A New Radicalism

One of the sad truths about the Trump era is that the Republican Party will return to being the Bush party as soon as Trump leaves office. The 2020 election could be a blowout, giving Trump a mandate to push through all sorts of populist projects, as well as giving the GOP a huge majority. Trumpism could become the default position of the base, but the party will immediately begin selling itself as a the kinder, gentler Trumpism as soon as Trump is in the rear-view mirror.

It is one of the enduring features of post-war America. Pat Buchanan pointed it out way back in the 1980’s, when he observed that the people vote conservatives to Congress, only to see them go native in a few years. It is a remarkable transformation made more obvious in the communication age. You can just follow the person’s social media feed to see the transformation. They go from representing their people in Washington to Washington’s representative to those people.

The question that has vexed the genuine Right is why this seems to be a phenomenon of the Right and not the Left. There are no examples of left-wingers going to Washington and becoming moderates. That only happens when the Overton window shifts Left. Yesterdays’ hair on fire crazies suddenly sound like statesmen. Back in the 1980’s, when Schumer and Pelosi hit town, they were considered embarrassments to the party, but today they are what passes for normal.

This is not just an American phenomenon. The rest of the English-speaking world has the same issue. In Canada it is called Red Toryism, a sort of center-right conservatism that trails along behind their Left. In Britain, of course, it is just called Toryism. There it is the default position of the ruling class, which is always drifting further Left. The Aussies, of course, have an upside-down version of this with a funny name. Weak and timid conservatism is the default all over the English-speaking world.

It’s not just that it is timid or disorganized. As the Canadian political theorist Ben Woodfinden notes, it is a reaction to the collectivist impulses of the Left. The Left seeks to use the state to reorganize society according to their current fads, so the Right opposes the state as a legitimate entity. Not just the state, but institutions in general, instead promoting radical individualism. Conservatism comes to be defined as something just as radical as what’s on offer from the Left.

What English speaking countries need is a conservatism that will transform the state into something that will strengthen and support traditional institutions. Instead they get a force that weakens those institutions. The conservative revolution of the 1980’s in America, unleashed rapacious global privateering in the name of free enterprise and entrepreneurial spirit. Instead of restoring the damage done by the radicals of the 60’s and 70’s, it created new mayhem.

You see that forming up in Britain and America in response to the rise of archaic socialism, in the form of Sanders and Corbyn. Conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic are now working themselves raw about this new red menace. Instead of examining why these collectivist appeals, including the rise of populism, are attractive to the voters, they lurch further into radical individualism. This is every bit as destructive to the culture as the radicalism it claims to oppose.

The culture war is one side using the state to destroy tradition, while the other side makes it impossible to form a collective defense of the culture. The reason for this is that, at least in the Americas, there has never been an authentic conservatism. America has always been a radical bourgeois project. After the Civil War, that radicalism became the default of the political class and remains so today. This reformist impulse is the distinguishing feature of the American empire.

That reformist impulse has its roots in the founding. On the one hand, those people we call Puritans were collectivists reformers. They believed society was judged collectively, which gave them license to police the community for sinners. Advancing society, social progress, meant bringing the bottom up in a spiritual sense. On the other hand, a man’s relationship with God was his alone. Self-sufficiency was a sign of God’s grace, an indication that the person was in good standing with the Lord.

Both sides of this coin are quite radical, relative to Western tradition. In fact, it is fair to say the Puritans were anti-tradition. They stripped their houses of worship of all ornamentation and any reminders of past practice. They saw tradition and ritual as an excuse for not exercising the spirit through the regular study of Scripture. The collective impulse of the founding, as well as its individualism, are the result of a rejection of European traditionalism on spiritual grounds.

This is why reform in America has been impossible. The periods of radicalism in the name of collective reform have been followed by periods where the institutions are weakened in the name of individualism. These weakened institutions become vulnerable to a new round of radical reform. This cycle has locked the ruling class into a dance that always moves Left. No matter the response of the public at the ballot box, the direction is always Left, just with a different lead.

Ironically, this means that the only way a genuine conservatism can emerge, and in the case of Britain, reemerge, is by overthrowing the current order. This Progressive orthodoxy of radical reformers entangled with radical individualist will need to collapse into a single unified ideology, while something new arises to oppose it. That something new is the defense of traditional order, organic institutions and the popular will expressed through natural identity.

That means the way forward is an intermediate step of right-wing radicalism that first seeks to discredit and delegitimize the prevailing orthodoxy. From the rubble can be built new institutions and ideologies that are salient to the demographics age. A genuine conservatism can be intellectually conceived, but the traditions that it should rest upon have been eliminated, so it will require a dismantling of current institutions and the building of new ones, loosely based on the traditions of the West.

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5 years ago

“the Right opposes the state as a legitimate entity”, This reveals how black-pilled most actual conservatives have become. We are literally better off without most of our government institutions because we recognize how thoroughly the left has infiltrated and co-opted them.
Today’s Exhibit #1:: A State Department bureaucrat decided to ignore a direct and explicit order from the President. And instead of being fired, stripped of his pension, and prosecuted… nothing will happen to him even if this kills Americans.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Impeding the free movement of a (probably)non-white into a white country would violate the prime directive, even if they are a race with an imperialist past (sticking to coherent principals is something losers do) of course this cannot be abided. Only whites can “colonize”, non-whites “immigrate”, “innovate” and “add to our wonderful tapestry of diverse human experience”. His motive was to disregard white interests, he may even be promoted. Sidenote I do feel sympathy for the japs, we absolutely ruined them with our continuous occupation. I suspect their low birthrate and cultural malaise are a direct result of being a… Read more »

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

I think a lot of that comes from corporate interests who want to replace the state, at least initially. Regular people see it’s not working.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Hatred of Trump offers every dimwit state tit-sucker an opportunity to have their 15 minutes of “whistleblower” fame.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

I find it incredibly creepy that Kalitta Air pilots are not allowed to talk about transporting a few sick civilians.

A no kidding, 1918 style global pandemic would shake things up in ways that are impossible to predict.

Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Same thing happened with Ebola. State is populated by D.C. cloud people who live in another world.

5 years ago

I think it was a Democrat Senator who said after Schumer was elected that the most dangerous place in Washington is between Chuck Schumer and TV camera. It has been pitiful to watch old has-beens like Harry Reid and James Carville think they can do something to stop Bernie Sanders. Did they really think they were going to rapidly drag the country left and it was going to suddenly stop right in the place where they had the most power?

