Market Report Week Two

It may feel like this panic has gone on for a month, but in reality we are just in our second full week. Technically, the panic began the Thursday after Trump’s speech in which he announced the closing of air traffic from Europe. That was the 18th of March, so we are in day 12 now. The real frenzy did not get going until the weekend, when governors started telling people the end is upon us. Last week was the first full week of people sheltering in place and treated one another like lepers.

The market always offers lots of lessons about the reality of social organization. In the best of times, you see how poorly people naturally organize. The best argument against libertarianism is simply going outside and watching people. Now, the best argument against curve flattening is to see how people behave when told they must assume everyone else has a deadly plague. They take symbolic steps to defend themselves, but the practical necessity of life overcomes those efforts.

At the ghetto market, the poor people, migrants and minorities are doing nothing different from what they normally do. You’ll see some blacks wearing masks, more on that later, but otherwise nothing is different. The store itself is not engaging in the defensive measures you see in suburbia. It’s not that these people are careless or stupid, but that they have a different sense of risk. When you have less to lose, you have less to fear, especially when your neighbor is scarier than a virus.

In the suburbs where the beautiful people live, the market operates like a German concentration camp. On the way in a nice older gentlemen wipes down your cart and directs you to the delousing station for inspection. Once you are sanitized, you enter the otherwise normal market. Again, the blacks have masks on and some old people will look like they are working in a nuclear facility, but otherwise people are spreading their cooties on one another as they do in regular times.

This is the skeptic versus curve bender in a nutshell. The curve benders live and work outside the confines of reality, so their schemes sound reasonable. In the real world where such schemes go to die, something else is happening. That is, people are already starting to show signs of weariness. The cashier whispered to me that she and the other cashiers are getting sick of the nonsense. There’s talk of collective action to either get more pay or stop forcing them to do all this extra work.

This is something people learn when they have to manage people. Just because they are paid to follow your instructions does not mean they will. You have to convince them to accept the rules so they become instinct. That can only happen when those rules do not conflict with their natural instincts or create what appears to be an unnecessary burden on them. Every captain knows the morale of his crew is his top priority, as it is the only way they can be counted on to follow orders.

In theory, locking everyone in their homes until the virus dies out is a great way to slow the spread and eventually eradicate it. After all, this is what the Chinese supposedly did in Wuhan and who does not trust the Chinese? In reality, people will go along with this for a little while, but they will soon tire of it. That and we are not China. Too many Americans will simply ignore the precautions. Unless they immediately drop over dead, they become the example everyone follows.

One amusing exception to all of this, as usual, are black people. In the beautiful people areas, rich Asians can be seen wearing masks in the best of times. This is a cultural habit they bring with them. In this panic, blacks have jumped on the mask-wearing craze in a big way. At the market, it is not rare to see a black now wearing a mask and colorful rubber gloves. Black people love display items. It is a good bet that masks and other gear get Africanized as fashion accessories.

Another reason blacks are jumping on the mask craze is they fear the unknown in ways most white people cannot grasp. It is why they are more likely to believe in ghosts than other races. It’s also why they fall for nonsense like white privilege so easily. To them, it is just another spooky thing about white people that they cannot see, but they are sure must exist. It is just one of the hidden forces that control events. This virus will be the best crime fighting too Lagos has seen in generations.

Anyone who has had to manage a large number of people knows that sentiment can turn quickly against you, unless you stay on top of it. It’s why sportsball coaches have locker room insiders to tell them the mood of the players. It’s why every military has a layer between the officers and the enlisted men. More than a few grand schemes have been undermined by a quiet rebellion in the ranks. This is something we are already seeing that will become more evident next week.

This is why Trump is getting antsy about getting people back to work. It’s not because of the economy, although that is one reason. It’s because he has managed lots of people and he knows this dynamic. By next week, whatever benefit there was to this lock down will have been achieved. The inevitable wholesale revolt against it will make the whole enterprise pointless. Trump will want to be seen as leading the charge to get the nation back to work, so expect that to be the topic a week from now.

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G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

If this was a possum virus that killed us hillbillies the cosmopolitan media in New York and LA would be making fun of us on late night TV. We hillbillies go to Afghanistan to fight for the nation. These nut job progressives cower and panic over a virus that kills far less than the common flu.
They better be glad they got a fellow New Yorker in Trump to calm down the hillbillies as we lose our jobs.
Not sure how long that will work?

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

Can guarantee no one would be clutching their pearls over calling it hillbilly flu either.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
5 years ago

If the stats continue to bear out, we may need to transition from “Chinese Flu” to “Jew Flu.” Wonder how that will be received?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

To be fair, we are ridiculing the Northeastern morons stampeding like retarded buffalo. Justifiably. Eventually you have to question if we need to share a polity with these types.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

Increasingly, hillbillies are starting to refuse to join the military, and that includes the children of multi-generational families who served. I’m familiar with quite a few and the parents and grandparents are quite supportive. The DOD earlier this year floated the idea to allow 16-year-olds to serve as the number of young people in the South and Midwest willing to be cannon fodder for the Evil Empire II refuse to do so. It is a safe bet the Empire is working overtime to develop AI and robots to fill the void and hopes the coming great recession will force people… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

Unfortunately for them, someone has to build the AI, drones, and computers, and if they think they are getting nickel and dimed now by incompetent corporations and soldiers, wait until the last remnants of patriotism vanish.

We’re probably only 10-20 years from a proxy war with China that we will lose, badly.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
5 years ago

At this moment the defense industry functions largely due to the efforts of heritage American Boomers in key roles in management and technical areas. There are a smattering of heritage GenXers and Millennials in those areas. Those key Boomers are starting to retire en masse. There is not a large cohort of heritage American late Millennials and Zoomer STEM wizards that is going to arrive to prop up the defense industry. They are trying to pozz up with local and H-1B vibrants per FedGov directives, but they realize that 99% of those people can’t hack it. This is obvious to… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

I’ve seen this in both the Medical and Utilities industries, as well. Basically the top brass are Big Dick Energy alpha boomer types. Definitely competent and not really pozzed. Even if their replacements are white Gen X or Millenials the quality just won’t be the same. I dunno if these boomers have failed to cultivate talent or what but you’re right that things are held together by a thin veneer of non-pozzed Boomers at the top. There just aren’t enough white STEM grads, even the “domestic” grads are 50% white at very best. Anyways, I’m one of the ones with… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

Speaking from experience (though not in a corporate setting), a lot of these boomers don’t want to let go. You almost have to show them you’ll run them over if they don’t get out of the way. I don’t know if that’s an ego thing, or if you’re proving yourself to them. The more I do it the more it seems like the latter. They like that hungry edge.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

Henry Ford was a mechanic. It might be a problem of perspective. Also, the big boys choke out the little guys. The situation you describe will cause things to devolve, and as that happens an army of Fords will rush into the vacuum. There’s a ton of non-credentialed talent out there hungry for opportunity. Or the big boys will stop insisting on the piece of paper and look for real world talent. The lost art of apprenticeship and learning on the job. Younger people are cynical about education but that doesn’t mean they don’t have what it takes. Rough ride,… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

That’s the key, some type of apprenticeship vs credentialship. Bryan Caplan has some good thoughts on this problem in his new book: The Case Against Education. He discusses why employers hire credentialed mediocrity, rather than potentially good, but uncredentialed talent.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

amazing news.

shows how dumb the elites are. all they have to do is keep quiet about the diversity bullshit on the front lines and people wouldn’t notice. same thing is happening in Canada, white men are no longer signing up to serve a country of racially alien people. surprisingly, the Indians, Nigerians, Pakistanis, and Mexicans are in no rush to die for Canada.

Maybe our elites honestly think that they are the next Poles and Italians, but that is just never going to happen. There will be no WW2 unifying moment.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

I’m familiar with quite a few and the parents and grandparents are quite supportive.

