but I’m just going off the fact that it is based in Europe and run by Europeans. Regardless, it is another option for you.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00 Opening
  • 02:40 Cheating The System
  • 08:15 Nick Fuentes
  • 15:45 Debating
  • 20:00 Speaking Truth To Idiocy
  • 24:30 Collapse
  • 30:30 Contraception
  • 36:00 Markets
  • 39:45 Feminine Community
  • 44:15 Personal Stuff
  • 49:45 Thank You

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5 years ago

Pleased to report that Black Friday here in Oslo was lily-White. I spent the last few hours shopping & dining around the cental city and saw only a few flecks of ash in the snow.

Not for lack of trying by the Merchants of Menace, though. This weekend I’ll share a pic or two of some prime miscegit-prop I saw. American TV-worthy.

We had about a foot of snow last night so that may have given the NuWegians a case of Hut Fever for a few days. I’m raising a glass to Ymir’s wrath.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

When I used to work in the service industry, we had a code word for the dindu nuffins and we called them all Norwegians so we can talk openly without anyone knowing what we were talking about. That’s a weird coincidence. Makes me think I might actually know you

Reply to  whitney
5 years ago

We used “Canadians,” IIRC. The actual Norwegians I’ve met here who are based enough to crack wise on their “new countrymen” at all just drop the n-bomb, no half-measures, no crypsis. I’m hanging with a pre-vetted crowd for the most, though. The naggering nabob knob around here has definitely been cranked to “11” and the media is down to cuck.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

That is fantastic to hear! I posted a link up in the comments where a woman receiving award for looking at sexual harassment in Archeology got laughed off the stage by the men in the audience. And it wasn’t snickering it was full throated laughter. Makes me really happy.

Reply to  whitney
5 years ago

White pill for sure. Archaeology and anthro have been two of the most cucked fields forever. Those are front-and-center arenas for Our Thing, too.

Praise Ymir for Greg Cochran as well, might as well have another, sundown comes at 4:00 pm here.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Funny, in Michigan it’s Canadians. It can’t be that cryptic anymore if everyone does it.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Years ago on Joe Rogan’s podcast, someone said they referred to Blacks as “Mondays,” because nobody likes Mondays.

Reply to  whitney
5 years ago


Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago


5 years ago

Check it out Zman. This is one of your predictions. Not all the way there but getting closer

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

With a twitter handle of “anthroqveer”, you know there must be a lot more to the story…

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Good catch. I didn’t even notice it.
There is a reason our ancestors made homosexuals stay in the damn closet. We need to relearn that lesson!

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

So another young feminazi in training basically who has NO interest in men, hence the ‘queer’ part, other than to grind them into paste because ‘muh sexshul harazzment!’. Same old playbook as always another young indoctrinated idiot looking for some payback against old white men. It’s all so tiresome… I will say it again, the VERY best thing that could happen is to grant their wishes. Simultaneously. Tomorrow, all white males simply don’t show up for work at the Anthropology departments around the world. Let us see all the amazing new research & ideas that feminist turbo b1tches and their… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

Most of the men in academia are lefties. If the men stopped showing up, those departments would steam on into the void at current course and speed. Nothing would change.

In the real world, however, you’re right–things would grind to a halt.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

Steady on with that spanking stuffy, Apex. God knows what door wood open for Mx. Femiwhackzebutt. Plus she’d lose her home base of harridan harpies. Jeez!

Reply to  whitney
5 years ago

I’m female and I would laugh, too.

When you’re a hammer, everything is a nail. Geez.

Reply to  whitney
5 years ago

‘As I was being introduced, they said ‘she’s been researching sexual harassment in archaeology’, to which a large group of older men laughed. Fully laughed – to the point that the presenter had to say ‘it isn’t funny’.

Hahaha! This is fantastic!

Remember how Zman said we’ll know the revolution is near when one of these crazies steps up to give the party line, and everyone just laughs?

We’re getting there.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Somewhere in my travels I read that laughter , decision, and sarcasm are the most powerful weapons there are in eating tyranny. This whole globohomoworld thing is for the most part so stupid and crazy that laughing in their face should be very easy. But yet it doesn’t happen. Which probably shows how much of a lack of courage there is in most people.

Reply to  whitney
5 years ago

The comments for that article are fun. Feminists getting ratioed.

