The Old Circus

One of the things you can count on, one of the universal constants of American politics, is the Republicans will always find a way to save the Democrats from whatever mess they have created for themselves. It is the reason the Republican party exists. They are the guys at the back of the circus parade with shovels. They scoop up what gets plopped onto the streets by the Left. The main job of the GOP is making sure the suckers in the suburbs never lose faith in the system.

We have an example of how this works with the Build Back Better scheme the Democrats have been working on for six months. They don’t have the votes to pass it on their own under the normal procedures and many of their own members are worried that it will make them unemployed. Not everyone in plutocracy is onboard with the Great Break the radicals have planned. Therefore some Democratic pols have been instructed by their owners to oppose it.

The squabbling between the far-left crazies, close to half the House Democratic caucus at this point, and the slightly-less-crazy members has resulted in a deadlock. The Inner Party cannot find a way to get agreement on passing the Build Back Better bill or agreement on kicking it down the road. Worse yet, they have to raise the debt limit to avoid a government shutdown. They either need the Republicans to help them raise the debt ceiling or they need a deal with the crazies.

Just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, here comes the Republican Party to the rescue, offering to help them raise the debt ceiling. You see, it is against conservative principles to let the government shutdown, so the Republicans will graciously give the other side all the time they need to hammer out their great restructuring of American society. They are waving this around as a victory, claiming they owned the libs or some such nonsense.

Now, none of this matters all that much as the Republican Party is just an ornament to decorate the system. They have no power and no desire to exercise power even if permitted to wield it. That should have been made clear during the Bush years when they had control of both houses and the White House for six years. Instead of doing anything they promised for generations, they did the exact opposite. It was the least “conservative” period since the Johnson administration.

Of course, the Obama years and the Trump years should have made clear to even the dumbest white person on the municipal golf course that voting for the Republicans is a statement against interest. The party got the majority in the House after 2010 and remained rolled up in a ball until Obama left town. When Trump arrived, they sprang into action to block his every move. Then they threw the 2018 House elections to make sure the Trump administration got nothing done.

That is the good news about the current circus in Washington. No one seems to care all that much other than the crazies on the Left. Trump is holding rallies and people are attending, but he is not talking about the circus in DC. The mouth-breathers in Conservative Inc. have tried to get people interested in this issue, but the rest homes have been quiet. It looks like Covid has wiped out most of their supporters, those unwilling to wake up to the reality of the racket.

Even regime media is struggling to pretend this is interesting. They can’t figure out how to attack the freaky left-wing Senator from Arizona, who is one of the senators holding up the works. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) ticks many identity boxes, so they have to tread lightly with her. Joe Manchin is just a Republican playing Democrat, so they can’t do anything with him either. The fact is, the regime media is overrun with kooks now, so they are not very good at selling the party message.

Prior stand-offs over the debt ceiling and the budget have been big news, but this one has no interest, suggesting that there has been a change in sentiment. One possible reason for that is many normal people are now fully aware that they had been throwing their vote away on Republicans. They may hate Biden and chant his name at public events, but they are no longer Republican by default. They will support Trump as a symbol of their team, but that is as far as it goes.

That could be good news. On the other hand, the lack of media hype about this fight in Washington could be a sign the system is fully aware. That is, they now realize they can operate in spite of public opinion. People who gladly went along with bizarre mandates like mask wearing and accepted the 2020 election are not going to be fertilizing the tree of liberty anytime soon. If you have an unlimited supply of imaginary voters and no one cares, then why pretend public opinion matters?

Both things can be true at the same time, so that may be what we are seeing with this edition of the political drama. The old Red Team – Blue Team politics of the last thirty years has finally run out of road. What replaces it remains to be seen, but watching octogenarians play a pointless game of legislative chess is no longer what engages the general public. The supporters of Red Team may have finally wised up and the supporters of Blue Team just want their stuff.

Either way, it is a probably good sign. The best thing that could happen for normal Americans is that the Republican Party dissolved. Once the fight is purely “us and them” with the latter part being the people running the system, regardless of label, then a genuine politics is possible. As long as normal people have the escape hatch of compromise, they will always take it. If the disinterest in this is the prelude to disillusionment, then things can get interesting again.

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I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
2 years ago

The debate seems to boil down to two opinions on where white normals should go from here. Either build political power from the ground up, or “fertilize the tree of liberty.” Personally, I don’t think either will happen as long as everyday life maintains a bit of comfort level for whites. Nobody really wants to rock the boat if it means losing their material possessions. On the other hand, if some calamity like economic collapse or a cyberwar with China brings down our power grid, then I believe there will be a possibility that the average (albeit hungry) white man… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  I.M. Brute
2 years ago

You have to do both, fertilize the tree and build power.

Problem is that Gen X and Y have little experience with or interest in power and in fact recoil from it

There are exceptions, DeSantis is quite good but there are not enough.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
2 years ago

The Z man is a magnet for those trying to see in the land of the blind. Day after day, righteous content, followed by comment perspectives unsurpassed and kickin ass. Rock on brother, the one and only Wordking.

2 years ago

Does the Z man know where “Build Back Better” comes from; the mantra that all global leaders repeat endlessly? His last podcast on the American Constitution was the best I’d heard him give. It was a superb reasoned delivery on why we have no option but to dispense with our current leaders. But, the subjects that Z man constantly opines on- immigration, feminism, ziri science, China, community, traditions etc are all the peripheral things that chip away at the foundations of our society. These have been deliberately pushed by the globalists of the Rockefeller Foundation and subsequently the WEF (plus… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  AndyDan
2 years ago

Don’t blow a blood gasket Andy, we get it.

Reply to  AndyDan
2 years ago

Agreed. Once the Zman finally admits that this whole scheme is a work beyond the natural, then everything will fall into place. You can’t make sense of the world and its players unless you have a religious lens.

2 years ago

If you think about it, its impossible to lose money, in the long-term, with Pro Sports. Almost all their cost is labor. And people would play Pro Football or Basketball for 1/10 they’re getting now. If 99% of the USA doesn’t watch, that’s still 3 million who do watch. Plus the cable fees. And people who pay at the Gate. BTW, the NFL has a long term contract. Their $$ is locked in. If the ratings go down its the TV networks/ESPN who take the hit. Thinking the NFL or any Pro Sport is going to change due to people… Read more »

Reply to  rcocean
2 years ago

True story. The good news: if pro sports tank, the social engineers and money men will be on to the next thing, so they’ll be watchable again!

One can hope the same thing would happen to Hollywood, but that’s probably a bit too optimistic. Who knows though? Mass anything seems to be on the way out to me.

2 years ago

Speaking of circus, well, monster movies really

I keep expecting that Facebook whistleblower lady’s face to open up exposing her as an alien Predator

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Reminds me of Blasey Ford. Same baby type voice and looks like a man with a wig on. Whistleblower my ass.

Reply to  Peabody
2 years ago

Peabody: If she was a genuine whistleblower, she’d never see the light of day, let alone get the press she has. She is criticizing Faceborg from the left and for allowing and promoting ‘hate.’ She’s bought and paid for.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Its possible she is to the left of FB, and being used by leftists. She may also be a FB plant. To encourage the creation of internet regulations. FB et all will then get their people in place, theirs to lobby, and theirs elected. Its the rail road commission all over. None being our people.

Reply to  Rdz
2 years ago

Exactly. Globohomo Inc. loves itself a good regulatory state. The multi-national conglomerates can afford compliance while the little guy can’t get would-be competition off the ground. Big Tech will make sure that the lucre flows easily into the coffers of the Imperial Capital, ensuring that the game is rigged in their favor. The marionettes on Capitol Hill will talk tough about how they brought the tech companies to heel and
then they’ll all go out for drinks to laugh about it.