I picture the scene from Hillbilly Elegy, where Granma Walsh is denying the recruitment officer access to her porch, a six-shooter in her pocket.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

The downside of not serving is the learning curve if war comes anyway.

I absolutely appreciate the reluctance of parents to bless off on service, but if bad things happen it actually *improves* your chances – and the safety, standing of your loved ones. We’re not just military, we’re veterans, police; from the same families. That counts for something in a pinch.

You don’t have to sell me on what a corrupt farce it was, I was there.

But still; this is a tradeoff of risks.

Felix Krull

Oh, I agree. I absolute intend to force my nephew to don the king’s tunic, although I’ll be equally adamant they don’t serve in neocon military adventures – let’s hope they still listen to their paranoid uncle by then.

Never mind the zombie apocalypse, but it’s the only time in life you get a chance to acquire that particular skillset.

Reply to  Felix Krull
5 years ago

This is a question I’m torn on for the reasons both of you touch on. There is nowhere else comparable to acquire martial skills and mindset than your nation’s armed forces, but soldiers are the hardest guys to red-pill after that conditioning takes hold and there’s always the risk of being Forever War’d.

We don’t even have the Boy Scouts anymore. DIY militia-type training can substitute (inadequately) but it depends on who’s doing the training – a very sketchy roll of the dice.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

” We hillbillies go to Afghanistan to fight for the nation. ”

Whatever the fuck you’re killing Afghans for it aint “the nation”

5 years ago

As much as I wish there would be mass civil disobedience; I don’t believe it. The Beckys and Karen’s get way too much of an emotional charge from the virtue signal of thinking they’re “saving lives.”

The blacks will softly ignore the unconstitutional abridgment of their freedoms, and will be allowed to do so. The rules don’t apply to them anyway.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

He’s not talking about mass civil disobedience though. It’s a subset of workers that are doing the essential stuff like food distribution where they have to interface with the public whilst in the midst of pandemic. They have a strong bargaining position and it’s a stressful time for them. If you are talking mass disobedience, that might happen in the form of riots if and when things get worse. In my area it’s still hard to acquire food and other essential supplies. Getting more difficult actually. This thing is looking like it’s gonna get worse and I don’t think it’s… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Here is what has changed; It is the middle class shopkeepers that make revolutions* and they are being both ruined and caged, helpless. They are the commons natural sergeants, lieutenants, captains. They had no stake in revolt before, they may now. That’s who was missing before, they may remain missing now. Nothing may change; but many talented and organizing successful people are ruined.

*See America, France, Russia, Iran, etc.
They make revolutions, not workers.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
5 years ago

Yesterday I read a small post by Thomas DiLorenzo: “On March 11 Dr. Anthony Fauci famously told a congressional hearing that the COVID-19 virus was “ten times worse” than the seasonal flu. Then fifteen days later, on March 26, he co-authored an article that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in which he wrote that the COVID-19 was “no worse” than a “very bad flu” but nothing like SARS or MERSA. “Having been involved in the academic publishing business for the past 41 years, I can say with some authority that the article published in the New… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mark Stoval
5 years ago

Interesting. I read also that supposedly scholarly work is being rushed through on this virus without peer review and the other normal checks and controls. That may be an excuse or explanation or both. Fauci is emblematic of the career D.C. bureaucrats who have failed every time a challenge has presented but, or because of that, are seen as extraordinary people in the Imperial City.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

The peer review process is a lengthy one by nature. Treat all day, and write all night is what we are seeing. Info—even incorrect and subject to revision in a panic—is not without merit in this case. On that, I give them a pass. I don’t give them a pass on accepting anything on paper as if handed down from Mount Sinai, nor license to abandon critical thinking and cost benefit analysis.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Mark Stoval
5 years ago

People don’t remember the AIDS panic (another upper class urbanite disease) but Dr. Fauci was the prophet of Doom then as well.

He’s sort of the Judge Judy of medicine for the urban neurotic.

5 years ago

Another conversion I’ve had with former friends, people I once took to be sober -minded and serious: “Do you *really* think the homies are going to shelter in place? Really? That would be cute if it weren’t so terrifying.” Anarcho -tyranny for the win. I still think this blows over by the end of next week, as Karen in the ‘burbs has been stuck with her kids and no manicures for an extra week of “spring break.”

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Around here the effects of botox and fillers wearing off are going to be a wonder to behold. Sort of like Rip Van Winkle. Friend of mine is one of the top aesthetic dermatologists in the city. His phone is ringing off the hook for people desperate to be first in line for their “touch ups”. PS. no, the “homes” won’t be staying home for long. Teaching one of my sons how to reload.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

I get the sense that the vibrants will ignore the lockdown and eventually start robbing, raping, and murdering may be a feature, rather than a bug of this PLANdemic.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

Maybe. Maybe other people are thinking about that too. This from Zerohedge today: “We have noted that National Guard armored vehicles have already been spotted across the country and have suggested that troops are being positioned around major US metros to maintain order if social unrest was seen in low-income neighborhoods. The Western world is on the brink of turmoil….that could soon lead to the unraveling of social fabric.” Read the whole thing at

Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

The 10 day waiting period in places like California will certainly get you killed now. Those communists really think of everything don’t they?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

Here is So Cali the amount of burglary and theft are super low, the former is because this is a well armed state with everyone at home and even Left wing areas do not tolerate home invasion (it can get long prison times and after a few other offenses 25 to life ) and the later as nothing much to rob is open. That said too long a lockdown might produce some riots in some areas but again here, demography and weed play a part. IIRC pot stores are open and the population is more Hispanic and far more chill… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

So basically Globohomo is scared of people who will actually chimp out. White people follow rules , even in protest like the Yellow Vests. So they aren’t scared of us.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

Yes. White people are shit on because others do not fear us.

This is just an Iron and Eternal Law of Man. You must be feared to be respected.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

““Do you *really* think the homies are going to shelter in place?” Yes. White people are pretty well-behaved, witness the orderly lining up for soup kitchens in the 1930’s. Vibrants? Not so much. As usual, they’ll be the trigger, and their cities will burn. So?

Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

Exactly the point. White folks will comply; the Diversity won’t. And since there’s no point in the White folks staying on lockdown while the Diversity roam — we’ll need to return fire, if nothing else — then the lockdown ends as soon as the Diversity start getting Vibrant. As they will. Soon.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

In some places it’s too late to arm yourself. Michigan State Police have suspended weapons purchase permits indefinitely.

Don’t worry though, there are no checkpoints, so, “…it’s not martial law…”

Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

It’s not just our vibrants either. I watched an absolutely hilarious media puff piece about all the valiant efforts they are making in India to control this. They had video of a couple of typical wretched looking Indians sitting in little chalk circles 6 feet apart while a police officer in a mask talked to them. Yes, I’m sure this is how everything is being done there now. I’m sure everyone in the slums of Bangalore and Calcutta is washing their hands obsessively and wearing a mask. We should applaud their efforts I suppose given that they don’t actually have… Read more »

5 years ago

I was recently at my boomer parents’ home. The channel never changed from CNN. It was maddening. As in, after a few hours, the melodrama makes you go mad. The sickening repetitiveness. Expert interview…sob story…scary graphs…nurse story…expert interview…crowded hospital…sob story…nurse story…scary graphs…expert… I’d thought “wall-to-wall coverage” was just slang. I thought CNN would throw in something about other news that’s still happening. Nope. It was all Covid intensity all the time. If aliens had landed the coverage would be no different than this. And of course, my alarmist boomer dad eats it up. There’s nothing else going on in his… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  FripBi
5 years ago

Frip….You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din.

Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Reply to  FripBi
5 years ago

Boomers grew up in a high trust society. Many are not used to the idea that we live in a society of swindlers and fraudsters. Some people will just be easy marks until they die.

A lot of younger people know that television is just a bunch of people running one scam or another. The magic will wear off as more of the population grows up in a low trust society.

5 years ago

This post should win a Pulitzer Prize. It is ancient wisdom encapsulated in the essence of human nature, and it’s power transcends the DC stupidity that is the real disease that afflicts us. It is also uplifting to note that many of our fellow citizens are breaking from the parasite herd and once again asserting their ancestral resilience. If we can’t beat this virus, we have no business remaining as an extant species on Planet Earth. Fuck the cowardly wimps that purport to lead us into self-imposed captivity.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

There is no way to “beat” the virus without sustaining casualties. In there lies the rub. None of the numbers of potential casualties I’ve heard set me on edge. But that’s me, and I guess I’m of another time and place. Someone yesterday spoke of his father storming the beaches of Normandy—where every other man fell with the initial landing craft hitting the beach. Yep, that was another time and place—brave leadership, brave followers—perhaps not coincidental.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

There will be casualties in crashing the world economy, including fatalities. There is no free lunch, only trade-offs.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

I don’t think this virus is going to beat the flu pandemics of the 50s and 60s. The Asian flu of 1957-58 claimed 116,000 lives, and the Hong Kong flu of a decade later 100,000. And those deaths were on a much lower population base. The SARS 2 we are living through may not even match those raw numbers, much less hit the per capita. I think Z’s citing the Great Fear that preceded the FRev is spot on. This panic is indicating something has come apart in our culture. We’ve known that, but now the lid if off. I’ve… Read more »

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Major Hoople
5 years ago

“I don’t think this virus is going to beat the flu pandemics of the 50s and 60s.” Not to mention some ghastly diseases that hung around till relatively recent times. I was 10 years old before Dr. Salk came up with his vaccine against polio. During those 10 years thousands of youngsters of my generation left this world not long after entering it, or were confined 24/7 inside a metal tube for an indefinite period. Some never left it for the rest of their lives. If you were struck by the polio virus (virus!) you were quarantined (quarantined!) at home… Read more »

5 years ago

Anyone here recognize the country you were living in just a few weeks ago? Does anyone know anyone who knows anyone who has this thing? Anyone see an obituary for one of these countless victims? Is it worth trading our freedom and economy to keep some unhealthy people alive from this phantom menace just a little bit longer? Why doesn’t the government lock them in their homes while we go back to work?

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Obake158
5 years ago

Because “equality.” If you’re going to lock down the sickly people for a couple of weeks, you have to keep up appearances and put everyone on lockdown for a couple of weeks. Freeeedommmm!!!

5 years ago

Posted this over at Sailer’s place, we’ll see if it makes it past the censor.

“According to the CDC there have been about 24,000 deaths from regular flu this flu season.

According to the CDC there have been 1,668 deaths from the China virus.

Stay cowering in place Steve.”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

I’m trying to take a break from iSteve, the hysterics are firmly in control at this point.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Actually it’s 2.3k now. 10k in Italy. Italy’s population is about 60 million or roughly one fifth of ours. So will be 50k here in a week or two if we were to follow the same pattern. This is worse than the flu. How much worse, I don’t know but we’ll find out in the coming week. I’m gonna rather be safe than sorry at least until a few days pass. Everything is closed anyway.

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

Italy is much denser though. everyone packed into cities and breadbox apartments .also a shitty, left-wing country, worse than even America in this regard. You can see why New York is being hit so hard, it comes down to politics. Conservative states will fare better.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

Japan is similar density-wise, older than Italy on average, and has a huge foreign Chinese workforce. So far they haven’t been hit very hard.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

I’ve seen the claim that the “AVERAGE” age of the Chinese Flu dead in Italy is 82.1 years.
Italian life expectancy is 81.

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

Fash – please reconsider. In Italy they have admitted that only about 12% of those said to have died from the virus actually directly died as a result of it – the rest died of other causes but were then tested and found to have the virus and their numbers were added to the others. That’s happening in all western countries including the US. The numbers are NOT accurate but wildly inflated. Anyone who is hospitalized and/or dies of anything now who tests positive is counted as a covid victim. It’s all lies.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Not naysaying, but post any ref’s you have to this process of classification. This needs to be documented for the record.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Also, regardless of covid, huge % of patients who are intubated in the hospital die regardless – 33% on average:

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Compsci – as usual the search engines hide the results I want, but from my memory – at Daily Mail – Florida’s first Corona death – gay man (multiple co morbidities). NY cops – obese black with diabetes. TV celebrity chef – survived lung cancer. Teen in PA – septic shock but after death found covid present. I could go on and on and on.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

No need to go on. I’ll read up.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Oh I’m not thinking I’ll die I just don’t want to contract superflu. I’m a student anyway so I’m not personally economically damaged by not going to work. Lucky me I suppose, and I feel for those who this does deeply effect. It’s definitely overblown, for a variety of reasons. But If it is a plot, I think it’s an ill conceived gamble for them. Sure they are destroying little guys and shoring up economic power, but they have already been doing that for decades and the process is complete enough already. I think this might hurt them more than… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

And the 2020 Tony Award goes to: “Waiting for Exponential”!

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

and also the flu, despite having an r-naught of 1.3 , only infects 30 million Americans, when models predict a much higher spread., shows the limitations of models. Vaccinations help, but does not account for why the flu affects so few people.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

It’s almost like epidemiologists build scary models to gin up support (money) for their ‘research’.

5 years ago

It’s gonna be a pie fight of epic proportions!!!

The poseurs, the wahmen and other hysterics will not want to give up their stage where they can pose as heroes or noble victims. The neoliberals and the media slobs won’t stand for it either.

Men, now is the time for panic buying! Beer and popcorn will be in very short supply soon…😆👍

NJ Person
NJ Person
Reply to  John Smith
5 years ago

Looks like the Orange Man politically is between a rock and a hard place. He will be blamed for the deaths of people and the likely economic downturn. He will need to be a political Houdini.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  NJ Person
5 years ago

So far he has been. Last I heard his popularity was at an all time high…

Reply to  John Smith
5 years ago

Ah yep. President Trump is as cunning as a shithouse rat which serves him very well.

It also helps when your foes are far from quality.

Now 2024, that will be lit.

Reply to  abprosper
5 years ago

2024 won’t be left vs right, it’ll be foreign vs native. We’ll see if Trump (campaign promises aside) has done his job. I’m optimistic for some reason…

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

Assuming Mr.Trump prevails this year, then 2024 will be American Nation .v. American Empire.

Reply to  NJ Person
5 years ago

He’ll come out looking good. The political side of this is a replay of previous take-out-Trump shenanigans.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  NJ Person
5 years ago

“He will need to be a political Houdini.” Given the past 3 years, he already IS a political Houdini.

Reply to  Jim Smith
5 years ago

Closer to the election he will be hammering the globalists on outsourcing, Borders, walls and immigration and America First.

I’m sure he’ll be using the Mexican Government closing its northern border to keep out diseased foreigners.
The Puerto Rican bartenders’ demand that all illegals get a grand a pop too will be useful.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Which is great, but if you expect him to follow through with actual action on any of those I’ll refer you to the last 4 years… Talk is good… but cheap.

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

Agreed. There is the possibility that this could weaken the opposition in the bureaucracy and the Deep State enough for him to finally bulldoze them and act on his (supposed) agenda. Of course, this assumes that the reason for his inaction the last 4 years was opposition. We’ll see his true colors soon enough.