Reply to  whitney
5 years ago

This little girl anthropologist went on a dig, was hit on by someone she didn’t like, and that became her PhD thesis.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Shrugger
5 years ago

Shrugger, “This little girl anthropologist went on a dig, was hit on by someone she didn’t like” or wasn’t repeatedly told she is a kickass superstar who doesn’t have to wait her turn and defer to older more experienced individuals in a field that happens to be male dominated. Either way, I like the Orwellian subtext that the laughing men couldn’t be individually identified (but by Gaia, if we could there’d be heads rolling! ) and the strongly worded letter from some male head grand poobah disapproving of the mens’ laughter. The next step after these much needed bouts of… Read more »

5 years ago

I am from Appalachia and live in a large urban area now . I have an answer for the question of public assistance . The people of paleness should absolutely take what they legally can . If you look at who pays into the system , it’s taking our own money back . If it helps you to have and raise a family , then for god’s sake do it . I have worked dammed hard all my life . my wife too. all my kids do . then I go see the poverty the globalist have caused with their… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Agree and raise you – they should have an ACORN-style approach to what “legally” means as well. Everyone’s risk-tolerance is different and I don’t want to see anyone jailed, but there’s a lot of grey area to play in when it comes to white collar shenanigans. Just sayin’.

Reply to  miforest
5 years ago

Heh. A future where only queers, lesbians, and cucks pay the marriage penalty tax.

5 years ago

My great grandparents clearly understood how sex worked… the two pairs had a combined 20 children or something.

They fucked all the time back then, and men had far higher T counts. The truth is that “hook up culture” and “muh sexually empowered wahmin” is resulting in far less sex for most people than traditional Christian morality.

As usual with the “left”, they are completely upside down. Obviously by design.

Jim Haples
Jim Haples
Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

I don’t believe “they f*d all the time”. My grandfather was always frustrated, plus he said that his father claimed to have only had f*d 5 times=same # children they had. Or maybe it was just high T whining. Pwhipped cucks must run in my family.

5 years ago

Another cunningly deviant American export – Black Friday. If there’s one calendar day that indicts us as materialists-par-excellence it’s this shopping day from hell. Those who choose the rodeo of massed humanity in order to save a few bucks are confirmed madmen.

My insignificant protest will include reclining on a hay bale whilst listening to the podcast, and watch the cows contentedly chew their cud.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

I heard from a long-time English friend yesterday that Black Friday is now a thing there. And, in the nature of things, the knock-on effect is that Boxing Day, which is when they had their holiday-related sales, is going away.

Globohomo won’t rest until everywhere has the same anodyne ‘holidays’. We’ll all have Multicult Day, Eating Day, Shopping Day, Summer Day, Winter Day, Tax-Paying Day and in the time-honored method of appropriating existing festivals and changing the details, the vernal equinox will be the annual Castigating, Scourging and Crucifixion of Whitey.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  The Right Doctor
5 years ago

Don’t forget dildo day coming with Buttigieg and feminist screaching day coming with Warren.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
5 years ago

Boxing day sales were not really a British tradition. Boxing day in my family is a bit like Thanksgiving seems to be ie a time for all the extended family to meet and spend the day together.

The crowds which appear for these sales often seem to be very diverse.

Albino Walrus
Albino Walrus
Reply to  The Right Doctor
5 years ago

Mandatory Voting Day. No secret ballot, of course.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
5 years ago

“Globohomo won’t rest until everywhere has the same anodyne ‘holidays’. ” Almost. There will always be those holidays celebrated by only a miniscule percentage of the population, that everyone nonetheless must know about. Puts me in mind of a story from my childhood. So my father was a professor of engineering. One day at the beginning of the Fall Semester he walked into the house shaking his head, with a weird combination of anger and amusement on his face. At dinner he told us about it. Dad had been laying out the mechanics of the class, how grades would be… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago

There is a pervasive sense among The Tribe that the world was created for their benefit and non-Tribals must accomodate them. Goes with being The Chosen People.

Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago

Why not both? Ethnoaggression and a crazy person!