Reply to  Barnard
5 years ago

They just thought they would ride the wave forever. Scar did not anticipate his hyenas turning on him either.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Barnard
5 years ago

It does seem strange doesn’t it. The left democrats have been selling communism for decades and the party elders are frightened out of their minds by a candidate that is an actual communist.

Reply to  george 1
5 years ago

The party elders are frightened out of their minds that the Communist will lose the election in a big way, and put their movement off course. If they thought he had a good chance to win, they would be banging the drums for him.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Good point Dutch.

5 years ago

An atomized and dis-unified populace is much easier to control. Without collective bargaining we are just one of 300+ million, a.k.a. an ant under a boot. We don’t live a democracy, we live in a corrupt oligarchy. There is no political solution at this point. Not with the censorship that prevents any real attempt at popular collectivization. Europe might have a way to fix things without drastic measures. We in the USA are in a much different situation. Dual megaparties too big to fail prevent any real possibility of reform. Not to mention the stranglehold the Brazil level wealth disparity… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

I kinda agree w you that there probably isn’t a political solution to this. About the situation in America vs in Europe, being in Europe I don’t think things are better here, possibly except for one thing. To be an American is partly understood by many to be an ideological construct. To be a Dane or a Frenchmen, people still instinctively know that that is an ethnic fact more or less. Apart from that I think it is hard to say who’s worse off, Both ‘camps’ of dissidents, America or Europe, have advantages and disadvantages. America has the 1st amendment,… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

To be an American was only recently redefined to be an ideological construct. To be an American, for the bulk of our history used to mean be to be of European extract. Our immigration policy was extremely restrictive for most of American history. In 1965 that changed and the elites rewrote history. The same thing is happening to the UK, they probably drudged up the saxon and norse invasions and use them as justification or something stupid and flimsy like that. They probably already are. I can’t be bothered to look, it saddens me too much to see this happen… Read more »

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

Actually more likely they just guilt their people by reminding them constantly of their colonial past. The elites here do the same with slavery and the hall of caust, and how the government turned away a boatload of jews one time in 1938. Strangely they don’t use the Indians to guilt us much, probably because there aren’t that many Indians left so they can’t be viable janissaries for the ruling class. You better beleive we were forced to watch the “Amistad” slave ship movie and read Ellie Weasels “Night” to pass English and history class though.

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

Oh and the first amendment doesn’t mean squat if private companies aren’t subject to abiding by it. Trust me, neither Facebook, Twitter nor any other viable platform for organizing or awakening the masses will abide anything more than a very low level of wrongthink. You will be silenced if you step outside the lines. They hardban you too, not just your account and followers are lost, your device is banned too. I wasn’t even big, had less than 100 followers. You are not allowed in the public square if you get big enough or are too loud and aren’t approved… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

It’s my guess that more Frenchmen than Americans personally, possibly secretly, agree that French is an ethnicity. For example, it doesn’t much raise an eye brow to say ‘the French/English/Danes can’t go to no go zones.’ This is still within Overton in Europe more or less. Try saying ‘An American can’t walk safely in Watts.’ Some would instantly call you a racist, others just wouldn’t understand what you meant. Outside dissident circles where do you find that in the US? Historically I agree w you.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Oh most would understand what you meant, even those who would call you a racist would understand what you meant. They just know they aren’t allowed to be honest about what they understand. We are also heavily encouraged to at least publicly judge that group by it’s standouts rather than it’s average. The secular religion that replaced Christianity here is anti-racism and it’s zealots are fervent in their denunciation of heresy.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

The difference is in Overton I think. ‘White’ is still implied if you say ‘French’ or ‘Danish’. Inside American Overton it isn’t implied to the same extent. Pls remember that most commentators here are probably outside Overton.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Even liberals know not to go into black majority areas. Maybe especially liberals. American has been redefined to mean anyone who lives on this geographical boundary so yeah, maybe not that, but if you said a white person can’t go into -insert majority black area- almost everyone would understand why, except those who don’t live anywhere near one and only know blacks by their talented twentieth black coworker or the magic negros they see on TV.

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

You never know. Bernie’s success with hispanics might convince the establishment they’re bringing in future socialists, not future Democrats.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

Do you see any difference between Bernie and the others? I don’t. The current slate of candidates spout the same socialist dogma, just in prettier words. I think the Dems are salivating for a socialist revolution where they will have unlimited power. Maybe the Reps as well, but they are not talking about it openly.

I have become cynical in my old age. Maybe I have been burned too many times by lying politicians; but then, I repeat myself.

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
5 years ago

I see people everywhere grabbing what they can for themselves, in different ways, without thought of the long run. To me, that is telling evidence of a late-stage problem where people see no future for themselves as a society or a culture. It is a broad, longer-run mass clearing of the store shelves. Which means that solutions are going to need to be more fundamental than “voting for the right guy”.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

“The looting phase” yeah we are definitely deep into the decline… Gonna necessitate some radical action if there is any chance at all of righting this sinking ship. The good news is that popular sentiment is indeed moving in a more extreme direction. At least that fact provides me some small modicum of hope for the future.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

What happened to the Fabian Socialists who would simply ride out the wave of Trump populism and then go right back to methodically chipping away at the foundations of society. Instead, the Left has put the pedal to the floor. Migrant caravans, tyranny story hours for children at public libraries, TV shows with POC hunting down and killing white “Nazis” in the suburbs, the NFL telling the majority of their fans to F off. The list goes on and on. On this site and others there is often talk of becoming an accelerationist. I would say the Left has chosen… Read more »

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
5 years ago

Steve Scalise said yesterday what I had been already thinking, and that is that all of these Democrat Party establishment types who are attacking Bernie, including Obama, are themselves the same as Bernie but they know that Bernie’s time has not yet come and his nomination will put their entire movement off track. By the way I want to ask this forum if anyone here has hypothesized that the coronavirus was unleashed intentionally to destroy the economy so as to destroy Trump’s chances of reelection.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

Pro; Well Rush Limbaugh did say today that the media *coverage* of the COVID 19 was designed to hurt Trump’s 2020 chances, as opposed to them just stupidly trolling for Proggy eyeballs to sell to sponsors. Gotta break with Rush on this one. This episode completely blows up the elite-directed previous media narrative that Trump was wrong about China. Besides this, it’s CHINA’s economy that’s being blown up: Ours, not so much (so far, God willing). The worrying thing to me is that the Chinese reaction (Quarantining 100 mil. + people) gives the lie to their assurances that they’ve got… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

A caller on Rush’s show mentioned the timely outbreak with what is going on in Hong Kong. Rush even stopped to consider that.

Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

Covid-19 did escape the chicom lab in Wuhan but that’s it.

If the Covid-19 gets bad it will take down the entire global economy. It will crater the globalist – Davos group and probably usher in a rebellion here.

Guess what happens when about 90% of your drugs and medical supplies come from China and they no longer can provide them because their people are afraid to come to work? People will go apeshit and go after Wall Street and D.C. for encouraging this.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

ProUSA. We would be fools not to consider the possibility. The deep state is depraved enough and IMHO it is definitely in their wheelhouse.

Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

Releasing coronavirus in an effort to harm Trump could easily backfire. Should the pandemic causes a health crisis in the US, the last thing people would want to do is elect some untested wingnut like Bernie. Fear makes people not want to rock the boat. Consider how 9/11 boosted W’s popularity, even among leftists. And this shortly after they thought he stole the 2000 election from Algore. They were pissed as hell in late 2000 but loved him nine months later. Worst case scenario for Trump is the economy tanks because of COVID-19 but hardly anyone gets very sick. Then… Read more »

Reply to  Gauss
5 years ago

I think you have it right. So if our economy tanks because of coronavirus, I think most reasonable people aren’t going to blame it on President Trump since he had no control over coronavirus, but that being said the left will certainly try to lay the blame on Trump for people in China coming down with coronavirus and bringing it to the rest of the world.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Gauss
5 years ago

They didn’t love Bush. They never stopped hating him. They knew they just had to pretend they didn’t for a while, and then they were good to go. Myself, I wish I had been insightful enough to realize where Bush and Conservatism Inc. were taking us. And that the Bush crowd was as deceitful as the left.

Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

Lare reply to Pro-

1. An excuse to print by the Fed
2. ‘Saving’ Social Security by decimating the old quickly, rather than by attrition with the slow squeeze of Obamacare rationing.

1 puts more real assets up for grabs
2 means more room for immigrants

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
5 years ago

If socialists get power the political establishment is out. They know that. They may keep nudging us that way, but there will always be a Bernie who comes along and tries to outdo them. That’s why there won’t be outright socialism for the foreseeable future. Assuming the political system still works.

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
5 years ago

The only difference I see is Bernie isn’t trying to hide it. Nevada hispanics must see something I don’t.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

After Trump leaves presidency, USA becomes far left extremist state, secretly ruled by mostly Jewish oligarchy.

Reply to  Sentry
5 years ago

So you’re saying that nothing’s going to change?

tish-boom. Here all week, folks. Try the veal and tip your waiter.

Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago

Was anyone arrested for speaking against immigration & feminism?
If the answer is no, then next time think before u reply.

The agenda is to make nationalists sound crazy so that leftist courts can arrest them.

5 years ago

None of this will happen without a seismic change in our society and unfortunately that is unlikely to happen peacefully.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Arthur Sido
5 years ago

Nor is it likely to be put off much longer. We’ve already entered a Fourth Turning, and as Strauss and Howe pointed out we don’t know out it’s going to turn out. We never do.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
5 years ago

It begins…
Dow down 1000 points, coronovirus spreads globally.

Sperg Adjacent
Sperg Adjacent
Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Deus Ex Wuhana

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
5 years ago

Sperg, someday they’ll write of corona-chan as the Judgement of God’s wrath.

Wait, the Black Plague broke the claim to sole authority by the Church, since it was powerless.

With Corona exposing the faults of the One World system, will it also break the legitimacy of the One World Church?

Reply to  Arthur Sido
5 years ago

The change is happening gradually via mass immigration. I’ve been looking at the stats of Trump’s first two years in office (’19 data isn’t out yet) vs. Obama’s and in every category but one (refugees) the numbers are way, way up. 2.2M green cards issued; 1.5M naturalizations; 2.4M “temporary” work visas/year; and the OPT program (50K & 60K under Obama) is now over 200K/year. Those are just some of the “legals.” And people still think he “fights.” Trump has become just as much of a cult figure as Obama was.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

If something destroyed all the televisions in America this country would change overnight. We live in WALL-E land. 75% of people are overweight, 40% medically obese. 80% too dumb, lazy, or incurious to verify anything for themselves, preferring instead to be spoon fed their information like children. Soft men produce hard times though, and we are well overdue for some.

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

I’m not sure that’s true anymore. The oldest among us didn’t grow up with TV so their viewing is limited (apparently to “Wheel of Fortune.”) The young people torrent or stream. TV/Cable expansion was a GenX thing that slopped over a little bit to both boomers and millenials. As for obesity, it has increased, it should be discouraged, but I don’t trust the government to combat it.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

900K deportations under Clinton.
2 M under Bush.
3 M under Obama.
285,000 under Trump.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Not only that, but in the Tuscon sector border crossings have more than doubled since *LAST YEAR* https://twitter.com/USBPChiefTCA/status/1227771075083194368

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

In the real world…



Hey, but OrangeManBad. Maybe the alt-right/DR or whatever you call yourselves can join the Democrat Party. You malcontents will fit in well over there.

Reply to  UpYours
5 years ago

Interesting. I got my stats from the CBP and DHS. Here https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics# and here https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/sw-border-migration. Perhaps they meant “reduced” from FY19 highs to FY20 (Obama-era) levels.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

Trump has cut *legal* immigration by 11% and more cuts are coming thanks to the public charge rule. Like I said. the alt-right/DR is the right wing crazy cat ladies club, all whining but can offer no solution or vision other than bugaloo and RAHOWA fantasies. I can 1M doillars, if and when there is a bugaloo, the DR types will be the last ones to fight.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Arthur Sido
5 years ago

comment image

Then maybe…

Felix Krull
5 years ago

Ironically, this means that the only way a genuine conservatism can emerge, and in the case of Britain, reemerge, is by overthrowing the current order.

For everything to stay the same, everything must change.

Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

Brilliant and pithy, Felix. You point out why “conservatism” is now a misnomer, which masks the goals of our “movement,” from both present adherents and potential ones. “Traditionalist” doesn’t work either, and “Right” is as defunct as the Cold War. Perhaps a more descriptive name would be one (small) way to bring clarity to our side, and rally those who are not with us yet? The old political coalitions have been *visibly* disaggregating for at least four years now, and more rapidly so in recent days. There would be an advantage to whoever lays claim to a vivid, positive name… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  ChrisZ
5 years ago

Brilliant and pithy, Felix.

