Believing In False Things

It is a common lament to say that people are dumber today than in the past or that society is more depraved to day than in another age. It’s a lament that old men have made in all times and places, even when it is obviously false. That said, it seems as if the West is getting institutionally stupid. Basic facts about the human condition that were commonly understood are becoming forbidden knowledge, discussed only in secret.

The crush of information that comes at us probably has something to do with it. Our brains simply can’t hold the volume. Still, it seems like someone would remember that everyone knew Bobby Riggs threw the match against the lesbian tennis player when it happened. I was just a kid at the time and I recall the adults laughing at the thing. I’ve gone my whole life assuming the whole thing was a setup. The mafia angle is probably new.

The funny thing to me is the strange persistence of the feminist lunacy about the differences between the sexes. Biology is not a social construct and we have thousands of people, tens of thousands, working in fields that assume biology is real, sex is real and even race is real. Especially when it comes to the issue of sex. Yet despite the mountains of evidence and daily existence, the social construct argument persists.

We have a mountain of evidence now from the military and it is clear that women can’t do the same things physically as men. It turns out that 10,000 years of observation was indeed correct. That’s why there is one standard for women and another for men. It is also why we should never see women in combat units. They simply cannot do what is required. Yet, saying it in polite company gets you sent out of the room if you’re lucky.

The magical thinking does not stop at physical skills. Since 1901, women have made up four percent of the Nobel laureates in Medicine, two percent in Chemistry, and only one percent in Physics. The number of men with an IQ of 145 is seven times that of women. At the highest levels,  the ratio is 30:1. On average, men are clearly better at mathematics and dominate the higher IQ groups. It turns out boys are better at math.

Men are also over represented in the low end of IQ, which makes a lot of sense from the perspective of evolution. Human society needed a smart fraction, but also a strong violent fraction. Someone needs to be in charge, but someone has to be willing to carry out the orders. Women, in contrast, have to be good at bearing and raising children, which requires neither high math skills nor great physical courage.

Despite the mountain of evidence and 10,000 years of observation, put “women not good at math” and you get back pages and pages of links to stories claiming the facts are to be ignored. Hilariously, the counter to decades of test scores will be a paper in Psychology Today claiming it is part of the conspiracy to maintain the patriarchy. Feminism is that thing everyone knows is false, but everyone pretends it is true anyway.