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  The Right Doctor
5 years ago

Can confirm. “Black Friday” has been a thing in Britain for a few years now.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

The infinite appetite of globohomo aside, I never understood how so many men are able to spend all day shopping with their wives or girlfriends. 5 minutes in a shopping mall or department store is 4 minutes too many for me. The sensory overload gives me a headache. I walk out of one of those places feeling as if I’ve had all of the marrow sucked out of my bones. My wife can shop all day and end up buying nothing or some item she hadn’t intended on purchasing. Not going shopping together has been a not insignificant part of… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

YMMV. Shopping day is for most girls what a fishing trip is for most guys. You can learn a lot about your wahman if you can play along, especially if it’s just the two of you on a given expedition. And good ones will love you for it, just like a guy loves a wife who shares the urge to bust a cap in Bambi-daddy. I can maintain that frame for about a half-day. If you really take her hamster out for a run, you can tire the little guy out in about that much time. A little overstimulation goes… Read more »

5 years ago

I work n a bank and I get to look at everybody’s finances. EVERYBODY rich is on the dole. For example a big developer told me he needs cheap 30 year HUD loans to be profitable. IMHO if you don’t take gov. Money you’re a chump. In fact the bank i work in got bailed out by TARP.

Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson
Reply to  Tom
5 years ago

Do you really work in the bank or are you part of the cleaning crew?

People who are racist and not intelligent as a rule

Reply to  Peter Johnson
5 years ago

Tiny’s an early bird today.

People who aren’t racists and suck as a rule.

Reply to  Peter Johnson
5 years ago

Attempting to troll us is not going to go the way you hope for vaginaboy! None of us need internet compliments to improve our self esteem. But keep them coming! Lol

Reply to  Peter Johnson
5 years ago


Peter Johnson is a Dick.

Reply to  Tom
5 years ago

Exactly. In bust-out America, the man who prides himself on muh self-reliance is sadly just a sucker. It’s your money they’re spending, Whitey. At least try to get some back, by hook or by crook.

America is a room full of strangers with one hand on a steak knife and the other on a light switch. Don’t be the only one empty-handed when darkness falls.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

“At least try to get some back, by hook or by crook.” I hear you and if you’re talking about cashing a SS check then I get it. But a lot of federal/state money that’s tossed about (e.g. for me it’s very generous agricultural grants & energy subsidies) comes with strings attached; those strings are double-braided nylon sheathed in titanium, shackling me to the federal/state teat. Free money ain’t free, especially when it’s accompanied by a 23-page contract in 8-pt font, as offered to me in a recent “grant” from the USDA. I’m persuaded the underlying purpose of grant money… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Conservative talk radio heads like Limbaugh just love to promote self-reliance and hyper individualism. Because it’s a great way of keeping people poor and disconnected.

El Blimpo would go out of his to discourage people who were loaded up with medical debt for from being unemployed for too long rom filing for bankruptcy, etc. The Tribe talk show hosts like Prager were even worse, they tried to reframe being a debt serf as something virtuous.

If whites had any brains they’d stop listening to these purveyors of personal impoverishment.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Rwc1963
5 years ago

Some would argue that America is already a full blown Western European-style socialist society. It just ain’t for you. You whites keep up that “bootstrap mentality” and just keep on being tax serfs. If you start to Notice all the myriad of gibs the others are loading up on… housing, phones, food, cable, medical, affirmative-action jobs and scholastic opportunities, etc… we’ll just ideologically trip you up with the argument that one day, pert’ near your death, we’ll send you a little social security check which will get drained to make up for the cost of meds you’ll be assigned and… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Rwc1963
5 years ago

Rush is a great example of hereditarianism. Literally outcast by his esteemed family, with no formal education; he nevertheless achieved greatness via his high Verbal IQ.

He’s awful when it comes to morality. Four marriages IIRC, meaning large divorce settlements. Drug addiction and obesity.

And worst of all, he refuses to promote any sort of boycotting. The only time I recall him advocating any collective self defense was urging people to tactically vote Hillary in 2008 to prolong the Dem primary.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

One of Z’s letters expressed concern that taking benefits when one didn’t really need it would accelerate the decline…

That’s the whole point.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

I’ll keep reading but must admit I don’t understand the reasoning. I’m not comprehending how going into parasitic harness could be considered an acceptable guerilla strategy.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

It doesn’t have to be parasitical, it can be obstructive and a drain on resources: take a parking ticket to court, file a complaint about road conditions or anything you can think of that will chew up man-hours. Mail empty return envelopes from solicitations, make them spend time and money on trivialities. If enough people do this it will gum-up the works.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

That’s helpful – thanks Yves. I’m all for throwing wrenches in the reduction gears.