Reply to  pozymandias
5 years ago

I expect nothing from him in terms of action. His value lies in bringing the unmentionable topics squarely into the public arena,not in resolving them. To a quite remarkable extent he’s turned the Overton Window into the Overton Conservatory.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Overton Conservatory

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

When you shift an issue inside the Overton Window, then fail to achieve a victory concerning that issue, You end up in a worse place than if you’d never brought it inside at all.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Here’s your problem. Trump is, at root, a tinkerer and experimenter, positioned at odds from the Powers That Be. A lot of people in the middle of the political spectrum have encouraged and tolerated such tinkering, knowing that the system is flawed and sinking. But the c-virus scare and lockdown has brought out another side of normie. He now wants someone of demonstrated success and competency to tell them what to do to make it all better. The incessant media drumbeat of Trump’s fundamental incompetency has done its work on normie, he’s willing to listen to other voices. The Biden/Bernie/Warren/Buttegeig… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Andy, like papa mario, is sfacime…
a two faced liar.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
5 years ago

Ahhh, another Bob Grant fan, I see. Love that guy.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

I’ve also noticed the media’s attempt to deify Cuomo. Something tells me this will fail. For a lot of normies in Flyover Land Cuomo = NY arrogance and now NY = plague-bringers as well.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  pozymandias
5 years ago

I hope whatever is telling you this will fail is correct

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Agreed, as a upstater. He’s not competent at achieving any good results, but he’s superb at seeming to, at appearing to get government moving, and covering his a$$ when it blows up.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Dutch, also….that’s not a rant. You can see the left media arm panicking over Biden, and looking longingly at Cuomo.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Cuomo’s got to fatal irresolvable problems. First, he’s been governing a state for many years that was completely unprepared for the crisis. From cutting hospital beds to spending the money allocated for medical hardware on illegal immigrants. The more you look at his record the worse it looks and smells. Secondly, even worse. He’s the embodiment of the Ellis Island Mythology. The public mood will turn against immigration and globalism as a result of this. Cuomo will reject that sentiment with ever fiber of his being. Recently he said that New York was suffering high infection rates because they are… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

I completely agree with your assessment of Andy.
I was watching him last week on one of his daily press conferences and thought: damn, now THAT guy could be a Democratic candidate for the Presidency.
He does VERY well at press conferences.
I can see what you are saying, about his brutal efficiency that wouldn’t disrupt the community, but get a door knocked in, and residents “taken care of” in no time flat.
I can definitely see how this guy gets sh*t done.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

I’ve come to agree with Zman on Trump as disruptor vs. builder. He’s like the military. The Statists would have you believe they are potent forces for nation-building and peacekeeping when their actual (and proper) function is killing people and breaking shit. That’s fine. I’ll accept that. We won’t get our messiah in 2020 but I’ll settle for a pale horse.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

The Mexican border thing made me laugh. They helped keep is campaign promise one even I though was a ridiculous brag.

Reply to  NJ Person
5 years ago

even the left secretly knows that trump is Teflon. Trump will come out ahead on this too. Unlike the last two presidents, Trump is competent enough to actually take charge. You see him taking a much more active role in the economy than possible any president before him.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  NJ Person
5 years ago

Dunno. Detecting lots of equivocations and political distancing from Blue State governors and Blue City mayors in recent days. There also is loads of desperation in the propaganda outlets blatantly hoping the entire country gets as bad or worse than NYC, which itself hasn’t been as bad as “experts” predicted just a few days back.

There is just as likely to be tremendous backlash over the draconian measures put into effect for what is a somewhat more contagious, marginally more dangerous flu.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

The hatestream media desperately wants Corona to ravage flyover because flyover is filled with worthless Deplorables who deserve infinite amounts of suffering, unlike the perfect, beautiful media lightbringers that live in NYC.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

500,000+ mostly male, mostly working age whites dead of the opioid crisis.

How does this compare to the 1,600 old (unknown race – maybe Asian) people who were one fall down the stairs away from dying anyways?

How many have OD’d since the start of the corona fear? How many new addicts have picked up the addict disease? The drug crisis is a real crisis that is being ignored. Why? Because it’s mostly rural white men who are dying from it.

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

A client called yesterday AM. One of their clients is ramping up for a recapitalization in advance of a massive growth initiative. Guess what “business” they operate? MAT centers. Medication Assisted Treatment centers. Aka methadone kiosks. Guess who admins these? The CDC and uncle sam. Guess who reimburses/pays? Medicaid. So a private investor group invests in a “business” that gives drugs to addicts and gets paid by the government to do it. And there is enough subsidies baked in to this essential public health provider that these investors are going to GROW this business right on the heels of a… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

Upside of this virus closing borders is the smaller drug supply. Maybe it will save a few lives.

That said the remedy for despair is hope and the only way there is a new society. The old leaders have to go but given the rural-small town vs. urban divide that won’t be easy to do democratically.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

75% of the country is willing to ride this out. Barely 15% want to get back to work right away.  What are you guys reading? People are antsy not because they’re eager to get back to the grindstone but because they’d like clear answers.  In another week the raw numbers of infected Americans will be in the neighborhood of 300K.  You can show people graphs and charts all day long but for most even if they understand things in the abstract will in the end go with their gut instinct.  If they see that we’ve gone from 100K to 300K… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Yeah personally I’m dialing back my red pilling efforts. This is a terrible opportunity but it looks to be the one we’re given. Again, the future belongs to the barbarian. That means less thought and hand wringing, more doing. Make the best of it.

Besides, action and energy are more infectious than ideas. Your people might follow your lead. Be great!

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago
Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Frodi has a great speaking voice as well as solid arguments. One of our best.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Exactly, YY. Watch what they do, not what they signal. Senate insider trading, big investors dumping shares (well before the SHTF – Bezos cashed in $3.5b worth Feb 5ish). And there’s been unusual activity in Big Money & the Fed since at least September according to that Wall Street on Parade report linked here recently – link below for those who missed it.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Exactly, what people do is far more revelatory of the truth than what people say. That’s the simplest and most effective redpill and the best way to glean truth from all the noise.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

No one knows how to restart the economy. All current initiatives are either guesswork or pure theft/pay offs. So Yves, it’s a very good guess (?) things go back to “normal” slowly—how slowly, who knows. The chain of economic transactions that was halted is long, very long. Along the way we will find many have been irreparably broken and must be worked around. All takes time. The government is betting that Joe Normie won’t notice if they pay for businesses to immediately reopen as if this all was Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday closure. But it wasn’t, cause Corona. As you… Read more »

MN Steel
MN Steel
Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

I see a lot of people questioning their status in the current system in a roundabout way. I know that my job is bullshit and can go away at any time, and I accept that. I’m thinking that those that want “Muh eCONomy” to get back up to full speed don’t want to accept that maybe, just maybe, the gravy train is stopping for them. I don’t know how this virus will turn out, whether this wave kills tens of thousands and weakens enough to kill hundreds of thousands in the next wave, but one thing is certain: The tide… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Back here in Southern Utah, am noticing 2 reactions: 1) the cultural lefties buy into the virus fear and stay blinkered to the hand waving the mesmerizing wand, i.e. the screeching wahmyn mayor of Salt Lake throwing the city into lock down. Reminds me of PM Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand wearing Muslim garb and virtue signaling. Now NZ is on lock down and the tyrannical PM will throw the law at anyone sticking their nose out the door. I’m with Whitney…..I’m for women having their voting powers rescinded, am so fed up with women! 2) Mormons are in full… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

RFF- it’s hard to believe that these are the direct descendants of the hearty folks who built hundreds of thriving, handsome towns scratched out of a desolate desert.

That took a certain degree of compliance also, but Brigham Young knew what he was doing. These clowns???