Thud Muffle
2 years ago

At the end of the day it’s always about tha grift. For both parties.

2 years ago

Zman, Here’s an anecdote for you re sportsball. I used to, every Sunday, when I was living in another city than my favorite team, drive 25 minutes to certain sportsbars that had the NFL games on. I even put on my jersey. Fast forward 20 years, I watch almost NO professional sports. Haven’t been to a game in ages. They all disgust me pretty much. But I don’t want to pay the special club who hates me and players that are not like me and fairly harmful on the average. I think I’m being a bad dad though so in… Read more »

Reply to  Johnny55
2 years ago

Just one more thing. It does make me kind of sad. I used to have so much fun doing it.

2 years ago

An anthem for America: Orden Ogan “It Is Over”

All that you bore will die at last
None of your values will be passed
Your noble goals were all in vain
Come let me take away the pain

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Or perhaps this:
Orden ogan: “Hollow”

Be sure they’ll find another reason, a cause to fan the flame
To justify their actions and to camouflage their game
Dissent is labeled treason and the process stays the same
By the mass they will get silenced, outright branded with ill fame

Hollow minds, hollow souls . . .

2 years ago

[…] ZMan points out how there is nothing new under the sun. […]

2 years ago

I was wondering about something. We bring in all these people from countries that we used to send food to, to keep them from starving to death. Once they turn this place it into that kind of place who do they expect to send them food to keep them from starving to death, or will it just be willed into existence. It’s this weird oogily boogily belief that you can fundamentally transform a nation and still have it be the same place.

Reply to  Allen
2 years ago

Or if you import the third world into your country does that not – in effect – make you a third world country?

Reply to  Allen
2 years ago

Nobody believes it.

OK, some libertarians do, but they’re creepy dorks who don’t get to decide anything that happens in real life (or even on the internet).

People actually turning your neighborhood into a cartel company town or a far-flung outpost of the desert caliphate do it because *maybe* it hurts you very slightly more than it hurts them—or at least *right before* it hurts them, so they can watch.

This is actual existing Christian charity.

Reply to  Hemid
2 years ago

Gotta bring on those End Times! To save the world (and gain status), of course. Just as long as they get raptured out of there before the fun starts.

What scum, what absolute scum. Can’t wait for them to realize it ain’t happening.

Pitter Pater
Pitter Pater
Reply to  Allen
2 years ago

They don’t think of it that way. They are blank slaters who think the system makes the man. Any mouse can conquer any maze if the maze is constructed carefully. It’s morally taboo to engage in imperialism, so in-perialism is practiced instead, which allows for coalitions of grift. Social worth is measured in helping mock victims fight against mock oppressors. Allyship confers status and a modicum of protection. If the marks for this scam up and left, it might get dicey, but not before.

Reply to  Allen
2 years ago

They don’t think of the consequences. All they think about is the drama. Even if the consequences are obvious, and obviously detrimental to themselves. I saw this firsthand in graduate school. At Flyover State, as at most colleges, the vast majority of classes are taught by grad students. So the grad students thought it would be a good idea to unionize. They couldn’t form one on their own, so the SEIU or someone like that was happy to “help.” They sent over a whole bunch of professional agitators to do their thing… …the university was also happy to help, which… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago
2 years ago

The problem of maintaining civilization, at least from a dirt-people centric perspective, is how to get rid of the grifters. If you study history carefully, and you filter out the non-useful musings of historians who do not understand human nature, that is the main way to understand the past and the present. And to predict the future. I propose a contest where the most noxious people to the society are selected to receive a notable prize (say 1 Billion USD in gold). Perhaps the greatest artists, commentators, humanitarians, politicians, it does not matter. Gather them together with a grouping of… Read more »

Reply to  Aristophanes
2 years ago

This is essentially the gambit the law enforcement uses to herd together a lot of stupid criminals with outstanding warrants. Rather than send a horde of LEOs out into the city searching for these miscreants, they run a prominent notification in the newspaper announcing that the following people have won some sort of prize (usually a lottery award) and all they have to do is go to a particular location on a certain date and time to pick up their winnings. Never fails to nab a few dozen, but then you have to wait a few years to run the… Read more »

Reply to  Aristophanes
2 years ago

Lmao! Ok but can we get midevel and sadistic with it? Ballistic experimentation,
Boiling in oil, chipper shredders fun stuff like that.

Reply to  Aristophanes
2 years ago

Aristophanes wrote, “The problem of maintaining civilization, at least from a dirt-people centric perspective, is how to get rid of the grifters.” (Hey, I really enjoyed your “The Clouds” and “Lysistrata!) You underestimate the power of race on non-whites. Grifters are a problem, but the deeper issue is tribal commitment. If you allow into your civilization non-white people who are self-sufficient and competent, they will still agitate for more people like themselves and blame you for the many failures of their people. You cannot stop this primal tribal dynamic. You can’t form a society of multiracial self-sufficient people because race… Read more »

2 years ago

Strangely, I feel more optimistic, those times. GOP seems to have understand how deep was the Dem fist of 2020. A ton of news voting laws in red states are in place. And at the base,the purge continues. More and more populist/nationalist/reactionnarist republicains take the seat of old free-trade/social-liberal republicains.

But our destininy (in the entire western world) depend on the vote of Manchin about the dem voting law (aka the big legal fraud).

If Manchin resist to the pressure, he would deserve to be the republican candidate for WV

Vik Parmar
Reply to  PASARAN
2 years ago

unlikely. Manchin, like every long serving senator is bought and sold through black mail. They probably have horrible blackmail on him that would be released if he went against the party line. He will never get the ” courage ” that you are hoping for. It will be fatal for him/family.

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
Reply to  Vik Parmar
2 years ago

Joe Biden has bought Joe Manchin through his wife who was appointed co-chair of the Appalachian
Regional Commission.

“Nice job we gave your wife, be a shame if we had to appoint someone else to the position . . .”

Reply to  PASARAN
2 years ago

Manchin is the democrat’s McCain, Romney,

They always need some way to block things.

A principled person, a maverick, etc.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

so you watch the NFL…

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

still in SA

comment checker extra

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I chalk the disinterest up to the fact that it’s an off year and the fact that the GOP’s bluff has been called and we all know how the movie ends. The real test will be in 2022.
The debt ceiling is kind of pointless. It has never once put the brakes on spending. Never have we reached it and then government had to cut back for a few years. As long as the fed is buying, there is no limit to how much debt they can sell.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Speaking of sportsball, totally healthy 29 year-old NHL player suddenly comes down with myocarditis:

Note how the story blames it on Beer Flu and completely avoids mentioning any other treatment the young man may have received…

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Last year, COVID affected all sportsball leagues and hundreds if not thousands of players were sidelined for it in some way. To the best of my knowledge though, not a single one was affected permanently or in a debilitating way. Even where teams got hammered by it (like, if I recall, the Cardinals of MLB), they all were back within a week or two. One player in particular – Freddie Freeman of the Braves – spoke about what a nasty bout of COVID he had in the offseason, but once MLB returned he played so well he won the MVP.… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago


Trouble is, normies have the memory span of goldfish and will gulp up this junk story like fish food.