Thanks, but the credit goes to Giuseppe di Lampedusa.

Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

Even more to your credit—citation.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Thanks again – the movie is definitely recommended to all ourguys (and ourgals, of course); it is rather melancholic, but not only is it insanely beautiful, it features Burt Lancaster in one of his best roles as the Leopard, and the women look like this:comment image

Rather than this:comment image

I am watching it just now, in fact. Be advised it’s in Italian and French, so it’s subtitled.

Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

The chick from 1st pic looks like she has some Harley in her as well.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Sentry
5 years ago

The chick from 1st pic looks like she has some Harley in her as well.

Well spotted. She’s a real bitch, the Meghan Markle of Sicily.

Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

An urbane, impeccably right wing friend recommended “Il Gatopardo” to me last year and now I have to get down to watching it. Thanks. I’m a fan of Lancaster already.

FYI, Trevor Lynch wrote about the film on Unz.

Felix Krull
Reply to  ChrisZ
5 years ago

I should warn you that now I’ve watched it again, I was a bit disappointed. It is rather long and with some pretty confusing editing, but maybe that’s just my copy. There are several, very different edits out there. Still very beautiful, and Lancaster is a lion.

Also, a short refresher on the Risorgimento helped me a lot.

Reply to  ChrisZ
5 years ago

I like the name “The Liberal Party USA”. It will dive the leftists nuts! Just like they made conservative states “RED” to visually confuse the election.in 1984 and has remained so since. It is a visual trick to make the left appear non-commie red. Besides, imagine how cool it would be to answer so smart-azzed leftist who accuses you of being a hated Republican or conservative to smugly retort; Screw you I’m a Liberal Party member”. Picture his expression. They flip the world upside down in Hollywood, academia, Media and even sports why can’t we fuk with them just this… Read more »

5 years ago

The stealthy destruction of our institutions will have to accelerate before the numbskulls of my generation will notice anything. My fear has always been that I’ll be too old to do a damn thing when TSHTF.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Train like Jack LaLane. Be able to kick ass into your 90’s.

5 years ago

The point has been made here often enough. As long as the “right” in the West shares the same principles as the left, we will always lose to them.

5 years ago

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. (Jefferson) Those antifa and alt righter dust ups don’t really measure up. Of our current culture and the quality of it’s citizenry I don’t see much to build on. Institutions are great and all but they have to have the quality of people who can build and support them. Hopefully the future generations will be there for this but for now we should just enjoy our families and communities the best we can. Contribute what you, fight the small battles when you… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

The problem with democracy is that it becomes a vehicle for cranks of all kinds to use to get to their destination before it’s jettisoned. For instance, when Egypt had a glimmer of fleeting “democracy” they elected the Muslim Brotherhood, which was in the process of turning Egypt into a democracy-in-name-only caliphate before the Egyptian army made a miraculous come-back, and in a very anti-democratic purge, put everything back in the box (thanks Obama, you almost unleashed the beast there). Venezuela legitimately elected Hugo Chavez, whose revolution precluded any future real democracy. California is a one party state and will… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

JR Wirth said: “The problem with democracy is that it becomes a vehicle for cranks of all kinds to use to get to their destination before it’s jettisoned.”
Here’s a quote from Walter Lippmann I always liked.
“Unless democracy is to commit suicide by consenting to its own destruction, it will have to find some formidable answer to those who come to it saying: I demand from you in the name of your principles the rights which I shall deny to you later in the name of my principles.”

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Well said sir, can’t be said enough. To the muh democracy pearl clutchers, I say Singapore is not a democracy and Kenya is one. Both were dirt poor and very backward in 1960. Guess which one progressed to first world status?

5 years ago

I wonder how the Puritans would’ve felt to realize they were doing Satan’s work.

No wonder they freaked out about witches. Deep down they knew what they were up to.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

Many thousands more “witches” were put to death by the Holy Roman Empire and the Inquisition than that small colony ever imagined(~20?). “Deep down they knew what they were up to.”

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

Many ‘witches’ died in the Civil War. In no small part to ‘purify’ American society.

Think of Dartmouth grad Thaddeus Stevens. A guy who frowned for his official portrait. Or John Brown.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

I’m sorry Painter, I’m missing your point. Are you saying either TS or JB were witches? Or are you saying you don’t like what happened during the Civil War and its aftermath? Nor do I. With usual 20-20 historical hindsight, it should never have happened.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

JB was a descendent of puritans. TS was educated in a New England congregationalist college, so presumably influenced by puritans. Certainly had that edge.

One pushed revolution, the other Reconstruction. Both were radical abolitionists willing to do terrible things for their cause. It wouldn’t have been as tragic without them and those of like mind.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

And of course no other ideology ever espoused doing
“terrible things for their cause.” FFS, man, If I had the time, I could post all day, every day, for months on end about “mans’ inhumanity to man” going back to Viking days in Europe and far beyond.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

Sure but I’m talking about Puritans specifically. They had a profound influence on this country. It’s not that they didn’t have their hits. The revolution was great— probably. New England started that. Town hall democracy is great. The work ethic is great. The industrial revolution was good for a while. I’m talking about the excesses of the uncompromising puritan ethic— where it gets punishingly utopian. Maybe I’m being a little reductive, but I can’t help hearing the echo of those witch hunts in Reconstruction or even today’s progressivism. Destroy the badthinker. Extirpate the evil in our midst. And while I’m… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

Please don’t destroy me!

Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago


5 years ago

“A genuine conservatism can be intellectually conceived, but the traditions that it should rest upon have been eliminated, so it will require a dismantling of current institutions and the building of new ones, loosely based on the traditions of the West.” Not likely, unless we have total and catastrophic collapse of the western culture. Our traditions have not been eliminated, I see them all around me. But, the majority of these traditions have been subjugated, in the parts of the country that hold the largest voting blocs, to a creeping feminization. It started with women getting the vote and has… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
5 years ago

Zman said, “A genuine conservatism…will require a dismantling of current institutions and the building of new ones, loosely based on the traditions of the West.” Waiting4Storm responded, “Not likely, unless we have total and catastrophic collapse of the western culture.” How “unlikely” is a “total and catastrophic collapse of the western culture”? Historically it’s happened lots of times, to lots of cultures. (And your handle suggests you’re well aware of that.)

Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

My secret is out… My alias comes from something I read once: There is a storm coming; and, it is starting to rain. Even if the collapse comes, and it may, can we put it all back together in a way that is true to the older traditions? I ran across this quote some time ago: And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t… Read more »

Reply to  WaitingForTheStorm
5 years ago

Like everything else in our society, the ‘social capital’ of our traditions has been strip-mined and transformed into transactions that middlemen can extract their pound of flesh from. Even our *holidays* have been stolen from us. Thanksgiving Day, a uniquely American holiday, is now a bump in the road on the way to the Black Friday Sale, which is needed so we can all buy a bunch of product sold by the folks who had their tables overturned by The Christ, the very person who’s birth we are supposed to be celebrating. All of our national patriotic days are an… Read more »

5 years ago

The Pubs always cave because, as Z and others have noted many times, Establishment “Conservatives” have the same core beliefs as the Left: They are committed to Civil Nationalism, anti “Racism” and Equality. They prize outward civility and most would die rather than make a scene, or engage in a personal confrontation..

Reply to  Ivar
5 years ago

Same religion, they have already converged.
The Repubs are the Judean Peoples Front.

Does that make Trump ‘Biggus Dickus’?

5 years ago

It’s pretty simple. The left are the crazy, they cannot be co-opted easily. The so-called “conservatives” are the greedy. They have a price and sold out the country for filthy lucre. Saying we need a “new” conservatism is an error IMO. We need a new LOYALTY – HONOR – MONOGAMY – combine them into LOYALHONORGAMY. So caled “conservatives” are back stabbers that sold our children into debt slavery. Our brothers into hopelessness and thus opiod dependence. Made our daughters into sluts. Ripped untold human beings from their mothers’ wombs, vivisected them and sold their bodies for parts like a chop… Read more »

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
5 years ago

Seems to me you’re over-thinking this. One of the idiots elected to Congress in 2018 surprisingly had it right when she said, “It’s all about the Benjamins”. Whether or not some pol who says good things to get elected actually meant what he said, it doesn’t take long before the need to be reelected overrides all other considerations. The billionaire bankers (BBs) and their friends have more than enough money to decide who gets elected, and if the guy we thought would work on our behalf doesn’t quickly start working on behalf of the BBs, the BBs will find somebody… Read more »

Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
5 years ago

But what motivates the BBs? Clearly not profits, after a certain amount of wealth is achieved.

If maximizing profits was the goal, we would have movies like Mel Gibson’s Christ and the first Star Wars, not the new “woke” Star Wars movies.

It’s not “all about the Benjamins.” It’s about the overthrowing of traditional white cultures.

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

It’s the Benjamins that cause our elected officials to betray us. The BBs are probably motivated by a lust for power, but I can’t know that, it’s just a guess. Growing up there was a boy living next door who was about my age. He was a strange kid. He spent just about every sunny day in summer out in the back yard with a magnifying glass, torching ants, and laughing maniacally each time an ant went up in smoke. I imaging our BB overlords doing the same as young men march off to war to make the world safe… Read more »

Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
5 years ago

The BB’s literally control the manufacture of our fiat currency. They will NEVER be outspent while they retain possession of that control node of our civilization. Trump did prove that having more money doesn’t mean they can’t be beat.

5 years ago

These days when I re-read A Tale of Two Cities I admire Madame Defarge more and more.

5 years ago

I’m not exactly sure about this but I think a Sanders win may actually be of greater benefit to us long term. If the left sees their popular champion stymied at ever turn and none of his wealth re distributive promises ever get fulfilled the elites might find themselves facing a growing discontent and potential rebellion on two fronts. But then again I’m just speculating. Maybe they would just print mounds of fiat money to release the pressure from the left, give an amnesty to student loan debt, etc. but he’s certainly not going to be able to raise taxes… Read more »

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

I’m completely done with Trump as anything other than a meme. He still is the avatar for whiteness in the popular consciousness but that’s only true as a residual effect of his campaign strategy. The way he governs has revealed his character, his words mean nothing, his actions reveal the man. Releasing millions of criminals was the penultimate last straw of many last straws. The rose colored glasses optimist in me thinks “Hey he is just doing that to shove some IRL in your face taste of race realism into these media indoctrinated sheeps’ false reality by facilitating a face… Read more »

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

FG. Yours seems a reasonable summary of Trump’s history. Personally I’m taking Trump in sum of the good and the bad. I’m curious what your resolute declaration means for you tactically? I agree with the general consensus here that the valley ahead and road out is through destruction (active and passive). With that, my clan is planning ahead while riding along on the machine in place. What are you doing personally?

Reply to  MossHammer
5 years ago

I’m largely isolated in the heart of brownness a.k.a. Gomorrah a.k.a. Los Angeles so I do what I can to lay some breadcrumbs for the few legacy americans left in this cesspit. The state of our people here is in the extremes. Either full on stockholm syndrome or very low key but extremely high power levels. To find out you are talking to you have to be tactful and coded in your language. Put out feeler statements that stockholm syndrome people won’t understand but our guys and gals will get. It’s pretty much a real life version of Dystopian Sci… Read more »

Christian Schulzke
Christian Schulzke
Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

Talking in code to feel the other person out is exactly what they used to do in the Soviet Union.

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

Let me assure you there is hope so keep the chin up you handsome dog! I cannot encourage you enough to get out and find a place to land outside of the alien world that is CA. Further encouragement to find a great help-mate, make some handsome babies. And practice the baby making a lot (“enjoy the wife of your youth).

Seriously, I hope you are actively looking for a spot to relo. To paraphrase Lineman, go find your community.

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

My tactical support for Bernie is based largely in the fact that he’ll govern with complete incompetence.

Better the old commie who has never had a real job than a young, angry Stacy Abrams-type.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I’m more worried about his acolytes and minions. I can imagine someone like AOC getting real power and becoming truly bloodthirsty. Also, imagine some of those university scolds (the smart ones, not the useful idiots) having authority over normal people.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
5 years ago

That might actually be a good thing though. Being directly and personally impacted by the rot will drive more people to our side than a million leaflets ever would. Better a bit of pain in the short term that might catalyze a reversal than a slow decline to the depths over decades.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

MemeWarVet, Where you might be wrong is assuming that Bernie, not the oligarchy and deep state apparatchiks, would be doing the governing.