5 years ago

When our boys were little we spent Black Friday at the zoo. Now, I don’t leave home if I can help it. The Han and Pajeets and normies will be out en masse, queuing up for cheap Chinese crap they don’t need. I have to take my younger boy to work, so I’m going to work out today – hey, how better to spend my birthday than killing myself on leg day? Spend as little as possible today, fellow dissidents – don’t get roped into globohomo’s consumption frenzy. Warm and fuzzy thoughts to you all.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Happy Birthday Sister…And by the zoo I assume you meant the real zoo and not Walmart 😉

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

May your sons be strong and your squat heavier.

On a related note, the best looking woman at my gym are always found among the barbells and dumbbells. So hopefully your husband notices and appreciates your efforts.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Same to you, lady! And happy birthday! 🙂

I fell out of the holiday Matrix ages ago too. When holidays become a time of hardship and stress… something is deeply, deeply wrong.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

It’s my goofball day. will be using stones and big tires. may the deadlift be with you .

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Happy Birthday! Good on you for not skipping leg day. (I’ve skipped leg day, and well, everything, for way too many months. “Busy” is no excuse, it’s just lack of self- discipline.) Not spending money today. I’m at the office getting caught up on the non-paying academic parts of my job: Somehow I ended up agreeing to review three de novo manuscripts, must go over the revision of a fourth MS that got resubmitted, and play “Associate Editor” on a fifth. This is going to be all day, once I stop playing around here…. The peer review process operates on… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago

You need to come out here where you are not putting up with that crap…

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

I’m with my family in Calgary for a hockey game (go Hitmen!). We truly hate Black Friday and would normally avoid the mall, but it’s our only day here and the Lego store is there, so away we went. My rough observation is that it was about 50% white and the rest were the various colors of the rainbow that Canada has very enthusiastically imported.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
5 years ago

You’re lucky that it’s as high as 50%.

Yet the remaining whites keep flooding into the supermarkets like good little cattle, racking up credit card expenses at companies that fund their dispossession.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

The dreaded “leg day”… so easy to find other things that absolutely need doing that day. Personal experience talking here.

5 years ago

A sad aspect of Thanksgiving in our mainstream culture is that it’s always anti-family. I’m seeing so many memes being posted on “humour” pages on Facebook. They are complaining about having to see their family, saying that they are smoking weed so that they can “deal” with being around family, just having “friendsgiving”, etc.

Seems sad to me. I can count many flaws among all of my family – including my own – but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t spend time together. You only get one family.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

This is a long standing “thing”. A lot of people with an extended family have one or more relatives that are always causing a ruckus at family get togethers (not just thanksgiving). I think it was presented more in a humorous vein in the past, before Hollywood went shitty altogether.

John Smith
John Smith
5 years ago

The comment about advising young men not to join the military is correct, but you arrived at it the wrong way. Go back to your own comments about how you do business – where you’ve let people go even though you liked them, and promoted others you didn’t – it was just business. So it goes for wars. All wars are about money and power, sometimes sex. Yes, going to war for money and power makes sense – especially in the middle east where they are hellbent on exporting terror, racism, slavery and their pestilent religion. We may not like… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  John Smith
5 years ago

A Chinese admiral boasted that they could sink two USN carriers with their ballistic missiles. In such a scenario, which means 10K fatalities at minimum, imagine what will happen on the rest of the task force. Female officers were responsible for at least one of the destroyer collisions. Imagine that under combat.

Sink the carriers, the other surface ships might surrender. Imagine the PLAN towing them into Shanghai, as occurred at Trafalgar and Tsushima. That’s the end of the US.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Carriers are totally a “last war solution”, and an expensive one at that.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
5 years ago

OT: looking at pics from HK, of American flags being waved, and posters of Trump-as-Rocky, with the sense of a large wave approaching the PRC. Here’s the thing the arm chair intellectuals here just don’t get (due to their personal circumstances being so sour); he inspires hope. He gives people the confidence to fight back, maybe only in little hard to measure ways, but for real. But you guys enjoy the brine, after all, the future belongs to you!

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Another little girl throwing a hissyfit. Too good to let go:
comment image?itok=Ykb_HsXW

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Day-yum, Lineman. Holy freakin’ sh*t.

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Good that you forward this around Lineman. One of the biggest mental hurdles is getting our people to realize how much they’re hated. Progressives don’t want us culturally isolated, they want us dead.