TPTB know this.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

Personal example of this… Acquaintances of ours at our kid’s school got their junior high-aged boy jabbed (dumbasses). He developed heart inflammation. Their pediatrician will not tie that to the jab, so assume this adverse effect is not reported in VAERS. Similar to the story I’ve recounted before, where my mother-in-law had a massive stroke 2 hours after her 1st jab, and died within a month. The doctors “assured” her family that the massive stroke had nothing to do with the jab. Again, assume this adverse effect is not reported in VAERS. So, whatever VAERS reports as the adverse effects… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

The medical establishment needs to be thoroughly clensed.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if Dominion was running the VAERS system, since it’s as rigged as the last election. Your mother-in-law would not even count as vaccinated, since the reporting rule is that you are not officially vaccinated until 14 days after the second jab. Very convenient they exclude the period where most of the adverse reactions occur. Of course, that all assumes the doctor is willing to withstand the pressure to not report it in the first place.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

The thing is, even what is reported in VAERS is horrifying compared to traditional vaccines.

Imagine that it is likely a magnitude worse.

Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

Lucius: The estimates of reported vs. actual are between 1-10%. Given the system rigging and doctor pressure already mentioned, plus the fact that dead people are unlikely to report their own deaths, I would lean to the lower end of the range.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

A media member lying?! Pshaw!

2 years ago

Z: “They are waving this around as a victory, claiming they owned the libs or some such nonsense.” –pardon, but the article seems to suggest the opposite, that the Repub’s are embarassed or at least reticent about it. Sen. Coons (D-Del.) meanwhile, is the one crowing that McConnell “blinked,” which is a bit chest-thumpy even for this cable TV eunuch epoch. Then immediately after the distinctly unladylike Mazie Hirono (D-Hawai’i) shows who wears the pants by emitting some barnyard epithet. The GOP is finished whether they know it or not, and probably has half-suspicions banging around in their noggins instead… Read more »

Reply to  PsephologyForJocks
2 years ago

BLACK MAN owns school board on CRT. Eye patch man DEMAND anti-Semitic Dems give more money to Israel. Cripple congressman Madison shoots gun!! Libturds = owned.

The whole thing is a joke.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Personally, I want black man owning nothing or no one – I want black man gone – period.

2 years ago

The one and only hope for our side is to take over the Republican Party — anything else is utterly delusional. If there is one thing Trump has demonstrated it’s that this is in fact quite doable. Trump accomplished what he did despite the fact that he is a vile human being and supremely incompetent politician. If this had not been so it would have been well within his power to remake the Republican Party as the de facto White Party, crushing the Democrats in the process. We need a better Trump — it’s the only way!

Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

Nonsense. The only hope you have is to back a party (or create one) that is going to fight fire with fire and work outside the system. That means doxxing Lefty and personally attacking their leaders the same way they do with us, removing their finger puppets from the establishment by punitive means, and probably killing the odd one as a warning to the rest. Say what ya want, at least Trump tried to clean up the repubs and the swamp – and look what he got for his troubles. You will not be voting your way out of what… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

You are a fool. There is no other party to back, and if we try to create our own we will fail. American history is littered with failed third parties. Worse, it will be the pathetic failure of a dozen guys with signs by the side of the road facing 200 counter-protesters. White Americans do not like the anti-white hostility of the Left, and that was a big part of what got Trump elected, but there is absolutely zero support for an openly white nationalist party. Hijacking the Republican Party is the only way. Trump has halfway done this already,… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

So what you’re saying is: Vote harder.

Reply to  Valley Lurker
2 years ago

That’s nowhere near as clever a reply as you think it is.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

Its possible it may not be as clever as you feel you’re entitled to, but you’re falling back on the ol’ “You might as well be one of THEM” with your reference to the SPLC is absolutely pathetic. You’re stuck in a time capsule of your own making, but have fun “owning” the libs by pointing out “muh hypocrisies.”

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

disagree 100%. GOP is a poisoned chalice…

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Bingo! The party is beyond repair. I remember how the CA GOP essentially gave the state to the Dems via a host of stupid decisions and running some of the most unlikable candidates possible. After that it became irrelevant.

In Orange County which was a GOP strong hold, they let the Dems use every dirty voting trick in the book to flip it without a fight in 2018. In 2020 the Red states let the Dems rewire the voting system to benefit Joe. Not one GOPer said anything.

Felix Krull
Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

We need a better Trump — it’s the only way!

Dangerous strategy, waiting for the savior.

The PTA-Karens know the way. The Feds don’t go overboard with it because muh trannydom, they freak out because PTA-meetings are chinks in the armor. Buying Congress is easy-peasy but they can’t fly all the school board members in America to Epstein Island. School board work is boring as fuck and only a Karen or a political firebrand would put in any real effort to get elected.

Be that firebrand, don’t be a vooter.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

You don’t just passively wait for a savior, you actively work to make it happen. In any event, it’s the only strategy that has any chance of actually working. In the end we will need people in official positions of power, and working within the system is the only way to make that happen. We have nowhere enough support for anything else.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

vote as hard as you can lil’patriot!

Felix Krull
Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

I agree, largely, but you’re going at it ass backwards if you focus on presidential elections. You have to assault the political structure from the ground up – that’s what the Commies did and we need to do the same.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

From the ground up is what I meant. But it has to be done in a way that will be acceptable to the majority of white Americans, because you can’t win without majority support. The blatant anti-white hostility of the Left gives us an opening, since most normies don’t need to be convinced that racial discrimination is bad, they already agree. What you need to do is focus on the fact that anti-white hatred is the only kind of hatred that our current elites endorse, and normalize the idea that anti-white hatred is just as bad as any other kind.… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

That’s exactly where I am at. Electing more McConnell’s or Lindsay Grahams is worse than losing. But your local officials, from sheriff to governor, can make a difference.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

The problem they had 50 years to do it with backing of some very wealthy people and foundations.

We don’t have the time, organization or money.

We go to the dance with the partner we have now not with the one we would like to have.

Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

JEB: I think you’re for real. I think you are really serious and not trolling. You’re not even worth mocking.

And always with the “we”

German power metal is even more apt after reading your comment a second time around. Hollow souls indeed.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Why would you not think I was real? Because I’m not a dittohead? I share the general goals of everyone here (hence “we”), but I don’t have a very high opinion of how you are going about it. I at least am pushing a strategy that seems like it might be potentially workable. Because it sort of halfway worked already! Which, you know, is kind of a big deal!!! So what’s your grand strategy? Sitting in your mother’s basement listening to German power metal? I don’t think that will work. And if it happens the basement is actually in your… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Actually, JEB!, you are in fact a “dittohead” of the Limbaugh variety with your proposal, which is antiquated and cute. Keep voting and thinking you’re gonna “take over” the Republican party. Megadittos, JEB!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

We’re in a post-political environment. Attempting to work within the existing system is a fool’s errand, and truth be told, has been one for decades. The only solution is to withdraw consent–which means, among other things, cease voting–form communities of the likeminded and create organizations within those communities. And then, after a gestation period, we create an ethnostate from the rubble of AINO.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Attempting to work within the existing system is a fool’s errand

Then why are they going so hard after the PTA-moms?

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Felix: You’re smarter than this. Because they want to discourage Jane Normal, keep Joe on the reservation. If you get the womyn riled up, their husbands will get nagged into action. That’s counter productive. The womyn are supposed to willingly bring their children to be sacrificed, and they will, as long as they’re kept pacified or distracted.

Felix Krull
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

You’re smarter than this. Apparently not, because I actually believe that’s the way to make a difference, not passing out flyers for some millionaire, globo-party skin puppet. People are alarmingly ready to fight a civil war but they’re not ready to put in ten hours a week trying to get the Commies out of the public school system. The smaller the constituency of a democratic institution is, the harder it is to subvert. And likewise, the lower the level of the political hierarchy, the greater the number of offices. There must be at least half a million school board positions… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  JEB
2 years ago

I’m with Kodos: it’s a two party system.
There is no reason the Republican Party can’t be worn as a skin-suit. Trump has done it for over 4 years.
The Communists have been walking around in the Dem’s suit for years.