Reply to  Lorenzo
5 years ago

Lorenzo, exactly. People like Bernie (and Obama) are simply platforms by which these deep-staters can do their work unimpeded. People consistently get fooled by the magician’s trick of watching the quickly moving right hand, while the left hand quietly does the real work.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, this sounds like millennial rage at being lied to by every authority figure. The bait and switch of being promised the world and given this mess. It’s something I can relate to.

I bet a lot of Bernie bros don’t actually believe in socialism. They just want to burn it all down— burn the lie down. Feel the Bern.

It’s the same sentiment that got me behind Trump. Not ready to take the accelerationist’s plunge, though.

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

Connecting the dots is not a strength of the leftist hivemind. And as long as Trump and any other racist non-believers are allowed to exercise their white privilege, Bernie will have cover for his inevitable failures. The boogymen are already cast. Just look at the grievance-gibs axis that is the sciencey science of the the dems platform. Which is really just a gallows. The problems are not some economists wet dream of a predictive model of taxation. No, its whiteness, racism, sexism, “hate”, xenophobia, transphobia, etc. These don’t go way when the people get paid for their sadface or the… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

They can’t go too hard on that stuff anymore though. Them going to hard on that is what got Trump elected and they know it. That’s why they prefer to attack the symbol of whiteness (Trump) rather than white people when they can. It helps keep the frog boiling in the pot for longer.

5 years ago

Nothing is less dangerous to a corrupt system than an opposition hobbled by the baggage of patriotism, process and rule of law. Sound familiar? To the extent the problems with a system are structural, process and rule of law can’t even address them, much less fix them. The U.S. Constitution has express provisions for amendment and reform from the grassroots level. There has been a grassroots level consensus on both the Right and Left for decades that the system needs radical reform in either our direction or theirs. The one thing no one outside the inside wants is the status… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

I was surprised that Z used the word “conservatism” as the goal of our struggle.

Although I was proud to call myself a conservative for many years, the word now evokes in me shame, embarrassment, and mild revulsion.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

“The one thing no one outside the inside wants is the status quo. But it’s the only brand on sale in our marketplace of ideas.” Annnnd mic drop.

james wilson
james wilson
5 years ago

As Joseph Sobran pointed out the Constitution was crafted not to promote democracy but to check it, yet here we are attempting to reform government through democracy. This is a sample of what better minds think about our odd circumstances– Ambrose Bierce–Conservative, n.: A statesmen who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the liberal, who wants to replace them with others. Tocqueville–The habit of inattention has to be regarded as the greatest defect of a democratic society. Burke–It is very rare for men to be wrong in their feelings concerning public misconduct; as rare to be right in… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
5 years ago

“If you leave a thing alone you leave it to a torrent of change.”

You either social engineer or you get social engineered. The hands-off stupidity (my bow tie is too straight to fight the culture war!) was an abdication of responsibility for stewardship of civilization. Only an idiot not only lets his enemies educate his children, but pays them to do it.

5 years ago

>> What English speaking countries need is a conservatism that will transform the state into something that will strengthen and support traditional institutions. <<

There was once a man who tried this in a non-English speaking country….

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

Trump tweeted support for some Indian homosexual movie. The global man is within both political orders in the west. Trump is like a 75 Mustang all pinstriped and mag wheels with a smog controlled 4 cylinder under the hood.
True conservatism will support our traditional culture and institutions that support our traditions, our people, families, and not some rainbow flag God or worldwide multicultural marketplace.
We are far from getting that yet in our leadership. We are stuck with Casino owners and communists at this point in time.

5 years ago

Robert Lewis Dabny: It may be inferred again that the present movement for women’s rights will certainly prevail from the history of its only opponent: Northern conservatism. This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

One of the many tragedies of Trump turning out to be a scummy neocon masquerading as a populist is there was a real potential to move the Overton Window. Julius Evola said that the regular people are like “sacks of potatoes” who will basically go along with anything. Sad but probably true. Or in contemporary terms, the MAGAtards seem to support Trump on a sports-fan basis. They support “their team” no matter what–despite the fact that he didn’t do anything he promised to do, and in fact did a lot of bad stuff besides. (Following the MAGAtard mommies on Twitter… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Don’t be foolish Babe. Unless you’re a troll, in which case you’re doing your job. Trump is a necessary way-station, and a super-important one at that.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

LOL. The one funny and useful thing Trump did was to get the left-wing haters and lunatics to rip their masks off and fling them high in the air.

The funny part is that Trump’s policies are no different from an ordinary sellout conservative, but the leftists still look at him and see Hitlermussolini.

The political psychology of our current moment is absolutely amazing.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

And of course some of his election rhetoric was outside the Overton Window (that’s why the left hates him: they aim to put the “total” in totalitarian, not the slightest deviation allowed).

But that’s what surprises me: the MAGAtards aren’t calling him out on not fulfilling any of those promises. They don’t remember? Don’t care? I mean, the fucking wall, who forgets that?

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

It’s the lesser of two evils for them now. Again this is because the system is set up to disallow white organization. You can’t start a white “La Raza” or a white community organization. We are in shit spot and it’s painful to think about how badly we have been fucked. The masses (all masses, always) are weak without a unifying force, they were desperate for an uncle adolf or napolean to come lead the way and save them. Trump presented himself as a crude rendering of that leader and we desperately flocked to him. What I take heart in… Read more »

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

Elegant. Fash, we await our Napolean, our Hit…, er, our Bad Man.

Aha, that ancient theme! Some await a Saviour. A Cyrus, perhaps.

Joseph Campbell was right, there need only be a few stories. The Zman could consider and use those few universal themes as a focal point.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

So Bloomie troll Babe,

1) Him saying both sides are at fault in C’ville
2) Him asking the squad to GTFO to their shitholes
3) Travel ban, the border wall, the public charge rule
4) Reduction of regulations

is not keeping promises? Bloomberg must pay you guys well, but try harder man.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Babe, the unfunny thing is that he defuses the passions of the right, keeps them from coming to a boil. Some, many, would like to delay the turmoil.

For us, though, it only buys time for the enemy. This is a hudna, a false truce so one side can re-arm.

Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

Babe/John – we don’t have the insider info to resolve the question of “con man or victim of the system” re: Trump. We likely never will. We can only judge these guys on what they do for us or fail to in light of their promises and professed agenda. Trump’s historical niche is largely a matter of uninformed speculation at this point and we can’t make a definitive case either-or. Hopefully we won’t waste too much time and energy fighting each other over whatever happens in Kabuki Theater 2020. Things are going to remain tough for Our Guys no matter… Read more »

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

We had nothing else. Nothing.