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

I sometimes forget that others don’t frequent some of the sites I do…

PNW 360
PNW 360
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

+1 to WRSA

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Sounds good to me, Frum-Cuck.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

I have never been any sort of a fan of these “international courts”, which act to transfer our sovereignty away to the UN, IMF and other transnational freaks.

But it is these same courts which would haul Frum in the dock as a war criminal. Which he is, because he lied to facilitate a war of aggression.

Remember that Frum is a WAR CRIMINAL.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

LOL! Frum is always been a FAKE. What does this Canadian know about American Patriotism? And the snark about Right-wing American being “Ruled by Moscow” makes ZERO sense. I guess if FRUM shouts Black is white, Up is down, and West is really East, loud enough, someone will believe it.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Uhm, abortion is directly aimed at limiting black and brown births. Always has been. The fact that a few whites make use of it is incidental.

Surprised you didn’t mention the cost of family formation as a factor in birth rates.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

With the question, “Is abortion wrong?” I always have the counter-question: “Who’s getting the abortion?” If some strident lunatic feminist wants to show she’s empowered by destroying her offspring in the womb, she should go nuts. Hell, since the womb is part of her body, the best way for a woman like Lena Dunham or some other empowered female to fight the patriarchy would be to destroy the whole “baby factory” by putting a gun in their mouth and pulling the trigger (call it “seizing the means of production”). Never interrupt your enemy while he (or she) is making a… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

I’m still anti-abortion but if it’s going to happen let it happen to what Ed Dutton calls the “spiteful mutants.” The psychotics will tend to self-limit to the extent the shunning of others doesn’t suffice to cull them.

Dinduishas, mucho-mamis and other Sun Person breeding stock are a different order of problem.

Dutton’s Knot is part of the solution for their more wayward offspring but I’m also down with pay-to-spay to keep those numbers in check.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

How many people are only for abortion because it thins out the enemies ranks…If we didn’t have that tax on us I think abortion wouldn’t even be an issue…

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

I would hope that few who count themselves among Us find a White woman murdering her White child desirable, no matter how debased she might be. Miscegenation muddies the water, honestly no sarc intended. Even then that kid is at least half-White and that confuses my racial radar. There are so many mixed births nowaydays that I’ve settled on my “mixed-race suburbs” option for apartheid, keeping White core areas pure and letting the cities wallow in diversity for better or worse. IIRC, the South Africans used their “colored” classification in similar fashion, allowing the non-purely-Black more privileges, but it’s been… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

So many stinking problems that come about because of the tax we are forced to endure…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

It’s not all that. The US hit below replacement fertility in 1973 and it was 85% White and easy divorce and abortion were both very new. It was also much higher trust. Urbanization makes life much more expensive, tech lowers wages and of course urban life is full of distractions like TV, Internet and all that. After making it homogenous, bringing back patriarchy if it could be achieved might help . However that is predicated on men wanting it. The work reward ratio is lopsided for many men and a couple of generations who have no idea what it’s like… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

It’s better long term to make your society more homogenous and a society that was say 90% or more White could be kept fairly sane with a light hand and a little boot to keep the crazy commies in check. It requires a great deal of ugliness to achieve and cheap labor and “big universalism” will resist tooth and nail. As for abortion, 10% of White pregnancies end in abortion which is awful and the US has rather high rates, top ten globally. However it’s been in decline about 2% every year for quite some time but this is more… Read more »

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor
Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

I just thought about how that can be a really clever response. Since the argument goes nowhere anyway take the position that you’re in favor of abortion but only for certain people. Then refuse to say who as they go crazy.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Contraception is something of an IQ test, especially with older forms that require daily dosage.

Nowadays birth control is provided “free”, and this is pushing down fertility rates via the loss of “unintended pregnancies”.

Medicaid pays for half off all births, something I find immoral. It is disgusting to birth a child you cannot afford. In a just society this would be considered the most un-masculine of acts.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Behave socially or get socialism. Wages have been pushed down year after year especially for poor and working class people being measured percent GDP less than half of what they were in 193 when the population implosion started Worse the cost especially of housing are insane in most areas with work and opportunity. Telling people “you can’t have children” and not being willing to create conditions in which work gets resources is morally genocide. So either you ensure that working families can get a bigger chunk of the pie and work is spread out or get socialism. This doesn’t mean… Read more »

5 years ago

But Zed, they are not cheating the system, they qualify legit for these programs, that’s the problem, and if i had to do things all over again, i would hook up with one of these white trailer trash queens and have a dozens of kids, and i would have more money than working two three minimum wage jobs, for real, without irony, you even quality for a bigger apartment with every additional kid. Talk about enjoying the decline and perpetuating the white race in the process!