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

“The more depressed and maladjusted you are, the more likely it is that you are seeing things right, with minimal bias”–Derb

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

You got it, Meme. My grandmother was built like a brick craphouse, and those earthquakes are the ancestors heaving around in their graves. How quickly the culture can change.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

RFF – you crack me up! Truly wish you lived nearby. Meanwhile I go about deliberately laughing in the face of all the masked numericans, waving my hands above my head and faux-shrieking “ZOMG! We’re all going to dieeeeee!!!!!” Wonder how long before I’m arrested for not taking covid seriously enough.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

I’m laughing with you! Good Lord….way visual image of you driving people back! Me too…wished you live nearby. Someday we’ll have a gathering.

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

I, too, am sick of women. Wish I had one female friend I could talk badthink with in person.

Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
5 years ago

3g, Range, and Lady Dandy:
Please add me to your list!
I would love to see the 19th Amendments rescinded (other women look at me with an blank stare when I remind what exactly the 19th is about…)
But it’s would be so nice to speak freely with other women “on our side of the divide.”
I know where Range is, but I’m in the mid-Atlantic, not far from Lagos.

5 years ago

“The best argument against libertarianism is simply going outside and watching people.”

That is also the best argument against democracy and the universal franchise.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

Well not just the commons are worried. So are the Banksters.
The unexpected moratorium on evictions and rent, mortgage payments has the Banksters clamoring for; a bailout of the Mortgage industry.

Which they”ll likely get of course.

I cannot resist; “But then something happened the Ring did not expect.”
It was picked up by the unlikeliest of creatures – a Six Foot Orange Hobbit from Queens, who knew how to wield a ring of Power..,.”

5 years ago

Un-noticed in all this media discussion is the role of mega corporations. Which are not doing well in the shutdown. Disney just took a massive bond issue — and they are hurting. Disney and Warners and Universal are as the FT Lex column observed years ago, amusement parks with movie studios attached. The bulk of their revenues are from the amusement parks. Ford, GM, Fiat Chrysler, Apple, all the rest depend on consumer spending. They are built for it — they are not built to make money with 30% unemployment. Or more. People won’t buy new Iphones, or Apple Streaming,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

“But the battle between corporations not wanting to go bankrupt and the politicians they used to control will be epic.” Great comment. Cuomo is “Exhibit A” in this battle. Many financial institutions have threatened to leave Manhattan (some have) in recent years. If he is seen leaning toward a Depression-spawned power grab, he knows full well the game is up and the financial sector will be gone. New Yorkers and West Coasters talk a good game but they really, really like the goodies a nice gig with Apple or Merrill gives them. The truly epic battle will be within the… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

There it is. Why is there still a homeless population, if this thing is even 1% as bad as they say? There should literally be bodies rotting in the streets (unless, of course, heroin and Mad Dog cure corona). The whole thing stinks to high heaven… and that’s *before* you hear the official explanation for why liquor stores are “essential” (it prevents homeless alkies from getting the DTs, thus taking up valuable hospital beds).

5 years ago

As a window of insight into the fuzzy math driving this insanity, following is a brief summary of Friday’s press conference from the gay Governor of Colorado (((Jared Polis))), which he used to justified a statewide stay-at-home order. The Colorado Department of Health concluded there would be 33,200 excess deaths caused by the Coranavirus by June, 2020. To get to this number they assumed an R0 value of 4, i.e., that each infected person in Colorado would infect 4 other people. They did some funky and completely unsubstantiated math about availability of hospital beds in Colorado that appeared to conclude… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

Same story for Utah. The numbers are being worked like Colorado. Gov. Herbert is hanging on by a thread against the hysterics. You realize this pandemic is addictive…they’re getting a dopamine hit off of the hysteria. How dull life will be after this height of drama. Fear is dopamine and cortisol.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

Not surprising, but relevant, is that the urban corridor of Springs-Denver-Boulder-FC here in CO has gone deep blue over the past decade. The feelz define the facts movement is strong.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

Same thing here in Ohio. Two and a half weeks ago female doctor lady health director (you know she’s a real doctor because she wears a lab coat for all press conferences) claimed we had 120,000 infected individuals. So far, we’ve been able to find a little over one percent of those apprently infected. No one has called her out on where these people are.

New cases have flatlined, but aaaaaaany day now they’re going to soar to 8k a day.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

On a per-capita basis, positives on Colorado, Utah, and southern Idaho are pretty high, much higher than the west coast. SoCal, AZ, and NM are particularly low. Maybe the warmer weather and longer days has something to do with it.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Ski resorts have been some of the biggest vectors of spreading the virus in both Europe and the US. It’s the perfect environment for spreading the virus: cold, dry, hundreds of people in lift lines with runny noses and coughs, close proximity in the ski lodge, etc.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

You’ve been reading too much Sailer.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Can’t handle facts?

5 years ago

One thing I’ve noticed as an “essential” worker (pops collar) is that traffic this past Monday was almost non existent in the outskirts of the Chicago area. By Friday traffic volume was noticeably higher, as like you say, people by nature cannot stand to be confined.

Reply to  MikeatMikedotMike
5 years ago

Noticed the same in my NYC suburb. On Monday and Tuesday I could have sat down in the middle of the main street at 2pm. By Friday at the same time, I had to actually wait for the cars to pass before I could cross.

Reply to  HarryPalmer
5 years ago

Same area–lot of people are just going out and driving around just to see something other than their own neighborhood and four walls.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  SamlAdams
5 years ago

the streets in Bay Ridge are empty, parking spots everywhere, the sidewalks are empty, the stores are not crowded and mostly well-stocked (except paper products pasta and rice). It’s very quiet around here. Wife and step-son spent 30 minutes doing a phone screening w/ Dept of Health …. a preliminary triage before getting approval to get tested. The Dept of H hasn’t called back, so I assume they aren’t ill enough to warrant getting tested; yet their doctor “diagnosed” them over the phone. I’m not sure if they’ve been counted in the official tally of how many cases there are.… Read more »

5 years ago

Spot on. I’m the owner of an “essential” small business. 25% of the staff refused to continue working out of fear and sheltered in place. They won’t be asked back when this is over. To keep the rest and satisfy the clients we had to implement some pretty ridiculous distancing and sanitation measures. By Friday, even the employee that is going through RA treatment was getting tired of the distancing protocols. Unless the the bodies start piling up, I’d give it another week.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  cfomally
5 years ago

Interesting. What, if any, characteristics did the refuse to work group otherwise share?

Reply to  james wilson
5 years ago

Female and (((old))) part timers.

Reply to  james wilson
5 years ago

Females, blacks, and hispanics where I work. With exceptions. Almost all of the white men wanted to keep working. If there are jobs for the others to come back to it’ll be because of our privilege 🙂

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  cfomally
5 years ago

The Wife and I ignored the idiots and went to the main post office to mail a bill. Then we stopped by her favorite little ice cream shop. They were open! They would only let one group in the store at a time. They said they let no one in last Friday. They went outside to take orders. Don’t know why they changed procedures. So we got our ice cream and wondered why more than one group could not go in at a time. You should see how crowded the grocery stores are. (they only place it is legal to… Read more »

5 years ago

“It’s because he has managed lots of people and he knows this dynamic.” YMMV, Z. I’ve been burned too many times assuming I know what Trump is thinking or why he’s doing something. His empty trophy case does nothing to dampen his carny-barker self-promotion and his shambolic presentation and affect inspire me, but certainly not the way he’d like. Bleatings will continue until morale improves – but the situation on the ground will not change. This is another Bush-whacking, fam. Make your peace by saying “lesser evil” if you must – you’re probably right, if your goal is propping up… Read more »

joey junger
joey junger
5 years ago

I remember hearing a white comedian talk about something he witnessed one day that taught him everything he ever needed to know about black people: This black kid was walking down the street, someone pulled up to him in their car, brandishing a gun, and the black kid snatched the gun out of the car by the barrel. A couple blocks later a squirrel started hopping toward the same black kid, and he crossed the street fleeing in terror.