2 years ago

Hopefully, this disillusionment phase will manifest itself fairly quickly, followed up by the booing and hissing phase, finally culminating the the projectile (of one’s own choosing) phase, where the miscreants/criminals are removed from the stage.

2 years ago

“They are the guys at the back of the circus parade with shovels. They scoop up what gets plopped onto the streets by the Left……” ————————————- Oh dear gawd. I dunno who’s worse – you or Cornigulus Rye or Chateau Heartiste. When a lecture starts like that – you know you are in for a great ride. I hope I end up in the same labour camp as you guys when The Great Reset happens! I often despair that we are going to hang separately… but then I see stuff like this and dare to feel a sense of hope… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

that line reminded me of disneyland, where they did have guys whose job was to follow around after horses and clean up the road apples. i think they don’t have the horses any longer though…

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

Yeah, I fear this transition could go on longer than most of us can stay alive. Be honest: How many of your Griller friends are giving up the GOP? The common refrain from my Griller buddies: “just wait until the Midterms!”; “How can they support this senile guy?”; “They’re completely incompetent and eventually the Elite will put someone sane in charge!” Honestly, these guys will grill until the barbecue sauce is Pangolin blood and the Kingsford charcoal explodes. Yes, a few have wised up. But as I said the other day, the power of GOP branding and Civnat inertia cannot… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

I don’t see abandonment, but I do see lethargy. They don’t care. What I find interesting is that both liberals and conservatives that I know seem very reluctant, almost defensive, when I bring up the fact that it’s over for the GOP as a national presidential party and in my state of Virginia because of demographics. I get the griller conservative who wants to believe that it’s all about idea and that Hispanics are natural conservatives and Asians should be conservatives, but it’s the white liberals that I find most interesting. You’d think that they’d be happy about my analysis,… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Maybe. I think the balloon will go up when white people start going hungry and dying in their homes and on the their own streets while the establisment bends over backward to care for their ethnic replacements.

The can is nearing the end of the road as we speak.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

It’s somewhere between lethargy and what Captain Willard described. Indifference can be ad infinitum unless economic misery let alone the legitimate threat of physical violence exists. This very well may not happen in our lifetimes, and it could happen next week. I have started to lean toward sooner due to the Left’s reckless impulsiveness. So the grilling with Pangolin blood BBQ sauce (that was inspired, man!) will continue until there is nothing to throw on the grill or, even worse, grilling itself is outlawed and backyards closely monitored for the presence of smoke. If they are going after parents who… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Yes, the cognitive dissonance of the old “liberal” Left is astounding. My classmates who are now old professors are shocked that their students are such strident, hostile, Philistine a-holes, but they cannot make the connection somehow……how can it be that nobody wants to take their class on Plato or Henry James lol!?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

“The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent,” is true.

The trick is accepting the irrationality and learning how to jiu-jitsu that to your advantage.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Twitter might end up being crucial in that regard, and I’m not joking. Back when they actually studied human beings and how they do, anthropologists coined the term “liminality” to describe what happens when people get promoted into elevated social roles. You might bowl with Bob on weeknights, but on weekends he’s Rev. Smith. He puts on the special clothes, and much more importantly, he went through the elaborate ordination rituals, such that it’s now ok to confess to this person — Rev. Smith — things you’d never tell Bob. You’re both in a liminal space — the confessional —… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

That’s a good analysis. The Jan 6 hysteria is necessary to reinforce this “holy” liminal mechanism. Of course it’s failing, but slowly.

I hope Alanis isn’t weeping. She has a pretty smile; back when I was a youngster (and better looking) in Manhattan, she gave me a knowing smile as we passed each other in Midtown. The East Side, Alanis, America, Canada and I have all seen better days alas….

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Alanis did have that kinda-cute girl next door thing going. Alas, my friend, you never had a chance, because she has terrible taste in men (if you choose to believe, as I do, that Dave Coulier from “Full House” was the infamous guy in the theater).

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Isn’t it ironic?

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

I stopped trusting every politician regardless of R, D, I, L behind their name the day Pence certified the election. They are full on communist now and will do everything in their power to destroy America and American citizens. I am a 56 year old Grandmother behind enemy lines just trying to figure out how to survive what’s coming.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

I can just imagine Joan lunden getting damp when announcing Alanis’s next big supposed hit on good morning America back in the day.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

no, only 20% or so of the existing base has to leave, to kill them nationally.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

The point is the Left is moving fast and hard. Joe(Obama) has been in office for 9 months and we are being invaded by millions of illegals, he weaponized the FBI/DOJ/DHS against and he is just getting warmed up. In 4 years most of the Red states will be like CA, and Big Brother will be nasty and invasive for us whites. Look at Australia, it went from a open country to NK in a matter of months. The same can happen here if Whites keep acting like Water Buffalo. Make no mistake the Lefty brains behind all of this… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

The end is nigh for these slime bags. Sometimes you can sense things intuitively long before you can rationally ‘know’ them. Get a water filter, canned food, gold coins and ammo, there will be bumps in the road. But their battery is running low. F ’em!!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

As long as the possibility of compromise exists, most will take it. As the famous Jewish philosopher says, people choose the broad and easy path, even though it leads to destruction, rather than choose the narrow, hard path that leads to life. Even an unbeliever can understand that wisdom. The “debt ceiling” has been an annual spectacle for decades now. It’s mostly theater. Even the occasional “shutdown” is mostly play-acting. Yeah, the museums were closed for a few weeks, or payments delayed. But it’s all for show, and everybody knows it. Our government, like most if not all in history,… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

Whomever coined the phrase “vote harder!” hit the nail on the head. The most succinct two words to describe this whole era. I just imagine someone filling in the bubble for the R candidate more forcefully. Almost going through the paper. That’s the true extent to their influence on the system. Putting an extra layer of graphite on a tiny bubble.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Or using their fist to slam a mail-in ballot into the collection box.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

And in my experience, they really do not like being confronted with the mockery of “vote harder!” Or, they just totally tune out. Save who you can, right.

My Comment
2 years ago

The idea that magical voters who come to life at election time negate the need to care about public opinion makes the most sense. Good Whites will not waver and are going to be the majority of Whites when boomers die off. Bad whites are being replaced and silenced so the party can continue even if no one really cares. There is a fully integrated system to preserve the system with all branches of government, the press, FBI, CIA, military and all those other acronyms dedicated to preventing real dissidents from interfering with the grift or making the tribe feel… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

We’re in a time of transition, but our rulers don’t seem to know where they want to go. The old guard is used to the old rules and, more importantly, the old country, i.e. the United States of the 1980s and 1990s. They wanted to bring Badwhites to their knees but keep the country that Badwhites created. That’s the country that they want to rule. But their POC mercenaries are causing a problem for them. The GOP is doing its job of being a loyal lapdog, but Badwhites are starting to notice. If Badwhites bail out of the system, the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“But the new guard will be a much more dangerous and unpredictable animal than Badwhites/the GOP.” It then makes sense that the acceleration into complete totalitarianism is underway, yeah? The bribes will come, but at some point they will be worthless paper and then its killing fields time. The new guard will do what they always do: locked themselves in a holiness spiral as the useful idiots are liquidated. The badwhites will be incrementally marginalized or brought into submission with the last of the economic carrots. In both cases when TPTB run out of carrots for the proles, the only… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

Strangely they seem to now be pushing dissidents *off* the plantation. They used to rope in white people into the plantation with money, career, jobs, family. Family men who need a paycheque to support a wife, kids, and house payments are the least radical and most compliant. Today, many men have not procreated or married, due to strange social norms and unchecked female hypergamy. Alot of white guys no longer have a career – the smart ones are throttled in career growth and the average ones have been pushed right off the corporate ladder. And the working class jobs have… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Why the change? How to put it tactfully… The End Of The World isn’t coming and nobody planned for that possibility. Not just that, a good many are salty about it.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

I’m afraid I don’t follow

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

I’m assuming you were born after the fall of the Soviet Union, or at least too young to remember it 🙂

The threat of nuclear annihilation, fascism/communism, pre-tribulation rapture… everything that justified woke and saving the world kind of went away overnight, but you still had generations of people ingrained in it. Tough adjustment, I guess.