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
5 years ago

There’s still our unofficial holiday out here in the backcountry where the Whiskey Rebellion happened. We call it the first day of buck, and when I was a kid, we got the day off school for it, and a lot of rural schools still do, but Martin Negro Kang wasn’t a holiday, and never will be out here where 95% of my county looks just like me.

According to the Game Commission, there were 175,000 hunters last year.
There’s still a real country and culture out here, if we cultivate it.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

I grew up in a rural Scott’s Irish settler environment where the family hated welfare because it meant that we were dependent on an outsider and we did not want to be dependent on anyone. But today the globo homo enterprise is making independence much harder. I agree that welfare is not good for the soul but today it may not be shameful to take it as long as we recognize the dangers in the system giving it. A kinda similar mind struggle is that if you are a flag waving white Christian. How do we honor George Washington? As… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

These aren’t necessarily “mind-struggles” – they just require the archaic art of contemplation and discernment. E.g. Welfare and altruism are fine things when community-based, voluntary for the giver and dignified for the receiver. As welfare morphs into theft/extortion and enslavement, though, that’s shameful. I’m signed up for that “flag-waving white Christian” gig … some careful contemplation of Romans 13 along with a study of the myriad of biblical rebellious dissidents leads me to believe that GW confronting tyranny was manifestly honorable. It only becomes a mind-struggle when the Christian syncretises his biblical worldview with that of the progressive skeptic. The… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

The Mormon Church runs a huge welfare network for members and a Mormon friend explained how it worked. A member can apply for assistance, but must work in return. As my friend put it, “If the only thing you can do is fold towels, then fold towels.” This enables the recipient to retain her dignity because she is working (someone has to fold the towels), but discourages the sense of entitlement that comes with just being given assistance. Once a month, they skip meals for one day and donate what they would have spent on food and drink to give… Read more »

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
5 years ago

That’s similar to what I used to say as a normie-Con about welfare – sending them a check is a big part of the problem, not only from a dignity standpoint but from standpoint of reinforcing the idea that you have to do something to get something to the best of your ability.

Even if we just had dole-wallas take the daily bus to the gubmint work farm, dig ditches and fill them in at the end of every day, it would be better than making the long walk to the mailbox the sum of a man’s labor.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Just giving someone something encourages a sense of entitlement and there will never be an end to their demands for more.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

It’s still a mind debate no matter how we juggle it, I think.
The Apostle Paul lived amongst Romans that were many times more oppressive to his Christian constituents than the later King George ever was to the colonies but not one word about rebelling against Ceasar.
However having said that.
I would pick up my rifle and join Washington.
Oh the contradictions we face!

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Taking money from the government is not a moral issue. If you can get it, take it. It’s no different than finding it on the ground.

5 years ago

Pardon my ignorance….I am new to your awesome site…when you say you are in Lagos, is to to conceal your actual location? I didn’t really think you are posting from Nigeria! Lol.

Reply to  Vmax71
5 years ago

Lagos-on-the-Chesapeake, another great city brought low by the Great Migration when the South’s outdated farm equipment festooned itself all over the rest of the country’s lawn.

Christ, I used to not be this racist. It must be part of being a minority.

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

I am not a whitey nor even a Christian, but I know exactly where you are coming from….lol. But then again, the nickname my friends affectionately gave me when I was growing up in Michigan was : the redneck Indian….I love those guys…lol

Reply to  Vmax71
5 years ago

Lagos-on-the-Chesapeake is Baltimore, Maryland, a once-great city ruined by “diversity.”

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Vmax71
5 years ago

Baltimore, MD

Zman was really Cummings’ bag man.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
5 years ago

Baltimore, Md. Logos on the Chesapeake.

Just south of Philadelphia, Pa. Nairobi on the Delaware.

5 years ago

Shit on a shingle!

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

Well thats what my dad always called it. Got hooked on it in the navy.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Picked up the taste in the army… wasn’t half bad if you could convince a mess sergeant to throw on some biscuits instead of factory-grade Wonder-like bread.