5 years ago

I’m kind of going back and forth between “this is a hoax” and “this is a serious thing”. I think alot of the steps being taken are purely symbolic. Like standing 6 feet apart at the checkout line. OK, but the line just gets pushed back. Now I’m stuck standing in the cramped aisle where everyone is crammed together like sardines, until we move into the taped lines on the floor where we need to stand. And then it curves and winds its way through so you’re passing everybody. A total farce. Likely makes almost zero impact. The virus will… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

It’s not a hoax. The virus is real, but the establishment wildly overreacted, using the media to dial up the hysteria, in order to reset the global financial system and further expand emergency powers.
This was a beta test to see how far the public can be pushed before they crack.

Reply to  Dave
5 years ago

Something like that.

I think their trial went spectacularly. Apart from a few skeptical people, the majority are begging for more nanny state and government lockdowns.

An interesting question will be how many NY libs got out to their summer homes before the checkpoints started. That would be another interesting piece of data.

Reply to  UFO
5 years ago

You can believe it is serious and take precautions at the individual level while still opposing how governments are handling it. In theory, 1 million Americans may die of this, but that does not mean everything has to shut down.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

That I can agree with. Also, we must take into account who those Americans are who pass on. How many years of life remaining? Here’s a prediction. In five years, plot the death rate for 2020-2025. Then plot the projected death rate as taken from 2014-2019. Compare the results. I’m betting you’ll see little difference.

5 years ago

In my corner of flyover country, the mood is guarded but calm. On social media, those who are the least skeptical about the threat, the ones most stridently sharing posts about “staying home and saving lives” are also the most outspoken shitlibs and Trump-haters. Those of my acquaintance with politics like ours are skeptical but quiet, nobody wants to be called out for being callous about the safety of the most vulnerable. A friend was in a local hospital for several days last week (unrelated condition). It was not crowded or chaotic. Lots of precautions in place, he was tested… Read more »

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
5 years ago

Not sure what all the excitement was about stopping European flights to the US. They’re still flying out of every European country to the US; Lisbon to New York, Zurich to San Jose, and Frankfurt to Atlanta. Check for yourself… Maybe not as many, but they’re still flying and I’m pretty sure it’s not just Americans heading home from the holidays either. No one in their right mind goes to Europe between January and March for a holiday. One thing the lock down will bring to a fine point, it how many people are not necessary at work. When… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
5 years ago

No one in their right mind goes to Europe between January and March for a holiday.

Ski much?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

A couple economic points I’d like to add that haven’t seen a ton of discussion: 1) What happens to the cash/off-the-books economy in this situation? I think one of the new cashiers I encountered at the grocery store was a person working construction or landscaping off the books. His behavior was that of someone who really, really did not want to be there. 2) Rest assured that the insiders and big boys were well-positioned for the market crash. They made billions buying put options on and shorting the market, airlines, hotels, etc. Now, as asset prices deflate they are perfectly… Read more »

5 years ago

This virus has certainty divided the dissent right and conservatives, in general, even more so than Trump. It’s not a libertarian vs state divide either nor anything that can be described in ideological terms. Ideologically, Greg and Steve are not that much district from us. There’s an overlap in readership. .Few of us here would be considered libertarian . It’s something more to do with psychology or philosophy as to why people react differently to things, that cannot be explained by politics. .

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

What’s the bur that’s crept into Cochran’s panties, though? It’s not just Belligerent Boomer Syndrome.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

Some people deal with mortality better than others. Or they aren’t at the age where they have to face it, while others are.

Somewhat tangentially I have to say: having had the benefit of spending lots of time with my grandfathers (both combat vets), regardless, it seems to me being a man means doing what needs to be done for the benefit of your people, even if it kills you or brings resentment. Consequently the panic has really rubbed me the wrong way. Men are supposed to lead not roll over and wet themselves. So many over-civilized nancies out there.

T. Morris
T. Morris
5 years ago

Out here in flyover country we might need a little more time than another week. Our folk – the normal folk, or typical folk – were late to the party by at least a week to begin with, and I daresay that a significant faction remain mostly unconvinced this little scare (or at least the government reaction to it) was ever legitimate in any case. People have slowly and reluctantly gotten on board to an extent, so it might take them an additional week or so to get fed up with the whole business.

5 years ago

Already pointing my directs towards “restart” activities. Ditto with our intermediaries. Already seeing the cracks after two weeks of effective “lockdown”. That and trying to figure out the second and third order effects and prepare for them. Most people, even at surprisingly high organizational levels can only think in one dimension at a time. One interesting item to ponder is how our “elites” will be regarded as this resolves. Seeing Hollywood moguls posting Tweets from the yacht in the Grenadines. Wealthy NY’ers fleeing to the Hamptons, Vineyard, Nantucket, obliterating grocery stores and bringing virus cases with them may not be… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
5 years ago

Zman says “The best argument against libertarianism is simply going outside and watching people.” Disagree. The best argument against libertarianism is watching libertarians. Watching people comes second.

5 years ago

I suspect Pres Trump already knows the outcome of the HCQ/Zithromax debate. It’s not going to work on everyone, but it’s going to work on enough people to bring the apocalypse to a somewhat abrupt end. It’s also probably going to prove to be a reasonably effective preventative drug. Add to the the fact that the media is having trouble finding and filming ACTUAL EVIDENCE of the apocalypse. I don’t watch much TV news, cable or broadcast. But I do sometimes flip it on to see where the media is at. They are running frenetic images of ambulances and closeups… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
5 years ago

>>> Add to the the fact that the media is having trouble finding and filming ACTUAL EVIDENCE of the apocalypse<<<


Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Climate hysteria affects even smart people. Still re: COVID 19 the medical people are saying this was only at maximum 5% fatal and it appears to be less than 1%. Also a lot of predictions were predicated on us NOT doing what we did and they health care system imploding. Thus the high numbers. However this does not mean that there is a coverup. lack of testing or just general dumbfuckery so we won’t know the actual death rate. The only thing for sure is this wasn’t an apocalyptic plague and even pessimists like me didn’t think so. Now was… Read more »

5 years ago

I noticed Friday in the “daily news briefing” a shift. orange man bad stated that if we have too many ventilators that we are going to help out our tremendous friends around the world who need them . that sounded to me like they know we aren’t going to need 200,000 ventilators and have to come up with a spin story to soften the blow of the obvious incompetent hysterical actions already taken. also MR “I cant be in a room alone with a women in not married to” was touting a GOOGLE app that would diagnose if you had… Read more »

5 years ago

Suburban wineplex females discovering that How To videos are useless if you don’t have the tools or know how to use them.

5 years ago

” This virus will be the best crime fighting too Lagos has seen in generations.”

How terribly cynical.

The decrease in shootings will be because the bangers are heeding the Mayors instructions to reduce the shooting. They are good citizens complying with their civic duties,

5 years ago

Everyone that has died within the last month has died from the virus. Yeah. Right. How many were infected? Who knows? What have the States done prior to the virus to prepare for any eventuality. Not a whole lot. Bailout schmailout. The price of naked chicks in China has taken a big hit. Its the only market that seems to matter. The next few weeks will indeed be interesting.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  JMDGT
5 years ago

JMDGT. Yes. It is a real possibility that the numbers of dead from any cause will be conflated with the Virus. All the better to make the situation seem much worse than it is.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  JMDGT
5 years ago

The co-morbidity scam is extremely pernicious and everywhere in the available data. You can’t find any co-mo info for the Diamond Princess, which remains the best data set at this time. In the US, the CDC has instructed healthcare professionals to, “…err on the side of caution and attribute deaths to CV-19…” The media is playing along by citing, “….HIPAA and other privacy concerns…” when asked about co-mo information. To me, these are just more signs this is a planned psyop/hoax meant to steal more money and freedom.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
5 years ago

This excerpt from Foreign Affairs pretty well summarizes what our Ruling Class wants: “Although the COVID-19 epidemic is far from over, China’s brand of authoritarian statecraft gains credibility by the day, objections to the state’s lack of transparency and accountability notwithstanding.” The headline is “Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses The Current One Highlights Its Strengths”. When Western people start to revolt late next week, it will be interesting to see how much authoritarianism the public will tolerate. It will be a shocking enough amount but nowhere sufficient to allow what these Stalin-wannabes want to impose. Brits have used drones to… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

The people won’t revolt. They’re actively enjoying this. In their mind, they’re saving lives!