That there are people (maybe you’re one of them?) too young to remember all of that garbage is great cause for optimism about the future. The problem in the meantime is obsolete beliefs that won’t go away.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

B125: Fascinating take, and illuminating. I think you are correct – the constant ratcheting of covid restrictions and rayciss scamming does seem to be leading up to something more than the usual “White man bad.” There’s no hint of carrot in the words of Australian, English, and Canadian politicians regarding the unvaxxed – you will be squeezed ever tighter until you are compliant. American politicians have been a bit more circumspect, but as they see just how much of the population is begging to be leashed, they, too, are now closing the choke collar. There’s no pretense on the left… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

No masks in English schools,no vaccine passports either . Amusing the way Americans always think they’re the land of the free-even dissidents.
England is not Australia or Canada. Or Scotland for that matter.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

B125, I think I speak for many here in saying that we are all pulling for you. You have a faith that will help you navigate the burgeoning dystopia much better than most. Find a good wife to stand by your side and start a family. Lead that family as an alpha and shield them from the evil bubbling all around us. That alone will bring joy to your life that you can only imagine. You’re not going to end up in the gutter, you’re too clever for that. Keep your chin up and help the rest of us fight… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Thats just it. Money is the last carrrot. They can’t fake the American Dream but they can fake a lot off the economics. Even then the looting is so massive at this point TPTB are getting that uneasy feeling. I think they are working to expose, isolate, and starve the dissidents before we can effectively withdrawal, build our own, and starve them; to force that reckoning while there is still enough dreamsauce to keep the fence sitters paralyzed with inaction and pox hordes drunk on gibs and salivating for reparations. You are looking at it from the dissident lens, having… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

I think TPTB are kind of aware they screwed up with Y/T and they are seeing light on the horizon that might just be a train coming head on. They of course lack the will or self awareness to actually solve any of the problems they created but seeing them is possible . I think this is why the incessant screaming about the non existent White Supremacists , trying to keep Whites on the political plantation with the last thought stopper they think will work. Money, jobs, family all gone. Faith won’t slow them down since the milquetoast “Christianity” we… Read more »

2 years ago

“As long as normal people have the escape hatch of compromise, they will always take it.”

Yep, normie is a coward.

Also OT: anybody ever watch that documentary “The Gift”? (If you haven’t, don’t, unless you want your conscience permanently seared.) It strikes me as a good metaphor for the vaxx.

2 years ago

Once again, incredibly insightful, accurate, and devastatingly brutal honesty about the fallacy of voting Republican, and of course, voting harder in general. We are not going to vote our way out of the mess we’re in, despite Normie’s fervent (really desperate) belief that 2022/24 will cure all that ails us. We are a very sick society. Half our population are now manufactured parasites, another third (at the least) consists of pampered child-men addicted to affluence and unable to pull their head out of their ass for fear of going a day without their latte. The remaining sane are biding their… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Yep, there is a machine shop in every other garage, the American public has literally trillions of rounds of every type of ammunition. Millions of small arms.. Vast amounts of material to create mayhem with And most importantly hundreds of thousands of people who have knowledge and experience. If ever even a few hundred were to stand up it would start something that could not be stopped. And yet tptb continue to throw lit matches into dry grass. Reckless they are.

2 years ago

“One possible reason for that is many normal people are now fully aware that they had been throwing their vote away on Republicans. They may hate Biden and chant his name at public events, but they are no longer Republican by default. They will support Trump as a symbol of their team, but that is as far as it goes.” That may be coming to am end as well. I saw a video of a Trump rally (link below) where he was telling supporters to get vaccinated and they were booing him. My guess is all but the dumbest MAGAtards… Read more »

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

So now we know where the FBI glowies spend all their time trying to get dates, scrawling “BJ – Call 1-800-DEMOCRACYNOW” with their sharpies on Reddit’s bathroom stalls.

2 years ago

I am well past the point of caring about Imperial Capitol shenanigans, but it is very telling that the GOP, which normally does nothing, springs into action at the exact moment when they should be doing nothing. CNN yesterday put up an editorial declaring Evil Mitch to be the Emmanuel Goldstein of the moment, but reading the article, it is clear that Mitch was simply telling the Democrats to find a way out of their own disaster, using avenues that they have already established (they used reconciliation to pass their COVID gibs bill earlier this year). Sticking the other party… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

He does bear a striking resemblance to Gollum…

Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

Meanwhile, on the “Right”, Turtle Mitch either:

“Had no choice, because no matter what they do, the evil press will blame Republicans anyway”


“Clever Mitch, this will really own the Dems when the debt ceiling becomes an issue again in December”.

Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

Mycale: Don’t forget his Han wife. If he loses face, she loses face and status, and so do her hapa children – and she’s not going to let that happen.

2 years ago

Demographics are destiny. Remember that it’s not your country anymore and the electoral theater is not meant for you, but for 85 IQ racial aliens. The USA is hitting a demographic tipping point. The number of people in age categories who do things (aka not seniors) are full of Mexicans, Asians, Africans, Indians, and mixed race (but mostly Latinos). Latin America isn’t known for its democracy. In fact nowhere else in the world is – it’s an invention of the North West European. Most of the world kind of pretends to have a democracy, so they can get UN and… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

> Saxons we might notice democracy getting stronger. What seems “stupid” to us seems smart to a Somalian – “Ayo, gibs me dat, whitey” is a perfectly logical campaign slogan for the third worlders.

Let’s be real, if blacks offered me wads of cash for no other reason than to feel good about themselves, I’d take it. If complaining more and burning down a few buildings gave me more money and political power in their stable and prosperous African country, that’d be a hard thing to pass up.

Sometimes primitive ways are the logical way.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

That’s what the Whites in South Africa said. Now where are they?

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

The Italians and Greeks did republics, too. But even they tend to more stable under monarchs.
And the very cold reality is that globalists have wanted “liberal democracies” so they can control the world. Monarchs after a while tend to have investment in outcomes that committees never have. One world government requires locals always on the grift, beholding to some other guy to take responsibility when it counts.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I wonder how many universities are only financially viable due to their giant sports programs? From what I understand (I may be wrong) collegiate sports hasn’t lost viewership the way pro sports leagues have, but it will be interesting to see what will happen if they eventually follow the same trajectory…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The major programs make most of their money via TV rights, which are tied to ad rates.

The big programs also make decent money licensing their brand for merch and from the attendant merch sales.