5 years ago

Here’s a video of me looking for Z so I could give him some cookies and get my name mentioned on air:

(A man of his word, he really did move there for the diversity!)

5 years ago

Its always black friday in the blackest of dissident politics, run by mostly white folks.

5 years ago

I just finished listening to the podcast and it was enjoyable as always. Yours is one of two podcasts I listen to. I don’t usually enjoy listening to people talk mostly because they’re too long-winded and talk about themselves too much so I’m in favor of you not talking about yourself. Good call.

Also, I want to second the recommendation for The Demon in Democracy by Ryszard Legutko. Excellent. And from that book I picked up The Captive Mind (1953) by Czesław Miłosz. I can’t recommend that highly enough. I listen to it on Audible.

5 years ago

Vox Day challenged Fuentes to a debate to shut the up the groypers. The groypers kept screwing with him and so he issued a debate challenge that would force him to talk about a subject that would get him banned, which forced Nick to back down and not debate.

He can get pretty cringey. As he says, video is not his strong suit.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

That’s why Beale’s only a net positive instead of a solid ally. What possible interest of the dissident right on the whole is served by that debate? It stinks of grasping for leadership, pimping muh brand and cheap-shot revenge for the trashing his boys (ie Cerno & Milo) righteously receive from the harder right. If VD wouldn’t counter-signal so hard against the further right, he wouldn’t get trashed by the groypers. Too many guys in and around Our Thing are too worried about past insults, bantz and e-peening. Vox could just say “those guys are my friends, I’m not going… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

The use of “Beale” shows you’re either a Leftist, or someone with a chip on their shoulder regarding Vox Day.

Reply to  Rcocean
5 years ago

What’s your position on “Marshall Mathers” vs. “Eminem”?
Serious question, not meant as an in-your-face.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
5 years ago

Vox Day has done more than 90% of the goofballs on the Right – but he’s banned a lot of “Alt-Retards” and they always jump at the chance to sneer at him. And I dunno why Zman thinks Vox’s such a slooowww talker. I’ve listened to him debate and he’s not slow at all. Finally, leaving aside the specific Vox-Fuentes debate, I see nothing wrong with debates IN GENERAL on the Right. They are entertainment, they stir up interest and are great advertising. We don’t need to be killjoys – spending every second – in uber-serious attempts to win final… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Rcocean
5 years ago

Our movements lack hierarchy, or what Max Weber called “rational-legal authority”. Instead we have a cast of characters that depend on “charismatic authority”.

Our so-called content creators aren’t reporting to superiors, and often refuse to recognize a responsibility for, not to, their audience.

Vox has antagonized many of his former allies in the manosphere, and Fuentes has been thrown out of two partnerships (RSBN, Allsup) because he ran his mouth.

joey junger
joey junger
5 years ago

Z, you should do a movie review every once and awhile, like Steve Sailer used to do for “American Conservative” or Edmund Connelly over at “Occidental Observer.” Nothing super-hero or poz’d, but something that might yield an insight or two. The new Jimmy Hoffa movie with Pacino is good, has some religious heft since Scorsese is a pre-Vatican II Catholic. Funny how the “corrupt” guys like Hoffa, Nixon, or Huey Long were so much less corrupt than the people prosecuting them for corruption. Sort of reminds me of something. I guess that’s the worst thing about the Anglosphere, that the… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

There are so many people doing those. I don’t think it’s a useful use of the Zman’s time. Subscribe to BlackPilled on YouTube.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

There might be a lot of other people doing it, but their take on it doesn’t interest me. I stopped going to a lot of those alt right sites because they were so steeped in pop culture, essays about what Beyonce’s last video had to do with the Spenglerian Decline of Western Civilization, or something like that. Z’s lack of pop culture consumption (outside of some music) would make his perspective fresh.

5 years ago

WRT the question of using government “welfare” or not. The straightforward answers is absolutely. That such an answer causes some internal conflict in white people demonstrates a flaw in our legacy culture. I suppose that it is driven by guilt and fear that using available aid when it is not absolutely necessary means that the aid will not be available for the truly needy. This internalization of the “spirit” of the program was a positive aspect of culture and communities at one point in time, when they were smaller, local and organic. That time, however is long past. The spirit… Read more »

5 years ago

Dear Z. I was wondering if you had a link to the section mentioned about 20 mins in? If you could post one that would be excellent. Thanks a million for the excellent content.