Go on instagram and search the hashtag #stayhome and you’ll see what I mean.

As much as I’d love for this to be Petrograd, February 1917, it just isn’t. There’s no need for Cossacks when the serfs keep themselves in line.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I agree fully with Z on this one, Meme. Late next week the cosplay gets old and the wine moms get tired of the little bastards whining and the fathers need more beer. While it is sad this now constitutes a revolt, non-compliance is coming fast.

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

However long a hair dye and gel nail manicure last, it can’t last any longer.

Reply to  M. B. Lamar
5 years ago

If Madison Reed were a publicly traded stock, I’d be buying it.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

a large fraction enjoy it. women want to be independent and feel empowered while also being doted over and not having responsibility. this is perfect for them. too bad if the virus gets worse, these very people will be spared too.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago


It’s hugely disturbing how much the libs are enjoying this shut-in. I guess they get huge dopamine hits LARP-ing Black Death 2.0.

That said, Jack below is correct they will get antsy after a another week or two. They will also be sorely disappointed this soft martial law doesn’t lead to their utopia of ethnic restaurants and craft fairs.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Thus my precautionary lament today, Meme. It appears there’s a lot of ruin left in uniparty neoliberalism and its shiny new MAGA wrapper.

American Whites are not ready. The desert of the real is too real for many yet.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

This incident is giving a new understanding of the power of social media, particularly its power to keep people in line.

Just imagine if Marie Antoinette had 5 million Instagram followers, or if Rasputin had been a popular YouTuber before meeting Empress Alexandria. How different would things have turned out?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Social media was already a form of social distancing. People have been training how to isolate, receive instructions, and signal compliance from the safety of their couches for a long time now. SM has forever altered how people communicate, perceive and internalize the world, and view themselves. Real time, real life feedback mechanisms are busted and/or atrophied. So the stay-at-home social distance shit is just aligning the physical clown world with the where the psychological has been for a while. Its destructive and unstable of course. So we shall see if it can hold under its own weight. But most… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

“The ordinary modes of human thinking are magical, religious, social, and personal. We want our wishes to come true; we want the universe to care about us; we want the approval of those around us; we want to get even with that s.o.b. who insulted us at the last tribal council. For most people, wanting to know the cold truth about the world is way, way down the list.”–Derb

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

agree. a large chunk of Americans, especially women, enjoy this, Netflix, air conditioning, no work. what more do you need?

5 years ago

I would love to hear more of your thoughts on leadership; or perhaps you can recommend a good book? I’ve found that managing people is pretty much the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Particularly, figuring out how to disassociate, so that you don’t see others as folks with the same motivations as yourself. See people for who they are, not who you want them to be (while at the same time trying to encourage them to be who you want them to be)… I’m not sure how much of this can even be a learned skill versus a… Read more »

Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago

Teams are a matrix of complimentary skills. The faster you size that up and orient your demands to that, plus an assessment of where they can improve, the better. Then assemble all the pieces you need. Too many managers make the mistake of trying to hire to one ideal “template”–which is a fools errand and always ends in failure.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Would add one thing. Read good biographies of leaders. Picked up more about “management” from those than most of the business crap that gets published. Though as an exception did enjoy the sections of Ben Horowitz’s “The Hard Thing About Hard Things” where he discusses “wartime” vs. “peacetime” CEOs. That was valuable.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Someday, when this is all over (assuming it ever ends), I’d love to see a post about the gibberish that passes for “Leadership Training” in Corporate America.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Could write a book–having been dragged through damn near every one of these over three decades.

Felix Krull
Reply to  BadThinker
5 years ago

I would love to hear more of your thoughts on leadership; or perhaps you can recommend a good book?

There’s The Dictators Handbook. The book itself is a bit of a slog, but CGP Grey made it into an excellent video.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
5 years ago

This is a manufactured Mind Fuck.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Dennis Roe
5 years ago

Yes. Wuhan was and is the new detroit. Just in time supply + Just payday loans REPO financing and razor thin margins of error due to indebtedness = Panic, but over money. So they manufacture a hysteria to get $4 Trillion – but set off a real panic. They lost control, and by shutting down the real economy hulled their own boat. The Financial news is calling for a bailout of the mortgage industry – as the politicians (sensibly) put a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions. I don’t see that SBA money moving yet, I see Munchin talking like it… Read more »

5 years ago

Zman: “It’s also why [blacks] fall for nonsense like white privilege so easily. To them, it is just another spooky thing about white people that they cannot see…” Profoundly funny, and true. When it comes to plain old superstition however, it’s hard to beat Hispanics. Especially Hispanic women. Very likable people. But superstition runs deep in Latin American Indian culture. I live near LA. Just on a topical/conversational level, I’ve not encountered another race that enjoys both telling and believing the most darkly dramatic rumors possible. Rumors, news stories, any story. The more weird and gruesome the better. Like certain… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

National Restaurant Association reports 3% of restaurants are already permanently closed with another 11% to follow within 30 days:

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

darn. they will miss their $1000 check. that would have saved them lol. at least airlines will get their $. Apparently this sector ,. which is so important that the fate of civilization hinges on it being bailed out again, apparently has not figured out how to make money despite being of such upmost importance to the economy.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

They could survive if the industry reverted back to what it was in the 60’s when only the middle and upper classes could afford it and the profit margins were a lot higher. Back then air travel was heavily regulated which made travel actually better. This race to the bottom crap we alll worship like God has it’s downside. Of course conservatives of every stripe keep embracing it and then wondering why life gets shittier. As it stands now where any slob with a $100 can get a ticket – which forces the carriers to jam pack each flight and… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 years ago

Way more than 3% of restaurants are shut down in Oregon. Only ones still operating are fast food drive throughs.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

Our Epic weariness cannot wear out fast enough. Gotta love how Cuomo demands Wartime Executive Orders as magic wands, bemoans the fate of Raccoon City – but THEN reacting to Trump denies Trump’s power To quarantine NY, NJ, CT. Trump just put it back on him. Meanwhile RI governor is using cops to forcibly quarantine NY residents with out of state plates- and Cuomo threatens to sue RI. Trump just Chumped Cuomo. *DPA was written for 1950, Korea. Its Command, wartime, 1950 economy. We had just demobilized from WW2, the knowledge of how to implement a wartime economy – which… Read more »

5 years ago

when i think of curve flattener, i think of flat-earther . just another form of religion for the the left

Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

“Curve Flattening” is the third biggest hoax of all time, behind “Global Warming” and the one that people get sent to jail for asking questions about.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

There are 6 million dead of Corona Virus you cad!

And that number will only increase exponentially; 6 Billion, 6 Trillion, 6 Quadrillion.

Exponentially as in; Catchy.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

Faucci says 200k Americans could die of this. That’s it??? That’s all??? We utterly destroyed our economy for a rounding error? I say this tongue in cheek because I’m an accelerationist.

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Also, 200,000 is quite a bit lower than the 2.2 million forecast a couple of weeks ago. He’s probably also talking about it over the next year. That number will of course by hyped up to make it sound like 200,000 are going to die by the end of April.