Reply to  Natarnsco
2 years ago

College football is at a lower TV viewership to start with than pro football. People watch March Madness, but generally don’t watch the college basketball regular season in large numbers. Big time college football teams have not had trouble filling stadiums this season. The big money maker related to football is in donations and enrollment. Their are kids who seriously decide to enroll at a place like Auburn or Ohio St. over a smaller school because they want to go to football games. TV networks and now Amazon have still been giving sports leagues increases for broadcast rights even as… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

I think the networks and Amazon are able to temporarily sustain those increases because of the *brrrrrr*

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

For the networks, live sports programming remains valuable because its considered to be appointment television; viewers generally won’t DVR games their interested in. I’m not sure that’s actually true.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Barnard: Bingo. “The big money maker related to football is in donations and enrollment.” And it’s not just Joe Normal who wants to send his kids to a ‘good skool’ – plenty of the genuinely more awake civnats and even a significant number on the DR still think that’s the ticket to the good life. Despite the dropping rates of male enrollment, colleges are still full of students wearing masks and taking classes via zoom on campus. I’ll bet more on truly cratering White male college enrollment – and I mean any college, not just the big names – rather… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

My sons generation, Just 20, are pretty much bypassing TV.
A year ago we got a new tv and the old one > Bedroom> son?
He wasn’t interested.
He get’s what he wants from Laptop and phone. I gather that’s fairly typical.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Well, NFL says ratings are up 17%. Don’t know how accurate those numbers are but not a good sign.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

It’s up from some basement lows from last year. It’s disappointing, but not all too surprising unfortunately.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Agree that the ratings are suspect, but the numbers – such as they are – show the NFL on track to reach 2015 numbers which were their highest. In my little world, that seems questionable. A few people seem to have stopped watching over the past couple of years, a few seem to watch less and a few watch each week, though I’d say that their level of caring seems to be going down. But, again, that’s just one little example. It’s hard for me to gauge because I stopped watching the NFL and, really, all sports a decade… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Major League Baseball attendance numbers have long been considered inflated, even years before the woke stuff started. Here is reported attendance for this season: These are terrible numbers, even for the teams at the top. The Texas Rangers are playing in a new stadium and average around 50% capacity for the season and that puts them at 5th in the league for attendance. We can assume reality was more like 35-40%. When the Cleveland Indians opened Jacobs Field in the late 90s they had 455 straight sellouts. A few years prior to that, the Rockies had over 200 straight… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

If the numbers are true, it means the MAGA grift is over and normie has decided to chill until the end. If the system is broken beyond repair, why worry about it? Why not enjoy the passing pleasures you have, while they’re still around?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Sadly the two sports bars I drive by every day were pretty packed last night.

The only game of note was the MLB playoff, but I can’t see either of those teams as a huge draw in this area.

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

From guys I know who are into the sportsball this seems to be the feeling. We are in some long descent; coping is a skill that has been honed particularly well in whites. You could argue that the whole suburban life is an amalgamation of coping, of making the best of life among the various attacks of foreign invasion, economic theft, government overreach, diversity terrorism, and the cultmarx war on tradition and nature. Anyhow, these guys I know have gone back to NFL because after 18 months of being whipped, they just want to bounce around in each others garages… Read more »

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

If the numbers are true — big IF — I think it indicates that Normie has hit “bargaining” in the Kubler-Ross cycle. “Denial” was “1946-2015.” That was followed by “anger,” i.e. the Bad Orange Man’s unlikely victory in 2016 (and 2020, of course). “Bargaining” includes mask mandates, “vaccines,” and all the other stuff you might call “forced normalcy.” One thing I’ve noticed in my little patch of paradise is the ubiquity of what you might call Toby Keith Syndrome. Shirts with slogans like “these colors don’t run;” “kneel for the Cross, stand for the flag;” and those “wounded warrior” ones… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago


I lot of that is being part of a community. In particular, rooting for “your” NFL team is often a way for people to celebrate where they grew up. They get to cheer for Philly or Cleveland or Minnesota or Buffalo.

For many people, the game is about cheering for their current or former hometown. It’s bizarre, I know, but it’s a huge part of being an NFL fan.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Someone posted this video in the comments to your Sunday Thoughts podcast. It’s ESPN’s hockey kick-off video and it’s depressing as all hell. The sport that should be the most resistant to the poz is portrayed as being all aboard the woke train, joggers and all. North of the border, the CBC is probably more egregious in pushing vibrancy during its flagship Hockey Night in Canada broadcasts. Don’t you know those Punjab speakers just love them some hockey? They’re more Canadian than you are, Gordon and Rosemarie!

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

The NHL going all in on this stuff has to be sponsor driven. They are telling the league you need to go after diverse fans as the old white guys who have been your loyal supporters are dying off. Hockey really is a regional sport though, there is no justification for trying to take it global. They are unwilling to shore up support among the core fans rather than chase after ones that will never be interested. It is like churches that are indifferent to the views of long time active members and change their services to cater to the… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Non whites just aren’t interested in hockey. However, the poz is not surprising given that the main demographics of hockey players are upper middle class white people. The days of working class kids being hockey stars is over, mostly due to exorbitant costs. Upper middle class whites are very cucked and still have alot invested in the system. If Wayne Gretzky, or Gordie Howe were growing up today there’s no way they could afford it. All Big Sports are slowly dying with the Boomers though. Non whites aren’t as excited about sports and neither are younger white people. If the… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Good point about the costs. I once heard Mitch Marner’s father estimate he’d spent $700,000 on his kids’ hockey habits. He now has a son pulling in $10 million a year, so the gamble paid off for him, but as you said, it shuts the door on many. Does Wendel Clark in Kelvington, Saskatchewan have a chance to make the pros without playing on an elite travel team right from day one? And we know pretty boy Mitch and Wendel are going to represent two completely different cultures.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

zman: If you’re correct, then we have a while yet to go. There are a ton of folks who’ve gone back to following “their team.” They may not be buying as much merchandise or even going to live games, but they are still invested in who wins. That means not just the older boomers need to die off but also the younger ones – so it’s unlikely I’ll be around for the denouement. My fervent wish is for rapid demise of the dem leadership holding back the squad. Even the money men only have so much control over the genetic… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

what kind of history do they teach up there? you might want to check where Plato was born, before typing “it’s an invention of the North West European” in reference to democracy.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Should have just said European lol

However in the post enlightenment era the democracies were NW Euro, initially. And it’s spread around the world by the USA, UK, and UN (today).

2 years ago

Let’s see, a 60 to 90% rate of death or disability within 3 years, since it takes 2-3 years for autoimmune disorders to manifest…yeah, the rest home vote should be about done. Bankrupt millenials and autistic zoomers? Not seeing much interest there, either. Where it might start to simmer is when I won’t be working at a $126,000 job, using their company equipment. The good money is made in real infrastructure, in this case, a smallish company with a $138 million contract to redo the water/sewer system in Jackson, MS. Since everybody tied to a federally-funded contract has to abide… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

I’ve been saying for a while that the Goodwhites and the foreign scabs/invaders they’ve brought over will suffer the most. Normal people can see what’s coming and at least try to deal with it; everyone else is bracing for utopia. It’ll be painful but on the other side of this will be heartened white communities that will be willing to do what must be done. It’s not going to look good in the places these dusky folks come from either. When the west diminishes so too does all the overflow abundance and charity. Say good by to remittances and foreign… Read more »

In Nomine Patsy
In Nomine Patsy
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

as an aside, I happened to scroll to “Survivor” tv program just at the moment the new shanikwa realized she actually had to work and cooperate with her group, and sobbing on her log said this aint what i signed up for and immediately began looking around for someone to blame/help–I laughed and laughed–

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

You speak of the possible long-term side effects of the vaxxes, yes? Of course all this is conjecture at present. Not just autoimmune. How about: heart disease (already reports of myocarditis in healthy young, mostly males; that’s why Scandinavia has already paused under-30 vaxxing with one or more vaccines); various blood clots, including untreatable microclots in the tiny vessels; possible multiple organ attacks; brain disorders, anyone? The list of suspected ailments already is quite long; who knows what’ll show up in one year or five? Major Point: It is not at all in the interest of The System to track,… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

well big pharma has supply chains, too. blow up a few links and no more vaxx.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I’ve heard it convincingly argued that the vax production hit the input supply chains for the semiconductor industry.

