Beta Male Rage

This story on Drudge says the under-30 set are flocking to a movie about a beta male, rather than the sci-fiction action flick. This is nothing new. Cruise has seen his fortunes decline over the last decade, but he is not alone. The traditional male lead has been fading for years. Movie tough guys are long gone. Instead we get cartoon characters like Batman or Spider-man. Then you have the cartoonish guys like Hugh Jackman and The Rock. Otherwise, male leads are wimps now.

Trends and fads are what they are. People live in their time and young people lack the perspective to stand outside themselves and see their time in context. They think things are the way they are because they have always been the way they are. The past is stories told by old people about a country that no longer exists. That’s the benefit of youth, but also the curse of it. That means the trendy beta males of today are only just becoming aware of the fact they look a lot like the pussies and wimps of yesteryear.

Of course, there’s something else going on beyond silly fads. Starting in the 80’s, there has been a  campaign against the traditional white male. Boys in school were loaded up with mind altering drugs so they would be more like little girls. Male characters on TV were portrayed as stupid, foolish, emotional and helpless. On the other hand, female action heroes (hilariously) were pushed on the culture in movies. The results are what we see today, a rising gynocracy.

Americans no longer like male leads that are men of action. They prefer the soft, sexually ambiguous beta males. Look at the number of female action heroes. It is why every male under the age of 30 is trying to look like a young George Michael. The movies reflect the tastes of the customers. – See more at:
Americans no longer like male leads that are men of action. They prefer the soft, sexually ambiguous beta males. Look at the number of female action heroes. It is why every male under the age of 30 is trying to look like a young George Michael. The movies reflect the tastes of the customers. – See more at:
Americans no longer like male leads that are men of action. They prefer the soft, sexually ambiguous beta males. Look at the number of female action heroes. It is why every male under the age of 30 is trying to look like a young George Michael. The movies reflect the tastes of the customers. – See more at:

4 thoughts on “Beta Male Rage

  1. Slightly off topic but the moment McInnes ran out to tell us he had fucked over 300 different women, I switched off. Nothing to brag about unless you are attempting to appeal to the frat boy clique you were never really a part of to begin with. Vacuous hedonism – boy, I’m in awe.

    • I want to like him, but my bullshit detector is often on 10 when he is talking about his past. Somewhere else I posted that he strikes me as a guy who missed out on a lot of his youth and is now making up for it by telling whoppers. I’m quite familiar with the under class and all the characters that pass through it. I can spot a faker when I see one.

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