Now what do we have?
My gods, look at this slate of candidates.

What one predictor said in 2016 came true- the elites have decided to back Trump, I’m afraid. Ya know, I think they back any of these nutjobs, yet I still agree that he’s a necessary way-station, a first step.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
5 years ago

“A genuine conservatism can be intellectually conceived, but the traditions that it should rest upon have been eliminated, so it will require a dismantling of current institutions and the building of new ones, loosely based on the traditions of the West.” And THAT, Mr. Zman, calls for an entire book to be written. By you. Well done.

Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

Agree, well done. Correct me if I’m simply putting my own desires into today’s “lesson”, but it seems the situation described above has only one real possibility of solution—authoritarian dictatorship—for an extended period of time. Whether this dictatorship is Left or (reformed) Right is unknown. But for the Right to prevail, it will come only from an individual or smallish group with one individual ostensibly the face of. What I am reading is that Rightists are hopelessly divided by their individualistic roots to ever agree upon new, sustainable restructure of the currently poz’d institutions. This I’m beginning to agree with.… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Excellent summation, Compsci. Back when my son retained some libertarian leanings, he took great umbrage at the required authoritarianism I found appealing (and workably presented in Covington’s books, as I have mentioned before). Even in a homogeneous nation, there’s always the bottom 10% and the outliers. And a new generation of capable, self-confident White culture cannot be raised by those whose formative years were spent among miscegenation, deracination, and degradation. Democracy is one of those leftist principles that will have to be tossed if we hope to rebuild.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

That’s why libertarians are in an impossible bind. How do you get a government powerful enough to defend individual freedom?

Our distrust comes from an awareness of human nature and the historical record.

As American power centalizes and grows more oppressive- its own collective, its own supertribe- we see it promoting hyper-radical individualism instead.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

So Putinism, then_? We might well fit the Russian parallel after Bernie and the Commies take over. Just hope that it doesn’t take 80 years and ~50 mil. dead like it did for them.

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
5 years ago

The most deeply unpopular position on the right might just be that its BASE, not the RINO’s, has a loyalty problem. Conservative politicians sellout when they go to DC, to be sure, but the average civil service worker there in fact sells out harder compared to the rest of the country. Yes, the right’s politicians have more of a spine than the work force of the Swamp/Deep State. If conservatives could move to DC and become government workers without going native, then their politicians would be better too, but they’re both cut from the same cloth. The politicians won’t even… Read more »

5 years ago

Conservatism is too much reactionary and not a true political ideology. Most conservatives could not even tell you where they think taxes should be or even what they should be spent on. The only thing they can tell you is that they are too high, no matter where they happen to be, and that they are spent irresponsibly. They cannot imagine using the state to impose “conservative values,” whatever they happen to be at the moment. It is impossible to break your principles when you don’t have any. Being opposed to the left is not a principle. Even things like… Read more »

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

These are my principles. If you don’t like them I have others. – Groucho Marx

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

Ideology is not really tenable either though. It’s usually way down the
‘Biology > Culture > Institutions > Politics > Economics’ chain.

5 years ago

If we’re going to be America and not the United States, the answer is to establish the nation. Not the country or the state (ideas). One people will do what suits their interest. As long as they aren’t self-hating 🙂

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

This was one of the most radical posts I can recall seeing here. The logic of ‘order through chaos’ reminds me a lot of Marxism and, for once, I don’t mean ‘Marxism’ derogatorily here. There is a voice in the back of my head that says that conservatism cannot be forged as an ideological project, unlike actual ideologies. I think it should somehow grow organically. And that may be a form of individualism itself, the thinking that it cannot be ‘indoctrinated’. On the other hand, we might not have time for it to grow ‘organically’ b/c tick tock, the demographic… Read more »

Chester White
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

I suspect Argentina was just a trial run.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
5 years ago

This is a very thought-provoking post by Zman, particularly his observations that “What English speaking countries need is a conservatism that will transform the state into something that will strengthen and support traditional institutions,” and “That something new is the defense of traditional order, organic institutions and the popular will expressed through natural identity.” A possible hint of an emerging “something new” is what Putin is doing in Russia and Orban is doing in Hungary: Each is boosting and strengthening traditional institutions including their respective historical churches and normal families with children. On the flip side they are eliminating the… Read more »

Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

Jim, good point. That both Putin and Orban appear to scare the bejeezus out of the powers-that-be, is a bonus, and is also evidence that the two of them are on to something.

5 years ago

I’ve been saying that post-Trump the Repubs will return to being the party of Romney. Pretty much the same thing.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  MBlanc46
5 years ago

Not. Necessarily. The script is yet unwritten. (And fuck Romney.)

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

Well said!

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
5 years ago

I’ve always have been entranced by the ‘Quiet Revolution’ in Quebec that happened in the 1960’s. It was like there were thousands of sleeper cells that stayed mostly quiet, and they all were activated like a school of fish and completely and ruthlessly transformed society nonviolently, and the people for the most part just shrugged their shoulders. For all the entertainment of Trump’s bluster and being edgy online, the key is going to be finding rich benefactors that can hide in the shadows and fund such splinter cells that know when to ‘activate’ when blood is smelled in the water.… Read more »

5 years ago

I hope for a white advocacy politician or coalition to emerge. Something that disaffected red-pilled whites can coalesce around. Much as i hate to contemplate it, we need a Jesse Jackson-like figure. Nehland and P. Little were crushed but i gotta think that someone will breakthrough as the whites lose the majority. To Zmans point, the advocates job will be of disruptor and to constantly rail against our status quo.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  SidVic
5 years ago

“To Zmans point, the advocates job will be of disruptor and to constantly rail against our status quo.” You kidding? Is Trump not a first-step “disrupter-in-chief”?

Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

Smith, I agree, because Trump is doing Bernie’s job for him.

5 years ago

Conservatism is the pawl on the ratchet of the Left’sTotalitarian Come-Along

5 years ago

I think we see this from conservative politicians is simply because the Left more accurately represents the Open Society, which both left and right claim to support. Even the conservative thinker types have argued that the true American impulse is the Open Society – Hillsdale, U. of Chicago great book types, Victor Davis Hanson, all the rest of them.

Reply to  BTP
5 years ago

BTP, in a nutshell! That’s the essence of ‘muh kapitalism’, of ‘other people’s money’, and foreign direct investment by sovereign wealth funds.