It also appears the semiconductor/electronics situation is spiraling, as it is across industries and affecting basic commodity components like surface mount capacitors.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

karl: Good point.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

It can’t be allowed to take 3 years. Next year is baked into the schedule.
Soylent Green is set in 2022.

Carl B.
Carl B.
2 years ago

Leviathan: “We will do what we damn well please and you will like it – or else.”

The Public: “Play ball!!”(NFL TV ratings up 17% over last year),

Turn out the lights the party’s over.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

what else (besides reported ratings) do you believe from the MSM? why?

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

My own eyes have seen most NFL stadiums filled with white boys and girls screaming for their favorite joggers this year. They even wear clothing with DeAndre ‘s and DeShawn’s name on them- for free!. I don’t need the MSM – or you -to tell me what’s goin on.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Carl B.
2 years ago

I agree for the most part, but I’ll pass along some anecdotes that form a small shaving from a white pill: First, I have an acquaintance who had season tickets to Local Football Team (LFT) for many years. We met up with him at a local event and while he had LFT swag on he noted that he had gotten rid of his tickets and wasn’t keeping religious track of the team (such that he was at this event while the game is going on). Second, my son has a large circle of friends and only one of them is… Read more »

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

Evil Sandmich: My anecdote only somewhat comport with yours. Our older son has never been interested in following team sports, and he’s been solidly DR for years. Our younger one, unfortunately, glommed onto football as a way of bonding with dad, and the two still follow the damned Cowboys. My husband is significantly to the right of his friends, and the only one who is defiantly unvaxxed. He hates the kneeling and the black ‘anthem’ and the miscegenation ads . . . but he just cannot give up the team he’s followed since he was a young boy. But but… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

The weather reports are pretty reliable 😏 Actual useful stuff I learnt in my literature program. The lesson was speaking of history, but applies to the news as well (since it’s basically just very recent history. One can logically argue that any historical account must be imperfect, even if due only to being incomplete. It is simply impossible to give a full accounting, in deepest detail, of every people, place, thing, action, motive, and so on. Keep in mind we are only talking about the hypothetical honest account-giver. We haven’t even delved into the infinite variety of psychological biases a… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Ah, but when some unlucky soul dies of a blood clot from one of the gene therapy “vaccines”, they never leave out the fact that the clot shot is still “safe and effective”.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

It would be cosmically funny if the Dems had to manufacture votes *for* the GOP, to hide evidence of mass non-participation.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Don’t discount it. The other day Biden gave a semi-coherent speech praising mainstream Republicans as principled opposition. Gotta keep that controlled opposition around.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

A while back Biden had a dementia-rage slip and smugly revealed that whoever lets him in on plans has a goal: that the Republican Party be outlawed before the 2024 election. Seems unnecessary as the GOP is fake opposition already, with not even a handful of antiestablishment members. But the plotters behind the scenes, Democratic politicians, their partisan bureaucrats, and almost all of their voters, really are just sadistic idiots who’ve fallen for their own propaganda. They’re *gonna* slaughter every “domestic terrorist,” i.e., average middle class Trump/DeSantis/Paul type voter. Isolating and valorizing a hated-by-those-voters “loyal opposition” is part of the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hemid
2 years ago

“Unless they’re too stupid to know that.”

Worse than stupid (which they also are), the Left has an uncontrollable and reckless impulsiveness. It is one thing that plays to our advantage in a big way. The decision to sic the FBI on parents who attend school board members to oppose CRT–in Deep Blue enclaves, too–qualifies as absolutely the most politically destructive act this year.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Yep. Or to be fair to them (though lord knows why we should be), they’ve just mistaken the internet for real life. Why shouldn’t they win with 110% of the vote? After all, they’re just doing the right thing, and everyone they know agrees with them.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

We are fortunate that the left is crazy, incompetent and has no self-awareness.

“Hey you piece of shit dumbass rubes, believe our discredited institutions, you racists!”–This, according to the regime, is a winning message.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Jack: Yes, but will Karen truly follow on in the face of such opposition? You have the occasional Yasmin or Ho Ping complaining about CRT or the removal of advanced classes, but I don’t believe they will continue their public opposition when the authorities truly crack down. They’ll just spend more on cram schools or increasingly send them to Christian schools (which they’ve been doing for about a decade now, which is why so any of such schools now are just public schools with uniforms and without metal detectors). Karen is almost slavishly devoted to following the herd and getting… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Since I cannot directly reply to you, 3g4me:

You very well may be right given Karen’s need for social acceptance at all costs, but that’s not a given and the downside still greatly outweighs the upside for the Left. This was a profoundly stupid and reckless thing for them to do even if Karen does her normal capitulation act for the most part. We need to accept “victories,” if an opponent’s error qualifies as such, when we get them.

It also illustrates how important CRT is to their sociopathic worldview.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

> It would be cosmically funny if the Dems had to manufacture votes *for* the GOP, to hide evidence of mass non-participation.

They do this already. Look at the Edison data. Most elections in all 50 states are complete simulations.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Oct 5 12:40pm I posted this exact same thing. As long as they control who wins in the end, padding Rep votes doesn’t hurt and can even help.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

do not underestimate how the coof has remoulded the electorate. the very worst civnats are the oldies, as they are the most set in their ways. something like 5% of SS recipients were killed off in 2020; jab effects will cull twice that many (I bet). do not see millenials going for gop in big numbers, either, so their overall appeal will be shrinking dramatically every election. so to me, instead of trying to build up a movement/party now, focus solely on killing the GOP base via one on one discussions. make the elections an open joke. best part is… Read more »

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

karl: I can actually kinda get behind that. Not thinking one can convert Joe Normal to race realism or the DR, or even truly wean him from sportsball, but just killing his addiction to voting. Mocking that is also publicly permitted – for now. They may make voting mandatory before the end or merely ramp up the manufactured statistics, but either way the end result is the same – withdrawal of consent by Whites. And that is what we want, after all.

2 years ago

I am shocked by the malevolence and evil coming from our ruling class and I actually believe evil is real. I cannot imagine how difficult it is for people that have been trained to believe that there is no such thing as evil and good. When things were going along fine many fantasies were proposed about natural arcs and progressions but now trying to understand in the face of manifest evil must be incredibly difficult when you have no words or ideas to describe what’s happening.

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

It’s very helpful to have believed in evil before this. I was just saying yesterday that what is remarkable about the world post 2020 (and maybe post 2015) is that may problems have become visible. That includes (finally!) the evil that is our ruling class.

Reply to  AM
2 years ago

I have heard multiple people bemoan 2020 as “the worst year ever” and I have to disagree. In my opinion, 2020 is perhaps the most aptly named year in history for it was in 2020 when the full scope of the enemy that faces us was revealed. Trump promised to “drain the swamp” and while Trump’s presidency was largely ineffective, he did accomplish THAT. Think about the analagous “swamp”. The scary thing about it is the unknown, what is hiding beneath the water. When the swamp is drained, the swamp creatures are not defeated but they are revealed and that… Read more »

Reply to  Neon_Bluebeard
2 years ago

Neon_Bluebeard: Cannot concur. Trump may have caused the worst of the neocons and GOP to show themselves, but most of the swamp remains, and few have any conception of just how deep it goes. It’s not just Black Rock buying up all available houses or Bill Gates buying up American cropland – it’s quite a few national and multinational corporations, and then one needs to trace where the $ is coming from. The current generation of Bushes may not harbor great political ambitions, but they doesn’t touch their wealth or influence behind the scenes. There’s a reason George W and… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Z is really doing a disservice to the dignity of circus acts, as they at least entertain your kids and aren’t pure, undiluted cringe:

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

They even have a Glow in the Dark driving range!