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

An economy that can’t handle a two month crisis was doomed anyway and the only think that can actually save it is essentially killing it and rebuilding it by calling a jubilee and moving to economic nationalism hardcore,

Otherwise all you can do is slowly slip deeper into poverty and banker ownership

Reply to  abprosper
5 years ago

Methinks this is intentionally being done so the smalls get wiped out and the bigs can buy it up on the cheap. Further consolidation of the economy.

Just another sign crapitalism/globalism is on the outs. They can’t compete anymore. It won’t work, and it’s terrible they have to do this damage. Can’t hide behind the dwindling herd much longer. Justice is around the corner!

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

It’ll probably be considerably less. Maybe not, but I’m not betting on the experts. They’re in a worst case environment.

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Orange man just said it could have been 2.2 M if it was not for him tremendous folks I am telling you tremendous so now it is going be 100 k this plague is very dangerous said the orange man, I feel very strongly you know doctor Fauci is tremendous, people… tremendous I had call with President Xi, we had beautiful cake…lol Conclusion the country remains closed until 31st of April (at least) Forget about the Christmass opening he just announced a few days ago If somebody wonders the current number of death, it is 2475 but do not let… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
5 years ago

New York Post reports defiant ‘corona potlucks’ and residents visiting ‘speakeasies’ ——- “Lucian Wintrich, a former White House reporter and advertisement hand, is one of them. The 31-year-old contrarian recently hosted a ‘corona potluck’ at his small but chic East Village apartment,” the outlet reported Saturday. While social distancing zealots would be horrified, there’s some logic to the 31-year-old’s madness. “They can’t diagnose us all,” a tongue-in-cheek invite to the potluck read. “Don’t wash your hands. … Bring your fav dish!” “The majority of folks I invited, if they got it, would recover fairly quickly and build up an… Read more »

5 years ago

Here’s a link to a report on how the Rainbow nation is managing the lock down, which makes the same point as Zman’s. Welcome to our collective future.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mikep
5 years ago

That will be Detroit and Memphis and Atlanta in a few days.

5 years ago

My limited experience with black people is that the middle class ones tend to be germaphobes. They love bleach and Lysol sprays.

5 years ago

If you or a member of your household is “at risk” then wearing a mask (if you have or can find one) does offer some protection according to this: Of course the Wu-Flu was just a convenient justification for the abomination of that bill that just passed. Trump should have demanded a clean bill or one that had some built-in oversight and transparency regarding how funds are spent.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

Trump is fully culpable for signing the gibs from fedaddy bill, loaded with nothing but special interest slush funds and banker bailouts and the like. Even my hubby, who cuts him a lot of slack, is with me on this. We won’t see a penny from the bill – and while we’re still fine re supplies, I’ve noticed the price gouging in the stores – up to $3.50 for a gallon of milk (usually $.99 on sale), $9.97 for a 12 pack of toilet paper (usually $4.99 on sale). But the grocery stores are all hiring! The ‘economy’ will come… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

The bill was passed exactly as Obamacare was: The Senate took an existing bill, stripped it of everything except its number, loaded it with pork and gibs for multinationals and Wall Street, sent it to the House, where it was approved, unread, by a voice (not roll call) vote, giving them all plausible deniability when reelection time comes. Anyone that claims to care about their kids’ futures and continues to support this BS as long as it’s “their guy” that does it is insane.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

Not true. Obamacare did not pass by voice vote in the House. There was a roll call vote:

Democrats were resigned to passing the Senate bill after they lost their filibuster-proof Senate majority when Scottt Brown won the Massachusetts special election.

In the final vote it very narrowly passed in the House because nearly as many House Democrats as they could afford voted against it in the ultimately unsuccessful attempt to shield themselves from backlash in the 2010 election.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

$.99 for a gallon of milk! Wow I’d like that in normal times…

5 years ago

If you look at the flight tracker of your choice, it’s pretty clear that air traffic from Europe (or pretty much anywhere) hasn’t been shut down at all. Lower volume, maybe, but not shut down.,-97.82/2

Michael Smith
Michael Smith
5 years ago

Once we return to normal I assume this thing will increase like every other airborne viral infection. Even if we eradicated it from our borders the international flights will get turned back on.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Deferred pain hurts the most.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

Bandaid removal technique 101.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Excellent metaphor.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Really good point Z.
It would have been better to selectively quarantine and build some herd immunity.

5 years ago

Two days ago the Chinese staged a riot against the police for reasons stated here.

Just wondering if kids being prevented from going to school are itching to go back. Most go to school to be with friends or for the chance to strut their stuff. Nah, their teachers are in contact with them and will remind them to be obedient serfs.

Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

They haven’t met my teenage daughter. The number of “there is no {name} only Zuul” moments with her have skyrocketed over the past few days. Couple more weeks and she’ll be out flipping and burning cars.

5 years ago

Even the Chinese have limits. News is leaking out that there are significant riots in Wuhan. My guess is the Party decided to let up the boot a bit, if only so as not to destroy a major industrial area and viola the frustration boiled over. Also Great Leap Forward aside the Chinese are often not as knuckle down as people think. There is a possibly apocryphal story that goes like this In some part of China there is a custom of buying fish and releasing them for good luck in the new year. A local merchant decided to catch… Read more »

Reply to  abprosper
5 years ago

That’s because all the non-whites quit once the virus came out. It’s a pretty chill environment when it’s all whites working together, doubly so when we feel we have a purpose.

Reply to  abprosper
5 years ago

“ US wise, the story is in some areas the lock down is working as the rate of doubling is half what it was. This is the desired outcome and as such proves that precautions work.”

No it doesn’t. Just as garden gnomes don’t prevent white giraffes. But I agree such data will be accepted as “proof” of theory.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

We will have to agree to disagree. Being adults happily means we can manage this. This puts both of us far above most of the elected and appointed.

From your posts I can tell we have very different ideas on what makes American society. I consider how we conduct commerce and to a lesser degree economic liberty well at the bottom of the list of things that matter.

5 years ago

” In the real world where such schemes go to die ” My favorite line 🙂

Great post ! Keep up the good work 🙂

5 years ago

[…] Anyone who has had to manage a large number of people knows that sentiment can turn quickly against you, unless you stay on top of it. It’s why sportsball coaches have locker room insiders to tell them the mood of the players. It’s why every military has a layer between the officers and the enlisted men. More than a few grand schemes have been undermined by a quiet rebellion in the ranks. This is something we are already seeing that will become more evident next week. […]

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Someone with a big memory help me with this. Z—whose podcast did you recommend to study history like Roman Empire? You mentioned this podcast a couple times, I noted it down and then buggered my lists.
Anyone remember?
A good time to study history.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Dan Carlin’s “Hardcore History” is great; covers a very wide variety of topics. Current series is about Imperial Japan, from the Meiji Restoration-forward.

Specifically on Rome, there’s a 200+ Episode Series called “The History of Rome” that is quite good (amateurish at the beginning but becomes quite professional). I’ve heard the entire series and enjoyed.

The creator of “History of Rome” has a new show called “Revolutions” that is also quite good. He’s trying to cover every major revolution from the English Civil War to current, and it is ongoing.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Super….that’s the one. Thank you very much for your courtesy and time to reply, Meme!

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Carlin’s a bit too “agreed up set of lies” teller of history for me.

Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Billie – I don’t disagree with you, but the regulars here are of high enough caliber IQ-wise to be able to adjust and still enjoy.

But yeah, Carlin accepts a lot of agreed-upon narratives. He can’t fully understand Imperial Japan because they were race realists and he’s not.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

Thank you both, Gentlemen! Forewarned is forearmed. I have reached the age of discernment.

Felix Krull
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Thanks. Can’t find the history of Rome, but I picked a random podcast about WWI, and I’m sold – excellent stuff!.