5 years ago

“What English speaking countries need is a conservatism that will transform the state into something that will strengthen and support traditional institutions.”

We have a word for that idea. It starts with an “f” and it was invented in first half of the 20th century.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Z Man said “America has always been a radical bourgeois project. After the Civil War, that radicalism became the default of the political class and remains so today. This reformist impulse is the distinguishing feature of the American empire.”
In large part you can thank the Puritan proto-leftists for that mess.
Here’s an article from a site called “THRONE, ALTAR, LIBERTY ” entitled : ” Gnostics, Puritans, and the Left.” https://thronealtarliberty.blogspot.com/2019/08/gnostics-puritans-and-left.html

5 years ago

This is de Toqueville-level genius, Zman.
Certainly the finest meditation on American religion yet.

Magnifica! Please, keep going.

Sperg Adjacent
Sperg Adjacent
5 years ago

LOL, there’s Zman passing out pamphlets on the street corner again.

Well, I reckon we don’t have much to lose now. I, for one, am ready to roll the dice. ¡Viva la Revolución!

5 years ago

“The Left seeks to use the state to reorganize society according to their current fads, so the Right opposes the state as a legitimate entity.”

That was the intellectual fad of the late 18th century, The Enlightenment.

5 years ago

Bad news in Remus’ Woodpile today.

“A personal note.

There’s no gentle way to say this, so I’ll not try. My wife is at the end stage of a terminal condition. As is always the case there’s some uncertainty. Weeks are possible, days are probable. Woodpile Report will go dark for a while when it happens. “

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

So sorry to learn this. My best wishes to you and your family.

5 years ago

basically moderate white democrat at 1990s are Nazis now That’s how far we have fallen and we have been trying to vote ourselves out of this mess since day one problem is it doesn’t work It didn’t work before, it doesn’t work now and won’t work in the future majority American didn’t want war or unlimited immigration, but government did it anyway majority American didn’t want to live with ethnically alien, but scotus decisions said you have too the birth of suburbia was white people’s basic instinct to secure their existence boy scout bankruptcy should accept as Delphi oracle if… Read more »

Reply to  Yman
5 years ago

Oh please, majority white America voted for Clinton and Jorge Arbusto. White America still votes for Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib(sp?).

Reply to  UpYours
5 years ago

“majority white America voted for Clinton and Jorge Arbusto” 62% white vote for Bush-Perot meanwhile Clinton only get 39% white vote at 1992 election you didn’t bother to check out statics ” White America still votes for Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib” again you didn’t bother to check out where districts at you might claim that Brexit and recent Tory victory was “economic” reason something like there’s no ethnic motivation among British people and people actually like living with ethnically alien people you named ID as cursing, it shows that you have no class at all Just like your argument… Read more »

5 years ago

“The question that has vexed the genuine Right is why this seems to be a phenomenon of the Right and not the Left. There are no examples of left-wingers going to Washington and becoming moderates.”

This is not surprising. The divide is not Left/Right; it is centralization/subsidiarity. Anyone who spends time in the Imperial Capital, i.e., the center of power, wants to exercise that power. Leftism is the contemporary way to exercise central authority. That will make right-wingers drift left but not the other way around.

5 years ago

Why do pols shift left when they go to Washington? 3 reasons.

1. Money. Lots more lobbyists funding left wing causes, especially immigration.

2. Status. Liberals are held in higher esteem, because most of the people doing that esteeming are liberals. Pro immigration advocates are seen as nicer, kinder, and more open hearted. It’s Saturday night and you didn’t get an invitation to that big cocktail party where all the beautiful people are sure to be?

3. Votes.

5 years ago

Great essay. ‘Identity’ is one of the sticks in the ‘bundle of sticks’.

5 years ago

Except . . . that history teaches that sometimes the collapse of the prevailing orthodoxy leads to tyranny, mass detention, and genocide. And you don’t want to be in the street speechifying when the jackboots start rounding up the untermenchen for deportation to the extermination camps. Best have a Plan B ready if the jaw-jaw doesn’t work.

5 years ago

The reason the GOP will revert back to its old ways is because a lot of intelligent white men have convinced themselves, by way of simplistic slogans (e.g. “Demographics is destiny” and “We can’t vote our way out of this”), that the best way forward is to allow this to happen without lifting a finger. To hell with conservatism. We don’t need to be thinking about Isms right now. We do not need to have this all thought out. And this notion of razing everything to the ground in order to rebuild on the ruins is romantic nonsense fit for… Read more »

Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

Vegetius – I have no personal experience but a close friend has a friend who tried to mount a local political challenge to one of Conservatism Inc.’s entrenched hacks. It was an abysmal failure – due to the endemic corruption of the people and institutions and the incredible need for absurd amounts of $$$. Muh capitalism has let the oligarchs reach the heights and they control every lever.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

+1 on “muh kapitalism.” Hoo boy.
Marx was right on that point. The Owner class will stop reinvesting in the society, and invest instead in lowest cost, low risk dodginess.

(That “warning”, I think, became an operating manual, as did ‘The Prince’ or ‘1984’.)

Money reflects the energy available to a society. When it was limited to muscle power, human and animal, things went more slowly. Then came coal steam, then petro, then electrical- we are well off to the races.

(Tldr- when you can print whatever you need and get paid for it, you end up buying everything.)

Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

Veg, as 3g says, we don’t have the resources to play electoral politics the traditional way. We’re limited to down-ballot niches, systemic blind spots and voting for accelerating collapse rather than seizing the ramparts. That said, I’m all for people trying to leverage the system for everything they can. I’m not going to call them quitters or blame them for why we haven’t “won” yet. I’d appreciate the same courtesy toward those of us who aren’t sold on electoral politics as the One Weird Trick to win with. You’re beating up a straw man with your depiction of those of… Read more »

5 years ago

[…] The matter must be on many people’s minds, because the redoubtable Z Man also addressed it in far more detail in a recent Z Blog post. […]

5 years ago

I don’t know what the labels political left and political right even mean anymore.

The terminology is so obsolete as to be obscuring and provides negative utility at this point.

5 years ago

And your commenters are pretty astute too.

5 years ago

ZMan, and I say this without exaggeration, I have read political/historical commentary for fifty years, and the last time I read anything this incisive in so few words would have been in Gibbon or A.J.P. Taylor or those of similar stature. I look forward to your book.

5 years ago

Those dastardly puritans always ensuring the political battle is between two free market Zionists!