*honk honk*

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

And an ’80s-style Neon Night party followed by a prayer brunch with mimosas!

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I wonder how many times the speaker says ‘Judeo-Christian’ at that prayer brunch?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I did not even realize that it is (I assume) a Christian fellowship (and/or secular term) night recreation.

I am more familiar with the 1980 Black Sabbath song “Neon Knights.” 😎 I wouldn’t claim it a righteous song. But we’d probably agree that “legions of the brave” might defend us from the “jackals of the streets” and in vermin in high places, too. Perhaps they will yet.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Maybe it’s the residual southern baptist upbringing, but the “prayer brunch” followed by cocktail party images seems particularly cringe. As in, it’s an obvious grift.

Planet of the drapes
Planet of the drapes
Reply to  Milestone D
2 years ago

That one was priceless. So too the rapper for God and the artiste who cited his father’s achievements before ‘his own’.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I do have to wonder how these grifters interact with each other. The episode that springs to mind was Candace Owens taking issue with the black woman who ran as a conservative in Baltimore (Lol). Not only was she muscling in on Owens’ grift but she did it such a botched job of it that she threatened to kill the golden goose of boomer anti-racism. I mean a handful of those characters are unwitting dupes themselves while others are straight up conmen; I’d have to imagine that the inner group dynamics of such an event would be quite strained.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

If you feel the need to pray before you get drunk and dance with strange women, your agenda was probably never that serious.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Me on an onramp, with my thumb out and a cardboard sign: “Ampfest or Bust!”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Here is the complete Ampfest agenda:

The memes practically write themselves!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

You get not only George “The Crucible” Papadopoulos but his hot Italian wife Simona hosting a fashion show.

There’s many talented people on this site, but literally no one could have made this effective of a parody. Who gives the benediction? Ben Shapiro?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

“Thrives on the success of others.”

At least National Review types know to hide that.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

i am thinking you have found your dream wife.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Wendy Rogers or Karen Fann Gets my vote for best grifter. I donate to no one. I need my money for ammo and food for my family.

My Comment
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The annual Grifter Awards would be a great troll. Have a ceremony and invite the nominees. Maybe have a statue that looks like Mike Cerno or Benjie

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago


No grilling competition?

Oh the humanity!

To overuse a phrase, those dingbats have the self awareness of a dog licking its balls in public.

It’s truly breathtaking.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Oh my God, that is so unintentionally awesome. Howling at the office.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I was sniggering so bad i dropped the dam phone

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

If I vote “harder” can I too get a government-supplied country club membership, trophy wife, and 50 caliber sniper rifle, and token negro bro to hang with?

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

I’m registering to vote NOW

Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

Dammit marko dropped the phone AGAIN

Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

Marko: Now I’m howling. My God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago


The perpetrators of the failed coup attempt against Trump get CNN gigs.

The victims of the failed coup attempt against Trump participate in a garbage tier celebrity golf tournament.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

here is the original video, from the 70’s:

zman, have you seen that movie (The Parallax View)?

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

I forwarded this link to my brother, who still grapples with residual Civ Nat tendencies. He couldn’t stop laughing … apparently his whole office is now watching this video and hooting over how ridiculous it is. Sometimes, I let myself get just a tad optimistic and start to think that normie really is, slowly but surely, coming over to our side of the great divide.

2 years ago

” If the disinterest in this is the prelude to disillusionment, then things can get interesting again.”

On the other hand, disillusionment may lead to “we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us” passivity. With the roll out the digital fedcoin, allocated by one’s social credit score, inflation and collapse may prove to the better stimulant to the secession of the proles.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Perhaps it’s time to lay in some alternative currency. In the USA, for decades “junk silver” (pre-1965 90% silver dimes, etc.) are popular. Right now a silver dime is worth $2.00 (+/-). The precious metals are a bit pricey lately (and they can fluctuate dramatically up and down in just a few years.) Inflation’s been bad since 1964, but I’m pretty sure most consumer goods and services haven’t risen by 2000%.

On second thought, perhaps lay in a supply of high-value trade goods, foods, tobacco, quality booze.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Quality booze works whichever way things go.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Go look at the census historical income tables. A dollar in the early 60’s is worth about 20 now.
And, purely coincidentally so is a dime.

Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

And, appropriately, a pre-1965 quarter is now worth around $5.

2 years ago

It’s a fascinatingly stupid time to be alive, that’s for sure. The closest historical analogy breaks down quickly. The 1852 election was the end of the Whig Party, and the death knell of the Democrats (they broke up 8 years later), but with the key differences that 1. All factions of Democrats had an overriding issue on which they agreed; and 2. that issue was tethered to observable reality. No question the GOP are the new Whigs, but all factions of Democrats are just insane. It’s ALL make believe. One imagines the Roman Senate in 410, making pretty speeches while… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

*Checking Touristas Charter Bus rates now*

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

The key is to make the lives of the Ruling Class as miserable as hell in a way that does not lead to death, imprisonment or impoverishment. Dumping illegals in Georgetown, Martha’s Vineyard and in Silicon Valley is a good start.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Agreed. The Left and its “loyal opposition” are almost universally dismissed at best or viewed as despicable grifters at worst; the best part is they are ignored. The fools think ginning up a war with China or Russia will garner them support. If either of those nations could turn D.C. into a fireball and not ruin livelihoods, no small number of Americans would be elated. “Shutting down the government” is so fake and gay literally no one cares, and this is in fact a very positive development. Bob Dole famously asked “where is the outrage?” These days he would ask… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

In the past, the government had to close open air national parks and monuments in order to try and force people to care. Expect more draconian measures to be taken so the plebs feel the same pain the pencil-pushers at D.C. feel.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

“The worst, the better. ” Lenin.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Let’s think of some new and evil ways to make us care about a shutdown. Shutting down airports or interstate highways maybe.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

That’s the rub, though: the D.C. pencil pushers feel no pain. They are furloughed and receive a continuous revenue stream from emergency funds. In the past they went without pay. The few kabuki measures–shutting down parks, for instance–are toothless given the Covid restriction. This is such bad theatre McConnell cannot sell tickets. Given he and his grifter wife, who otherwise would be selling Pearl Cream, view the federal budget as personal revenue, of course they caved. The only way to really effect ordinary people is to cut off transfer payments, and that won’t happen for obvious reasons. People don’t care… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The parks thing is dumb.

There are plenty of state, county, and local parks to chill at while you wait the feds out.

Vik Parmar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

correct. The national parks could use a refreshing by closing them for a while.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Let’s not forget COLA’s – inflation protected compensation.

They clean up with rampant inflation as the non-government employed lose all purchasing power.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

This is why there is no financial education in the government schools.

If the middle mass of normies understood that inflation is the most pernicious, unequal, and lethal tax there is we wouldn’t be in this pickle.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Pearl Cream! Sold at the Happy Lucky Joy Beauty Salon

joe tentpeg
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago


“Prior stand-offs over the debt ceiling and the budget have been big news, but this one has no interest, suggesting that there has been a change in sentiment. One possible reason for that is many normal people are now fully aware that they had been throwing their vote away on Republicans.”

The other reason is the real reason.

The Swamp ‘shutdown’ the country… in various parts for months…with no ‘backpay’ like fed workers in previous debt-ceiling shutdowns.

When the Swamp shut down the country…

…why should the country care about ‘shutdowns’ anymore?